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About Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
Union-Gazette. Issued every Friday morning. subscription" rates: Oneyeai .' . $1 .is. months. Chfe months. . payable in advance. , FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 1899. THE CAUSE OF IT ALL. A correspondent asks for an out line of the causes which led up to conflict between the English and the Boers, unbiased and to the point. The following from a re cent issue of the St. Louis Globe Democrat, is the most concise and reliable summary of the situation - that we have seen in print: As the world well knows, there has been constant friction between the Boers and the English fo. many, years. The recent develop ment of Africa has made it more acute and the war at hand must de cide whether South Africa is to be composed of small independent states, possibly confederated, or must accept the preponderant in fluence of the British Empire. Be yond doubt England would be will ing to give South Africa the status of Canada or Australia, but to ac cept this would be regarded by the Boers as the surrender of a national existence. Historically, the , rela t.ons of the Boers and the British have , been . unusually complex. Many years ago, before the colony of Natal was annexed by . Great Britain, the Boers migrated to the wilderness and set up for them selves. Great Britain acknowl edged their independence in 1852, but annexed them in 1877, a pro ceeding the Boers ; resisted I with arms and with "partial success. In 1884 the British Government ac- j knowledged the right of the Trans vaal Republic to govern itself in everything except its treaties with foreign powers. The situation was disturbed by a new train of events. The great discovery of gold in the Witwaterstrand, Boer ; territory, caused a. heavy immigration of white men, chiefly British, called by the Boers "Uitlanders." But -for this unexpected access of popula tion, and the question relating t it politically, there would be no war at thi3 time, though probably it would have come later, for their is little congeniality between Boer and Briton. ' Hostilities have not been caused by any question about foreign treaties. The British contend that they are simply protecting the rights of British citizens oppressed by Boer laws and exceptionally heavy disabilities. The Boer legis lature is a close corporation. In the 1 upper house members, are chosen exclusively by the families of original ; settlers. The lower chamber is elected by qualified voters, but no Uitlander can vote unless 30 years old, a Protestant, a resident of the republic- for a long term of years, a naturalized citizen and an owner of landed property. The : voting qualifica tions in 1891 were varied so that the consent of the burghers in a ward was necessary. : Plainly, the Boers have aimed to exclude new voters. The gold mines are taxed 2-J per tent., but the miners have bean practically shut out of the legislature. - In recent negotiations the Boers offered to modify the qualifications of voters, but boldly coupled this with the demand that that there should be no further , claim of British suzerainty."; To all appearance this is a claim of complete national independence. The Boers have gone to war to end all British authority for themselves and for other Afrikanders who will join with them ; to make South Africa Boer instead of British. . In the larger sense this is the question at stake. At the end of the present struggle British author ity will be supreme over South Africa or the Afrikanders will con trol it through a confederation speaking the Dutch language and asserting a distinct sovereignty in the company of nations. So far as oppression is concerned the Uit landers assert that ; they are the only sufferers. It is perhaps un fortunate for the Boers that they once stormed a British position, taking it brilliantly and killing Beveral hundred of its defenders. They are imprudent to measure their proweBS by" that one battle. But in any case the war they have entered into will decide the ques- tion of suzerainty which is at best an indistinct and " unsatisfactory word. ' The Boer have undertaken to discard it altogether, and the only way to do it is to fight." But it is a desperate venture in view of the odds. So far as thirst for em pire and gold is concerned one aide has no greater incentive than th other. Success would give the Boers unrestricted dominion over the gold mines and substantially over South' Africa. If they . lose F. L. Miller Umbrellas For Ladies and Gentlemen. Our ...... umbrella stock represents the best values the market offers. - All made to our order, by the best workmen. Best Paragon frames and steel rods. Handles are in Princess style and natural crooks in boxwood, Congo and Olive bulbs, also in Horn, Pearl and Ivory, with stiver or gold trim mings for 75c to $5 00 eacn. Ladies' Neckwear See the latest arrivals. The Dewev, . 50c, all silk. Fancy bows, 25c. . ; Veilings Still they come t Novelties and. va rieties to please the most critical buyer. All silk La Tosca net, plain Russian net, fish net, and plain Brussels net with Chenille spots in black, white and colors from 16 to 25c per yard ; also assorted colors in sewing silk veiling at 25c per yard. Yours truly, F. L. Miller. they will be British colonials, and the Canadians and Australians are raising - troops to force that fellow ship upon them, or rather to yindi- cate the idea that it has always existed to some extent. ' The Boers deny it." The problem is tangled. A recent copy of the London Daily Telegraph, for which we are indebted to Mr. R. Fisher, states that wheat prices have risen per ceptibly in England. : The advance is attributed to the war scare and and the comparative ' scarcity of grain. A large number of farmers have decided fo hold their stocks believing that there will be a sub stantial rise owing to hostilities in the Transvaal. Consequently there is, tor this period of the year, an unusually small quantity of wheat offering. The same paper speaking of the crop failure in Russia, says: The yield of the winter and spring wheat crop in Russia is estimated at nearly 661,000,000 . poods below the amount produced from anr average harvest. - Dewey, like Hobson, has been brought under the ban by woman. Poor Hobson, despite "his heroism and fidelity, was a "gibbering idiot" because he Bucked the honey from rosebud lips, , and now those who erstwhile have proclaimad Dewey the greatest living American, style him a "fool of old fools" because, forsooth, he would take unto him self a wife. Woodb ridge CSeary. Mb. Editor: In common with the people of Corvallis and the friends of the State Agricultural College I mourn the death of Cap tain Geary, and feel deeply his loss to tke community and to the college. When Captain Geary was assigned as instructor of military tactics at the college and arrived in our city, I sought and made his acquaint ance, l nad Known ms lamer weu, and his uncle by reputation,' for years, as I was a resident of Cali fornia when he was mayor of San Prancieco. His father, Rev. Edward Geary ,had been very kind to me,and when a number of years ago I lost a son and my heart was burdened with grief such as only those can know who have passed through this "valley of the shadow of death," Dr. Geary came to my home to console me and my wife, and after talking to us like a father, we all got down on our. knees together and he praye for us, and his prayer and words of sympathy,: consola tion and hope were a healing balm to our broken and bruised souls in that hour of deep distress. The uncle, John W. Geary, was the bravest of the brave; and was pro moted to be a major-general dur ing the civil war. " It is said of him that while riding in great haste across a battlefield in which he was leading a charge, the feet of his horse struck the body of a dead soldier, he reined up his horse and dismounting found that it was his. own son.;, He took him in his arms pressed1 him to his heart and lail him down and pressed on to his post of duty.;- Such was the material of the ancestry pf Captain Geary, and he was a worthy de scendant of this -noble ancestry, Quiet and unassuming in h his actions, he was as reticent as Grant, and belonged to- that class of men whose actions speak louder than words, and of whom it may be said, as Caius Marius said of himself to -tV I f Everybody's Wants Supplied It will be time well spent if you will call and ex amine the New Goods that daily arrive at our , store. The difficult part with us is, not what to announce, but how to do justice to all lines. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. , We want to show you our Men's " and Boys' stylish clothing for Fall ! and Winter wear. We offer perfect ; fitting clothing, thoroughly and hon . estly tailored and made of the best v and most attractive fabrics at : prices that . cannot be duplicated in the valley. Special attention is called to the following lines : - Men's Oregon All-Wool Suits ' Brown mixtures, gray mixtures and black, for $3.80. - Fancy Stripes We have just received another in voice of those fancy stripes-you see so many wearing. They range from $18 to $25. - F. L. Miller. the Roman senate, "I come not to you with eloquent words, you speak well of great actions; but I have done the deeds which so exalt the Roman name." ! ' Oregon weeps over her sonr. slain in battle and dying in the service of their country, and among all those who gave up their lives for the government and in defense of our flag, none were braver or truer than he whom we mourn today, j In all the heartfelt rejoicing "over the return, of our brave . boys from the Philippines, and the universal pride that they had won honor for themselves and imperishable re nown for our own great sta'.e of Oregon, placing her in the front rank of the older states of the Union for bravery, patriotism and loyalty to the flag, there was a strain of sorrow for the brave boys who did not return, aud now another name is added to the list of those who will live in the affec tions of the people of the whole state as long as the "beautiful Wil lamette" shall glide along between Benton and Linn murmuring a requiem to their sons whose famil iar faces will never be seen on her banks again. Captain Geary was a native of Oregon, born and raisel in Linn county, just across the Willamette river from our city. : Benton " and Linn counties and the State Agri cultural College feel a special in terest '. in their sons and students in the part taken by them in de fense of that flag from angel hands to valor given. "Our dead soldiers have left memories to be cherished and names to be recorded high on the roll of honor; and though our hearts may . ache at the separation, we have reason to feel proud when our loved ones have so lived and died as to place their names among the honorable of the earth. Every life given up for the flag makes it dearer to every patri-. otic heart. ; To every pa 'sing breeze upon which it floats, it whispers a requiem for the hundredsof thous ands who have died in its defense. It is alive with glorious memories. It is associated with Oregon's heroic dead? Our fallen ones will not be forgotten." And when our great stale monument rises to its full height 'to meet the sun in his com ing" and bearing on its sides the names of Oregon's fallen heroes, none will shine brighter or with more luster than that of Wood bridge Geary. John Burnett. Road Subscription. -To all parties who have subscribed money to pay for improving the county road south of Corvallis, will please pay the same to the First National Bank of Corvallis, to be placed to . my credit. E. Woodward, . Judge County. Musical Instruction Vocal and Instrn mental. ; Modern "methods, experienced teach ing, careful and accurate. Low rates for this grade of work. See. descriptive circulars. Further particulars by mail or at Trask's book store. W. Francis Gates. For Rent. ood nine roomed house, inquire of " J.K.BEBRY. WANTED. - Twenty tons of cast iron; old stores; any castings : also your patronage. JJring your plowshares and have them ground you will save money. ; All work gnaran-teed.- l Fbanklin Ikok Wqbks. . Goats-2. Billys for sale No. 1 stock. Will exchange one for Nanuys. -Apply J. E. Fisher, N. West Odd i? ellows Cem etery. . . . MILLER Wen's fine Ail-Wool Checks In dark and lights checks, for $9.90. Young Men's Suits From 18 to 20 years in fine double breasted blue serge silk faeed, also : sacks aod cutaways from $5 to $12.50 Boy's Suits .From 8 to 13 years in all the late pat - terns. The Mrs. Jane Hopkins make : from $3 to $8. .... , 4 Little Men's Children's Veatee Suits, aud in fact - we have everything the little mea could wish. Our stock would do : credit to a much larger city. . Our . prices are from $1.50 to $6. fJERVSTfi PILLS Restore : Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood. Cure L-npotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- aDUSe, or excess ana inuiss" cretion; A nerve tonic and blood, builder. Brings the ink glow to pale cheeks and restores the--fire of youth. tBv mail SOc per box, 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to euro or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL . For sale by Allen & Woodward's drug gists, Corvallis, Oregon, Administrator's Notice . Settlement. of Final In the County Court of Benton County. State of Oregon, " In the matter of the Estate) of ..... John W. Lawrence, Deceased. ) -.4 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of John W. Lawrence, deceased, - baa filed with the tierk of :said court his final account of said estate and that said court has fixed the first Monday, the 6th day-of November, .1899, at the hour of i o'clock p. m. of said day at the court house in Corvallis, in said Benton county as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and for final settlement thereof. . Dated October 4, 1899. - - ; t -.-. f W. N. LAWRENCE, Adm'r, with the Will annexed, of the Estate of John W. Lawrence, Deceased. , . .. - M(QJIQ Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. Itisthelatestdiscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,6astralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. OeWUt A Co. Chicago. Graham & Wells. "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can strong ly recommend it to all dyspeptics. " Di gests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. . Gra ham & Wells. lHUey The Fixer is now v prepared - to do all kinds of bi cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing, etc. Besides being a champion "fixer" of the Willamette valley, he carries a full line of : bicycle sundries and supplies. His shop is the headquaretrs' for wheeP men. Pay him a visit. There's always a hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure.' "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape and I was near the first stages of con sumption.' One Minute Cough Cure completely' cured me," writes Helen Mc Henry, Eismark, North Dakota. ; Gives instant relief. Graham & Wells. c B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician $ Surgeon Office over Allen & Woodward's drugstare Office Hours fff- m. m. De Witt's little Early Risers perma nently cure chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling cleanse and regulate the entire, system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken famous little pills. Graham & Wells. The smallpox scare resulted in mak ing public Friday an affidavit by health officer, Pierce to the effect ' that there are but two individual cases Of small pox in or near Salem, and both are do ing well and are practically safe, and that there is but one suspect, and he is almost past the period of danger. Notice of Administrator. ; Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been .duly appointed by the Honorable County Court of Benton County, Oregon, Execu tor with the will annexed of the estate of Tol bert Carter, deceased. All Persons ha viajj claims against the said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same to me duly verified as required by law atmy home two miles . east of Wells, Or. : . - T. A. V-AKXf.K. Executor jsof the Estate oi Tolbert Carter, de ceased. Sated this 4tn day of Oct. 1899. mm HQ v1 F. L. Miller Ladies' Shoes We handle the celebrated "IMPER IAL," the best shoe made. We have them in the Common Wealth or Glazed Kid, hand turned B, C, D, & E, lasts, from $3 to $4. Fine Don gola Welt, C, D, & E, lasts, for $3. Box Calf, the best shoe ia town, for $3. The same shoes in McKay, for $2.50. Every pair is guaranteed, they give satisfaction, and we have a good assortment Ladies' Hose Heavy black ribbed wool hose, per pair 25, 35, 40 aud 50c. Linen Handkerchiefs We have just opened a large stock of linen and lawn handkerchiefs for Ladies, all handsomely trimmed with lace or embroidery, and all ex tra good values, from .05c to $1 00 each. '. : 1 . - -. Yours truly, - F. L. Miller. - Notice for Publication. ,' , Land Ofpics at Orkcon City, OitEooy, - October 2. 1899. ishc,reby .Siven that -the followlnff-rinmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proorin support of his claim, and that said proof will hp rnnHp Imfnn . I, 1 1 1 ... . .. ' ----- ,7- . V. if IK oi ucntoti v, ,,13 uregon, on .November 11. 1899, viz: . WILLIAM C. HODGES, air.; lu513.,or in SEl-4of SW1-4, 81-2 of Bfcl-, NE1-4 of SE1-4, section 20, township 13 south, range 6 west. - He names the following :;:- mis uununuous resiaence upon ana cultivation of said land viz- Vinril n I ..j;.,..i,. and Al Landingham, of Dusty, Oregon, Ilenrv Starr of Inavale, Oregon, James Lemaster, of Dusty, Ore- . - OIIAS. B. MOORE S, R critter. For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin diseases .and 11 irritating eruptions, nothing se soothing and healing as De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Em ma Belles, matron, Englewood Nursey, Chicago, says of it! "When all else fails in healing ' our babies, it cures Graham & Wells. " ' . ' " - For Sale or Exchange. One hundred and eighteen lots, in half and whole nlrtilra in fha AinrA I i -X -vt l ii. . i. . . i. i iriigiuni wwiiui ncwiiyn. hiini ueaiiu- fill anrl tuiaiitifiil aaimmA- t : i ; j... Oregon; some business lots; residence lota near the rm --t- VUUH.HCO, ociiwi- iiuustt, ana ouier resi dences; also residence lots commanding' beautiful views of ocean and bav. -- - Fire-fractional blocks, south of. and near the State Agricultural College; all completely tiled, streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient 8" WlU UUlillUUIiCS, vciHnuiy located on roomy and commodious tr rounds, in Tama 1nrali;n 1 ,1 It ' a n- uw, nm cAvutuiu ior arm near uorvauis. . and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy buildings; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural Large and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor yalhs, good residence, two blocks from the Cou i House; high, rolling ground. , . Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained, in Wilkins Addition to Corvallis. One lot and hotel, The Vincent House, on Front Seventy-three acres, 6 in orchard, 18 in wheat wiuuw miju kukuic, oibuabt? west, adjoining the Odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis. 'IV exchanSe tQ ' town property named for suitable farm or acreage property; or will exchange thA BnrMo-fl nmrmw JnIl, t.. other farms or acreage; or will sell any or all of .u piviAimjr vu itaisuiiauie ivrins ana time ai rea vuvv mvw atiu pi ilea. ' M. IS. WOODCOCK, Corvallis, Oretron Administrator's Notice Settlement. . of Final In the Count; Court of Benton County, State of In the matter of the Estate 1 - of l Malinda P. Mulkey, Dec'd. ) Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned ad- numstrator of said estate has filed with the Clerk of said court his final account of said estate and that said court has fixed the first Monday, the 6th day of .wvy., iow, ab nour oi iu o clock a. m. of said aay, at the eourt house in Corvallis in said Benton county, as the time and place for hearing objections w mmu uuai aucouut ana ior a nnal settiemen thereof. - . : : Dated October 5, 1899. , . A. G. MULKEY. Adm r of the Estate of Malinda P. Mulkey, Deed For Sale. 260 acre stock "farm adjoining an un limited outrange on the west, and good schools, churches and the Belknap settle ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm, good cultivating land. Address - ' ' M. S. Woodcock, Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon. -; "They are simpy perfect," writes Rob ert Moore, of La Fayette, Indiana, of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all liver ailments. Never gripe. Graham & Wells. Doctor MEYERS &co. Specialists for Men Tfaew physician have been curintr we&knMta and con tracted ailments since 1881. xney nave the largest and best equipped medical in istitution, and the most ex tensive practice in toe u. a. No PT Till Cared. ; : Unfortunate men who can not call should write for ad vice and prirate book ESTABLISHED IT VCARS. Alilj FBEE. TbnriMiuli mnul at. hmu All lettOTeonfidentUli No Charge for ConsulUtion. 731 SAlBANCISCO Ektor Entrance. McKeuzie Fir Wood. A large supply of the finest quality of McKenzie fir slabs cut in stove lengths, on hand at the Corvallis saw mill. It must be sold. The price is 1 per load of five loads or more. " E. W. Strong. E. E, -Turner, Compton, Mo., was cured of piles by De Witt's Witch " Ha zel Salve after suffering seventeen . years and tryiHg over twenty remedies. Phy sicians and surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Graham & Wells, - . Rents and Collections. Houses to rent, rents to collect,' 20 good farms and stock ranches to sell. Thomas Egmn & Son. NOTICE. Persons (leeirinj; to locate on limber claims tributary to the C. R. R. would do well to call on or correspond with the undersigned." ' There is a num ber of first-class timber claims to be taken up under the timber or homestead acts. : ... - - W. L. CLARK, Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator. ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical' press. It digests what you eat and posi tively cures dyspepsia. Mv A.. Ketron, Bloomiugdale, Tenn., says it cured him of indigestion of ten years standing. Notice for Publication. Land Offics at Oregon City, Or., Sept 16, 1899. Notice is hereby civen that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before county clerk of Benton county, Oregon, at. Corvallis, Oregon, on Ccti2S. 1S90, viz: FRANCIS KLECKElt; II. E. No. 12126, for the EJ of SWkand WJ of SEi, Sec. 10, T. 13 S., K. 7 W.. He names the following witnesses to prove hi3 continuous residence upon and cultivationiof said land, viz: Guy Seeley, August Hodes, Samuel Smith, all of Corvallis, Oregon, and Marion Harden, of Alsea, Oregon. CHAS.IB. MOORES, Register. "Best on the market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles ; for croup it has no equal," writes Henry R. Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. Graham & Wells. NOTICE. Clara Beits, my " wife, having left my bed and , board without provocation, all persons are hereby notified not to trust her on my account as I will not be re sponsible for any debts that she may create.;: '' W. II. Suits. . Alsea, Or., Sept. 3, 1899. The Home Supply Association of Port land can save you J 5O to $100 a year on the goods you buy. Many f the best men in the county are membeis." For prices call on or write to the agent at Corvallis, Mr, II. G. One. ;i Piano Wanted. Anyone having a good upright piano to rent will do well to call at this oflift. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, TIME CARD. - 2 For Yaquina; Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. m. . " " - Corvallis 1:45 p. m. " arrives -Yaquina 5:50 p. m. 1 Returning:. ; ' Leaves Yaquina..., 7:00 a. m. Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:40 a. m. Arrives Albany .... 12:25 p. m. 3 For Detroit: - -Leaves Albany ...... 7:40 a. ra. Arriyes Detroit . . v 1 1:55 i. m; 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit ..... lZ:zo p. ra. Arrives Albany 5:35 p, m. m. m. 6Leaves Albany ' Aniyes Corvallis. . . , f5Leaves Corvallis ... . Arrives Albany . ... . - One and two connect 6:05 p, 6:55 p. , 6:40 a. ro. 7:25 a. m. at Albai.y and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from . Newpoot and adjacent beaches. No. 6 runs from Albany to Cor vallis : on Mondays, , Wednesdays and Fridays only. . f No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albanp on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only.. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam river the same day. - ' - ; Edwin Stone, ,. .. If. L. Walden, Manager. T. F. & P. A.. II. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis. EAST and SOUTH vrA THE SHASTA ROUTE .OF THE ' Southern Pacific Coinpanv. EXPRESS TIIAIKS ECN DAILY. 7:09 P. M. Leave ' Portland Arrive 12:10 F. M Leave -Albany Arrive 7:45 A. M. I Arrive S. Francisco Leave 8:0 A. M. 4:10 A. M. 7:6 F. M. 5:0 P. M. 6:05 P. M. 6:40 A.M. 8:15 P. M. 7:00 A.M. 8:15 P. M. 4:15 P.M. 7:53 A.M. Arrive Ogden Arrive 1 1:10 P. M. Arrive Denver , Leave 6:45 P. M. Arrive Omaha Arrive 1 8:50 A. M. Arrive Chicago Leave G:30 P. H. Arrive Los Angeles Ar. 9:25 A. M, Ariive 1 Paso Arrive ( 2:35 P. M, Arrive Ft. Worth Arrive 8:40 A. M. Arrive N.OrleansArnve j 8:40 P. M. Dinicg Cars. Observation Oars. Pullman First-Class and Tourist cars attached to all through trains. Through Tourist Cars" to Chicago with' out change. Roseburg Mail Daily. 8:36 A. M. I Leave 12:25 P. M. Leave 6:28 P. M. I Arrive Portland Albany Rose burs Arrive 4:36 P. M Arrive I 12:60 P. M Leave I 7:30 A. M Wesiaie BlvisiK. Coryallis Mail. Daily Except Sunday.' 7:30 A. M. Leave 115 P. M. Ariivo Portland Crvalli3 Arrive I 5:58 P. M Leave 1:06 P. M At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the Corvallis & Eastern KailjvaF. Independence Pass. Daily Except Sun. 4:5 p. H. 7:36 P. M. S:39 P. M. Lave Portland ' Arrive 8:2b A. Arrive McMinnville Leave ! fa:6 A."M. Arrive Independence Leave j 4.50 A. M. Direct' connection at San Francisco with steamship lines for HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA, the PHILIPPINES, aud AUS TRAILIA. R. KOEHLER, ' C. II. MARKHAM, Manager. G. F. &P. A. - - r Portland- Or. For through tickets and rates call on A. S. Pence, , - S. L. Hays, : Depot Ag't, City Ticket Ag't, , , Corvallis. Or. Corvallis, Or, Call for Warrants. I hereby give notice that I have money on hand to pay city warrants endorsed prior to January 12, 1898. Interest will stop on same after this date, October 13, 1899. Win. McLAGAN, 1 City Treasurer, We are Sliowitig Fall .Goods Now , and would like to hava your opinion on our selections, If we have done well, and picked nut the goods you want and bought them cheap enough so we can sell them at prices yon are willing to pay we will get your patrenage. Wesay "if, but there is really no "if "about it. " There isn't the least doubt in our minds that our new fall stock is all that it should bo in style, quality asd price'. There won't be any doubt in your miud either when you sse it. The only chance we. run of losing your trade, or that of any other shrewd buyer, is in yeur staying away. If you visit the store you will buy sooner or later. We invite you to come confident that the visit will be mu tually profitable. L. qrtn.iruTjmjirinJinnrijTj SnFAiiTirin oiiki j Lad es, if yu desire a traaspasent, Use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. , ; !The only reliable beautifier of the comolexion, skin-aud farm known. In the . ! direction for which thev are intended, i astounding transformation in personal 'steady use. Possessiiitr the WIZARD'S beauty oi lorui by surely developing a transparency ana penucia clearness oi c comnlexion. shanelv contour of form, brilliant eyes, soft aud smooth skin, I where, by nature, the reverse exists. PULSIVE Skin marred l-,y 1'RECKLKS, MU1H, ISL,A.CIlll.'.AlJ&, fl . rL,na, I and VULGAR REDNESS, YELLOW AND MUDDY skin, and other FACIAL J DISFIGUREMENTS, are permanently refined complexion assured, enhancing extravaeant expectations. t; LQUiSS, you an lie Beauiillll, no mailer who j-ou are or wuai yourt g disfigurements inoy be you can make yourself as handsome as any lady in thet land by tne use ot - - Dr. Bourdon's French Arserk Complexion Wafers. Used bv men tho results are equallv ftivorab'e. Price. small box so cents. Large box $ l.orj or special order of six uiider plaiii cover oa receipt ot the above amount, write lor circular, iree. b THE PAEISIAN DRUG CO.. S . , jjt TO THE A -. GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES HEIBEU RAILWAY mm. ' ST. PAUL ' shoe; ur mm AND AND ' CHISAGO KANSAS CITY TWO TRAINS DAILY OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY E DAYS SAN FRANGBSG WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISIOr Portland and Salem. ' - Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Albany, Corvallis and way pwints, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and SaturtlarH at 6 A. M. Returnm&r, leaves Cnr railis Monday?, Wedncsdaj's and 1'ridays at 6 A. hi. For full lnforniatiou cll on or address N. H. Adams, Agent O. If. & CoiTallis, Oregon, . . e adppess: W:H, HWRLBURT, Ccn'L Pass aobnt.' PORTLAND, OR DSDWEU, CARUt,!, St. CO. - . . OES. ACIiNTS SOU. VAC. S. S. CO. ' v PORTIvAND, OR. ' -RAILEOAD THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana , Utah, ". C olorado and all-Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. Look at the Time . . ; 1 Jj days to Salt Lake Yi days to Denver -3 z days to Chicago . . : i 41 days to New York' Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered - Tourist Slecpisg Cars, and TnllKiau Palace S'ecpers, operated en all trains. For further infoiuiatioii, apply to GEO. F. EGLIiT, Agent, Corvallis, Or. C. O. TERRY, W. K. COMAN, " Trav, Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent. 124 Third St., Portland, Or. For Sale. ' 44.33 acres, known-as the Felger Mill property, one mile west of Philomath, in Benton countyl Good residence, out buildings and orchard.' Tine place for flouring mill. $1500 will take it. $250 cash, balance on ten -years if desired at 8 per cent interest. This is a bargain. Enquire of Geo. F. Eglin, Corvallis, Or., or F. M. Johnson, Booms 13 and 14 Sherlock Building, Portland, Or. - For Sale. The E M of Sec 25, Tp 10 S, R G W, containing 300 acres;' price, $1,300. Terms, $800 cash; balance, mortgage Apply at this office. . ... P.OSS Pud SHAKES. " . Go to Butler for best quality. . The Coon Sawaiilu jpjjp " v 1 mm - a: s KLINE 1jTjxririJVinjinruTrtnjui nnp 5 clear and fresli complcxiou, their effect is slinpl y magical. The most t .appearance is brought about by their j TOUCH iu -producing and preserving , Even the COARSF5T and MOST RE- removed and a dehcionsly clear and , a bady's loveliness beyond her most I ' . ' ! " ,. . . large boxes $5.00. Sent to any Rtldress 1 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. 5- CHUCK A BLOCK is- the condition of (he -The Exchange- In other words yon will find the store full to overflowing with elegant new and second-hand housefurnishing. No matter what you want, whether it be hav ing iv fine shirt laundried by the Union Laundry, Portland, or a Bteel range put up in your kitchen - We Are The People. THOS EGLIN. G. F. HGUN THOMAS EGLIK & SON . . Do a general busines In Real Estate and Insurance. Office on Madison street west of First Natiotial Bank, Corvallis, Oregon. fnr nnnT unTinirni nnmr OF Corvallis. Oms-on. j . . . - , I Does a general and conservative bunking business. . ' U. 15. CAUTHonN. 1 E. II. Taylor. CAUTHORM & TAYLOR DENTISTS. Di-ntistry of every description done in first class manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. ' - CROWN fifiD BRIDGE WQEtK A SPECIALTY ' Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, oppos:tj I the post olhce, Corvallis. Oregon. "THE RESORT" : THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. II. McBrayer and Old Crow Wb is le vs. Fine-Wines. Liauors and Cirara. Union Laundry Go., POETLA5TD, OH. , All white labor work guaranteed. ," -Casket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. J. D, MANN, Ageut, . 'Secoiil-Hand Store. G. R. FARRA, M, D. Office corner" Second and Jefferson, over Graham & Wells' drugstore. Residence on Third street in frert of courthouse. Office hears 8 to 9 a. ta., and 1 to a and 7 to S p. m. All calls attended promptly. ATTORNEY--AT--LAW, Toledo, Oregon. Will practice in all the courts of the state. El. JEZj- brysou, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Office in Zierolf building. DR. JAS. A; HARPER DENTIST Ofllre In Wbitt-hom Blork Corvallis, Oregon 7?