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About Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1899)
Union-Gazette. Issued every Friday morning. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year Six . . . Cures :i;onths. $1 FATABLE in advance. FRIDAY, OCT. 13, 1899. of FOR THE SENATE.: Upon the next - legislature of our state will devolve the duty of elect ing our United States Senator. ' For many reasons this will be for Ore gon, one of its most important pub- - lift QTonfa 'FVia V..Vnnt?n.-t. lltnf will come before the next few ees sions of congress will- equal weight and magnitude anything that has come before ; that body since the days of the early '60s, The election at which members our state legislature will be chosen occurs next June and it is none too early to discuss possible and eligi ble candidates for national senator. Oregon is proverbially slow .".to take advantage of changed condition but the recent and radical changes that have come upon us with the advent of our national develop meat in the Pacific ocean demand mat uregpn snail take a promi nent Btand upon the various ques tions that will arise in the nation's councils. Oregon must be in the front rank of Pacific coast states in all that pertains to the develop ment of Pacific and t transpacific civilization and commerce. The first and most important step look ing to this end is th& election of an able, vigorous man .to . the senate, If Oregon is to take and keep the place she is entitled to hold in the - councils of the nation, and especial ly in so far as they relate to to Pa- viuv waov JuaibdSj bliuu DUO iiiUOv send a strong man to the nation's council chamber. - Among those who have been mentioned as possi ble candidates is Mr. H. W. Scott and of him it "can certainly be said he is an able and strong man. Tim A oriiy ior announcing; Mr. ecatt s as candidate, it does not know that he would be a candidate in fact, he has said he would not be, bui his name has been frequently, mention ed pflate as that of one who could ably, vigorously and creditably rep resent this. - state in the United States senate. The great ' question coming up for settlement before the councils of the nation, and which must be settled within the next two or three vearo, are the money ques tion and on this issue Mr- Scott fitted to represent the views of his states then there is the Nicaragua canal; a form of government for Alaska; the Hawaiian islands; the hum: : ;ij. 1 jji - i uuippmc uuauus, auuuur ranuiy growing trade relations with China and the Orient. On all these ques tions Mr. Scott has a profound knowledge and the gift to " impart it, and those who know him do not doubt that he would be heard and felt as a state legistator. ' , " . . For thirty-five years Mr. Scott has fearlessly discussed publio men and politics and there are few - men that could have managed this sorry thankless task and stood the test of public opinion as well as he has. He has been a power, yes in many instances his pen through the col ums of the great paper he has edit ed, has been the power that has spoken for Oregon's development. But it is not for this service that he is entitled to be considered a senat orial candidate; it is because of his peculiar fitness, his vigor, strength, and knowledge of our na tional and state needs that makes him an especially eligible person for this place at this time. - . There are other, candidates that will come in for consideration later, but suffice it to say at this time, that in Mr. Scott Oregon would have a senator in whose ability and power she could well take pride. F. L. Miller TREASURY KEEPING EVEM. So far during the 'present fiscal year the revenue keeps a - little ahead of the ezpenditures. At the end of the first quarter a surplus of about $2,000,000 is shown. Ra ceipts for the quarter have increas ed $17,000,000 over the same period last year. The expenditures have fallen off $45,000,000- Customs are yielding from $000,000 to $1,000,000 a Jay. -Both show an aggregate train for the month of $5,000,000 over last year during the month of September. The war depaitrrent is spending an average of $12,500 000 a month and the Navy depart ment $5,000,000. Last month's statement of gold in the treasury was 9xU,uuvs,vaas. j. lie ucjjteuiuci figures are $254,000,000. This is a remarkably fine showing. The army has been increased from 27 000 to 100,000. A war is under prosecution 7,000 miles away that will require the services and trans portation of 50,000 or 6.0,000 men The navy is growing steadily in battleships ot the first-class and Clothing We have much to say about this Udo but space forbids. We have - everything from $5.00 to $22.00 a suit. All the., late things in Stripes and . Serges. Youth's" Clothing 13 to 20 years beats them all. We have them in all colors $1.50 to $12.50 per suit. Our Child's Vestee Suits are the talk of the town. " They run from 3 to 9 year old and prices $1.50 to $6.50, They cant beat 'em. District 76 School shoes are the best we have them. Prices, $1.-10," $1.40 and $1.65. ." Guaranteed, ... ' Metis Shoes . We have everything.: We talk mostly about the J. Miller & Co.'s heavy shoes every pair guaranteed. They stand the test. Price,' $2.50. Full stock. Groceries . This is where we get them all. You must have something to eat and that should be good and not too ex pensive. We are the leaders in this line. They all acknowledge it. Our prices are convincing; call and get '- them before you lay in your winter's supply. ' Yours. . . F, L. MILLER, . : - Corvallis, Or. EL OUR . is now complete. " We cordially invite; you to call and r? inspect our goods and prices in all departments,? ! Space (if -is too limited to enumerate all we have to show you. To inspect our goods is to buy, and to buy is to save - -money.-"-"'1. "" ;"rV.'-;: T. .' ' : " Furnishings . We have everything for ladies and gents, old and young, big and little. Call and get prices. We Have' The largest and 'best selected stock of Dress Trimmings ever shown in Oorvallis in our time. -We want to sell, the prices talk for them.' Call and see, no trouble to show goods. " Golf Capes This is where we shine brightest and are sure to please you; prices $5.00 to $12.50. Also a good line of Ladies' Jackets from $2 to $16.50. Ladies Skirts-t ready-made in fine silk crepons, serge, camels hair, brilliantine, from $2 to $7.50. . ... ,: Wrappers " .Large stock, . good assortment, alt sizes, from 75c to $2 each. Calico ' ; , ' 150 pieces just received.- Prices, 4C tO 8C. - Ladies Shoes : We ,, make this department a specialty. We have the very best line to be found in the city, in fact, the only up-to-date line. We sell them cheaper than the ordinary merchant. Prices, $1.10 to $4.50. Plaids . Camels Hair aad home spun Plaids in all shades at $4 and $4.50 per pattern. Latest Novelties ' 5 : In fine Silks and Wool Plaids for Waists from 60c to $1,25 per yard. F.-Ii. Miller Miller Black Suiting A good black suit is necessary with every lady.; We have a fine, assortment of Black Dress Good at 20c',"25cr'3ocr45cr 60c765c775c,'90c, " ftiajfto $2.25 per yard. Silks and Satitis We have the best line of Silks and Satins in the town. Suitable for trimmings, Waists and Suits. Suiting ; ; ;77;V"r;; Heavy, plain Suiting, in all colors $1 per yard. Just the thing for tailor made sails. ' Cheeks : and PLAIDS for School Dresses good assortment, from 15c to 60c per yard. Outing Flannel " Just received 50 pieces in all the latest patterns from 6c to 10c. Flannelettes . We have 'a fine assortment Wrappers from 8Jc to 12c, for other, costly vessels. And yet the government is more than paying expenses. , When the treaty was under ais- eussion several senawio that it would plunge the country enormously in debt. Senator oar urged this view.' Senator Caffery was especially . explicit. He esti mated that the cost of holding the Philippines would b& $221,151,000 a year, more ; than the present entire expenditure on the army and navy, and we should not disband either if the islands were surrender ed.. Senator Caffery declared that "our imperial budget for the year ending June 30, 1900, even as stat ed by Secretary Gage, is appalling enough. But I am confident that he underestimates the expenditures of that year if the imperial policy is to be carried out.'' Well, the end of the first quarter of that year is at hand, and there is a surplus of $2,000,000. Secretay Gage's esti- timate runs over, not under. "A vast deal of foolishness was talked by senators who fought the ,. treaty. Thei prredictions and their figures are on a par with their patriotism Globe Democrat. COLLEGE FINANCIAL REPORT. On Saturday Governor T. T. Geer re ceived - the report ot J; P. Ap person, president of the board of regents of the Oregon " agricultural J college, being the thirtieth annual report of the agricultur al college and the tenth report of the experiment station, - ; The report shows balances on band from last year and amounts received from the several funds for the year end ing Jund 30th, 1899, as follows : -.- Station fund .... $16,831 67 College-Morril fund.......... 24,016 18 State, interest fund ........... 9,119 77 Special fund, act of 1889 . . 14,870 35 Improvement fund ......... i 1,763 63 Chemical breakage fund 727 57 Insurance land. . . ... ...... ..." 17,072 57 Total ..................... $84,401 94 The disbursments are shown , as fol lows: - . - Station fund .... .$15,050 00 College-Morril fund.......... 22,484 63 State interest fund ......... . 9,119 87 Special fund, act of 1889. . . . .. 11,895 20 Improvement fund .......... 1,606 64 Chemical breakage Insurance fund 444 15 15,459 33 Total The balances on June shown to be as follows : Local station fund ....... College-Morril fund ....... Special fund . . . . Improvement fund ....... Chemical breakage Insurance fund .$76,059 62 1899, are ...$ 1,781 67 ... 1,531 55 .... 2,975 15 .... 157 19 .... 283 42 .... 1,613 24 Total .$ 8,342 22 The report of Thomas M. Gatch, regard ing the attendance, is as follows ; 'Exclusive of the Farmers Short Course, we have enrolled 338 students, only two more than enrolled last year, or 21 more than were enrolled two years ago. The Farmer's Short Course swells our number to 440 students in actual at tendance, a much larger atendance than that of any preceding year." Commissioners Court. The following business was transacted at the regular October term ot the com missioners court : ' The semi-annual reports of the clerk, sheriff and treasurer for the six months ending Sept. 3, 1899, were approved. The aDDlication of B. H. Huston for quit claim deed to lots 1 and 2 in block 29, was granted. - In the "matter of repairing the state road running south from " Corvallis through district 14, it was ordered that moneys paid in by citizens to the county Judge for repairs on said road, be placed in the county treasury, to be paid out for the expenditure named, and that the county appropriate out of the funds an amount equal to the several sums paid in by said citizens before Nov. 1st, 1899. Judge Woodward was appointed super visor of , the work. In the matter of the proposed county, road known as the Geo. Li . Thompson road, it was ordered that the report of viewers to assess damages was approved. The court ordered that the road be de clared a public highway, and that super visors proceed and open said road. It appearing that sufficient time had not elapsed for the survey of the Long Tom as required by law, preparatory to building bridges, the matter was con tinued. .... . ' ... -v It was ordered that the clerk be directed to forward a summary of the tax rolls of Benton county to the secretary of state. ' The annual tax on bicycles was declar ed delinquent, and it was ordered that all wheels on which tax has not been paid be seized aad held until said tax and $1 additional is paid. The claim of Umatilla county for care of A.B. Kisor was i ejected. ; T. B. Williamson was appointed jus tice of the peace for Fairmount precinct. The matter of placing additional tele phones in the court house was rejected. Court adjourned until Oct. 28, for the purpose of considering the matter of the Long Tom bridges, and boundaries of certain school districts. - Crepons - We have a very swell line of CrepoBB, exclusive patterns, $1,25 to $2.25 per yard. Under Skirts t. - : We .have the finest line to be found: in the upper valley from $1 to. $3.50.; ; ' . ;- , V Rents and Collections.: Houses to rent, rents to collect, 20 good farms and stock' ranches to sell. Thomas Eg lin & Son. NOTICE. , Persons desiring to locate on timber claims tributary to the C. & E. B. E. would do well to call on or correspond with the undersigned. a There is a num ber ol first-class timber claims to be taken np under the timber or homestead acts.. ? W.L.CLARK,, Gates, Marion Co.; Or. ' Locator. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It digests what you eat and posi tively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloomingdale, Tenn., says it cured him of indigestion of ten years standing. Notice for Publication. Land Orra At Oregon City, Or., Sept 16, 1899. : Notice la hereby ifiven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before county clerk of Benton county, Oregon, atj Corvallis, Oregon, on Oct.1'28, 1899, viz: - FRANCIS KLECKEK; ( - H. E. No. 12126, for the EJ4 of SWJ.and WW of SE1, Sec. 10,T. 13 S..R. 7 W. - He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: Guy Seeley, August Hodes, Samuel Smith, all of Corvallis, Oregon, and Marion Harden, of Alsea, Oregon. , . ; CHAS..B. MOOBES, Register." "Best on th6 market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles ; for croup it has no equal," writes Henry R. Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. Graham & Wells. NOTICE. : SemUBnnual - "Report ot Counts tf tefate, Sept. 30, 1899 ' y,. r V COUNTY TREASURER. : ' . Semi-annual statement of the County Treasurer of Benton County, Oregon, for me six . monms ending oepiemoer 30, a. jj, 1099, 01 money received and paid out: ' . ' ' ', ': r- :: AMOUNTS RECEIVED GEN. CND . ! SCH't FOND 2,299 57 ' 139 35 I.077 63 HERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood. Cure Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting-diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess ana mais cretion: A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the ink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youttt. ly mail BOc per box, o boxes .50: with a written guaran tee to cure or rerona tne money Send for circular. Address, IMERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sta., CHICAGO. ILK , For sale by Allen & Woodward's drug gists, Corvallis, Oregon. Amount on hand from last "report;. .... .- '.$ 3,503 59 Received from Peter Rickard taxes from 1894 to 1898. ... . 30,292 48 Received from Peter Rickard 1893 School Dist No 9 Received from Peter Rickard, taxes 1898 School Dist No 20 -Amount on hand from last report School Dist No 20. .... . ' . Received from Peter Rickard taxes 1898 City of Corvallis. Received from Peter Rickard taxes 1898 City of Philomath Amount on nand trom last report City 01 (Jorvallis. , Received from Peter Rickard overplus bid on taxes' n : e- t. . t-. . i o . . . K.cceiveu irom rcisi .tucKara 1099 lax on Dicycies. , Received from Peter Rickard fees ..-........;;... Received from G. W, Denman for institute fund. . Received from State Treasurer interest on sehool fund Received from John Ai Gellatly fees. . . ... '.' ; Received from V. E. Watters,,fees. ..................... i Received from V. E. Waters, redemption sales 1 894-1897. .: Received from V. E. Watters, red'n sale City Corvallis... . Rec'd from V. E. Watters, red'ri sales School Dist No 9. . . Amount on hand School Dist No 94 . Received for Liquor and Peddlers License. Rec'd from Sec of State U S 5 per cent land sales (road f'd) Amount on hand from last report road! fund Lincoln Co Warrant No 2294 in paym't of tax segregation $ 5,680 40 7.295 67 1,676 34 184 90 91 95 26 34 532 50 13 30 34 50 13.714 60 344 60 331 10 224 51 57 77 17 54 . ; . 29 O8 ... 6 00 216 00 10 06 . 79 14 9 99 Total amount received ................ ; AMOUNTS PAID OUT. Paid out on County Warrants;. 139,197 7o i8,77i 21 4 Paid interest on County Warrant . . . Paid on School Supt Warrants. ... . Balance on hand Gen'l Fund. ... . . . Balance on hand School Fund Amount paid School Dist Noo. Amount paid School Dist No 20. . , Balance on hand School Dist No 20. .................... . Amount paid City of Corvallis.......... Amount paid City of Philomath.'. Amount paid on Bicycle Path orders. Balance on hand in Bicycle Fund Amount paid G W Denman Institute "use Paid School Dist No 94.....; ...... ......... , Balance on hand Road Fund.. Lincoln Co Warrant No 2294 in paym't tax segregation. .29,6i6 58 3.531 55 1,803 79 3,394 74 139 35 532 03 47 89 20 89 99 $ 1 1,536 41 5,212 03 " l,705 42 273 28 . 3 57 34 SO 6 00 KILLS WILD MUSTARD. There is not a farmer in Oregon who has been bothered with the weed, but who is interested in the destruction of wild mustard. This is a most notorious weed and does a great deal of damage to the farms in the Willamette valley. This plant flourishes in the surrounding country where the condition of the soil is suitable for its growth, and any remedy that will serve to destroy the weed will be most gratefully received by the far mer.' It is known to be a fact that the plant will not grow only in those places where the soil is in the right condition, or where "the composition of the soil is such as to nourish the plant Iu the face of this fact it can be easily seen that if the condition ef the soil be changed, the plant will not grow therein. An experimenter by the - name . of Doughtery has fonnd a solution, that when applied to the soil will destroy the mustard but at the same time will bave no effect upon the wheat or other grow ing grain that may be upon the field. The solution discovered by Mr Dongh- tery consists of a four-per-cent solut ion of copper snlphate, : or four pounds of copper sulphate to ten gallons of wate r, the solution to be sprayed over the infect ed fields. In regard to the " experiment, Mr. Doughtery says : "According to my experimental notes the mustard sprayed on. Jnne 24th was dead on June 28th, and there was no ap parent injury to the croo. As regards the effect upon the crop I may say that the sprayed oats headed out about three or four days later than the unsprayed, and are from four to six inches longer in the straw. "I expect to find in all cases an increas ed yield. This I attribute to the extra amount of food available for the owing to the de atb of the mustard. crop 17 A (o Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially dlgeststhe food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIckHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and il other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. OeWitt A Co. Chicago. Graham & Wells. " ' . ' Amount paid out and on hand. . w . .$39,197 70 $18,771 21 state ot uregon, l ea ' County of Benton. I ' v. ;" I,W A Buchanan, do hereby certify , that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out, and remaining on hand in the treas ury ot said county, lor tne six months ending September 30, A. 11. 1899. -:. W. A. BUCHANAN, --' ... - : : . - ; -" r . - County Treasurer. ' SHERIFF. Semi-annual statement of the Sheriff of Benton months ending September 30, A. D., 1899: , A DEBTOR. " April 1st, 1899, to cash on hand......... To amount received on account taxes. .". To amount received on account bicycle tax. To amount received on account fees collected. ,..... To amount received on overplus tax sales. 1 ; :. . . credit. By cash paid to County Treasurer. ....... . . . .". , By cash paid on account collecting bicycle tax . By balance on hand County, Oregon, for the six $ 2,996 59 .. 39,407 30 706 25 21 70 .. 26 34 143,158 18 . . .142,460 45 ... 95 90 ... 601 83 . . '. - - " - - 143.158 18 state or Oregon, loe County ot Benton. J I, Peter Rickard, sheriff of Benton County. Oreeon. do herebv certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, amounts paid out and Daiance on nand tor tne six montns ending September 30, 1S99. PETER RICKARD, Sheriff of Benton Countyt Oregon COUNTY CLERK. . Semi-annual report of the County Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, showing uie amount 01 warrants urawn ana lor wnat purpose allowed, as per order 01 tne County Court, from the 1st day of April, 1899, to the 30th day of September,. I899, uum inclusive. . ; Salary County Judge ...3, ". " Sheriff...,....., " ... " Clerk ". v " ' Recorder' ...................'..'"" ". . " a Treasurer - " school supt " Assessor.....".... "-. Commissioners .... Supt Ex, School Clerks Reports. Deputy Clerk....... Deputy Sheriff............. ............ Deputy Dist Atty.................... ... Special Atty fees......'."... Circuit Court Bailiff....:..;...... Circuit Conrt witness fees. ......;. Circuit Court Juror fees , Board prisoners. ..... . Inquest. ............. Insane 1 . ,? Present Owner Books. . . . . :..'.; Wood Lights...... Water Janitor Tax Roll Stationery, Jprinting, etc.......'.".".".'.".." Bounty on wild animals.. Telephone Constable fees Justice fees Work and supplies court house. ........ Roads and . bridges . . i ...... s County poor... Hack hire.. . Teachers'" examination . . tvebate taxes... . . . ... ; . Institute . . . . . ;.. . . Bicycle paths .......... Miscellaneous .......... 450 00 999 9 . 900 00 . 500 00 250 01 - 4" 79 . 355 00 . 118 40 . 142 50 88 00 36 00 15 co 10 00 42 00 . 85 80 269 50 52 3 24 40 5 00 45 00 214 10 60 10 106 75 240 00 " 162 00 600 10 38 50 15 25 49 20 68 95 231 00 1,424 10 895 06 10 00 60 00 39 3i 4" 50 567 13 64 90 ' $9,651 67 CLERK'S SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT, Of the financial condition of Benton County, Oregon, on the 30th day of Septem ber, 1899, inclusive: . March 31st, 1899, to county orders outstanding and unpaid. .$43,373 87 October 1st, 1899, to county orders issued for six months ending Septem ber 30, 1 899, inclusive ; i 9,651 67 Total., .$53,025 54 - Clara Seita, my wife, having left my bed and board without provocation, all persons are hereby notified not to trust her on my account as I will not be re sponsible for any debts that she may create. - W. II. Skits. Alsea, Or., Sept. 3, 1899. ' ' The Home Supply Association of Port land can save you $50 to $100 a year on the goods you buy. Many of the best men in the county are members.'7 For prices call on or write to the -agent at Corvallis, M r. H . G. Gue. We s are Showing Fall Goods w . -. if- Now -" :- - and would like to have your opinion on our selections, If we have done well, and picked out the goods you want and. bought them cheap enough so we can sell them at prices you are willing to pay we will get your patrenage. We say "if ", but there is really no "if" about it. There isn't the least doubt in our minds that our new fall stock is all that it should be in style, qaality axd price. There won't be any doubt in your mind either when you see . it The only chance we run of losing your trade, or that of any other shrewd buyer, is in your staying away. If you visit the store you will buy sooner or later. We Invite you to come confident that the visit will be ma--tually profitable. S. L. KLINE Piano Wanted. Anyone having a good upright piano to rent will do well to call at this ' office. rirminnrinjTjuTinjTnjinjiruin h DC A I ITin II CIIKI tMU 1 iruL orvi in. Lad es, if yeH desire a transpasent, clear and fresh complexion, Use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. The ohlr reliulile hpautifier'oF the comolexion. skin and farm known. In Ihe direction for wliioh thVr. intended, their effect is si irmly maeical. The most I astounding transformation , in personal appearance is brought about by their j steady use. Possessing the WIZARD'S TOUCH in producing aud preserving, beauty of form by surely developing a transparency and pellucid clearness of c complexion, snapely contour ot lorai, Druiianc eyes, uuuu iuuiunu, ''where, by nature, the reverse exists. Even the COAKSFST and MOST RE-, PULSIVE Skin marred bv FRECKLES. MOTH, SlAVK.fcUiAiJa. nwi-Juiio, and VULGAR REDNESS, YELLOW AND MUDDY skiu, and other FACIAL DISFIGUREMENTS, are permanently removed.and a deliciously clear and t refined complexion assured, enhancing a bady's loveliness beyond her most 1 extravagant expectations. . . Cj UaaieS, IOM vatl Bo BeaurilUI, no mailer wuo you arc ur wiiMi juui ( C disfigurements may be you can make yourself as handsome as any lady in the 1 iaua py me usv 01 " ' Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. ' Used bv men tha results are eauallv favorable. Price small box 50 cents. Large box fr.oo or special order of six large boxes $5.00. Sent to any address! under plain cover oa receipt of the above amount. Write for Circular, free. rrl-crtn -P A-RTSTATST DHTTG- CO.. S ." ' . 131 Montgomery Street, San Francico. 2 ' rhfir ruiJiJiiiriJinjTruTiiJTj By county orders redeemed and cancelled by court since March 30th. .$30,176 91 To county orders outstanding October 1, 1899. . . ...... ' WA.Bn.rxiES. To county orders outstanding and unpaid. To estimated accrued interest thereon i . .' . .$22,848 63 .$22,848 63 . v 800 00 ' -7 '": ' ' $23,64863 RESOURCES. ,. By cash in hands of County Treasurer applicable to paym't Co Orders. .$ 1,803 79 By cash in hands of SherifF $601.83, and amount thereof applicable to paym't of county warrants.-. - 400-00 Total.. Total liabilites Total resources . . . $2,203 79 . . .$23,648 63 ...$ 2,203. 79 Net indebtedness. . .$-1,444 84 ss. State of Oregon, County of Benton. I, Virgil E. Watters, County Clerk of Benton County, State of Oregon, ' do here by certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the claims allowed by the county court of said county, for six months ending September 30, i899,on what account the same were allowed, the amount of warrants redeemed during said six months, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid on Septem ber 30, 1899, as the same appears upon the records in my omce and custody. - Witness my hand and seal of the County Court, aflixed this 1st day of October, A. D. 1899. . , v . VIRGIL E. WATTERS, seal ; . County Clerk. - De Witt's little Early Risers perma nently cure chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken famous little pills. Graham & Wells. - Administrator's Notice Settlement. ; of Final In the County Court of Benton County State of Oregon, . . - . in tne matter 01 tne rotate 1 - of h John W. Lawrenoe, Deceased. ) Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned ad ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of John W. Lawrence, deceased, has Sled with the clerk of said court hi final account of said estate and that said court has fixed the first Monday, tbe 6th day of November, 1899, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said oy at the court house in Corvallis, in said Benton county as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and for a final settlement thereof. Dated October 4, 1899. , W. N. LAWRENCE, ' Adm'r. with the Will annexed, of the Estate of John W. Lawrence, Deceased. - "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can strong ly recommend it to all dyspeptics." ' Di gests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Gra ham & Wells, i Dilley The Fixer is npw :' prepared to do all kinds of bi cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing, etc. ' Besides being a champion "fixer" of the Willamette valley, he carries a full line of bicycle sundries and supplies. His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel men. Pay him a visit.' . ' . CHUCK A BLOCK is the conditiop of the -The Exchange- . . In other words you will find the store full to overflowing with, elegant new and second-hand housefurnishing. No matter what you want, whether it be hav ing a tine shirt laundried bv the Union Laundry, Portland, or a steel range put up in your kitchen We Are The People.' THOS EGLIN. . , G F. KG LIN THOMAS EGLIN & SON Do a general buslnes In Real Estate and Insurance. Office on Madison street west of First National Bank, Corvallis, Oregon. THE FIRST HflTIDNrlL BRHK OF- There's always a hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape and I was near the first stages of con sumption. One Minute Cough Cure completely cured Lie," writes Helen Mc Henry, Bismark, North Dakota. Gives instant" relief.. Graham & Wells. Administrator's Notice of Fitiai Settlement. ' State ef Notice for Fublieatiou. Laud Office at Orkqos Crrr, Oeeoost, -- -. jOctoberS, 1899. Notice is herebv given tbatthe followinar-nvned settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at corvallis, Oregon, on .November 11, isw, : WILLIAM C. HODGES, on H E No. 10513, for the 6E1-4 of SW1-4, Sl-2 of SE1-4, NEl-4. of SE1-4, section 26, township IS south, range 6 wesU lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: . Virgil 11. Landingham, and Al Landingham, of Dusty, Oregon, Henry swtrr of Inavale, Oregon, James Lemaster, of Dusty, Ore gon. . . CHAS. B. MOORE S, Rctfster. For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin diseases and all irritating eruptions, nothing so soothing and healing as De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, . Mrs. Em ma Belles, matron, Englewood Nursey, Chicago, says of it : "When all else fails in healing our babies, it cures." Graham & Wells. " " For Sale or Exchange. One hundred and eisrhteen lots, in half and whole blocks, in the original town ot Newport, that health ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln county, Oregon; some business lots: residence lots near the principal churches, school house, and other resi denoes; also residence lots commanding- beautiful views of ocean and bay. Five fractional blocks, south of and near the State Agricultural College; all completely tiled, streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient and healthful for residence. Large dwelling, barn and outhouses, centrally located on roomy and commodious ir rounds, in Corvallis; will exchange for farm near Corvallis. Twentv acres highly improved, all tile drained. and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy buildings; aoouc one-iourtn mue irom Agricultural College. . Larare and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor vallis,good residence, two blocks from the.Cour House; iugu, ruuiutf ruuuu. Eiirht nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained. in Wilkins Addition to Corvallis, One lot and hotel. The Vincent Bouse, on Front street, in Corvallis, centrally feated. . ' Seventv-three acres. S in orchard. 18 in wheat. balance in grubs, timber and pasture: situate west. adjoining the Odd Fellows Cemetery,- near Corvallis. Will exchange ' the town property named for suitable farm or acreage property; or will exchange the acreage property described, for town property or other farms or acreage; or will .sell any or all of said property on reasonable terms and time at rea sonable rates and prices. Corvallis, Oregon. In the County Court of Benton County, Oregon. . - In the matter of the Estate ) . of , : Malinda P. Mulkey, Dec'd. ) " ' ' , , , Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned ad ministrator of said estate bas filed with the Clerk of said court his final account of said estate and that said court has fixed the first Monday, the 6th day of Nov., 1899, at the hour ol 10 o ciock a. m. oi saia oay, at the court house in Corvallis in said Benton county, as the time and place for hearing objections tn skid final account .and for a final settlement thereof. " Dated October 5, 1899. - A. O. MULKEY. Adm'r of the Estate of Malinda P. Mulkey, Deed. ; Corvallis, Oregon, . Does a genoral and conservative banking business. . " " C. B. CACTnoBN. E. H. Tatlok". CAUTHORN & TAYLOR DENTISTS. via.rra Doctor MEYERS & CO. Specialists for Hen ThM. ntinieiuu h.VB ljMD curing wedeneu and con tracted, ailment, .inc. 1881. They hav. the uurgert and but .qmppea memo ifttitution, and the moet ex. tenalv. practice u wu w. . i BO raj ui w. : Unfortunate men wbo can not call ehould write tar ad- rlo. and privava owmc ATX 1TREE. EOTABLISIHCO 17 YEARS- Thoueuid. cored at horn.. All letter. oonfidential: No Charge for Consultation. Entrance. yrll MARKET ST., J Ol SAN FBASC1SCO Elevator faT Sale. " -7. 1 " 260 acre stock farm adjoining an un limited outrange oa the west, and good schools, churches and the Belknap settle ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm, eood cultivating land. Address -... , ..).. M. S. Woodcock, " Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon. "They are simpy- perfect," writes Eob- ert Moore, of La Fayette, Indiana, of De Witt's Little Early Bisers, the famous little pills for constipation and all liver ailments. Never gripe. Graham & Wells. ' '' McKeuzle Fir Wood. A large supply of the finest quality of McKenzie fir slabs cut in stove lengths, on hand at the Corvallis saw mill. It must be sold.- The price is $1 per load of $ve loads pr more, - ' " " ; ; V. STROljff. .E. E. Turner, Comptbn, Mo., was cured of piles by De Witt's Witch - Ha zel Salve after suffering seventeen years and tryiHg over twenty remedies. Fhy sicians and surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Graham & Wells. - Dentistry of every description done in first class manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. . . CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK k SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, oppositJ , the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. 66 THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis keys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Union Laundry Go., POBTLAND, OE. All white labor work guaranteed.' - Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. J. D. MANN, Agent, Second-Hand Store. - G. R. FARRA, M. D. Office corner Second aad Jefferson, , oyer Graham & Wells' drugstore. - Residence on Third street iufrert-ol courthauso. ' - Office hours 8 to 9 a. m., and 1 to a aad 7 to 8 p. m. All calls attended promptly, B. F. JONES, ATTORNEY AT -LAW, ' Toledo, Oregon. Will practice in state. , all the courts of the IE. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Qfllce In Zierolf building. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Offlre U Wblteho Blork Qprvallis, Oregon