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About Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1899)
j Union-Gazette. PrBLisHEn Every Fmiuv at COliVALM?,- - OREGON. FRIDAY, FEB. 21, 1399 TWCS71KTII HI VXNIA I. SKSfifO A'. Th t.wntit.h biennial session of t.h (Won Wisl.-iture closed at 7:30 ! p. in. on Saturday last, and what- mv hu1 or thought of its! actions of one thing we are certain, that with of course the usual ex ceptions, no more honest nor con scientious body of legislators ever assembled to make laws for the state. Many of the things which it has done, and many of the laws it has passed will of course meet jvith adverse criticism, but it is impossible t" please . everyone. Laws were passed that do not meet with our personal approval, but we recognize the fact that they, meet the appioval of a majority of honest men and are content to try them. Severe criticisms and wholesale denunciation of legislatures and their actions seems to be the fashion 'in Oregon. Such a fashion is' deserving of condemnation. It is wholly unmerited and besides bringing . discredit on the state it lias the effect of keeping men who dislike unjust criticism out of legis latures. , The appropriation bill is large, but it must be remembered that we are 'a growing state and that each succeeding bill of that nature must of necessity be larger than the one that preceeded ' it. The needs of the state institutions must increase with our population. The state has too many schools in its charge, but being under its care they must be provided for. The unfortunate and the vicious must increase with population and they must be cared for. The business in the executive offices is increasing, and the state lands and the schoor fund are constantly requiring great er. care and attention, and there seems to be- no possible way to provide for these things except in the appropriation Jaill, so it grows larger as the .state growP'in . wealth and population, and we see no help .for it. ...J Many very good 'lews were en acted at the session just closed. The registration law which passed was a crying need of the state. It will be signed by the governor and this time it will stand the consth tutional test. The school laws were amended in several important par ticulars, notably the , granting. ,;f state papers. No one can get a state certificate now except by working up to it from the third grade county certificate, or those who have taken a five years course the grammar school, in some ; chartered educational institution of the state, and then only after pass ing the regular examination. The method of selecting text books has also been changed. The new law provides that the governor Bhall appoint five text-book com missioners, and " this takes the ; matter of school books cut of the . hands of the American Book Co. that has had a monopoly of the business for the past fifteen years, and opens the matter up to compe- titicn so that we will get good books cheaper than heretofore. The assessment laws have been improved, the land laws of the state have been codified and im proved, and the interest on loans made from the school fund has . been reduced to 6 per cent.; this "will apply to old loans as well as new lifter the interest has been paid up. , Many other usefai and necessary laws were passed, and although it has some extravagances to answer for yet on the whole the 20th bi ennial session of the legislature of Oregon has a good record. ME. ITS WlTtt APPROVAL. - The new bicycle law meets with almost universal approval among the cyclists of this section, so far as the tax and the use of the funds arising therefrom is concerned. But there is one feature of the law that the wheelmen of Benton county look upon as most unjust and that is the exemption clause. So far as it relates to the counties of Eastern Oregon and to the eoast counties it is well enough, but when such counties as Linn, Lane, Polk, Yam hill and Washington are exempt from the force-of such an enactment then something is wrong. Not only does such exemption work an injustice to the wheelmen, of the counties where the act is in foice , ut it seriously retards the work of) progress along these lines. As it now 13, the Linn county wheehnan who travels through Benton county receives the benefit of the improved paths in the latter county, but when the Bentonite wheels through Linn county he gets no return favor. This applies enuallv to nil the exempt counties in the 'valley especially. ft is nmitii.-r ; manifestation ol the smallness, sel-i nshness, narrowness and mossiness the average citizen. One is not so much surprisad that Linn and Lane would line up against any progressive movement, but how Polk, Yanihiil and Washington could be wheedled into a position of this kind is indeed strange. The wheel is a piece of business machinery and it has come to stay, and any reasonable law that will encourage the betterment of wheel ing facilities, and especially when the burden falls equally upon th.-j' wheelmen while the benefits are divided with the public, is good, just, progressive and statesmanlike. The wheelmen of Benton county may well feel proud of their position among the wide-a-wake, intelligent citizens of the state. It is undoubt edly to the activity of our wheel- men as manifested iu their organi sation last year that we are "with the moving column of counties in this great -work of road improve ment. . Had the wheelmen of these other localities been awake tbey 'might have prevented such a disgraceful piece of legislation as this exemp tion clause makes. Still in one of these counties our wheelmen have personal knowledge that their own mossiness is equal to that of their delegations, to whom undoubtedly was due the insertion of the names of the exempt counties. What more than local good can come from making cycle paths in Benton at one end and Multnomah nt the other. Had these other counties done their plain " simple duty, nothing - more, there could have been a system of cycle paths from one ehd of the valley to the other, of vast benefit to all country wheelmen alike. These exempt better wake up, pull the moss off their backs and get into line with the progress of the coming century, The change in the name of this paper and the increased business and responsibility which necessarily go with it came on us a little sooner than we were prepared for it, and while part of the force was absent. It is our intention to make the Union-Gazette . one of the best weekly papers in Oregon, , but the changes will take some time and we ask our readers to be patient with us. The newspaper business is unlike any other in this respect, it must not get in debt. Its income is solely through the labor expend ed in it, and- increased labor does not always produce increased in come. In our particular case this is so, and we will have to go a little slower than we would like to on this account. But wait. We promise you a larger and as goo I a paper if not better than you ever got in Benton county, and we won't be verj' long about it either. A. remaps one-nan ot the bills passed during the session of the Oregon legislature just closed were! local bills. When a local measure comes up for consideration, the members content themselves with j the assurance from the members of vuv iuvjuii biiciu an a o iui legislation that they want it, after which they are satisfied with it and vote for it. Indeed it would be considered a piece of impertinance to vote against ; a measure that a certain delegation wanted for his own county, unless some strong reason was presented against it. This was exactly the case with the Portland tax collector bill of which the Oregonian complains so bitterly. No one was in Salenr working against it, and the delegation from Multnomah county wanted il, and so it passed: and up to chte no one who voted for it ha Iven presented with any good reason why he should have done otherwise. The one distinguishing peculiari ty of the bicyclist seems to be his objection to . tax. Last year his grievance was tacks on the bicycle path; this year it. is tax on the bicycle. Wanted. To employ a young person, skilled in shorthand and typewriting, good pen man, accurate in figures, with careful habits, able to glean information from I COUlltV records. Annlv in "The Oregon Unios." "Letters of Gold in Pictures; of Silver." To the Editor: Will you please publish the following extract from j President McKinley's address to the i Home Market Club, of Boston, on j the 16th inst. I have read nothing j to equal it. It is a volume of im-: peiative TTTVT Ti ITI' rPT. . ' "No imperial designs lurk in; the American mind. They are alien to American sentiment, thought and purpose. Our priceless principles undergo no change nnder a tropical sun. They go with the flag; they are wrought in every one of its sacred folds and are inextinguish able in its shining stars. "Why read ye not the changeless troth, The free can conquer but to save.? "If we can benefit these remote peoples, who will object? If in the voars of the future thev are estab- , . Pm-n; nruW ,aw and liberty, who will regret our perils and sacrifices who. will not rejoice in our heroism, and human- itv? Always perils and always after them safety; always darkness and clouds, but always shining through them the light and sun shine; always cost and sacrifice, but always after , them the fruition of liberty t education and civilization. "I have no light or knowledge not common to my ciuntrymen. I do not prophesy The present is all-absorbing to me, but I cannot bound my vision by the blood stained trenches around Manila, where every red drop, whether from the veins of an American s ildier or a misguided Filipino, is anguish to my heart; but by the broad range of future years,-when that group of islands, tinder the impulse . of the year just passed, shall have become the gems and glories of those tropic al seas, a land of plenty and cf increasing possibilities, a people re deemed from savage violence and habits, devoted to the arts ot peace, in touch with the commerce and trade of all nations, enjoying the blessings of frei douj, of civil and relieicus liberty. of education ' and.! of homes, and whose children' an5 children's children shall for : ages hence bless the American republic because it 1 emancipated and. re- jn the patlway of the world's ueemea ineir lainerjana ana sei ! best civilization.' No. 4301. Report of he Condition of the First National Bank of Corvallis, at Corvallif, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, February 4th, 1899. RESOURCES Loans and discounts.. '.. 79,682 21 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... 3 03 U. S. Bonds lo secure circulation 50,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2,843 76 Stocks, securities, etc 81.C56 3S Banking-house, furniture and fixture 20,974 11 Other real e-tate and Mtgs owned 1,859 33 Due from National Banks not Re serve Agents... 8,67145 Due from State Banks and Bankers .'. 7,130 06 Due from approved reserve agents.... 11,773 82 Cheeks and other i-ash items 1,023 34 Notes of other National Banks '. .. 715 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cams 57 94 Lawful Money Res. in Bank viz: Specie $34,453.65 Legal-tender notes ,.., 1,197.00, Redemption fund with U. S. Treas ' Hrer 5 per cent, of circulation 2,250 00 Total. ..T3W.291 08 LIABILITIES. capital stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund 4,300 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid .. 1,019 24 National Bank notes outstanding..:. 43,350 00 Due to State Banks and Bankers 423 37 Dividends unpaid , 25 00 Individual deposits subject to check.156,056 43 Demand certi .iubililies other than those ubove incates ot deposit 43.917 04 jiulies ol stated 200 00 Total 1304,291 08 State of Oregon, Coukty of Benton, ss: I, Walter T. Wiles, cashier of the tbove named bank, do. solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of niv knowledge and belief. " W altek T. WILES, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of February, 189.9. Hi. xlOLGATE. Notary Public. Correct Attest : C. E. Modfc, M. S. Woodcock, Geo. E. Lilly, . Directors. Executor's Sale of: Real Estate." Notice is hereby given that the under signed, executor of the estate of Peter W. Mason and Hannah R. Mason, deceassd, pursnantto an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton County, made on the 3rd day ot January, 1899, and of the Hth day of February, 1899, and duly entered in the journal of said court, will on the 25th day of March, 1893. between nine o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon, to-wit, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon of that day, at the front door of the court house, in the city of Corvallis; in Benton county, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the interest that said estate has in and to the following described real estate to-wit: Lots 5 and 6 in block 3, in the town of Philontaf!i. n Benton county, State of Oregon. Als , beginning at the S. E. corner of the don. land claim, No. 50. T. 12 S., R. 6 W., thence running west on south line of said claim 71 rods, thence north 105 rods to the center of Mary's river, thence down said river with the meanders thereof to the head of a certain slough, thence on a straight lice to the mouth of said slough. thence down said river again with its me-1 anderings to the east line of said don land claim, thence south on the east line of said claim to place of beginning, containing 30 acres, in Benton county, Oregon, belonging to said estate, to pay funeral charges, ex penses of administration and claims against said estate, and for distribution of proceeds under the will of said deceased. Dated this 23rd day of February, 1899. JOHN L. AKIN, E seen tor. New Stock Of... Special announcments every week Until our stock is complete. Our Clothing See our new price list ON GROCERIES. BARGAINS IN LADSES'S JACKETS AND FINE SHOES. S. L. Corvallis, Oregon. ; ...REMEMBER... Our Annual Reduction Sale .Closes TUESDAY EVE., FEB. 28. No duplicates on present ADVANCE STYLES IN SPRING HATS JUST RECEIVED. Doctor MEYERS &co. Specialists for Ken Thsae phyiidans have been curing weakness ana con tracted aMmeata since 1861. Tbey bare the largest and best equipped medical in stitution, saw wie iuwh. - . ' tensive practice w ui w. ; KO PT T131 Cared, f UnfortuBate men wba can not call should write lor ad vice ana private vws. - iT.i. mt.Rir. CSTABLISHCO IT YEARS, ond cored at home. An letters eooafideBtialc $o Charge for Consultation. TOl MARKET ST., SAN FBANCtSCO Elevator Entrance. NERVITA Restores VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects ef self- abuse, or excess and India c re tion., A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per box; 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL GO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHIGACO, ILL. For sale bj Allen & Woodward, Drug gists, Corvallis, Oregon.- ? REMEMBER THE CiTY SHOE SHOP, At North main St. I aim to please my customers. Carl Zwicker,. , - - Corvallis. HE HAD A FIT Because he had his clothes made at Wrage's shop. YOU CAN DO LIKEWISE. He i keeps a complete stock and will suit yiu with a suit. He also makes up go ids when purchased elsewhere. " ;' If you want the best workman ship at reasonable prices, call and see .t. J, WRAGE. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under-eio-ned has been appointed the admin istrator of the estate of Alice A. Beal, deceased, hy the county court, of the state of Oregon, for Benton county. , All persons having claims against said e6tate are required to present the same, properlv verified, to me at my residence eight miles north of Corvallis, in Benton county. Oregon, wilhiu six months from the date hereof. Dated at Corvallis, Ore., Feb. 15, 1899. WiixfAM A. Beal, Administrator of ihe estate of Alice A. Beal, deceased. : . l o Yon Need Help! Anyone wishing a competent man to do light, work in the nature of cleaning yard, trimming vines and hedges, etc., can secure such service by enquiring of T. W. Pilley, the "fixer."' For Sale. A litter of thoroughbred Scotch Collie pups. Will make splendid cattle aud sheepdogs. Apply to C. J. Bishop, Tidewater, Lincoln County, Or. ...Now Arriving. Still At Cost. KLINE, The White House. prices after this dale. B. F. JONES, ATTORNEY- AT -LAW, . Toledo, Oregon. Will practice in all tlie courts of the state. " ' THE FIRST HHTlOHriL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, Does a general and conservative hankis business. ' C. B. Cauthorh. j K. H. Taylok. CAUTHORN & TAYLOR DENTISTS. - Dentistry of evcrylescription done in first class manner, " and satisfaction guar anteed. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. Office over Zierolf 's grocery "store, opposite the-post office, Corvallis. Oregon. 66 THE RESORT 99 THOS. WHITEMORI, Prop. W. H. McBrayer atid Old Crow Whis- fcys, FiritS Wines, Liquors ani Cigars. Union Laundry .Go., POKTLAND, OR. All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. T. D. Campbell, Agent, Second-Hattd Store. G. R. FARRA, M. D. OfBce corner Second and Jefftr&OH, over Grahae4 & Wells' drugstore. Residence on Third stFeet in frrt of courthouse. Office hours S to 9 a. ia., and 1 to 2 a:d 7 to 8 p. ra. All calls attesded promptly. JBj. is,. ZBiE?"5rsoir5r, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Office iu Zierolf building. incy The English and German Expert Specialists. Five Physicians and Surgeons, all Craduatesjfrom the best Medical Colleges in the World. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWSJOF CALIFORNIA FOR $330,000. ESTABLISHED TWENTY-SIX YEARS. Apart of theStajT of the English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers & Co. will make tligir regular monthly visit to Corvallis, Monday, February 27 Thy will be at the Occidental Hotel. - . . . The staff of the Eugli'-h an German Expert Specialists is composed of five regs-larly graduated doctors, each a pkrsician who has had many years experience ia caring all manner of chronic diseases. During the past quarter of a century the success of this most worthy aial popular institution has been phenoaienal. Diseases which have baffled the skill of other physicians and stubbornly refused to yield to ordinary medicines,' methods and appliances, are quickly subdued and mastered by the English and Certaan Ex pert Specialists. They have the largest and best ecf-iipped medical institution in' America. The English and German Expert-Specialists are not only competent and reliable, but are responsible, being backed by ar-nple capital and ably managed. HOME CU RES While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient, the EngPish and German Expert Specialists have cured thousands of persons whom they have- nev-r seen. If you cannot see the doctors, write the home office for question list and free advice in regard to your ailment. Call oil the Doctors whea they come. All ailing people shouid see the English and German Expert Specialists. A friendly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is bound to result in a threat deal of g&d, whether treatment is taken er uot. The Enalish and German Expert Specialists A Stafl ef the Most Eminent Physicians in the Yorlci.' r Main Office, 731 Market S . HJan Francisco. Your Life Will Be One Continual Thanksgiving . If you' purchase fresh and ehoico GROCERIES, ',, Hie latest lads in NOTIONS and DRESS GOODS, snbFUntial Hardware and "Tikware, Men's Dress ft y and Heavy Shoes, Feed, and the Staffof Life, al my store. All niv stock, which is bi?ins; con stant ly increased, is ' bought lor cash. You get the benefit. ' , . - , Many a man's nieces begins at this store, where ho or hi wife saves good money on all sorts of purchases. ,. , . J. WEED. ': Whitney Building, Philomath, Oregon. , ruitruTruTiuxrLruxfuuvrxjTm D C A I ITI ETI II CIIKI a Lad es,' f yu desire a transpasent, clear and fresh complexion,--. - 1 Use Dr. Bourdon's French 2 Arsenic Complexion Wafers. . ' direction for which they are intended, astounding transformation in personal appearance is brought about by their steady use.- Possessing the WIZARD'S TOUCH in producing and preserving beauty of form by surely developing a transparency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of forta, brilliant eyes, soft and rruoeth skin,' where, by nature, the reverse exists.- Even the COARSFST and MOST RE PULSIVE Skiu marred-by FRECKLKS, MOTH, BLACKHEADS, PIMPLES, and VULGAR REDNKSS, YELLOW AND MUDDY skin, and other FACIAL DISFIGUREMENTS, are permanently removed and a deliciously clear and refined complexion assured, enhancing a bady's loveliness beyond her most extravagant expectations. r , Laaies, oh wan tss ueauiirm, 3 disfjgnrements laay be you can make 3 land by the use of 3 n. n..jA', c..u a Used by men the results are equally favorable. Priee small box 50 cents. Large box $i.oo er special order of six large boxes $5 00. Sent to any addrers uudei plain cover oa receipt of the above amount. Write for Circular, free.. ' THE PARISIAW DHTTO CO.. S 131 Bia Reduction - IN - Shoes. LnexT to fosromce. . . . Franklin Machine Shop and Foundry . . . AT CORVALLIS, : Manufacture and Repair all kinds of machinery. Prices, reasonable. Al. - Work Guaranteed. Bring your work now Are Coming irurmxruiJxiiJiiJxrjxfijTnjtnnj'iJTi ruxp 5. In thee their effeet is simply magical. The most S no matter wno voa are or what vonr yourself as handsome as any lady in the , r : vrr.t t v- ' Montgomery Street, San Francisco. j;..g THE CASH STORE, j Coa-val lis, Oregon, p and save delay Infer.