The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 1880-1886, May 05, 1882, Image 1

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    TOL. II.
NO. 39.
a aamty pariort with numerous easy-
i i .
tshairs a glowing fire in the nickel
tri ruined neater a pretty little Woman
listening for ihe footsteps of the lord and
master. Tbis charming picture of do
mestic bliss John Ackerman fully appre
ciated as he stepped in to the room a few
minutes later.
" Well, Mollie what's the news ?"
"Oh, nothing, only supper has been
waiting half an horn. Come, let us hur
ry and cat; I want to talk with von
"I thought there was something on
your mind; didn't know but I was going
o get a lecture for being late. .
"You deserve one, for this is the last
evening I shall spend with you for two
whole weeks; shows how highly you ap
preciate your wife's society."
Mrs. John Ackerman tried to frown,
but failed completelv.
In another half hour they were back in
the cherry parlor, and Mollie began
"I think Tom is a splendid fellow, and
there were never two brothers more alike
than you and he."
"Thank you, my dear; I houoryour
"And, John, I have the most brilliant
plan concerning him !
"Do tell ! John said, witn a move
ment toward his coat pocket, where the
evening paper lav in uncut solitude
Mollie observed the motion' and
promptly informed him that Tie should
not read a word until she was
- talking.
"I am going away to-morrow, and
then you may read the' paper from the
tim yon enter the house until midnight,
with no one to bother you," she said, as
John showed signs of insubordination.
Somehow, the vision of the little parlor
without Mollie's lively chatter did not
seem to strike him very favorably"; per
haps this was why he tossed the paper to
the other side of the room and obediently
promised to listen. Mollie perched her
self on one arm of. his chair and com
"lou know mv sister Amy is coming
home with me for a long visit and dDn't
you think it would be splendid if she
and Tom would fall in love with each
other ? They could get married and set
np house-keeping in the cottage like this
one across the street and oh, John, it
would make me perfectly happy !"
.John Ackerman laughed long and
"Match-making, by Jove !" he said at
last. . "Miserable yourself, and want
everybody else to be; is that it, Molrie ?"
"Don t laugh, Jonn, for i m in earn
est. I know they will like each other,
and I have set my heart on the match;
just think how nice it would be to have
Amy here always, and Tom is such a
darling ! Amy should furnish her par
lor just like ours, only where this is blue,
hers should be cardinal , for she is dark,
you know." r
John was laughing again by this time,
and it took considerable management to
rednce him to order. This once accom
plished, he fell in with the plan readily
enough. j-
"I tell you what it Mollie; you
don't want to say a word 6Tfhis to Tom
or Amy, or they will take a dislike to
each other immediately."
"I know it," wisely rejoined Mollie.
"When I told Tom I was going to visit
Aunt Hetty I did not mention Amy's
name and I don't think he knows of her
existence; as for Amy, I have been with
her so little since I was married that I
am sure I never spoke to her of Tom."
"Well,jsee that you don't do so now;
you couldn't mention his name without
praising ' him to the skies, and then
she would see through your plans ni!J
once." ' ;
Mollie departed the next morning,
leaving directions to distract a man if he
tried to remember half of them. John
did riot try; he only had a confused rec
ollection of something to be done with
plants, silver spoons, canary birds, etc.
Jenny, the servant,wonld know all about
it, he reflected.
"Don't have Tom at the house when
we return," was Mollie's last injunction.
"Amy will bctired with the journey.and
I want her to have a chance to beautify a
little before she meets him." fl
When they reached the depot Mollie's
courage began to fail.
"I'm almst sorry to go, John," she
said. Suppose something would happen
to you while I am awaj?"
'Nonsense, darling! Go and have a
good time; and be sure to come back
in two weeks and brihg Amy with you."
Mollie's heart was so thoroughly in
her pet plan that ehe found it very hard
to refrain from all mention of her ador
able brother-in-law during the two weeks
that followed; once she did refer to the
crazy party of four which they would
make, and then was obliged to turn it off
on Jenny, the little maid-of-all-work, as
making the fourth.
The day before Mollie was to return.
Aunt Hetty fell ill. A nervous attack,
she called "it, but Mollie privately pro
nounced it contrariness. Aunt Hetty
declared she must die if left alone with
the servants, and Amy felt obliged to
postpone her visit for a few days at least.
Mollie could go on as she had intended,
and she would follow as soon as Aunt
could spare her. Thus it happened that
Mollie arrived home alone.
"Amy will certainly come up next
week," she assured John, "but 1 could
Dot wait another day; it seems an age
since I went away."
It was so pleasant to be at home once
more, and mistress of all she surveyed;
a note from Amy saying she would come
on the following Saturday set her mind
completely at rest. She was really sorry
to hear John say one morning:
"I think we had better take that run
down to Camden's to-day. We must go
tome time this month, and of course you
won't want to go after your sister comes."
"John, you know we can't stay away
all night; I gave Jenny leave of absence
until Friday, and it won't do to leave the
house alone.
"I'll get Tom to come and sleep here.'
Mollie had no other responsible objec
tion to oner after this, so she prepared
to go.
"There are 'three keys," said she, as
they left the house. MYou can give one
to Tom, and I will leave one with Mrs
Gates, next door. The house might get
on fire, and then it would be better to
have a key handy, so that they could get
into the house and bring out tho
things." . ;
John ,.arcasti cIly "or I
might hire
a squad of policemen to
watch the house day and night."
About eleven ociock that evening
Miss Arden alighted from an express
and looked about the depot as if expect
one. ;
They could not have received my sec
ond postal, she concluded, after wait
ing for nearly half an hour in the ladies
room. Well, l can very easily hud
their house."
A hack soon deposited her in front of
the pretty cottage on Lake street; all was
dark, and Amy pulled the bell several
times without hearing a sound within.
Where could Mollie and John have erone?
There was a light in th$ next house, and
Amy remembered hearing her sister
speak of her kind neighbor, Mrs. Gates,
perhaps they were spending the evening
with her, or, at auy rate, she might know
of their whereabouts. Amy ran across
the small grass spot that separated the
two cottage $ and rung the bell. Mrs.
Gates soon explained matters.
"ion do look a little like Mrs. Acker
man when you laugh," she said in con
clusion, "I suppose it's right to let you
have the key; but she wasn t looking for
you till Saturday."
"She probably did not receive my sec
ond postal, which I mailed yesterday
"Well, 1 11 give you the key, of course;
but are you not afraid to stay alone in
"Oh.I'm not all timid," laughed Amy.
"But there is a gang of burglars about
the city,,Lurgjed Mrs. Gates. "They've
been in three houses on this street, and
only last Sunday night there was a
dreadful robbery on State street, and a
woman nearly killed. You are welcome
to come in and sleep pn our parlor sofa,
if you are afraid." ,
"No, thank you, Amy said. "I will
risk it for one night, and j-ou say John
and Mollie will return to-morrow."
She let herself into the deserted house
not without some thrills of fear, it must
be confessed. How quiet everything
was. uii. li Aiome was oniy tnerei ane
took a survey of the rooms, the kitchen
last of all, when she concluded tc look
for something to eat. Hark! what was
that'? O ily the silver-toned clock strik
ing the midnight hour.
That woman s talk about burglars
has made me nervous, 6he thought.con-
tinuing her search for eatables.
Hark, again! Sorely that was a key
turning in a lock; then a door opened and
shut quietly, and there were footsteps in
the hall. Amy's small stock of courage
went down to zero. What happened
next? Instinctly she grasped the poker I
lying on the range near her. ine next
instant the door opened, and a great
broad-shouldered man with blackened
face and hands stepped into the -room.
my felt herself growing white with
fear, but she raised the poker threaten
ingly; for a moment they stared at each
other in silence, then the man spoke.
"Who the who are your
Amy tried to shriek for help, but the
soundjJied away in her throat; she was
too thoroughly frightened to speak or
Presently the man came toward her.
"Will you please lower the poker, or
else move sway from tho sink? I would
I1K6 to come mere anu wasu my nanus,
he said, lookiDg very much inclined to
Was ever such enrontery known be
fore? Still speechless, Amy moved
around toward what looked to be an out
side door.
"Don't glance at me in that frightful
way, ho went on, witn a giance into ner
terror-stricken eyes. 'I will look niore
presentable when I get my face washed."
Then came a hearty laugh which re
assured Amy a very little. Certainly
this was a most extraoidinary bnrglar,or
else there was some ridiculous mistake.
She would flee to Mrs. Gates's protection
at all events, she thought, dropping her
weapon and tugging away at ihe huge
bolt -with trembling lingers.
By this time the young man had fin
ished his ablutions, and presented quite
a different appearance. ;
"1 am Mr. Ackerman s brother, he
said politely; "he asked me to to remain
in his house to-night, as a means of pro
tection in his absence. I
"Mr. Ackerman has no brother," con
tradicted Amy, stoutly, i
"Are you sure of that?
"Certainly I am. Mrs. Ackermau has
just made me a visit,! and she would
have mentioned him it
such, a person
Hetty?" !
"Aunt Hetty indeed."
Amy was finding courage and voice
fast enough now. ... J
"I beg your pardon, said Tom; "but
Mollie told me she was going to visit her
Aunt Hetty, and you said she had been
visiting you, hence the mistake.
"I am Mrs. Ackerman s sister.
"Strange I never heard her speak of
you! However, I am sorry that I
frightened you, Miss juiss Amen, and
If you will allow me I will explain mat
ters. I am bookkeeper at Bolton's hard
ware establishment "
"Yon looked more like a bootblack,"
interrupted Amy, ready to cry with vex
ation and nerv ousness.
"Or a burglar." added Tom. "Well,
as I was saying, I am a bookkeeper, but
there was a press of work at the foundry
to-night and as they happened to be
short of hands I offered to stay and as
sist; this accounts for my late arrival,
also for my blackened face and hands.
Have you examined the photograph
album?" he asked suddenly. "If you
kindly do so I think you will find a very
good representation of me there, which
will convince you that I am on terms of
intimacy here at least."
He looked very much like indulging
in another hearty laugh. ntretrained
himself at the sight of "Aniy's, white, dis
tressed face.
"I am afraid I was rude," she said:
"but it was quite a shock to me; I am
very tired and "
Tom sprang to her side, or she would
hove fallen from sheer exhaustion. He
helped her into the parlor, brought wine
and refreshments from Mollie's gener
ous store-room, and they were soon
talking matters over quite calmly. It
was after two o'clock when Tom pro
posed to tzo and ask Mrs. Gates to come
over for the rest of the night; but Amy
protested against this, saying that she
was not afraid if he would remain in the
Mollie was almost beside herself when
she came home and found how affairs
had gone in her absence; crying one
minute over Amy's fright, laughing
the next over Tom's graphic description
of the same, it was some time before
they settled down into auything like
As the days and weeks went by, Mol
lie could not determine whether certain
plans of hers were to prosper or not.
Tom spent all his evenings with them,
but he and Amy were always on the
contrary sides of every question, and
they tantalized eaeh other so unmerci
fully that poor i Mollie sometimes de
spaired of their being friends, not to
mention a nearer relation. Of one
thing she was i certain; she hd never
tormented her John in this ridiculous
They were all together as usual, one
evening, and Tom lor the hundretn time
was describing Amy's appearance on"
hat memorable evening when she so
nearly brained him for a burglar.
"And little did I suspect then, he
went on soberly, "that she would ever
have the privilege - of brandishing the
poker over me for life.
"What do you mean?" cried 'Mollie,
staring first at Tom's solemn visage and
then at Amy's Hushed cheeks.
"Just what I said. Amv and I are
going to set up housekeeping in the op
posite cottage, where I suppose she will
continue to flourish all sorts of murder
ous weapons at me "
"John, darling, it's coming about ex
actly as we planned," shouted Mollie
springing up m excitement.
I spare the reader the congratulatory
scene that followed. Tom declares that
it was worse than being taken for a
Well, it did come about just as Mollie
desired. Mrs. Amy even made cardi
nal the predominating color in her par
lor and it harmonizes charmingly with
the dark beauty of the mistress.
The s'sters are inseparable, and as
happy as two mortals can ever expect to
be. Tom is something more than book
keeper in the Bolton hardware business
now, and he and John are talking of
buying two handsome properties in the
suburbs of the city. Mrs. Mollie de
clares she would rather remain in the
little home on Lake street, but what
woman was ever proof against a nice
establishment in an aristocratic neigh
borhood? Not our ambitious little Mol
lie I am sure.
Proflts of Railroad Bui'tllii.
The stockholders of the Texas West
ern Narrow Gauge Kail road have re
solved to bond the road at 12,000 per
mile from Houston - to Presidio del
Norte, a distance of 600 miles, the bonds
to bear 5 per cent, interest to be issued
on the completion of every ten miles.
This road will run over a comparatively
level and open country, and fully com
pleted and equipped ought not to cost
to exceed $8000 per mile. If the bonds
can be sold at par, the owners will not
only own the road when
completed, but
have some 2,000,000 or more for i their
reward in supnntending the building.
8nprintending the building
More than that, after the first 200 miles
of the road are completed, the traffic
will pay for the construction of the rest
as fast as it can be carried on. The
iron for rails costs 83G per ton, fish plates
spikes, etc., from, $00 to & 100 per ton, so
that the whole expense for roadb d.rails,
ties,etc.,will not cost to exceed $3500 per
mile. Tho rolling stock wll cost per
haps $2000 per mile. There is no other
expense except for grading, bridges, de
pots and riglit of way, which through
Texas will not amount to more than
$2500 per mile. The road will run
through a great agricultural country for
miles. When we think of what the
U. P. and C. P. roads are drawing from
the people for their local trade
alone we can form an idea of what this
little road ought to do. With the road
fully completed it will have to pay net
only about $72,000 per annum to meet
its interest account, or about one-twel th
the amount per mile which these big
bruisers that run through the desert are
able to lay up. Building and operating
railroads is a cheerful business. Salt
Lake Tribune. -.. ,
English doctors say that plants in
sleeping rooms are unhealthy. French
doctors say they produce sweet slum
bers. American doctors don't say auy
thing about it, but charge it in the bill,
f Free Press.
We stood, one night, on Beacon street,
Before her family mansion,
While in my heart the throbs of love
Were struggling for expansion ;
Wo just had left the theater,
Had heard "II Trovatore,"
And, on the doorstep, talked about
The music and the story.
She raved about the wondrous voice
Of Sigur Canipanini,
She praised his acting and his faee,
While I stood like a ninny
I wanted to but why explain
v (i-half suspect she knew it,)
I hemmed and twisted like a fool,
And hadu't pluck to dQ it.
t waited lon, for some excuse
'" My Atupid -brain perplexing ?
And then at length a silence fell, ,
So awkward and so vexing ;
But suddenly she brightened u'
This loveliest of misses
"Oh, by the way, did you observe
How gracefully he kisses."
Boston Advertiser.
A Crushed E thete.
A few months ago, says the Lockport
Union, the daughter of an East Lockport
man who had grown comfortably well off
in the small grocery line, was sent away
to a "female college," and recently she
arrived home for the holiday vacation.
The old man was in attendance at the
depot when the train arrived, with the
old horse and the delivery wagon to con
vey his daughter and her trunkto the
house. When the train stopped, a be
witching array of dry goods and a wide
brimmed hat dashed from the car and
flung itself into the elderly-party's arms.
JVhy, you superlative pai she ex
claimed. "I'm so utterly glad to see
The old man was somewhat unnerved
by the greetiLg, but he recognized the
seal skin cloak in his grip as the iden
tical piece of property he had paid for
with the bay mare, and he sort of squat
it up in his arms and planted a kiss
where it would do the most good with
a report that sounded above the noise
of the depot. In a brief space of time
the trunk and tho attendant baggage
were loaded into the wagon, which was
soon bumping over the hubbies home.
"Pa: dear." said the young miss, sur-
icj iii tuo iuaux nitu u VfftA.t.&v vj u?
you consider this quite excessively
"Hey?" returned the old. mah, with
a puzzled air; "quite excessive beyond
"Oh, no, pa; you don't understand
me," the daughter explained. "I mean
this wagon and horse. .Do you not
think they are soulful? Do you think
they could be studied apart in the light
of a symphony, or even a simple poem
and appear as intensely utter to one on
returning home as one could express?"
The old man twisted uneasily in his
seat and muttered something about he
believed it used to be used for an 'express
before he bought it to deliver pork in,
but the conversation appeared to be
traveling in such a lonesome direction
that he pitched the horse a resounding
crack on the rotunda, and the severe
jolting over the frozen ground prevented
further remarks.
"Oh, there is that . lovely and con
summate ma!" screamed the
they drew us at the door, and presently
she was lost in the embrace of a motherly
woman in spectacles.
"Well, Maria, aaid tho old man at the
supper table, as he nipped a piece of
butter off the lump with his own knife,
"an' how'd you like your school?''
"Well.there, pa, you're shou I mean,
I consider it.too far beyond." replied the
able. The
T4- . ci iinniiai.ithahla inoff.
girls are so sumptuously
tunning: I mean errand so intense.
And then the parties, the balls, the rides
oh, tho past weeks have been one sub
lime harmony."
"I 'spose so," nervously assented the
old man, as he reached for his third cup
"half full" but how about "your
books readin', nrritin', grammar, rule
o' three how about them ?"
"Pa, don't !" exclaimed the daughter,
reproachfully; "the rule of three .'gram
mar ! It is French, and niusia, and
painting, and the divine in art that have
made my school life the boss I mean,
that have rendered my school life one
unbroken flow of rythmic bliss incom
parably and exquisitely all but."
The errocerv man anil his wife looted
belple8l y at each other across the table,
r' uQ OQi,l.
"How do vou like the biscuit, Maria ?
"They are too utter for anything,"
gushed the accomplished young lady,
"and this plum preserves is simply a
poem in itself."
The old man rose abruptly from the
table and wont but of the room, rubbing
his head in a dazed and benumbed man
ner, and the mass convention was dis
solved. That night he and his wife sat
alone by the stove until a late hour, and
at the breakfast table the next morning
he rapped smartly on the plate with the
handle of his knife, and remarked:
"Maria, me an' your mother have been
talkin' the thing over, and we've come to
the conclusion that this boardin' school
business is too utterly all but too much
nonsense. Mo and her consider that we
haven't lived sixty odd consummate years
for the purpose of. raisin a curiosity, an
there's going to be a stop put to this un
quenchable foolishness. Now, after
you've finished eatin that poem of fried
sausage an that symphony of twisted
doughnut, you take an' dust upstairs in
less w'an two seconds an peel off that
fancy gown an put on a kaliker, an' then
come down here an' help your mother
wash dishes. I want it distinctly under
stood that there ain't goin' to be no more
rythmic foolishness in this house, so
long's your superlative pa an' your
lovely and consummate ma's runnin' the
ranch. You hear me, Maria?"
V (Jueer, Game.
Draw poksr is a most fascinating yet
deceiving game. One of the peculiari
ties of the game is that the new begin
ner. as soon as he finds that one kind of
a hand beats another, and that a bluff, if
successful, beats any hand, thinks he
can play poker I better than any man. If
he holds a big hand once and bets big on
it,and scares out an old veteran, when he
rakes in the money he cocks his hat on
one side and 'thinks how rich he might
have been if he had only learned to play
poker before. ! -He wonders why every
body does not ; give up business
and play poker and get rich. As he
counts over' the chips he 1ms won so eaai
ly oy a simple display oi nerve, he says
to himself, "This game is good enough
for yours truly. Henceforth hard work
and me will dissolve partnership." He
keeps on playing. When he wins his
hat is cocked on one side, and when he
loses he wears it straight. At first it is
on one side most of the time, then he
gets to wearing it straight pretty fre
quently; until he finally loses every dol
lar he has got and goes out and clubs
himself. Men who think they can play
a pretty good game of poker find them
selves in large cities, and they are not
contented till they get into a game, and
nine times out or ten they get so ever
lastingly scooped that ther can't tell
their own names until they look at them
pasted on the inside of their hats. How
eVer good a man plays there is - always
somebody that plays better, and they are
always laying for the fellow that can t
play as well as they can, while the coun
tryman is always laying for some one
that can play better. There is no game
better calculated to take the conceit out
of a man than poker. We have had it
taken out of us 875 worth by a coot that
didn't seem to know half as much as we
did. ' i
' A man has to have the conceit taken
out of him about eleven times before it
will stay out, but once after he has got it
eradicated from his system he never
again catches it. He can live then right
amongst it, where all are down with it,
and he will not take it, not if he knows
himself. It is as if he had been vaccin
ated. And very likely he has. If you
have an idea you are a good poker player
there is no hope for you till you get the
conceit out of you, but the sooner you
get it out the better. Some can get out by
losing a $100, others have to lose a farm
or a house and lot. In some cases it
tikes years to get it out and in other
cases it can be i got out in one evening,
Do not delay having it taken out as long
. : in: i
as your system is in condition to retain
the seeds of the disease, but hunt for
games that you can get into till you lose
enough, then call yourself a monumen
tal, collossal, diabolical, enigmitacal ass,
and jump the game. You will never
think as I1 much of yourself as you did,
but you will be worth more to society.
Romance of Trospectln;
Prospecting and mining have their
wildest, wierdest charms, and at the
same time commingled melancholy and
brilliant results. To-day the weary
prospectors, with pick and hammer,
tramps and toils in the mountains with
no success following his labors, and lays
down to rest by his camp-fire to dream of
a golden future. To-morrow his trail is
followed by another of his occupation,
whose eye catches, near the camp-fire of
the former, the croppings of a mineral-
bearing vein, ; He stakes it, and the re
sult is the Ocean Wave, one of the rich
est mines in Hinsdale.
Prospectors tramped over one of the
largest and best defined galena lodes on
Henson creek month after month, but it
was left to Captain J. K. Mullin to plant
a stake and create the famous Ulay.
The Slumgullion section was pros
pected dav , after day, for weeks,
months and i years with varving re
sults. . One day a prospector in search
of food shot! a mountain sheep, which,
tumbling down the mountain side,
struck its horn against a slightly pro
jecting ledge of quartz, revealing a large
streak of glittering ore. He staked it,
and that was the birthday of tho Belle
of the West, the millionaire queen
of Hillsdale. And thus we might
write romantic facts like these to fill
columns. Fortunes are now trampled
under foot daily, now and then being
brought to light by some fortunate pros
pector. The prospector, as a miner, I finds
thrilling pleasure in the development of
his prospect.! From the honeycombed
qnartz on the surface to the concentrated
mineral vein, whether the distance; to
this point be ten or a hundred feet, his
labor is one of intense interest and ex
citement. Following every blast that is
made comes a critical examination with
sledge and hammer of the rock blown
out, for improvement in the vein. The
slightest changes in mineral and quarts
are noticed and discussed. For days
and weeks he drives his drill, often
single-handed, until he finally "strikes
it rich" or abandons his claim, and with
silent disappointment, and full of am
bition starts out anew. Lake City Min
ing Register.
An unusually brilliant specimen of
"red snow" was recently presented at
the meeting of the San, Francisco JMicro
scopical Society. It was gathered on the
Wasatch mountain at an altitude of
about 10,000 feet above cea level. It is
now very well understood that the color
of such snow is produced by a minute
cellular plant which reproduces itself by
rapid subdivision.
That Connecticut woman who was par
agraphed as havincr carried a piece of
glass in her foot for , 48 years, arises to
explain that it was only half a light of
14x23. She doesn't want the matter ex
agger ated. jFree Press.
Lengthwise plaits are stitched like
tucks. . : j. w "?
Pride that dines, on vanity sups on con
tempt. " '
He who tells his wife news i but newly
married. ;i. . . . ' V -'
The scepter of Charlemange was seven
feet long. ' -...... t
A man is like a fog when he is "an ex
treme mist.' ;?.'. -. '- -
Belongs to the, floating, population
Paul Boynton. t ,
There 'are 1000 Indians iq the ever
glades 6f Florida. - - ' ' " ;
Trained nurse's readily' get fronffc 13 to
$20 in New York. , . , . -
Over 2500 vmen .iu Utah have- more
than one wife apiece. " t
A child with two heads was recently
born near Gadsden, Alabama; -. ' I
A mind too vigorous and active serves
only to consume the body. , . t , -
Justice consists in doing no injury to
any one; decency m giving no offense.
He who has filled the measure of Lis
days has only learned, how to begin to
Great things are not accomplished by
idle dreams, but by. years of patient
study. i
It is said that hysterical persons have
a marked taste for vinegar and green
fruit. - 3
About four thousand, roses are -re
quired to make one pound of ottar j(
roses. " ' '
They who presume most in prosperity
are soonest subject to despair . in ad-
Remedies are said to be known for
the poison of all snakes, except that of
the cobra. . , . . :
A herring yields over 30.000. eggs,
myriads of which are devoured by vari
ous enemies.
The dressy morning robe or tea gown
grows in favor as an "at home recep
tion toilet, i
Great deeds need to be tested by their
spirit. There can be no saintliness with
out humility. .
Chicago has the largest Hebrew popu
lation of any other city of equal num
bers in the world. ' -.' " '
The good that men do may be interred
with their bones, but the coffins of some
men are not crowded.
The law can never make a man honest
it can only make him very unoomforta
I 1 i i -i .
ble when he is dishonest.
In Africa, vegetable butter is made
from the fruit of the shea tree, and is
of a richer taste than any made of
cow's milk.
Mice harm the cheese, the girls
charm the he's. The same is true of their
respective eating of cheese and cheating
of he's. ;
There is nothing so easy as to be wise
for others; a species of prodigality, by
the way for such wisdom is wholly
Oftener ask than
decide questions'.
This is the way to
better your knowl
edge. Your ears teach you, not your
The best , victories are those that are
least bloody -those . that, though
achieved by the hand, are managed by
the head.
The city, of Boston contains 41.926
dwelling houses, valued at $4,013,000.
There are. besides, 73 hotels and 147
family hotels in the city.
Among the largest of Australian'
snakes is the boa, which sometimes.
6rowj lo eigiueen iee long, is imcs
"a , DiUKB,3U "j "
harmless bite.
The coffee plant has the general ap-.
pearance. of a cherry tree. It grows to
the height of twenty or thirty feet, but '
in the course of culture is kept cut'
down to five or;six feet. '
The number of bones in man, we are
told, is 210. Jnst after partaking of a
shad breakfast the number may be in
creased to 250 if the man doesn't choke
to death on the fourth bone. -fNorris-town
Herald. .
The total number of blast furnace and
rolling mill establishments and steel'
works in the United Stales was 808 in -1870,
d005 in 1880. The value of mate
rials used was $13C,525,132 in 1870 and
$191,271,150 in 1880.
At a crowded French country theater
a woman fell from the gallery to the pit,
and was picked up by one of the specta
tors, who, hearing her groaaing, asked
her if she was, much injured. "Much
injured!" exclaimed the woman, "I
should think I am. I have lost the be it
seat in the very middle of the front .
Son or Texa?. i
"How is your son coming on?"
"Oh, I am having a power of trouble
with him."
"What's the matter now?"
"Well, you know. I couldn't send him
to school, thanks to Governor Boberts,
there are no free schools, and I could not
afford to send him to a private school."
"Yes, I know that is so."
"Well, I sent him away from Galves-.
ton, out on the frontier, and as luck
would have it, he was convicted of horse
stealing, and got five yearsjn the peni
tentiary." "That was bad." -
"No, it wasn't; for you see at the pen
itentiary he could learn a trade and .be
come a useful citizen."
"Well, that's good."
"No, it I isn't; for Oovernor Rob
erts has pardoned him out on account of
I his youth and ignorance." Galveston
I News.