Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1888)
THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY JUNE 21, 1388 In keen sympathy with the pro gressire towns and counties of the state and her own outlying districts, Hillsboro has decided to keep step in the line of internal improve ments. At the school meeting held in this place last Saturday for the purpose of considering the question of purchase of suitable grounds on which to erect an ejegant school ouilding in the near future, our tax payers decided by a Tote of 28 to 2 that a whole block was needed for the purpose, and after considering a number of bids for furnishing suit able grounds, Mr. Henry AVehr ung's block, west of Adams' brick yard, was selected and the directors were instructed to cause a formal transfer to be made to tfie district. Mr. Wehrung offered the block for SHOO, which is considered a verj" low figure for this desirable prop erty. The magnitude of these grounds cannot be appreciated until it is known that a Hillsboro block contains four acres. The block pur chased slopes gently to the south, and commands a fine view of the firora ana wa iag"Et7Wn n cauir try lying to the west, east and south. The view northward is obstructed by the most densely populated portion of Hillsboro proper. As tbis de scription suggests, the block select ed by the meeting occupies a com manding position, is drained by na ture and will always be pointed to with pride by admirers of beautiful public grounds. Now that we pos sess the grounds, steps should be speedily taken looking to the early erection of a splendid school build ing, one that would reflect credit upon our town and the county. (JEHMASrS NEW UVLElt. Not since the first Napoleon has a young man wielded such tremendous power as will fall to the lot of tbis headstrong, violent and revengeful prince. He will have 2,000,000 men and 2,000,000 muskets at his back. He hates the English and he hates the Jews. So do the (Jcriuan people. They adore the very name of the coming ruler, who has all their prejudices intensified a thous andfold. His aversion to the English ex tends to his own mother. When he was ordered to San liemo by the late emperor to visit his invalid father, the royal party started to walk to church, and Prince "William's English mother, the present empress, attempted to take his arm. lie shook her off roughly in the presence of tho crowd. "I represent the "TJCTSolTftlnr emperor ' lie saiil haughtily, "I walk alone." His mother was obliged to follow in his footsteps. Ilia first English gov erness, Miss Shipps, who had charge of him as a boy, when asked recently what sort of a man ho was, said: He is a man nothing can ever stay, once his anger is aroused. Von Moltke, the 8f year-old lield marshal, has a shrewd, brilliant and ambitious assistant, Count Walder see, a hater of the English, who is only 40, rears old, but tactician, strategist, and general, in whom the great German army places absolute confidence. Tho count and prince are warm friends. Kr. JOHN HULL PLEASE) The leading journals of London, in referring to President Cleveland's renomination, say that it is all in the direction of free trade, and the comments are consequently con gratulatory in tone. The St. James Gazette nays the democrats are extremely likely to have things their own way at the next election. The republicans have neither a man nor a cause. The Pall Mall Gazette speaks eveu of a third term as a matter of course and says: "The point of the contest about which we feel the most in terest in this country is the tariff question." The Star says of the proceedings .at St. Louis: "We may well re-echo that enthusiasm on tbis side of the water, for the re-election of Presi dent Cleveland means the adoption of his programme of tariff revision, and his ideas on that subject &o n long way towards free trade." According to tho London Tint', railways are being made by th Chinese in Formosa. The line from the Kaiping collieries via Taku to Tientsin, is rapidly approaching completion; and the Marquis Tseng has recently proposed the construc tion of a line around the artificial late in Pekin itself. It is proposed to connect southwest China with Moulmain, Burn) ah, and thence ex tend the line to connect with tho railroad system of the Indian penin sula. A French line to Yunnan Fti in southwestern China is also pro jected. But though this line is 100 miles shorter than that to Moulmain, Moulmain is nearer Europe by 2100 miles and nearer to India by 2800 miles; the Moulmain route also avoids the necestity of the danger ous navigation of the China seas, and passes generally through richer, more peaceable and better popu lated country. ' No nomination for presidential candidates has yet been reached by the Chicago convention. Alger or Gresham may grace the head of the ticket. Judge Thurman's son sensibly says: "It is foolish to urge that father can carry Ohio. There is no democrat living who can carry Ohio in a presidential year." Blessings rarely come singly. On the heels of one of the most glorious victories ever won by the republicans in this state, Eastern Oregon has been visited by very copious showers of rain. Time-3Iountatneer. The statement was made in the English house of commons a few days ngo that the farmers of England are losing about $250,000,000 a year. England has free trade, and her farm values have decreased 40 per cent, since it was adopted. Farm values in the unuea Mates nave in creased 33: per cent, since the present protective system was put in operation. The American farmers should meditate upon the above facts. They tell the truth as to the effects of free trade and protection upon the agricultural community. : General on Moltke, in an inter view with a New York Herald corre spondent, said: "I- have always regarded Generals Grant, Sherman and Leo as the representative types of modern strategists, but General Sheridan struck me as the type of a thoroughly American general, with all the won lerful energy and fertility of resources that characterize the nation, and probably no better cavalry commander has ever taken the field. lit' was a pastmaster in using horses for all they were worth, and all tho armies of Europe have adopted ninny of the lessons taught by him in tactical use of cavalry." The Massachusetts legislature, at its recent session, passed n bill compelling all couples contemplat ing matrimony in that state to pub lish their intentions in the news papers,, at least seven days before the marriage can be permitted to take place. Hitherto this publica tion has not been compulsory, but this bill make? it so, with a view of preventing irregular marriages. A law regulating marriages was passed in Pennsylvania some time ago, and the result was that the marriage fees of Philadelphia clergymen were very materially reduced. Investiga tion revealed the fact that in pro portion ns the number of marriages in Philadelphia decreased, the num ber celebrated over the river in Camden, X. J., increased, thus showing that the operations of the ('restrictive' faw" IiatT been " largely couples going out of the evaded state. bv lUAHIIIKD. Mll.LAK-UOHINSON. At the residence of the hride'a mother, near Farm inn ton. Washington county, Oregon, June 16. 18, Mr. J. Millar t Mixa Klla Kol.inson, licv. J. A. Campls-ll officiating. COX-.TOIINNOX. At the residence of the; bride's father. Mr (i E. Johnson. Snn- ! day, Juno 17, 1NS, Mr. Arthur Cox t Mia Kupheuiia Johnson, Iiev. Wnddell orh- ! fiatiii. i:i:i. WIT.Ij 111 . In Hillsboro, Sunday morn iti;r. if lino 1", 1XH, of croup and fever, infant daughter of J. D. Willard. PKNNETT. At Canby, in Clackamas county, J. K. fiennett, a;ed atont fiO yearn. The deceased wan well known in thin county from a long residence here, and was buried Tuesday afternoon at the Kice cemetery, near FarmiuRton, under the ana pieea of tho I. O. O. F. Burial services were conducted by Montezuma lodge, I. O. O. F., of Hillsboro. f ourth of .Inly Celebration. The Hillsboro flrange will celebrate the national holiday in a fitting manner, with a pit-iiic dinner, sketches ami other excrcics, i.t the ground south of the railroad depot, recently purchased by W. E. Thorn from "Pud" Simmons. A force of men will be employed next week clearing the grounds, arranging seats and erecting a C'iccronic rostrum. On that day the brick Orange hall will be dedi cated, and it h expected a huge number of people will be present from all part of the state. Everybody is invited to come and help celebrate. Next week we ah all publish a programme of exercises. A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns hard, until oil is applied, after which it moves easily. When the joints, or hinges, of the body axe stiffened and inflamed by Rheumatism, they can not be moved without causing the most excruciating pains. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, by its action on the blood, relieves this condition, and restores the joints to good working order. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has effected, in our city, many most remarkable cures, in canes which baffled the efforts of the most experienced physicians. Were It necessary, I could give the names of many individuals who have been cared by taking this medicine. In my case it has worked wonders, relieving me of Rheumatism, after being troubled with it for years. In this, and all other diseases arising from impure blood, there is no remedy with which I am acquainted, that afford ich relict as Ayer's Jawrence, M. D., Sarsanarilla. R. II. Baltimore, mo. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me of Gout and Rheumatism, when nothing else would. It has eradicated every trace of disease from my system. R. H. Short, Manager Hotel Belmont, Lowell, Mass. I was, during many months, a sufferer from chronic Rheumatism. The diaeaae afflicted me grievously, in spite of ail the remedies I could find, until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took sev eral bottles of this preparation, and was speedily restored to health. J. Fream, Independence, Va. ft Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C Aver ft Co Lswall, 111 Bold by all bracctau. Prie ! ; mix bottle. &. J. W. SUITE. President. JAM. H. SEWELL, Secretary. Co-Operative Co -Importers ot Farm Machinery, Implements, "Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Etc. GENERAL LINE OP HARDWARE Kept Constantly on Haiiu. A A LAftGfc BINDING TWINE, " : GRAIN DRILLS, And everytbintr In the war of Implements needed on the Farm. CALL AND G T PRICES, AND SAVE This Company Farmers, and is efforts to throw off the - w from the necks of Agriculturists. REMEMBER TO SECL'l:E i ; Wagons. Carts, Binders. Mowers. Hay Rakes. Buggies. Carts, Binding Twine. Drills and Hardware. -IS -GRANGE BRICK BLOCK,- On Hillaboro, Oregon. Jane 'JO, 1 Military Ball -HY Co. B. Vs 0. N. G. AT TUK Opera HonKC. llillloro. n the n:;ht of I July Fourth ! Music Committee : Quartermaster F. J. Jtailey, Her. K. J. Lvis, Corp. E. lu McKldowm-y. Itereption Committee: Capt. A. M. Collin. Incut. 1. M. Dfiinis. Nerg. S. T. Linklater, Sere. W. Ia. Weatherred, Serg. J. C. JiJimkin, Clerk J. V. Morgan, W. H. Wehrung, C. W. Kansoiu. Floor Committee t Lieut. M. Collins. Herg. W. L. Weatherred, Serg. K. J. Jjvons, Corp. K. Ij. McKldowney. Corp C. W. Hotter, Quartermaster V. J. Hniley. Kverybody i cordially invited. Fmt-claHS Muaic wilt be furuinh-d. Ball Tickets, - - $1.00 Kupier, Etrn IOMt, Strnj el or Stolen. A YEARLING FILLY, JJAY COXAHU hind feet mostly white: white murk in forehead in tdiawe of letter "S;" filly in above average aiza for her age. Waa mixMed from the farm of the uiidcraigned, near Cedar Mill, thi county, alaout Mny IKtb. A suitable reward will be paid for the animal's return to me. W. N. SMITH. Cedar Mill, June 21. 1HS. j-.'l-ftt. RESTAURANT, At Old Stand, -oil Second Street. Itoard and Ijoclrin2r Excellent Accommodations H. B. McMURREN, Prop. Cards, Circulars, Envelopes, AT THE IXDKPKXDKXT Ol'Fli'K BOBT. MBBIE, Vice-President. and lealen In- VT33D ! INVOICK OF MAKE YOUR PURCHASES MONEY ! was organized in the interest f an outgrowth of the Cranio in its yoke of organized mononol PLACE, AT. THE Main Street. Jas. H. Sewel Manufacturer Dtiliti TILE F A.CTORT, Throo Milos Northeast of; Hillsboro, Oregon. October 4, 17 oC-ly of . ' M.. 1. '"'I ,i ; ilU ' .'Ll. , , i. 'I. Me W ' ti Yk: '1: JlttlL 'till i.l.T'l I i H I'll t$ Porter's Inner;. 1CFFFK TO MY PATKON8 AND nil others desiron of iMirchaaing Fruit Trees, and ORNAMENTAL TREES ! A Large List, on lilxrnl terms, of Rplendid atock and growth. Will be ready for de livery in the Fall and Hpriiig. Call and examine my Stock befora purchasing else where. . Snrserjr, Two and a half miles Jiortli. west of Cornelias Oregon. Address. : WILLIAM, CoKNELIUH, ObF.UON. June 12, 188. jH-tf FOR SALE! T. W. FITTFAOF.K'8 DF.SIUAPL.K HOUSE AND LOT, In Hillsl-oio Address, term denned, to T. W. atating offer and PITTENOKH, Aibina, Oregon. I5..X 114. jlM-tf R. SANDFORD. PHYSICIAN sii:u:o, . AND Aworciii'i :r, GLKNCOt!, OREGON. Offloo ett IDrvig Stot". Dealer in llru;n, Mediciiien, l'uiuts, Oil-i, Etc. Si liool Hookt ke coii Htnntly in Stock. '-'l tf - Xoir l'r lullirat ion. Alnv lMh, Ihsm. -vMrnri: is iikkkkv givkn thai 1 tlin f4HowillA n.inied HettU-r ha tiled notice of his intention to lunke final roof i:i RUiHrt of lin claim, aivt that n;tid oroof will le ni idn trt-fore the County Clerk of Washington 'ouiitv. Oregon, at HillnlMiro, Oregon, on TUCKSDAY, July IJ I, viz : Jolin IIoiiiNtad Kutry No. :;, for the N. W. of Sec. ft, T. I N.II.4W He n.'iinet the following witneioieit to prove Iih continuous resilience iimhi, and cultivation of, Haid hunl, viz: S. W. lirr, John Viloii. John llcisler and J. F. Ialf erty, all of (ialfn Creek i. ., WaHhinton Count v, Oregon. iul7 ii W. T. Hl'KNKV, IU-giKter. N O'I'ICK ii hereby given thnt I have lieen aniHiinted Kn-cutor of the ltti(te of Solomon ICicliartlHoii, decennetl, by the County Court of Wushinton County, Ore gon. Alt persona saving chtinm uuamst wild ef tat-o are required to itrexeitt tliem to ne, with the roi-r iriMtfi, at the nt ore of Chan, 'l izard, at 'J'iinrdville, in WaNhington Cunly aforeiviitl, within six iiiouthn. ltcd Ma v. M-W. MILTON KiriIAItlSO, Executor of tlie Will mii1 Testament f Solomon Kiotiardrton ml .rt Su initio iih. In tih r'tta.rtT Cuht nm lat SriTi of I IIKKiMrt roil W4HMIMOTON Col'STy. ) Frederika 15. 4udy, l'lalntifT, ) vti. I i Patrick Fowler. JHiuea Af,new Mt-lyina E. l j lolr, I'.O. l.le. Silim V. llolc, T. K. j I Cornelius, and George llexn, lefciid- j ! miK J I'O I t rick Fowler. Jamea Atnew. M.l- . 1 vina K. !le. F. O Dole and SUmh w. l.ile, I he alove-nained JefeiilniitH: In the name of the State of Oregon You. nml each of you. ur hereby required to i:iiK-iir in t lie nmiitl tiouit. and an- Mwer the coni. Inint of tiie 1'laintilT, tiltil in the hImvc entitled Hint, ty Monday, the lt'.tli I day of July. ISSS, which U the lirst day of . the next regular term of Maid Court. And if von fait xo to do. for want thereof. the I 'la i nt i If iilHve-iiNined will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded, to wit: For judgment against Patrick Fowler for the mini of $.ii)0, in U. 8. coin, with in terest thereon since January 'Jl, 1HH7, nt the rate of IO percent. ier aruitim. mid the ruiu of $ti.t, nttoniey'a fees, mid the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree ordering and directing the foreclosure of a mortgage, given by defendant, I'atriok Fowler, to plaintiff, dated February 1, 1W, and recorded on pae 444 of liook II, JU-cords of Mortgage for Washington C-otiutv, Oreifii, Mid the land therein dewribed, to-wit: The Iiind Claim of J. W. Ferrel. nml lieing the fractional N K qnarter of the H K tmarter of Sect aud tho north half of the Honthwest quarter of sect 4, and the iiolthweKt ipiaiter of the southenst tin irter of ect 4. T I N. K'J W. I ill NVaKlilliftoll County, Otet'on. to lie Hold to pay nai.l jnJment. ns prayed for; and that plaint lit mu-h other relief hh may be equitable. Thiri Summons ia published by order of Hon. F. J. Taylor, Jiulee of the 1 1, ve il anted Court, made and dated Mav !?L, !Hrt. TIIOS. H. TONtiUF., m:il -71 Attorney for I'lamtirf. olir for I'libliratioii. j JiAN'D )Wl-a IT (IlKOON ClTV. OljKOON, t I line 1st, N' TOUCH IS HKUKHY filVKN, TllVr the followiiii; named aeltler has tiled notice of Ins intention to make final proof in mijtort of ins claim, and that anid proof le luade before the County Clerk of Washington Comity, Oregon, at Hillsboro, firefii, 011 Mil Kli.t), July It. ls. vizr Johami Ixltnk, Pre-emption D. S No. f.r tho S. of tho N. W. of Sec. ft. Tp. 1 N. K. 4 W. ile names the following witnesses to prove liia rout inuirfis residence iiw.n, and rultiva tio'i of, and laud, viz: 11 I Huxtoii, Anton I'f inner, i. II. Iliddink. and J. II Kinck. all of l:ttoii, Vasliiii';t.iii County, Oregii. j;;t w. t. 1:1 i:i:y. IUter. Xolico uf Fliinl Slllmiil. i-VTOTICK IS r.KF.HY (JIVF.N THAI i the miller., e.l has filed his linal j account as A.Iiiiiii.n rator of the ftttate of I' C. A. f leilmatm. t!.Te:is4 ! in I.a l!mniiv ....... , . -- . ... .... . ...... Court of the State of Oregon for Wanhiiig tn Coun v, lui.l that .saitl Court haw ap pointed MONDAY, July 1, ISKt. ,,t 10 o'chs k A. M.. as tl.e time for hearing ot. jeelioin to Mich tin.'tl acciMiut and the set tlement thereof, jll .-Vt HANS KASMFSSKN. olirr of Finn I KeUlrmenl. t NOTrCK ia hereby given that C. K Schmeltzer, Administrator of the ratate of Mary H. Schuieltzer, deceased, has thi day tiled hia Final Account in aaid estate, and that FltlDAY, the i;th day of Jalv. A. D. Ihuh. nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. Ie, and the rnme tm tiereby aet, for the heani.g aud determination of the Mine. UOIKJLPH CJUNDALTi, j 7-."it County J udi;. 1IOXF.V TO I.OAX. I HAVE r..000 TO IOAN ON FIKST class real estnte aecnntv JCate: a jwr cent if Isjrrower paya taxea. Will ba loAued for a term of three yaara, and in inmn of not led than $HW. bMu, ' J W. MASTEia. Choice Flowers for Sale MttS. AGNES CAMPBELL, FLORIST, now has a lare and well-aelected atck of Flowering Plants and Uulbs for at reasonable charges. Among an entlleaa variety of the choicest Flowering ana roliage Plants, may be enumerated the famous STORM KING FUCHSIA. Come early and make your selections. "1 Floral Garden AcroK the atreet ,,d(; Humphreys' residence, in South Uulsboro. inl-tf For Sale, SMALL LOT OF GOOD CO"WS ! Tart fresh now; others to come in soon. Inquire of JOIIK II A It It I MIX. Dress Making Parlors. Mrs. LYOIA MESSINGEC, (Or Amitv.) HAS (M'KNKI) A DP.KSH MAKING Iepartuient in 1Cxiiis over the HilU Jmto Phnrmacy (drug at ore), where nlie will Ik- pleased b met t the Indies of JlillsUro, and cau assure them of witiafactioii 111 quality of work at moderate charges. UlUvSSFiTTlNtJ A SPJ'tTAIl Y J-"l'lento give me a trial order. a I'.l tj . A. 4a01, CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER, COUXKLirs, OHKOOX. ISTIMATKS Fl'HNlSHKH ON ANY j class of building on application. Cornelius, February IHkm. ml Urn DAVIES' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY S W.COKNFJf l'irt niul Taylor Slrt''l, 7):..i.v), oj:eco s"Arlistic Work a Specialty. Isk, ('r)(in and UXfrCoUr at ei) Mtl rea-towttklr ratrnt. BAILEY, TONGUE & SCHULMERICK Old Stand ! S. W. Corner Main nml Firl SI reef Is WFKKI.Y Hlylea of KLCKIPT OF LATF-ST Spring Goods CLOTHING, Hats, Boots, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ladies' and Cents' Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, Dross Trimmings, Muslins, Prints, Etc. Also, a very large, complete and well ae lee ted Stock of Groceries, Provisions, CANNED GOODS, Notions, Cigars and Tobacco. All of which we offer at the very lowest livniL' rates for Cash, or in etchange for Prtsluee. Our Mbick Is new and complete, mid we invite msiert ton and c.tmiariHoii wit hot her itricen ruling, as we know we caknot lie 1111- tieraoli, in", tf BOOS & CO. FOREST GROVE. 1 N ADDITION TO Ol'lt ITU LINK of Oeneral Mi leliainbse. we have for sale the Ceiel.rateil iMim Pumps The Moiins Hand Force Pump, The Moline Lift Pump, TheMoline Chain Pump, Which ara micrior to any now in nse, and we cu.trautts each to feive iMfactuui, ami mir price are the lowest. AfJKNTS FOK Till: NiiHlcbakci Farm nml Duggics, Acmo Harrows, . Ami a full line of the J. I. CASE PLOWS, And other Agricultural IniiJcrnetita. Afenta for the fiermnn-Ameriean Queen insurance CiMupauiea. and J. O. BOOS & CO. m Fort OroTtf. Oren. alS tf Hillsboro Pharmac- ''PHE PKOPUIETOHS, TN ASKCMIXU 1 control of tho lrug Limiueaw in tli town, beg to announce thtt their forcniMtt tITorta will, under s-rsonal Hiijierviioii, lut directed towards the public good. They will ooiituiually pitrchnRO th-ir Drills from the la-xt niaiiut orers in the East, or anywhere luakiti tho but si pw ducts. Patent Medicines AM) Proprietary Articles Of all advertised or well known reputation, will ba kept in great variety. Hooka, Albums, Scrap i Jok, Hpectacl, I'urses, etc. Also, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONS, RUSHES, PAINTS & OILS Continually 011 hand. Perfume ries 111 all size aud at all pi ice. 1. DAY RUM, FANCY SOAPS ANII At. I, TOILET ARTICLES AS Wil l AS JEWEL 'JETV ! In considerable vnriely, Kept in nok. WINES AND LIQUORS Only Hold for nlediciual I'.ii jHHi-s, on I'iik m itli'l loN. The linest qil itl' I ekci i' ) el V, will Im kept, I'liK s, Mielel'ole, luu.t be ill accoitlaiicv. PRICES Ale reduced on Coiiiiouiided Medifimn, wbre the prime eon I i!l 111I111U. Mk l'.HV, I he l)SK )ning ClerV, M ill I Hi pleased to allow lutein! Ill" purrl ,l-cM any article in stock, and will cheerfuby at tend t night calls, in eases ot cmerui ney, as he now sleeps 111 the preiiilM M. HILLSBORO PHARMACY. l.'.f tf NEW GOODS ! CASH TALKS! Wehrung & Boscow IIII.I.HIUHCO. OIlF.iiON, WFXL II avk jfst itr.tu:iv:i Htdectetl Stok f 4t jkl -4 A-i. jtt WAii'y 2vX 4T C? VLT TT 1 YJ VI T Xi. IJ. v f Canned Goods, Tobacco and Cigars CLOTHING, Dress Goods Millinery Goods, SILKS, HOSIERY, liLv VCu Ir'H Trim 111 i 11 x. BOOTS 6c SHOES And a Fine Assort 11 ten t of Furnishing Goods For Ladies and ( it l.l lemeti. All Linda of Farmera' Pr mIuco taken in FxcliatK.'. ja'.'H-tf T Divio Cimwii, lU'Frr P. Woohtkb. HILLSBORO Meat Market! CORWIN & WOOSTER, Props Main Street, - HILLSnORO C3hoice Beef, Mutton, Veal And Pork! Kept oonatantly on hand. Hi Kurt, t marlet price paid Brrrrs MnltH, Vrul and Jlv f. Fair Dealing lo AM ! NAtlrrtin ;nnrnl4Til Please Sept. Give ue a Trial NmiiiiiQiM, l5( TUB CtBClTIT C-Mrur iif T."K Im'ATK oh ) OUROOM 'tllt WAMllXNOTOM t'oLMV. H. iiry L. McClnrnn, I'liinl HX, ) vs. . Arvilley Mct'J.iran, Defendant. ) Arvilley McClaran, the above 1 Defetidm t: liaiiictl In the iiaiiiH of the Htf.te of Oregon - N'oii liro hereby rtq iiivd In appear : I the above named Court, end nnsw. rtln ( oiuplainl of tlie 1'laiimil', Hed in the . li 'Vi-eiihlled wilt, by Mondry. jijth ,av of .f 11 1 , A.l. IhfM which i tj1( fll(t ,ty f (i ,10Xt regular term of said Court, .iAli'i'' "" d no to do. for wn nt thereof, (He J laintilt' tll. ve-llllllieil will apply to t Iih tourl lor tbi. i. t therein .lem, ndeU, to lt! 1 hut tin iiiarririgo und niai i jiice cmi tract now exiting IkIwik ii you mid tho I lainlif be dis solved; that thti'care, ciinlodv and ooi trol ot J:bae und Ma-ej.,, minor elul.lreii. ,f y .ti ami ptaintHl. be awai.;..t t plailitllt, and ,,U j,l,l,tltt Imvu micli other relief as may be eiutable, This hiiiniiMiis'is juiblislied by .filer of lloll I'. J. Taylor, .fudge of the !iliivu named C lurt, made and dated Mav b,, sst 'i'lios, 11. n)Na 1;, '" ' Attorney for I'liiinti;!. SlIIIIIIIOIIM, In thr Ciiti ctr Cohht or fur Statk or I OltKOoN K M AHIIINilKiN Col N I V. V-nr..U A. Ii:'hes, I'lainti.,', i s. William H.i(;hci, I t. fi -iidaiit. ) rPO WiIImiu llii heri, I he filiinn li uiind I Dcfcietaiit: 111 the iiiiiuu of the StHtiiif Oiceon S ou are helebv ieiiiiledto apiear in the above named Court, and annuel the complaint ot (he I'lainlill, tiled in the H ove enlilled siijt, by Momlsv, tbe li.lh iIhv of .Inly, A, lb IHs which II tlie tirnt day of Mie next regul'ir term ot i-aid Coin I , , ' And if oii fail ho to 1 1. for want thereof the plainl! 1 above-1111111 il Will apply lo the t!ollltfor tint relief therein demanded, I 1 wit; 'J'hai, tlm iiiarriafM. Mini marilee con tract liou elliMi; belwei 11 you und tlm plaiutltf bo il s lived. And thiit 1'biiiitill have m 11 li olher lelkt' aw may be 1 potable. This Summons is published by ord. r ot Hon, F. il . I .1 (!. Jud'.'c of (tie nbove liauied Ctiurt, made mid daled (his -'d day of Mav. l 1IU1S. II. ()(il K, lii"l Tt Attorney br I 'In 1 it 1 S Itiiiiiioit, In Tin 111. 1 1 r ( 'orn r of 'i in- tirA 1 v or i I i:i i,oN , kKII I S. , 1 1 IN ( . U-N I Y . Harriet 1', II. all I I until), vs. A. I'llll.ieis.ili Jle Hll, 1. (. 11. 1 III, T v) haid i-i:ii;mM' : iv 1 111: name of Ihebfite ol III. 11111, vou 1:1 11 herein ieiUiieil to i.;M'ai uiel answer tlm complaint bled ai'ain il; vm, 111 llic nbuvit lelititled Hint, by Hid . r 1 1 d iv of Hie not term of Haul Court following the last pub lication of this Htimiiioiis, bi Alt. (be loth day of July, ws and if ymi fail so to answer, tor want tln .vi.f 1 li' fl.11 nt 1 it will apply to anid Court, or the relief prayed for 111 saitl complaint, vi! For a disxultiUoii ol tiie bon. Is of mill . 1 1 1 1 v now cuiliiu; l t iei n yourself an. I j 1 hi, (ill, nml l. l' tlm resi;mptioii iiy plaint ill ol lu-r lorim-r nanui ot II arriet II. J -osier. Ibis Hi 1 1 1 1 1 11 hi I II nerve. 1 by publ icat il in, by order of II .11 lunik .1. Tavhu, .liiilt'e of Haidt'tiUlt, nia.le oil 4 lie I'Uh tlay of Mi, I hl'.AKS A UIvCll, Plain) ill's Atbuiif-ys. May t'.'.lh, SMrt, mill , t Micilir'N Snip V VI It'll 1: or AN FX FCI'TH )N, , issu id out of Li decree and order of sab 1 he Court of Washington (iunty, (bei'on, and in favor of Tlm. American Mortgage Company of HoolUmd ( Limited 1, hh Plaint ilTs, und agiinst 'J', II Hundley, I. 1, Hundley, hia wile, Win. It. Jackson, Wm, .bibn uiii, Tliouias ('oniif ll, ( 'on -nell, hiM wife. The t irei'on r...n and Steel I Company, I homns H. Tongue, giiartlian of the minor heirs of T, (1. Navlor, deceased, 1 A. Iloberts, Wat hiugtoii Com tv, I'. A. I Hc.ih v, Thoiiiii:. H. Toin.'iie, nml C S lail- : mei ii K, ii leiitianis, nil. 1 cominaiiilini; me therein to niake nale. of the fullou mil; le- ai rils-d propi rty, bi-wil: 'I he north half of : le Doi.Mli.iii Land Claim of .1. seph Hmloii i ami Miry Hitibui, his wile, siliiiile in section : eleven ( II 1, Township two 1 1 k.h.Hi, miij.' iih:i im, hi ine Miiiamc'.ie n.erMian, ill lo.hiiiioii Cwiuity. IStati.. ol tin (..on, cnuliiiiiiiif! one hiiiiilied iiiul sitty acres, mole or h as, to itisl' (lie Mum of ifl'ii Nt.lKI, in V, ri, (old eo. n, with in b rem ilieieon from the 1st day of I leceinb.r, Is;., Mild sum ui, wit U mlei i Hl at. ten per cent. p r minimi tioin the I hi lay of June, hrti, and ijiiti.oii, wit li itib 11 nt t lii'r.uii nt tfii m--et nt m r .1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 troiii the I i.l day of Deeem is r, l"v, ami tlm 1 111 1 lu-r nam of 00, altornev'a fees herein, and u I to for the Mlllil of ii-'-M'i, cuHts of hint, an I iiIhh tc.r the coats nml expenses of Niile, it 1 1 1 1 of this writ; and by Milneof sanl writ, I tlnl makn levy of II I. same iipuli (lie ibuvt deitrlibetl Ileal Propel ly 0 11 1 be 1M1I (ln of May, A.D I'tMH, niitl -by virtue of him! wnt and aaiil levy, I will, 011 WctliH'Mljy, Hie '27lli hiyof .In lit , m !, at (he In nr of 1 o'clock P. M ., of said day, at the N nth D01.1 -of ll,n ('..nit II.iiihc, ill (he town o ilill boio, V 11 mI 1 1 r 1 i't il 1, Oregon, sell (lis dliove deniMibeil real prow.rt, nt public tuielioii, to tint hij'hcht bal.ler, f..r caih in hand, ill I', H. I'olti Ci.lll.t. ;ilhlv the lli-ll Illlii bil-e II lined MllilM Kill I iloietV Will be Mold Hll'ijLCl to ledeilipti' ii. lis In' law p.' itled. Witness i..y hand, IIih -May Villi, IshH, II. P. COHMJ.II M, MlierilT of WiihIiiih, Ion Count y, Orepmi , m. 'I M MOnGANX BARNARD REAL ESTATE AND Fire Insurance Agents, (Opposite Tualatin llafell, Havo fot flirt.! : City Property. Fnrma, nnd XUisinesB Opportunitios. Houncn to Rent. Litt of Lands can be tccn at our Office and at the Board of Immi gration Rooms at Portland, We nr prepniint; a IihI for tlisliibulion m the KaaU-rn Mtaea, mid nloti tl . routea, ft wiaihl le w II for all who are desirous of diHHMiii of their Fartiis, or. dishliun them up, t o hand in the an me t j 11 1 an early r. osible, to lie placed on our list, Thi, with onr Portland cunnict imis, will plaea your Farina where they Vill come to tho notice of purchaaer. tCuatoinera are ahown the lands freo of charge . iu:"J tf