Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189? | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1888)
THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY .....JUNE 14, 1888 WHAT AILS THE NATION 7 The ATcrago Length of Life Da- creasing Not Pestilence 'iZL Famine All our J -" r own Fault. v -- Moderv Cooking and Motv ekn Livnro Lave brought it on. It comes upon na una wares. The patients have pains atouttlie chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach ; sometimes a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfv. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel --clammy. - After ' a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest iftur a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebod ings.' There is a giddiness, a sort of whirlincr sensation in the head when rising up sud denly. , The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty and high col ored depositing a sediment after standing. There is fre quently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symptoms; the vision be comes impaired, with spots be fore the eyes ; there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-half of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Kxtrnet of Kots (Sei- "gel s" V STrpJ" changes the fer ments of the J;p'st.i ve organs so as to convert the food we eat into a form-that will give nourish ment to the feeble hodv, and good health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold in this country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this one trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. f Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of its cun.tive properties prove this beyond a doubt, tSold by druggists. Robbing: the Lopfffrs. The Washington Standard ex plains how the 1'nget Sound loggers are fleeced: Loggers now nominally receive $7 per thousand fret for logs, but il is a fact that, after a boom of logs Las been towed from 100 to 500 miles to a market, these foreign mills give the logger only about ?4 per thousand feet, treating the log ger as if be were unable to distin guish between a merchantable and a worthless log. One of our local loggers recently shipped a boom of logs to one of these mills contain ing about 130,000 feet, from which 58,000 feet were rejected. Thus it may be seen that, instead of the log ger obtaining 87 per thousand feet for his logs, he in reality receives on ly about $4 or $4.50. Do these mills give away or otherwise dispose of these rejected logs at prnall figures? Not by any means. The logger knows perfectly well, when ho ships a log. that it is and must be a mer chantable piece of timber, and it is only because of this wholesale rob bery that he is dissatisfied. Sever al of this class of men have ex pressed themselves upon this subject, and in every instance they have said that they would be content ith a much lower price for their logs with honest measurement. A. M. COLLIUS, Iftffsfrer. Orffsn, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER and Millwright. I will f nrnish doors, windows, frames, blinds and mouldings of all descriptions. QTOfflce and shop near Finney's black mith shop, flillaboro. March 31 As Max O'Rf 11 Sees Us. i i 1 London dispatch to New York Times: Max O'Rell is back and has been interviewed concerning America. He begins by saying the Americans are a grand people for refinement, courtesy and true gen tility. There is no one to compare with a well-educated American. He says that a few hours after his arrival he was overwhelmed with invitations of the elite of New York society. He thinks the freedom of social life delightful. President Cleveland impressed him as a very simple, genial citizen, and he had less difficulty in seeing him than he would have in seeing the editor of an English newspaper. He thinks that Matthew Arnold gave a most unjust estimate of American life. He says that the Americana talk well, dress well and entertain well; that, though they may live in 'flats and hotels, they have all the English home feeling. Of American women he says: "She occupies a truly ideal position, and American life of the best type radiates with the light of her beneficent influence. The young girl can talk equally well about Herbert Spencer' last essay as the latest Paris fashion. I atttended one ' of the reunions of the Nine teenth Century club, of Ntw York. The subject was 'Sectarianism. and there vcro present bishops and priests representing ever so many denominations; Ladies were almost as numerous as gentlemen, and after attentively hearing the speakers they entered with zest into the en joyment of the conversation. You find in Ameikaii women a quality which I m iifiniil in logininng to disappear in Paris and is almost in-known in London a kind of spiritualized politeness, a tender solicitude of other people, combined with a strong individuality." A Rasml Turns Himself Ont. Li visgstox, 3Iont-, Tuno H J . .J. McBride, postmaster at this place, left Sunday without stating his destination. It now transpires that he is a defaulter to the government to the amouut of several hundred dollars, besides owing private in debtedness to a large amount. Other acts of financial crookedness are also being discovered. He was in Helena on Tuesday morning, from which place a number of checks with Helena endorsers have been received at the National Park bank of this city. Efforts are being made by his bondsmen for his apprehension and arrest. He was seen to-day at Great Falls. His wife who is here at the Catholic academy, educating herself in music and art, alleges that he cruelly mistreated her, and she will sue for divorce. McBride has victimized citizens of Helena to the extent of $500 or 8G0O, as far as heard. He was appointed by the present administration a little over a year ago. The supreme court of Iowa, now in session at Des Moines, has before it a case which involves the citizen ship of Methodist ministers. The case is brought from Emmettsburg, where a clergyman of that denom ination has been actively engaged in closing saloons. When he at tempted to vote, his vote was chal lenged by a saloon-keeper on the ground that he was hubject to change and removal by the bishop of his church, he has not acquired a residence in the town, however long he might live there. The case has been carried up through all the intervening courts, and now tho su premo court will have an opportun ity to put itself on record as to the : a : it . i t a a i unit-nicy 111 n case mac nas attract- ed considerable attention. Tualatin Hotel Main Stre-t, J-t Vi nnd 3l Hillsboro. - Oregon. R. WAGGENER, Proprietor. THE TAT1I.K WILL CONST NTbY BK HTP Fli.dwt'o the bet tb market atrrd, Dd no pains or ne will b spsrcit in striving lh comfort or gums. Excellent Accommodations and Fr icta ! Fumilur t LARGE SAMPLE ROOM For the Accommodation of Commercial Travelers. IFEJE 00-A.CHI To and from the House mlH-tf YOUNG GLEN Is a handsome black. 7 years old. and weighs 7A pounds. Was sired by imported Uleneld. winner at the t'-entennial in 17'. 1st dam by old Pathfinder: 2d dam bv Chal lenge, he by ltlackhuwk. and he by Morgan. 'ihis lieantiful Stallion will make the Season of 1.h in Washington County, as follows: Tuesdays, at Greenville Wednesdays, at (tales Creek Thursdays', at . . Cornelias Fridays, at Fnrmir.Rton Saturdays, at Ilillslioro Snudays and Mondays, at K. Schietfelin's Farm, one mile north of Ingles 1. O. Terms v f1 and 10 Every possible care will be tsken to prevent accidents, but no respoiiMibility assumed. t-For further particulars, address E. bcbieffelin or It. A. Jolie, Hillboro,t)regon. E. SCH1EFFKL1N. March 29, 1698. mj-lin CONVINCING GUARANTEES. mn jMsttflad by a Vforld-wid. Experience. TO THE PUBLIC: Having branch houses and laboratone in seven tlittVrviit quarters, and therefon having a world wide experience, we, H II. Warner & Co., justify ourselves ii making tho following statements: Pint. For the past decade we Iiavi hell that t:i per t ent, of disease origin ate in the -kidneys which introduce uri acid into the tem, a poison that is in jurious to every organ, attacking and de stroying first the organ which are tin weakest. We have also held that if th kidney are kept in perjert health vtont oJ the ordinary aiiutnd vill be presented, or it" contracted, cured. Oilier practitioner! have held that extreme kidney diseas is incurable. Wo have proof to the con trary, however, in hundred of thousand of cases in every section of the globe. Second. The kidneys being the sewers of the human system, it is impossible U keep the entire "system in good working order unlets thete organ me doing theit full duty. Most jeoile do not balievt their kidneys are out of order becaus they never fcive them any pain. Jtue peculiarity of kidney dieac that it mat long eift !:) sut the kuowledge of thi patient or of the practitioner. It may b suspected if there is any gradual depar ture from ordinary health, which depar ture increases a age comes on. Third. We do not cure every knowi ditiea.Be from one bottle. This i i '' poilili''l. Fourth. Warner's Safe Keinedieliav 6een recognized by the doctor ami tht people all over the globe a atandardi Oj the highcxt excellence. Fifth. We make the following unqual ined guarantees: (iuAKAKTEK 1. That Warner's Salt Remedies are pure and harmle. tirARANTKK '2. That the testimonial uted bit vi are acnuine. and so far as we know, absolutely true. We will forfeit I $5,000 for proof to the contrary. (jI'arantek 3. Warner's Safe reme dies have jtermanently cured many mil lions of people whoni the doctor have pronounced incurable. Permanent cure are always convincing proof of merit. Sirth. A sic your friends and neigli lors what they think of Warner's Sai'e Cure. REV. J. 1'. AKN'OI.I. Camden, Tenn., Ii..d f em fill aKceses hy Kidney dismast. In 1H7S ami ISM, other running nUwun apearel. Ha was fully cured in 1.S2 by V ariier' Safe fur ami in l!KH rexrUil hiiii-elf sound anil writ and he is ..Tor 70 ye .r old. MBS. ANN IK .TKXXKSS-M1LI.KK. edi tress of lh. 'ZTS Fif-h avenue. Saw York, eiht year ' was cured uf nerv.nw r. ni tration, when the liext New Knanil phyi cians c Mild do hr no Kod. She cured her self with Warner Sufa Cure, ami writes in 1S87: "To-day I an a jwrfectly well woman. It is the only medicine I ever take-" L. K. FliH E, M. l.,arentleman and phy sician of tha highest stndili4 of Hanover CL 11., Va, four years aao. after trying every other if niedy fur bright' disease, in eluding famous mineral waters, cured him self by Warner's Safe Cure, and March 21. 1888, wrote: I have never ha4 the k1 lightest symptoms of my old and fearful trouble. HERMAN' UlUJAN, of McNele & Urban, safe-makers, Cincinnati, O., was broken down by excenaive business cares. He wan fnlly restored to health four years rg.i by Warner's Safe Cure and hits since bui in robust health. DR. VIO LEWIS wrote: "if I found my belf attlictfld with a serious ki'lney disrdfr I would uxe Warner's Safe Cure." MIIS. K. J. WOl.F, Gettytfhtuv, Pa.. S. . Farriugton, tlotha, Fla.. J. M. lAn, 4.'5 East 2nd. street, Cincinnati, O., and thu sinter of J. W. V'eUake, ML Vernon, O., were cured of consumption, (caused by ki I ney acid in the blood, aa over half the c:uea kre). by Warner" Safe Cure. We could give many thousands uf sim ilar testimonials. Warner's Sjife Cure does exactly as represented. Seventh. Warner' Safe Remedies were put on the market in obedience to vow mado by II. II. Warner that, ii the remedy now known aa Warner's safe cure, restored him to health he would spread its merits before the entire world. In ten vears the demand bus grown bo that laboratories have leeii es tablished in seven quarters of the glo'e. Warner' Safe Cure is a scientific sjiee'.hY it cure uhen all the doclori Jail, thou sands of the Ix'st physicians prescrilns i regularly, its ower over disease is pv naiteut and its reputation is of the in r malted character. Can you afford .n.' i to ignore itsextraordinaiy power? Now. in the. Hpring of the year, a few lotti--will tono you up and cure all those ii "eelin?s which, unknown to you, are Mused by the fatui kidney poison in the blood, which will surely end fatally, i: not at once removed. . For this no -jHfiticis known. The treatment ot many thousands of ene of thoso eiironiu weaknetises ami distrewinK ailments peculiar to females, ut the InviiluU' noiei ami Duririeni institute. IIiiIIhIo. N. v , has afforded a vast ex perk nee 1 a vast exix ii. nee in nR--lv aiiarvt. Ins and thoroui-hlv t.-stiiiar remedies for the j cure of woman's eeuliiir maliKlies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite trese rlptlon 5 ! is th outgrrowth, or result, of this irmil and vanmnie eifXTi.-in-.-. 'rtioiiKunos of ti MMmi nials, received from pati-itt4 and from hHi-c-ians who have t.-Kt.-d it in tho more airu-ra- I rated and ohstinato mjj-o whieh had Imllli d j their Skill, prove it to lo the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief atl eureof sutTering women. It Is not reeimmen.le.l as s . Mir-aTl." but as a mo periect tK.-citlo for wonian's peculiar ailmeiits. as a puwrrini, inviiroraiinc; tonic, it imparts strength to IIIO w v hole end to the womb and Its appendages in ! particular. orerworkwl, worn -.Mif." i ' run--inn," dcbilitste.1 t. setters, milliners, i drewmakers. seamstrewex. hop-a-irls." hountw keetwrs, nursinir mliern. an' fe-Me wnuieu ffeneraliy. r. Pieree'a Ksverife l're-rl t k,n i w the greatest earthly boon, helntr uncpialed at an anpetUintr enrdial and restorative tonic. m tsaeaniuar in IreHSTibeMlua- cr mm it v.. rim rrpseniniou ' m UIK.-- Favorite freserliitiou " is uik.--! oi.nleU and la tn-aluat!r in aliarinir and sub- . .luiiia- nervous encltabiMty, iiiltnlxiity. ex- : baustion. tr.Mtration. bvmcr i. simaim .nr. monly atteinlant upon fimcti.ii.l'and orpsiiK? ; iiir umnwiiv, ihtikuh syiiiioms com-: sl.-ep and nlieves mental anxiety and k ! mfij.T..y. Is tt lecitlnaate nirdleiiic, csr.f'illy compounded by an eTx-r-ti-.- nd rl. illfiil physician, and adapted to Wotnitn'a d.-li.nt.- orusnization. It is purelv in ifs ! comi-wition and nerf.-ellv li.irn.irsa in it. I eUe.-ln in any condition .f tbe system. For i niornincr sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arisintr, w.-sk stii. h. intirestion, dvs-P-pia and kindre.1 symptoms, its use, in small doses, will prove verr beneficial. M Favorite Prescription liapetl. Ive cure for tlie m.n-t coiiilieated and ol stmate cases of lencorrtH-a, exceeaive tlowinff. psinful menstruation, unnatural KV , ". amnif 01 inw wouiD. weak back, i female weakness." snte version, retroversion. u.-anuK-oowa sensarions. cnronio ctirestion, intlamination and ulceration of tbe wumh, fn nammation. pain and t-iilernes in ovaries, ac-oinnanied with "internal beat." ve;Bilitr and promoter of func tional action, at that critk-ul p. of change from a-irlhood to woman hoo.1, Favorite Pre scription " is a perfectly sufe remedial agent, and can produce only R-ood results. It is ciiially etneacioue and valimtile in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange ments incident to that fairer and most critical peri(d, known as "The hangeof Life." , M'vorite Prescription, w hen taken in connection with the uae of Dr. Pierce's io.i-n Medical Discovery, and small laxative (loses c Dr. Pierce' Purfrntne pellets tIJtlle Iavcr Pills), cure Liver. Kidney and Uludder disease. Tbeir combined tio also removes blood taints, and abohsbe cancerou and scrofiilou humor from tbe syatetn. f'f T4irl,w reerlptloi Is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, Hnsler a positive asaraatcc, from tbe manu facturera, that it will give satisfaction In every case, or money will be refumled. This guaran tee has been printed on the bottkvwraiwer. and faithfully carried out for many years. bottle tor $SjOO. For larfre. illustrated Treatise on Disensrs of WiMnen (l page, paper-coveredL send ten cents in atamp. Address. CWs Cnury C:iictl Isxsclzti:. M3 natln C, BI FI JLLO, IV. 1. j Choice Flowers for Sale MK8. AONES CAMPHF.LU FI)UIST. now hatt a largo and well-ael-eteJ stock of Flowering Plants and Itolbti for Hnle, at reasonable charge. Anioiuz an endles variety of the choicest Flowering nuJ Folingti llants, tuny bo eiiQiuor;iUl the Famous STORM KING FUCHSIA. Come early and make your selections. '-if Flurrd Garden Across tho at re. t from Judge Humphreys' residence, in Kontli Hillsboro. nil tf for Male, SMALL LOT OF GOOD Fnrt frchh now; others to come in soon. Inquire of JOHK HAltltlSOX. JOSEPH EMRICH. Wholesale and Ret nil BUTCHER, Forest Grove, Oregon. All kinds of FKESH MEATS kept con stantly on hand and sold Clieap for C'iihIi. rHighest Market Price paid for Beeves, Hogs, and Mutton Sheep. Please, give me a call. aP. tf ED. LYONS. JOSEPH HAKE HILLSBORO Livery Stable LYONS & HARE. Proprietors. 1 Orders for HACKS. BUGGIES A5CD RIDING HORSES. Attended to uroiuiitly. ALSO, FEED STABLE. Keuiember the IMace MAIN STKEKT opposite the Tualatin Hotel. Hill sboro. Or., March 1 XH. tf Dress Making Parlors: Mrs. LYDIA MESSINGEP, (Or Amity.) HAS OPENED A DI'.ESS MAKING Department in Kooma over the Hill horo Pharmacy (drag store), where she will be pleased to meet the Indies of Hil!lur;, and can aasnre them of satisfaction in I quality of work at moderate charges. DUESS-F1T1ING A SPECIALTY Jt?nense Rive toe a trial rder. slO 1 1 Tkls easer Is kept oa ale at the eClre mt YERoSON .DVERTISINq TIMES BUILDINQ VStFSl RTOJlDrlfm ESTIMATES lS7c..n FREE sVa41.raVrO 0 CflSJ'C nmiin s foe hi en a gun a i.wnuHL Ijendii an Fhotosrapher in the Nurlliivr.-l I'icturtH of the mtmt promint nt m.-ii mi.: women of Orepon nnd WaHhinuton ina lie seen at his gallery. Towne's;.-..''.' i in Lis iiiKtantaueouH pictures of Uabii-s the remarkahle results olitained beint: the wonder of all who visit hi Studio, iner lartiin to any six, in any at vie, from niiy , kind of picture, lie fjnuntutee t se n : lietter class of work, at, a liorer wire, than ; nny gallery on the I'acific Coawt. All wish-' inc pictures enlarged will do well to He. ui- ; ! estimates liefure ordering elnewliere. for ; resptiudeiice solicited, and all or.leis will receive prompt attention. Studio K.W.ror. First nnd Morrin ,ts.. Portland. )re:nn. ! OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VI Oregon Sl t'nliforiiia II. IC. And Connections. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE , 1 ' me Itrtwerii 1'itrtlaiid ami San Fraud"-. H! llonr! 1 Can font & Exoress Trains Run D.i'ly rrnci'.co. between Pot Hand nnd Sftn I f.KATK. i I'oHlaud 4J0 1. I San Fran. liAl r. A I.KI V.. S.Franci ;.-!'. .V 1'ortland.. 10:!A.M M. M. m-t,i fnetnirr ttnitu. rj,-,..t sv ... "rVrr mmn;a, rJt-r,,l iw-W;), I.KAVK. Portlnnd hDlA. M. Eugene . . t.-tW A. M. ABSIVK. I'lipene 2:10 1', Portland 3:l.' I", M. M. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS . EXCURSION SLEEPERS For Seeond-ClnHs I'ltswenirers cn all tLroah .trains FUEK i CIIAUOE. The O. A. C. K." U. Ferry makes eounet ti..n with sil the regular trains on the Ijtst Side division from the foot (f F Street. NVest (Side Division. BETWEEN POUTI.VNUA aji;VAIJdS. Mail Train lily, eieet Knuday, I.rATV. l'ortland A. M. K.4-. A. M. (Wallis .liWP.M. Hillsboro T..04 P. M. ASKIT. .H it A M VrvaIlis 1 P. l llillsl-o.KU P. M Portland ..; 1.". P. M" KJTAt Allwiuv and Corvallis eonnect with train of the Ureim Pacific. Express T. ain Duily, exeept Knnd.iy, LRAV. Portland. . 401. M Hillsboro.. .C.P.M McMin'rUie,.V4.-.A.M Hillsboro . ;::!() A.M Asaiv. ;.l4 I' M MeMin-Tille,.iiO'.M ;-"IA.M Portland . y.OOA.M E. P. IUXJEKS. t F.AP.AkV at t B. KOEHLEB, Manairer ' 'mmmmmmammmmmm"m,mm,'"' 1 1 ssm iiii in "ii 1 . jui l ii ins. . i in ii ii. ji.i iii .. isn ,, m Fred Hambleton, Planter, Van Tromp ana Glen Dudley Will Slau.l for ttervlre hi SonMn ot I HHH nt the Fnlr dirouniU, liillMlor. WhIi fusion County. Oi to". M.i tfiif.f.rev .;. .l.ymrHilil rrrsril, i'.'ti. Sire of F'rita Umnl lt ton. winner of the - wenr-ld stakt-H nt S.-tlem and Siiokitue Falls of l -'7 He is n cliestnnt liorse. 7 3'enrs old. Sire II.VMULK IONIAN MAMUKINO, sire of Jane I l'A'.' t. 1 dam Nirinj;fli-ld Mnid (d:ini f Van Trouip. 5t-yeir-i)!l lion rertl :to'4' , by Inktland Ab.ln!I;ih. fnll tirotlu r to Harold. Maid C':l !). Friday (sire of dam of i ,Ad 'rd S-'.'l?'). by ICyttdyk's Hamble Cio. f'ooloy. 2:L7 . by imp. 'I'mntee. 4 dam i Ionian. dam 'J'rnsty, dam of I ucilion i'lJr-V.tilfV,;U.j4,r' Kir f tho dam of (-:"' Maid CM. and John Itvsd.vk s Itr.iuMt-toiuau. .,..., . ,. . Frel liimd.Mon ht.s Knltnn,endurfmce t -- S . by Mnritioroagh, son of imp nnd fum-d. His record of i:'i was made as Trustee. :i daiu by Henrv Uuroe, sou of a .Vyear ld after a wiwni iti the stud, and i lieiirj', rival of American IU-Iijiho. i not the iiMiwum of lii: BM-ed. He has! tJ. , ., kIhiwii n i':lt pait and in u brief rat-in 1 rlj.VN I KK is the immediate descendant career has dit-mced Kittv l.yneb, .lane Ii. ! of animals, on both tides, that inherit sieed. (to wagon). Alta.uont, Irfidy Mand.Oleander, Melrose aiid others. Lnst yi'ar nevero sick ness in Auuust rendered him nulit for racing. Fritz Hambleton. Ids oldy colt ever trained from n tuare vritliont standard blood, won at Kal-'in with esse over a large field of standard-bred colls. In three years of Mud seivice but one mare bred to him has failed to produce a living colt. fKi.M-i of sen VICE: ! Single i-erviee .V ' Season, with privilege of return 7" In'.irnrue .... Imj Limited to 1?0 mares. I. L. Bmith. & Sons MnwufHcturcrs of and i im:. iii:iii m 13 A!, a r"i:e f- ft tJL CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS & MATTING Picture Moulding, I'ietnre Frame, Mirrors, I.iu-e "nrtiiis. Window Shades, t j lioUUr G.mmIs, Wall I'aia-r, S.rinn and To; Mntlr.-s s. P'llows. etc.: also JJOOrS and Blinds ! Frames, MouMiu's, Frarki ts, Stai New. 1 J ivdhjjt VBi e:i:s FOREST GROVE. Organ in the Lead! It hns ri wholly I'NItl'K IN DICSKI N : fcurjK.ssini.'Iy leautifnl, and put t (.' thr on an EN'I lb FLY Nf'.W IT:lN'iri.K-usinK slide jriiw in-tead of prrews. Iti.; rl .0 "M d'SF, PKOOF, by a simple eoiil rivanee. MF.I'AL OASINiiS PliKYENT SWELLING OF KEVS IN DMI W EA'lHEIJ. A hands mi brrwUet I.AM!', t-f Cold finished metal, ntfaehed tueaeh orvan, in ".11. s ii-.'ht Ut'i s;ii'e and e.-nv id Thi; with il full aid parllil sets of ItEKDS. its different STOICS nnd COI i'l.l;i:S .11 ! of fh. 1.1 sil. id t;iv'.-s numberless vaii-ty of t'OM IMNA Til NS :u.d FAJ'UKSSIf N. and in S I : K'l N ! iSS and UKTINESS of TONE, il i i fi.llv eipia! f- ;oiy 11, i!;.-. Ev.-ry in,. 1:' k.M v..t!i a F.i YEUS C,l K ANTEE. I nm no i:itro.', ici;i ,' tlies.- ( Ii iiist ir.n. lit into Washington IToiiuty at si 'kfkisincIjY low Fuji i:i-s. A M.tfSNIFK'I'.NT SAVd'l.i: may , Call ami exrimine. i!!Mf PROTECT YOUR HOMES I MAR LIN DOUBLE .A. GOOD REVOLVER no longer costs a Fortune Self-Cocking, AntosutlO Ejecting, FULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. WtlllltlS BQCAI. ITItT BBSPBCT TO TBS tBSBCXfTK stk WBaSOTT. For salo by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere. Mannfsctnmd by TEE MAELI3 FTEE ASMS CO, VswEsTsa, Cons. Macazlne Tm li m mmM allium. ' t"-i IIALLAKU eu.rav, spoktiwo "rr TARorr III trai uap.. MABMM Wt UK ANNS 't.. rw IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS OT WILL SAVC ONt-HALr THE Msac for all ! of ("rtndtf whlrh Km-. or eii-toln: Murlln. l oll'.. M luctiesl.-r, Unllard, Mrn-M, Ka uuii WluUM-v-Kcaaedy, SujIII. a Wumii 5 I" 1"' all g-autfea sini tuakes vl HIT RUM SMIll, Cheaper vnd better thaa any other, X dMl ataauiaoiarinc Oompanvi Bex ! U. Ksw UAvaa. Cuas. Ciifcis mini am ust iailS. ' I believe Piso' Cure for Coiiaii nipt ion saved my life. A. II. Dowkll, Kditor F.tKinirer. !-len-ton, N. C, April 'Si, lw7. The jikxt Cotifrh Medi cine is Pimo'h L'vnv. ior Comsumptiom. Children take it witltout objection. II jr all druggiata. 25c. TATnuriA- I BsstOonstta 8n.p. 1 I Id tiKi.. b jd. use j I PISO rich Imy ever nvcrnfe McFirrnn, Louisville, i Kentucky. Sirrd by FANfX)AST CJ.i), siro of J 'at ron .Vy-r-old stallion record 2:U'), nudof IKmI 1 Vet CI year ol J rrourd I:'.h."Oi and A(uarius (4-year-old r cird L'a'.t) , ),cto Rlw.ed themselves. .,.! trsiR, ,t tn their descendants. His breeding needs no comment. Planter Las never liecn trained, but dmiiiif tb-e stud season of last yesr, in which he covered 4H mares, he trotted miles iti ?:."1. His colts, though not old enough to be trained, are large, well formed, and .how excellent gait. TERMS : Kiug'.e service Season, vith privilege of ituru Iusuranco ft) Dealers in nil kinds of and LOW I'liKI'll m asTioitmeut .f iinj; M.-tti-rialM, Stair Uailins, l';!liiters, Lt'.nlT, etc. dkim t.ii kxt. OREOON. le s.f a at niv hiiiiie in lor.-st Orove. IltS. .11. If. I.I, I, IS. ACTION REVOLVER. These revolvers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated SMITH & WESSON. ,3tf Ciililier, usin Centre-Firo CartriiLjua. BE8T IN THE WORLD I Rlfla. -- irrti. airrrs. ..m t'mmm. COST Of AMMUNITION. are tuwri In any of the folio i t .1 rrtl AIB IIAII. P bend fur Prirc Ut of tfaes tools la I ffM V ,m2 "ST mC7i iTT ri'HK itKvrriF 1 ll.ipiile Hay f, r. vi:ai: old) DAitK St.illioii. will mnke the I rv-nnoii fo!ioH: f IhHi in Waliini'toii tV.mity as I liiirlinR. nt Wm. Wnfer-i. near fVtilre. ville: ll,irily i.ulit and til! Friday noon, at fire, iirii:.: all other davs at the farm of l!ie niulersiin d, ue mile ca it (f HilUboro Si-r Iro The SeitMwn . Inonrnnrf ml.oo 7.M 10.00 SKI.IM weiohs over I.VW pounds; Is by (4.1 llot;iina(-o, n I'. n-lieroti: (Ihiii by Wnsh inttoti. he bv old Knffolk Puucli, of f'alifor nia; -M d;.iu Old Sally, owned bv Win. John son, of (ilenooe. now derenaed, known aa the IV rue ni.ire, she by imp Itauibler, a thoroughbred. Every HMHibIe care wilt be taken to pre vent rtrri.leiin, bat no responsibility assumed P. M. JACKS' IN. HilUboro, April A, ISM. a-Vut Isfi years old, n size; bicd l.y J. C, HITDRE mi k nr. I i' T f "m W i mmm 11 1 ci v r.wi. 3. rarl-l s-r wrd f.tiV And winner of the .l-vear-ld races nt ttnlcin and 'I be Dalles in J"ft7; is a l'iv 'iors', without white, and ne of tho hn u iiiii-M and g.-iincHt troltci" in the state, Sired by liAlHJKU i!(V, soil of 1' ublu toniuii lifnnibrinii (r'ire of Jane. ., 'J '4. 1 clam Kriii!licld Maid. lani o Fred HaiiibleUili, Si-e Mdirm of i'r-l llaiuhli ton. Van Tromp will be limited to 10 lucres, to H.-rmit traiiiing. TERMS OF SERVICE. Single service Season, with privilege of return. . IiiMuiauctt .$ The Thoroughbred Slcillim, Full brother to Judith, winner of 8 races in lsHp. Sire of Dudley Howard, Laura I)., Minnie I.. Fliivello, etc. 1 Oli-.m Duulkt i a hnndsonie bay, 1C . IpoiiIs liit;h, and weighs U.'iO iounds. Sued bv imp, GLKNKLO. 1 dam Madimi Dtidltv, winner of lln; o- 1 ChampAfris Slakes nt Jerome I'urk in 1H70, ; ' ' 1 by I.iri;rton. 'J iIkiii imp. Krilannia 4lli, 1 dam of Itrigand, winner tne Jersey! ELKHORH SALOON. pllII.U' PHOENLEIN. I'NDEIt LOl'IH 1. StrHsrr's iiiHl.Hement, tins ois lied a new S.doiii in the tuildinu formerly oceu- Iiied by Tom WhiteLorn, known as the l lk iorii Saloon. Here he will Is. pleiised lo meet his friends. A Htrirtly orderly hoiiHt will tie kept, also tl.o bent of liter, t'lars and LiquoiK, . tul-tf Tba BUVEBS'OUIDE fa Issued March and Bept., isach year. It Is an ency. Iclopedis of useful lnlor. 'tnstion (or ail wno pur. chase the luxuries or the necessities ot Ule. we can clothe you and turnish you witt. all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, danco, sleep, cat, fish, hunt, work, eo to church, or stsy at home, and in various sines, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can rnake a bur estimate ot tho value of the BUYEUU' GUIDE, wbich will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avcnuo, Chicago, 111. Over 6.000.000 PEOPLE US M.FERRYACO. (dmiUnd t)ilH.tli est tleedsmoa tne worio. rEIKYfcCO S lll.r.4. t...rria mm4 I'rlM'tf SEED ANNUAL ror me 3 will ! inn Um( FREE TO ALL piill'-iil, anj tu ilUfi MWKH.' out .ifjlYUW it. Invalunbleto al'. very Mrw4tii UK.1.4 Field"' F lo r 0. M. FERRY ACQ., Detroit, Micl. fjuslang Linimoni MrXH-. Hl T TjsiM.KT.-un . I'll I 0 O. WJtwjjuij -utUtitnrj fNvv.iM luoupn 3uccn-j I irev. i'.oln i; . ..i 1 1.1 i I .-i. V-.-r t. Ill v V110 .! .'r in I I ii cioa. f 1. 1 . . tvr euii'i'Iui r.iril. i..o 1 ..1 rm V. 1 i( (fw. F, U. ItKl.tVal I : Holly, lth. PATfiHTS tTavent.s. and Trade Mirk obtained, and all PA'I KM Id hlNKHSooiiilueted for M)1 HIATK I KKH. tll'lt fIFFICK IS OPPOSITE I?. H. PATENT OFFICE. We have 110 siib aenries, all business direct, heiiee rxn t ran Mite t Patent busine in less time and st 1.1 ;KS CO.S1' tli.n th.Me remote from Wasiiimotok. Nend model, drawini.'. or pilot o aithde- seriptioii. . adviiw. if pm. nt.-iMe or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till iwitelit is secured. A book. "How to Obtain Patents." aitu references to actual clients in v.nir tStatr. county, or town, sent free. Address V. A, NXO.V A CO.. Onwit Patent Odle. Wasldnton, l. C. "I nli -tf nni7 Hend tt ceids for ..t(je, A I nlZ.ll.slKl reeeive Jres, a cdslly Imi r a.sM()f vMeb w.(I ijH ot either set, to tuore nioney rilit away than anything else in this world. Fortune await Um workers bo1ately sure. At ouc Adilree Tu A Co., Aajrasta, llaiaa, V v y J 1FBJF ;efds rr kj 0 D. II ?Vi-Wrw sr. I tl AW Lara M ' m.r jr ir ' D M mmmi V c.rd.Ji 1 a 1 v ipse. 13 s 1 - Ix IIS 3 r-j i 5c 5aa -V CS If x ;s si a nS win. I K,. lil lK H Allll'i ll.llll rllUl JiiMik I. Imp. il(li. l,'. n l.iainilieeiit ruen hiuxi hiniM-if, is in riiiik Miii I r-. hith i,f 'IIk.i--oitghbrciis in A : nt rii-n, lln hm hcc'i fmir linn s nt (lie bend of winning ,'iii H 1hV;i, 1MM, JNi ,,11,1 'V-7, unit him hired IIIOI wiiim rs than tiny Ht tlhoii in Aim rii a. til iv I'lni.KV, nfler receiving ts-Vere in-. Jtmh h at ' years oi l, wan still an cKccllcut r; ce l.orsi'. Ah a '.' year-old im sti i b d seven tii; e(, won three races, Mas sccu'id in nun air; third in two. At WaHhind.i,. 1 1. Nov. inlw.r )h77, ji, H ji-hj,!,, ,. j1( Is.iit, anion': others, Lady Haylers, ti e dam of .f . I'niil. u'limiin 1... 1. ..1. 1 . .. 1 ; leli;lis. (.ell I 1 lb v'm colU Ii .ve si.., o;,is(ylc, hM id and (in cxnelleiit ill-position. 1 ik' ..r .1 1.... .1.1.1 . jjr, ; ,i.n j im iu innu IIIIU lllol'ollll Iralllllig .NOP J ol llil lli for luces, TERMS OF SERVICE: King! servica ....... f F-in-wn, with privilege of retuin . 'ii lusaranos ' . , Mares infracted to run to bs brJ will receive onrefu I attention and Kd pMsturHs ot Hl.W a mouth. J-ifYoaiiK stock, both trotting and J'lujr ou;dihrcJ, for nala, TIIOS. II. lONWlK, Mllllmltofo, ttteauu. FOR SALE! 2 LOT OF Af'KI WYANDOTTE Also, a quantity of Hay, will he sold Cheap at the Hani, F. CHALM FICS, ";f ft Cornelius. Call and Sc c TV. ttJUl,IfiV E gist - -AMI BOOKSELLER And K-t onr iiioiitiy'i worlli of Drugs. IVsCdicincs. Toilet Articles, Envelopes and Paper, Musical Mor chandiso, and everything usually kept in a I'irxt CImhs (!ountry lru, Hook mid Novelty hi ore, PRESCRIPTIONS and FORMULAS Carefully eonijMiimded at all hours. dictr For I I'M la U lii-i lliuii CI n ry 1 1 raou coiii. n.i.lMilri. tny iiitf O I r 11 O er PI AN K " "" a.a.M wa rLftif I Oa lulu. (4,1, 1 i.r liuunit4H of tIlu.lo.tioi,., nut 111 ..ijr Ifrt) m?k., I. Ilintf VUl lo l.ny, lui, l,vr. I 1 H1 ll,illi,t li.lliillrf li,.-. i- fiif Jjuiit iMHlm lilt.nfiil loK onl lirrnt., iuUu4jba( a I ' ilii,, hi (to. mI i,,r luicnli v.irili i f Mmm., JA.til-ri ill It, HI I UNMAN, Iteeht-aisr H. V, 2'2., .11 ili Slioilif! r;o lion rm 1 Tiiitv! Ar'-oii.iiioili.ti iiih I'n inpiiHiil f. r Ci ii foi t km I Sntei ; - I'.iHH nnd Freii'lils via ii.iiiii(i iihI flit. Oregon lli-velop. III. Ill t 'o'm hi el, 110 liilH Ml 1 11 I Mi lliili I, (in y other route t,e I Willi 11 il 1 0I11I i in I In. V. 'I IiI.k Ito tillrl .V. hull ' I l.lll'i:tco ! DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS ( I'.Hi . pt Kiiiul,i , l'nve 1 1.1 1 11 11 'i . . Am ive t i v.ill.s trrive A II 1:111 v li.'dVe Alliiiliy Aiuve ('oriiillis riie ViKpiini Tim) A. M . W:;t ...11:10 " l::ui. M. !irj P. M ft: W P. M tr.iiiis roiuiect at ( )ieon Albany 1,1 Mid ( llllfol'lltil id ( 'ot'vallis Fare I I v. . 11 forvnII, A ll.iinv 'nnd Han riiuiei'ieo l.'iui nnd !nbin, tlt.iiO; Uail Slid KteeiHi e, f It.liO, CJIAK. C. luxin:, Attn. O, F..t J". Ai;t., C01 viilliu, Or. wm. m. i:i(i, l in ml Slini(i! r. Oreeon Development Co. Fint class Kteaiiisliip l.itii. b'-iween Yiuriiiria ami Hun r riiiicwrn. ennui ,( mi (il Vhuiiiiih with the tnuiix of tlm t In imii paeiilo Hnil road t!oliiMifiy, KAIUN'O IATi:, IUOM SVN lllAKl 1HCOI EiiHt4-rn f )cri?on W .Inen.liv, Jnne S'.i W llliuiietto nllev. I uowlnv. Jsl v b r.nstern Oregon Monday, Willamette Vullev fSiiiKlav, )1 17 ?:i I'.dHl. rn Mi 'oii , Hiii unlay. llliiini tts tallry UlM VIljI-INAt Eastern f)reion . . . We.lnes.lay, July 6 Willamette nllev,,,, 1 iiemlav. 1-2 1. I '.HMtern I Irtyou , , , , ' Willsmelte Vlilley hunday, Ji FH.tern ( ireiroii Friday, Willanietlu N alley. Au. The Coiiiininv reservus th rik'l't to c lianca steamers 01- saillliK dates. H. II. TOIIV, en. F. A P. Aifent, 'Mi MoiitK'oinerv' St., a'.'l tf ban Fritiuiseii, f al. Hetid 10 cents wmlae, and we will mail you rims royal, valuable, sample bos of 1'oodn that wid put von ill the way of making Mou momby at once tlisn any lliinp; else in Amer ica. Itoth aeieaof all ant con live at home and work in spare tine, or all the time, Capital not repaired. We will start you. Immense pay surs for thoee v. ho sler tat, ouott. Hi in so Si. Co., Portland, Uitins Derby in 1x71), by I'lvlng D11U luuiii, ner of the Derby ind HI. I a iIl'i r. II I I I I 'iJl H k IVnJY.fUl 1 nr. ainl ktim! l-i ll. hanili Oregon Pacific E. B. A GIF!