Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189? | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1888)
THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY MAY 10, 1888 1 . ! A Woman from Austria. Near the villue of Zilling )! f, in Lower Austria, lives Maria Haas, an iutflligfut and i n I ust rious woman, whost story of physical suffering ami rinal relief, an related bv herself, is of interest to English women. 'I was employed," she says, -'in the work of a large farra loue. Overwork brought on suk headaclie, follow! by a tleathly fainting and sicknesa of the stomarh, until I was unable to retain either food or think. I was itfli h-1!-1 to take to my fd ii v several weeks, (wetting a little letter from reMt and quiet, I nought to do some work, but wa h:q taken with a jain in my sile, which in a little while seemed to spread over my whole ImnIv, and throbbed in my every linii. This was followed by a roiih aoi shortness of breath, until finally I eouhl not sew, and I took to my Iwd for the se-nd, auI, as thought, for the last time. My tl U'li.U tol. I me that iuv tlinr JimiI iHMlh mine, and that I imll int !ivf lono-er thiin Avlifii tlit tires jut on thir mti omv nior. Then I liapjHMieil t Ljtrt one nf the Sei jel j:iinj!ilets. I !-.-il it, and my dear mother l.tiulit nie a lmttle of Skh;f.t."s Sykfp, (Shaker "Kxtraet of Hoots) Avhu'li I totk exa tly :n-eotiling to tlireetitHis, ;md I I : :t I lioi taken the "vhol of it Irefoiv I felt A tlljtllu'e tor the lettel. Mv Jast illness 1'ifjraii June l'nr IsS'J, ani tiMitimied to August '.th, wlien I liei'Hfi to take the Svrti. Wry stxm I eotihl do a Jittle light work. The cotlgll Jett Hie, ' anl I was no mie troubled in hivathing. Now I am Jielfeetlv euied; and oh, liow h:iiv I am! I eannot express i irttitnde enough t'r iSeioki.-' Svi:ri (.Shaker llx traet of Io-iN). Now I must tell yo:i that the tloettus in our distriet di-ifrihtitetl handUilU eatitiotiing th people arainst the nit'dieine, telliiiLr them it would d no grssl, and many were th reo influenced to de- stroy the Selgel pamphlets but now, whenever one is to ie found, it is kept like a relic. The lVv preserved are bor rowed to read, and I have lent mine for six miles around our district. People have !!! eighteen miles to get me to l.u th medicine for them, know ing that it cured me, and to I? sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who was look ing like death, and who told them there was no help for her thnt she? had consulted several .1vr.tnra o.ihl J,olr ' ... her. I told her ol N-igel a Syrup, and wrote the name down for her tliat she might make no mistake. She took my advice ami the Syrup, and now she is m js-rrevt health, and the people around us are amazed. Tne medicine ha made fucll progress in our . ...11 ... 1 il A . 1 neignt tonic "t iiiui jieopie sav they don't want the doctor any . more, our. tney mice tne yrnp. runrers irom gout wno ere comineu ro uieir oetls ana count bae.lltr lnnra .1 tifnr.,i I111 vo liAn ........ j ...... .. ....v. .. . ..v., cured lv it. There is a inrl in our district who caught a cold by going through some water, and was In bed live years with coativenessand rheumatic pains, and had to have an attendant to watch by her. There was not a doctor in the Kiirrounding . district to whom her mother bad not applied t relieve her child, hut every one crossed '. themselTe'. and said they could not Help her. Whenever the little Indl rang, which is rung in our place . when anybody is dead, we thought iirely it was for her; but Seigel's Syrup and Pills (Shaker Extraet of Roots) saved her life, aud now she is a healthy as anybody, goes to hurch, and can work even in the .fields. EverylKsly was astonished when they saw her out. knowing how" many years she had been in bed. To-dsy" she adds her grati tude to mine tr Mod's inereies and beigel'a Syrup. .Mari Haas. Shaker" Medicines are now liiig old in ail p:-t of the world, and are working wonders, as shown in lh above c-ie. A. J. Whitf.. H Waa t ea St., New York, JOSEPH EMRICH. Wholesale and Ketsil BUTCHER, Forest Grove, Oregon. All kind of FRESH MEATS kept eon- i stantly on hand and told Cheap for Cash. ; "Highest Market Prioe paid for Beeves, Hogs, and Button Shttp. lS-tf Wool and Woolen. The New York Tribune publishes a chart which shows in a very graphic and striking waj the in fluences of protection and free trade upon the wool industry in the United States and Great IJritiiin respectively. In 18."9 the American j wool growers produced over :J(K),- 000,000 pounds, and in that year the British wool growers produced only 132,410,000 pounds. That is to say, under twenty-four years ot'protection the American wool product increased five-fold, while under the tame period of free trade the British pro duct actually fell off between 7,000. 000 and S.OOO.OOO pounds. So nlso as to the manufacture. Iu 185Q sajs the Boston Journal, the British manufacturers consumed 238,000,000 pounds of wool, while American manufacturers used ouly about one-third of that amount, or 86,000,000. But in 1882 our manu. factuiers consumed 353,000,000 pounds, while the British niauuf.ic- l hirers in the fame year used only 338,000,000 pounds. Since the changes which were made in tlu tariff iu 1883, tLeie has been some decline both iu wool growing aud manufacture. Our product of wool in 1887 was 265,000,000 pounds. .nd our eonsumntion waa 361.703.. 127 pounds against 388,524,404 pounds in the year previous and 400,642,549 pounds in 1885, which yraa the highest figure ever reached. Whoever compares this i ecord of a quarter of a century in protective America and free trade Knerlnnd will j see little reason to justify us in I abandoning a f vHteiu under vtliicb : we hrive mnde rent htiidrs in ! national prosperity, in order to j accept thnt under wliieh J'no-land ! linn fallen behind. SKIMOIS (IfAIM.tS. I Made Ajrul. t Shipping C'nniiUiotier II. V. Hash, of 1'nrt Tnniisend. i Hx Fkancim o, .May :. A Wash ington special says that charges have been received here reflecting upon II. W. Bash, the shipping commis sioner at Port Townsend. They allege that Hash has been a party to many abuses against seamen, permitting them to be shanghaied and shipped while in a state of beastly intoxication. He is also I represented as being a friend of 1 powerful mill owners who own all the larrre vessels doinrr l.iiii eus nt j the port, and working in their in- terest against the poor sailors. Hells for Sheep. ; The cheapest and best insurance . against dogs killing sheep are lcl!8 I plenty of bells. The sheepdog is J a great coward when in pursuit of I mischief, and he wants to do it j quietly wants no noiwe, no alarm : Bells bought at wholesale do not cost much. liny a tide of bridle leather at the currier's, for collars, and put a lell on every t.heep. if i JOlir flock IS Hinsl! The price of 111 1 one sheep will buy a gross of liclls and leather enough and buckles to 6trap them. Put this gross of Ixdls on a flock of sheep and they will j fKbtcn every dog out of tl ie field. Southern Farmer. 1'iiiftti racille Lauds. L.nooi.n, Neb , Mav :t. -Attorney . . : (itBeral Lee has been in Omaha for ; a CJU)lc of iUyH illTestiglliig the tiUo of the Union rat.il5(. to ,a,ja , beK1 in that citv Hntl t.laini!4 to have , fOUnd $200,000 worth occupied by . ...... oompanv to wineii it lias no legal title. A citizen of Orlando, Kla., has a dog that accompanies him every where, even to church. One Suuday the owner concluded to break the canine of his church-going habits and ordered him home. The dog retreated until his master was out of sight, then promptly turned back, entered another church and remained ' until the service u;is over. One hundred years ago the town i of Wilton, N. II., passed the follow ing vote: "That the town provide one barrel West India rum, five I barrels New England rum. one barrel jgood brown sugar, for framing and ' raising said meeting-house." eeds ! For Good and Reliable Seeds of all kinds. Send to Miller Bros. SO! Vrwnd .Street. PORTLAND Also, Fruit Trt.s. IW Supplies. K.nt Meal, Garden Tools, etr., etc. a.". 1m NEW BARBER SHOP! Connected with a well-conducted "P-j Tj.T'rS JJj Is now tinder succeswful mancement , at j JACKSON HALL, on Main 8tre, t-UHtiiifet:on guaranteed in Shaving. Hair Cutting, Ktc. OliCLVlng, - . X C Centa . Hair Cutting. - 25 Cento. m3-tf J. WIKT7, Froyri.tor. THE FUNEREAL MONTH OF MARCH. An observant nietiojiolitan baiber n f that lift t an tell one's pliyaical ron.iitiurt by the state of the hair . " The P.ill tells us that with his huir jrono Samson h-t his utrenj'th. The Id .mans c.onsitlerl baldness a am ion allHftion awl Jniius f'msar was never quite HatiMieil will himself liecuuM hi, to v an har-'. The face, however, is tie ojcii l-ik ami out can teahly irw in its vaiioii expressions, lines, han;'es ami comp'.cx itn tho ftate of the cysiem. The eye that is tniiiMuUy bright an. I yet has a pallid bi ij-'litm'ss, the hu e ihsjji whose cheeks natiiro paints a rest? ot pinular Iteanl y and Hindi, more marked in contrast with the alabaster apcaranir of the forehead and nix and lower part of the fare, in one of those whom the skilled phyHi. :!H will tell you KOme day tlread the uuiercal month ol Marti., I e- j cause it H then that consumption ,va,w . its richest harvest, t oiiMiinptiyii lnev tell us is caused tV this, that and the j other thiiiL'. hv nv rote in the air. I v i iiieneoi.roiiHiiiH in the t!l, bydetieient nutrition, ' a thoi.nd and one thinvrs, hut whatever th raiW, deeav lxliiH I nut wn-ucM r in , . - . " with a couli hiidthe lemedy that wi.l eflVrtually ftoptlie cause of that COU4" ; cures tne rlisea oi me iungs. That ir all there i of it. Tl e rou'-di is an evidence of a wa-tin. j To Mop it ell'ectn:i'ly, remeily muct 1 uced that win sear, n om xue e iuse. k- move th:t and li en heal the tun.: ai d l away with tin eoinjii. 11ns 1-. me ll". js..sHe-e.'. uliii e iMver. hts-iiil lv Wiirner s I tc 'uy;ii ami i "ti-'tiiii lemtsSy. ltns is m-nev- t nut ion ot narcotic mm isi!(mii, . t.nt Jii ol.l-f;ihioneii inemrrttion of lull- hams, roots and herbs, ruch a was u.-ed bv our .ancestors many years ar, the formula of which has leen secnml ev clusivelv ly the present manufacturei at great' trouble and exnense- It is not a mere cold-dryer. It is a system searcher and up-"bii.lder and a consump tion exiellant. When' others fail, it wins, iHs anse it pets at the constitutional cause ami removes it from the syMem. J. W. llerisawof, 1 a., on Jan 1" 1K.SS reix r'cd that "he had 'de- ,;v..'l m'nr,. re'il he'etit f..r the len'th ol riet WOW real Dtr.eiu I-.r liie i iyn "i lime, triim arner s Cabin Coiih ion. and vi t l--- II apH'tlte, coinage. a v..ur luns 'a : t -1 a av, von mat kiii'.v t!i..t H-ii i!ie i.iti. -al iuo'ii'h , ,. m vi.ii. e.!.-s pr.rn.ptiy of March w ill i laim A':i I. i T 1 1 i il I V i i:-r ;i..' . h i u-.m-.i. li!licr reiie'-.i.e" hav i.n!ei try iliih ojie ihoron -iilv. It o'hers :ire otl'erctl, insist the more i n ttxinjr tnis nneimalett prep- irati n. Sunn p ison- ate prone to smunip- ti.iii and they fhoii'nl never iliM-a-!' tola-conic healed. allow tne "'" ..... " "- l..!ui..iii'i'- !:- !. -I III'1 llivcr Miiir Thames '"I '!'' !m- i. i)..v. if m !ioiie boat.-, i. Iii Nvii. im Vent a c..Kt!i.!e l'r ' ',II1'.V itic IltiiilNtimaii eaim i o .i:: . inaili't-- ioi e!f! ! i 1 1 t lliiry y;ir:i;i!' - !i;l' i:t T. ul ij tlie'rfwT. ' "i i. 'i : ami tc."te ve I: ! ii"esary ' ::: '- ; ii i a rat ner !! -'.".'i t t ;.n t ;. U'!i l".'i'! 'i a r . " - ri-ipl. . . (. i v . i.i- it j. riiii- i- i li- ' .i I r I'.i iii.:! ;rra" is :l wai-t ( 'ocK'i -y - l.DsiOU r.jusiang Lfinin Ml lUMI 511 UTAX't Ij"lIETfHr 1 T',fii(iii ilakT, lMU).i;.'. ' v. aw 7 k ; 9 3, ox XM .TV E J si and 4 oiiisumpiion lemetiv man ne nan .r i nurru. m in in ei,- for fn.m'ihe l-st ,,,,e ,., .aicianH j- TOwalKrSrw JSta. If v. hi h.:ive a couh, tiht hweats. ora "l-wi'tive auramv in vourown mind: "VulA Agoay from Catarrh." .i . .. .. 1....'. .. .'.nwiiMitt- ' Prof. W. II.m'svkr, ttie fiitiions niestneriat. that vo-l, on ton. hiiM no oiMiriie . i r -"" -s. ..... v. n. a Lei mi: 53 alt rv C3 ft. tDtuaj 'uauutLT htiuk itjuir PROTECT YOUR HOMES! MARLIN DOUDLE J GOOD KEV0LVER no lonjjer costs a Fortune Self-Cocklcgr, Automatio Ejecting, FULL NICKEL! PLATED, X Automatio j) WtBBASTXt BQTAL I CVEBT HtBTtCT TO THE For solo by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere. Manofartut d ly THE MARLTS FIRE AEM3 CO lew EaTtn, Com. Macrazine rrlrt-wiaII(aM,lttliM. Til Hrmifmi (koMltf r' rrfwt nr curaatvl, aa4 la aiaoluul-r m! Mfta am taa uibl BAIXARD CALLKKT. -.POKTtvo ixnllRr.FT fllKLrs. nril imwil. Ml Vlmm-i CrtaiM. MAHtl.N y ME AaaMl CO.. JVw imvm. C ia. IDEAL EELOADINO TOOLS WILL SAVE ONE-HALF THE Made for all atiee of CartrMjrea wbk Riflea or Pl.tola: Martin, t oli a. Wloeheaier. Hallaffl. Mewme, WBiiOKtoa, - w aiiaaymewway, ituutu weaeoa I HIT III Mill, Cheaper and better thaa any other. The Criffbl M a MUM JO. " : UVEft OOWX. w3t.fti PiLLO. nsnr vizz:isix i rajsctur . naxuaa lorvuM as it Livrtt rill. IWa ! SMALLEST. CHEAPEST. EASIEST TO TAKE. It.wnriof Imitation-, conta'.niiiflr Pof-nnnua Muralt Alwaya ' tor lr. rir'i Pellets, wfii. ii are little Einfar-eoiiu-d 1'iUa, or Anti tiniivi ;ranni. living Hurely Ve-retnbJe, Tr. rierrr's I', il. n ..wraui without luturhane to th i,vi!i in. tla-t, or oc-a.-upHtittu. 1'iit up in gUam vt.iN. liennetieaJly acalisl. A! wave fresh ailt r. lui'ite. They ar a jrt-ntlo Ipx alive, or an ui tivv purgative, accordintr to uttu of doau. S!l HEADACHE. nilloiit IIadarbf, '!. ""?r .tl-tll, llldl$.IIUIIj UrraiifouoiU ot t It e tiuoiiicb and ""ZX - r'Z rltrt hr ltH. ,wnf ir. Pierre' Pleasant Purgative l-tllel. In eilaiiHtioii of the r iixiAl M.w. ror tu.- 1 eijeta i;.jit m vn l ,h..j f...n i:lwr. ..., Bto... .i sa, u.t a tfiina or tiMiio owneinir tlieir una. influimce. t?!i ly irurifnoi, for S.i e-iit B viHl. Manufaetureil at iU. Chemical Jt. muvf t Wohldh 1iseExsKr Mcnirat Association. Xo. tittJ J:mu JtuflTdio, X. y. ry f t" ' V t rr-n I'V Hie tiiniiiifartiir- eis .f Or. Nttftr's utarrli lteiety, ..r ! ale r 1 It lit Use Head h'- u ti.rj- cuie. HVtlrTONK OP CtT.ltltll Hull, hiiur hi ui. lit. lie. olmtriltlioti ot lli.l lluul iHissair., dtwhurtfe iinii ine lu-ua lulo tbo tliriMt. fconietiuifrs protuse. watery, nit aertd, at ichors, thick, tetmclotis, nuieous, iiiriilent, blomly ami utrit; tlie eje aw weak and watery: there is riiijrin? in tbe etira, AeafneM, lie., klnir or eooirtiinjf to ckmr th throat, eipeiSorwilon of oa. nwvo tiioU. toiretlier with m.-al from ulcers; tbe ite la cbiuitred nt lius a "riasnl twsnR": the breath is offeusive; emell unit taste are Im paired; there is a sensation of dU.iiiAs, wnh nientnl depression, a liuekinr conirh and ireti I'ral itehllitv. Only a few ot the symptoma arc Ultely to Ihj pn-M iit in any 'iie ea-. Thousands of eas-s uiiniiiil!, w iiiioni lino tb thnstt. fc..metii;ies notuae. watery in 4vlllH,i:uition. anJ enJ 1:1 tlur irinve. nianlrestinif Halt or ttio aoove Byu.piouai, re- i No disease is so eiiiimon, more iUTtive and dawreroilH. or b- un.t.nfssl t.y phi sielaiis. , irs inii.l.sN.thlii. nml iM.KliiiK' '-pertM-. 4'iit;irit It.'iiMily enr t!i- worst 1 nult'rel miio' l ai.ny !:iini naaat catarrh. Idy fainily piistetiiri gave mo tip s lneiirabV, ami auid I hum . mich a Iwd oi.e. t!mt. every tav, n j ' .i,, -.,.,:.. i, .iy ci wan IfTHnW 81111- lll I ItMll'i liurelv nrk a n Itii-iM r. In I lif lilornili my eoutrhini; and eleiii toir my tiirmtt would aliiswt mraiiifle me. i'.y the n-of llr. aicc'B I'.l.rrh ItMl. iiv in Ihni' 111'lTltllK. I WHS O, Wt.ll ! niau, and tiio care has bev n isruument." i artamuutiy HawUiiiK sud Spitting. j TnOJ,A3 j, Hrii,o, Kw, s&s Vine .vtrrrt. m. Itmii, AT.i- wrirw: I was a preat eulrer.-r ' from catarrh fr three yimrs. At tiuaw I could . tT.i-.ilr Imnilie. and was consfaniiy hawkliur ' and spittiiiK, and for the last tutght misitlia . m,i' not iireatue throuprb the nostrils. I i thoinrht nottiinif 'ould lie done for nie. Lnck- ; ".v. i o iwi i ry .v I i'ntti , HII.J 1 1111 UUW B wrii ,u.i. . .... ... . w Jt to jH, tho only Bl)ro ppmpoy for catarrh now j maniifsotiired, and one has only to plve it a 1 fair trial to experience aatoundinf libulu and a permawnt cure." I A complete Treatiiio on ratarrli. iriviuir val- uft,i lntits as to elnthin!r. ti t. end otla-r . oiattern of lmior1an.-i'. will l. niaii'i. pi- iwid to nv addrefcH. on nvi ipt of a two-cent nostafre uramp. Address, tforl l' Iipn sr Jti-tlral Awielaflao, No. J3 t-aia trt. I:UFP ir.T. ThU paper i kept ou file mi lk mtlU f mf YE SON DVERTISINq flMES BUILD1MQ gjgR g pHOOElfm rcTiijiTTC Pwiiwwirr imRTi'iMs corr CO I IMA I CO at Lowett Cash Rotea fritt Maapsfwr hi en a oun a liiMnuHk OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA TV Oregon A. allf orniit And t 'omiectioiis. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE ! Time Ih-ln ecu forthim! iiikI Sail rr:inci-co, :j'.t Honrs! i iCaHfornia Exorei Train Run Daily LzttvcPf Pcrtiani n - r pncSCO. I.KAVK. 1'ortlaii.l 4:iU P. M. San l'r.m. P. M. I Ar.i;ivr. S.l'r.iiii i-.,- . 7:11 A.M Poitlaiid.. in.-MA.M j l.e I'lUKCiivrr .(.. s.r.-rpf .Si.i,fto, ! T.Kvvr;. i " 1 I p..iti.-ii.i eA. r. j rn...n.. jiv. M. j rJu-. ii. '.'. A. M. j Port l.i ml ;;:.". P. 1. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS 1 EXCURSION SLEEPERS For S. r. nd-('laH Pi. ;.'! . rill tl;r t!t;h ' trains fuli: of t ii viUii:. The . A f. It. IS. Ferry nmkes eonlieetion J with nil the reonhtr trins on fli ijist Side I division from the f.tof ! Street. Vest Side Division. KETWEEN' I'OUILVND ,t COUVALLIS. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday, i.k ivr. Portland THl A. M. HllinUito 8:4.. A. M. trv.lliH 1:P. M. IlilUUiro .'.rt4 P. 1. Ai.niv-;. Hillslsir.. .K:41 A. M :orvallis Il':l5 P. M! V. M Portland l. M. t?"At All. iiiv and t'orvaliis n.-nnect wiih tr. uns of the Oregon Pacitio. Kxires T.'ain Ili.ilv, except Sunday, ; I.KATK. I Fortlnud . 4:.Vt P.Sf I Mill, In, r ... t.M AIU1IVH. Hi! ;)4 P.M SleMin'vilIe.HHUtP.M H.ll-ilN.r... 7"J.-M MeMnrville,.-.:4.-. A..M ltilllMr.. 7::A.M P.r1l.uid .iiOA.ll F V. KiXiFJlH, U.IKOEHM.i:. O F. A 1. At. , Mans tier n4-t ACTION REVOLVER. Thet revolTers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated SMITH & WESSON. Caliber, using Centre-Firo Cartridges. L SKfffl REWARD M iM CJ 3 Kl l - I Ir. Sua 1 J RUBBER HANDLE. BC8T IN THE WORLD I Rifle. COST OF AMMUNITION. f. - a ere a-e4 ta aay of the fottowlnc ajeu w. w mmMwm mm wm. . PATH ACS NAM. Beat lor frloa Uat of taeee toala e ex lVft O. Haw UArwm, Con. Fred lambleton, Planter, fan Tromp d Glen Dudley Will Ntaud for nerTire the Senon ot tHHH nt the Fair Grounds. IIIINboro. U nlilnKloii oiiii, Or c". F It Kit IIAMtLKTOX 4M. imytmwid rrrura :. ... . . 1 r 11. 1 . . . . 1 M vear-.ld i.tfike at Siilnu and Sp..knne fall : i,f 1SSJ. ' lie in n chestnut liore, 7 Tear old. Sire HAMIILKIOXJAX MAMHUINO, aire of Jaiw L. 1 dni Springfield Maid fdmti of Van j Troini. :i-yar-oU Malhon record 'J:Wli ,v Lakeland AUInllah. full to Harold. Hire of M.inJ S. C';'. 2 dam Saluda lv Maid(:ll). :i t!an Friday (air of dam of Geo. oley. 'Ml), y iiup. .Trnte. 4 daui by imp. Jielifoundef. aire of tbtt dam of nn. I fin fU. 1IU record of 2:'Ji; waa made us a feyear old after a aeaMoii in the atnd, mid is not the lueasurw of ins aiieeU. lie lias Hhown a V:U K"t "d in a hrief career boa distanced kitty l.yneb. Jane i ( to wagon), Altatnout, I July Maucl.OleanUer, Melrona and others. W year aevew aick - nes in Aofpwt rendered bum unfit racing J ntz H.raUeton. his only colt trer trained from a ware without standard blood, won at S emwnh ease over large Helrt or atanuara rireu colts, in tare. year. ta DIUM r ' V mmmm I :- ir fti' vFl'i'lre , -j0 .,. ' Season, wit h pi i il.-ge of rd urn . . . . ! blH,u u w Limited to 'JO mare. fJevv City If FOREST GROVE, OREGON. (OPPOSITK ltSTOFFICK C. W. RANSOM. i Ft i.i. txi rttnvi.KTi: Drugs and l'ATKXT tlKIHlF.K. AltTKIilM. ToiLitrr PRItFI'JUMIY. BSE B-tVLll, GOODS, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Books and Stationery, Et., In fact. evtMtuim: that is usually found in a t'trsl-elas, and en rythu.j, ..Id at reaaoiiahU rati h. THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is carefully conducted, and, under Mr. Hansom's in uirtt'.'uit.-!it, isitroiM n.-e.l liuve no f( nr lint that their imscriptions will tie carefully and nrenrately ran)iourided. His loii;; cxif ricuce in (lie lrutf husiness in this count tint, t him to fullv me t tbe wants of t i Ieople iu his line, fall and ei amine his Stock Prices, nn.i you are Is. cud to he suited iii'" tf I. L. Smith. & Sons Maioifacl liters of nml lenl. rs in all kind of i im; tii:iii ti mid row ini r.i Also, a line ussoitiiient of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS fc MATTING Picture Monldine, I'ictnra Kramew, Mirrors. Lace rurtains, VinJ..w Shades, t '.li.Uier tkwKls, VI Pner, Spring and Top Mattres-s. PMIows. etc.; ls Doors and Blinds ! Frsmes, M.Mitdiiit;s, Krnekets. Stai. I.i Newel 1 ct I VlrFKTAKKUS FOREST QROVB. Organ in the Lead! It has a ease wholly I'NKJl'E IN DESIGN: ur..iin .'I.v litO if id. and put t.. llnT oil 1111 ENTIICEIjY NEW PKINt'l Pl.K -iu nlid eiis i:l. ad of M-rews. It is iil- MOl'SE FUCMlF, hr n simple c.iitrivnnce, ilKVXU tHSINGS rEEVENT SWKLI.JNfi OF KEYS IS UWIV WF.VI 'IIKIt. ' A liaiiJuum. t.rneket LAMP, of tiold lUKtal, alt-chid torn. Ii orali, insurer liht IkiIU snfe and eonrenieut ThU Orjfs'i. with its full and partial set of KEKDS. its different S HU'S and rori'fiKISS-mH e of them ailcnl Kie mimlei li ss variety of ftM PINATIONS nnd KXFKKSSION. and in SWFETNFSS ;oi l IIK IINI'SS ..f TONE, it is fnllv etinl t. iiit maLe. K.v iy instrument s.ld with a SIX YE1W il' Alt AN'I F.F. I mil nou intr.xlnciua these el.y uit iiislrumeiils into Waul in-ti.n Cotnity nt srill'KtSlMiJiY l.tW FKt IIF.S. V At.NIFICI'NT SMPt.E le .-een i.t my home in l'.r trove. i ii t -i- SLIM. :-IIK i;k VI , Mi.i" '-r'.' I' ... - ..... . . ..r r av.ll.-L' X. l4He l ay w-HH-i. -""i""T-"r Her let- .:. - luaurnnrc.. "7 .OH I0.4MI i sEElM weihi over l.Vr.) isinds; is ''V fold ltotaroaa.., a IVreheron: dam hr Vah tt.iv, ha hv out nnn.iik 1 niir-ii. i.i . bi.i.-i nia; 'M dam Old SrVilly. owned hy Win. John kVl of Oleneoe, now deceased, known aa th Prise mare, alie hj imp Uamhhr, a thoronghhretL jCvwry pofiuhle care will ha taken to pra mt accident:!, bat no raaponaibuity Mgn,l!a . P. M. JACKSON. Hiltoboro, April 5, im. mi 'Sm 1 1 1 J n " l. ii'. .-. he l y Pl .ckhawV. mid l.e l.y MorK' n. trKHH.t Patent liiisinesa 111 ew time ami j. illamettn Vidh-v, Tlmrsd-iv nt Wm Wider.' tiar Cent re. is hemitiftil Stsllion will IB ike the ( ,i;sS Clhl than those remote from - Eastern t heoii In.'..). " ivi.' Tlmi ,:iM.ltm , . uil, , Valley. " A... ft i I O eriirill: nil other d at the farn. of Ml s: ! Sxnd miaji'l. draw I'l. r phot. t Itll ile. ( ! ii-uiiderM.m. d. mile east of IlilNhoro. . fi.'eM.vdl- ; rirtl.'M. w' ''! if iwtentah e or not, ; Tt:f Companv r.H.rvi.H I lie 1 il.t to cliunca M.IVrf.ff V.HH. I C years old, a rich hy over nvernj? ' , u ',y J' 1 McFerran. Louisville. ivvmi iway . i v.,,.,. . WJ '' PANfOAST f.-2l4. of Patron (5-veir-old atidlion record IMI ''), and of od Peet ( ".-year-old rec rd J-.:hJli). ... i ,.,. , ,n .. . .. .10 . anJ A'lis (3-y. ar-old record J:SJ J,etc 1 dam Lacia, dam of Day I)rnain (4-year. ; i olu cora uy Uvsuvk a j Ionian. ' dam Trusty, dm of Dencnlion ! j (2:), Scotland Maid ('.'tL'S'i, and John I j Trustee. :t da in l.y Henry iKiroc, kou of j Henry, rival of American Kelipse ... .... ,. . , i... , WAM Ml is tli immediate deicenJaiit , fit animals, m In.lh ilr, that inherit Kmmh, fKMsesa Apeed themaelve. and transmit it to ; h j descendants. His breeding need no Planter has never hi-en tromed, . J d 4 j of ,ust in h, h h ,rftnHi AH InarK U trotted wilea . . thmwh not old nouch ! trained, are lur well formed, and .1, i.i nt hhow eieellent gait. TERM: : ftjnj, m. rvi.v : B.-BSOII, with privilege ot 1. till 11 ' Insurance . Drue Store ! Manager. i.ixi: a' i i:i:sii. win: Chemicals, TIM. SOU'S. irriHTs y i a is. iisiii; tackm:. FURIITURE if i ? . iUlJc Materials, St.or K-tilni-i, Itatntern, La.uler, etc. KXT. ORKOOM. ! YOUNG GLEN Is rt l.nii.'.s line hl.u k. 7 vcar old. llJ j m'a-ilOlllt I.IIHV IMlfltlll H JH H'tl D IIU P'H'U I a a i . . , . . i Olen eld. winner at tl. Centennial in W. ! lt .1..... I.v. .1.1 1M dam lV Chal- i'hiirrJ.iys, at l' M I l Snturdaa. nt iViii''i!-.r Snndays and ili..l.ivs. at E. Nctiiefft lin'a Fill tii, one tulle noitti of Ln'ii a 1. O. j -rpriu tr ifc... fs ud f 10 I Every pnaniht er will teken t. prevent accident 4, hut 110 responsibility i aaatnueu. "CifFor farther partiealara, add reas E. Schieffehn or L. A. Jobe, Uillaboro.Oreeon. E. SCHIEFFELtN. March , m&lm i.i.v Titani: 3.)rMrM rerurd S:t'4, And winner of the ;J-yer-olil rueen at Unlem nn. I '1 he liullis in ls7: is a tmv liorw without white, and otie of the linndwiiui Hl auil C'onext trotters iu the atute. hired hy JHlMJKil IMV, sou of Ilnnihla. touiiin Mnnihrino ' aire of Jane I.., ':l'J4f 1 diim Soriniftielil Maid, dnm of Fred iiauuiu ion, Kt-o ptdileo of 1'led ilumliletoti. J Van Tromp will lo liuiiU'd to 10 inaroa, i M-rmit training. , to IHUMS Of SEHVICK: ..flJ 2.r W, j Season, with privilege of return . JiiHuraiifi The Thnroi'ijhbreti Slnlliun, tiLKS otin.r.. Full brother to Judith, wiuriur of tl raoea Iu Ihho. D Flavello te DcnLEV Is a handsoiun bay, 1 Iiarids hih, and weighs 1 1 -W pounds. . . : ... T . r: 1... I tlsiu Madum llndl.'f, inner of the ! Chuinpna Ktake at Jerome Park in 170, i bv lrxmijton. J dnm in. p. Jiril ntnilH 4th, j idaiu of HriKund, winner of tln Jet Notice to the Public. I now have my New ROLLER PROCESS FLOURING MILL In O elation, ami utu iiiaUin fi very loipeiior rmln of 1'Jour. Tlio Hillie ii ilivitdl to tfivu tli New lVicen Flour n trial. Will Li oji constantly on hainl ft full lino of Flour, Unto, etc, Knohnnoo btoiness ilonf (with Frmei s. A Stcu-k of Millinp; O.-itn. juice jmiil. r.uekwueut atul Highest tunikct JOHN MILNE. alll-lv IV. A. I-OOIMX. CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER, ( (UtNI.r.Il s, ul.TOnX. 1 7 S T J M A'i li FCKMSIIKH N ANY 1 j class of hnil.liiiu on np'ii'Mt ion. t'omelius, Fcl.Mlill v l'l, 1SS4. ml 3ia ELKHORN SALOON. piIIMI l'HOF.M.F.IV FNOKK l.tU IS 1 Sti,.K'r'M iii;iiii.i..'ii! nl, I1114 oM-lied a new K.' in ihe hiiildin loriuerlv oecii. .i(lhv loin l,i:i linrn, kiiiu 11 nstlic lilt Imrii S;iIih,i. Hire he will he pleased to meet Ii iis tin 11. 1.. strictly orderly Imiixe Will lie k)t, al tlie !.! of H.MT,' I ' Slid l.iiM.i. lul-tf Sur 6.000.000 FCO'lt V?'. JFt ' O.M.FERRY&CO. mwm 4lniittd iolwih. Liriwt aaman tr th world. D. K.FEIRYtCO lllartrl4, llMtvlp. tiw m 11H.1 SEED ANNUAL For tee mil tM malWwt tFRCC TO ALU Ijplimiili., nn.i $l llftftt MC-IIJI..I.'. 'U--t"UI.-T tl b - cut erij'trtiig c. 1 Invaluable to nr. tvurr lr. 11 uni.g f Cardan Field 'Flow. -SEEDS-.r-rsiJa U.M.FERRYACO., Detroit, Mich. Tha BUVEaS'OUIOBil taauad March and Bopt., Laclrear. It t an ancy. Iclopedla of uaaful infor. 'rnatlon for an wno pur. chaaa tha luxurloa or tna nacasBitiaa of til. Wa can olotha jrou and furnUh you with nil tha neeaaaarr and unnoc"ary appliance to rld, walk, danoa, alep, eat, flab, hunt, work, go to cburob. or atajr at hem, and in various alaoa, tylaa and quantities. Just flrura out wtmt ia required to do ail tbaaa tbinsa cstiDiatoof tha valua of tba BUYKB8 UUXDE, which will ba aent upon receipt of 10 centa to par poatac". MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 1U'U4 aucliigau Avonua, Cbionco,IU. Tttir fi I ? 'H 1' 1 1, t i 1 ll,' T Lor.V --. 't r 1 1 t -I-l j In , o l ''-r t, d r. n i.v 4jTj, Cnvi-t. mid l ia.l Mark- obtained. Hnd nil PAII'NT lU'hlNl.hS conducted for MOD-' MCA'IE Fl'I K , OI'U OFFICE IS OPPOSITE V, H. j FATKNT OFFICE. have no auh-. 1 . ..refereiioeat act uaJ Sieiita iii your Ktnt. . A. HOW A CO., thssiite Fat lit oril.v.n'nsliincf.m, ! ulrt-tf A DDI7IT KfiiJ ail centa for .tar, A I lll.t.and receive iree, a costly bofl " a . ... .l.:l. ill l,..l .11 OT fKSia viiicu "in of either aec, to mora money riht away than anything elaa in thia world. Fortnnea await tho workera ahsolauly anra. At mica Addrwaa Taw A Co.. Auo-ta, Mala. IFF WFDS X. 1 V J I leiliy in 1M7I , t,y riyina UnlcliniMii, win ner of the )erhy nml Hi, LiiliT. Hf lnice'nu l iemi Html Jt Mk . Imp. i ! 1 1 ii uuij.'nitii'1'iit rnee horsn, ix in nink the lirst Mile of '1 liur-.ii'U'lil.r.-.U iu Ann i-ii';i. l. liri lieeli nt tlie li ml of uiniiiiic sin-s -1H7'J, lK4t im; U( j-.i7t Id 4 Mred luola MHIIU'M tlmil MIIV Ml.llllull ill A iiil-l (il l V ! In. I I V 'ill,.. '.., iv in., uni.pii di- Jun.-M n . Mm o,(. wiw ni:!1ii eeellett ruce ioi'H. A i ;'.-m iii-.Ii1 I mi (i rt 1 Mcvi-ii tunea. w.n ilin r ie.-i., u in ohm 1 luiii in t.i. Ai Wioilniu'toii, l. (!., MtVfinlMir VI., Ii7. in n i,.iiiil.. .dxli. !... : lieat, iimoii;; otlieis, Lndv Hajlers, tie dnm of St. I'huI, viiiiim ensilv hv In. If u do.t-n l-ntli. ili-li Ji!iUi'"s eulls have hi., ' 'I.Vle. HJl.-Mt mill (III Xll II.. lit llHM.Hiti.l. 'None of (In in have had tliorouU triilmn t'Jt faces, '.. us v si.nvn E: KiiiKlti servii-o Kiii wjh, with privilea of return Insui'Miiae Msrea iutrunteU f m to ha brtnl will t reoelvn coref ul anj good pusturaa at l.W a luontU. ;f"VouiiR stfK'Ii, buth trultirii; nnd TLut' 1 ilOS. II. TOMIL'K, ' ; lllltaboru, Oregon, FOR SALE! LOT Ol' I.UT.U W VAN l( ) IT K Also, a ipasntlty of liny, uill ha sold t'heau at tho liurii. V. rilAl.MKKrt, I'iNt (lonulius. Call an d S c o lIt. W AMI BOOKSELLER And (.'nt ymir nn.ii).y's wmlhol' Drugs, Medicines. Toilet Articles, Envolopoa and Paper, Musical Mor-' chuncliso, and everything usually 1 lo d in B l'irnt ('llms I'ol.ntiy IIUrf, ll.n.k mid .NuVi lty M.iif, - i PRESCRIPTIONS and TORMULAS Cftretully ruinMiiiiul..d at nil hours. dli tf I I III1'! '. W it I ll I I, 1 I, i ' For 1 1 1 iit limit vti atul li.Hiii in thtiarU BULDS PLANTS. .'.Ci SMYSj. t tjuUMtntla of 1Iii.iiiIi'ii.b, 11 it J lirAi ly if.) Ulllnil l.l I.i l.iir, mi, I wli.m ' 1 ni l l',ni"t duiiiIiim trl. m liiii'l k.,'mI., Irl.aefiil I UK onlx I" ., KlU'liuil ii 1 . mi. 1 ... ' I f"i .) uTiu wnrtli "if J A.lll.w tit K. M I IINIIAN, itu. ltealvr ft. V. Oregon Pacific E. E, 2.1 yUlvn Sl.oi tci : 2t IIolll, Less Time! I Aocomiiiott'it juiii FnxiiriiHni..l fur Comfort and hafrt) ! Fines mid Freight 4 via VlOpiin i find the t rejoil lh Velop l.n lit I '. i'h Istenickhiiis !l i ll I.I HS t'u.ii Iiv anv other route IW. I'll llll I olllt.4 ill t tilt WMiiniK'tte ill.- A han Francisco ! DAILY PASSENCER TRAINS I I! it ci 1 it Kiimlavs ). Iave 'uiiiiim . 7hk A. M. Arrive i i viil!is Arrive AlliHiiv l'iivn Altiftny Arrive t'l.rxillis Arrive Yu'i'iuiu . UK " ...11:10 " I:;k r. M, 'JM V. M. tAQ I'. M. On foil Mi. (Yltfoiiiia tliiini nolinevt at Alhiiny mid ( 'orvailis Fare l.ilui'.n i '.irviilli-.. Mli.inv nnd Han -Knl and t', SU.UOi Kail and MtecrrtKc, I'.i.ini, 'CHAM. C. IKKlli:, Act. U, F. A I. Aflt., I '..i vullU, Or, VM. M. HOVO, tienernl Mhiiiij;. r. Oregon Development Co. FirHt-claHshti.HiiiHiiijil.ini. hetweeii Ynquina and hull Fraiirisen, eoiiiiertm nt Ys.inlna with tlie 1 1 o 10 s o 1 tin- Ii ir. n t'nui 111 U111U I Mail Company, , J KAII.IMJ DMI.S. I IIOM SM I li M .4l'.l! F.iint. rn Ocri,'nii 1 ilncsdiiy, ,-lnna ?i , W lllnmeltn l.lley. .'I nesdsy, Jnly ft 1'fo.u rn t irc-'oii M.iii, I. iv, " )l Hi.n.ti.v, ' 17 SainH.iv, " l , Willnnii te nll. y F.ssteiu Oie on "illamelle Iley tttovi vtciNti Eriatern On u W e.lm ulsv, July C W illnnuitp Yalh . . . . tnciliy, " Fi H. : tf 'mnv, fiti. v. a v. Vk'.ni, ;W4 Moiitoriifiv Ht ., hmi Francisco, I n), urn Rend 10 rents piuliif, nnd we will iniiil you mint a roynl, viilnahle, aaiiijila l.os of uimkIs t ti fit will put you in the wpyof making Moita monmt at onca thnn any tliimr else in Amer ton. Dotb aexea of nil ncii ran live 11 1 Ik una and work in spare' tin n. or nil thu time, Capital not required. Wa will start yon, Immense pay aura for tlnsio who stsr'tut, once. HilMaOii A Co., FortUnd, Maine IDrug gist mmmm