Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1888)
THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY... .JAN. 12, 1888 'ATsTilile SnrscalOidTHtiDQ I A FATAL MISTAKE. p Thic Cleveland (Ohio) Press, of February 23d, 1883, pub lished an account of a fatal surgical operation which caused a great commotion among rned- ical men throughout the whole country, Dr. Thayer, the most eminent surgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing it scandalous. It appears that a Mrs. King had been suffering for many years, from some disease of the stom ach, which had resisted the treatment of all the physicians in attendance. The disease commenced with a slijrht de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed by a peculiar indescribable dis tress in the stomach, a feeling ' that has been descriWd as a faint "all gone" sensation, a sticky slime collecting about the teeth, causing a disagree able taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was increased. After a while the hands and feet became cold and sticky a cold inspiration. There was a constant tired and lan guid feeling. Then followed a dreadful nervousness, with gloomy foreliodings. Finally the patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain in the abdomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a consultation was held, when it was decided that the patient had a cancer in the stomach, and in order to save the patient's life an operation was justifi able. Accordingly, on the 2 2d of February, 1883, the opera tion was performed by Dr. Vance in the presence of Dr. Tuckerman, Dr. Ferrier, Dr. Arms, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Capner, and Dr. Hal li well of the Police Board. The operation consist ed in laying open the cavity of the abdomen and exjosiiig the stomach and lnvels. When this had been done an examin ation of the organs was made, but to the horror and dismay of the doctors there was no cancer to bey found. The pa tient did not have a cancer. When too late the medical men discovered that they had made a terrible mistake ; but they sewed the parts together and dressed the wound that they had made, but the joor woman sank from exhaustion and died in a few hours. How sad it must be for the husband of this poor woman to know that his wife died from the effects of a surgical of? rat ion that ought never to have been jx-rformed. If this woman had taken the proper remedy for Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration (for this was what the disease really was-), she would have Uen liv ing to-day. Shaker Extract of Hoots, or Seioel's Curative Sykfp, a remedy made ex pressly for Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, has rest r. d m.-my such cases to periVet health :utT all other kinds of tii'ttn:-;.r. have failed. The eviilcmo ot its efficacy in en ring tlii- c!as of cases is too vthi:ni.ous to be published here; Ixit those who read the published evidt-nre in favor of thii dysp-ptie ivmedy do not question ii- iv.nvinring nature, and thy article has an 1 . T.-lMvVc Hide. More Canneries for Alaska. San Fbascisco, Jan. 6. The Northern Packing Company incor porated yesterday. It proposes to catch and pack salmon at Kenai. Cook's Inlet, Alaska. Another company of the same character styles itself the Xushagak Cannery Company, and proposes to j engage in salmon fishing and pack-: ing at Nushagak, Bristol bay, Alas-' ka, with $100,000 capital Block. The much talked of dry dock is about to materialize. It will start 1 with a $50,000 capitol, and will oc cupy blocks 28 and 20, of Hastings first addition on theTront west of . the business part of town. YYest- ... ' empire seems to be taking its way. j -lue x. U. U. X . ball at linker Citv, ! Tuesday night, was an immense affair, there being about 300 numbers sold and I about 1500 people in attendance. Thoxe j who attended from Union speak in high terms of the treatment received at the hands of their brother Odd Fellows. Baker City Democrat : The grocery house of Messrs. Lawrence & Shockley made an assignment laat Thursday for the benefit of their creditors, mostly of Portland. Liabilities. $1500; uets, 2000. A DIVIDED GRAND JURY. A Split In Portland Over Incompetent Policemen. Fobtxaxd, Or. January 5. A sen sational scene occurred to-day in the state circuit court when the grand jury came in to make their final report. The foreman present ed the report, but five jurors de clined to approve the document. The prosecuting attorney stated to the court that the grand jury had completed its labors, whereupon Judge Stearns discharged theni. Several jurors declined to be dis charged, stating they did not en dorse the foreman's report, which had been filed; besides they had not concluded their labors. The court, bowever, persisted in discharging the jury. A very lively scene fol lowed, the live members urgently insisted upon being heard. It is claimed that indictments were found against Chief of Police Punish and other members of the police depart ment for bribery, but the district attorney had refused to draw up the proper papers when requested to do so; also, that when Judge Steams' attention was called tJthe matter in an official way ly grand jurors, the court treated the affair with indifference and coolness. The report of the foreman severe ly censures the police department for want of prompter vigilance, and charges its members with general inefficiency in suppression of all kinds of vices. It also calls atten tion to I he frequency of murders and other bold crimes, and says none of the perpetrators have been detected or brought to punishment, i The report assertsthat but little ' effort Is niado t supiess gambling, j which is carried on hen? openly and with impunity. Six of tho grand : jurors nre severe in their denunci.i- ! tions of Prosecuting Attorney McGinn i for refusing to draw bills of indict-! ment. as is his serious dutv. The j whole matter occasions much public comment, ami more aevelopments in official chicanery are expected soon. STOCK YAH IIM. To Smash the Portland Iteef Uinir. The absence of stockyards at Portland is a serious obstacle to the farmer. A few wholesale butchers with plenty of capital have iixd the j price they will pay for . beeves, and i iftheproduerwillnot accept itheJHE pAJENT EXPANSION may go to Jericho with theuj, as he cannot sell to retail butchers, be cause they dare not buy. If the re tail butcher buys a few head of beef from the producer direct, the Oregon City Courier, that must have means of knowing, says, he is informed by j the wholesale beef ring that if be does so again he cannot buy any more from them. As he is finan cially unable to buy bunch grass cattle by the carload iu the winter time, when fat cattle are scarce in j the Willamette valley, he submits to ! the tyranny of capital. The beef ring fixes the price the retailer must pay bo hisrh that he can not make over a bare living even when charging consumers eighteen cents a pound for porterhouse steak and thirteen cents for roast, as was j the case last winter. The citizens of Portland are systematically robbed by the beef monopoly and as long as there is not a stockyard to compete with it so long the ring will rob tho farmer ami rob the eater of meat. The Munilnha. It is stated on good authority, that Jim 1 1 ill, of the Manitoba svs-! t the construction of that roiil from ' Helena to Fuget Sound as fast as men and money can do the work It is also reported that the route probably to bo taken is via Sprague and by a low pass in the Cascades j to Seattle or some other point near j there. The X. P. have put parties of engineers in the field with the ol- j ject of gaining posessinn of eligible t i surveyors, thus striving to obstruct ! i or totally disable the Manitoba road, j The same was tried in endeavoring to prevent Hill building into! Helena, but without success. Fust! Washingtoniau. ' in tnur niGUUTOR PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious ? The Regulator Hrrrr f.iil In rurr. I n -t cheerfully reenmmend it lo all who snrt.-r fr.-ia Hilious Attack or any Iimsc ciuh-I b a amnsed Mate of the I.iver Kansas CiT. M.. w. K BF.RXARH Do You Want Good Digestion ? Infferrd intnuw'y with FullJitnmrirlt.Hrfl mrhr.rtc A neighbor, Kh kail taken simmont I n rr Regulator, t,M me it v a xur, t:r tvr m9 l'nr,V a I Wf ro.. It inthrlK-nt wr,rh ' Zrrr ,nok (?' Jitwi. D You Suffer from Constipation ? ., ,rt u.rrK r time i wnt uk trrinq ill 'I r ts;;onyor hiam wAknfr. ChiCf-jU!.tice o If"--. 1 nave used Simmons Liver Recubtnr f.w Contipation of my Bowel., caused by a temporary lierangement of the Uver. fur ,he W three oV ?'ur years, and alway trith derided benefit " Have You Malaria ? T havt had experience with Simmons li, t r Keg. Tator Miner 186.,, and regard it at the aretet tnedMne .f the Mme, dUru? fen' line f itatnrinl region. So good a niedi ?: detervtM untverx,,l commendation. r s - e I,EV'- M B- W'TO.V. lor. iix Southern BupttMt Theological Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! I ham been subject to severe spells of Congrsti .n f th Liver, and have been in the habit of lakin. irom 15 to socrain o( calomel, which ycneraliy lai-1 me up lor three or f mr daM. Lately I h.,ve bern lief Titht mff iuterrMptimt t I-hmIhc, iMiuminint, Oliiw. j Ht'liO U- B','n Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. A Little Superstition!. j Wife (to husband) There were J two hats I like, one for $13 and one j for $18. Husband Which did you finally decide upon? Wife The f 18 one. I'm a little superstitious of the number thirteen. New York Sun. CHRISTMAS AT Boos&Oo FOREST GROVE. VE HAVE KF.CEIVED A I I LI. T f line of inter Dres Good: Ladies' Argyle Suiting " Jersey Cloth. Cloaks. " Nubias. " Hoods. Kid Gloves. Etc. German. Germantown and Sax ony Yarn: Marking Silk jnd Cotton, Etc. Alo. a full stock of Men' ami I toy a Clothing and Overcoats. mul n complete stock of Christmas and New Year's Presents! BOOS & Co. nntt:r hhiuk. REAL ESTATE, j i kksons having iam ni! j lm ft lli! a ,pnl Fnt ite l.timm-HK. We want Farm ! unit IjihJ suitahle for immigrant. ; boos & co. I alrt-tf Forat Grove, (.Oregon. of 111 ! i er Chain Pumps Simple. Cheap and Durable ! mam f.v i t i:i:i r.v j A. D. BRUNDACE & CO., lout f 4i nth ill Stt-fft. j I'lMiTI.ANh, - . oUF.fJON. I WM. McFADDEN, S-ile Afent f.,r Wa.liiiitoii Comity. Addrenn onlurs to IIill-.lH.rr 1'ostotVice. ill 7 :iiu DAVIES' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY I S V.CIIIIM'I! ' S W.COKNI i: rirt nml Taylor Street, U'Ofril Al. v. "Artistic Work a Specialty.! luU. ( raion anal tVlrrt'lor At rqi himi r-Hiiiilile rat f i aW-tl Over 6.000.000 PEOPLE USE 143 O.M.FERRYAC FERRV4C0. mr sflTBittMt tobth raeat SMdamvn in tn won a. D M. F1RYkC0 S lllMlfll, h9Tym II.. mm rrtn SEED ANNUAL For 1883 will b mailad rEETO ALL pplictDta, and i. last mi ...mi'. caitoliirr. with out urtioruu it. Invaluable to all. k very wm uini Carden FieidFkmar D. Ml. FERRY wk-CO.,Detroit,Mictl. PA1 1A f TA W W I V Ri In XT , Caveat, ami Trade M;i ks iiiuel, an 1 all I'ATKNT lU SlNlSSi-mWcl f.,r M I 1KA I K FKF.S. ofi: offw i: is tipi'osi tf. r. s j FA1KNT tHH'K. We have m. aiem-iea. nil 1-iiMtiei-i direet. hence ran ! I trammel I'atciit biiHinrss jti le.-n time ami ; la LLSS COST than thoe ri-nmti- from! i W'ahII'XoToN . Semi m.Klel. drawing', or jilmt. with !e- ' ; icriptioii. W" advise if t:i entable or not. I free of charge. hir fee im. due till pritent ; in secured. A iMMik. "How to Otitain Fatents."" with! reference to aetnal elients h yonr Htate. ' ronnty. r town, sent free. Address A. MV A. Opposite l'afent Office. Washington. I. C. n lH-tf Cards, Circulars, Envelopes, ! 1 AT Til K 1XIEPF..MI:T OFFICK. WEE T70 ) 11 to 500 Mile the Shortest! 158 to 48 Hours the Quickest! TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, Jad -AT 1 Points Xlast. Bates $8.30 to $10.25 the Cheapest to COUNCIL BLUFFS OMAHA KANSAS CITY -AJNTXD OTHBH. rOXKTTS. Pullman Palace and Emigrant Sleeping: Cars Hauled on Express Trains Exclusively Without Change. I-If yon are going Kant write' for Fntca, Mai", Time Table. On idea, ami Fill Information, FKEE OF CHARGE. General Agent, No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon, a s If FOR SAIjK ! DESIItAKLK PROPERTY IX 1UI.I.M Itoro, ooiisint i n of Houses and Lots ! J-4?"Trnis made party to I'lm-lin-. For farther information. inquire, of the undersigned. L. m. msm:y. HilUIoro, May 1. 1HH7. ml!Mf Here I Am ? Where ? Quo tho door south I'ostotlico. f II Ilillsboro.Or. Will do a Commission busi ness and pay Cash for Produce. L. L WILLIAMS. . April 1st. Ifl-s; iu:ll tf 4't:i,t:mtATi.i Wanoto Plow D. J. PORTER, n n n fm-l n rr. oitF.4.4.l " I for alt rln W H AS Nt .MT'F.UIOi: iiiwh of work and in all kind of Hoil. I jiv draft and itarablo. For par ticular, nddress me, or rail and sre I he plow. D. J. PORTER. laston. r., March 1" lSs". iii.'l tf DVII COHWIM. Kt'PKBT I. WiUKTV.B. Meat Market! rnni'in I VinnCTPD Drnne I " " IS MUUUI Lll, I lUp v. Main Street. - HILLSBORO ; vaoice jseex, Mutton, Veal i And Pork t ! Kfpt constantly cm hnnd. ; i r r Ilirllat Wrtet prlrr JKli.I iees, Mutton. Veal and Ho Fair Jiealing to All ! Nnturnrtlon Unit rn ii t iil Please Give us a T.'ial Sept. 8, ltW?. I Pleawe Pnj I'p. ALL PEILSONS KNtlWINO T1IKM rrarjt V. aelvM to m indebted to me a r- TexrevX- rU vkt BuuiB iorwaru aiui maai. eUleinea. iaamediate HdUboro, Or.. Not 11, 18S6. ai-t B. CAMPBELL, I ! . THE- Store GLENCOE. OREGON. KEEFS CONSTANTLY OX HANI) n well selected Stock of Merchandise, Groceries, Provisions, 33to. j CASHMERES ! l Afiirc noccc rnnnc LNUILO UIIL.OO UUUUtl I I LL STOCK OF loots and Shoes 7 J-(f"Ilii;heKt I'rici p.-iut tor Govmtvy Call and examine Stork, l'ricea, nnd ae j if you eanuol ax well at home a in j I'oitlaiHl. SHINGLES ! Contractor nnd Ihiild.-rs uonl.l l.t well to examine mv lnw atin k of Al Shimjlea le ftre chwiiiv; c.ntrain with other parties. Ke."ieclf all y. R. HANCOCK. Cileiicoe, Or. Nov.tiS, ISM'.. nlH ly Call an d Sec XV. lUHVIiKY AND - BOOKSELLER And c.-t your money's worth of i Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles. Envelopes and Paper, Musical Mer chandise, and everything usually kept in a Firxt-Clatu 'Conntry Drn. Fok I Nwlty. . 'PJrESGRIPTIONS and FORMULAS Ciirefnlly'conjioiiiided nt all hour. dlCtf G q. BAILEY, ' Whoirsale and Ib tiil Ih-aler in ' Provicionc, Seeds. Limey PLftSTER AND CEMENT. LAND A. SPECIALTY. No. 55 N. Second Street. CORXKR I), Portland, - Orecon. nniTCr ln'I "ix cents for pnetage, A Y receive f r, a eoatly bo of goods which will help all, of either tox. to more money right away than Raytbinjr elae in thi world. Fort tinea await the- worker absolutely aara. At ohm addraaa rr k. Co., Aanaata, Main. lew iBrugff gist Notice to the Public. I now have my Nev ROLLER PROCESS FLOURING MILL In operation, ami am mating a very superior grade of Flour. The public is invited to give the New Process Flour u trial. "Will keep constantly on hand a full line of Flour, Urdu, etc. Exchange business done Jwith Fanners. WAXTKIK A Stock of Buckwheat ajkI Milling f)rtts. lligheHt market price paid. JOHN MILNE. any Tualatin Hotel Main Street, Ix-t L'd and '.id Hillsboro. Oregon. R. WAGGENER. Proprietor. TIIF T.UII.K W II.I. tl CSTAN'Tf.V HP Kt'P- lllr.l fii the beat tv uinrk.t .n-rH. n.l no pilm c-r n, n- will lie rr I In utrlvliit; l-r llie ruiiiti-rt l ciiHta. Fveelleitt A -oiuiiiod:iliili and I'opiilar Frieea ! LARGE SAMPLE ROOMi For the Accommodation of Commercial Travelers. To and from the limine mlK-tf POMMCRriAl UHTCl I UVHIIIIUIIUinL UILL lllllfthore, Orrron. JOM 1:IKV. . . i'riri4r Good Board and Lodging At KrusoimMi' I lijirtr. F I ItST-l'I.ANS l I V 1-1 II V Connected with the Himimm 1-SfFre Hack to and from tin Hotel. nliMf -i Six Bucks for Sale. ONK YKli I1I.IIS AMI .t I. VMItS ) all lout,' wiwili d. uraded Cotawuld mi I-ireMter. They aiuetl rirnt nnd w-rimil premiums in their different ctiwen; nl40. HUeeiMitHkea for the lie.t five oti-wMleU lambH. nt the County Fair. W. H ALM lilts. Si.. Conn 1 1 n. Washington "o., Oregon ! - I i IMIVSICIAXS. AfflMHTF.IW, VtM'ALISTS. I' t' It Lit' . sjieakers and the Frofenaiona j-ier-ally retoHiiiuend SANTA AltlF. as the l.t of iill medicine, for iliseimes of t he THIM AT CHKST, LI XliS. BEWARl; OF IMITATION'S. He that oar trade mark. KANT A AIUK, is mi every latttle. Natistiictioii guaranteed tr money refunded, by all llrnijiKt. vMIEZrllTOl 'MAKE X0 MISTAKF. Bv diHin-llintj the KvinotoniH a-t often ou'-i t taken for Consumption. SANTA AIUI. tin i I brought KladiiesM tl, ,nlXy A htNisehol-rV ank k; 'by iiromptly breaking up tlw Coiiyh mull , ' Cold that too often tlevelopa into tha fatdl: i i diHeane will yet .iv I teMiiutiulH from an nm- (timely Riave. Yon make no miMtaUa In . keeping a Ix.ttle wf thi pleasant remedy.' -i j alwuv in the hone. .M il; remoea lad t.-mtea and anpleaaant t l.reath. reanltin) f rom Catarrh.. Kaay and. i pleasant to dm. f ollow direct tona and a f t'lire i warranted by all drop ftHta. 1 tier 1 t'lire i warranted try all drop zriHta. 1 per 1 ho: fcl.lObr mail. Hend for circular to. ! AltlFl'INE 'MEDICAL COMPANY, Oro- ; ville, Cal. Aak for MIXTA ABIE AXI f 'ATRq TKE. For ante try all Druggta. Jumbo. Jnb The Original Ahietine Oini oient im ily pnt an in larK two-ouoee tin tioxea, and ia an ariaointe cure fear efct aorea. burn a, woanda, chapped hand, ami all ak in eruptions- Will poaitivey earn all kind of pile S eta per bo 30 eta- by m,v.iL Ask for the Ahietine Oiataaent Hold by all Druginta. U01y r.jwuniwiiHi i rA i J - I -w.S I ' KMX i mm OF ,1 (I fSjUFORNIA ) ' ! 1 ( U AKAXIKKD A POSITIVE CFHE I U 1 1 for ('atari h, Fold iu the lit" ul, Hay I il Fever, ltoae fold. Catarrhal Deaf-jeaa and , M GEO.W. PATTERSON DEALER IS FURNITURE llfllftboro, Oregon. t'uriiltnrc, Vnrpetm, j latline:, llrddlsj.. Wall l'jM r, Cnrtnlnn, ; I'icl ii rirlure Framrii, : IiIum, Carriage) i Npring Itedw, And thing that yon want, too numerous to mention, nt POKTLAND PttlCEK. AIo, a f leiu rnl Aaaortuient of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Ja a Specialty of thin honfte, and I bay ooi.ttHiitly oii baud all that can h cleaired n ihia line. Al Agent 'or tb DRONZE MONUMENTS. Give me a trial, and tie convinced that I meuii tiUHineH and uimiii a n'eat reduction Iil7-tf - HILLSBORO P I TTTTjlTj T T" A IJT Ti" JJI V HlKj X 13 J-rtlJ Jjilj T W A A..-! L. A. JOBE, Pronrlfltor Orctoi'M for i M I flC I H AlI O. ' i BUGGIES --AKI RIDING HORSES, Att luted to promptly. -.-- FEED STABLE. lUmemUr the !l arc MAIN' KI'UEET opiioMite the Turtlutill Hotel. IIitllHro, )r.. January 1. 1;, tf lift lUPPffflfl vl VgUu Zr 1llh Kliorlci : 0 IlonrM An Time! A-ornmoU.tiona trnanrmaael for Comfort mid Safejrl Foiex 'loid Freinhta via Ynj(Viien aiui the Oregon Devehi- luent I o nr)nillHhlIN Mtirn lkrm Unnliy t.ny oilier route -iHif-ll nil ooiiiln in the WillnioHte Valley A Han FraniM'o '. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Fieept Sunday... . Ieuve 'aqnina . . i Arrive tVirvalliit . ! Arrive Allmnv 7ini A. hi J0::W , .11:10 " I lM P. M. ! Jjeave Al Arrive Ci Ilianv Virvallia l'rj P. M U M P. M Arrive Vaiiiina Oreiron ami t'aliforniit train connect at Albitnv and Corvullw 1'arc between Corvllm. Albany and Han Fr;ieieo K;ul and Cabin, flt.UO; Hail I inu.1 .Stei-raue, '.UM. r"' 4'HAS. r. 114 Mil It. Act. O. F. A P. At.. Corvnlli.. Or. W.M. AL ;iov. Ofjeral Manauer. Oregon Development Co. FiMt SteniuiJ.'t Line Ix twei-n Yaquina and Kan Fianeia. iiiiiertinz at )auina with the t in in of th I trefoil Fucitld Kail ro.'ul 'oiiio.iiiv. ! km li So ia i i:h. ! fltllM MAN ll(lril(i: I h. in Oerqon Weduvatlay, June '." Willamette Valley. . .'I'lleaJay, Jaly f i:iitern On-uon Monday, " n Willamette Valley Hnndav. " 17 F.aMtem Oregon Satnrduv, " ?A Willamette Valley ... " " M rno.M TAgi'iK: F.aalem On t'on W'ednertday, July I Willamette Valley.... liieH.lay, " 1'J j F.aalrii Oregon ' " " I Willamette Vallev Hmiday, U ', FaU-rn On enii Friday. " - i Willamette Vallev. . " ' Au. 5 The Coiep.'iiiy ii'w i vm I lie right to rhan(j ateumerH or H.uliuy datea. h. It. TOHY, fJ. n. F. A P. AKent, I ;mt Montftmnery Ht., i a'.'l-tf Han Frniu '.H.-o, t;al. TIM Bl'YKKM' Gt lDK la laaura Krpt.Ml Hark ymw. Mir 31 PC-i 3.BOO HlaatrBttoB vkolf Plrtare Uallrry. ttlVUfWaialeeale Prtera dtrert tt emmtmmerM mm nil -de for prrMaU mr raMjr turn. Telia hMr order, aiMl irtvcs eaact cm mt every. htnaj yaw , . rlk, ww, mw Hmrr turn with. Tltrae IMVALt ABLK UOOKH e iMfhrwaatten cleawew froiM (he market mt in wr!4. We will tmrnU m copy KIIKK tm My ! ctreaa en receipt mt lOeta. m mrtrmf ripraae mt MtalllMa. tjri hear fre ymm, Kra'prelfwJIy. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 7 4k ft9 Vttiwk A rrmmr, C'hlceae. 111. Send 10 centa poatAKe, and we will mail yon raaa a royal, valnahle, aample Ikix of l'ikmU that will mt you in tlie way of makiuu Mom "c" '. thm elae in Aruer- ,CM- '"'tn aexea or an ittte can live a noma "na w"rlt ,n !"r tin e, or mi tne time, Capital not reqnired. We will atart yon. OptaI not reqnired. We will a Inimenae pay an re for thoaa who Kxrwaoa A Co., Portland, tayt-lv no atart at Maine This eaeev la heat mm nlm at the YERoSOW DVERTISINq ESTIMATES KlSwwlalS HIE A mim a. l IrM I - m r GREAT MMK SICK, LAUGH AMI WELL JY. arniui'ed U iil iich, with all mcN ary OuthuildinH, lK iiriii Fruit. Treen, inul Kii IrfitM, Nituatt U rt itr he new Hriek Hlock in, for w ile m tlfjr,;!. Hi tho eye wide ojm ii Hint uteji cHrrfiilly. 8ACKi:s wi rii a two s rouYjiorsH of neven rooniH, nil Iiml iiijHi, lind H barn that omt ;HMt, km oicUid f H kiruU of fruit and all of tl. w,;ill fiuil. ThiM nlao U fvoriiliy l.fitt.-d on Minn htieet in HilUlKjro, and will nuit a im.ii of vu uu j.'iCh' Kin AriJEM OF LAND V MILKS lrr from GnHton, mul -jti rni from hM'hool, '.." ncri H of plow hind imd w acre dualied mul Hi-eded mid I .' Men of Hiunll Fir and Hii,1. Tin-re i mi orHnird of l.ri lMaring tree, mid is wittered lv u Hji iou liranch that cronne I lie .lin-i-. hu limj layM well ami on a ('mhI ruinl. u 1 1 1 t m L Moiue wild liilul in I ii it tmt fnrtliU Inmt.' I'JtlCH ... .. is.t,:wni. I have 4') an ex of nd hind mar a Liitherian mid hImi h i'uthohc Cliureh 11 iee, KKKI, Alm, htl aeleit in (he vicinity of the hn me t-hurehoM. 1'i ice, f Iihh). Now 1 4 the time, fur the riijit nniti In th ripht place, to call lit hiy oilli-e, FOB "SALE ! . I "TiJ ACUEH, TWELVE MILEH FUOM I fit? J'ortlalid; 'M iieren i-leured; Houmb IKtur, but a khkI barn: 'i head of Cattle, 'A) lead of 1Ioh, a Hjiaii of Jim Men, a Colt, a new MowiiiH Mnilniie; the CrujiiuiU 'limit too niimeriiiu to mention. Trio for all f '.'.liK), 100 Aereaof Lnnd. "j of a milu from Ihlli v, with (il Hi-re or more in i cultivation, and the reiniiiiidc r covered j with 11 r . hael, etc., iiiidwitl iualt a tiicu burn, i'lii laud laHWell,is wntered by n j 'punK, ntlll lilin IIM line a building Jilaee a i von will lii.d in a tliiMia.iiul, a kcIiooI hoiine , a mi'e from Ihn pliici-, and only ;l mile to 1'iileKt tiiuve Hrhool, I'l ice, ifl'.lXD.IIO. 0 Acre, i mill m fiuin II illHlmio, li t? acrett ol plow ami !.i ikti-h ol pasiuru ,H"u: l,"nm' barn, mul ,0 Iimiijj tree in orchard, mid l wiil.-n d bv a .prinu. tlnly I fi(il M.hl,(), M)uJ (H M ((j ) loud, 1 '"j mill- fiuin eirimiervi mile troin J'l.itl iii.l. ri f I h t. m . I T Acre,'.' n,il. tr.mi Hill .li n.i, with I ft llOIIK... Ill-Ill. iillillH.I, Well, W-mil- whed. etc., mul -in urn s 1'iul. i ..w mid in ' meadow, I'rice, 1 '.mii.ihi. I have other (.'Hill ul tile tnimeroii to ment ion W. H. RUCKER. Itenl l!fiif .i-fiii, IIILLsiioIto, r.'7-tf : o!ii;i)N. NEW GOODS ! CASH TALKS! Wehrung & Boscow iiim.sihhco. m:.o, Havk jfht i:i-:ckivi:i A wfi.l fcH.lect.-d Hl.x-k of Canned Goods, Tobacco and Cigars, j fjlafl" I H I JI f , ' " i Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, SILKS, TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES BOOTS 6c SHOES And a Fine A-toi I m i,t of Furnishing Goodo For L.'ulies nnd li-nth mi'ii. All MiiJh of I'.i imii'I ' I'loiliiee tnki'ii (n FxeliHntrii, inl'H tf OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA t u I Orfgoii A .'iillfoiiiiii And t'oiineet ioiiH. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE I Time Itetneeii I'ortlaml nml FrniifNcn, :tt IIohi-m T San California Express Tmins Run Daily between Portland nnd Ashland, I.KA. I'orthmd 4K) 1'. M. HnuFrnn. i:!l 1. M. AI.HIVK. H FmtiukM'o 7:110 A.M FoillOul., 1D:I()A.M l.met$l I'tiimrtttfi' Unit if. ,Sii,t(i, IHiVK. I'ortlnud hhiA.M, KlIKelte . 1MK) A. Al. AIIIIIVK. Fliueiie L':4l I, M, Fori land .14.'. F, M. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS EXCURSION SLEEPERS For Hecond-Claia 1'naneni.iei-n on nil through - tiHiiit i ki.j: oi' H AKiii;. 'Itie O. A. C. It. U. Ferry mnken connection with all the rcKiilnr tin inn on the Ijihi Hidu diviHiou from the foot of 1'Htrei t, Went Hiile Diviaioii, BETWEEN POH'i IANII .t COUVAI.I.l.S. Mail Train Daily, eneept Hiiiulay, ATiblVr. IlilUhoro .H:lt A. M t'ot-vnllm yj:'jr 1. M. HilUI,or.i..r.:(i:i P. M, 1'oitliuiil ..ii:l'. P. M Portland 7:- A.M. x-Ar, A. M. tVtrvallia . .MW P, M. HilUhoro f.KJt P. M. At Alhanv and Coi-vhIIU connect with trains of the Oregon Paciitti. ' Elides Tmiii Dully, except Hunil iv, Latra. Portland. A.WPM HillMboro.. tiKI.'il'.M MeMin,viIle,A:t.'VA.M HilUhoro 7;u)A.M AtlUtVH. Ilillshoto. . Ii;04 P.M McMiivillf.aaioP.M 7:L-.IA.M Pol l land ll;(H) A.M E. P. lUHlEHH, U. KOEHLKIt, U.V.X P. A't. Muuawar ul t(