Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1888)
THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY JAN. 15 1888 The question of erecting a school building in Hillsboro during the present year, to cost not less than ten thousand dollars, is still being agitated by our taxpayers and pro gressive business men . There is no reason why such building should not be erected in Hillsboro during the coming summer; and there are many reasons why it should be built. It will add greatly to our material wealth by inducing a progressive spirit among our people and at tracting immigration to our doors. School buildings indicate the intel lectual status and financial condition of a people, as the spires of church es unerringly point to the social and moral training of a community. Corvallis, with less than double our population, and with the certaiuty of a tax upon her county of ?75, 000, with which to erect a new court house, jail, etc., recently decided by a vote of 113 to -1G in favor of erecting a school building to eost not less than $25,000. Let this question lie agitated, and agitated till Hillsboro is possessed of a build ing in keeping with the immediate demands of our town and the rapidly populating school district. AVe can not afford to be a laggard in this age of rapid development. We must keep on the top wave, else be carried down bv the undertow. lo not let other towns be built up from the ashes of our dying energies. Our future is a bright one, but we must work tirelessly for the acqui sition of its possibilities. Let uh work. There is no reason why Washing ton county should not gain several thousand in population during the present year. There are large quan- titiea of unoccupied lands for ! lieve the sulVereis. I'ood and cloth sale at reasonable prices, and ourjing are heing distrihuted . Hie soil is among the most desirable in j governor in a rescript expresses his the state. Our county's financial condition is such as to commend us to the most careful business man seeking investment for his capital. Our people are intelligent, moral and generous. Our schools are of the highest order, and we are pos sessed of one of the most thorough institutions of learning on the Pacific coast. Our climata, too, is all that could be desired, and is backed by the most fertile lands on the Pacific coast. A protective tariff is an aid to our industries and the country, provided it is of such nature as to protect - the laborer as well as the manufac turer. But it is a farce unless some measures are taken to stop the im portation of ruper labor from the thousand Hungarians were imported to supplant our laborers in this country, and this importation was made by protected manufacturers. It is a poor law that protects but one class of people, and that class the wealthy monopolists of the country. Our laws should be such as not to countenance a further deg radation of our native laborer. The "dry" defeat in Atlanta, of which so much was made recently, ia not likely to be any drawback for th cause of temperance. The citT council, elected bv the foes cf prohibition, has put the license at I $10,000, confined the saloons to a certain quarter of the city, and set the closing hour at ten f. m. If these provisions are enforced, At lanta will have a better restriction on the liquor traffic than prohibition trave. The Atlanta "nicr train" is as famous as the Kansas "drug store," and was carried on more openly. Under such condition? as the council has provided, the saloon cannot well, become a nuisance, The man who has invested 810,000 in a license will take good care not to forfeit it, and tho limits on the time and place of sale seems to be in the line of reasonable restriction. And it is an advantage not to be despised that men who want to take a drink need not be either hypocrites or lawbreakers when they do it. One hundred dollars' worth of cheese takes from the farm less than j one-seventh the fertility taken by one hundred dollars' worth of grain, j while one hundred dollars worth of , butter, if the skim milk be fed on ' the farm, takes nothing from the ' soil. Indianapolis Journal. Talk of aristocrats ! The Osage ' Indians number 1G00. They havej $7,000,000 of capital drawing ." per j cent interest, a reservation of, splendid land and an annuity of. $250,000. t They are, therefore." the ; richest people in the world. f It is alleged that about a dozen of the largest lard dealers in New York ! have organized for the purpose of ! reducing the price of lard to the j consumers, and at the same time to ' it t.-i i a.t i iujjiiuic iuo iiuumy vi iuui uuciuoua shortening. Senator Mitchell is pushing his resolution for a navy yard on Tuget "Sound, advancing arguments which -would be excellent if applied to the necessity for making Mare Island a first-class dock yard. S. F. Jiullrtin. THE CHIXKSE IXUXDA1IOX. The overflowing of the Yellow river has spread consternation throughout (.'hinn. The Maiquis Tseng is himself superintending the work of draining Hungte lake, and it is thought that by toiling night and day for three months nil outlet can be made for the water. Further details have been received concerning the great llood in the Ilinan district. The breach occur red at Stitchiao Kon, an immense torrent rushed to the southeast. Overflowing the northeast of Chen chou, it descended upon Chuug mon Hsien, where the city was sur rounded by water. One hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty villages were overwhelmed, and the land of more than three hundred were inundated. The main llood then passed on to Chu-hsieu Chen, round which several small places were overflowed, and at the same time it spread into ithe country of Ilsaing-fu Hsien. Next in its courne was Wei-sliih Ilsein, which was hemmed in In- the waters. - - Then Fu-kou Hsien, where there was a sea a hundred i in breadth, reaching to Yen-ling, where forty or more villages were drowned. To th eastward in T'ung-hsu. the water was seven or eight feet deep in some score of villages; ami a branch passed through w'ai-k 'tng and came down upon Lti-i listen. In Hsi-hiin Ilsieu, which was in the direct line, thirty villages escaped entirely Not far beyond this point the Cli In river meets the Sim Ho, and below the junction the llood became more terrible than ever, and in Huai-uing, 1500 villages were -1 T t. V 1 . . 1 it. mowne.,. .n ,u-uo, , . invaded 1 lsiiiii''-e'Leii'' and Slien - ch'in, mid one went t the north to Liu-i again, escaping i;.to Anhui ly the Ming Ho Huang-kou river. Kvevv thintr is nemtr done ti ro-! grief at the buffering of the people and urges the governor of the prov ince to exert himself in their behalf. Peking has sent 2O,O0O taels to aid in providing an outlet for the Huug tze lake. Soochow and and Nank ing have sent lIOO.OOO and l.",0,(M)0 taels respectively for the same purpose. Prof. "Wallace, of Kdinburg, who has recently paid a visit to India, thinks there is little reason for be lieving that India wheat competi tion is likely to prove any more serious damage to American farmers in the future than it has in the past. He says the limit of India's whoat area has been reached and there is no probability that lit tire supplies of India wheat will 111 tie Fncrlish nmrKT'lTJ orcr'flowTTl'rofA Wallace further points out that India is now raising wheat without giving the land a rest by rotation of crops, aud that tho yield is sure to come down if not kept up by manuring.'a meas ure of protection too costly to be undertaken by India. Moreover, the population in India is increasing at a rate that in ten years will add 20.000,01)0 to its -JoO.OOO.OOO, the figures of the last census. This in crease would exhaust India' surplus wheat. A year ago Hen. Alger gave suits j of clothes to r0() newsboys, nml bent coal or wood and Hour to hundieds i of homes. Thi.H year he will renent his gifts, only on a larger scale, from lists furnished to his secretary bv ! persons having means of knowing j who are the legitimate and deserving j newsboys of the city, the needy boys will bo selected and sent, one hua,lml ftt ft tiui. to Jesi-n.ited , clothing stores, where they will be clad with garments, shirts and stockings. The second part of Ken. Alger's benefit will be to sun ply 10(K) families in Detroit v ith a cord of wood or a ton of coal. to- ' . gether with a barrel of rlour. r"'' "" " 4 to ii.nir. jij j the list of families to be aided bv ! . - the though fit! lliilKoMriire njipear ' brief nott which entitle thetil tpi help. FIFTY YEARS AT THE FRONT. For nearly fifty years the recognized authority the world over on all agricultural matters, allways abreast of the limes, and alwavs ren.iin.' lavishly or the best talent ami experience, the American Agriculturist ls-gilis tsss uith new co,i!ril...t,,rs, new artist, and new tV. and the edi torial statT. which has made this Periodica! a s,wer iu both hemispheres, re inforccd with fresh bl.ssl and brains, tlu-reby combining the i 'rprricneo aud ernditiou of vears with the vigor and freshness of I he :n, Ati !h.,;st keeps pace with the growing interest ii, aricnite. lar-elv """K"1 'orou-o os o .h nines, ami continues to-day. after absoi hino twenty-four other agricultural papers, to furnish the current agricultural literature Where the Kngush and Oerman languages are sts.keit l-'erv number contains nearly H t.ritrutal illustrations and original articles from ; different writers. Price ?ls) a year: single uupiU-rs I.", cent. CHRIST The These magnificent works of i.rt are neither old time tnr ordinary engravings. The latter is mi exquisite photi-efchiitg. far superior t; anv thiug in the market. Phrist en Calvary, tho companion picture, is executed for us ly the Mezzogravet-.'e pna-ess, which far surp i;-.s s any other for softness of tone, vigor r action und general superiority of execntioti. They are on heavy plate ier, 'J'Ji- inches in .ie. forwarded. po-t-innl. in tubes pit pared for the purtstse. J'rice l.ntech, !stb forwardei! in t'iiss, pos -paid, to one address, if . .'(. tmerlrai .criculturit iKng. or r.t. with 'li-.i. e :' n.-lmv-. l.;o .tmtrlrmi .xsricul turlkt and tlu- Two 1'i.iiir.. .-.(m Send poatal for Siiecirnen scription of the Pictnrea, and of these great works, now MAT AHMKHS VAXTF.M KV KHY U II Kit K. Address. PUBLISHERS AMERICAN A6P.ICULTUP.iST, 1AVII W. Jl'lUi. Trei't. 751 Hrnadnay, X. y. n x i r tUUdnanf A Lit? la Hit lUttll VI IUJ iwr-t uh.t w- iue J oiuuiiu i.oMoii.c ioi " 1SS7 was $1,105271.12. I'reininui tr Veuiix lirmrn. The following premium will he given at tl. -...lMt.. . ir wliieli will be licit! sonic-time in October, lss.S, for the lx -t kept Imm-.Iv of farm accounts, showing the receipts and expenditures and financial transaction!) f the farm from January 1, l1, to September 1, 1SJ?8, aid accounts to le kept by lmys under twenty -one years of age, actual residents of Wuhini;ton county : First premium. $1; second premium. $1: third premium, I). (,'. Sn waist, ) T. f.. M Kl.mtwxKV , J as. Wrrtm omuk. S JCrxl l.imr Trniirllnii. Mary Ann lioney it ml John Honey to Charles Me Kinney, part of lot S in lloek S in (he Town of Hillsboro: $0. i Thomas I. Humphrey to Joint l. Kowell. j lot and t't in block -'. Humphreys Addition j to IlillsWo; ':. j A Thornburgb and wife to Martin Man- ) ning, 74 acres in Sections 10 ami 1.1. T 2X U 4 W; $:'.!.(. Lncy K. Ynt.-satr.l ('. I Yates to Martin Manning. 40 acres in Section 14. T 'J S, lil W; -'H. I'niteJ States to Martin Manning, so acres in Section lo, T N. K 4 W. CLcxvvt, the Children. They are e V3 VW Vv ptialiy liable to sadden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English Kemedy a positive euro. It save hours of anxious watching. Sold by W. Jj. YVeatlu 1IiIUImh; )r. Itowlhy, Forest Grove. " V rVr & that are fretful, peevish, W? Cros, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething l'ains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains wo Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 2. cents. Sold by W. Li. YYeatherretl. (ilUttoro: Dr.Bowlhy Fr-Ht lirv-. -j, v . Blood. Elixir istheonlr j v"v lilood KemPily eunrin. teed. It is a positive cure for fleers, Eruo- tionsor Syphilitic Poisoning. It puriiieathe whole system, and banishes all iiheumatic and Neuralgic paiud. Wo guarantee It. XK1V T-.Y. Xoti. IOAl SITKKYISOI-S. WHKN THEY V make their l".eirts at the Febrtiarv term, will confer a favor by rejiortinc the I number, kind, ami condition of KOADl SI'KM'KI'S in their respective districts. Xotic" is also herelv .tfivvii that the neces sary chantrt-s in the lioundaries of Koae" Districts will lw made at the February Term. Or., VJ. 1-ss. Hy order of the lioard of County Com missioners l.'ODOM'il CLANDALI.. jt- Jf County Jud. FARM FOR SALE. 'OK SAl.i:. OOOD FA KM OF 3X Acres, in Coliinibj.t Count v: 1.". acres clear. Title is rfect. YV1I.KKS i;i;0S.. (ireenville, .r j7o Front Street. Portland. Oregon. jU-lm M. lUiOW N. O. K. JOHNSON. JOHffSUN & BBOYNr" Contractors and Builders mi. i sp.oko. AND I 1. A XS. SFF.CIFICA I IONS. I Kstimales fiunisli.-il ipm.o appiisatt-Ht, for any class ,f buiiin-.'. j'-'-ly c i; m s mn. - - .Hitn,'ii ut I. ii I' ll,, 'I A'.'i-y Fiitin: If ii.f.sitrti:o. : : : Okk.miS. OlVn-e : Main Street. Next Door to liKlcK k ji.'-tf GET YOUR TINWARE I HOM . Tom's Tins hop! Roofing. Guttering and Spouting A SFFCIALTV. I-Yott can Is- sure of a Square Dual. Opposite Brick Block IIIM.s;oico, OKF.OtiN. THOS. MADICAN. Jl- '.v otieo f Final Settlement. m W. D. Hare, administrator of the Kst.-tte of Peter Hr.s Vs. deceased, has Hied his accounts for the tinal settlement of s.-iid estate in the County Court of the St ate of Oregon for Washin-toii County, and that I''V' '"". 'If1' ! Vv "f rV!,r,,,,rv- lias lell fi.-0 for tl,,. Iienroi'i of u.ii.l acciatnu and for the Ii t settlement of said HiHslNir... DeeemU-r I'l. 1SS7. K. CKANDAbli. Countv Jmlge, dL"-'-.-.t ON CALVARY. Firs? .mil onlv Itenrodni-tion in this Count!), nud BfeFORE PILATE nuni!er, English or Oerman. full de Portrait of Muukacsv, the iiainter attracting world-wide aiit-Trioit. TK.K BI T SOT TBI I w, learn mrnr thine in nnr Journey j ln science, in love and in art. f i Strange Btorie of wonderful wisdon, I And ponder them deep in our heart. There are tales of niysterions iueanhig t Whose import we struggle to know, I Ihit the strangest things in heaven or inearth Are tuose wouuenm iniii-i tuui urn i so: t Ah! fair are the words of the lover, ! And sweet the replies of the niaid, The magical tales of those llowery Vtlks Thro' the green of the (len and th.f Rlade ; Oh. the thrilling tones of the lovers owa Are sweeter than music, X know, Hnt the tales he tells in the maiden ear Are those wonderful things that aiiTi bo' We may lioast of our ppiendid RehiovnentH, How we've battled with obstacle Vt. Like Ajax defying the liuhtniug. Oar list on the nostril of fate. . " We tell our adventures and triimili8 Full of romance, of j.y or of ww, - i ' . , Bnt the iiwjHt Htartliny facts we confide to our friends Are thosewonderful ihin-js that nip'1 .. Abcolutely Pure. Ibis powder never varies. A marvel of' purity, Htrengih and wholesoniein-ss. M"m ecoiioiiiical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot le sold in ckhiix I H i m v. iih tlie uuil titiule of low test, sliort weittht uiaiu or : phoMphate jiowdt-rs. ; , cei.e. , ltov.41. IUkinu I'owokk Co. nio-tt lot. Wall St.. N. Y. .m:w to-i.v OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon A 4'alifomin IS. It. And Connections. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE ! ' Time Ketvtecn l'orllaud aud Francisco. Hit Hoars ! San Cafifomia Express Trains Run Dai! between Portland and San crancisco. 1 i-kavk. AUtlVK. S Fram-isco 7 -MA.M I'orihmd.. 10:10. .M I Portland 4.SIO P. M. San ran. :: J. M. i.nml i'liHMriifrr Ihiilf, wr.,l S, mlmi. LKiVK. Portland stA. M. AlitlVK. Kiittene J-.Utl'.M. Portland :t." P. M. J Eugene . A. M. ; PULLMAN BUFFET SLEPHRS EXCURSION SLEEPEHS For Second-Class Passengers on all tl ioa-.'h trains FKKK OF CHAKOl.. The O. A C. II. K. Ferry makes connection ! with nil the regular trams on the J-.,it tid.t i division front the foot of F Street. West Sid;' Division. IIKTWEF.N POK'I bNl A Mail Train Daily, except Sunday, i.nvr. -.tii.ivr. Portland 7UUI A. M. j Mills!-.... M At A. M : 11 X:ir, . M. I Corvallis 1l' :. P. M I IV.ll l.'ol M I 1 1 ;n -.-,! 1) II I .. .nil?, m . I o ...... . . i Hillsh.jro .114 1'. M. I Portland ..t!:I.". P. M' t"At Albany and Coi vailis ciMtueet w iih trains of the Oregon Pacific. Fx press Train Daily, except !nt:d iy. i.Ktva. Portland. 4:.- P.M ! Hillsboro.. ;.-nr, P.M McMiit'ville,r,:4.-. A.M Aii.'.rK. Hilbls.r... . 4,:l)4 P.M McMin'ville.xtP.M 1 Hillslsiro. 7:-lA..M Pottl.ind '..rOA.M Hillsboro .::KA.M P. KOfiKKS. O. F. i p. Ag't. nbtf It. KOEHLFIt. Manager . SomethingNew I nt rod H4l ion i I Ii SQUIRES' Patent Buggies J HACKS -AND CARTS 1 I AM NOW MAKINO THEM IN , Three Styles - Side Springs. End Spring. 1 j and Three Sprintrs. I keep on hand and I i make to order at Lowest 1 rices, my i PATENT CARRIAGES ! j They have lsren in nse for alx.nt three years and are giving sati-tf.-ifti'.n ' Please call and sc my N-ventr-rive Dol t lar lluggies, and irty Hacks with TwoStati" . and Pole, all trimni"l in c'.sl style, for One Hundred and . Twenty Dollars, and Parts j from '1 liirty-fii' Dollar to Fifty, with mv ! Patent Inipnivenient on tht in. All work warrnnted. t)nr Motto is Small Profits & Quick Sales We also deal in all kinds of A..!;i i i.Tt nAt IsiPijtMKSTa. at Luwnrr pbicbh. ur liitggy Oean are made entirely nt Steel and Iron, which make them more lasting than any other bnggy made, for al! climates, and will NOT COST TO KKIP THEM IN BKPAltt ONli HAI.F WHAT AST OTHKR MAKK IstKS VlltUK wood aud i bon arb toMBixKD. We fnntish (leant for Thirty Dollars, lest 10 per cent, for Cash, shipped on Cum at iienvertoii. Address all orders to eimvai:i Sqi'IKES, BEAVERTOV. : : : : OHEGOS. January 17. XS7. J'JO-tf Tenth Sale! I N tti fOMMO uious Store, we p.ball hold our TENTH ANNUAL Olearance Sale ! Commencing on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1888 Notice of our ANNFAL SALK i alwnyii a very interesting and im portant niiiiouuceinent to the public. This YEAltLY opjiortnnity to "lay in Huppliea" at prices never duplicated in ttiis city, is looked forward toMjV a multitude of customers as the tiilie to tiiHki-their principal investment, for tli yetr. in lry (ioods. . . Send for S:nuple. Orders Holicited. When in the city come unit Sre ti-i. OLDS & KING, Vimt Htrret, i -U)i:Ji.u,,-oKr(;. ! dL"i-tf This Space RESERVED Jas. H. Seve Manul'acttircr of TILE A.CTORY, NOrtnOaSt Of Threo Miles Hillsboro, Oregon. OctoU-r 4, 1SS7 S. HUGHES & SOD. FOKIIST liKOVH, OKECJOX, -t Dealer in SHW.K ash HEAVY 3 Saicry Harness STOVES and TIIMWARE ! FARMERS MECHANICS' TOOLS ! THE KAIX WAfiOX. t-iD FINE CUTLERY V Such a Knives. Scissors and Kazors, of the Finest Brands. W handle no Shoddy nor Cheap John Goods; bat for articles of like quality or grade, we defy competition in price. H. infill: A HO. 4i-tf UrtAI v Nhrrifl" Hale. VIKTfK OF AS KXKCrTIOV. 1) decree and order ft Kale, issued out of the Circuit Court' !e Kj,:ite of Oregon forth County of - wherein I, M. llennis. nd ui lustra tor u . jc estate of Caleb llintt, decensed. was plaintiff and Isaac Iliatt et hI. were defemlants, and cotumaudiin; me therein to satisfy tho sum of -J4H'J? with interest thereon from December the Mh, 17, t the rate of H per ' cent er milium. Bud the farther sum of li'JUO Httomey'M fees, und tho amu of :'.7.'.t." I costs and also the costs and et'riHcs of ail Hale and of this writ, and by virtue of Maid i exetution I have made h'vy of the name I Kwi., 'iCriSK fit1 Jr;;2!THE wmter term of east of the H. YV. oorncr of section 11 on the . . line Istwcn sections 11 and U. 1. I H.itu: ON WEDNESDAY of rHii'e 4 west of the Willamette meridian. and running thence north on n line paralii I 1 - :-: rrrr with the west line of section 11, ni rods to n Ktake, tli-nce west 1n tkU to tho S. V. corner of the N. K. qnarter of the S. K. quarter of section ten, W rods to u stake,, thence east Hn rods to a stake, thence north hi ns!s to n stone, thence on the line of and including lots 1, 'J, ;i. 4 and .r of m-ction 11. to the south east corner of lot .1, themw ! west tt the place of IteuinniiiK. and intaiii iiirf P'ut.Oi lien s more or less, mid by itiue ff said execution and of said Jevy, Twill, utt TICSIMV, Junuury :Ut, Issn, nt the hour of 2 o'clock 1. M , cll the' nlxtve . descrilsnl real proM-rtv at public unction, at the South loor of the Court ! House in Hillsboro, in Cniity and State atoresaid, to the highest bidd. r, tor cash in hand, to satisfy the hereinbefore named j Humtf. Witness my hand, this Dec. 22d. j H. 1'. COUNKIdl'S, .Sheriff of Wshiuirb'it Cotintv, Oiepjii. i d-'.' Ti , SherlfT - ShIi'. ' 1Y VIHTT'K OF AN KXF.CITION; l itsin d otit tli CilVuit Ci'iirt iof. I Wafihiimtoit County. Oregon, and to iu i directeil. Iinj4 iu favor of F A. llatley, ! Thos. II. Tongue and C. Hchnlmerick, as j I'laiiitills. and Huainst '1'. It. ifandley and ' I. I. liandley. lis Defetiilants, and com- ' mandiiii! therein to satisfy the sum of J fHs "t.VltM1, now thin on said judgment, v. it b intrret at the ra'e of ciuht Iter cent, per milium trout the I '.Mil d,i of .laniiarv, I i and hImj the costs of ai d upon haid writ. ; ami costs and expenses ot sale; and bv virtue of tuiid execut ioii, I have made levy' of the same upon all the riijht, title and ! wterer-t, of the idtovw named tlcfeudants, in j and to the following descrilx-d Keal I'rop-! ertv.towit: Iteing iots No. 7. x. ! atid 1 1, in lilix k No. '.), iu Simmons addition to the ; town of llillststio, in Washincctmi Cuuntv. Oregon. Now, by virtue of said Fvecntion. ' and said levy, I will, on ' MilnednT the Mh day f Febrniir, A.D. I-'". lit the houi of 'J o'clock I'. M... -tithe Sitlth df" of the Court Honrs-, iu Hills boro, in said County and State, sell hll the rijlit. title and interest of tile ( limned , defendants, or el t her of tin m. in and to I he bhovc ileciibcd property, at public 'tvctioii, to the highest btdder. tot t'ah in li:'i:d, to satisfy the b reiiil.elore namd suin-.. Vim- sm hand, this -Irumarv .",tli, I . n. i. c km i.ii s. Sheriff of Washington Conntv, Oreuoii . j ". t . . (iiiirliiiiiM S If, MIK I NDKbSHiNFD. Ol AUIMAN OF' 1 Mnrreii I'lul W. T, II. McMuiTeii, minors. will S4-1I at public auction, to the liii.he.-l bidder, on : SATI ItHAV, Jauiiar) ilst, Isss, I at 1 o'chtf-k in the of siiid at , the South Door of the Court llo.ise. Mi, Oregon. th billowing ilescrils-il i real property, iu Washington -'"Uuty, ' he-I gon. !- it : IU Llinniiii; at n stake 1'" chs. east of the, northwest corner of the Abrnni band' s ' donation claim, in T, 1 S.. Ii. J W .. of the j Will. nier.. and ruiiumt; tin mv south .' iU-u. j W. 7.74 chs.; thence east ehs.; thence sont It T le. west '.70 chs.; llienoe east l;.4ti chs.j thi-iice north 'J dcg. I., hi;jH ch.; tin nee W. Jil.44 ehs. to phi"e of Is-ginning, containing aires, more or si. .Said sale is made by order of the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, and dated Decenils-r SHl;, lss7, j Terms of Salet tjtpNi Cash itt hand; if l.") in otie vear; remainder on long time if desired bv pureliHser. Deferred pt ineiits I to tlraw intereat at the rale of !t per cent . j and to ls secniei ' '"-'"-' I Convevance at exts-usc of purchaser. I I1KNKV It. Mi Ml Kltl-'N, , tiunrdianof W, 11. and W, T. II. Mc-' Miirren. d-J-.'it ; ti' Tor Publication. i ! lAt Orrin: t I hiKini City. Om oos, . j Decent InT ."th, 1S-s7. t N tn iCF IS IIKKLHV filVI N I HAT , the followhi'j-n.-imed settler has tiled' 'notice of his intent ion to make tinal proof ' i in stipsrt of his claim, and tiiat said prs.f ! will is- made Is fore the ('aHllity Ji:d;je I Ch ik of Washington Coiintv. fretfoti, ! nt HiMslsiro. Oregon, on TlllKSDW, February L'ntl. 1, viz: l.udwlj Dolt 1 lre-Kmptiott D S. No. .Vt47, for the S. 1 j of X. t,lto(yp.y,i,T.lNl(,;iW, He n:Miies the following witnesses to : i prove his continuous residence iipiu, and ; cultivation of, said A. O. Itrown, A. Itcnsoii. M. Fisi-hen. aud Ii. Kraus, all of i ' Cornelius Post Olllce, W ashington County, i 1 1 ii-.... i Also. M.llhias Kis-hen, Homestead Futiv I No. ;::tL'. for tlie X. of N. K. of Sec, j '-".. I p. I s., n. :t w . ' He names the following witnesses to prove i : his continuous residence Ukiii, and cultiva- I lion of, said land, viz: A. O. Id-own, A I . lieiisoit. Li. Kraus, and I,. llolt, all of i Coritejiiis Postortice, Wasliiugtoii County, ) I l eg. Hi. ! tl- ;t W . 1, Itl JiXKV, Kegisft r, : r'riiir' ti-. Ntnit i: is hi;i:fhv ;ivi n. iiivi the undersigned has Is-.-n, by the !Cotmty "urt of the State of Oregon for Washnutou Countv, ajipoiuted Uiet-utoi of jthe liast Will and lestaruelit of IC. W, Ireland, decensed, and has qualified as such. ' All iersoiis having claims against the estate ot saitl l(. W. Ireland, deceased, will present ;lhe name, with the pros-r vouchers, to me, at tnv residence, near irts-iiville, Oregon, or at the KawOtlieeof W. X. Ham tt, in llills- tsiro, Oregon, within mix montl.s from tlu I date hereof u; Iy j JOHN P. IUKIiAND. j P.xecutorof the Last Will mid Testament j of U. W. Ireland. Deceased. J'-' R. W. McNUTT, -DEALKi; IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Groceries, Provisions, Eto. JUST RECEIVED i 1 I A large assortment of I I MILLINERY GOODS l! ' BONNETS, Etc BRANCH STORE At Vernonla, Nehalrm Valley, Where goods of erery description are kept constantly in titock. Jane 16 1887. jl-tf PACIFIC IIFEROT! Forest Grove, Oregon. This thorough, inexponsive, aud well eiuipH.-d Institution offers excellent Fducational advantages to the youth of Unh sexes throughout the I'acilic Nort hwest , It has three 'olleinto courses and two Academic courses, Its Ladie Department provides ad vantages for the daughters of patrons eual to the FetnaUt Seminary, while at ihv same tinia they enjoy ths advun blue of co-edncation. TIh town is beautiful, the grounds ample, and the buildings coiuuiimUous. I'roductive funds of the Institution niiffmt to tior'-r1iM! fl00,0tit. The Cot.i.Kos Iubimhy contains over txm N'oiumes, which HrentxT are m-t-otiragr-d f'rsK. Nt v, Hooks are ad!ed eoiif inuoitsly thro'iuh the year. SitKn ahi IViuoon vrs such its the Sfo-ntijia Awrintii, h, in, i. and l'ri,ir t,m .. ciVieure taken for use of both teacher and srcnusrs The CoxskbVAToBY of Mi:sic provid.M FIUS'l -CLASS instruction in Its line. 'I he S. ii,mi. or ur is iu clmrnc of the wiM-.r y:i(t i T..u hi the Mate d.'-' If Manufacturers tif and Deah-is in all kinds o i im; Tii:imi niui i.ou niK im Also, a tine CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS fe MATTING Picture Moulding, Picture Frames, Mirrors, I. ace Curtains, Window Shade's, FphoUlciy (io.sU, Wall Fa per, Spring and Top Mattresses, I'Mlows, etc.! ilso Doors and Blinds ! Nrwrl 1 chX i ii:irrAiii:its FOREST QROVK G. SHIWDLER Furniture Mm n ii fur lure i BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, CHEFFONIERS, DESKS, LOUNGES, I All SI) lex unil I'rleei.. C.SHfND!.ER&Co Harerr a, lii'i First T.t reel, J 'hirwgi. Ul(W:i 200 ftet to Km hikI I ;: lr..r'. Mrf!, jPOICTI-AMl, . . OKKflOX. New City FOREST OR0VE, OREGON, (OPPOSITK I"OHTOFFK'F.) C. W. RANSOM, i n i.i. Axo roni'i.KTK Drurjo and IATi:.T M i:il IX KN. TIHI.F.T AKTI(i.F. rr.iiri MKitv. BASE BALIj GOODS, Paints 0i,s Varnishes, Books !,nfHH' um iXlmM:AZV:" ,,roBW,,r" nnJ ry,,,,nf THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In carefully conducted, and, under Mr, llanaora's nianaguinunt, patron need hav no fear but that their pir script ions will he carefully und accurately compounded. Ills long experience in th lrng busineas ln thin cotinty ennb him to fully meet the wnnU of the people iu his line. Call and etatuine hi Htock Price, and you lire bound to be nited-. uxt-tt thirteen weeks opens JANUARY 4, I 088. , - With the opening of tlie Winter term will bej;iu Two Coi-ksks ttf J.'i IiCSstins each in plain I'tSM tsaiui', tiinhir a Mosr i"'in i, Wiiliin Muster. 'Jhe very lilai'al milliai;ei:ieut of I'ueilic FlllVe sity supplies Hit te lessoiii to uludentt U'lllnwl r.i tfit rlmi 'ir, SujM-iior instruction is i vt-i lit FhRNl 11 Mid (JkllVUN it!-"J uilhuut tj.t,t If C:illed for, l.x in i l.sK.t will be fol iin d br tin ACi om MolitTloK of WN it.u Sri i.fcNis. Flourishing I.iTRruhv Socihtik ami a htrgri and Hciive Society of ('muistiam lMiKAViui are to be tunned among ad ditional att ructions of ureal value Foil ri:iTi;iiKi of hi v CI.SSI II, TlvU'llJ.liS. the thorough ness of iiiit i 'uction given iu I'acit'ni Fuiv.rsiiv III MAINS INKI VAl.FD, I in ijtuillcd pMii'tuiii'.iew for rooms und board at l.mli. Hall, Everything ' is done that be lo mid work tor those who with In that wuyio help out on exs uses. K. ii. ! Clltltlo);! n ') V "I t lit' llMlulsnlllt .i. v. i:i.i-is. iMihiit. mith & Sons RM1TURE assoitiiient of 0" mm 1 1- U,.."JTUJrli , La.nU r, t ii:ivi:t.ii:xt. ORMOON & Co Drug Store ! Manager, mvk i nihit, n hi: Chemicals, FIXK SOAI'S, AKTIHT.S 1 ATI' III A lMt FINHIXU TATKI i:, and Stationery, Etc., Etc