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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1891)
i if THE MOBNIITO HERALD 'J'UESDAF. SEPTEJllSKR. 15 Io91. :.r II V 1 UAIUY AND W'HSKIiY TERMS OF BLBSCKPTIOS: DAIL Puijllhed ery morning except Monday-) slivered by carrier, yet wets J f ,mll, per )ru 6 00 WKFKLY.J (PuMisnsd every Friday afornlnf .) me copy, per uonn, In advance 12.00 kuta aut Aid in ad-n-e . i.M TH HAIL. Mail at the Albany poatoSce close leOi IR.RJ ) Far all oflicea north The Eastern etatea The West Side And the Nairow Oa nit or Portland and Sa.. 11 . It rvaiiuiud Yaquina 12:30 r. u . , on. -"" I, 7:30 r. m The poatoCa will be cl jn d each evening sis to seven o'clock. Ktfwtered nutter lor the ly morning rain should bo mailed before o clock the Qrerieoa eveninr. LOREOON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrive Departs rtihi., U.13pml2.20pm . 3.40pm 17.45 am THE DETECTIVE SYSTEM. The detective system, of which Pinkerton ia the representative in the East and Middle West, and eieatnres of the Sullivan stripe the exponents on the Pacific coast, has lecome a public nuisance and a means of public outrage. The sheriff of Pieice couuty denies that Sullivan or his eate'lite McKay were his deputies, or that he has any official responsibility for their presence or action during the arrest of Albertson. Tin prosecu ting attorney of Pierce county also denies that either Sullivan or Mc Kay are officers of the la a. Under these circumstances we find a professional detective assuming to himself the right to assist at an arrest, and to personally assault and threaten a prisoner without the slightest warrant of law. description. The selection of juries, the protection of life and property rests upon .the honot, zeal and ability of the sheriff and his subordinates, whom he should carefully select and for whom he is responsible. A community of proper public spirit will select a competent sheriff, and if surh a sheriff, with the governor of the state behind him, cannot main tain the law and order and protect corporate property, why then the state of Washington might as well confess that it is not fit for state hood. Have we reache J the point where our legal and judicial and military machinery is so worthless ly administered that there is any valid excuse for the existence of such illegal machinery as the "Sullivan Guards;" or such self appointed constables as Detective Sullivan ? Of course we have not ; there is not a shadow of just excuse for enduring another hour of Sullivan or his band of illegal mercenaries. Seattle Post-I otelli gencer. Bask robberies are peculiarly accomplished, sometimes, and sometimes they fail. OneinEITuig- uani, ills., recently was a success at first but finally failed. The robbers found a cashier that had grit enough to stand them off, al though they presented the muzzles of two revolvers for his considera tion. He held them at bay until they only succeeded in snatching $200 of the exposed money and were run down and made to give up that, and surrender tor trial. One plucky cashier at least. There is nothing remarkable that j Sullivan should usurp as an indi vidual powers which he has been permitted to illegally exercise at the head of an organized body of armed men without legally stand ing or authority. This practice of suffering Sulli van of Pinkerton guards to usurp and exercise the powers which can only be k gaily exercised by the sheriff and his posse, and by the military forces of the state when called upon for aid bv the governor, is most demoralizing to public justice, peace and order. In case of public disturbances the people understand perfectly well the difference between the legal poweis exercised by the sheriff and the militia and the illegal assumption of authority exercised by the Sullivan Guards," and as a consequence there is a natural feeling of irritation and resentment which serves to fan the flame of insurrection into open riot. The excuse offered for the employment of these Sullivan "irregulars" is the asserted necessity for the existence of an armed body of mercenaries to protect corporate property that might otherwise be destroyed before the lcgl author ities could come to the rtscue. Th8 excuse has no foundation in fact; the eheriffs are generally men of haracler, resolution, energy and courage ; the governor is prompt to furnish military assistance whenever necessary ; public opinion in a young and growing state is naturally on the side of all public enterprises that seel? to build up the growing in dustries of the community; and the authorities understand per fectly well that any country is liable for the destruction of property that takes place in conse quence of the failure of the con stituted authorities to protect it. New York city had to pay heavy damages for property destroyed by the draft riot oi 1SG3; and Allegheny county, Pa , paid an enormous sum of money for the railroad property destroyed by the riots of 1S77 when the militia sympathized with the mob. It stands to reason that the com muiiity will not tolerate any failure on the part oi the lawful authori ties to protect the property of cor porations, whose success furnishes life-blood to all the veins and arteries of local t ado. and for whose losses by riot the communi ty must pay iu lull. I'nder these circumstances there is no excuse for further toleration of this illegal detective system, which if it does not breed riot breeds public dis content; and in event of riot in tensities bitterness and obstinacy if the rioters. It is the business of every com munity to see to it that the sheriff of the couuty is always a man of superior character and capacity; he should Le a gentleman; a cool, courteous, resolute, courageous, discreet and incorruptible man; for hia responsib 'ity is of the t,rae?t and most ' important Frenck Tansy Wafer. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and iregular menees, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cum minus unit; Ladies, you can save money by purchasing your hosiery at the Ladies Bazaar. Call and examine our new line. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothinc blankets and flannels and all arti: cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entice satisfaction. Hanan & Son's fine shoes sell on i their own merit, and always gives ' satisfaction, lry a pair at 1. Wallace & Co.'s. Watches, chains and spectacles specialties at i . 31. French's. New dress goods just receivjd at w. . Head's. Fresh comb honey, Linn county proauction, at ranter tiros. -WE HAVE NOT AN ELEPHANT ON OUR HANDS,! mm -TlfE- -BUT WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF Dress Goods, Fancy Goods Underwear Hosiery, Etc. EVER SHOWN IN ALBANY. We have just, opened our FALL and WINTER CLOAKS and JACKETS, both ia cloth and p'ush goods, and we icel justified in saying that they excel anything ever shown in the VALLEY. We ask all to call and look knowing that we can please you as well as save you monev. At www www w -ft . OBEG-OU ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale and Re ail Grocers, OlsDEST, LARGEST & bEAST EXPENSIVE Institution of learning in the Northwest. ?.'M students in JSS7, 493 in 1S1H an increase of nearly 50 per cent in four years. Graduates in Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Med ical, Musical, Normal, Pharmaceutical and Scientific courses. Gradu ates from the normal course have all the advantages of graduates from the tate Normal Bchools. Better facilities for teaching next year than ever before. First term begins SEPTEMBER 7th. 18'1. For cata logue, with lull inforniation.address Wm. S. ARNOLD, A. M., Salem.Or, -TH K- Taqoina Route ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T.J E. IlOClCi. Kecelver. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD.) PROPRIETOR. SPKINGFIELD, - - - OREGON. "" yard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fiftb e ts, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed the prompt and satisfactory billing of orders, I respectfully solicit a re of the trade. A. WHEELER. cmrXiicrs joshpb:. Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C:gar3 PI ag and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pip3e, a full line o" Smokers Articles. cor to PfleiCur's candy store, . Albany, Oregon, Oregon Development Go.'s Steamship L!ne 25 M SHORTER. 22 Hours Less Time Than by any other tout:: Accomodation uusurpLfsed f. r n f il n Afety. Fares and freights ti :.i,t.ti a to the Oregon Dcve cpireiil rcui;aiy' ships, much lew ttiit hy ar otter reuse ween all points in the ': ! nt t t- il and San Francisco. SAILINO DATES. no Taqurxa. WllUmette Taller.... Aut 4th Willamette Valley... 7'7I?JHZl'.'.l. S2, SI laoM sag Faaxtuco A7 Ji:?y SI Willamette Valley... au Willamette Valley - je, The company nerve the nht to dnj teaicers or sailinir dates. PSILT rAKCM ts i'sa. Kxcept Sundays.) L Tac.a1r.rn 7:00 I Lv Altnti.r 12 ? r Corvallii lt): a " Corvaiiis l.' irm Ar Albany l) a H I Ar Vaiuina 4 r. . O it C. trains outect at Ai'n and f 01 W. If Hun,, C, . Bcsri, Oneril lutner. U. F P. Agent Cor rail is, O on Ath my naenrg for W ii no: lor nie in your nlnce nk vonr Doualnfl Shorx. Ht'cure luo lii-alrr to mi' ml fnr nit uloscut-, uui-n-, ..mi mai mi'iii lor you. - US" TAKE NO SI USTITUTI". Jli WHY IS L. E. BLAIN, SOLE AOENT, ALBANY, - - OREGON. THE HUMPHREYS Da. IIi'MPiiRBT'aSPicirirsare ecientitically and carefully prepared prescriptions; used lor ruanv years in private practice with suc cess, and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single specidc is a cure fur the disease named. These specifics cure without drupiriiiF, purguur or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the woria. LIST OF PRINCIPAL HOB. CURES. PRICK?. 1 fevers. Congestion, inflammation .. f S Worms, worm fever, worm colic 3 Crying Colic, or teething of infanta.. 4 Diarrhea, of children or adults Ifi Dysentery, Griping, Billious Colic 0 Cholera Morbus, vomiting...... 7 Coutths, colds, bronchitis ta Neuralgia, toothache, Faceache...... "V Headache, sick headache, vertigo.... 10 Dpspepsia. billious stomach ......... 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 12 Whites, too profuse petious 13 Cronp, cough, difficult breathiog . 14 Salt Kheum, eaysipelas. eruptions.. 15 Rheumatism, rheumatic pains..... 16 Fever and ague, chills malaria 17 Piles, blind or bleeding ... 19 Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 20 Whooping Cougn, violent com;h. General debility, physical weakness 27 Kidney disease......... 28 Nervous debility ... . j (n SO Urinary Weaki.ess, witting hed.... 60 ii Diseases of the heart, ulpitatio 1 oo noiu oy onunrists, or sent poetiKuti on re. ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) richly bound in cloth and gold, mail- ree, iiuacuKtva MKl. o, 111 113 William St , New Vuik, SPEC I F I C S CALIFORNIA POSITIVE m NEGATIVE ELECTRIC LINAMENT n CURE CATARRH, RHEU MATIS M, v i .... neuralgia, vorns, Jicadnilie, and ail pain. The Califor nia positive and neaUve ELECTRIC COUGH CURE. cures colds, croup, consuinp ttion. Sold by all druggists. Each 25c., 50c. and $1. Creas inger & Co., Props., Los Ange les, Cal. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KIXD3 IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES IX SKASON. FL1NX liLOCK, - - - ALBANY, OREGON. Sti Oar We are in the L a Hill Snniiuer Stock will be found complete than ever. larger and more FURNISHING COOPS, VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS AND PLUSHES, LADIES' AND MIOSES SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, COTTON AN D WOOL HOSE, EMBROIDERIES, SILK AND LIXE.V HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, VEILINGS, SHAWLS, ETC. ..A FULL STOCK OF... Staple Groceries Crockery The best nuts, etc quality of Itcas, cogecs, camiits DRESS GOODS Very attractive lines in new colorings and latest novelties. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in l;i";c assortment and end less variety. GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR Latest Styles ! High Novelties ! Ladies, Misses & Childien's. High Novelties! o W. SIMPSON, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Roval College of Lt wloa, hn'land, also of the Belle' vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofulaenlargemeots,tnmor and wens, without pain or the knife, tie also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in tho German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended lay Diuht. Ilia motto is 'iOL WILL TO ALL." COffice and residence, Lebanon, Orcein. CR0WDER BROS Contractor and Builders. Jllice on First street with Wnl- 9ie A Cusiik. real estate airents. r Jbanv. Oreifon. Estimate invert n all kin Is oi buildings or caroen- er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. Children Cry for riTOXaX'8 CASTORIA 'Oil SALK lieitmn stove and one 'k aU'xe. Iw.t h in iiocxl coiulitiuii. ror mtormation nujtiiro cf i'. E. Amhcrer, at Petal ti 'c.taph olflcc. -GENERAL- Earopeaa Steamship Ague;. THROUGH. TICKETS To and from Europe l y a'l first-lass lines Tickets from any place in Europe to any point in the Lnited State), or from thif country to Kurcpcin points su'd over the followinir firstlass lines: North German Lloyd, via New York, North Gentian Lloyd, via Baltimore, Allan Line, AncHor Line, American Line, State Line, Bearer Line, Cunard LineT" Red Star Line, Wh'te Star Line, Guion Line. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold on all European citii sat current rates. Internaticn collections, r'or information reirardinir prices of paMiae, date of sailing, etc, call ot or address, f, 15. WINN, Albany, OR. HE4TIBG STOVES AT MATIflfiWS & WASHBURN FRESH BARED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house al m to be found a complete assortment of frenli famih irroccries. to which is constanllv ttcinif aiitci: all the seasonable lines of Krcccrics and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all bought when price ere low and t he benefit of tbe margin will bv (riven to his customers. Rememlicr the place. I at the old corner on First and liroalalbin Sts. Conrad Myer. It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of tire 1 et fine caif, stylish and easy and because we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand sewed shoes costing from $4 to $5. $:.00 genuiue banc' eewed.the finest calf shc-e ever ollered for $5: eouals French iin- lAf I 41 11 A O ported shoes which cost from S3 SHOE centTeVn t,S&Sd IKE BESTSHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE MOHEY? oflered at this price; same grade .as custom made shoes costing from $o to ft). .f.".50 polio- shoe; farmers, railroad men and letter carriers all wear them ; fine calf, seamless, smooth in iide, heavy three souls, exten sion edge ; one pair will wear a year. f2.50 fine calf ; no better shoe ever offered at this price ; one trill will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. $2.2o and $ 2.00.Workingman's shoes are strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial wili wear no other make. BOYS' f 2 and $ 1.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits as the increasing sales show. LADIES $3 hand sewed shoe, best 1 tongola ; very stylish ; equals French imported shoes costing from $4 to $. Ladies Jf2.50, $2 and $1 7 shoe for Mfcseaare the best Doncola. Stvlish and durable. Caution. See that V. L. Eouglas' nainn and piice are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. V. L. 1 OUGLAS, Brockton, Mase. EAST SOUTH RQUTE. SOUTHERN VIA PACIFIC THE KG CM SKSTA FCUE Caiifor::a . xprees trait n.u dri.'y kotira Norru 7:00 p m..I.v... lu: p m.. Lv. U.'.b am..Ar. .. 1'ortiaiid .... Ar.. 9:3. jum ..AiiMuiy Lv.. :2l am . S. 1 iaiicisco.Lv.. 9-Ouj m Local Pas. Train Dal.'y- Ex. Sunday SOj a m..Lv Portlat.d Ar.. 4 it; in 12.20p m..Lv....,).....Lv..i:.".' ui bAQ p lnAr.....Kohciiiir lv . . .i.jc trlwitua Krasih, G.L. Blackmaa, 2 Albany Ar.. .m 2:35 pm Ar ....Ltaiion Lv . K:4v-ajD T:iuam..Lr Allaiiy... Ar.. .- pin tt.22ara..Ar l.ela:iin.. Lv.. S,'." i m ALBANY LOC1U, 6AILT (Except Sui.J.y) h.tQ r n..Lv Portland Ar... S.Ot a 9.oy r Ar. ..AHjuny..Lv....i.i... a PULLMAN JiUFFETSLEi TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommonstion of cand Oat Pa serurers attached to Exprefs fTt SUe Ulvfaian. Between l'oitlaiid aud Corvn-'iia DEALER IN- R. R. Men and Athletes Wear our Vulcanized (Jum Sus pensory to prevent jar, strain or injury. Weak men are cured wearing our vulcanized gum sus pensory of varioccle (enlarged veins) nocturnal emissions and impotency. Vigor, comfort and longer life assured. Xo pain ; no poisonous drugs. Price only f 2. Sealed circulars free. Vulcanized G nui Suspensory Co., Rooms 1!), 20, McVickers Theatre Building, Chicago 111. Dr, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLES! And a full line oi Books, Stationery, Periodical,0. Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded. Also carats the finest lines of Pianos & Organs JV THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Hall Trala Dally - r'xeept Sunday J:lln,.Lr ...Po.tlan.1 ...Ai.5 3p. 1:10 pm..Ar Joraii:s.. L.5?.oip. At Albany and CorVI; ci.ii.ect trains of Oregon PaiinYliaJixad. Kaprrss Trulm Dally K(.t;.t Suidy :40pm..Lv.. 7:Sp m.. Ar.. .Portland... Ar.. E:3t in .MrMiucvillo.Lv ..6.4vm THROUGH TICKETS lo All 'oili' EAST AND SOUTH Of Forticktts and full 'hifomiaticr. re ganlinK rut nii.p-, etc., i-all aentat Allianv. H. KOKHLLK, Manairer K. P. RC;1 R3, Aiwt. ti. tr.A A WEAK MAN Can cure himself of I he Ie plorable results oi early abute and I ferit:ciiy restoic lus vigor and vital I lty by our home treatment. The j remarkable cuies of hopeless cases I of nervous dtbilitv cud rrivate coniDlaints are ever where stamp ing out quackery. Treaties and question list, a phyeician's gift to suffering huuianity, wiil be- sent fiee to those afliictec. Addrtps with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, CALL AND (EXAJMTNE IIIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBANY, OREGON. 405 Kearny St., Francisco, Cal. Hoom 2, San of Pay Vonr City Taxes. The city taxes for are now t'uc and payable. The money is needed and every individual should lcok the matter iu and ee that they are peid, Il not paid immc'li ately they will lieuomc delinquent, 'I he ilcir tax is also due and if nit pa:d the orJi-r will le iriven to kill all the d"jrs on whom taxes hve not been paid. J. , IIoFFlN Maistial. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Retail Dropts Booksellers ALBAJ" OREGON Brick ?0A At my kiln one mile east of town, or delivered anywhere in the citv. W. C. CaS.-ELL. Poribd Uoivers'lv. OPKSS SEI'TKMIIEK 14. Beautiful healthful site near the city. Expenses are as reasonable as any other institution of learning on the coast. Classical, literary, ecientilic, theological, preparatory, normal ami business courses. Stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight anil direction given to all students. Ladies boarding liall under experienced super vision. Professors of excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For information ad dress C. C Stratton, D. P., presi dent, or Thos. Van Seoy, I. I)., dean of college, 1'orlland Univer sity, l'oiliand, Or. FOR SALE OR RENT. JEFFRSON FLOURING MILLS, Also SAW AND PLANING MILLS, Jefferson, Marion Co., Or. For particulars apply to CORHKTT MACLEAY, - C4 and Cfi Front St., Portland Or : -THE- i kmlm Mm Opens September ISth, 1S91 COURSE OF STUDY arranged expressly to meet the needs ni the farming and mecnani cal interests of the tate. Large, eomodious and well-ventilated bui'diuirs. The cu'.leue is located in a cultivated and Christian com munity, and one of the healthiest in th State, Military Train iny. Expenses Need Not Exceed $153 for the r.ntire Scatum. Two ermore free s.holirshiis from ercrr county. Write for catalogue U u. L.Alt.NOLU,l'res.,Cnrvallis, Or Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BROWNELL. We cmtv a lartre ttk trii)ti'.-5 M:itioiierv, v. t il rs- j fortcd, Luiiulit dirttt froin the luanufactuiiis at a low figure, and can jiivc the best of work in all kinds of printing fur the least iiionov. 'i rv us. il. V. tVn:. GFKEKAL AGENTS and canraswrs Irok inx for a permanent money-makint; liiines, no competition, should secure the sale of the Patent AHiustah'e Shoe. A.I dress with stun?, CONjOLIOlT KU SHO , Salem, Uass. IS, lliE MARKLTS. i.n.Nr UOTATICKS. Wheat Nic OaU :Cc t ioui -.Z'. pei bH Potatoee Eti;s V.K" butter 2-c Ird I0fi5l2'c. flanif 14&1.V-. Shoulders loc. Bacon lS'-c. Hons at'e. Hay Timotby, 10. oats and cheat App cs Green, fl per Yn. riu m imca, (3c. per lb. App'es dried bleached ic (.untried & 9 c Chickens f4 SofflSOO. Beef 3(g3c gross. Mutton :j3 50pcr head. Hogs .e, aresser. Vesi 2c. Wool X821c. ECCS FOR SALE. I will sell full Mood I.eghi rn eggs, both single ai d rose -mh fpr fl 50 per 13. also dotted Wven Ootts, Light Urnhmas, Langshan and Plymouth Rocks st ti e sme P. L..T. IIoivk, Tangent, Or.