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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1891)
THE MORNING HERALD :THUItS DA, SEPTEMBER 10, 1891 ON BALE The Dxilt Hit bald will be on m1 each morning at H. J. Jonea' book store.where it tan be procured at 5 cents per copy. JOTTINGS ABOUT TOW. Mrs. C. O. Lee returned yester day from Independence. . B. Wakefield, of the Portland Biidge Co., is in the city. E. J. Willoughby, of Harriaburg, was in the city yesterday. Mias Pauline May, of Harria burg, ia visiting in this city. J. P. Galbraith returned yesitr day from a trip to Brownsville. Mrs. C. L. Brush, of Portland, ie visiting relatives and friends in this city. Dr. C. C. Kelley and wife left vesterday for their ranch up the North Santiam. Hon. Tihnon Ford, one of Salem's prominent attorneys, was in the city yesterday. Virgil Parker and family and his sister, Mr. Clifton, left yesterday for an outinit at Britenbuah. Fresh Yaquiira oysters, just opened at the Delmonico restaur ant. W. W. Davis, proprietor. A. Aaiuold the world known violinist comes with flattering notices from all over the world. John Maxwell, a wealthy farmer living near Eugene, was arrested Tuesday, charged with stealing 50 bushels of wheat from his neigh bors, Marshall and James Martin. ' Major W. C. Cassell has made the finest lot of brick ever put in the market, this season, and ie just completing the burning of a kiln. He has the facilities to fill any orderthat may be sent bim. O. P. Mason and Lucea M. Casey have givennp the manage ment of the Northwest-Pacific Farmer to Frank Lee, of Center ville, Wash., formerly editor and manager of the Klickitat Leader. Fred J. Wbitcomb, a hrakeman on the Southern Pacific road, while coupling a freight and pas senger car yesterday was caught between the bumpers. He escap ed with a badiy bruised shoulder. Dr. W. H. Davis attended to his injuries. ' Mr. Sam Daw, the orchardiat of Peoria, remembers us with usual annual box of fine prunes, of the various varieties. Mr. Daw is a . success in his time and is carefully noting facts and figures on fruit raising and handling and lias acquired much valuable informal ! tion. 4 A correspondent from Fish lafe ' in the Cascade mountains w; itf that a daughter of Dr. Lane, ex-1 superintendent of the asylum, while barefooted, stepped on some ground over the burning roots oa stamp, fell in vO the roals and wie so seriously burned on her feet that she will not be able to walk fir several weeks. Dainty Lady Drommin. The aphere of women'a useful ness baa been so enlarged with the advancement of civilization tl at it looks as if the ladies might after a while hold the men a mighty close rub in almost any business avoca tion. One of the most difficult callings, seemingly, would be for ladies to become successful drum mars, but there ' at l;ast one Ore- son lad. who is doing just this Her name ia Mra. F. B. Kobbins. and she travels for the Portland Cracker Company and candy works. She has been in this city for a day or two, and captured her ordera as gracefully as any ot tne whiskered coinmereial travelers, and abe did it in a modest refresh ins manner, at tr.e same time with all the business eclat of her male compeers. There would be something dangerous to the aver age country dealer in sending out emissaries of trade these dainty bits of feminine cleverness, and aeme string check for instance the dealer's wife would be needed in the business to prevent possible bankruptcy from over-generosity in placing ordera. Tha Lebanon Liquor Basin,,. Tne Lebanon town council is enforcing a, very strict regulation of the liquor traffic. Some time ago thj license was raised to $000, per year, and now the council has notified the saloons and also the marshal that each salo m is to be carefully watched, and if any one ia aeen entering or leaving on Sun day, the license will he revoked and the place closed. This action, especially while the canal ia being built, and there are more or leaa thirsty men in town on Sunday, has aroused the ire of the saloon men. It la Only Iron. The Salem Journal has a letter from a young man dated Corvallis, Sept. 7, relating to the alleged gold find. He says: "Yesterday I weat out to the place of the sup posed gold mine which baa caused some little excitement here lately. but which ia generally believed to to be a "lake." A man was dig ging a well and at the depth of seventeen feet atruck a vein which was supposed to contain gold, but those who know something about minerals say that it is nothing but ' iron, and consequently it amounts to nothing." Kofuan t Accept n Hunth'a Pay. The Oregon Pacific railroad company announced its readiness on Monday last to pay its employes for one month, February last. The men refused to accept it, however, thus far only three men having accepted the pay for that month. They are, no doubt, acting under the advice of their attorneys, on the ground that accepting pay for one month might prejudice their case in securing the remainder on Monday next, the date aet by the court for the payment of the men. j EE GAVE TO OtIEF. A Draik Wasted to Fight and Got a Brokti Ltff. Yesterday morning a drunken man named McNary, while in a state of intoxication, attacked Joseph Kitchen in the Star bre-v-ery, at the corner of 1 irst and Baker streets. He drew a knife and made a savage assault, as if hethirsted for gore. Kitchen, it is said, acted in self-defense and knocked McNary down and forci bly ejected him frem the house He fell down the steps and broke his right leg a few inches above the ankle, lie was taken to the city jail before it was discovered that his leg was broken. Dr Davis was called to dress hid wounds, when he at once found that both bones were fractured. The injured man was removed to the hall of Albany hngine Co. No. 1, and was subsequently removed to a boarding house at Second and Washington streets. He was without means and was cared for by the city. No arrests were made. HUSTLER SPECIALTIES. Tka Popular Fare Said to Brittle With B.illiant Featarei. Iii(?orjorated in the farcical play of "The Huatler" which will scintillate on Die atage of the Al bany opera house next Saturday night is a new line of new, bright and variagated specialties, prom inent an oog which are the songs and sparkling witticisms of that master-spirit of Celtic comedy, John Kernell ; us Mills' inimita ble swell songs; the songs, dances and imitations of Barney Key nolda; Mollie Thompson's song and dance, with a somersault ac companiment; the terrific knock about act of John . Marr and Lee Harrison; the vocal gym nastics of the handsome Zellma Rawlatun, one of the operatic queens of the New York Casino; the songs and character imperson ations of the charming La port e flisters ; the singing of the famous "Hustler" male quartette Leon ard Somers, Harry Leiili ton, Mack Menter and Milo Knill. and the poses and pirouettes of the Paris ian Duster Dance contingent, led by M'lle Staccione, the Italian toe-dancer. The three actsof "The Huatler" fairly blaze with vocal and terpsichorean novelties, and the play lywlf ia aaid to con-u tain more UuKhAjoaaMfl ail the UughAjoSSaafl all t .ppletfieB couined. other-larce-eoi Uruereu mat county no longer assist John Seeney. The matter of the tax levy for 18tl was continued. In the matter of petition cf, lames Peery et al for county roa,J appointed reier miyeu, . a. Daniel and Harvey Sbelton' as viewera to meet on September 24, !!!. In the matter of the petition of W. II. Young et al for change of location of county road ; appointed as viewera Saw Claypool (ireen Mornsand, F. M. Smith to meet at s. II. Chariton's on September 23, 1891. BILLS ALLOWED. Mr. J. J. Davis, account paupers $ 49 83 John Usher, janitor 17 25 E. C. Phelps, stationary. 3 50 Albany Electric Light Co 27 50 A. Wheeler, acc't roads. . 99 38 G. F. Rusfell, sundries. . 21 00 O. P. Coshow, sundries. . 21 00 T. J. Stites, sundries 21 00 Peter Riley, wood 117 00 G. B. (iray, sundries ... 2 00 G. F. Russell, account school superintendent. 56 10 G. L. Blackman, account poor 8 50 E. T.T.Fisher, sundries. 21 00 Fees, state vs J. D.Lewis. 12 80 Glass & Prudhomme, stationary 5 50 Fees, inquest at Harris- burg 35 50 Fees, state vs John Wil son 9 65 Fees, inn nest Chas. A. Reinhart 25 80 N. P. Payne, clerk fees. . 53 85 Tritea & Miller, sundries. 2 50 M. Scott, sheriffs fees 20 55 G. W. Simpson, account poor 9 05 Geo. W. Young 410 96 19 MEK0RIAM. Hall or Engine Co, No 2. Whebeas, It haa pleased the All. vise God who d.eth all things well to remove from tins company and from this world our- brother fireman and fellow citizen, James F. Hail; and Wuekeah, It is fitting and jus! that this company make some record of its appreciation of his values, both as a fireman and a citizen, therefore Resolved, That in the death of James F. Hail this Company has lost one of its best men, both as a fireman and as an officer, one who was always attentive to duty and watched carfully after the in terests of the fire department. Resolved, That in their afflic tion we extend to the bereaved family our sincere sympathy, and with reverent bumilitv we com mend them to Him who ha pro mised to be a "friend and a real present help in time of need," and who giveth life for a look at the Crucified One. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent the bereaved family of the deceased and another be published in each of the daily Albany papers and one be spread npontne minutes of this Company. O. C. Awbrey, David Link, W. E. (.ilLLET. It is said that D. C. Ireland and others inteud to start a new paper in Astoria to be called the Alliance Farmer. 1W8 OF TEE COAST. IiUfMtiif Itrm fro ExckkBgti Tbrerof iaat tat larttweit. A bank is soon to lie established at Junction City. Salmon are said to be plentiful at Yaquina and good catches are being made. Eugene will soon be supplied with a steam laundry. The town is the proud possessor of a new theatre which has a seating capa city of 12i0. J. W. Jennings of Bay City has growing in his garden a white hydrangea (Ityilranya yrantlitloni), over seven feet in hight. with fifty blossoms, ten inches long and seven inches across. A disagreement between the cannery operators and the fisher men threatens to hinder the open ing of the lirays Harbor canneries, except at Monteaano. A pound of powder, a pair of sbos, and a new tin pan f jrir.ed the combination that exploded and severely burned John Siverly, while he was on his way home from Moultun last week. The number of severe and fa'al accidents that have happened in Oregon during the last three or four months is simply astounding. It is a rare thing to pick up a pa per but it contains an account of some horrifying accident. There is talk of a salmon hatch ery being established on the Umpqua river. The California board of fish commissioners have ordered 3,000,000 trout to be raised at Sitson this year, if all goes well. Work is progressing rapidly on the Corvailia wag n and carriage factory building. It is expected to be completed by the 1st of De cember, it will give employment to about 300 men. It is possible that the wagon factory will prove of more benefit to Corvallis tha the recent gold and eilv r dis covery. Last Wednesday night the little 7-year-old girl of C C. Zaun, of Lebanon was sick and her mother gave her some home-made cough medicine. Tne little girl after ward got the bottle and drank all in it. Airs. Zahn, discoveiing this fact on her return, promptly summoned physicians, and the little girl's hie was .saved, physicians say that there poll-on sufficient taken to three men. The was kill Now Tailoring Establishment. .Messrs. Hart A Phillips have ned a merchant tailoringeEtab- ment in the Pean-e-btrahan k building up stairs. Mr. recently Ironi Michigan, Phillips is from Salem, with his brother, he has ngaged in a similar busi- bev are both energetic young business men and are Thoroughly experienced in the tailoring husines. They will open with a fine line of samples and patterns of fashionable clothing of all kinds. The public is invited to call and inspect their stock. Cancer Removed. J. II. Kelley, a farmer of Crook county, is in the city, having come here for medical treatment for a cancer on hie lip. It was removed by Dr. J. P. Wallace, and the patient it is t nought will recover from all effects of the insidious disease. Beautiful Women. The magical effects of Wisdom's Robertine as a beautifier and preserver of the complexion have been attested by thousands of leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only article ever discovered which gives a natural and beautiful tint to the complex ion, removing tan, sunburn, freckels and ail roughness of the face and arms, leaving the skin oft, smooth and velvety. All re mark on its delightfully cooling and refreshing properties, distinction not found in any other simihar article known, lor sale by Foabay A Mason. O. K. T. UuneH Keaults.-O. K. T Many of the pioneers of Oregon and Washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful cura tive properties of the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and can be taken by the youngest child or most delicate woman. O. K. T. is a never full ing remedy for pains in the back and loins, non-retention of urine scalding or burning sensation while urinating, mucous dU charges and all kidney troubles of either sex. $1 at all druggists. For sale by Foshay A Mason. BVCrtLKJi-a AKTtlTA SALVE. The best salve in ttie world for Cuti, Bruises,, Ulcers, Salt Kheuni, Fever sores. Tetter. Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, and skin Eruptions, and pos. lively cures Pilu, or l.o pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. Fcr sale by Foslmy & Masou MARRIED, HAMILTON GREENLEE At the refluent of the otliciating clergy man. Oakville, Or., Sept. 8, Mr. j. It. Hamilton, ot Oakville, Or., and Miss Anna E. Greenlee, of Indiana, Kau9as. Mr. Hamilton is the son of the late Hon. Joseph Hamilton, and is a youug man or exemplary cnaracter. me bride Is a niece of Mr, J. B. Porter of Indian, Kansas, who made many friends during his stay here two years ago. With a comfortable home and pleasant surreuudings their life should be 0"e of happiness and peace, and this is the wish of their tnaoy friends. After partaking of a sump, tous breakfast the happy couj le took the train for Yariuina Bay. BURN. STEWARTSON To the wife of J. K. StewarUoii. near this city on Mou day. Sept. T, 1MI1, a daughter. ofte lisp rfc Wart is ar& Mr. wbeV. ben nets, w BUSINESS LOCALS, French keeps railroad time. New cloaks at W, F. Read's. Conn & Hendricson, grocers. Fresh bread every day at Parker Bros, Oxford ties very 'cheap at Klein Bros. New stock of Ha!s at W. F. Read's. S. A. Hulin, druggist, French's corner. Great reduction in Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. Phoenix pure mixed paints at Stewart A Sox. Freeman feed cutters and mills at Stewart & Sox. Quick sales and small profits at the Ladies Bazaar. Pay your school tax and save costs of collection. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. 10 ier cent reduction on dress goods at W. F. Reads. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. Paraaols and sun umbrellas less than cost at W. F. Read. Great reduction in embroidered flouncing at W. F. Reads. A fine line of gold rings just opened at Will A Stark's. Jui-t received, our new neck wear at the Ladies Bazaar. Ladies and misses combination suits at the Ladies Bazaar. Choice pickles in bulk, or quan tities to suit, at Parker Bros. Wanted on Lebanon canal a number of good teams at $3 50 per day. Have you examined that beauti ful $400 "piano at Kleiu Bros, shoe store. Klein Bros, are closing out their stock of Oxford ties at a great re duction. Fresh Yaquina bay salmon at 8 cents per pound at Hyde's market every day. Experts pronounce Klein Bros, piano one of the finest toned in struments. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardeus at Parker tiros. Try Conn A Hendricson's syrup, the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. A fine new line of ladies, misses, children's and infants cloaks can be seen at the Ladies Bazaar. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igars, manufactured at Julius Joss h'a cigar factory. All kinds of fruit boxes in quantities to suit at the Sugar fine Door x Lumber Uompany s. I am receiving choice early Crawford peaches daily Irotn Ash land. Ouality unexcelled. C. E. Brownell. Your school tax will be delin quent if not paid at once. Look alter it and save costs of collection. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Foshay & Mason. New spring novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Ladies, you can save money by purchasing your hosiery at the Ladies Bazaar. Call and examine our new line. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter es, put up by E. W. Achison, at all he cost of stone. For fire pocket knives best pa tent tempered shears and scissors and extra hollow ground razors, go to Stewart k Sox. Lowest rates and best accommo dations to passenger going East via Canadian Pacific Railway ask C. B. Winn for rates. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneuraption. For sale by Foshay & Mason. Some of tne test styles of ele- fant bed lounges can be seen at ortmiller & Irving's, as thev have just received a large invoice, Sleepless niarhts. made miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Foshay & Mason. 1 nomas unnk lias received a stock of baby carriages which he is offering at prices as low as the lowest, and they are first-class goods. You can save money by going at once to Klein Bro.'s shoe store and purchasing a pair of Oxford ties The price has been reduced to close them ou.. Lawn sprinkleis, Matthews & Washburn, garden hose, Matthews Wasbburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews & Washburn, pumps, Matth' ews & Washburn, bath tubs. Matthews & Washburn, water closets, Matthews & Washburn. gasoline stoves, Matthews & Wash burn, the nest of everything Aiattnewscx wasnourn. Miss Annie Small has opened a dreapmaking establishment in room 23, Pearce's block, up. stairs. Her work is guaranteed to be lirst class and ladies are invited to call at her rooms, where she is pre pared to do all kinds of plain and elaborate dressmaking. Those contemplating an Eastern trip should notice the advertise ment of the Canadian Pacific Kail way, which appears in another column. Apply to C. H. Winn for rates and tickets. CATAKKH. The ablest physicians of the present age recognize catarrh as a blood disease which aggravates the mucous surfaces. Moore's Re vealed Remedy purifies the blood, restores health to the affected membranes, stops oflenfive dis charges and correct th hrontli ( For sale by all druggists. A Beautiful Book. "Our-Hearts Delight" is the title of a new hook just issued, containing all of the old and new pieces of music that have become so dear to the hearts of every one. The book is the size of theordiuary sheet music and forms one of the moat attractive books that has been issued. It contains full page portraits of all the leading singers and composers, forming an artistic album both attractive and useful. Tb.3 book contains mujic that if bought by the price would come to over $25., and will be appreciat ed and sought afier by every lover of music. Mrs. A. M. Talt is agent for the book and will solicit j subscriptions for it. Novelties In Ladies Footweai. I have just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in ladies fine shoes. Cloth top, fancy tips ; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in hand and machine turns. These goods were made expressly for me and will be found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a line dress shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price from $1.25 to J4-00. S. E. Young Cram's Unrivalled Atlana The new edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered by the agent, Mrs. A. M. Talt. The work iB almost excellent one, and this edition is a great improve ment upon former ones, giving all the latest date and much new matter that was not in the previous editions. It should be in every family, and on every business man's desk. Those who are i;ot supplied can procure the atlas by addressing P. O. Box No. 00 Al fa? ay Oregon. Mothers? Castoria is recommended bv hvsicians for children teething. . i .ii is a purely vegetable preparation its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm less. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, qtiites pain, cures uiarrlnea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas- soria is the children s panacea the mothers' friend. 35 d's, 35 cents. The Schools Will Upeu. The public school and the col lege will open this week. Stu dents and parents of school cliil dren should go to headquarters for school books, foshay & Mason hava everything in the line of school supplies, books of all the grades, inks, pens, pencils, tablets and everything of convenience for pupils. Go to them for your school book.-). School Books at G. I.. Ulackmau's G. L. Blackman has opened a complete line of school bjoka for the opening of the echools on Monday. Those in need of school books will lind it to their ad vantage to call upon him. Ladles Fine Shoe. I make a specialty of handling ladies tine shot's. I carry some ol the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods ; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. t:niLMK.vr run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will tind it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner jewelry store. Kooaas Wanted. Those having rooms which they would be willing to let to students are requested to notify President E. N. Condit, of the college, as he has daily applications from stu dents from abroad who wish rooms for the coming vear. Snte Cnre for the Liquor or Opium Habits. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. Fire Klndlers. If you want a good and easy fire kindler, one that will kindle your fire easy everv time. Callou or come and see me. - A. J. rox. One Half Dollar Reduction on every pairof Lnd- lows Fine Shoes. A goodlme ol them at Samuel E. Young's. Housekeepers will' do well to read F. L. Kenton's new adv. this morning, and give him a call when purchasing choice family gro ceries. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Caslorial NEW TO-DAY. tiedtalLQUARTER ker county Ore-flf? son, near whatUr M ia now Baker City. PCTUDV man who has sfnccOCIi I Oil I become identified with the rewurcesflpn and development of that country. TtusflUU man ia no other than Mc. John Stewart, out of the wealthiest and most influential citizene in the county. In a recent letter he says: "I had been Buffering from pains in my life k utid general kidney cuimilaint i'or amuc time, and had used many reiuuiies without any but temporary relief. . The pains in mj back had become no severe tha 1 was prevented from attending to my work and conld not uiuve without the uyi of a cane. Hearing, through a friend, of the wonderful cure el foit l.y Oregon Kidney Tea, I wa induced to try a box, and from that veT first dose I f.mnd inslaiit relief, and before u ing hall the contents ol the box the puns in c y back tl'tiixly diaap..rcd 1 have every f ith it the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend, it to n) friend. 1 would not be without it for any tiling." Oresjon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinence ot urine, brick duHt sediment, burn ing or painful gcnuatUin uhile urinating, and all affection of the kidney or urinary organ! ol either sex. Moticeofsale of Bond.) of t he City of Albany, Oregon. . Notice i heieby given, that a authorized and provided by no act of the legislature ot Oregon, entitled, "An act to incorporate Ihe ci!y ol Albany, anil to repeal all acts or parts ofucUin conll ct herewith," filed iu the olHce of the secretary of the state of Oregon, February lth, 1S91, and anil alo as provided br ordinance Nj. 217, c-f B:'i city of A 1 oaiiy, the com mon council of the cily of Albany, Oregon, will issue ana d Kpose ol bonds of said city at par value, to the amount cf 7,00. in denominations of fjOO, payable 30 years af cr date of issue, with Interest thereon at the rate of (() six per cent per an nun) , payable scur-auuuHlly. Sealed bids for the purchase of &f.tJU of said bond re in ai nint: unsold will lie received by tha treasurer of sa d city until the hour of 2 o'clock p. in of vlouday, the Hth day ol September, 1WH, at which time the proposals submitted fcr pur chasing aula" bonds will be opened uiiu ru isiuenru iv uic eiiy treasurer, gaid l)OUU9 , solJ the hij,bi and considered ty Ihe city treasurer and best u.uacr. The treasurer re erves the j-iht to reject any and all bids. Dated at Albany, OrecDii, Sept. T, 1801. U FAKWKLL, City Tiea-u er. Opera House, Warner &, Lessees & Managers. THURSDAY, SEP. lO The World Renowned Violinist Berr August Aaiuold, Under tle atupices of the C. K. Society. Seats on sale Wednesday, Sep tember '.), at. Win & link's. KlMMOXs. fn the circuit court of the state of Oieiron, for the county of Linn. M. C. Uingham, plaintitT, ) vs. 5 Eliz li lli Bingham defendant I To Elizabeth Uingham, the above named uefeudaxt : IX TIE NAM EOF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby . required to appear and answer the complaint of Ihe al)3Ve plamtitl in t!ie above entitled court, now on hie with the clerk of said court, on or before tltc 2HIU day ol October, lS'.il, the same being the lirst day of the next regular October term ls'.ll of said c nu t, and you are hereby notified that if yon fail t appear and answer said romp'aint as hereby quired. 'In plaintitT will apt ly to the court for the relief demanded therein to-wit: A decree dissolving the bond o matrimony nil sitting between plaiutill' and defendaut and that plain till' have tnd recover the costs and disburst mollis of the suit to be t xcd This summ.Ms is put) i.-)ied in the 11 hai.o DifSEMiSATou by order of Hon. K I. Hoist-, Judge ol said court m ide at chambers, in the city of Salem, on the 7th, day of September i:u. rtl.ACKHUKX i& WAT'ON. Attorneys fer Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon lor Linn county, C. II. Stewart & E. F. Sox, partners doing business under the (inn name and stvle of Stewart & Sox, Summons. PlaintilTs, V8. T. A. Beard, Defendant, To T. A. Beard, the above-named defendant : 1M THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORF fron you are hereby required to aprvar snl answer the complaint cf the shore named plaintitT in Ihe above entitled court now on file with the c!erk of said conn on or be fore the first (lav ol the next reanter term of said court, to-wiR Ou or bffore October iUi ls'Jl and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appearand answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will Uke Judg ment against you for the sum of 60.00 and interest thereon at the rate S per cent per annum from Hay fcttb, 1;9I. and for tne costa and disbursements of this action and for an onlcr of sale of the followiuc diacrihed premise to-wit: Befcinnintf at the north w st corner of the donation land claim of Dnil Settlemier, notification No' 1996 claim No. 63 in Tp, 12. 8. K, 4 W , of the Willam ette meridian in Linn county, .Oregon, and running thence east 60.92 chains to the east Ixiuadary line of said township, thence south , on the township line 31.05 chains, thence went M chain", souin a.iucniws, thence west lO.flO chain to the west boundary lino of aa.d donation land claim, theses north ou the- Said weat bounuarf line to tne place ot negauunff ine same hating been duly attached by the sheriff of Linn county, Oregon In the aboe tntit i cause. - llua suuuuuus it published bT order pf the Honorable K. V. lioise Judge of the abjve entitled court duty nude at cnuwiere In Sa km. Oregon, on the 11th, day of July lSUt. , H. H. HEWITr. Att'y for Plaintiffs, Notice of Dissolution, . The copartnership heretofore existing h. twe n F. Wendell and H. F. Hnlleiibctk under the firm name of Wendell Hollen beck, is tiis day dissolved by mutual con tent. Ihe buslnese will be continued by F. Wendell who will par all debts of the late firm. 11. F. HOLLENDECR. Albany, Sept. 8, 1891. WANTED .A sir) or woman to do house work fr a small faiui'y. Enquire at residence of t'. A. Uuikart, corner 6th and Uoilroul streets. .... REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OB CHAS pfeiffer. Prop. Only Oiat-eclaas boons n the city. Largo sample rooms for eofH mercial men. No Chinamen employed in tin kitchen. General atage om Corvailia. W. L. KENTON, DEALER IX- Choice Tea, Coffees, Spices,Extpacts -And a general GROCERIES NEAR THE rOSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OlilXiOX. ANYBODY BUYING ANYTHING- Usually worn "by Ilea and Soys for "Work or Dress without first examining tne same lines at my store makes a nistakc financially. aod see wliat ft I SEASONABLE GOODS - ABE NOW ABEIVItfG. L. E mi t 1- no :-: Liiif :-: win Merchant Tailor. WHEN YOU HAVE FALL OF- i Boys' SUITS AND Now atrivinp, vou will le convinced tlat we are I.AVIXG OVKlt ALL COM PhTI I ION in our line when it comes to Richly Tailored Clothing, HANDSOME AND DURABLE PATTERNS, AT REASOXA , . .is.-. '. Lie Prices. Give us a call. T. ly WAliLACE & CO., STRAHAN BLOCK, Cooking StoTes and EanoesatMattliews & Waslitiini assortment of BLAIN, r ji jj'P Over SEEN' Oi l: NEW 1 ami fliildreos OVERCOATS ALBANY, OREGON Mm SI