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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1891)
THE MORNING HERALD: SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1891 ON SALE. j The Dailv Hkrald will be ojr j aleeach morninjr at,:II. J. Jones book etore.wbere itt an be proyored I at 5 cents per copy. JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN. S. A. llulin, druggist, French's corner. Royal lutch cocoa at C. E. B.-owntll's. Spectacles and eye gla3ses at F. M. French's. '200 parasols at less than cost at W. K. Beads. Bargains in sumiiier underwear at W. F. Keada. V. R. Garrett returned from Yaoiina yesterday. T. L. lmgjjer, editor of the Scio Press, is in the city. Mrs. T. A. Shane of Portland is visiting in this city. 10 per cent reduction on dress goods at V. F. Reads. Rogers Bros, knives, forks and spoons at F. M. French's. Mrs. F. M. French and children went to Yaquina yesterday. Choice pickles in bulk, or quan tities to suit, at Parker Bros. Mr. J. M. Irving and family have returned from Yaquina. Have vou examined that beauti ful $400 "piano at Klein Bros, shoe tore. ' Experts pronounce Klein Bros, piano one of the finest toned in struments. Charles Redtield is in Salem -working with City Surveyor E. J. i McCaustland. " . A fullline of Dr. Warners corsets the best in the world for the money at V. F. Reads. p Just received at the Indies Bazaar The "Sensation" the latest novelty in hats. Try Conn & Hendricson's syrup, the tineat in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. J. O. Writsraan and Hon. R. A. Irvine will leave to-day lor a week's outing at Coe. Three first-class barbers at Mack's all dav Saturday. Avoid waiting by going there for a shave Your school tax will be delin quent if not paid at once. Look after it and save costs of collection. Look at T. U Wallace & Co.'s display of neck wear, anything in window for2octs. Both Windsor's and Four in Hand. New and complete stock of ladies and gents' gold watches just received at F. M. French's, the corner jewelry btore. Judge O. X. Denny, recent conn pel lor to the king ot lorea, is in the city, the guest of his sisters, Mrs. W. II. (ioltra and Mrs. Win. Kalston. lLe Harrisburg Courier says that May & Senders, of that place liouvht 10,000 bushels of wheat Thursday evening, paying 80 cents net to the farmer, tor the same. Manhal Iloifunan arrested two young men at the Southern Pa cific depot yesteiday on suspicion ot being crooks. 1 bey were sub sequently released without trial. Prof. J. B. Marks, of Lebanon, has accepted a position in the Walla Walla business college, which is under the management of his brother-in-law, Prof. J. r. Stubblefield. Salem Journal: Attorney deneral Chamberlain atone main tained the dignity of the state house and did not rush down stairs to see the circus go by. He merely stood on the west portico; but then he had seen it twice before. Milton Condra, son of A. M. Condra of Harrisburg, who has re cently been atteriding the state normal school at Monmouth, has gone to Washington, 1). C, to ac cept a position in the war depart ment. Mr. Morgan, a section man on the Oregonian railroad, says the Scio Press, got the index linger of his left hand niashed about the hand-car in some manner. Dr. Hyde, of Scio, amputated and dressed the hand. Mrs. M. W. Murray, accompan lea oy ner son ami uaugiiter, are visiting in this city the guest of her brother, Mr. Fiank Wood. They have just returned from a trip to Alaska, and are en route to there home in Oakland, Cal. Harrisburg Courier: ft. F Baker and C. Wright had a little point of Law in reference to a building lease, which was argued iietore 5-quire Douglas on Monday, J. K. V.yatt, of Albany, appeared lor Mr. vt ngui ana . K. Bilyeu, also of Albany, for Mr. Baker. The verdict was rendered in favor of Mr. Wright. The Harrisburg; Burglar, Recently the Herald published an account of the burglary of ( i. W. Brandenburg's jewlry store at Harrisburg of $1000 worth of watches and jewelry. It is learned now that the burglar was captured at Ashland, with a sack full of stolen jewelry, and by a great oversight on the part of the ollicers, was discharged and allowed to depart with the goods. The man had not been released but a short time, when a dispatch was received from Harrisburg, detailing the robbery, and describ ing the goods, but by this time the "crookeu" party had skipped. Off for Ml. Jefferson Judge R. S. Strahan, T. L. Wal lace, O. W. Waits and H. C. Watson, will leave to-day for a trip to tlie headwaters of the North Santiara. They will go by rail to Coe, and there take peck horses to Independence l'rairie, near the base of Mt. Jefferson, where they will revel in the best trout and hunting region in the country. They wilt be gone about two weeks. t WHEAT AT 85 CEHTS." A Fool ofSOOO Buihtls Syld t Taigont tTht Fire. The wheat market wh:ch has shown a brisk upward tendency for several days, reached a ligure yesterday that caused a consider able lot to pass into the hands of the purchasers. The wheat sold was a pool at Tangent, and it is learned on good authority from that place that 15,000 bushels was sold to Mr. W. II. (ioltra. of this city, at 85 cents. The pool, it is learned, is still open for all the wheat ottering at that hgure both at Tangent and in Albany. This is a good healthy price for wheat, and will doubtless cause considerable more wheat to move. A Uod Day far ltunaway. Three runaways in an hour is a pretty ecod score, but such was the case between 5 and t o'clock last evening. One of J. X. Combs truck teams started down Lyon street, closely followed by A. B. Lacey's team. Combs' team ran straight down Lyou street and stopped at Second, but Lacey's team turned up Six'ti and were captured in the outskirts of the city. The damage was nominal. The next on the programme was a fanner 8 wagon down in the lower ward. This runaway came near proving a serious affair. At the t.ridge across the water ditch on Second street it passed Mrs. Par rish and Mies Helm in a buggy, barely grazing the hind wheel Miss Helm fainted awav when she saw the horses coming. The last seen of the farmer's wagon it was still going. The 9o!avlIl Motor Llna. A member of the Board of Directors of the Sodaville Motor Line company informs the Lebanon Express that Mr. Cheadle is willing to sign deeds te right-of-way, which will remove every hinderance ; and that work will be begun in thirty days towards build ing between Lebanon and boua- vule. Ceotrart Let. The Albany Mining and Milling company, have let the contract for taking their mil!, when it arrives, from Gates to their claim where it will be run, to B. M. Huston A Co., of this city. Mr. Huston will put on six and eight horses to a wagon for the heavy pieces, some of wliirli nrn nn'ul to wkicIi .' tons. Will UamoT to HarrUaarg-. James Phegley and family will soon move to Harrisburg says the Brownsville Times, and take charge of the hotel at that place. Mr. Phegley was landlord of the Arlington hotel of Brownsville some time and is well and favor ably known to the traveling puDiic. . French Tanay Wafer. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and iregular menses, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. Loaned at Slaty-Nine Muuth,. The Building and Loan Associa tion last evening loaned 10U0 to ieo. W. Dodder, at 00 months in advance, and S0O to Mrs. C. E. Koes, at 01 months in advance. Congregational Church. uev. h. fc. w ebster, I). D., of illiamsport, renn., will ureach in the Congregational church Sun day morning and evening. Brick Brick. For sale in large or small quan tities, delivered at kiln, one mile east of the city, in the city or on board cars. W. C. Casskli.. A fire at Eugene Sunday morn ing destroyed the houne of Sjdney Horn. loss, $700; insured. THE OREGON DITCES- v Th iinual Press Asiocia'ion Will B tlefa a Astoria Aug 23 to 30- The annual session of the Ore vear n Press Association for the ihll. will bo held at Astoria, Vug. 27X'S and 2!. On Saturday after uooA the Columbia river jetties will Be inspected, and Sunday will Ins srjqt at the tea side. An en tertainVelt will be given at the Gearharl Park to those in attend ance. The Union Pacific Co. has offered the coiirtey of transportation on its steamers for all editors and their wives who wish to attend. Application should be made to L. Samuel, president of the associa tion, Portland, at oii'-e, so that transportation can be ready when delegates come on bmrd on the night of the 27th. Rooms on the steamer and at Astoria can be reserved only for those who apply in time. The programme is being made jpecially attractive, and a ntunbei A interesting papers are promised an subjects of importance to the craft. The attendance promises to be the largest of any year since the organization of the association. MEMBERS OK THE ASSOCIATION, The following members of the Oregon Press Association, geographically located, together with tl e date of election to mem bership: Albanv IIekai.d, S. S. Train, 1887, J. R. Whitney, 1S00; Demo crat, T. J. Stites, 1837, F. P. Nut ling, 1887. Albina Courier, W. X. Carter, 1S3ST. Ashland Tidings, Mrs. W. J. Plyniale, 1S0, W. II. Leeds, IS!)!. thena Home Press, Irving McQuay, 18S'.. Baker City Democrat, Bowen & Small, lS'.K). Brownsville Times, McDonald Ca vender, 1S00. Canyon City Grant County News, I). I. Asbury, 188'.). Corvallis leader, II. Pape, 1390 ; Times. R. J. Johnson, 1887 ; Gazette, F. Connover, 188'.). Cottage Grove Leader, F. W. Chausse, 1880. Dallas Observer, C. C. Doughty, 1S88; Itemizer, W. A. Wash, 18W. Drain Echo, E. P. Thorp, 1888. Dayton Herald, M. M. Baun ister. 1888. East Portland Vindicator, W. A. & D. R. Wheeler, 1800. F.ugeue Guard, 1. L. Campbell, 1887; Register, S. M. & G. O. Yoran, 18S0; Journal, H. R. Kin caid, 1S10; Alliance, Alexander & Adams, 1800. Forest Grove Democrat, E. II. Flagg, 1S8!. Freewater Herald, E. S. Mc Comas, lS'.tO. Gervais Star, J. M. Mc.Culloin, 1S:0; Gazette, McKinley Mitchell, 1800. Hillsboro Independent, S. T. Linklater, 1800; Democrat E. C. I'helps, 1H00. Heppner Gazette, Otis Patter son, 1SO0. Independence West Side, E. C. Pentland, 1883. Jacksonville Times, C. NickaU; 1837. Jefferson Review, G. A. San ford, 18W. Josetdi Chieftain, F. M. Mc Cully ,18.10. LaFavette Ledger,' A. .'B. Westertield, 18'.I0. Lakeview F.xauiiner, S. C. Beach ls. Lebanon II. Y. Kirkpatnck, 1800. La Grande W. I. Snod- grass, 1S00. Linkville Star, Peterson Con nelly, 1S90- Long Creek Eagle, 'Oiin E. Patterson, 1SS0. McMinnville Telephone Reg ister, F. C. Hardins?, 1880. Milton Eagle, F. G. Hall, 189). Newberg Graphic, E. II. Wood ward, 1890. . Xewport Republican, C. D. Uinter. Oregon City Courier I. L. Mul len, 1800; Enterprise, C. Meserve A E. M. Rande, 1390. Pendleton Enst-Oregonian, C. S. Jackson, 1S90, J. P. Wager, 1889: Tribune, J. B. Eddy, 1800. Portland A. O. U. W. Reporter, J. r. Burkhart, 1S90: Gavel, K Kesslet, 1890; Y. M. C. A. Re porter, George II. Homes, 1890; Hotel Keporter, William Morgan, 1890: Commercial Review, Leo Petterson. 1890; Student, W. R Wells, 13!K); Dispatch, A. Xoltner, 18S7; Advance Thought, Jl. 31 Maguirettc Mrs. L. Malory 1890; Catholic Sentinel, M. G. Munly, 1890; Telegram, E. A. Weed, and Mis. C. A. Cobum. 1890; Ex aminer, J. Milliken, 1.890; Fruits and Flowers, D. H. Stearns 1890; Free Press, Bruno Sitting, 1890; N. W. Pacific Farmer, O. P. Mason, 18'.0; E.Casey, 1S!H) Mis. Casey, 1890; Railway Guide, II. R. Lewis, 1890; Staats Zeituug, J. Folkman, and F. Mayer, 1890; O. & W. Churchman, E. A. Swope, 1S90 Oregonian, II. L. Pittock, 1K90; H. W. Scott, 1S90; "Rabelais," 1890; J. M. Ba'.timde, 1390; Sun day welcome, T. A. Sutherland I8'.t0; racihe r.aptist, v. a. woody, 18!K); J. 11. Teal, IS'.K). Rural Spirit and Farmer, F. C, Baker, 1N83; Sunday Mercury, B. 1. Watson, and H. S. Harcourt, 18.30; World, Al Tazier, 1890. Prineville-Xews, D. W. Al- drich, 183: Roseburg School Journal, J. It. X. Bell, 1NS7; Review, F. S. Floed, 18S9, Plaiiidealer, C. i . benjamin, 1sS9. Salem Joirnal, E. Hofer, lS'.tO; Statesman. K. J. Hendricks 1SSX. Silverton Appeal, H. C. Guild, 18! ). Tillamook Headlight, I. C. Lamb, W. F. D. Jones, 1S90. The Dalles Chronicle, S. L. Brooks. 1891 ; Times-Moun'aineer, J. Michell, 1890. Tetedo Post, Coll an Cleve, 1S87. Union Eat Oregon Republi can, L. J. Davis, lS'.tO; Scout, Ames K. Jones, lS'.tO. Yale Xew Atlas, W. J. Cuddv, 1S90. Yeruonia Xehalem Journa1, (Jus II. Bynon, 1890. Wasco Observer, J. O.IIosford, 1S90. Woodburn Independent, L. II. McMahon, 1890. The above papers number 80, and the total number of pajers in the state of Oregon at the present time is 129. The following persons are also members of the Oregon Press Association: L. Samuel, Judg M. L. Pipes and wife, Governor Pennoyer, A. Bush, Van B. De-l-asliniutt, J. O. Sparks, J. L. Mitchell, E. C. S. Ward, J. P. Wager, Hnow & Whitson, F,Davy. X. L. Baker and II. L. Wells. An Illegal Fence. Recently the state board having control of the reform school lands had a patent barb wire fence erect ed around the farm and afterwards the board looked up the law relat ing to barb wire fences in Western Oregon, with the result of discover ing ttiat tin fence constructed was an illegal one, not conforming to the law. In consequence of this the reform scho d folks have had to place a board al) along the fence on top. Salem Statesman. Mothers? Castoria is recommended by physicians for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely, harm less. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, quites pain, cures diarrhtea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas soria is the children's panacea the mothers' friend. SSd-'we.SS cents. Important to Housekeepers. It gives Julius Gradwohl great asatisfactioa in selling his tine Golden Rule teas and baking power, with elegant prizes or with nnt. thpm. th:it, his cnstiiniers who have purchased invariably and say j they are well pleased, that the teaj is No. 1 and the baking is as good I as the best. Ad his teas and baking powder bears the name of Julius Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar, and ar. expressly put up for his business, and he still con tinues to give with each iound of tea or baking powder an elegant piece of glassware. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause bums, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family emedy. Great reduction in embroidered flouncing at W. F. Reads. DIED. (i AMBER At Scio on Ail';. 30, lS'.il, Mr. J. W. l!aintcr,"of eonsuinptiou, She formerly resided with. Hit lnu hand iu thW eity, where 'she va' highly esteemed. Funeral ut Scio on Notice tu Bridge KuilileiH aul Con tractors. NOTl' K IS HKKEliY GIVEN TO WHOM it may c. nicer n, that hiOa will he receivtu hy thei-ountv c.tirt, of Linn i-ount Oregon, :it tli ) oticv of the ci'imty elc-rk (f l.inii cDimty (rcj,"n,u,t"12 o'clock noon Wwlnei tiay, Scptcuiher !l'h, lat'l, for the conjunc tion if a coimiy hri(li;e acroH Thoiii.ui creek, t iluiina eroasin, in Lian coteiiy, Oreiro:i, said bridge to lie of the foil win dimen sions, towit: M:iin span to he loo feet in len.'t!i IB fct wiil-j in the clear, and Is feet ahovc low water mark, each end o' nuin npan to rest upon eivht Holid oak pi'es. .North approach to be 70 feet lonit. Hi feet wide in the clear and protected by hani-lcrs. Eolith approach to be 10 tejt loni;, lt feet uide in clear and protected by banisters, o hid will be consid'.-red unless aecninpani td wiih plan and spec li :Uoni, and it er cent of hid in cash or certified eheck. The county rejer)ethe riht to reject any aud all l.i.l I, N. 1', I'avxk, County Clerk B. II. Pavxk, Dcpnty. Administrators Sale. NOTICE IS IIEUEIiV GIVEN THAT THE undersiL'iied as sdnunistriitor of the estate of Henry llejer, Ueceised, in (.tirsu- anca of and by virtue of an ori'er of the county court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record lj sai-J court a' the July term thereof 1SSH, will on the l:th. dav ofSei)tcmberl!l at the hour of 1 o clock in the afternoon of said day at the court house d.ior in the rity of Albany in Linn county. Ore son, sell at public auction to the tuifhest lor ca-n in iiauu me 101 li.winu- duscrihed real proiierty to-wit; lleiriiniinir at a point (24) twenty-four feet and iV inches east of the northwest comer of lot l) one in block (1U) ten in the city of Albany Linn county. U-cs;on as the same is described on the maps and plats of said city on tile in the office if the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and running from thence east alon the north line of slid lot (15) fifteen feet and 104 Inches to the center of the party brick wall, tbence southerly alonif the center of said 1 arty wall and parallel to the western boundary line of said lot one, one hundred feet to the alley, thence westerly along the noith line of said allev fifteen feet ten and one half inches. thence northerly in a rlraigLt line to the place of oecinning. JOHX A.CRAWFOUP, As administrator of the estate of Henry Meyer, deceased. pFNERAL AGENTS and canvassers look- VT ing for pern laiic-ut nioney-niaking business, no eonipetition. should si-cure the sale of the Patent A'ljustah'e Shoe, Ad dress with stun?. CON-OLIiATEO SHOE CO., Salem, Mass. Baliy cried, Mother sighed, Doctor jtrescrilied : Caatoria! Highest of all in Ixavening Power. hi ABSOLUTELY PURE TDK WORLD ENKICUKU. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andellectual tocleanse ine system geniiy in the r-priu-time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes. The trotting bred s'allion Al wood Breeze will stand for service at Tiites Bros, stable, Albany Sat urday's of each week until farther notice. Sure Cure for the Lbiuor or Opium Habits. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cab, and for sale at J. A. Cumiiiing's drug store only. KM RLCVS A11M4 A S tl.VK. The best salve in the world fur Cutj. Bruises, Soies, Ulcers. Salt Klieuni, Fever sores, Tetter, Cliapprtl Ham'., Chilblains. Corns, unit skin EruiUon.:, and pos tivety cures Piles, or i.o pay required, it is guaranteed to givs Derfect satisfaction, or ui mey re. funded, Price '25 cents per box. Fcr sale by FosliBy ii Mason READ And you will not REGRET CALL on us and you will find 11 h always readv to OFFER you !roat iinlih-i'-uients from our large line of gO ids; (iOOD lVaclies, l'erries, I'itiKinas, )rant,'o-, Lt-tnoiiH, Apricots, Apples, l'lmiilis, -Melons, BETTER. Corn, l'eas, Beans, Potato. Onion, Callage Turning Beets Carrots Sweel Potatoes BEST Soap, Sod.i, Rice, Salt, I lolK'Vjllopg, 1'ickels Tea. Flour. Meal, Spicks AM Constantly ad-ling new (roods and v latest novel! Do lift fail th.get our priees. C. lii, l'.ROWNEI.L, 'AHianv. Vofirr of Sale or Itoml- ol' flic lly of tllciuv, Oregon. Notice is heretiy ''ivi-ti Hint IS .111- tlicii i. 'il and lirovidi-d liy ;in .id (if jirovidcd hy the legislature of . Oregon, etuitieil, "An act to incorporate tl'" City of Al- iniiiy, an I , to tepeal all arU arts yf nets in lierfwitli ,'' tiled iu the ol!l COIllliet ot Lllr secfefary of the state of Oregon, February lSih, lytl, and also as pro. vided liy ordinutiee No. U1T, of said city of Albany, 1 he Common Council of the eity of Albany, Oregon, will issue and dispose of bonds of i-uid eily at par value, li the amount ot ?'T.')HiKi in denominations of "oU; payable :H years after dale of issue, with interest thereon at the rate of (i) six per eent I er annum; payable semi-annually. Sealed proposals for the pur chase of said bonds will be leeeived by the treasurer of said cily tititil the hour of -J o'clock p. M. Tuck. day; the 1st day of September, s;l , at w hich time the proposalssubiuitled will be opened and considered; and said bonds will be sold to the liiln-st and best bidder therefor. The city treasurer llerby reserves the riht to reject any and all bids, Aluany; Oregon; July "tli ; ls'.H. II. F.utvtEU., City Treasurer. 1'ay Your City Taxes. The city tiixi-9 for 1MU are now i'nc ami payAlilu. The money is nc-elt-.l anil every inilivihi:il slioiil.l link ( lie inutlir up 1111. 1 oe that they arc p?il. If not iattl iiiilne-li-atcly they will lK-t-oine ilelin'iiient, 'I he iloif tax iaalHO Jne ami if nit jil tin- r ill lieirivcn to kill all the l"Ki 011 whom taca h jve not been paid,- J. X, lion MAN, Marblial. FOSHAY & Wbalesalo anil MASON Retail ALBAV OREGON LOOK HERE. Avail yourself of the In-nelits of tile I'tuli Marrfcure En dowment Association of Siilt Luke CitV ami secure for yourself $t,0HU,tKI at the titin. of your marriasce. Semi .") cents in PtaniH for information and terms, to insure tiioiniit reply. Ad dress I'tali Marrlitire Endowment As sociation. Salt Lake City, ; f.;Aj,'etits Wanted. 1 lease mention paper. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. tag NEW TO-DAY. -GENERAL- European Steamsnip Ageiejf. THROUGH TICKETS To ami from Kur..e ly all first-cla?s lines. TirkuW from any placs in Europe to any point in the L'mteu States, or from this roimtry to Kurcpvin points sold over the following flint-class lines: N rtli Gcrmnn Lloyd, via Xew York, North Kerman Lloyd, via Baltimore, Allan Line, Anchor Line, American Line, Stare Line, Heaver Line, Cunard Line, Red Star Line, Wh'te Star Line, Ouion Line. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS wilit n all KurojH-an cities at current raVft. lntcrnatioii cnlltx'tioiii. Ki-r information rt;urlinj; pri-t;s of pasme, tUte of wailing, etc, call oil or ailrirc&d, C K WINN, Or. -THE- Opens Sei)tenil)er IStli, lSiil. COl'KSE OK STl'DY arranged expressly to 101-ct the needs 01 the farming and mecnaiii-iutort-sts of the state. Large, eoinodious ;ii.d wi-ll-vt-ntiliitetl buililings. 1 he college is loiutid in a cultivated and rhristian com iniltittv, and one ol the healthiest iu the State." Military Trtiiniiif. Expenses Need Not Evcccd Sliio for the Entire Scasm. Two cr more free sm hoi irshi s fioni ivery county, rite for catalogue to li. L. AKXOLU, l-resi., Corvallis, Or FOR SALE OR RENT. .IEFFRSON Fl.OL'RINO MIl.I, -Also SAW AND l'EANIN'fi MILLS, Jt-Herson, Marion Co., Or. l-'or parlicti'ars apply to ('OR BE IT & MACLEAY, (it and M Front St., 1'ortland, Or. Poi'lliind University. ol-t:"S SKI'TEM l!EK 11. Beautiful healthful iiite near the city. Expenses are as reasonable as any other institution of learninr on the coast. Classical, literary, scientific, theological, preparatory, normal and business courses. Stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight and direction jriven to all students. Ladies boarding hall under experienced super vision, l'rofessora of excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For infoimation ad dress C.C Stratton, D. D., presi dent, or Thoa. Van Scov, D. D., dean of college, i'ortland I'niver- J sity, Rortiand, Or. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TIIANSACTS liUbi.-sESs. GEtitAL BANKING r-ltKSlPK.NT L. FLISS. Tl'K I'KKSIIIENT S. K YoFNO. j stilKlt E. W. LA: ON. S. E. VoiTia, I.. -K Uliik, & Y. &o. E. W LNU1X)M Caithicr, Albany Nurseries. WE II AVE ON HANI) AT Ol'R nursery on t!m Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will jiay to sen our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BROWN ELL. EWART DETACHABLE LINK BELTING. The Best. The Cheapest Reduced Price List of drive belt and other miecialtieii for Kleva turs, Convovorii and Machinery for haiilin any material iu bulk r package. Link Uklt M irinKRV Co . Chi-4,i. Stock earned hy J. M. AKTHl. lt & CO., I'ortland, Or. FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!! Are You Ready For the Cry? There seems to be an error in the statement that only foreign insurance companies lost in the recent Lebanon lire, for one of Julius firadwhol's companies, the Oakland Home, paid Wednesday to Mr. Bach, the full value of his loss iu that company to his entire satisfaction, which seems to he the usual custom of Mr. Grad w hol's companies to pay promptly their lull loses as soon as they occur. Therefore if you want to insure your property well go. to Mr. Urailwhol, who represents six No. 1 insurance companies with a capital of a hundred million dollars. yAXrKn A Kirl to do general Iioiirc- 1 1 work in a email Iinnly. lnuuire south east curlier 7th and liaker uticeto. T OST A mall open faced eold watch. J J naitnam works, Willi loiiciiam ami fan- ain a stiaiied charm. The finder will please leave I at this othce- kmltora College ajStes-toiH! Over fW(jonpuiiD ! -WHEN YOU HAVE SEEN Ol'R NEW- Men's,' Boys' S S Al IIVERCGA Now airi vin?, vou will he convinced that we are LAYING OVER ALL COMI'ETl I loN in our line when it comes to Richly Tailored Clothing, HANDSOME AND DC U ABLE PATTERNS AT UKASOXA ble Riicts. (Jive us a call. T. L. WALLACE & CO., STRAIIAN BLOCK, Albany Collegiate Institute, -wA.I.llA.J V, OHEOOX, September 9, 1891. A Full Corps of Four depnrtinenls of study : Co! iejriate, Normal, Buhiness, Primary. T e writing and Short-hand are taught. For catalogue adJresa, REV. ELBERT N. COS D IT, A. M., IVesideot. HAVE YOU SEEN THE GOODS TO BE Grand :: Clearance :: Sale OF SUMMER OE -NOW IN Iv. K. The Leading ClolJiier OF- id Children's S ALBANY, OREGON . June 10, 1892. Experienced Teachers. SOLD IN THE HVCrT: STOCK. BLAiN, & Merchant Tailor.