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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1891)
I THE MORNING HERALD SUN DAY, AUGUST JO, IS91. UIKY AMD WKEKfcT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY Published ery morning; eacept Mondays liveretl by carrier, pet week-. . v mm r Mr vav ...... ... ... r 1 r WUKLTi' (Published every Friday Morning.) a eoov. net annum. In advance. ..t2.00 Wuen not naiu in auvauce . 2M TBS MAIL. Malls M the Albany pottofflce cloae Parull offices nortn The Eastern Kate to West Side And the Narrow Ga t R. R4 Of Portland and Sati u orvaics and Yaquina 6;30 A. M, ..11 M ,12;30 T. u aBUL0 t jgen. The pnetonloy will be cljvdeach evening , ottiie aontn 730 r. M aa at io seven o ciou. rtcKMtered matter (or the ly morning rain should be mailed before o clock the Jrevioa evening. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Depart! raaener. .'lLlSpmliaSOpm J 3.40pm 17.45 a m ntLgnl BUSINESS rROSPKCTS. The dullness of the times and the stringency in the money mar ket, Was been amarked condition of affairs on the coast for some time. The hope of every person here is that as soon as the magnificent crop of wheat gets into the mar ket that the condition will change. Meantime throughout the coun try generally there is a better feel ing in business circles. The Boston Advertiser says that the general trade situation throughout the country continues to show signs of improvement. In com mercial circles there seems to be a very general and growing confi dence that the business of tiie fall will be large and profitable. While general trade, as far as the volume of transactions is concerned lags behind that of last year at this time still there is manifest an in creased demand it staple lines, due to anticipation of want during the autumn, chiefly for grain, pro visions, boots and shoes and groceries. While hides remain dull leather has been in improved request with a better demand for boots and shoes. The wool trade has shown marked signs of im provement and sales in both Eastern and Western markets have been considerably heavier, the salts in Boston for the week reaching an aggregate of 3,501,000 pounds. Raw cotton ia nc stronger, in spite of tie fact that crop reports are a shade less htvdrable. In fact, about the weakest feature in the present situation lies in the cotton market. Trade at the south is peculiarly depressed because of its over abundance. With several hundred thousand bales of last year's crop ieft, and with a larger crop coming for which there is no market in sight, it is np wonder that prices run low, and that general business in that section of the country has reach a conditon of almost utter stagnation. On the other hand, the farmers through the West are hurrying their wheat to market regardless of the late alliance circular advising them to keep it back for higher prices, and the daily receipts at Chicago and other points have been iargely in excess of the corresponding period of last year. ; Bradstreet's figures that the export of wheat (including flour) for both coasts of the United States last week equal 3,104,311 as compared with a weekly aver age of 2,225,000 bushels in the four weeks next preceding, and with 2,271,000 bushels in the last week of July, 1SU0. Ualveston alone sent 30,000 more bushels last week, and New York, Balti more and San Francisco each ex ported an excess of 000,000 bu shels. The loan market continues to show a gradual hardening tendency, as if in preparation for expected demands later in the season. Call loans are moderate ly easy, but time money is ex tremely dillicult to get except at stitf rates and on the best class of paper. The absence of further gold shipments has apparently had little effect on rates. The New York bank statement proved unexpectedly favorable. The de crease of only $228,075 in the sur plus Still leaves the banks with tipwaid of $U,l81,330 above the 25 per cent legal requirements, against only $8,!0!.i,&0 on August 2, 181H). It would certainly seem as though the New York banks were able to meet without difli culty any immediate calls for money from the West. Foreign exchange has been quite dull but rates have been generally steady and a tritie higher than the week before. The Bank of England in creased its specie during the week by 242,000, due according to the Financial Chronicle's cable, to imports of 324,000, wholly from Portugal and Auptralia, to receipts of 4,000, from the interior of Great Britain, and to exports of 86,000 wholly to Germany. Meanwhile the Bank of France shows a decrease of 1,000.000 francs in gold and an increase of 1,100, 000 francs iu silver. The Evening Telegram is worrying itself all out trying to prove that the supporters of the present tariff laws, are the mobt diabolical person on earth, because they have raised the tariff and put such enormous taxation upon the people. And yet every in stance that it brings up to estab lish its claims, when followed out by an actual comparison of prices of articles now and before the McKinley tariff went into effect, shows that the price has not ad vanced one single cent, and that the claim of enhanced taxation through the tariff is utterly false. Su:h misstatements, like chickens will eventually come home to roost. One curiosity of naval construc tion of the present day is the leading place that the lake ship builders are taking, in their peou liar ship archtecture called whale backs. The Railroad Gazette says that the successful voyage of the whalebone steamer Charles W. Wetmore from Duluth to Liverpool, with a cargo of wheat, is an event of unusual interest, and brings the plans of the Lake shipbuluers to the Iront. Captain McDougal says that mills for the construction of steel plates, angle iron and bolts will be com plete at Duluth in ninety days, and his company will immediately lay the keels for ten more whale- back boats let service on the At lantic. The captain also says that they will build at least one uitrli back steamer for service during the world's fair. This will be 450 feet long, with accommodations for 2,000 passengers. HUMPHREYS Dr. Hl-mpiiriy'8 SPKCirics are scientiftullv ' and carefully prepared prescriptions; used lor tuanv ve.irs in private practice witn suc cess and lor over thirty years used by the iieuple. tvery single specinc is a cure lor the disease imincd. These siiecitics cure without UrunKinit purgiiu; or reducing the system, and are in (act and deed the sovereign remedies of the world. LIST OF PRINCIPAL SOS. Cl'RKS. PRICKS.. 1 Fevers, Congestion, inflammation. . 25 2 Coring, worm fever, worm colic... f! Crying Colic, or teething of infant.. 4 Diarrhea, of children or adults ! Dysentery, Griping, Uiliious Colic ..... tt Cholera Morbus, vomiting....... 7 Coughs, colds, bronchitis.... 3 Neuralgia, toothache, Faceache t Headache, sick headache, vertigo.... 10 Dpsiiepsta. billious stomach ib 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 12 Whites, too profuse peiiods 25 13 Croup, cough, difficult breathing 25 14 Salt Kheum. eaysipelas. eruptions.. 25 15 Kheumatism, rheun'atie pains 25 16 Fever and ague, chills malaria 50 17 Piles, blind or bleeding 50 19 Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 50 20 Whooping Coun, violent coughs. 60 21 General debility, physical weakness 50 27 Kidney disease. 'M 2S Nervous debility. ........ 1 00 30 Urinary Weakness, wi tting bed...... 50 32 Diseases ot the heart, palpitation.... 1 00 Sold by drugtrists, or sent postiiaid on re ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) richly bound in cloth and gild, mail' rce, ULMl-IIKfc3 MhLi, ., Ill & 113 William St , New York, SPECIFICS. Nolle ot Sale of Hands of Ihc City f Albany, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that as au tliorized and provided by an act of ttie legislature of Oregon, entitled, "An act to incorporate the City of Al. bany, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in con Hie t lieicwith," tiled ia the office of the secretary of the state of Oregon. February ISth, 191, and also as pro vided by ordinance No. 217, of said city of Albany, tlie common council of the city of Albany, Oregon, will issue and dispose of bonds of f aid city at par value; to the amount of $75000 in denominations of $500; payable 'JO years alter date or issue, with interest thereon at the rate of (ft) six per cent ter annum; payable semi-annually Bcaieu proposals lor tiie pur chase oi saia nanus win lie leceived by the treasurer of said citv until the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Tues day; the 1st day of September, istll at which time the proposals submitted win be opened and considered; and said bonds will be sold to the highest and best bidder therefor. The city treasurer herby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Aloany; Oregon; July .Tilth ; 101. U. Fakwbi.l, City Treasurer. CALIFORNIA POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ELECTRIC L1 INAMENT S cure' CATARRH, RIIEU M A T I S M. X- 1 . w , ' neuralgia, vorns. iieauacne, and ail pain. The Califor nia positive and negative ELECTRIC COUGH CURE, cures colas, croup, consump ttion. Sold by all druggists. Each 25c, 50c. and $1. Creas inger & Co., Props., Los Ange les, Cal. Children Cry for TITCHKK'S Castoria SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS COMPLETE ON THE PAU1HU UUASi, AJJ UOMI'KISES ALL Til K LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE - HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all parlies want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Stave r $c NEW MARKET BLOCK, - WE CARRY TIIE LARGEST AND THE PACIFIC Machinery and Vehicles SEND FOK CATALOG W. 0. 33 A. VIS & ALBANY, - Do you want to bo happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano's at Mrs. Hyinans. If you have not drank Coronado mineral water, you should try it. It will sober you up, give you a clean stomach and a good appe tite. The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of the cook and heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. School Tax Notice, The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call' at my ollice and pay the same before it becomes de linquent. C. G. BritKHAhT. District Clerk. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KIXIH FLINN ULOCIv, Spring The public is mense FOR THE w ; WAGONS. 18 THE LARGEST AND MOST HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING WAGONS, "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, prices lowest, quality considered. Walker PORTLAND, OREGON. MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON COAST OF of Every Description. 7 K AND PKICE I.IHT. CO. GEISTTS OREGON CROWDED. BROS Contractois and Builders. JiYce on First street with Wal lace & Cusick, real estate agents, . Jaany, Oregon, estimates given n all kinds of buildingsorcarnen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and lioys clotiiiny blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods art the best in the market and wil! give entire satisfaction. Watches, chains and spectacles, specialties at F. M. French's. Buy your spectacles and eye glasses at F. M. French's, and have your eyes tested and your glasses properly fitted. (Slapses from 25 cents to $10. Hanan & Son's fine shoes sell on their own merit., and always givee satisfaction. Try a pair at T. L. Wallace & Co.'s. and Retail Grocers. IX LAIKSE OI? SMALL QUANTITIES INj SEASON. - - - amodmcemfjT invited to inspect the im stock of Dry SPRING OF ever before, and ha ia prepare!, rket Price Paid for Bakery ar ..A FULL STOCK OF.... Staple Groceries The best quality of .tecs, coffees, camliei outs, etc. FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house Is also to be found a complete assortment of frcali family groceries, to which is constantly being a.Me.1 all the seasonable lines of Krocvriud ami pro vision, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of Ail Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all bouirbt when price ereluwanil the benefit of tbu margin will be iven to his customers. Uetnetnlier the pine-:, at the old corner on First and in htt. Conrad Mter. DK. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle vue Medical College. The Dr. haa spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a upecialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day night. His motto ia "t,.OD WILL TO ALL." Office and residence, Ldiaion. Oregon. INurserj. Messrs. Hyirian & Rrownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those; intending to plant should call upon them. ttoots ami Slioen. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes bear in mind that big advertise ments and oilers of big discounts do not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. The quest'on is who can sell you the best goods for the least money. Samckl E. Young. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker liros. Try Coronado mineral water, the purest on earth, for sale bv al! druggists. John Isom Jr., tole agent. l ay your school tax and save costs of collection. AL15AKY, OIMXiOX. Goods 1891 AT Crockery . to satisfy customers in quality Country Produce. STEWAET ft SOX -DEALERS IN- Russell Engines, Separators and Stackers, OSBORNE BINDERS, We carry no machinery that has not been tried in thia locality and found to be satisfactory, and as we represent factories, no reHpuiisuble dealer can give better terms. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD,) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD, - - - OUEGON. fiTAIrany yard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fiftl recta, A. Wheeler, Alhanv Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory .filing of orders, 1 rosectfiilly solicit 8 hare of the tradt. A. WHEELER. Ak my ngpnr for W. I.. rtouirlaa Shorn. It' not for wile in your plnce rink your ririitrr to hcmiiI Tor rniiiloirue, Nccurc tbo uuvnry, nuti cct lutrni lor you. .. ,HVV iiWWIJflX cjt-taiik xo si:imtiti:te.s ALIjANY. - - UKfc.uUi . iuuv o tut W. L. DOUGLAS gs bieheu-lfro" OO OUSP FOR 4 haad sewed welt shoe, fine S3 OnUC GENTLEMEN calf, etylish, comfortable and THE BEST SHOE INTHEWOBUl FOR THE M0ME durable. The best shoe ever ol'ered"at this price; same grade s custom made shoes costing from $0 to $0. . l.l.W police shoe ; farmers, railroad men and letter carriers all wear them; fine calf, seamless, smooth in ;ide, heavy three souls, exten sion edge ; one pair will wear a year. $2.50 line calf ; no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. Sf2.2" and $2.00jWorkingman's shoes are strong and durab.e. Those ' who have given them a trial wili wear no other make. ROYS $2 and $1. 75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; thev sell on their merits as the increasing sales show. LADI ES $3 hand sewed shoe, l)est Dongola ; very etylish ; equals French imported shoes costing from $4 to ffi. Ladies 2.50, 2 and ifl 75 shoe for Misses are the best Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution. See that W. L. Eouglas' name and pi ice are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Urockton, Mass. BROS oirrcAJsrD, oiiEaoisr. BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY, OGN JOHN ROBSON, MANAGER, Have on hand for the season of 1801, binders, mowers, farmer's toolf and harvesting machinery of all kinks. Our stcck of buggies, carls, spring wagons, etc., ib the largest and moHt complete on the Pacific Coast, and comprises all the leading etyles. At Deyoe & Robson's old stand, opp. Blumberg Block.. 3m V iiuiJiM so o IP Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. -o CALL AND EXAMINE pilS STUUii. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, MOWERS & RAKES. L. E. BLAIN, -SOLE a;ent,- It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the f et; made of the best tine caif, (stylish andeany ami because we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand sewed shoes costing from $4 to $5. $S.OO genuine hand fiewed,tlu finest calf shoe ever ottered fur tr : eouals rrencli mi- IMPLEMENT COMPANY, G.L. Blackmav?, -DEALER IX- Druffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET AKTICLES And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded ALBANY, OREGON. THB- lapina Koute ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T.J K. HOOO, Boclvr. AKC Oregon Development Cq.'i Steamship Lrln 225 MILMORTER. 1AMD 22 Hours Lea Tlm Than by mj stber root: Accomodations unrarpuaed (or comfort m isfety. Fare and (rclybta via Yaqidsa aa the Oregon Deve opment company' aliipa, much len that by any other rout ween al) point Id th WUllanieW Val and San Frauciaco, S.A.I1VINO DATKSi nOM TAWWA. Willamette Valley.... ... wiiiamettoTaiieyrrrrrrrniZzi raoH sam rBABuaob Aacitk 1Mb tt,.U July II Aua; " 1. N Willamette Valley.., Willamette Valley ,,,,,, The company riaerve the riht ta ahaia learner or aauiuic uates. pailt rAauiiam tbad. Kxcept Sunday.) L Yar, ulna 7:00 A H I Lr Albany lt: r Corvallil 10:3 AH" Corvallia IM 4r AH amy i l:ot a a I Ar Yaqnina 4"H r. . O & C. tiatut ixuinect at Alhaa aad Cat . Wm. U. Hoaa, C, a Hoaci, General Maaagatt ii. I r. Afent OorrallU, O aa EAST SOUTH -VIA- S0UTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA EODTI California exprea train ran dally iuih I aaaw 7:00pm. .Lv Portland ....Ar.. Mtm lu: p m..L..... Albany L.T.. IU aaa B IS m..Ar B. rrandaoo.LT.. MOpa LureJ I'ui, Tnla DaUy--(Ks. toadaf 8:00 a m..Lr..... Portland ....Al.. M pal lpm..Lv.... Albany Lv..lfc0O aa 6:40 p mAr.....RoeDurf tt.. aaai luiJirMck. 2.38 p-Lv..... Albany; At., tit pa 2:36pm Ar Lebanon Lt t:Uaa 7:Wam..Lr Albauy Ar.i AM pa 8.'.'2am..Ar Lebanun.. Lt.. j Albany ixhjaL. dailt (Ezcept Boaday)" 5.10 r a.. L.. Portland Ar....t.M A J.W m Ar. ..AJbin...L..... A PULLMAUFFETSLEEPliBi. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodatioa ot B) tltrtl Claas fa enters attached to xprca a.. Weat Bide kMtblM. Between Poitland und CorvAllia Hall Trala Dally -Kxcept auadsy Wim..Lv ...Portland ...Ar.i.N. ISAV p ni..Ar.. Von-aiiia.. l.vlx.66. At Albany and Corvallia comae train of Orvfron Pacific Railroad. nk Expmta Trala Dally (Exrapt Saaeay 1:40 p m. . Lv Portland... Ar.. SMaaB i:6pm..Ar.....lcMinnyiUe.LT..ytA1 THROUGH TICKET8I lo AU Point EAST AND SOUTH tTFoi tickets and full ttnformatlon t IfardiiiR rates map, etc., call on compear agent at Ainanr. K. KOKULER, K. P. BOOl OEM, rf.A Manairer Aat. O. I A WEAK MAN Can core himself of th dv (doiable resnlts of early abuie and ieriVct!y restore his vigor and vital' itv by our home treatment. Th remarkable cures of hopeleia rasei of nervous debility and privata coiuolaints are ever where itamp ing out quackery. Treaties and question list, a physician's gift to en Bering humanity, will be sent fiee to those afflicted. Address with stamp . PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, Saa Francisco, Cal. We carry a large etock of printt'i's stationery, well a sortcd, Vxnight direct from tht manufacturers at a low figure, and can give the best of work in all kinds of printing for th least money. Try us. H. C. Cobb. THE MARKETS. AT. BANT QUOTATIOaTI, Wheat 84c Oats 48c lour 4.25 pei bbl Potatoes ate Rem 25c Butter 20c Li.rd-1012;c. Hams 1415c. Shoulders 10c. Bacon 12)ic Hntia9ik. Hay Timothy, $10, oats ki $8 Add es Green, tl ner ho. Pluaii Dried. MSc. per B. App'es dried bleached 9c : aairiat 0 9 c. Chickens 14 Sn)500. Beef 33Wc cross. Mutton $383.50per bead. Hogs 5X& dresser. Veal 66Wc Wool 1821c EGGS FOR SALE. I will sell fall blood eecs, both dingle and roaa srmb. for $1 50 per 13, also dottedWyaav dotta, Light Brahmas, TraK and Plymouth Rocks at tba mm price. L.J. Hovav, . Tangsnt, Or.