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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1891)
MORNING HERALD: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1891. Bow severe fold Are Broke r , la Montana. From fre Virginia City, Mont. MadiMBian. When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it si duty, and we take pleasue in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We are Satisfied that it warded oil" several attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, ana we nave since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them up by its use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It is all that it is repre sented to ins by he manufacturers If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough Kemedv will do the work. For sale by Foshay & Mason. Take the Union i'aciric railway for tii East, Unity-live hours quicker than anv oilier transcon tinental line. KU'gant new timing r-trs, i'ul 1 tn-iii ;u! ice sleepers, free fi-nilv steeping cars run through t i l-" v -, ! 'i th i, Co ined B.'urTs, k.iuaud city, Si. Mollis and Chi cago. C. G. Ruwliugs, city ticket aeut, foot of iiro.idalbin street. Th L'ntun lclHca Ii the only Una running two fast lrai;w daily from 1'ortland to Omaha, St. I'aul, Kausas Oity, Chiciigo, Sr. lAiiiis and all points K;if t and South. Buy your tickets of C. G. Kawli.igs, foot of liroad aloin street, Albany. Little tiiHiit huiI Cowle' Bros, boys, misses and child ren's shoes d liferent styles all size and width made solid all ni:ti'iii. Try a pair nothing belter medium in price. Every pair warranted. S.tMl'EL E Young. Cornet I t'ornelnl We make a -;ecialty of 1 ies and misses line corsets and wtrts. We have a drive in a F Cnch sateen corset at 75 cents. xtra g iod value. S.VMl'EL E. Yo NO. Searls f i shut's for ladies jjiictl. 011:111 are the best. and It you want a durable monu ment go to E. W. Achison. who are handling nothing hut the heft grab'. FiL-s'.i milk bre:t 1 at Goctz Bros. For an cleg tnt and perfect titling corset call at the Im lie Bazaar, lii.jiiire iir the "l. B.'' Sle-pless ui.'hts, 111 tde miserable by tnal terrible coug'i, Sh:!oh's Cure is the remedy tor you. For sale by Foshay A Mason. FAIR WARNING. A HOT WAVE W.LL OVcRTAKE ALL DELIN QUENT TAXPAYERS WHO DO NOT HtEO THIS. Tiii man things it i hot. but S!ieriirScottprop.e!' 'o make it much iii r tr ipii-al f-r b in snd sill olber deliu . 1 tit; ut taxpayers un less t!.i-v sett! up at once. H bat bad published for several weeks t'.e f Wowing advert in.oit. b'lt Mii deliwpien's are s'ill procrastinating: ir PKi.isnwr taxiykim:s r I or l r of h r ,. 'ntv Mi'ir' I tin "Ii -ei-lnl t f irri-Hi r illi irtion o a'l t i. :a-.ilinir llii'txi I nu the .vMr-Hiucnt lollinf th; wlii'v li 1 h t ivr.1 .ir not iiaM iiiiiii.-tl;at-ly I lull ri.wl to levy Uhiii anil wll the iir.iTtv of ileliiiieiitn' to make othxti n. 1 iii'-an bu iiirss. M Sorr. Slid ilt if Linn County Now he pr iposes to enforce the collection of all unpaid taxes. It is not pleasant business, but the duty of his ollice compels him to do so, and delinquents should pay up immediately if they wish to avoid a legal procs3 and enpy peace of mind, as this is positively the last call, after which will begin the fire work. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. Notice is hrrcbv L'.ven ht: . W, 8mith of Alliinv. Linn ti.uiitv.Or. han made assitrn- iin-nt of all hi norty, hoth real anil er iiiiI. 10 the inilrM L'netl for the bentflt of his r-i-litorn. ll itroin having claims auaiimt the si-l :. W, Smith, are hereby renitr't'l to prriit the ame um'er oath to th ui'icrMKnt'l. at the oth-e of Chad. E. Wolverlin, in the -it v of Albany. Otetpin, On or U-f'-re thre ni"'i i fioni tlii bti. lttl it Albany this h -lav Mar, ls:l. J. W, Ci hick A?n', "t io. W, Smih. an li-jolvvnt; Cm. K. "IA pki.., Atlv. t-.r a9:n-'. HEAL ESTATE. Real estate values are governed largely by the push, energy and confidence shown by the people of any special locality, as well as by natural advantages. Weet Portland Tark to-day stands in the front rank, and head and shoulders above all other com petitors, as regards advantages. Whv? Onlv 5 cents fare into the city of 'Portland. Property ready for building. A motor run ning on schedule time, and an electric Hue under construction. A healthy ligation, and beautiful residence proprrty. A good profit to those who invest. Reasonable terms and low prices for lota. Ca'l and secure some of these bargains of Mrs. HyuianA Baker, 115 First street. Ladles Fine She-. I make a specialty of handling ladies tine shoes. I carrv some of the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods ; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind Bold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. EnrEMEYr run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to buna up their system, irvitand tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner iewelry f tore. Near Spring oo). I am now receiving my first In vokes of spring novelties in wash gixxls, prints.giugham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samuel E. Younu. Fire Kiiwller. If vou want a good and easy fire kindler, one 'hat will kindle your tire easy every time. Call 011 or come and see me. A. J. Fox. line Half Hollar Reduction on every pairof Lud lows FineShoe3. A goodline of them at Samuel E. loung s. BISINK99 LOCALS, Ribbons at cost at Searls. Mens underwear at Searls. Hulin & Dawson, druggists. French keeps railroad time. Nice greens at Parker Bros. Vienna bread at the Delmonico, Uonn llenlr:cson, grocers. Bread of all kinds fresh at Cioetz Bros. A complete line of men's undei wear at cost at S .saris'. A large lino of Ludlow's $.1.00 shoe for ladies just arrived at erls shoe store. That hacking couirh cm tie so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Foshay A Mason. Lawn sprinklets, Matthews & Washburn, garden hose, Matthews A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A WaHhhiirn, bath tubs, .Matthews A Washburn, water closet-', Matthews A Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wush hurn. the best of everything Matthews A Washburn. New good of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why they will sell over four lo (Is of stoves and ranges this year, they 1 ave their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. Smoke tli celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igirs, manufactured at Julius .lost ih a cigar factory. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller A Irving's, as they have just received a large invoice. New and complete stock of spectacle and eye glas.-es just re ceived at F. M. French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to lit. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. Fine line of mens shoes at Searls di-ie store. Thomas Brink ha received a tock of baby carriages w hich be is otleting at prices as low as the lowe't, and they are first-class goods. A p tir of fa-it black free with every pair of ladies shoes. costing $3 or more, a' Searli' shoe store. Fresh bread, cakes and pies every morning at Blodgett A Son's. Co to Searls' and see his fine display of shoes, all the latest styles. New sprit g novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. Co to Searls' for your low shoes, where you will find the largest line at prices lower than ever be fore offered in Albany. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe store. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Poos. Indies, the cheapest place to liny your Oxioru ties is at Searles shoe store. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneumption. For salt by Foshay A Mason. The finest and best assortment ot ladies Oxford's and slippers ev er brought to Albany at Searls' shoe store. Try Conn A Hendricson's syrup, the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. Change of BuHlneM. Notice is hereby given that Mueller & Garrett have sold to E. J. Lanning their entire business, 4?oods. wares, merchandise, book accounts, fixtures, efc. Parties in debted to said firm will please call and settle at once with E. J. Lan- nincr. to whom all accounts are payable. All outstanding indebtedness will be settled by Mueller & Gar rett. Mueller & Garrett, E. J. Lannin. Albanv, May 36, 1891. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale and CIGAKS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FlttJITS OF ALL KINDS IH LA.TU3 Oil SIC ILL QTJAliriTIES. FliVjsN J J LOCK. : Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIKLD.) PROPRIETOR. SPlilNGFIELD, Albany yard and office on treets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory tilling of orders, I respectfully solicit a hare of the trade, A. WHEELER. n'Hl lSfe;Vu, t' ) II 'OR ""'la nil I r ii""' : ' HUNK BROS Ull 1 PORTLAND, OREGON. BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY OGN JOHN ROBSON, MANAGER, Have on hand for the season of ISiil, binders, mowers, farmer's tools and harve'fting'inachinery of all kinks. Our stcck of buggies, carts, spring wagons, etc., is the largest and most complete on the Pacific Coast, and comprises all the leading styles. At Deyoe A Robson's old stand, opp. Blumberg Block. fiECKKT SOCIETIES. McPhcrwm Pout No. 6, O. A. R. Stated meetinica at the O, A. R Hall on the second and t'ourtb Friday evening cf each nionrh. Transient Comrades aie cordi y invited to meet with ns j. r. nun i.iu, B. F. Tarlir, Commander AdiuUnt. A. O. U, W. Safety LodKe No, 13; meet every Monday evening at the U. A. K. hall on Kerry street, between Seeond and Third. Albany, Oregon. Stranifers in the city and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. JOHN SCHMEER'S 1 Livery, Peed ft Sale stable Corner Second and Ellsworth SU ALBANY. - ORKOOb Ho ram Rotann by the day or month Cat riages nr bug idee on reasonable terms v6nl NEW FEED STORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on hand. Also Lime, Plaster& Cement. Come to the comer of Water and Ferry sts. for all kiuds of Feed. P. W. SPINK, Albany, Or. ALBANY, OB OIIEGON. Railroad, between Fourth and Fifth sW. L Mas S3 SHOE And other specialties for Gen tlemen, Ladies, Etc., are war ranted, ami so stamped on liot torn. Address W. L. DOUG LAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by L. E. BLAIIM, ALBANY, OREGON. U 11 II. 11 I 11. V I I ,1 III UUlUUlll V Villi ill! II CITY DRUG STORE 8XANABD & CD8ICK, Prooi., l'FEIFFEK 1!L(X:K, - - ALBNV, Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY ami Toilet articles, Sponges, llriuhes, 1'erfumerj, School iiooks, and Ar tist's Supplies Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded. DELMONICO RESTAURANT, FINEST IN THE CITY, MEALS AT ALL HOURS: Tables supplied with every thing the market affords. Regular Dinner, 2 Sets. Eastern and coast ovsters on hand. Sam Goetz, Prop. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothint? blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. IMW .BURNT MANY OH. MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OFI NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER f IE PL4CE, - - - OPPOSITE OPERA H OUS 2A w 555 giSji-' u a u - 2 I ! I ! I I 'w t C ' . q stiinptioii m art W to B DE.. ACKER'S ENCUSH REMEDY -1 . 1 -. .... ; for Coughs, Colds and Consumption is bevond question therc.'ifestif J :ullModernRemedies? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will chock; : a Cold in a dav. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con--: sumption if taken In time, M You can't afford to bo without it." A 25c. j bottle may save you $100 in Doctor's LilL mavsavo your life t Ask; your druggist for it.orwrito for book to w il ii ok Kit a o., i.m... ............................... R Mauufaoturo steam eoglnea, grist and saw mil. machinery, intifrmts all kinds of heavy and light work in irou and brass castiuB. tion paid to repairing all Linda of machinery. Patterns n.a le A COST EL, President. P LING KAN, Secretary, JOHN HOLM AX Just Kocelved. I have just received my spring stock of Hiazer jackets, Rules accord 1 an plaited cuies and beaded capes in the latest styles. Ladies will do well to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1. W. Simpson. CALIFORNIA AND NECATIVE ELECTRIC I INAMENT s U CURE CATARRH, KI1KIT M A T I S M, v- 1 l II neuralgia, mrnn. jieaomin, and ail pain. TheCalifoi nia iiositive and nega'ive ELKCTK1C COl (iH Ci: K! . cures colds, croup, consuinp ttion. Sold by all druggists. Kuch 25i'.. r0 and $1. Creas inger A Co., Props., Lt.s Ange les, Cal. BANKOFOREGOX, ALI5ANY, ORKUOX. H. F. Merill, Pres., J. Lannioir, V, P-, J. W. Bla n, Caahir. Tr iin:i. tsa (rjiiiral liankinif lmwui". rA. hin.-e Inmvlit ami snM uu ull the prin- i-ipal i iiim of the I'nitcil States, also, nriiain, Kram-e ami Uernmiiy. l-'...-, ii,,9 at a aeeenHible points male " fa oralil,. u-rnis. Interest )iaiii on time deposits. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale anil KeUll Droiiisfci Booksellers AI.BAV- OR Rr. ON Agent Wanted ! A district :lirinl frr nun rt( (lip largest fire insurance companies in the WOrld. Iiro- tcrritorv nml good compensation. Address W. II. Raymond, box W, Albany, Or. A M IStiMTMEST. Is 011c whiclijig srnarnntecd to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price, On this safe plan you can buy from our a(lYertied drujrgitits a bottle of Dr Kiug's New Dscovery fr Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every c ase, when used for any aflection of Throat. Luntrs, 01 Chest, such as Consumption, Inllauta lion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Astliran. Whooping Coneh. Croup, etc, etc It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be de- i tended upon, Trial bottles free at sliay A Mason, Druggists, A large lines of misses' and children's shoes going for cost at a rls'. Jj"IIave you seen those lovely lounges at Prinks? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. tc' 2 m 3 a E. S - SaaaJSa 3S a WHYDOYOUCOUGH? ut you know that a little cough isadancerous: ling? Aie you aware that it often fastens: 011 iiie iiiiigsnitit far t.M. often runs intoCon.: ami ends 111 Death ? PisipleMiir.-r-' uig Ikiiii Asthma, Hront-hitis, l'liciuiioiiwii ami Consumption will all tell you that r "IT STARTED WITH A COLD"! Can you allord to m-glect it? Can you! trille with so serious a matter? An? jou; inai .... .. 'tm "m '' ' VoU S If you want Til K it KST. buy ALLEN'S N'OKTII K.IlN Clio H.N SEEDS. If the Men h:int ymi ileal with ift keep them semi to AI.I.KN ilinvt, I - f-ayw the KWtrige. lleautitiil eatjl-nruvselil fiee. Ad.lrcHS, K W AI.I.KN, 71 Se-oinl Hlrevt, I'orll.Lii'l. RED CROWN MILLS NEW PROCKSS FLOCK. (Sujerior for Funiily ruul likorH ust ) 3est Siorane Facilities tIliltliest caMh price aid (or wheat &$ ALBANY - OIJFaJON FIRST NATIONAL BANK alllANSACTS A OEhEHAL BANKING . ULSiftKbi. PRESIflKNT L. FI.INN. V1CK I'KKSIDKNT S. K VOPXH. AS1IIKK K. W. LATH MIX, S. K. Yocno, L,K. IlLAIN. I. Kmnk K. F. So. E. W Linoiiok Cashier, Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE OX HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN A BKOWNKLL. H. GKEGG, inn r r Ull 111". Men's and Hoys' clothing made to order or cleaned and repaired m fchort notiee and reaaoiiahlo rates. Shop on the street car line, hetneen Third and Kourth streets. REVERE HOUSE, ALbANY, OR.-CI1AS PfeiOer, Prop. Only first-eclass house n the city. Lariro sample rooms for com rnercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. Ueneral statre ofh Corvallis. The Ladies I!n.aar has still a good selection of millinery A bich they are selling at greatly reduced rates. If you need a hat give them a call. Ml PUYSKIA.S IfH. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 1 f ui-reon. Can be found at Bis offlos room 111 Stratum's block, First street, Albany Orciron- C crkEixyTTiivsTcTAN and jur . ifeon Allnuiy, Oregon, office o Pierce' new block. Ollice hours, from 8 a. if. to P. M. A J. R0SS1TER, VETERINARY SUR- A . . hwii. kiwimw vi viiuuiu ) 11 mat j colhtre and mei licr of the Ontario oterin- I ary medical society, is prepared to treat the 1 .1 w.. ..r n . i . . i I. nn wieiitilic principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, AMiany, Orcyon. C1 1.'. II AMIIKKI.IN, M. D. I'hysiuian, ortice at Dr. Honnsiitliic Wallaces old sUikI, r.roadalliin ctreet. Ollice hours, 7 to !) A. 1 to S and U to S r. u. DRO. A. WHirXEY, PHYSICIAN AND suri;in. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Mulicol College, New York City. Diseases of women t specialty, Office in r oster block ATTOK.NEY 1 KO. W. WKIilllT. ATTORNEY AT LAW VI and NoUry I'uh ie. Win praitiee in all the curt of tte, Oitite, trout rooms oer lunk of Oregon, Alhmy, uregon. DR N. liLACKBintN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany Oregon. OHi- in Odd r'. liow' Temple. A'ill practice in all court of the slate, and ifive secial attention to al. nosiiiew, except the county court ol Linn eoiuiiy. HEI IT 4 IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT liw. ill pra tiie in all the couils o lie state. Olt'.ic iu 1 linn's bluvk. Firs Wt T. SI HNKY. J. m URArKR IHRNSY &, ATroRNEYS JJ at law, Ouvou city, Oregon. Twen ty ycam exfierienix' as register of thj V. S. Land Ollice at OrcKOii City and iu the land pru'ticc recouiiiienits us in our sjiecialtt iuiHiucHS before tho Land Ollice or the court's and inv.dviiiK the practice in the itci.eraj Und Office. C. WATSON, attorney at law, Albany , Oregon. Ollice iu Strahan block T N. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW fl . and notary public Otice iu the Strahan hlH:k, rotiins No. I and 2. WOLVEKTON CUAKLrSE. ATTORNEY at U, Albany, Or. Office in roou 13 uii.l 14 Kos:r's Block, over L. K. B Iain's store, T K WEATHERKORD, ATTtRNEY AT V. AitmllV. Oreirnn lilt in .V... Minn Week. Will practice n all the courts of thestate, and (five specia. attention to all business. TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT LAW t) and title examiner. Albanv. Or. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab sl rai ts of title furmahed ou short notice. I'cn it ears experience. CUKt FOR BALK BY ALL DRroOISTS. "Some months niroj I t.urcliafcd a box nf Dr. J. P. Ciiir Catarrh Cure for my own Hise. but linding my nejihew, ('. A, McMahan. needing puch .nidi l ine, I let him have lny box of medi cine. He now pends for three more bnxep, tiiying it is the best thinir for catarrh ever tried by him and hif friends. 1 got another box to use in lny rune. Mid cheerfully recommend it toother. (Siifiied). JOHN McMA HAN", Kx-County Commissioner Lane Co. tin-iron, fpritiiftield. Lane county, Oregon. I'rof J, W, jiihnson, president of the Slate university. ays it cured him of a eoiivrh after two other prescriptions Ii id failed. Likew ise two of his little L'irls use! it tociire their roughs. Mr? Mark rtailey, wife, of Prof. Jiailey, sent it to 1'inf. Jolinsou, and reeoin-iiii-iiiIs it to all who sutler from rolds and rougbs. For roughs it nets like a charm, and ran bj inhaled into the .) or iiassaj'cs, where uu other rough cures ?an reach. TOO MUCH LOAD On the liver will break down aL the energies of life, and unfit you for Work, Business or Pleasure. Indigestion, Constipation, Sleep lessness, Billiousness, are the first alarms nature sounds to warn you of danger. IV oo re's Revealed Remedy s King of the Blood, Liuerand Stomach It has never failed. Hundreds of testimonials like this : J. E. Miller, Astoria, Or., writes: ''It cured me of a severe Liver and Blood trouble." .ySold by all druggists. TAKE THE CAD FROM LWD'tf Or RATES: To any part of the city, 60 cent For calling, first hour $1.50, each subsequent hoHrf 1. WEEK'S STABLES TAILOR MADE For-i-Sumioer-.-lfear,' Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-fitting garments. W. R. GRAHAM, The llercliaot Tailor, has in stork the finest line of spring and summer suit ings ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He lias also a beautiful line of pants goods in any etyle desired. Call and see if it is not true. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-;Iass Cigar Company. Must give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. DOJ VOU WAKT IBEX TRESS ? . If so rail on LBEAM He delivers bis goods to any part of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. ;Xothing but the best kept at I. BEAM '8, 2d St., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. 4 IT ATIO V Iu the county court cf the etate of Oregon for the county of l.iuu. In the matter of tin-estate of ( .... , Henry Meyer, deceased, ( Nation To the heirs and next of kin if any such there be, of Henry Meyer, de- rea'ed, greeting, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby cited and nctiired to appear in the county court of the stale of Oregon, for the county of Linn at I he court room thereof, at Albany iu the couuty of Linn on Moil day the tith day of July, lSUl at 10 i... n ,1, ,ur-mH)ii oi uiai aay, and then and there to show cause if any there be why a license should not issue to John A. Crawford the duly appointed, ijuulitled and acting ad ministrator to sell the following des cribed rral property as iu the petition prayed for to-wii: Begiuniug at a point 'J4 feet and 5 inches east of the northwest ct rjer of lot (1) one in biock (10) ten in the city of Albany in I. inn county Oregon as the same is described iu the maps and plala tf said city on tile in the ollice cf the comity rl ik of I.inu county Oregon, and running from thence eat fifteen feet and ten and one-half inches to th center of the party brick trail, them e southerly along the eeutrr of Ba d party wall and paiallel to the western boundary line of said lot one, one hundred feet to the alley, thence we tcrly along the north line of said alley fifteen feet ten and one-half inches thence northerly in a straight line to the place of In-ginning. Done by order of the Hon. p. R, N. iiluckburn,.ludgc of the coiintv court of the state of Oregon for the county of Linn with the seal of said court at- im il tins ".nil day or May A. P. 1S)1. (Attest:) N. V. fATNB. CUrk, Admlalslralrlx Xollre. N 01 ICE IS HKREBYGI VEX THAT MARV A. Hariliuan baa been aruointaJ a.1. minUtr.itrix of the estate of Christo pher Hardman. deceased bv the county court in and for Linn county, Oregon, and all ticrsous having claims against said estate, will pre sent the same to the undersigned at her home near Spicer, Linn county, or to L. If. Montanye her attorney at his office in Albany, Oregou. mica jiiiyjii, i:m. Makt A. IIarhman, Adlllinistratri v L. H. Moxtaxvb. Att y for Administratrix. AdmiaKlratars Aetlr. Notice is hcrrhv irtvon tli.f ti.A dcrsigiied has been this day duly ap. l-iiiiiit-u uy me county court ol Linn county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of John Am rWoc..,l an sons having claims against said estate ic ucrciiy notiuea to present them to me, or to my attorney at Albany, Ore con, vciilied as by law required with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated this Sd, dav of June lf01. CAUL MfDPl ESTADT. J. R. WYATT. AJmi"istr-,'-' Attorney for Aiuinistrator Allen's do their own delivorinr carefully and promptly. ' Lst. on First street 1k the Iron Workfl ati fhp raisi.nnA w- w VUIMVIIV of John Isom, Sr., a Jg carat dia mond rimr. Thn fimlor a ill ceive a reward of $20 by leaving it at this office. The ring is en graved with "E. E. L." on the inside of the band. I have a few men's shoes that are worth from $3.50 to $3.00 per pair that I offer, to close, at $3.00 per pair, ine aoove goods are all perfect in every respect, only the lines are broken in early and get a pair. GROCERIES! 1. C. Searls.