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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1891)
7 G V -'0 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 1891 VOL. VI NO. 148 I ? - 1 . -"v : DBPRICE'S AafliBaking Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard We arc at Front Our Spring an I Summer Stock will be found complete than ever. larger and more DRESS G03DS Very attractive lines in new colorings and latest novelties. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in l.trge assortment and end less variety. SPRING & SUMMER JACKETSI Lat-.-st Styles ! Ilig'i Xoveltiee! Ladies, Misses &. Childien's. FURNISHING GOODS, Vl-', SILK'S, LATIN'S ANf PLUSH KS. .A TUP'S' AXI MlSKS SlL'x AN'I KNIT UXUFRWEAR. COTTON Avi wool iiosK, r. m b roi per i f.s, silk and LISF.V H AN'PK EIU'HIKKS. SCARFS. VKILIXOS, SHAWLS, ETC. G . W. SIMIPSOIsr, FIRST STUFF T, ALBAXY, OUF.OOX. A HI SB A XDSf MISTAKE. Husbands toooften permit wives and parents their cmldren, to suffer from headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness, tits, ner vousness, when bv the use of Pr, Miles' Restorative Nervine such serious results coula easily be pre' vented. 1 linguists everywhere say it gives universal sitialaetion and has an iiinnent-e silo. Wood worth it Co., of Foit Wayne, Ind., Snow ic 10., ol Syracuse, X. i J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich., and hundreds of others suv "it is the greatest seller they ever knew. It contains no opiates. Trial bott'es and tine hook on Nervous Diseases, tree at Stanard au Cusick s. M'M I I.ATIO ItAtt-LRQIS. Scarcely a day passes without the news of stnne large failure Dialling over the wires -the usual result of (peculation in stocks or some equally iaii:cruiis venture. 1 he same electric "ii vt-nt carries In dear distant friend the sail tidiiisrs of death of loved ones loo often the result of speculation mi patent nostrums. Moore s Revealed Krmcily is no speculation hut is sold on positive guarantee. Do not fail to H to your druiririt and ask for your iimch'V if not satislied. We known vou w ill iroaiid buy another bottle For sale bj all uruggistf. THE CiltEllLsT STICIKt'. Among the great strikes that of Pr. Miles in discovering his Xew Hoart cure has proven itself to be one of the most important. The lemand for it has become astonish ing, Already the treatment ot heart disease is being revolution ized, ana manv unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, paina in side, arm, shoulder, weak hungry 1 un grv spells, oppiession, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart lropsy. lr. Miles hook on Heart and Nervous Diseases, lree. Th uneipialed New Heart Cure is sold ind guaranteed by Stanard it Cusick, also his Restorative Net vine for headache, fits, sprees, hot Maslie", nervous habit, etc. chills, opium Htm uuo.Mt:i(. Wm. Thomas Pi il.r, liul, writes J0 HT I , A.1NT L), ORliiaOsT. BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY OGN JOHN RORSOX, MAXACKR, Have on band t" ir the reason of lS'.ll, binders, inowets, farmer's tools and harvesting machinery of all kinks. stmali r ol I I. i- vil.e, I ml, writes "hleclrie liittc lia- 1 1 . 1 1 ' more for me than all lin-di no coialiined lor thai fceliii' ii-.--.ii ir Irom Kidney anil l.ivir t r t .lolui l.e-lie. firmer ainl toi-kioi-n, ol Ilie Mime piai-e. l-in l r.i-ctnc litters t. lie the ln-1 Ki ini'V .iinl I.ivi-r iicdicii -, ninde me 1i-el like a hrw man. .1. n . Iiarilurr. h;it(iwai i meiclianl, same tow n, s:a-; Hitler is j us t the tn i it if lor a nan 'i no i all run down ami don' mi : n ii" ii vi s or m:i:s : he Imiml new -Tri-nxth. -oil aipi-t:tc ami fi ll jut liui: In- a new lease on lite. Only ".0 i-. n! drug si a lioille, :it Koshuv M.i-nn's ire. . at... C;nr stccli M 'ri:-gierf, carts, spring w;tg iis, etc., i-i the larg: iiiot complete on the l'acitic (;'oast, and comprises all the fctyles. At Peyoe ."t liobson's old stand, opp. lUmn'ierg Rlock. st and leading Many of our horsemen have given it aa their judgment that Titus, lilnmberg's black perch eron stallion stands at the head in his class. He is in the hands of Mr. C. E. efficient and experienced hor.H'mau who will give his patrons every possible atten tion . TittjS Will make the season of '01. Mondays and Tuesdays at Jef ferson, Wednesdays and Thurs days at cio, Fridavs and Saturdays at Albany. Mr. Blumberg ia alsoownerof the standard bred trotting horse, Alwood Breeze (No. S'i.',) who can lie seen at the stable of Trites Bros. The get of this horse are lare and tine formed, and only need proper development to show speed. It Ml IKK (Kir. It IX IK. Mrs Michael Curtain, ClaiiilicM, 111, niiihc Ilie statement tliat sh i-auni coin, which sellleil on her lung-; -he as treat- d for a iiionlh by her larnily ptysieian. but i;rew worse, lie told her she was a hopeless victim ol i i.iii-!imition and that nnmedieine could cuie her. Her drUKK'iit suT nested Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself bene linen irom ine nrsi cose. Mie con tinued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well. now noes tier own nouseworK ami is a well as (-he was. t'ree trial bottle ol this great Discovery at rosh ay ta M isoii s Drug Store, large bottles .Hie, ami I oo THE SILVER QUESTION Action of the Trans-Mississippi Congress in Denver. money wanted fok levees I Tbs Fine Hand of the Louisiana Lottery Ia Again Exhibited-Important QaestiooB Considered. Dkxvek, May 20. The report of the committee on resolutions of the trans-Mississippi congress, which was made last night, recommends the congress to pass the Burrcgn bill appropriating I0,lK)P,r 00 u, the building and maintainance of levees on the Mississippi river and demands government super vision. Tjion the silver question it asks that congress be petitioned to repeal all laws w hich, in their etiect, worn tistionor upon, or in the least challenge t lie sovereignly ot the silver dollar as absolu measure value and to restore to silver the place given it as perfect money by the framers of o ir gov ernment. The congress also asks the president and congress to at tempt to bring around an inter national recognftiou ami the ad justment ot silver as money or that a limited agreement be sought wit Ii the nations of the latin union, wheiebv the merits of those nations may again be opened for the coinage of silver. It also favors negotiations with the Spanish American nations for a committee on currency for this continent south of Canada. In the minority report the silver clause simply demands the free and unlimited coinage of silver. The forenoon m-sshxi t- dav was entirely taken up in the discussion of the majoiitv report. Ilie tine Iiftml of the Louisiana lottery combination was mani fested in tiie defeat of the resolu tions calling for a constitutional .imuidmeiit bv wliLh hitlcries could be lcguli.ed in any stale. 1 he vote stood !'5 to SO. The re mainder of the dav was spent in the consideration of resolutions. All passed as reiiorted by the com mittee, but a warm delate was oiovoked by the question of the .'overnment ced:ng and Unds to the states and territories. A res olution deploring the hnv of the 41l1i coiigiess prohibiting foreign capital from iu.-esting in real estate ami niiues was adopted. A majority report on and lanos urged the cession of arid lands to the f-tatea in which they were hit uated, and limiting individual purchases to '!L'0 acres. At the evening session the silver rejxjrts were heard. The majority favored the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and the minoiity was wuiKirawn. TIIK TRAIN Ilhlt AII.KK. l'prxium liiureil Two are Serliuinlv Hurl, 111 l.S MOKtr. A I It Kit I'll I.H. Act on a new principle regulu ting the liver, stomach and bowel 3 through the nerves. A new dn- covery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1 nver, piles, consupauonr uti- equaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! bOdoeoi for 25 ceuts. Samples ee, ai Stanard A Cusick. ICM kir.V.H A K.MI A MA U K. The best salve in the world for Cut 4. Bruises,, Ulcers, Salt Khcuin, reyer sores, letter, Chapped HanC, Chilblains. Corne., and skin Eruption:!, ami pus lively cures 1'iles, or 1.0 pay reiUtred. It is guaranteed to giva eil'ect satisfaction, or money re- funded, I'riefjS cents per box. Fcr sale by rosliny cc Mason The Celebrated French CURE is Bismarck, he will probably be lit UhUUikliift niiii.ikii (piestioned on honor as to his con- Ana Nine Only Ki.i.KNsm May 2.. The east bound passenger train on the -Northern 1 aci'ic was derailed tins afternoon at a canvon 17 miles north of here. Four coaches left the track and nine persons were injured, only two ot whom aie seriously hurt. The accident was caused by spreading rails. WII.I. Til E Y MtJlir a;.ix. Jackson nml I'orbett Get Si .100 anil a Chance to Fight Again. Sax Fkaxcisco, Mav 22. The directors of the Ca'if 'rnia Athletic Club at a ni"eling this evening de cided to give Jim Corbett and I'eter Jackson 2'00 each for their exhibition last night and to oiler the men a puree of $7"00 to light before the club again. Ilie German Emperor Id Mail. I.onpox, Mav 22. L'erlin ad vices state that the kaiser is deep ly irritated by the tone and man ner of the pamphlets recently imblished, and especially the one entitled "The Kaiser His Own Minister." The secret police are investigating to ascertain the au thorship, and if it can be traced to Bismarck or any one eise holding a military rank, a prompt and se vere prosecution will follow. It it surprise, and at too close quarters to allow him to discharge his hunting rifle. After a severe struggle the prince, who was un attended, succeeded in killing the wolf by using his rifle as a club. He was so severely hurt, however, that lie had to be removed to the chateau, vhe;e he rapidly re covered. It was found that the wolf was a female, and had a litter of voung wolves about a hundred yards from where the fight oc curred. The Wheat .Market. LiVEiirooi,, May 22. Wheat, de mand fair; Kansas winter, hard, Ss (id1.. 1 steady. Sax Fkaxcisco, May 22. Wheat l.i2'i per cental. Full range for gxd to choice snipping quality. . . $l.S0al.fc3i, is asking tange for milling. ('overnment Victory In Chill. Iyi ini K, Chili, May 22. Yes ferday the government vessels Imperial, Cotidell and Sarjento A Idea landed a force of 200 marines at Taltal and stormed the custom house. The place is now in the hands of government forces and the o'd regime is established. Indicted for iMaimlmighter. Bki.aik, Md., May 22. -The di rectors ol the Maryland Central railroad were indicted to-dav bv the grand jury for manslaughter in connection with the fatal freight wreck of April 10. Afraid of the Eemeralda. Citv ok Mexico (via Galveston), May 22. Military are still guard ing t tie 1 acihc Mail coal lighters at Acapulco. for fear the Fsmer a'.da may attempt to take coal by force. A DAIIINd SCHEME. FAST OF TIIE ROCKIES AN' AUKIIl'l 111 COKNEK ;U.1 AlAltKKT. THE It Will lie the (ireatext Ileal Since .lay (iuultl and .lini Kink Tried Their llanil. Warrant rd to cure K.FOPE AFTER FEED -:- STORE AiND GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. W'AXTKD Sl'KCIA LLY- Hay, oate ut j.etatrts, to supply auatome tn the Orson I'aciSo lUilroad extension and my increasing home trade here I sell in qusntitiek to suit the purchasers. Store in Strahan Brick, Second street R. m.;robertson. the ifeiicntu e organs of either eex whether arisiiuc (mm the cxcciwh c use ol stimulants, or opium, or thr iii-h jmithfitl in. lis crelion, over iniliilsrein-c, itu., nm-h asliwHol Urain l'owcr, Waketu'ntss, lii-ariiii; Ion pains 111 the Ua k, Si min d Wi akness, liyB turia, Ner 'on 8 ration, Nnt-turnal o.iiia sioiis, Leuc.irrh.K' Uizziiieis, Weak Sltniory, l.rHr.f Power ami lnioten y which if ncj,! Ii.--teil often lead to premature i.l.l aire an.l iiwiity. Price Jl a Ih.x: 6 lioxes fcr 5,00 Sent In mail on rei jipt of price. a VvKirrt: 4.1 ti:4ii:E is eiven with every 5 orJer received, to refund tne nioi.ej 11 a I'-rrnianrnl cure is notuffeUcd. We have thnimandsol testimonials from old youiik', of both sexes, who liave been permanently cured by the use f Aphroditint Circular free. Aililrew tiik ai-iiku nci)i ir. t n. Western Branth, liox, 27. Portland, Orevon. Knr sale by Fothay it Jlason, w ho esale ami efail ilrutrgista, Allianv, oreni.n llrAXTEI A 9taiMitri'H, one who ran cut II ami fit. Ciil at comer of ,'ith ami Kail road streets. Mr. F. A. Hurkhart, OST --On Sui.dav. M.iv is city and Cor t-apt. r in Jer w ill plre leai e at this T OsT --On May 4, lsid. hetween XJ lhlflcii anu 1 or v all id a iaiK's l.laik ffui' nection with these attacks on the sovere:gn. The kaiser it is stated, has written to the Austrian kaiser assuring Mm of his continued frit ndslup and his abhorrence of the attempts to detach (iertir.tny from Austria. An Argument for Electrocution. Brokks Bow, Nth., May 22. Albert Ilavenstein, the n.urderer of William Ashlev and Herman I'oten, was hanged at. 1:110 this afternoon. When the trap sprung there was a slip, a groan, and the iiody tell to the ground, the rojie having broken. Ilavenstein. half conscious at the time, was picked up by the sherilFand deputies and brought back to the gallows. Tue rope was dotbled and the trap aain sirurg. This time his neck was broken and death was appar ently painless. A German Wolf Story. P.i:ki in, May 22. A curious stoiy comes from Kadiin, the Silesian home of l'rince I'lucher. The prinze was hunting in the forest near the chateau last Saturday, when he suddenly encountered a wolf, an animal not. common in this vicinity. The wolf boldly at tacked the prince, much to bis Nkw York, May 22. A financial article in the Telegram savs : "I was told to day that ten bankers in all street have each put up $00,- 000, making a total of $i;00,0U0, with w Inch to pay the interest of 1 103,0( It 1,01 10 hi "old which theyaie going to buy and hold for Hixty l.tys. iold is now practically at par, although Ureal I.ntain is ,'iving half a penny lor it, and as money is plenty now at 2 ier ent., there can tie no loss. Ibis svndicate intends to compel Kng laud and Russia to pay a hand some premium on the gold they buv or leave it in this country. It is one of the simplest, vet most hiring, deals that has been at tempted since Jay (iould and Jim risk tiled to corner gold and hiought on the day which is al ways referred to as 'I duck r riday It is possible but not probable that with a depicted treasury the gov eminent would attempt .to meet another crisis. Judging from the condition of the market last fall, a corner in gld would mean that every bank and individual who could secure gold would t-tore it awav, that it would produce a great hnancial loss in the country 13 well understood, but it is simply a choice between two evils, having gold at a premium by loreign countries taking ail we have, or by a syndicate in thiscmr.try holding it to 111 ike a premium lucre are now in the I'nite 1 States $1.0 00,1.- 000 in gold, and about jd'.i.MKi.OOO is held bv the l Tinted States treas' urv. Over -T.ilO0,000 ol gold has left the citv since the 1st of Janu aty. and fi.OOO.OOO went to-day That something must be done to stop this How of gold is the opinion ot every banker and merchant in the country. Hut it has remained for this syndicate to make the at tempt to stop the tide. Iticmains to be seen what will be done now as the intentions of the svndicate are made public. hilver Wedding- A number of the fiiends of S. S. and M. J. Train, gathered in a party aid proceeded to their resi dence last night, taking them com pletely by surprise. The occasion was the 2"th anniversary of their wedding day. They brought with them an cleg tut lunch and the evening wat spent in social con verso, and a most enjoyable time. Tho-'t; present were : Mr. and Mrs. A. U. W'oodin, Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Warner, Mr. and -Mrs. Thos. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrp. Henrv Hopkins, lr. ami Mrs. C. C. Kellev, Mr and Mrs. X. II. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. tJolT, Mr. and Airs. E. C. Searls, Mr. and Mrs. It. Huston, Miss Myra Kelley, Mrs. Fish, Ir. W. II. Pa vis, J. K. Whitney. Suicide Caused by a Failure, Mkmiiiis, Mav 22. The Hill Shoe Company failed yesterday, and William Yi'as Hill, president of the company, immediately after committed suicide. lie was ".2 years old and a nephew of Ex-I'ostmaster-tieneral Vilas. The failure of this linn is directly due to the failure of the Davis Shoe Company, of Lynn, which owed the Hill Shoe Company between : lOO.OOO and fIOO.000. 'Liabilities of the company are about $400,000 ind assets 200.000. The creditors are principally Eastern parties. Interest On Government Bonds to Be Cut Down to 2 Per Cent. Presbyterians in session i Chioigo Preacher, Who I'ouiiJ T lints Dull, Arretted for Making Counter felt Mjney. Washington, May 22. A circu lar on the subject of J per cent. uoiiuh win ie issued iv tne treas urv department in a fe days. It will announce that the present rate .01 interest, ol per cent, loans will cease SepteniKer lst.and will probably say that holders of all such bonds as do not desire tUeir redemption at that rate may secure their continuance at an in terest rate of 2 per cent., thus al lowing owners the option of re taming the bonds at a lower rate of interest if they desire to do so without placing the government in a position of asking lor more tinej. I'll KSK YTKKIANS IN Sr.SSION. What Was Done at the Meeting in Detroit Yes'erday. Dktkoit, Mich., May 22. In the IVesbvterian general lassemblv to day the clause of chapter 12 is changed to read as follows: "AH infants dying m infancy, and all other persons whom from birth to death are incapable of beinir out wardly called by ministry of the world are redeemed by Christ and legcnerated by the spirit who worketh when and where and how He pleaseth." Thi-j is a radical alteration, diile.'ing I'lii-'.i the old oiilccsiou in the insertion of the words "all" 'from I irth t.. death" "are redefined" "and are regener ated by the spirit. An entirely new clause is the following: "Chapter 25. Section ii There is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ, and the claim of the pope of Rome to be a vicar of Christ and head of the church universal is without war rant in scriptures or in fact and is usurpation and dishonoring the Ixml Jesus Christ." The Presbyterian general assenv uiy met at ;i o'clock this morning After a season of praver and conference, the minutes were read and the standing committee an nounced. 1 he sUted clerk read list of presbyteries that voted on l'ie projiosed change in the method amendment standard ; Hi voted aye : nay ; t refused to rejiort ai. i 14 had not reported. KJlTIIE 1TATA AEFAIR Vailll'IUIO VI IHC A UIIU "ivmvi to be lieutenant colonel, Captian Hamilton of Second artillery to be ihajor of Thud artillery, Jrirst Lieutemnt Calsari cap'.ian of Sec ond artillery and Second lieut?n ant Ostheim ti rat lieutenant of Second artillery. Secretary Traev to-dav issued an order to all naval officers regarding the consumption of coal, ihe or der directs all oflicers command ing vessels to make experiments in order to ascertain the most eco nomica rate of speed for their ships. They are directed to reiwrt the consumption of coal per hour at a varying rate ol sieed irom five to eleven knots, kind and quality used, condition of vessel's bottom and such remarks in refer ence to the most economical rate steaming as experience may aug- The News Confirmed that Will Be Surrendered. She STATE AM) COAST NEWS. The Work On the Cascades Portage Ball- viy to Go Forward-Ths Trlieo Wheat Market Is St res g- Paris, May 22. Ia Siegle today re-atlirms the truth of the reported Itata agreement, and eavs the Chilian steamer w ill not be taken to a United States port and an embargo placed on her. AsiiisciTON. Mav 22. A en- tit men ot prominence, well versed gest. The vessels with sail power I in international laws, said to-dav : are directed, when they havesutfi cient wind to carrv them four knots an hour, to use sail alone In conclusion the order states it is expected vessels cruising under steam will not exceed their most economical rate excepting in cases of emergency. The l'ope Speak, Rome, May 22. The full text of tne pope s encyclical on the social question has appeared. The fol lowing extracts are takan from it The pope sets forth that divine law rejects the socialist solution of the social problem, which would abolish private property, euosti- tuting collective and common ownership. Xow as ever, men's relations towards each other as individuals or parts of society must have the sanction of the old authority. BLAINE IS A SICK MAN HK A ST. FAIL SEN.TION. An Arcuoallon That Wheat I No I Duly Inniiertet, Sr. I'ai i., May 22.-John Shelly ctnel deputy grain inspector at MinneaK)lis, created a sensation before the w heat steal committee to-day by stating that there was apparently collusion between high officials in the matter of inspection atlmlulh. He said that vessels were constantly loaded with wheat at night without meiection. and that there was an understanding wiin Mr. ttupiey, general superin tendent of elevators at Puhith, mat me grain mould be so ship ped. Continuing, he said : "The law required something: like 2.000 e,t i i e . uuo Dusueis oi damage i wheat in elevators E and F. Had that fact been known in the country it would have created a panic. I think there was some iiiider8tandine be tween the elevator people and the tc .uiuuesoia grain ami warehouse commissioner to get the wheat out of the country on the quiet." A I'lOl S SINNKK. Uis Salary Wa Small and lie Made Counterfeit Money. Chicaco, May 22. Captain Porter, of the United States secret service, lias just returned from Southern Illinois w here he arrested a preacher of the gospel for making connterieii money, ine counter tenor was Ker. Jeremiah Holmes, pastor of the Cambellite church at Huijuion, Illinois. After thearresV Holmes confessed. Last Sundav he was elected superintendent of the Sunday school. He has a wife i.nd six children and told Captain Porter his salary was so small he had to do something to make expenses. A Cowardly Murder. Siikkvk port, La., May 22. Jane V. Ware, a colored srirl. w as driven on the railroad track to-dav at the point of a pistol by John and Wm. Anderson, colored, and held there until the train ran her down. A posse is in pursuit of the murder- s. Krooka In Iteliliul the Kara. the McMlNNVIU.K. Or.. Mnv '. John Brooks, the victim of l A" ....vaiium Buooiinir, waived ex amination to-day and w as held in $2500 bonds, in default of w hich he went to jail. WASHINGTON NK1TS. Cl. illon on the ltetlraxi i Sec. Tracy Make An Order. Wasiiixcto:,-, May 22. Col. (Jibson, commander cf the Third artillery, was placed on the re tired list to-day on account of age. His retirement Will promote Lieu tenant Colonel Livingstone of the MAY NKVKU FITLY COY EK AO A IN. The I'luuieil Knight is lu a 1'rer.arloug Condition and ItE- Vcry It i The Chilian matter has come to a point now where the coolest heads should direct it. The send ing oi the Charleston alter the Itata was all very well, as aa evi dence of your good faith with Chili, and if the Itata had been promptly overhauled and taken back, that might be all right but we have arrived at a different stage of t'le game to-day, and we ought to know all the facte. It would be a most serious matter if we should put our cruisers into action at Iquique for the forcible possession of the Itata. Those naval etlicers anyhow are not the men to be intrusted with the settlement of any phase of the question unless we are ready and anxious to help Balmaceda whin the insurgents. Ciiioaoo, Mav 22. A Washinz- loii special says : "I don't think there is the least doubt about th authorities of the United States government to pursue the Itata, and capture and bring her in, for she is a private vessel on the sea sailing without a Hag," said a cabinet ofllcer, who represents th position occupied by Secretary i racv. NO 0 11 I'M ON IHE HALCYON. Feared Will l.e Ills Mind. It Uer Xew York, Mav 22. The Her ald prints a dispatch from Wash ington which states that Secretary Blaine is a confirmed invalid, and his intimate friends fear a collapse of his faculties that w ill shock and distress the public. The dis patch also says that the president is lullv aware that in all human probability Mr. Blaine will not be found much longer at his place in the administration. Ihe cones uondent states that Mr. Blaine has been greatly overwoiked in the diplomatic part of his official duties. His feverish ardor has not periiiittd him to aiiixiition the labors of his department among Ins assistants in a degree voiiniion to minister of foreign atlairs in Europe. He has attempted personally to deal with them out and all. He recently showed the ellects ot this great mental Krain in conversation with the envoy of a loreian power. A conterence took place at the secretary ot state's residence. For lif een or twenty minutes Mr. VBlai:ie evinced great interest in the sub ject discussed, and then suddenly became silent, moody and hypo chondriacal. He was ill, at ease and evidently desired to be alone. He pleaded indisposition, and the envoy left the secretary's home with the conviction that the briet show of vitaiitv could not have been kept alive another two min utes. 1 he dispatch savs, in con clusion, the diagnosis is uniform and universal that Mr. Blaine's intellect has passed the stage where it Hashes and then dies awav till rekindled after a large interval of renose, but it never more burns with steadiness. Like a victim of narcotics, he exhibits nothing between nervous impetu osity and complete mental lassitude. SECRKTARY TRACY DKMES IT. t ASIIINQTON. Mav 1':' in View oi certain statements that cast a doubt upon the real condition of Secretary Blaine a reporter to-day interviewed Secretary Tracy, who said: "The business of our de partment brings Blaiueaud nijrsell much together. Any etatement that Blaine is not as sound and alert mentally as he ever has been does him grave injustice. Only a lew days before lie left for Xew iork we were together a long time, in consultation over an im portant document. It was ciiti- cied and discussed at great length. and 1 have never seen him when he appeared to better advantage than he did on that occasion. I have not regarded his last sickness as of sufficient gravity to prevent his early return to the discharge of his public duties. EXI'LOSION OF CAS. Eleven Miuerg Meet Death in Shaft In Alabama. Birmingham, Ala.. Mav 22. At the Pratt nun -s to-day an explo sion of gas in the shaft killed ten negro convicts and one lree .inner named Tom Moore. It is believed the men in some w ay knocked oil a plank of the door which stood across ttie old chamber, and on which the word "Gas'' was w rit- ten. The gas rushed out and caught fire from a lamp. The offi cers of the company w ent to their rescue but were themselves nearly suffocated and narrowly escaped. Ii Thought She DlAcharged Cargo at Honolulu. Port Townsexm. Mav 22. Col- lector of Customs Bradshaw to-dav received a dippatch stating that the schooner I Idle von which was reported to have a lanre amount of opium on board is now in Barclay sound, ,. j. uer Hold is empty and as far as known there is not a iHtund of opium on the vessel . It is evident if the Halcyon brouEht opium from Hong Kong at all, and mere is reason to believe she did, it was discharged at Honolulu. Indiana A Soldlerg. AwiKi.Es, May 22. At the military headquarters news has been received from the San Carlos agency that thirty Indians of that place have enlisted ia a company which will le tilled with some of ieronimo"s men. These are the first Indians who have consented to enlist for sei vice away from tb airency. They w ill go to Florida. The Cait. udr Tortag-a Kallwaj. Pori i.ami, Mav 22. O. F. Far- ley, superintendent of construction on the Cascades Portage railway. win leave to-morrow ior ms work up the river. He said that there is every prospect for the work to ne pushed lapidly to completion. The Eauteri. Oregon Stjle. A former Linn county resident is written up in a somewhat vigor- oiim eiyie uy me j-.a'.i uregonian as follows: The o;)enine of th Umatilla reservation in eastern Oregon lias brought hundreds of new settlers into the state, though not many of them will find home. or lands that were formerly a part of this reservation. All UnH. were eold to the Incrhst hiAAm, and, as hundreds of men have had ineir eyes on this rich territory, w here only Indian ponies grazed, it was not likely that any of it would be sold for a sone. Ona in. cident of the sale is illustrative of the ways of that section. Every body west of the Rockies knows Hank aughn. an old-um m. bier, but for many years trying to live a quiet life as a rancher, varied more or less frequently by a pistol light with some unusually brave neighbor or with some stranger who had not yet become aware of Hank'e reputation as a bar! man Hank is generally nursing a bullet wound in some portion of his anatomy, but these trifles never prevent his engaging in another little passage at-arms at a moment's notice. Hank is what is known ay a squaw man ; that is, he has married into the Umatilla tribe and is therefore entitled to on the reservation. He bad picked out the finest quarter sec tion of all this land to be sold and letenuined to have it. He hired an attorney to bid the piece in for mm. .o sooner Dad the auctioneer put up this particular piece than a terrible fusilade of pistol shots be gan outside the building. Hank 'au;hn lay on the ground empty ing bis revolver at one of his men, who was returning the fire rapidly. Meanwhile the sale went on in. side and Vaughn's agent obtained the coveted property at a ridirn- lotitly low price. It is needier to add that Van el in and the nthar men were firing blank cartridges. Do you want to be bannv anA make those about vou D'eara! ,t so go and get one of those lovely toniM piano's at Mrs. Ilvmana. , . V: -. - . . .,, ' .-. r--;-VV-,.-.-;-.. L a im.