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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1891)
L2 2 THE MORNING HERALD: WEDNESDAY, MAY" 110. I!1.- DIW AND WKBK1Y )TKRM8 OF SUB8CRIPTI0N: I DAILY Published erery morning except Monday) 'iHml h carrier, ner week i'u , a oo WUKLT, Published every Friday Morning.) Be copy, per annum. In advance.- .T2. 00 When nut paJ In advance.- i.60 THE MAILS, Hall at the Albany poetotHce cloee Fur all office north The Eartern etatea ffl;S0 a. M, The West Side f And the Marrow On ; R. KJ ; r Portland and Satin 11 A. II orralU and Y aquina .12;30 r. M ; t office south. M. 7:30 r. m The poatofflc will be elm d each evening (font lis lo seven o'clock. Registered matter for the ly morning train should be mailed before o clock the retfous evening. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Departs r assencer. Futght..... ...Il.13pml2.20pm 3. 40pm '.7.45 a m RESETTLING PALESTINE. It is announced that the Roths childs are willing to contribute to the fund for colonizing the expelled Kussian Jews, and that instead of having named any specific sum as their contribution they practically stand in the position of having guaranteed to make u whatever deficit there may be after all others have subscribed. Tiiis will probably make them the heaviest contributors to the fund, and they deserve the highest encomiums for their generosity. But what disposition shall be made of the exiles? Baron liirach'i plan was to colonize them in South America, but Baron Rpthschild favors the colonization of Palestine. This raises the very interesting and important ques tion whether Palestine is availab'e for settlement so that when colon ized it shall be able to compete with other countries in such respects as give a country at the present day standing and individ uality. In considering such a question we mast discriminate between sober fact and the romance and enthusiasm of Hebrew poetry. A "land flowing with milk and honey'' would be wonderfully at tractive to a band of exiles after forty years of wandering in the desert, but it is easy to see that if milk and honey were the only staple products of tlie country there would be but little induce- ment to resettle it at the present day. The vioe and the olive may still flourish, but no prudent man, certainly not one with the busi ness sagacityof a Rotbchild, would colonize a country simply because it would produce grapes and olives. bentiment, tradition ami na tional pride may operate strongly in favor of Palestine, but when it comes to finding a home for exiled Russian Jews, and forming them into a self-supporting community and something more, tradition and sentiment must yield to the stern logic of facts. Palestine at its best was only an agricultural and pastoral country, and a coun try with only such resources can not compete on equal terms with those countries where agriculture and manufactures go hand in hand, and where commerce is the auxil iary of both. Ex. Secretary Rusk, in speaking of the presidential excursion on tliier return to Washington said: It was a wonderful one. Especially gratifying was the reception in the South; but the great American public was enthusiastic from start to finish, and if the good folks on the ronte omitted any courtesy, it would be more than he cou'd do to discover the gap. "The feature of the trip that impressed me more even than the opularenthsiasin," continued tUe secretary, "was the remarkable oratorical ability of the president. He made a greater number of tjrst-class speeches in a month than many public men could think of and deliver in a lifetime, and his efforts were not all prearranged, for the best things he said terc spontaneous.'' Secretary of the Interior Noble says it is true he demands young Itauin'a resignation, because of his selling offices and making false returns of civil examination. Commissioner Kauui says tl at his pon is innocent of any wrong, and that if the president is displeased at him over the unfortunate affair he will resign. Considerable fuss has been kicked up over the assault upon the future Czar of Russia while on a visit to japan. iut prooaoiy the boy was on a lark and got caught. The Chronicle says that tba more it learns of the assault on the Czarowitz the more reason we have for the suspicion that his highness got into the scrape by in dulging the natural desire of a prince to see the sights incognito, lie and Prince George were evi dently out on a lark and over looked the important fact that princes are not permitted to raise a row unless they bang out their sign. This they evidently failed to do, and one of tnem got pun ished for his neglect. One object of the new tariff law is to induce manufacturing in this country. As an evidence that it accomplishes that design we have but to allude tothe following from an influential English paper : "Un doubtedly the McKinley tariff bill operates to encourage this emigration. The machinery of many English mills is being re moved en bloc to the States with English operatives to set it going. Mr. Percy Legge of Bradford, Enf! land, and Mons. I.eclair of Liege, have selected a site for a factory in Rhode Island for the making of fine worsted yarns. Twenty-seven American cities and towns com peted for the enterprise." Some peculiar situation arise in our governmental affairs that puzzle the officials. An interest ing question has arisen at the treas ury department, in connection with the present silver law. The treasury notes, aggregating $4:!, 552,000, have been issued under the act. Seignorage on the silver coined is $2,545,000. The question that con 1 route the secretary is whethe or nut he can under any circumstances, issue silver certificates against this amount. Tiik consolidation business in Portland is the important question in that burr and is making unite au interesting canvas. The in terest ol the cities affected lies in the direct ion of consolidation, at least that is the way it would look in a general view of the case. A j A Th. QUARTER tic. ker tount ore ur A on, near what m new baker City. aAr UTIIDV man who has biiicUtll I Ufl I lufomt' ideiitilt'ti with the ruwjurues ;imltlei'i'imeiit of that country. Thw, ACO man is no "titer than Mr. John blow art, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in the cuiiiy. In a recent loiter he Bays: "I hail been suffering from pains in my hack anri general kidney complaint for twine time, and l'a: used many reuiMtits without any but temporary relief. 1 he pains in 1113 back had Iveeome so severe Ih n I was prevented from attending tu my work and could not move without the u?: of a cane. Hearing, throu-h a frteud, f the wondertul cures ef fort by Oregon Kidney Tea, 1 wa-t induced to try a bo, and from that verv first dose I tt.und instant relief, and before u ihir half the o intents of the box the pains in c y back entirely disappeared I have every faith in the virtues oi the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can CMh ienliOusIy recommend it tu iijj friends. I w.MiId not be without it lor any thing." Oreun Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinence of urii e, brick dust sediment, burn ing or pain f -.1 1 sensation while urinating, and all affections ot the kidney or urinary organs of either sex. HUMPHREYS Dk. IIumphrkt's SpgUFicsare scientitically and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for luanv years in private practice with suc cess, and for over thirty years U9ed hy the people. Kvery single Specific is a cure for the disease named. These secifics cure without drupitinir, purxiiir or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the world. Ll.r OF PRINCIPAL NOS. CTHKH. PHtCKM.. 1 fevers. Congestion, inflammation . . l!.r 1 Worms, worm fever, worm colic 2.. 2 iJryinx Colic, or teething of infants.. --' 4 Diarrhea, of children or adult 26 o Dysentery. Griping, Billious Colic 2". i Cholera Morbus, vomiting -' 7 Couh, colds, hrouchitis 2". b NYuraltiia, toothaihe, Faceache 23 ! lleauache, sick htadaclie, vertigo.... 16 10 lipspepgia, billious stomach 25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 2a 12 Whites, too profuse peiiods 25 l:i Croup, cough, difficult breathing 2:"i 14 Salt Khcuui. eaysipelas. eruptions.. 2n If) Kheuinatism, rheumatic pains 2fj Hi Fever and ague, chills malaria 50 17 Piles, blind or bleeding :0 III Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head ;'r0 20 V hfxtping Cougn, violent coughs 50 24 Oeueral debility, physical weakness 60 27 Kidney disease oi Is .Nervous dchilitv l ou .10 Urinary Weaki.ess, wi tting bed.... 32 Diseases ot the heart, palpitation... 50 1 Ol Sold by druggists, or sent post)iaid on re ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) rkhly bound in cith and gold, mail ed rcc, 11UMPHKKYS MF.D. O , 111 113 William St , New Yoik. SPECIFICS Fxernlor' Sale, in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon In re the estate of I Geo. W. Warmoth, deceased, f NOTICK IS HEKElStf GIVEN THAT THE Hinlersigned the duly appointed quali lieil and acting; fcole executor of the last will and tcslamcut of Geo. W. Warmutli, deti-iised, in pursuance of Hie terms of tlieast will and testa ment of said deceased aud in further purMiiiiicv .if an order or the above er.tilled court duly made mid entered of rcciril in the aimve entitled cause on Hie lsih d y of April, is'.q, author. zitur, li' ciisiiii; and ilirvi tinif liim ag siieli executor lo make sale of the real propel l lieicinafl r described, will on Saturday, the '.d day of May. 1V.U, at the hour of 1 o'clock v. M. of said day at the court lioue door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, oII-ji for ale and sell at public auc tion to the lii'liest and best bidder for cu.-h in hand and in one parcel the following described real property beloiiK'nn; to the estate of said deceased, to-wit: Ik-iniuin at the Southwest c.riicr of the Donation hand Claim of James H. Payne, the same bcinir at the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of section 17 Tjwnshii. 14 Sotitli Kangc ."I West Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, and runninj; thebcu Ewst o'jo rods, tlienee North ltW rods, thence West N. lb. uee Smith 1:; ,; rods, then, c West iPJ rods, thence 8outli N'iJa rods to the place of heginniiuf Dated this 'JUt dav of April. ls;ii (iko. V. Kkknev. Executor of the last will and testa ment of (ieo. W. Warmoth, deceased. Hewitt k Ikvixe. Att'y for Executor. SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPUING WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS. ONE - HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all parties want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Staver & NEW MARKET BLOCK, - - WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND TIIK PAf'IKK1 . . aiaciunery ana venicles send for catalog AV. O.UAVIS cfc ALBANY, - Tho ion nf l,ia vioinitv m.ii,li,MW to meet the ol all grades o , . . . - not be jealOllS bt'CilllSe tllt-ir Wive? talk so constancy about Matthews and Washburn. ItS not their KOOl looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of the .-ook .F . 1 ., 11 i- and heating dtoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and Oiir stock of candy has arrived, and we will give special churches and sociables. & Garrett. rate to i Mueller Woml for Sale. Dry fir wood delivered to any part of the city at $ j (M) per cord", lieave orders at the foot of Ferrv street nt 1'. W. ard. pink'a lumber A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES Fn H YS AND GIRT. AT JULIUS GRADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE Spring amomcemenT The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods FOR THESPRINCOF His assortment U aol prices. bier thin The Highest Market Price Paid for WAGONS. Mouii" HALF-PLATFORM SPRINQWAGONS, SCROLL SPRING WAGONS "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, prices lowest, quality considered. Walker - PORTLAND. OREGON. MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON I'llKT f)K . . I tud wens, without pain or the knife. of Evsry Description. ne also makes a hpeuiaity or treat- k and pmce list. ;ncut with electricity. Has practii cd i ,n the German French and Eiii'lNn CO. jaiTsiK1 OREGON. j "..OI)' WILL TO ALL." ALBANY Collegiate Institute. ALBANY, IHSO A Eull C( rps of OREGON , 18SI Instructors. Classi'al, st'U tine, literary, crmmercia and normal classes. Courses of study ar ! Hudentu. Spe. ial indunemeuts offHrul to ; udcnw from abroa.1. Tuition ranges from s.5 to tnia.59 Per Term. Instrumental instruction in music i 1 given l.y Miss Uura Unltra. I in i',rf",c '"''' ' " ; rooms for self hoarding at small expense. A .areiui supervision exercised over pup wy from home. I tor circuhirs and full particulars, addrcw I the president, KfcV. ELbtKT N. COXDIT, Albany, Orison, CR0WDER BROS Contractois and Builders. Jllice on First street with Wal lace & Cusick, real estate agents, Jhany, Oregon. Estimates given n ail kindd of buildingsorcarpen- j er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. evjr before, anl he h prop.irel Star Bake 7 ,.A FULL STOCK OF.. Staple Groceries ware. The best quality of teas, coffees, camlirs nuts, tc. FRESH BARED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this olil reliable house ' also to lc founil a complete assortment of fresh family groceries, to whicl in constantly bci;.if added all the seasonable Hue of groceries mid pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchouy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds-. Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These ifoods were all houclit when pri.-c ere low and the lieucnt of tie ruar't:i will lx iven to his customers. Kcinembci (!.c place, it the old corner on First and llrciiliin tits. Conrad 31 iter, DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, aluoof the lkjlle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a s;.e- ',alty of chronic tliseas.-s. rwi.ovt-s cancers, scroiuia enlargements, tumor tS"OtIice and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. 11HOSK WISII1NUA FIKSTCLAMS IN . s'ruipenr, the bast made t Ht;tnd the i climate of this coast, can be suited by cu ling ! it Mis. 11. K. liytnan's, opMsitc the .Mn-oir.c t I'emplj, Flnt street . The latent und , 'llNtrumelltal music kept for s:ile. Also The ' largest assortment of Ht..mpin pat'.cr 'j to . select from this s:dc of 'FriM... I.r-ns..:w i iven in painting and entiroi,!Lr at her ! Uudio over Linn County i;.utk. Oiw-her j v'our rdcr and you will be plcasc-i. N n rsry . Me; 8 '-4. Ilynian & IVowncIl prepared in their nursery to are fur- nisli all kindri of sti ck, and those intending to plant should eall upon them. IIimiIm anil Shoes. Purchasers of I'.ooU and Shoes hear in mind that bis; advertise ments and oilers of bi discounts lo not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profif as no one can do business without exense. The quest on is who can sell you the best g.o !s for the least money. SaMI'1 L E. Yol'NO. BAZAAR STORE. 1891 AT 3 z . to siti.-ify customers in quality Country Produce Crockery Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs .V Till: WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. OI)I FI-XLOWS TEMPLE,'' ALB.1. NY, OREGON. -TXJLICJS Manufacturer of AND FINE illlWil m KhT WEST (hitrs I'ius; and Smokitu; Tobiiccif, Meersebmitu and Briar Pipee, st full lin o' Winokers' Articles. N; ot to Pileiiiei's cmi.iy ;re, Albany, Oreeron, 1E1. C. Sea-rls. The largest and best line of $3 shoes for men in Albany. N. B. All my clry.goods at cost. FIRST STREET, ALHANV, OREGON. n sO J3 g 533 1 ake "immons 'Liver Regulator One Dose WO ATS ioo Dollar?. Dr.oi R. L. R: I consl.ler onp lie lm mons Liver R.tulntor orthJIIMI. a conDtiiatcl, l..vl Heilrhc, conl.l eat nth intf with sat if action or appetite ha the iil.i, an:l felt altoirether out of rt"i. I re aort.-.l to Mahi. Calomel, Quinin , an.l evrrv tcmc ly (niji'este.!, hut nnlv ohlainel u-mponrv relief, fine dose of S L II .lid m more itom1 than AllHI worth of .loetors an ilxtorin. ltc)i'y, J C Martin. 1 have iK'en a teacher f-.r twentv veara, anH 'luring thj time h.ive hal iejH-:ite.I attackof hfniu he, ir'liicol bytorpi'l Liver, ami bav e been entirely cu wl l.y Simmons l.ivet Heir'ilator. I foun t t te of an mild i i'l.ara :ttr in it a ti.n not to interfere, In tl.e leant with my duti fin the pehool room, To th.v-c nimi'a . eitui t U and subject tnhe same, I eannl.t t hit recomniuDd Sim mons Liver Ketraiator, K. K. Omisl CamDbel lnvllle Kj G.L. Blackmai?, DEALER IN Draos, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLES, And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded. JOSEPH, Choice Cigars DEALER IN- MKAI.KK IN Fine Shoes for I.adie?. Fine Shoes for lentlenien. Fine Shoes for Children. And the finest line of ients FURNISHING GOODS in the city. Sole agency for the Ludlow Fine Shoe. FOUND AT LAST 1 THE W ATE RFROO F OIL BLACKING, bii-kTV t'ij. intent leather, etc.. CANNOT BE EQUALED in iiuumtTH or uod qualities. Ihc fo' louiii' ari: a K nf its qualities: 1ft. It is lasting and durable. LM. It does not rub off on the hands or elothes. 3d. It is iierfectlv waterproof. 4th. It softens the leather to itf natural Mate. 5th. It gives the leather a new and gloppy appearance. (lli. it contains not one ingre dient that is injurious to either the lettlier or stitching, but is a pre server of (hem. 7th. It can be used on the finest bunts and shoes and not prevent the use of the common boot-black in, but will soften and keep them from cracking. Now, my friends, if such an oil as this would suit you, go to the drug store of Hulin & Dawson, where you can get it for 50 cents per ficx. One box will oil more than one pet of harneSB. Receipt for lnakirg the oil is sold only for individual uee. J. C. DEVINE, Manufacturer and Agent, Albany, Oregon. Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. West's nen'e and brain treatment, a Ku:ir antecd spixitic for hysteria, dizziness tits, headache, ner. voiis prostration caused by the use of alenhol cir tobacco, eofteninr of brain resulting in insanity and leading to mis ery, decay ai;d lo of Hwer in eithel s x Kach lox con tains one in nth' treatment. One ilol lar a h. or six box es fi.r vc dollarn Miit l.y mail pre paid on receipt ol price. (iuarantee i.mie.i only l.y J. A. I'unimiiiKH, ilriiuirist sole scent, Albany. Oregon. m REWARD We will pay the above reward; for any cas of liver complaint, dvs'jieuaia, sick hea.lache. iiiiiififestion, conntition or costiveness we cannot cure with West's liver pills, when th direction are strictly complied with. The) are piuely veiretal.le and never fail to irive satisfaction. Larue Iwixes, cortaininif 3ii pills, is CT-nU. T he ireniiine manufactured only hy the John West company, chioa&o Illinois. Sold by J. A. ,CuD.mii4rs. dniKKis' Alhafly, Oreiioo Julius Gradwold, projirietor of the Golden Rule Razaar, informs us that he w ill adl to his already larire busineFS a complete line of shelf hardware and family groceries. Tlie saleR of his Golden Rule teas and baking powder is steadily increasing, lie still keeps up the elegant prizes with these goodp. -THE- Yaquina Route : OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. E. HOOK, Kerelti-r. ANC Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Line 225 MILESSUORTtl iAKD 22 Hours Less Time Than by any. other route: Accomodations UDeurji.wd for t. : fort an salety. tales and freights iii the Oregon lleve C mei.t iniai'a ships, oiuch less U.t ly any ( ii.t r route ween all points in tie illUu t'e si and an Francisco. SAIUNQ DATES. nou TAQl INX. 1 Willamette Valley.... ......May 7th W V Willamette Valley FROM as raAMiiicc let 14, 31 IT May 3rd Willamette Valley..... il'ih Willamette Valley ' 20. L6 The company reserve the right to cl u ifi teaiucrs cr Siilinif uates. VAI1.T rArtbR.NORR TRAINS hxeept ciunilavs.) L Yac.alna7.00 a I Lv Altiany 12 20 r Corvallis lo:3S a a I " Corvalns l:oi r Ar Albany ; t:Js a h I Ar Ya",uiiia 13'. p. m. O & C. tia.iia cciiue.t at Ai!n ana loi . 1) Moan, C, t Hooi'R, Central Manuel, U. K & P. ut Ccrvallif, O on EAST SOUTH -VIA- S0UTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. TilE KOUKT SHASTA KOL'TE Califurnia exprtsa trains run daily SOL tU " kohiu tT:O0pm..Lv..... Portland Ar.. !:!.' am 10:2b p iu..Lv.....A!bat.y Lv.. i:il am lo:lj a in.. Ar...... b. 1 ran. -w.-o.Li .. HAiim Local Ym.HS. 1'rMin Dally- K. Mi.'.lny h.-OO a m..I. 1-. rt'.ai.d Ar. . i;i m lirA" p m..Lv Ail-ii....L .. is.i am 6:40 p mAr.....Koeour Lv. . i.:J-m LrtMinun Krmnrb. 2.36 p Lv Albai y Ar.. ia 2Uf5 p m Ar ....LcI.aJiou Lv 4-imiu 7:'10am. L Alla-.j. Ar.. i.: f in fe.22am..Ar I. ha. n il Lv.. a - pin ALBANY LOCAL. p.lll.T (Kxot-pt Sunday) m..Lv r.irt!i..i Ar....'-.'.K, a h J.W..... Ar. ..Ai!,All. U....:.iK'i M l'U LLM AN Ul- I KTisLI. L 1 fc! li . tourist ki.ukj ::; c.vrs, For accommouath.n oi fco -rr.-l Ll- i'a sen'-rs attached to txj ress Xiuurs Wral c 1US... . Between 1'oitianO .h t'orv.ii'is Mall Train l;tll - Kxo Sur-Wy 7:3iam..Lc ...l'o.-!;ah 1 ..Ar.SS'ip. in 12:10 p m..Ar.. 1. il.:V.p. ei At AlNanv and t'orva;ii ccinect :lh trains of tin ton l ac'b- l:lica i. CxprrsH Train l;i:ty cKx.tpt tci .lay 1:40pm. .Lv Por'lai.d.. Ar.. fe:20aro :2a p m . Ar Jb Miiiuville. Lv jm THROUGH TICKETS io A" Point EAST AND SOUTH $9 For tickctii at.J full ir.fmAticn re irariliiii: nt-s uap-, etc., ca'I en ct-nij m.y' ar nt at A. Mm . K. KuKlil.KK. F. ! IviK.I R, Mui;arcr T. :P V ( , A A WEAK firlAft Can cure himself of the de plorable rtfiilts of early abuse and pertVctly rehtore his vijrorand vital ity by our home treatni'iit. Tlie remarkable cures of hopeless raeca of nervous debility and private conmlaints are ever where stamo out tiackerv. Ticaties atid ipieslion list, a tJiveician's ;i!'t to Butrcrin; huiiiaiii'v, will be prit flee to those alllictec. Address with stamp PIONEER IN'STITI'TE, 405 Kearny t., Room 2, San Francisco, Oil. We carry a iaifro stK-k of printer's tationery, well :! sorted, lioujilit liiv t from the manufacturers at a low figure, and can give t!:e best of work in all kinds of juintinjr for the least money. Try u. I'AISI.KY tV 'Mil KY. rrxii? xr a t irrrro AI..KAKT QVOTATIONS. Wheat ;o:4 OaU yif ' bb! Potatoes -lil'e E?cs l:io Butter 'i1(a:rc Lard 10tl'Jjc. Hams H1.V. Shoulders (kSC Bacon 10(S; Vic Hops 2(c.r ILay Timotliv. 1f.. nafs'anil el .. ' App es Orecn, $1 ner bn. P1uk Dried, $(e. per lb. App es dried bleached 9c f undried 0) ! C. Chickens $5 00 (25.50 Beef ::iKc rross. Mutton 50per head. Hok-8 S'.fc. dretiec. Veal 4aitfc. SPECIAL SALEDAr! Th .lav fk'A uill .11 ... ... 1 . . " tii ai HUIUt'U rates svr1 li - - sj i '..iinu'j K'H'U for spot cash only. Call earlv and secure baruains. MlELLKR & ;ARKF.TT, Cash' Urocers.