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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1891)
(V i -' 1 . , AVri i AGENCY, V I: in units: a wukk.' ' AL15ANY, IIs PR DgBlBakin Used in Millions of Homes lavs at "m io. Fri !.iv mi l S ;tui-l; ys :it A'lianv. Mr. li'miilx'i'C n alu-MnvniTot'tlii-st-ul;irl lr-.l tr-.tinu' AI.vod.I t!r.'izt' . No. l" . j lin .a:i l ' s-.-'i at tin- i-ta'.'ie nf Triti-s K1..-1. The !'t t t liis lioi j an lari.'' i i - I :in tornf.'-t, a:i-l otily n-t-l jmmih-i- iveluiiiiir.t t I tfllDA SjH-'-'l. ! Uo Not Pass By ! . ... . wi; havi: 1 i:v Tliat wo REDUCED RATES; ; v r. 1 . v i : r-. ux a, s. r ; s f and rr.i si i i.xmin' am mik sii.k wn i n 1 r ('mkkwk;:. nm A .! '.V.l'i!, II.ISK. K M ! 5 lt ! I KUI1-X SU.K AN 1 LINK. H N1K1:' i ' IllKl'S, SCK1'S . Vi U.IN10. S'l WI KTC. iiLACK AN!) COLOKKn IJUKSS OfMiDS ! Gr. W. SIMPSON, I' I l;sT ST!! MT, A.l.l'.ANY, OiiK'.O.V. 1 .! 1:1 : i 11 1 -li "-. niifr N'iiTH K '- l'V ir-vi 11 ! ) ' p'T-M.11- iiiti-n-t-il ii. 1! :i 'li "' (.fAjirH. IVil, t 1 1 .i.-i-iiu-il ii; . .i t Iv i-..:i:.'y -lit ' Linn CilllllV. H.-L-. .1 . , r-i .ti": -I T til .--t it.- of Ai ;!ii I.. r.ii ' r, 'I . i il, 1 i.f ' v ;i:i'l -t it-. All j jMTio;:. !.!. t i--ta-t- will 1 in-.ik.- . ivi- t..i i'--t 'iiifl :":! . tlii-" 1! i-ii- :i--n'ii-t snil lit- w.- 5 r.-v-t l!i tn 'n--' .;y an-I l li - 1 1 i 1 - 1 ; 1 1 w i 1 ! in -i iiin'li- from j ll.ltl- I'l-I 111. ..'A II j h.t-il thi ! : :. v f t v A. !. 1 .U. " ::. V. I r.i.::it A -I ti: -.1 it ivi iKLIN' i:T ;'.M'iVti;':s l l cril r of tin - 1; . nn I 11:1 ili-.--ti.l t.i fori t- tii- . 1. ' : Ui! st.uil'nic mill lli I nil the l.--- 11 tit I ' .l!r'.l thi- ,0111 it . 11 u li t.i.t .l .i' l ,M.-1 .ii....lli:tflv 1 pimll -r.--i-tt! t-) i. iln :i;.ti - li Thr .r-i rti "i i;n.'i--M- t.i m il. . .'!li ti I in- .ui i'i in.-.--. .M. S. n. ii 1 11T of l.itui otnity. r Anil rSiii u. Tl t.'Ul II' -I 41 itnpr-iv- -I. I-'- i't t :i cn.i rr- p :!.. . w 1 .r-i 1 ' t ; 1 ' -" i t . ri - i-i 1 i-l-.r-- Will. l.:-.ri - li.rii :; ' ! I u . M li.ini. t vr ui 1 -ipri ',-. 'I r .i-o i'f--1 i!-i--l I inn. -r:iii .iii-l inrtniii nu'-lt nu-i'r- fi r -.! f r ?H.-'li. K i fi--iv.-. I-. r in ii t . .ill 0:1 .-r Mitu to S. .1 1 run L;.i--.iir-, Litin 0 -untji . 1 fi 11. 1 l'AM K I -T. n n-. 1 ht-i' Si,- i.r r-iiini i--t.i', ntt!i i'.i....'i -1. irt- qMin- it tin .!lli v. UWK Yl"' ANV it KMi't UK III T Im l- v:iriii-:iin.' it i-u'itihc t- tin-.- lil-i I.r i-i II-1 111 i-i--t l-'i-k ;w C""l 1 l!l. Miill-iS :"-Vl'l .l'l i-i.l i- 'if 1'till' - inj iloi.i- pi--ii!.'ti -ni l -it w 'ii..'':i- l..'i s. 1.1-a. r-it-r". Ii. M. li--nrt-'i. :tt.ttoi', iii-- oii'l -trt- t. Ii. H M-ti.h, Niitirc tn Cmitrai-tiir!. N.iiiiO ii luTfliy L'ivni Hint MiU i 1 hi; r- i-.-ivcil lor tin: ri i-ctinii of a brii k huililiuiToii Kir-t stn-i-t. A.lnmv, ()'.. for Clus. K. 1'lVillVr until .Muy li, In'I. Tiio O'-vncr res . its tl i r'mlit tu reji-it any and all bills. Kur furtliiT itil'oriii.itii)!! "I'l'Lv 'O I'-Si-lu ll, anliiUot. . . ......... . , owoer. 40 Years the Standard Munv of our bowmen htve j given il im liieirji cr.t d .t li'us, I'.i ombv rg's hl.n U jii-i-h-cron stallion Stan is ni th j Lead in 111- I hiss, il" is 11 the hands oi Mr. C. li. Hallows,.;." : eiiiciei.l ;iiil ( ' l ii-iH I ! l:or-f'.ii in who 'A.!! 'if jiaiicn.-i 'i:y';M ;:lk:i- i Hon. TrruS Will Mifik !ln fta-oil i'f 'Hi. Mtiiil;ivs ami TiifSl. s nt .1. ;- j f. rou. We 1ik";i1;iv.j aiiil'l'liurs- i will stsl ; t jHEGUQEO BATE81j itiiiif-iilir It-. In tin- 1 1 1 . r of tin; t:i? ..I C.i.u !- W. KM..T, .liM-. a- l, NOriCK is livit.hy ivt-ii In vi. t ie of 1111 oi '!' r f s-iiu ilnly nin'li ami 1 ntcrtil i-I r-""or 1 hy tin- cuiiiity I'liurt for L 1111 co-intv, Or-;rnn 011 tin: ."1 Ii, il.iy of .I.inu.iry IV! tii ; mnii -r-rtii'tii-il aH ar'ni I'Kti i - r of t!i: i-stati- I ( har'.i'K W. K'i'u 1 ils-i 1 -i- I. nil- on - wuhw may 2 1. 1 at t'li" liniir oi 01. o.-l"i k l'. !., 011 -ai-l -ii'V, Ht tin; court I oiisi; ilo.r in tin: city .f Alhaiiv, Linn county, Ori-.-n, soli at I'liblii: am'tion t i tin; liiln-.-. bnl'ti-r t'r 1 aIi in lniii.l, on day of sa'c all of tin- li-lit title ami inti-rc-t of too .i.ii'i Cli.uli s W Khl. r iii-cast'il, in an i to tin- foliouin ilis cribril real 1 statu to-wit: llcginnini; at a lu int I S Sj chains west fioin fit S K cornt r of tin N, K. . of Section IS in T. L S. It. o west in Lin i-.H'.tit , Jim, ami lunniiiu' tl'.fiioi X. SC.'.'O ili:.iii.-; ll.i'iice ea-t 10 (K chain..; tin 1: S'.ulli SO '20 ch.uiis '':i nee '.v't HI 'JJ chaina to the ulaci of h- niniiiiii.', the atne licinu' tin' '.-t . of OiL-inal Donation "Lam! clai'ii f K M. Kl.ii r ami heiriiof "atlicrti.c I' h:s wife, note No. '()IS a:..l ili.iiu No. Til coiitainiii X-O.ti" ;!; s. Also ln-Liiiiiiiiir at a point -" ."-'l chain4) wept -.7 ciian.s north of tlio N. K: corner of Sec ti 11 17 in Tp Li, S. 11. :t, V. iu Linn i.tity (Ire'on and ninniiii; thei,.e Wist'l 1 1 chains; thence SotTth 42.: ch.iiiis; tlicnce West .'!2.00 cliauis, North MI.-JO .-li.iins to the n. nth line ot II V Kiler's Donation Lunl l'ii!:iii: 'II. Kait to tht Ki t bank of the l'a!a.ooi.i t "i. k , fhnice in a in i nly itirectii-n or, the Kist hank 0; s.ii.l Ciilapm-i Creek, to the 'li ne of Lei, inning contaiiiinj '-tjO.07 aens atnl l-i 1:1 a jiartfof the Kast half of the Donatii 11 Lan-1 ( laitn of K. M. Khh-r ai:-l wife or heirs I'atheriiirt Kli.-r Note -CIS .'la:ins No. jl all i-itti.itcil in Lino county Oregon, with all appurtt nances there unto ijtluiiiiinL' or anpei tainiiiL'. This the L'u.i, -lay of April, IV.1. Ci W Davis Administrator Tlis Celeliratel French C LI K F W.-irr.-.i t.-.l to .IWWf.ttS. W tii"t't .me f-.r.F0f E AFTER l!.' -t in'r.,tnr oH'.ns if cither sjx vhi-hcr -iri-iiii tr-tin t1! fi''tt uh (if Mii'ml'tnts, lcAn- or Ot'iu'ii. or tlir n:.rli joatliMl it m lis . r ti.j(:,o.(-r iiiiiik'-!i--e,it.f ;k-i .as U-of i'.-uiii i'ow.r, .lUi'in'tiss, ht'urinj' lown ptkiin in ie Hu' k, . niujl U ak;i -m, 1I ti ri:, Nur ou h r..r.iotit N.-ct nrh il on-is-x 'h.-, l.iMiforrtitit i M.nn-iH, Wt-.aK Ioi:nr, i, vof I'l.wc.r !iaj;en V fiif ii'v M."-.i tMtiM Ivy! t- l Ti.'.i itlitu i .1 ii.'i' ll'lil ii. xi::.?y. I'rui -?i - Im .; t; :.ov j.. ;' r i.i0 V.i:ll m V (.1 lIUMti. wivrit w.'.fi i".n c U r rcvivo?, to it;i:'iti 1.1 :. if : I" 1 in' H'll - ".re 1- t' '. Vi .. ,?( .t.rvkiM I " .iti;-f ;rr..:; .t.) v ' -I'-'.ti h." v "v1 ii ivt- Lt t. I -rii, ;iiC..!-l f.i.ol i- l' llrti: f At-trt . Itu K.j. , : " y 4 ,v M-.-io'i, .vh" .'sail- .ifi i 4t .it .ir.i !" II V, KALE Pili K -r K.-miiIc lr-r- it;.iri:ir; li-:lh- f:.t'- iT" ". ' '. Vh.-u.iUkvt. N. v r llL l 'J r i! !""-! m p n ' 1 H.-a'lli uri'l annex". 'V itl:tii OH ri'i t ipl of jtii i-. Ail- lri " i'l!ro !! l-l:r ni:i!iltv Vit Biam h lif -T, l"ir:i.ili", 'r. Sold by I'csfcaT &, "Ja?cu, il'iauv. Cr-ijvi BANK OF OIIECO.N, ai.I'.anv, n'i:: -N. 11. r. ri'i. p ... i:- J. i.t'in.i- , v. J W. L .i n. t'l-hi.T. : . t . . .v - " . ! t ll i . '. 1 . .1.1 l.Ti , Hi;. . I . . ,, i-4-..,, j k; okoWN MILLS t :-.!. ;.vM1i; A t :,, "..n. Ni.'V fit i ! M':: i.-..-.-r t : I -.-! i 1..- ) liaci, :'if)v'.1:"!p fopit1'' i-;. Hi-.-':---- .-a-1. yTC'- avi r 0 -..' 'i i A'.ilAN l' '.i'i liliN FIRST MUGHAL BANK rnitANsArrs a k: :-: iai. i;am;in"; J. i:i M.its. rUK-IDI NT I.. FI.INN. I 0 K I'ill-SlliKNT - S. V Y 1'Ml. v t. nt ;:. w. 1. . ; .,-.. i. K. ' n-.o, 1, I- 1. ins 1. !.. ' ' ! A ' , V. K. .- - : W I.IVU'IMN l. -Iiii r. NSW FEED STORE! HAY. OATS AN"!)" f!iO,J FKEIJ Atlv:n 1 1 .1 1 1 mil. A-- 1 i iutr. I'tasfrrA (rut cut. r -:n - to tl,. r . IVit.-r :l:-l K. m - -. f .r -iil H-i.l- of l .i-l. f. W . si'iMi. Aii.c.i, nr. B.IOK FOR SALE! .1 . . ".. ! a 111 1. .is imiveii li.- :i--i j ii'in-e I-. hi- 1 . : - - K yard s-iutii'-.i-l oi lli - i'y. th iM- Ii--iri-)ir tu p.iir- eh.iM- o.nk u'ri lii il him I.n-ri- hen after. !! !i:i.- on h.iP'l a iar.e lot cf line A I f.,i .-i.'e. C; V. AVF::s. A hi -MM Mr:' AT.nsi ; I !:. I . ii.t. i. lel-.i- e-. r I i t : 1 i. i- ! .:.!. U 1 i!i;-i.,., '.;i ,i, , 1 :r. . . 1 1 .,;-.t..:i frulu ili r:.r:s i-f -in-.' v j MUM'I' '!' i.'.AS' li iMK I'AI'i : n. V" -.1 f- .1 .- '.a.- ni-itv. 1 or 1 irticu iars 1 n iniri-of Hi-.. M::-iip:, .--.-.. '1 K. W -Jan. AllKNT l,.; ,j. J i'l li '.!. lit. -C-l 1 ! -i :!l-.,: . .IIC--1 To': s.d.i:-;-. 1.1 ;.. -'j. , 1 .L.rti, ,.. ,..... J. Il .M t ir.llflr.- I I i-. lie.jr I..r iim;,;,,,,, r-l'.-liCV I: ;'!:r, :it-. !.!. l', . nu ll l:!:.,i.i,ii.!i '.c., i. ,-, :iiAI: ! J i, i'-". -Ji.-rj 1 iii,,.i;r lr, s. :c. ei in a i-n,-- t-i i-.-r.,!:;, ,,v , J, :.f. inn- ,: -,.i-, T,,r I . ts -I s. .-i-.iv ( .:.;:.: II U-ANl'KD-A -. ,-tr-s...,. :,,,! 1 a-ni In. 1 ni ;it 1- .rimr 01 ...ii ,ui. 1: ,;i -'. . '-. Mr-. K A ll,iiKli:nl, . 1-1. 1 Miri. ilnu. I J-.i: I'-.-. l-H-.IUts'l .:1U KM-.-ll L, - K 1 -. . . .-c .1 . ml pr :,.,.t ... .,; . u;.o,, .- -ail) 01 ', f. 'I. .-;s'.,-r. i. !,.i-. ..:ii,.iuc . ..j 1 ..-(.f iH.l.j 1 1 ,-, ;,.j ,;,.,, ship I Ltf. .e -i iv pr. ;..n,- 1 tn.lo s-in, llr.i; ii lrt . f Lmiii . ncv. "r-;..;;, ,- a i.i.-. Sliili-rs Sl.-.;i-..-i. Mini .1,11 c,.i.r,. .., KOSHAY & MASON W'inlid.'.li and K-,-:.ii- Bjokselleri OiiCOON ? P T. 7 OREGON THUUSDAY, M A V SEATTLE'S WELCOilR i. b It Is In the Same Enthusiastic Line As the Others. II KKISOVS AI'T WOKDS, The Party Take In tiia Sights, Comment On Its Improvements and Return, to Portland. Si-: tti.i-;. May li. Amid the shouts of tltnusamlri and the Mow inir of niany steam whistles, Prv.'i .leiit Harrison and party landed in Seat tie. Tim iritv NVftH taw-o'.n!ly 01 cor itod Ihrouoliout. The pa" y lii.Ji'iuliai ked and ciitert'.l carrin..'S and tti'tc driven to tlm cable line and escorted to Lake Washington. Alter taking a ride on the hike tln-y lvtmne l to the university ca iijiii!' where and immense crow d of in'i.jile were waitiinr. Thesehool children sani; several national airs ii'ier w hich .lnd.j I.nrke delivered tlm address of welcome. Tin! pi'es-i lent stood with his head lured atnl responded as lot ions : .Ii'de I'.iiiko and Fellow Citi-.-ns: 1 am siiro you have too uracil kindness in your heart to ask me to make an address to you alteinooii. This chilly air, this drizzling rain, the long exise diiriiig the day wliich you and these prct ions chihlren sullered warn nie 0:1 your account as well as my own that J should say hut a few words in recognition of this lids nugnilieent welcome. -ix years ago I visited your city. You were then a I. 'r.'oly priv-pi'ious city, some s::!s:aii' and promising un I'loO'iniMils iiad been begun, 'nit it was a p"iiod of expectancy r.fljer than of realization. I am -lad to come lo-day to see how fully an. I j 01 i'ectly the large ex pectations then entertained by o-ir enterprising people have i-cin leal i.t d. It is a m.l'terof Liiia.-.-ineut to look upon these towering substantia! structures in whit h the great b isiness of your city is iraiwctcd. Tint! disaster, a -it s eiin d to you, which swept away by lire a large portion of the bu-dne-s i:ut of your city was iike a'ilii-'i - lib t!;at come to saints, a blessing in disguise. iCheers.i You have; done what Chicago did, you have improved the disaster l'V rearing structures and com pleting edifices that ere un ;iioug!it of before. Those v ho wort? iiotreriterprisiiiis and li'rC'jAl have been compelled to be liberal and enterprising. In his closing remarks the pres't deiit alluded to thelirm belief that the lnture commerce uf this great inland sea ami country at large on the ocean would be carried on Amoiican bottoms, and assured his listeners that the needs and defenses of the Sound should be looked after. Lost master ieneral Wanamaker and Secretary liusk spoke briefly in a la -etiouH strain. The party were then escorted to the train and amid the wildest enthusiasm the train pulled out for 1'ortland. to nil-: i--i-:ii-:i: 1. coi i:t. II, .il Is 1 igiiliiig His t it- i.iiliil. Lincoln, Neb . May ii. Boyd, who was ousted from the guberna toiial chair yesterday, by the taie supreme court, to-day stated positively that he will carry the ca-e to Ihe fedmal supreme court. "1 do not care for the ollice," said he, "but my eiti.eiwhip 1 am de tei mined to establish." mm: m;s. ii i;i;isi. A iilnal.- rnunt from the l.tiilii- of TacuiiiH. Tii 'iM.i. May ('..Mrs. Harrison was presented by the ladies of Ta iviuia wilh a painting of Mount Laiuier. iiitehased at a cost of :;.Vl(l. Low's otuig lrc-am. Lr- iii l ic I i- Si's W'a'-iiini.'t I le loved her veiy much. He tiniuoht be nev.'i' loved half ho much hit'ore. And she? Well, she may have loved him ; that he didn't know he hadn't si. ked lur. She was twenty. She was the most beautiful creature hi: had seen. Her hair was black as ink ; her skin was whit'.'- -ae milk ; smd her eyes how brilliant they were! They seemed to look into his soul. And be wondered if she knew it. lie had never teen anv body so lavishing to look at ii d even in fancy. He had m-v.-r befor h it his food half-tasted on his date not even in the coun tiy hotel. He bad never before found it a task to close his eye at niht not even when be had been sick w ith fever. As for h:r, she looked upon him w ith Livor; she would take his as they walked along the beach, and v. hen the water spread fi -ther than she expected on the sand, she would cry: "1mkout, Harry, d.'ar 1" 01 the like. He presumed he ought to be happy there was in) reason w liv he should not be; others in his position would have been. Ah yes; it was well cr.-. ugh unt il the o'cluck express .roin New Yoik came in. Then she would be dreesed in s iinetaing won. lei fill in blue and gold, or in gtay and black, or in pink and white; and she would sit upoLrthe luoad piazzas of the hotel and chat and gossip with the m:ii. i course, when he came up, she treated him civilly, decently, and he had asked himself sometimes if she was treating him as ore individual or as a epecies. I'.h bien ! One day, fcurteen Saratoga trunks were loaded on the blue express wagons at the side door. A good manvof the trunk belong ed to her. She was going away. He sat idly in an L on the piazza, with bus patent leathered feet on the railing. She came to him. She was dressed for travel iu a tailor-cut gown with plaitings of Indian cloth on the front of the waist, and wit.i a black veil that could not haze 'he sparkle of her eyes. She held out her hand, and then impulsively she took his bend in her hands and kissed him. WhatatUrill went throiinli him! He looked up she was gone. Shoitley, he heard the rumble of the stage. TheL be heard nothing except that he imagined that he heard his heart b-at : lie w as all alone, and he let his head drop on his brest, and he cried, us though his heart won d break, l or alter all, he was only pix years o'.-l. Burglary Ht Con all is. C', M iy ii L i-t night Nolan's store was broken into from thef'ont door ;hiI the sale was blown open and 7d, Koine checks and couu'V orders weie taken. There is no" clue to the burglars. The bmglars gained au cntr.ine.r by prying open the fiont door w ith a bar lit iron and succeeded in blowing open the safe door. Toe county orders auiouut-'d to titty dollars and other valuable piij.i rs were also stolen. It was a hold piece of wot k as t ho store is locat ed on Mniii street, and electric lights were burning in the build ing. No g ni ls weie taken. I'.lsoi irek Will ISu 8iiimrl-.l. LoNim.v, May A Her 1 in dis patch says that Heir An n. It. a free conservative member of the reichstag, has stated that Lis uiarck will have a powerful party behind him in that body, and that he can hardly fail to obtain pro found attention for his utterances. Herr Areiidt severely condemned the iKilicy of chancellor Caprivi, and said that ihe eouutiy is to be congratulated on tin; return i I'rince Ilismarck. A Wilt f Krror ; ranted. Huston, May . -Judge Nelson, of the L lilted Sta'es dintn t court, granted a w ril of error t the su preme court of the I'nited States, in the case of (lia'iefa Jotmson. convicted of perjury in an applica tion fora pension. .eneral liutier came before the court and made the motion, which was at once granted by the ju !ge. AFTER GOULD A I.I NAT If SAYS II K IS SENT TO Kll.l. HIM. tiollltl's llni'liir Intercept anil tlie SlioiiliT in With the Anylum In I'roHpfi't, New Yokk, May n. Inspector Hyrnes has arrested a lunatic who expressed the intention of killirg Jay Gould unless bought oil". His naine is L'hailes A. Dixon, and he comes from rueblo. Colorado. Inspector Hyrnes was sent f r vesterdav and informed bv Dr. iMunn, Gi uld's physician, that Dixon had conn; to linn witli a letter of introduction from a Imeblo lirm. He told Vumi he was a iiiein'otr ot an i.ig.iiizalion known as tin; "t'!iii-l.. Fallow .-rs" and ha l been mad-; deputy by the arch council t kdi im'ii l. 1 he purpose of the organiz i' ion , be said, is i Iu- coii:i!i;.;::ioii oi money and inopeity ili -ti i-iiitioii. He was ordered to i!-.inanl from Gould SljVld.UOt) down a:nl f. tHHi.tWO in ten years at the rate of half a million a year, and still another live mi, lion in ihe next decade. If Gould did not "or.sent he was to be killed. .Mil tin ar ranged to have him call again last night and Inspector Hyrnes and two of his mull, after listening to the interview, arrest -d him. lie has Le.-n committed io aw a. Ian examination as to his tanity. The Wi l Sii.ire S tisiieiols. I'okti.ami. May li The West Shore, an illustrated magazine published iu tii'scitv for .-everal years, has suspended publication. Mysti'iioiis Cataract of l.iibr.i.l r. GoMw aiti's Gt-oiirapliii a! Mas'azin'. There is a line chance for some enterprising young man wiih a taste of adventure and geographic research to make himself famous by settling the question of those mysterious Grand fallsof Labrador. Too men have asserted that the Grand river tumbles over the edge of the great plateau of inner Labrador, and that in a single leap the foaming waters rea.-h Mother Karth, over the wall. The story is stupendous, the fails are or not. Geographers are inclined to be doubting Thomases .Maclean and Kennedy, who visited them entirely independent of one another and told the same wonder ful story about them. Hig or li'tle there tle-y are only li') miles up the Grand riveri all ready for some young Amerietn who is willing to invest a little money and do a little roughing it in orJer to learn the truth about them. Who will attempt it this summer ? 1 85) 1 ACTION SUSTAINED. Various Newspaper Comments of the New Orleans Jury. ( OM.ll i:.NIATOKV KKM lliKS, Workings of the Jury Syt-ni -It Was tbe and Not M ib Violence. CircMio. Mav ii. K litoriul comments on the New Orleans grand jury: New York Press: It is a con fession by com' etent authority that lle machinery of criminal justice had completely broken djwn in the statsof Louisiana. and that ci of any magnitude have t be punisiied by revolu tionary tribunals. It throws Rome light on the workings i f ihe jury!, which people of other cities particularly New Yoik W'lM do well to digest,. New York Ib-rald: It is no time to serin mi.e a'loiit m-ih vio lence; the uprising of the people is not an outbreak oi a mob. 1 In; disc-as-; called lor a cure ai.d justi lies th-' m. a is. .Minneapolis Tribune : The uraii 1 j ny has pu'dNhcd the declaration that Nov leans is rilled by a de tective ajeiii-y on one side, or a moii on th" other; that the very I'm ins of law aie disregarded by t.'iose v hos.; s.vorn duty it is to it. hold its majesty grand jurors themselves and anarchy reL'iis in New Orleans. New Orleans States : The peo ple did it and no grand jury could devise a v.av to indi.-l '"toe people." MALlUio'Jo Uii.. 'i- No' long ago I'eiior's weie circu lated iu regard lo K. H. Maple, ul Seattle, well known in lies city, getting into trouble in Kansas L'it -, being sued lor damages for parting a mail and bis w ife. Mr. Maple has returned to Seattle and gives the loilowuig, account of the ali'air: "1 arrived in Kansas City on thj il':), ,,i February and found theie my iiei.-e, Mrs. W. D. Smith, ot Kent, w h mi 1 brought out here two years ago. a:o h:-r husband and K. K. M. Kl'res1!. proprietor I a print nig 1'im-e at Kezoo, Ale. 1 found n. y lie!,'-' .juite ..I an I nn. ul.- blind. Hie vas un h-r reatmeiit by Dr. VVedding, of ti e I loua Andrews. As she w as not able to do her honsewoik and was i .irding out, I went to the Hotel A r news and secured a room on liu thii.l tl or. I was also treat "d by Dr. Wedding. Mrs. 11. S Worcester, w ho is an old and inti mute friend of my niece, took a room in company with heron tin second floor, and was also treated bv the doctor. "We remained there until March LI, and on March 2 11. S. Wor eester tiled a suit against me fo: ."in,000 damauc1 for alienating the alfections of his wife and breaking up ins nappy Home. lie also swore out a warrant against me for cohabiting and living as man and wife with Mrs. Worcester, and for living a lascivious liie with her. "My room on the third llooi was ipiile cold and uncomfortable and unpleasant to pass the time in din ing the dav and evenings, so I spent part of t ie time iu the room w hich Mrs. Worcester and my niece occupied, as it was warm and comfortable. We also ate at the Same table as friends and rel atives generally do. Mrs. McKI fresh and her husband wire contemplating coming home with me to Seattle, w here I proposed to funii-b rooms lor (hem to live in lor six mouths gratis and give them f I'd cash beside to help them along.'" "At 7 o'clock in the morning of the loth of March Mr. Carter, the constable, served the warrant on me while w hile I was in the room of my niece and .Mrs. Worcester. The gaslight inside the room was burning and the door was ajar. The landlady's room was lit up and the door open, just facing across a li-fo ot hall ; al-o Mr.and .Mrs. Mont i.omery occupied the room back of my niece's room and it was lit up. A sli.ling door not ijuite shut divided the two rooms. Kvery thing was in open vie and no iii tiiuacy was ever shown or proven I was taken to jail that night but not confined to a cell. I was treated nicely. I was arraigned the next day at ID a. m. I had no acquaintances there worth a thousand dollars, which was the amount of bonds, coiiseijiieiitly was remanded to jail until next evening at S o'clock some friends volunteered to go and get the bonds reduced to .f700. Then 1 was taken out and put in charge of Mr. Melcy, the deputy Marshal and kept four days. 1 secured an attorney, S. W. McAstin, a thor oughbred, who is a fuil match for anything in the city. He had the bonds reduced to f"00, and volun teered to go bond himself, and did so, and turned me loose until the day of tria'. "Next morning after I was ar rested Worcester came to the Hotel Andrews for his wife's trunk, and wanted to take it with out paying her board, but did not succeed, lie told Mrs. Hall, the proprunor's wife, that Mapel, the old devil, was worth $75,000, and byG d he intended to have a a part ol it, ana aiiainsi, ne got through with me I. wouldn't have so much money to visit on. Also told Mrs. Hall that Ins wile naa not done anything wrong, which she testified to. Mrs. Hall and her husband and Mrs. Montgom ery testified that 1 was innocent and not miilty of any of the charges; also Mrs. McKlfresh tes tified tha- she had occupied tlie same bed with Mrs. Worcester the greater part of the time thej werp at the hotel. The 'chamberirifd testified that I had occupieiKniy room every night, and nothing whatever was proven of my guilt. My attorney took the allidavits of the witnesses before the day of trial, as tbe opposite party did. "tinder examination Worcester denied what he '.old Mr. and Mrs. Hill at the hotel, but swore that his wife had done nothing wrong; also that he did not know where his w ife w as and that the last time he saw her was at the Middling, w here he took her on the night of in v arrest. 1 hen he testified that he 'took her to the union depot and secured a ticket for her and saw her tret on the train for Ioa, where her parents lived. He also lestilied that on Januory 7 I wrote his wife a letter stating that I had built her a golden nest and asking her to come to me where the grass grew green and the little bird birds would sing to her. IJe was asked for the letter, but said he had burnt it. This provoked laughter in the court. Worcester's testimony was false, for I started Kast on the sixth day of January, and was on the train going to Cal ifornia on the seventh day of Jan uary the day Worcester testifies the letter was written and sent troin S-eattle. 1 never wrote any such tally letters in my life, but such men as Worcester is reported to be might have no more sense than to wiite them. lam too old and sound-minded to w rite such sickening stuff as that. "I have lived at and near Seat tle for thirty-eight years and have the confidi'iiee and resiect of all my acquaintances. I owe nobody a nickel and never was dunned for a debt, or went bacjc on my word or friends. I feel bad over thisatlair butcan't help it. If I had not been worth anything no trou ole would have happened, and one consolation is that I have stolen nothing, not even the woman's love. If I did I have not found it out yet ; at least it has not broken ut yet, nor caused the loss of any Bleep. ' i have sued Worcester for $25, 01 H) damages for malicious prose cution and false imprisonment, and will protiably give him a vault in the safe deposit building. Wor cester and his wife are living to gether as usual." ARMING CHILIANS HAKSIIAL liAI'.O IS AFTEIi OTHER VESSEL. The hert ami Minnie" or San Krancisen, with a Loail of (iuui for the Insurgent. San Francisco, May (. A Chronicle special from San Diego says: I'nited States Marshal Gard, win returned troin a trip in a tug beyond the heads this morn ing, discevered that the mysterious schooner which had been lying oil the heritor was the "Kobert and Minnie'' of San Francisco, which was supposed to have on board arms and ammunition for the Chilian insurgents. Marshal Gard went to the telegraph oflice ujhjii his return here and filed a dispatch detailing the result of his investi gations. It is supposed he re ceived further instructions in reply, as this afternoon he char tered the tug again and this time took on board w ith him a company of lni ed States soldiers from the barracks here in addition to his leput:es, and started for the open sea with the avowed intenti n of capturing the schooner and her cargo of lilies and cartridges, and briiiging her into port, no mattei whether she be overhauled within the limit of three miles or not. It is generally considered here that Marshal Gard is acting under di rect orders from Washington. The tug will probably not return with the steamer until late this evening or early in the morning. Annual Inundation. Natchez, Miss., May 0. The Lake Concor ia levee, at Farri days, gave away this morning and the water is rushing through with great velocity. The whole Farri day plantation is submerged. Heavy Front in New- York. Nkw Youk, May (!. Iteports from portions of De!a vare, Connec ticut and this state indicate a heavy frost and freezing weather Jast night. It is feared fruits and vegetables are damaged. 4iainller Arrested. Poarnsii, May !. Tho police raided the gambling house of Hamilton, Fitzgerald t Simons, to-night and arrested twelve gamblers. They were all released on bail. Snow in Delaware. Wn.Mi.NiiTON, Del. May 0 There was a Leavy fall of snow in this city and turougnoui me nortneru part oi toe siaie eariy una morn inn, but it at once melted. Fruit t . .- 1 I I i I 11 lb icutcd, lias mm iiaiiiiii-u. VOL. VI NO. 134 CROP PROSPECTS. Reports Fron.tIie Most Important Places, (in AVE GENERALLY GOOD. he Yield Promises Above Average Kilns Have Done Very Little Damage. CAI.IFOKX1A 1'HOSPECT. San Fbakcikco, May 6. The rainfall has been heavy in the northern counties of this state and light showers have fallen at Mon terey and as far south aa Delano, San Joaipiiu valley is the only section of the state that rain is really required. Grain crops in Fresno and Tulare counties are not promising except on the east side. Lack of moisture is tbe cause. Growers from that section icport the year's crop to be only half as large as last year. In other places the rain does no damage to the wheat unless it may be suc ceeded by a hot sun. The vine yards of the Northern and middle counties will not be injured by the rain, but rather lienefitted unless considerable rain follows. LANE COL'NTV. Ei'aese, Or., May 6. The crop outlook in this county is better than for years. Even the latest sow u grain is making rapid growth and promises a heavy yield. Harley is already heading out. The hay crop will be immense even if no more rain falls. Hops and fruit have good prospects of an enormous yieid. WEST SIDE. McMinnviu.e, May C The late rains insure full crops of all kinds of fruit and grain produced in this section. Prospects lor tne wheat and oats crop was never better. Fall sown summer fallow will make thirty to forty bushels per acre. Fruit trees are loaded with bionics. VMATIIXA t'OtNTY. Pendleton, May 6. The crop prospect in L'matilla county never was better. There is a large acre age and grain is in fine condition. The weather continues cool and threatening rain. Rain will not lie needed before the last of the month. If the present prospect continues, the yield will be unpre cedented. EASTERN' WASHINGTON. Si'okaxe, May G. The crop prosjiects of Eastern Washington are excellent. Probably the acre age is one-fourth larger than last year. Seeding is almost completed. The late rains have put ground in splendid condition. The out look was never more favorable, nartieularlv in the Palouee ana will exceed that of last year be tween one-third and one-half. WAI.I.A WALI.A VALLEY. Walla, May 6. The) crop prospects of the Walla Walla valley were never better. The spring sowing of wheat is all com pleted. The fail sown has a height of eight inches, fine stand and good color. The farmers report a certainty for good crops if they have a few showers this and next month. The average in grain is larger than ever. A large quantity of new land is in barley.) Leprosy In New York. Xkw York, May !. Mr. Alonzo Blauvelt believes he has discover ed an alarming case of leprosy in a i : . i - uig tenement nouse ou isuver street. He reported the case to the board of health yesterday, and Dr. Edson, chief of the Bureau of Contagious l'isease, at once took the matter in hand, and started on a tour of investigation. Dr. Edson refused to reveal the place where the sup)osed leper was found, and says he will not make all the facts in the cac public until he has completed his investigation. It is ascertained, however, that the pa tient is a Greek peddler, who came to this country from Mexico onlv six weeks ago. The Wheat Market. San Francisco, May 6. Wheat, price of shipping wheat largely nominal at range of $1.70nrl.72i percental. From f 1.80(3 1.82v.2 is lair quotable range for milling quality. Wheat, holders otter moderately: Kansas winter, bard. Ss, 5'ad, steady. California Town In Ashes. Sax Piec.o, Cal., May 6. A sjH'cial dispatch received here this afternoon says that about half the business portion of San Jacinto, in the northern part of this county, is iu ashes. Meagre particulars are given. The loss will reach $iD,(X)0, nearly covered by insurance. Car Wheel Works Baraed. Sydney, O., May ti. At one o'clock this morning the shops of the American Wheel Company were burned. Ljss on stock, $100,000. The company carried $0.00i insurance, part of wliich has lapsed. Two hundred are thrown out of employment. Owns the Inter-Ocean, Chicago, May 6. It is an nounced this evening that II. Kohlsaat. a well known mornhan i- of this city, has become the pro- , I pnetor ot the controlling interest iu i ne iiuer-wean. 1 .... - -r.