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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1891)
riiKMOKlNlNG HERALD: SATUIi DAY, APRIL 1R, 18il. OX SALE. The Daily Herald will be on sale each morning at II. J. Jones' book store, where itian be procured ! at 5 cents per copy. JOTTINOH AKU r TOWN. Citizens meeting to-night. MelLihon's circus Aptil 21 h'earl'd $3 shoea are the best made. H. F. Hiilhiirt has returned from a trip to Portland. J. 1'. Schooling, of ILuri:d.iurg, was in ilio city yesterday. Mr. l'hilip Lindau and wife have returned from Albany. Vt. L. Ulackman has returned from a business trip to Portland. V. II. Counties passed through last nighi on his way to Ilarria burg. Ladies for your Oxford tics go where they keep a complete line at Klein's. Searls' Shoe Store in the Plum- berg hlock id the place voin shoes. to buy J. (iollra, of Portland, mid Miss tioltra, oi Salem, came up 0:1 last evening's train. Moustache dyeing with the renowned (ierman Instantaneous Hair Dye at I.. Yiereeks. The large g'it hoot tells yon where Kiein Bros., exclusive hoot ami shoe store is located. Parasols and sun umbrellas new stock just received in staple ami luvelties, Sa.uuel K Young. Just received a line invoice of barber supplies, direct from Philadelphia at L. Yieiecks. Louis Viereek's shaving and hair cutting parlors. Ladies and chil I rens hair cutting a specialty. Best line of ladies xford ties ihe lowest prices ever shown a' I in ! Albany at Searls' Shoe htore. Miss Pauline Mav, daughter oi Sam May, the Hairisl. 111-4 mer chant, is Visiting relatives in this city. (Jo to Wm. Mack wheie yon can get a good shave and your hoot. shined. First das? woi k guaran teed. New sprii g novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and Mack in great variety at Samuel K. Young's. No. 1 screen doors, wired and stained, $1 50. Adjustible screen windows, wired and stained from 70e and up at Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Co., Albany, Or. Paul Mit.cenineir has sold hi farm four wiles southwest of Al bany, containing ll'io acres, to Thomas Cunditi', recently from Illinois. The price paid was $10,000. No. 1 screen doors, ami windows, wired and stained, and put on the house complete. Prices reasonable Call at the shop of U. B. Yunk corner of second and Ferry street aud see samples. The Building and Loan Assoeia tion last evening made two loans, one to Mrs. V. N. Phillips of $SiN at tit) months, the other of $100 :il the same ntimler of mont hs inter est in advance. Mrs. V. Cosfcll commoncinu' Monday April L'Oth has the honor of notifying the public, that she will take curtains, flannels ami blankets to laundry. Kcsideiio 011 Fourth ami Jackson streets. Lamartine was asked by a friend if he did not spend too much in .advertising. "No,"' was his reply, "advirtisement8 are absolutely necessary. F.ven divine worship needs to be advertised ; !si.- what is the meaning of chiir.-h bells?" Con lty Surveyor F. T. T. Fisher i at work in llariishurg. The land company of that city is hav ing a part oi the Fuller place laid ott into ten acre tracts, to accom modate those who have applied to purchase small places for fruit farms. Carpets! carpets! I have re ceived my spring stock of carpets in tapestries, three ply anil extra super, all wool and cotton chain, also a new thing in carpets called Persians which is recommended for its style and wearing ipialities, Samuel K. Young. K. P.. Knapp met with a painful accident Wednesday alteruoou between Lebanon and Tallmau. He was riding a young horse which took fright, made a few jumps and f -ll dow n throw ing him ami "lis 1 seating the elbow . J. N. Bunch, of Fugi ne, has en tered into partnership with Prof. J. M. Williams, of the Fiigene public school in the washing ma chine business. Prof. Wi.liams was formerly of this county. Mr. Bunch was here yesterdav with the visiting Knights of l'Mhias. One of the section hands on the Oregoniau railroad met with a serious accident Monday bv falling throuuh the trestle below "Spicer. He fell a distance of 20 feet, alight ing on his left arm nhich was broken below the elbow; the ellww was a'so dislocated. Dr. L. Foley, of Lebanon, wasstitninoiied who set the dislocated joint. The Chinese merchants of San Francisco have protested against the apointmcnt of .Mr. Bl.iir as Minister to China. If Mr. Blair is willing to associate with the kind of people he has described the Chinese being, the Chinese mkht tolerate him us a kind of phsyeho logical aud etl ical curiosity. It would be a friendly act on "their part to take him oil' our hands I n a time. Knruule to Silrt. Mr. John S. Maylmhs of Klko, Nevada, is in the city, aeeompati ied by his wife ami child. Mr. Mayhugh is on his way to Ya'pii na, where he goes as agent of tin government to allot lands in sev eralty to the Siletz Indians. Ib is weil pleased with Oregon, and .paid he hoped to be able to spend fome time in Albany. tmciLv ons Bead au A Number of Petitions Upca Street Work OrJereJ Don .V special meeting of the city etruncil was held last evening, i-Mavor Cow an presiding. I ne recorder repoited that all the ordinances passed at the Let meeting of the council ha t been approved by the mayor. The committee on hi reels ami public property to w hom was re ferred the petition of J. i. Craw Ion I and others for grading ami graveling Water street, between Hierniin and Harrison Mlreets lec ommended that the prayers of the petitioners be granted and the work ordereo done within thirty days. The recommendation was adopted. A communication from Wm. M. in regard to oening Lyon street to the river was tiled. The petition for side and cross walks on the north side of the Salem road he t ween Pine and Main streets was granted and the work ordered done in twenty das. i The petition for a side ami cross- i .1 1 L- 4.11 Kii-ct vtt-i.ot lu.tiw.oll sherinaii ;md pine streets, was ! ''ranted ami work ordered done with 11 ten ilavs. First street from Fighlli street to the soul hern limit ol the ci.y uasoidered graded and graveled to conform to the established y.rade; also that Ninth street be irraded and graveled Irom ine to Broadalbin; also that Flevenlh s-reel be graded and graveled from Wm hiiiglon to Ferry; work to be done within thirty days. The recorder was instructed to notify all ownets and occupants of lots between First and Ninth streets, and between Thurston snd Lyon streets, who have not already connected with the main sewer on Bailroad street with lateral sewers running east and west, to make smell connection within ninety da; s after the city shall have completed the later) sewers across the streets running north and south abutting siic'i property, so as to enable occu pants to make such connection. If such owners ami occupants fail 10 make such connections within the specified time, tl city will condemn t he right of way and do the work at the cost ol such own ers. In the matter of the recommen dations of the street commissioner t he committee was authorized to act. The Allia HeywixHl Company. The Alba I ley wood Peer'ess Con cert company will appear in this city on Apiil 2". The Topeka, (Kansas,) Journal says of this ex cellent coiep-my : A large audience greeted Alha lleywood ami his peerless conceit company at the tirand opera house and was excel lently entertained. A'ba 1 Icy wood's sph-ndid impersonations were the best and most laughable that the people ever had tin pleasure of seeing. The musical portion ol the programme was ad mirably sustained by Miss Anna Miller and others of the company The fair artist has reached almost perfection on her favorite imtru uient, and displayed great skill .tud talent. The (Into solo by Dewy I Icy wood was a iso very line. Mr. Aloii.j Hatch ami Mi.-sOiga Wild gren in a diet, "Love is Blind," captivated the audience by I hoi 1 splendid singing. Nothing hut the highest prai.-e may he spoken to! t he entertainment. He W.-lt Mart ini. There is a young man in this city who -i-ehi" to be very much in doubt whether he is married 01 not. His name is Hugh Clerk. The l.'osebiiig papers published t he not ice of 1 is nisi riagc to Mis Jessie Clayton on the, Mb inwt., ami the notice was copied by the lliitiin. On. Thuisday young Cleek apprjaihed a 1Iki:ii re porter ami said the notice was a mistak", that he was not married, and requested that a correction be made. Supposing that he knew w hether or not he was married, the item w as published. The next day the young man was led into theollice by the ear, liguratively speaking, by an irate sister-in-law , who proclaimed that the marriage did take place, and the young man meekly admitted that it wasa fact. His reasons for trying to impose upon the reporter and to deny the existence oi his blushing bride was not given. A 1 1 lance I. ret in r. The Brownsville Times says: l. J. Cole, of Kansas, addressed a large audiei ce in the city hall, Wednesday night, showing the ditterellt schemes of robUry which have heeli and are now being car ried 011 in our country, under the guise of liuaiicial necessity. He is a eiy logical ami reasonable talker, colilining himself to facts ami ligures. mostly, and even though one cannot see the subject as he does, he must acknowledge the force of his login and the cor rect aess of his position. Tlo New Kire Extiuj;iiihrrs. The new lire extinguishers of Uescue Hook and Ladder Co. will prove a valuable addition to the otlicieiicy ol Ihe company. Fore man Mel-el on lias appointed Van Wilson and Merrill Phillips to t ike charge of the extinguishers, with D. C. Schell and F. Props! as alternates. '1 lit-y .Are In It. It w ill pay you well to call at the comer of Second and III Is worth streets, at .Mueller v tiar rett's, where yon can lind a splendid variety of groceries, veg etables, poultry, ec, lor your Sunday dinner. Call eaily and avoid the rush. (Inly a Few Left. And they are dying fast with la grippe ami starvation the people who do not trade with Mueller (iarrett. the leading grocers, who always have the tinest aasoitment of eatables. CITY COtTUCIL ActrJ A PUBLIC MEETIXC To Amage fjr t'.. Reception M P.-csiiK'n j Efirr s:n. ! i Mayor J. L. Cowan has issued i the following call for a public1 leeting to be hel l at the cilvi tncil chambers this evening to' intyle fresnlent Harrison and' party to stop at Albany on (heir trip rhaough Oieg n and o a' lange for the pio,.iT reception of tie"! nation's c!i:e!-ec ci! iv : . . . . - , . . . 1 Thi: r M.I.. j A meetin ..i the cti.-ns ,,i Al bany is her by ea h d at t !n eouii- 1 en chaiuli -r at , : .0 I-. m. u i ,.it- urday, Apiil IS. ! S I , for t::e pur-1 pose o! iii.ikio.' proper piau'e- nu-iits for lie" r.-cept..iu of; I re.-ldeiit liarri.-oii on his p.i--:!ge through le-re m the near fu'iiie. All are r.-.pK L-I to co':ie oat and help in the uiat'ei. J . L. Ci 'wax. May v. There should be a large attend ance of cit.ens at this meeting. II her cities ol hvg n have already arranged to receive the pre-ident in an approp: ia! manner and Al bany should not be b hind in mat ters of this kin 1. There is n.tthiug p.ilil i -al in thi- The people everywhere will join in welcoming the president of lie L'nited State-. The p:-op!e 01" Dos ctunty always have and aKay will be ready to pay honors and respect to their chief execu'ive. from whatever pj'itical pa;!y he may come. The Board of Trade v.-terday held a special meet ng to consider the iplestion of .-ending deb-gates to the state board ol conmierce. In ui.'ct in Portland to i.irange for the reception of Piesid -nt Harri son in that city. President Wright appointed th.- following committee: S. F. Young, Jay W. Blaine. .1. II. l'ow nsend. A Humane Captain. The Salem Journal iccords the following commend ible action: "As the steamer 1 1 nag came down the Willamette river, Wednesday, the ciptain discovered a small hand of sheep huddled together on the edge 1 f the river this ,-i.le of Independence. The bank was so precipitous, and tl.ey had only a very small ledge to stand upon, that any ell' irl to turn around or ciiiiibupwoiild surely have thrown them into the water, where the current was almost a torrent for a half mile below, against the steep bank. The captain stopped hi. boat, turned around, held her nose up to the hank, ordered his men out w'th the gang plank, ami had them cut a path dow n into t!:e hank so the sheep could get out ol their tight place ami into terra tirina above. This work delayed the boat cou-idi raMe. out evi ry passenger was intensi y interested in saving those sheep. The cap tain 1 as inn the river eighteen years, aud only li s sharp eye could have detected t lie danger t in dieep were in. lb' de.-crves a medal." l: tlroii; Army IIm-. i s. "The greatest injustice known loathiy men," says an old otiicer "'is t he existence," of I he la w ret ir ing ollieers at the age ofti ). Take, for example. 1 he case of tieiieral John i ihbon. la'e comiii an ler of t he I e;i.i; t ment of the Columbia, who will retire during the pnsent month, and anyone uii 1 conseiets ;t can but I e iuipie--ed with I e utter inj'i t i' i ijf it. I b ie you have a .1:111 w i!h a'l Li-; tacuhies ' 1 1 1 1 v ptesi-rve.l, of shong. ribad phsiij'ti", am! yi t he is e uup -lled :o aliandoii his 1 .f j :' s.-imi and I'eliie into ina. Il ilv. Iti - ail the more glaring w hen you recall tin fact that Yon Moltl.e was ei. vei: yeais his Milan- w ln-:i he can mandril the united armies of iei ma n v in their canip.iigi: again:-' F ranee." A I:iii ii Uali' l:onil. A novel iin 1 ! 1 1 1 in t be f.iini'y oi a fond mother in t In- lbs! wi.-id ba exciled coilsi'lerab'e curiosity reeehllv. '."i.e sai l i nd mother I is the rt-peelable l.niniy cat of Mr. S. .I! -s She ,s j i. now the proud po:-se.-.-er oi ,:u lit lie kiiten Ilo.v the latter came i no the nest is a ni steiy but it is there, and is kin lK arc! for by the old cat. and is groAing t he as frisky as the kittens. ' The other day the rat climbed out ol the nest and slatted up a post as if to leave the maternal n .!', hut the watchful cat piietly put it back, and has since kept a clove guard ovr tie" youngster. The little ra' has h'-en living content edly with Im kittens for several w ei ks. (Mil i't-llnnit Vioilwrary. The'follow ing is the programme of the celebration nf the 72 1 anni versary of the institution of odil Fellowship in the I hi ted S'attS to take plaee a' Lebanon, Friday, April 21th: Meinbeisof Lebaniei Lo,lge, No. 17, I. O. O. F., w:!l meet at the hall at S :l!0 a. m. sharp. Procession to form at I. K o. F. hall at Id a. in; march to grounds. Anniveisary ceremonies, oration, music by band, recitation, vocal inn-ii-, lecitation, vocal music, recitation, vocal music, music by baud, benediction, din ner, music by l and, toasts and ic-spon.-a s. A IVciiliar :lltt A case was recently bion.-ht be hue the lily 1 e.'order of Pelni icton, to restrain panics from building upon a j'iece of dis; uted land within the city limits. A lawyer named Wist purchased a small corner of the mill block, whi.-h oilier parties claimed was part of the the street, lie attempted to put up a building, ami his carpen ters were arrested. The ca-e was decided in favor of the lawver. vv. 1:. '. The regular meeting of Mi- K. C A full Pherson Corps No. L! W meets at 2 ::'. c. m. to-dav attendece is reipn sted. By order of the j "resident. o. COJ OREGON AT THK WORLD'3 FAIR. Aaple Space H:i3 Been Provided for a Good Aricalto'a! Exhibit. I Lin. M. Wi. kins, one of Oregon's World's fair commissioners, is in receipt of a letter from W. J. Bu chanan, chief of the department of agriculture, in which he says: "It is gratifying to know of the enconi luemeiit your board is giv ing the exposition in your stati.". I made a news item of it and it ws printed generally in all the leading newspapers througii 011' thecity, giving yourh ard credit for the initiatory steps. 1 assure yo'i that in al! the gtoupsin which 1 h egou w ill exhibit in Ihe agr icul tural department Ihe amplest space w ill be all'orl"d for a com plete display of your products." The sccietary of the Oregon St-'h" Board of Agiiculture. Hon. .1. T. (iragg, to whom the com munication was given, tal. -s a very hopeful view of 1 he exhibit which this s ate will 111 oie. ""Keen If the stale lcglslalui-'j doe- m m i .e th" desired appro: i ia i ii," t-ai-1 iu-, "it is my opinion that the Slate Board of AgiiculHre will raise iiou.'b in ir.ey to give Oregon a creditable leoreseii'a'ioii at 'he W..i!.Ps lair t loll ill IU V hal the" ! hence will ; There is hille 'ines mind. lio. ver, but egi -laiure tw j yeais sc to I he import nice o! the occimo 1 ami make a liberal appropriation." The fact that ample space has been provided for Oregon's exhibit shoul 1 be an inc "iitive to the people of this state to do their best t j till it. NORTH WK3T NUTHS- Pacpiet Smith of Portland, will bu ld tiie ne-v boat for tile middle Cohinibi 1 river. The price to be paid is .2 "1,0(10, and the boat mu.-l have a speed if lii'teen miles an hour. The Staytoii Times is eonti lent that it would be far more proiitable for the cit --ns of Salem to build a muter line into that section of the coiintv than it won ill be if built to Silvciton. Brigadier-! !eneral Siglin has sent in his re.-igna'ioii as genet a! of the 1 ). N. ' i. The rep nt that lie diil this through fear of the impending war wi.h Italy is un founded. The complete exoneration of ijuincy A. Brooks, late collector of custom ol port Townsend, is gratifying to his friends in Oregon, lb- ha- received notice from Wash ington that his accounts having been Hdiusleil and closed it was found that the government owed him which was accordingly reaiiltcd. Correspondence haf been pass ing between the commerce com mittee of the Kugene board of trade and our representatives in congress urging the speedy co:n iiieiiceiunt of woi k on the Siuslaw harbor. The people are very indignant over the recommenda tion of t he engineers to postpone the expenditure of the $."i0,0i:0 appropriated, and raising a vigorous protest. In September, issi. Miss Francis B. Mulkey disappeared from the home of lier f ither, F. M. .Mulkey, on Birch creek, I'mal'illa county, w ii h a voting man who gave bib nam.-as CD. Fmmick. Mr. Mul key is very anxious to learn the whereabouts of his daughter, and will be thankful for any intoiina- ioti which mac lead to her disco v- ev. lie has learned that j Finmick's 1 tght name is Charles j Dodd, and that he originally came from Kansas. Letters ad ! dtessed to Mr. Mnlk. y at Piiot I L'oek or P.-ndleton will reach him. Ciiiioil.Ciinrl Knnin, The S. "at tie Post -I litelligen.-er -ays thai Judge Osborn, iu addi iioii to a day bessiijii and night -e :sio!i of court Wednesday, had 1 session out in the w 'wills on the Belt line. It. the condemnation proceedings brought by the .N'oilh ( i n I'acilie Puget Sound Shore Bail ay Company again ! D. II. I law ley. edmiiiistiator of the cstat" i Herman Telzloil", Nor man 'i.t.'oll' and Fdilie TetlolL a jury w as waived and both siiles coiisei:I" d to a tt ial by the court. The railway company wanted a lot) foot strip of land through one corner of the Tet.loil' properly near Woodinville, for right-ot-way, in 1 in order to better understand the case ami ju Ige of the value of the land Judge Osborn, ill com pany with the attorneys and De puty Sheriir Hanson, went out to the land 011 a spe -ial car at 10 o'clock Wedin silav morning and returned at 2 o'clock in the after noon. While out in the woods Jtid-'e I Osborn c. invented court and two I witnesses, John Wyatt and Arthur itiuiley, was examined as to the j value of the land. At a night ; session other witnesses were ex- amined. am! the -unit found that j tiie Te'loll' estate was entitled to ! $:;!.) for the 222-too a -res of land ! taken, ami to 112 tor damages to i the land adjacent, making S,i;- ,s,() j in all, lor w iiich'aiu.iiint judgment j was rendered against the railway i com pany. j T Pave TI10 Streets. j The city of Salem has cnmnienc i i d w hat Alban should do, and I will have to do before Ion that i is to pave the biisim-Hs streets, j The Salem city council has ordered : this work commenced. Ti, jrder calls for the macadamizing of nine i bl s ks w ith crushed fctoiie', and six ; ami a fraction with stone Blinks. I '1 lir Cum l Arc to IWamir. ! Tacoma Ledger: While events ; of this kind 'the lynching at Oystervillc are always to be de jilored.they aie nevertheless not j more deplorable than the fact that j com ts, in excess of caution or far worse reasons, permit the ero'jves . of justice to bo' interrupted or de feated. I Wall paper at Cuniining's drug j store. LI Nil CODNTI I'ABMKRS' ALLIANCE. Pursuant to previous appoint ment delegates from the various local unions of the Farmers Al liance met in the ci i y hall in Scio Saturday April 11th, for the pur pose of forming a county alliance. Assembling at 10 a. m., they were called to order by D. J. Cole, national organizer, and Jacob Newman elected secretary. By motion the chair appointed a committee of three t ) report wi.o were entitled to a voice in the al liance, The chair appointed John Brvant. T. M. Munkers and C D. Steen as such committee, who soon repotted that the various local unions were entitled to :epresenla tioti by the following members: SaiUiam I'nioii A. C. Christ man, W. M. Laley. J. T. Follis, B. II. Irvine, James 1rlller. M tinkers T. M. MnnUers, A. P. Harons, F. J. Leiiney, Harvey Sheltoti, J.C. M linkers." Rock Hill J. W. Wilson, II. II. Powell. A. P. Blackburn, (leoige Leslie, C. D. Steen. Syracuse-L C. Cox, J. V. Davis, F. M. Miller, J. A. Jones. Jordan P. P. Crabtree, A. M. Shelton, (i. T. Frni-t Jolin Bryant, A. J. Shelton, J. I. Devenpo't, .1. Hubcr, Hainan Shelton Sr. Hamilton Creek John Sw all son, J. W. P.ishop. J. K.Twaddell, Jacob New man. liie following ollieers of L:nn County Alliance Union wre then elected and duly installed: President T. M. Munkers. Yice President C. D. St. -en. Secretary A. J. Shelton. Treasurer F. M. Miller. Chanlain B. 11. Irvin:'. Lecturer F. .1. Denny. tewa:d I a-orge L'-siie. Deo! k'-rpef J. A. Jones. Asst. 1 lorkeeper W. N. Balis. A. M. Shelton. was appointed county organizer. There being no furi her business to transact, the I'nion adjourned to meet at Sclo on the Satutday in Mayrt 10 . m. lU'SIXKSS LOCALS, Kle-n's e' shoe mix em all. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .t Diwson, druggists. French keeps railroad time. Bed Si ho jl house shoes at K bun's. Baths, well .sunlight rooms at Vierecks. New style neckwear Ladies Bazaar. A coinpii te line ol it the shoes at Klein's. Klein's .f2 ladies gondola button shoe takes the lead. Shaving lo cents at Yierecks, shop closed 011 Sundays. A line of the latest style lace ; hoes for ladies at Klein's. Fresh bread, cakes aid pies every morning at Blodgetl.v Son's. (into Se.uls" and see his tine display ol siloes, all the i.'.test Styles. A new line of children's wh:te aprons just received at the I.idies Bazaar. Just received, our new line of sunshades and parasols. Ladies Bazaa r. .YlOHiO still left to loan on good farm security, immediately by S. N. Steele iV Co. For lame back, side or use Shiloh's porous plaster. chest, Pi ice 2") cents at l oshav V Mason. Ctoup, whooping e-iugh ami brouch:iis immediately reiive'l bv shiloh's Cure. For sale by Foshay x Mason. That hacking cough can be so luickiy cured by shiloh's Cure. We guaian-i e it. Sold bv Foshav ,x Mason. Siiiloh's Cure and rcnsuinpt ion cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneumplioii. For sale by Foshay ei .Mason. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that ti-rrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the rei ly hir you. For sal? by Foshay tc .Mason. No liniment is in better repute or more widely know 11 than Dr. J. II. McLean's Yoicauic Oil Lini ment. It is a wonderful remedy. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cat an'aii remedy, price "0 cents. Nasal injector free, sold by Fothay V Mason. Persons advanced in years feel younger and stionger, as well as freer from the inlirii ities of age, by taking Dr. .1.11. McLean's Sar saparilia. Many people habitually endure a feeling of, because they think they have to. If they would take Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsapar illa this feeling of weariness would g've place to vigor and vitality. Julius (iradwohl has opened at his (ioldt-n Rule Bazaar store a line of finely finished boys' safety bicycles, which will be sold much cheaper than they can be j ur chased elsew here. Blodgett iV Son have removed their stock of groceties into Un building formerly occupied by Blackburn ci Pironi, ami have added a bakery department, and are now prepared to furnish their customers with fresh bread, pies and cakes of all kinds. The tinest and best assortment ot ladies Oxford's and slippers ev er brought to Albany al Searls' shoe store. 1 had a severe attack of catarrh and became so deaf 1 could not heir common conversation. I sulfered terrioly from roaring in my head. I procured a bottle of Fly's Cream Balm, ami in three w eeks could hear as well as 1 ever could, ami now 1 can say to ail who are alllieted w ith the worst of diseases, catarrh, take Fly's Crcaty. Balm and be cured ll is worth 1 .1)00 to anv man, woman or cln.d siiifering from catarrh. A. Newman, (irayling, Mich. F. Furniture In Ouaiitities. Fortmiller it Irving are con stantly enlarging their magnitieent stoek of furniture. They received another full car load recently. THilY HOWL. After Finding That All That Glitters Is Not Geld. The story comes from New York that the I-lnglish corporations 101 tued a syndicate some lime ago to purchase certain American en terprises, one of which was the bone black, carbon and fertilizer manufactories. They entered into a contract to buy three of the l inriit ronrprna in t hi rnimtrv.t he Lister Works at Newark, Michigan ! Carbon Works at Detroit aud the Notthwestern Fertilizing C0111- reinv i ' 1 1 ieH irn . nw thee claim j to have been swindled ami desire the contract set aside, ana have brought suit to this enu in me supreme court. They assert that the representations of the value of the plants, etc., were grossly fraudulent. THK UOKI.ll KNK1CIIK11. The facilities of the present day or the production of everything hat w ill conduce to fhe material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andellectual toeleanse the system gently in the Spriu time or, in fact, at any time any the belter it is known the mote IKipular it becomes. XIJIV TO-DA V. Opera House, Warm r it C:ai:or I.eise. s & K m igers. ON'K NKillT ONLY 1 SHittfiltfiJ, J ' .'., 'Ul 111 1: i.i:i:a 1 tsr 1 vri.ii . nut, Alba, lipil N1) 111. ikbs Grav. Co, siiVEl SOLO B'.N3 AND ORCHESTRA ! A program of humorous and path-tic character and tnVual soi'gs. vocal ami instin ne iital solos, duets and operatic gems. Fiid used by the Press, Pulpit and Public. As full of funny features as the sky is lull of stars. GRAVD OPEN AIR CONCiRl on the day of performance. 01 1: OII IKCT Is to leave such a reputation in every town we viMt that we can return to it w hen we wish with assured success. ;2?Bcserved seats at Will ix Link's music store. A ni--e, Lugo an 1 com plete lihi of clo'.h top pat ent leather tipped, spring heel shies for misses and chiebeti, also all kinds of Forg'rls and ladies in the hit . st spring st les. KbEIN BROS. 1F.STI.KMKS Hit oiiir lim n'i.'l .tt tin- City laiitiilrv, Kirst Mrnt. Hit' Ixsl sst..'inof "lisliiii known iise-l. Notice to Stockholder. NOTICK IS UKUKISV UIVKX Til AT TIIK uiiiiilal nn i'tin ef the Mo -klii'lilerrt of tin' Al'.uny Kanni'M C' will Ik1 helil :t llu olliei' i'f ';ii't fsiinpanv i 1 Ailiani, ori'iroii. on Mny l-';li. Is.'l, at "l o. Ii. k. V. m., of mi.l il.. for the ji'irei'MC of rUi'tnir seit-n (7) ili.-ri'tnM to tvo the ensuing y'Ar, aii'l the of sin'h other Imsini'Hs an inuy jr."""rlv i'iik- 1'i-lorc liie ini'i-tini; llone liy lh'' "I'li ref tlio .f ilirii-lorn. M. II. Wu .s. Att' -t: -ri-M'lint, I'l.Ks, '.. M Vllsll il.I,, So-r.'t.-e . SI I CATION' WWTKIi 111 'lit, ol!n v, utorr, Htir e'r liy prttfiM-icn, j ittistri'ti. : hxI r utci. 1 -H'l Alh:inv Or.'ii. , - At :ui mitl niiil or r.nli'Hil, stitHt, stoaHv, 111 Notieo of St ix kholilel s Ileutiue. NOTICK IS IIKIIKIIV UIVKS 111 T TIIK Mi.nnal btiM-klioliliTH nn'ctinir of thv A hany M iiiins anil Millim; I'mnpsuiy of Alhiitiy will t: held nt the ollie'e ot tin- f.'i retarv iu roimis 'Vi ami in tin- SI'.ili;iiilVaree Imi'ilin on Kir.-t street, Alliitiy, ir , on tlie -iTtli ilav, itit- sain"- heiii tlie hist Monday of A'-ril. IX'1, at III'- hour ef (ll'loiir o'l lneli I". M for tlie 'lll Jiose of eleet. iiiij si eii dirci tor- to m im: for ttit; ellMiillsr V'lr. IJatid Alliany. h-. Man li lit. J.. II. MoNTANVE, feeretaiy. We c'trry a large .tn-k if lu-inter's sLitioni-ry, well as sorted, bought direct from tlie manufacturers at :i low figure, :md can give the lwst f work in all kind.s of printing for the least money. Try us. "1'aislky A Smiley. SAY GIRLS.! i 1 ! (tal 1 1 total1 1 ! i 1 1 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. u ABSOLUTELY PURE L. EX jSlain, The Leading ClotliioF. 'FTHK PKOt.iKK.-SlVK PCBCHASFK DFSIRKS to see a line of goods that emliodies in its immense variety, the tinest and conservative fashionable features of the day, combined with a complete assort ment of staples, all made and finished in the very high est standard of excellence, ami placed on the market at ptpular prices, our exhibit lor the coming spring and summer season will surely command his attention. A FINE ASSORTMENT GF NEW PAT- " . : . ; TEaNS FOR SUITiNCS AND TROUSERS CLOTHING MADE Fit guaranteed in his Pricks Always i ,1 ;! j ,1 ,! ii ii ii ,1 ii it ii ,1 :i 11 11 1; ji i: .1 ;: i; 1: 11 1; 1! 1; 11 n The Albany A FULL LINE 'In Sprii tlio .voting innn's f.iuoy Liglitly turiissttitliounlitxof love !" m ?TUe wise voting man, the old man, the thrifty housewife, all w ill turn their Kteps. when Hearting f..r freed. taMe . .", choi.e butter, fresh laid eg-'-", staple ami I. nicy groceries ot all kimls, to the grocery t-tore of C. E. Biwvnell. Once - AVo wisIl to remind you that we car ry the most Complete Line of IrTard ware, S to yes and l lant'es in the Va,l l5V MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report S Baking U to jjI rowaer TO ORDER AND A tailoring department. Reasonable. .111 1: 1: 1. r x . i1 w i: 1 1; i k i: i; i; x i; n ii n; i; r-1: ;' r r Furniture Co. OF I'NDKIlTAKIXli. to it I! ioliiriislo! Cz Ct i . ft lil! MO SlfC lii!' a ot! lot SHI Eat, as 'well. it Again