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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1891)
rnEAI(!NINH JIKKALD:ATlT18I)Ay. APISIL 11, 18D1. . x ON SALK. The Daily Herald will be on j sale each morning at II. .1. Joneti' book atore,where it c n be procured j at 5 cents per copy. JOTTI.NU AKOir TOWN. I - - - . I V.. J. McCaustlaml, of Salem, is in the city. New style neckwear at the L.idies I'.a.iar. K. L. Thompson returned to Portland ye-derday. A tine line of ladies dancing slippers at Searla' shoe store. II. Iaimpman ami family have removed to Portland to reside. Fred I'eiss, of Los Angeles, is visiting Ida old home in tins city. Mrs. A. Kester lift yesterday lor Yaiiuiua to spend the summer. Fresh hread, rakes and pits every inoiiuiigai loougeu iv ;-ou . (into Se.uls" Hiiil see his line display of shoes, all the iatc.-t ; B yfes. i McFadden's Pavilion Iouh1el I'nele Tom's Cabin show next Tuesday. Choi :vt vegetables fresh from die hot hoiise every day at Mueller .v ti irret t's. f 10,000 still left to loan on good farm security, immediately by S. X. Sieele A Co. A ladies gold -clove "iiittouir found on the street yesterday awaits an owner at this oilice. The linest and best assoi 1 uient ot ladies x ford's and slippers ev er brought to Albany al Scarls' slioe store. Ion. miss the great Pavilion I'nele Tom's Cabin show i:et Tuesday. They have a line band and will give a giand street jiarade. H. K. Hyde has added a line el i.ndertakiiig to his furniture cp tablishineiH and has received :i huge stock of cotlins, caskets ami all kinds of undertaking goods. Win. Pieitl'er. who was manied several weeks ago at Pallas ! Mitfi Mollie Wood, of this city , ha removed to that place ami has opened a. line confectionery .-ion-there, i Kemeifiber that the anniver sary exercises of the V. M. C. A will le lield in the opera housa next Sunday evening at 7 -Hi. 1'nion services of tne variou chtirches. A drama entitled. "A Struggle for Lite and Liberty," will be played by Sodaville's best talent in the near future. The proceeds will lie used to improve the school building. Died, in Lebanon, Thursday, April "2d, Sadie Frey, agec 1 yeai and ( days. Deceased was tin only child of Mr. and Mrs. J. II Krey, they having lost one chili. 1 ist summer. .Julius (iradwold has opened at hisliolden Utile l'.a.aar store ;. line of finely linished hows' safety bicycles, which will he sold muci cheaper than they can he j in chased elsewhere. Mrs. Cavin Crandell and Mis. K. W. I.angdoii leave to-day on a visit to relatives in the Fast. The ladies travel together as far as St Paul, whre they will separate, Mrs. Crandell going to Troy X. Y. and Mrs. Langdoii to Iowa am Indiana. Plodgett .V Son have removed their stock of groceiies into tin building formerly occupied bj l'.lackburn ,i Pironi, ami havi added a bakery department, ami are now" prepared to furnish theii customers with fresh I. read, pie: and cakea of all kinds. Mr. and Mrs. P.aiuaid, of Mon tana, with their three children arrived on last evening's train, to visit their cousin, .Mrs. L. II. Montauye. .Mr. P.aiuaid is a rail road man and hap invested in e-itate in this vicinity, and come to look after his purchase. At the meeting of the I'nile.l Pi esbytery of Oregon in I'm t lam Thursday the place of the next meeting was lixeil at Albany, u October next, immediately pie ceding the meet ing of the I'nited Presbytery m nod of the Pacilir at the same place, and Ucv. .1. It. Xiblock, of Colfax, was app -inted to preach the opening sermon. TUrve Barns Iturneil. Fire was discovered shortly he fore S o'clock last evening in the ham of Mrs. .lane. St impson in the third ward. It originated in the hay loft and was first seen bv two little boys who give the alarm. The Hie department responded ipiicklv, but the wa'cr was seveiai blocks away, ami the lire spread rapidly, llcfoie the hose c mid he spliced and a stream secured the barn of Mrs. Siimpsoii and the barn of K. A. Irvine adj lining it were both consumed, and the names were spreauing laptiiiy i ; the roof of a barn actons the alley owned by John Fox. The hook I and ladder company hail in tin- j meantime done good serv ice in t protecting several residences neai by. The tire boys, w ho are usual- j Iv very prompt, seemed to have j the wrong foot foremost. The j hose broke ami they met with re-j verses on all sides. Fortunately the loss was not heavy, and will ' be civered perhaps hy 1 N i. I There was no insurance. The tin j was no doubt of incendiary oi ia'in. I Die Cumlurtiir li.l Higlit. j A few days ago a young man named Dodge perched himself on the cowcatcher of the Lehanon i engine and rode from that place to this city. On reaching Albany' he was discovered by Conductor F.dward Huston, who assisted him oil' his i'ich. The young man swore out a warrant for the arrest of the conductor on a charge of j assault. The case rame up before , Justice Humphrey yesterday and' wai very pioperly dismissed. THi: FA II CltOl XDS. tiikv mm. i. ri:n:.i;:.t m:- CO.M K V CI I I IMKIi, Tiie I. inn Count)- , griiiiM iiral S.i-cii-ty M ill Improve the (ii-oliniln - I' ii f tin- !.:ntil s, !,. The l.i'.m Count v Agi iculin al Society held a meeting in t his fit v yeKterday, atid comoleted the sale of L'J acics of land to John A. Crawford. The land sold was a s'.ripoll'of the we-t siiie if the fair ' grounds ami wa sol. I lor Y-i.thu in I ...o ..i .. .!..!. ..f I..-,., l.,.,.l .-cm. I..- .o ... w f, ing from tlie Societv to !r. Craw- i ford. . I This leaves tin' society out of! deht, and sti l in possession ! ueailvSll acres, which embiaeesl the excellent mile race track the buildings. The society construct a new fence axiutid track and other.1, .' improve grounds, and will proi.aoly range for some ii.ieiesling raei .1 i W.l! the Hil ar es to as. ui a if : he held during the present si 1 lie olhcers ol the A. llacklemin. president; .las n Wliceler, vice-president; i. I. Simi-on, t fsurcr; 1. !.. .Moiit--il h . secietaiy. J. A. Craw ford is one of the heaviest stof khold.-rs. Mr. Wheel- r a!l 1 Moiitei'h were interviewed es'i rday b, a 1 1 k:: i i reporter a- to the plans ol tin society. I'oth said that it was the desire ot t he stock hold -rs t hat t he city should get possession of the grounds and convert the same into a puhlif park. Tiiey also said that it wa- the intention of the society to iinprove I iie grounds and put t hem in good repair. This society w is organized e.irlv in tin- sixties, ami -onit i 'I I . the origin il o:S'ne;s are still at the head of management. Their de sire now totuin this magiiiticcnt propel ty oxer to t he city as a p i rk ought to be im-t with a hcar'y response fnun the ci y. It would he a vahiiih!'-addi ion to the list of public improvement to he I la h iu Albany Albany this year. V.P. S-C.E- CONVENTION. The convert ion of the Y. 1 C. K of the Fnited Presbytery oil t Megon fonveneil in the l niteu Presbyterian church of Portland at :: o'clock i- m . , Thins day. Kev. .. .1. Aches in pre-iaing, .ua 1 - - I lilt ips w ;is ca cteil secretary pro u,T- -.. .. ...i . . nuiimiufv :is . ;i;'iiiiiicm " con-ider the piopii. tv of ell'cct'iig i - i - i 1- i- , a preshvtei i il i . P. t . and. if judged expedient, to rcp.).'t at the opening o! the evening ses sion. The fol'owii'g couimitti'f w;is appointed: Kev. W. M . I lays Mr. 1'. Sbiaier and ,.l..-s Ilhod Hale. The following commit ice a appointed todiii.v u r.'Sulutioi: Kev. W. W. I ...-in. Ada K Phil'ips and J. K. llamii'on. ; An interesting paper wa- toad J by Mis- May I'.ussiicg. of Collax on "Socic'y and .Mi-coii Woit." I The follmiirg del. 'g, pes wen-I present timn i t - l'!au.l ( iir's-i tiiin I'lideavoi' S.i.-icty : Mi-se-j Parr. Ka't.-i son and Mr. Si , ui i : , from A I ban v: Mis: s I .'!-I;i j I laic. I dive Maik'.. Anriii 1'lii.n i and Mr. Thomas Curry ; from ( 'ol- , fax: Mi-s Mav Ku:siiiir; fimu j Wai'sbnrg: Miss .. I'hiihp-'. j A u int ere- I ing t line w.e; eci - 'i'tice.1 at lh" evening scs-ioti. I'liere Were devotional eelci-e; illld illl illllhelll . Ildi led bv a mall plill ti t te. The fooil iit!..f oil c-.i .-( it u!ion rep rted ai d I he le o. t ill eep'cd. 'I i... follo.iiiig oll'i- ei:'cle.'te.l : I'l e.-id.-Iil , Mi-s Ilia I.. Kobert- 'ii : tir-! '. ic.-pre-id'-nt. Miss Nettie J. Mi I. r; ;-eeoi:d vice president, la v. W. W. I i .gil'i : c "I n ttoiidiug secretary, I !r. lirav: recording secietai y, Mi-s iiiia Parr; 1 1 .-a Hie r. .11 r. .i . I '. Ilamii l ii. A paper i. pared bv Misi Net tie J. Miller on" Th. Model Krayer Meeting." w.l-' lea l hy Mi s Anna I-linn ; aiso a pit per wa- lead bv Mr-. W. W. Logan on "What is tiiel'.es! Plan of Organizations foi i i i r Young People'.'" I he coiiiinhlee on l'i -"ol UI ions made r.-toii which w.i adopted. The executive commitlie wa iiut hoi ifd to furnish credential: to delegates cIiom-ii !o alt.-nd tin nist itnl ol I hir lining i'coi ,. to. i t iu ini i, Oregon, in Mav. h ini'vs i li;ili;i' IfpSOll of th; i:. l. ti turn I iiompsoii ,v out his ii.icti ( Kelltiii u has m btl-illes- t in the to his pat I m r, T. .1. Ovetllliill ami lint lei, a young man lot sointtime in the employ of the fain, who is a s. n of .lames Hun ter, om of our leading wealthy farmeis. The o'l tiim was one ol the hading houses in the harness business, and I he new lirm Harb in with a well es tab! i- bed business and the best prospects of success, for they are solid good busi ncs lin n, an 1 t he hi st of good he. irte. I i semi I.u v young men. Ti"-y in,- s, , i tinaneially and fud I b i.-ine-s eiii-i-gv and vim. The bil-':m s- will be coiiii-ined iu the same loea'i. ui :is l'oiineiiy. Mr. II otiip-nii ha- ta'.-n the special ageiicv of the Noithweslern Fire lieurancccoiiipimv. and will hav. charge ol their i.t-',iii.j th'o i"ii oiit i in-goii. llli- I i-lilin -s. :.-..n lsl.i n. I be Oicgoman ol the lmb -ay-: ' hill 1 oi all losses occasioned by The salmon ti-hing seas, n b. -j , ns i I lb-iay N. Copp. tin to day, and oui ciliens will iin ; well known lawyer of Washing'. o:. be able to Ii a-t on the lu-sciousj D. C, wiiisend free ol" ceU a V"py chiuook. There will Lf plenty of of this law to ail who wiil to them in maiket to-day, cangot after mi Inight. of i onise, and they will bea wi icdiiH addition to th lull of laic, for good lish has been rat her si arce of la'e. No.v some iindeistandhig wid la arrived at between the li-bel lm n and the cannery men, for the li.-hcrmcn w ill be catching salmon ami will want to sill tlii-io, and if the mt i viu. n will lake them lot -I from h.-heiiuen who furnish their! I own gear, nr tor I those .v ho 'i o t in I'll eii'.s 1 1 o; it l-.lll ll'M'V I lil'Il'-' ir. tin-re will 'if no tloiiole. v I'ishillgwill .!,M'ee,l t!e tef- iiiei. rais-.f fie ht'c,'. I:' th" cin i eiuiien tc:ii-e to nay tliese prif's then: will fit her re :l s! : ik- or the d :i'.T."i:c in the idea-vl the li-ii- i-i's anil f anuf rs as the salmon will h may he fousidere.l there ill be pie ;'. at hoi k from K- !.;. no si l ike, and 1 1 if v lish for the 1 .-' pi It would Ii ' a ;ii r fishermen an i mi au'lee and a'i : t and Ii:-i n: ii:v ' n i : i liv- princi j : . a i,; of I' i.iMil i.i ! , Iiiie-t ill t he Wl Ap'ir "r ' ' 0': -Li vet hj tli, I'-ap til' rn! ailerhooii !n 111' e X ' I Willi a' the I ill! Vroor li.'V j pU'-lif -: j c:s. w ei ' m ich ci si ii.g :; oil i. . illter. il 111 ami pupils. At - o'c'ock the scli.':iis v fornifd iu hue and iiiar.-he.l 11 poll ill - gi'oilliii -. I. 'lie::," . hollow s.piarf a In m t the , i where the lir.-! lice was ! . phin'td. 1 lie eXftvi -cs wen- open, d i marching song l- tii- pu; ii-. lovi e l bv an in o,'::! o ;!i '.' the value ot adju-lid. It :; r ai-: ' h.U . .-f 1 fneil ., : ii.i. -,1 ike or W'V. :-ell tiieii M e ohtaiualij''. ! i ii if: if-i ii" . o k r p mc f .- ' :i .1 i.e ll.ell .OA-N - twoV l lit I w as Vei y mi pi cr-s. e. 1 hen llif SeVfl i ii citalhi '. Cl i 1 s, as 1 1 songs and liecitati litdegilN. S leg. I Lra e. n, 1 he I U.cii.iii n. W I 1 1 ! Ucc I I'n e. T'uve tree-, spruce, v ei e w el e named i!i j directors of tin K. Wcai herioi- i- C.ill' Ma;:te. an. I 1 to t he I uiee a!- i.o-.l. Me-sis. .1. lohn Foshav an-l il.. 11. . i iiirectors ontiinye. Fa.-h of the ic-imu:.!-' 1 with appr - priatf speech; I The ex. rci? I song, A i.ier. ca .-i d w :tu ! Ill- TAljL'ISA ..Ol'lii The Wiliamelte N'aliev j -, ;l , w J f rti 1 1 ;iii 1 ' 1 ,,, r Th.Mi-o. H. 'i llll'" t: j i i ,-. .. i i I """ V"' ''' "' "i 'i'V bo inl iiiiout a l.ninlie.l o ! , ,. , ., , ciianili- r l he Musi, The 1". will sail ir and is on ! P ani'.-r Cluii'l a:i I V i ni'isco Oil 'il. M'il. .cr wav '. I'.ch and will touch at t h!.- poi '. ( 'i.ela'ilo.'l- Il t:i" hd this v. IH to iv n. 'I. I. . i :i pumps wete beg I tilling the iiat lie J SIICCl s- runs t h I the rah and is ho! .1 i : i i Wll 1!.' ii .! of a ton pet i. lbb 'J' ol' ' i i i , wi'h a ! g" ! M i . ( gill, it: tew da-. i ipraping iC..'i : our ih.- i i lion. M. M. 1 1 I Waller-, W.ii. bec lining e - : rille sh-.otii.g. ' ter rob - and s ! ards vs is ho;.' j have a cha'i. i' I and we ''i .u 1 1 I near tut a e t !i j lenge t h" -1 i;. toe .'ii 1:'. c. iid. i'n. .11' :l 01 t r : n . I l'i! t -1 :.' i HO '.'. o'!-:iV ill til" ch ll- ! . ' iff f. : S' 'ie1 .' I',T lb t I- Til" vmiug.- ! C tei -on, 'J o cio. d -I-' -Ctl 'Ol '. it h il !:. Ill III lg -.l Mi-- !' in -'on! h l'lill! .1 lai. V.i- lit , he ,'eie t . ii. - .: t in copies of 1 he 1.1 A S p.:s la--i ie..i!ai on-, a;, i ; I hiive aiieadv hi gnu . .. Si -ere, ai y .M".-lo.d.- I. t I ol copy i it" 1 e..-:i :i on I la d bv ti 1 1 1 . -1 1 -i: . tie.' wo! I. Ml I f liilV III" legit!. ing an c tor ! o ;t eedid iti 1 1 1 i ii :i.!i . 1 :;i 1". putp :se. in ne!, euipl-.y-t t y pew I l!ei s :ii:. I I. . el' I'l" as -t; ill mi py to Mh-p : than liiitti:. ill i- u ! V t M . '.leek - i :t . , i r I i.i pi -r e than ith hi and .' book ... . 1 ' h:i - ei.i ; 'h.y- i ; ef! fo! lid-L-I'l.-.d.d '.: 1 a r work. ::".'l v. I'luent ..; i'ti'- uiali Ml! ep. I ' ' J to ti ill ' I he 1 : lout, mi! : :1ft::-;, j third lat i .1 l.--''.- ! i!i pi'.il.ably :.' .ui" ei than the .-.:-- ; : i : a : - -.-lilie-1 1 I.l 1 1. 'I lo- l.ll :iw l.L;:oii. San.iy b'..os. !t, foreman for D. Myci.-' t.l.iiitiite: ii.;!! and sas.h and door lactoiy, ia t W'e.hiesdav IllOlllii'.g WIS U .1 I 'liil li'.-cliollg'l loal!o. hi.-hiiiid io g.-i too ciiise to a huz. saw a ith wli cii iie was ;i woik.. lle-ul:, tif iihddif linger was rawed oil a! !' mar tiie joint, and the !l:u;..h oad'y lac- rat ed. I'l'. Hyde d.e--i d the W o'lli i ed 1. Sri: i;!"i : :i : up t ii" linger. f.d astiie b me w .- not siiiver. d lie i-xpects t sa'.e it. i ) l'tl'-s. Il.tli:i:i IM-pl eilllt i.. ii l l.liuis. .lust before i'.'ij .'it'" i. e n! con gress pas.-ed an I ii.ii milfpie lat ion law that will j'lob.ibly put Y-il'.-htiti.'i'li in circulation. Ibis l.nv piactiea'ty n snove-ad re-' rii";. ei and hmitali n-. at;. I cv- iy s. t'iei .r hi-he:; - can i.o .v g.-t pav in him tor t h Tli auie. --i n I i am Ti :i.Ii- -;:.-; 1 1 I.-- !. ...I. ing wi h j idoll- a. if from i e- 1'i.Mtl I Aib.ltiJ s tr tlie lain ciiutry. ,-s.t em's cll'ol Is iu i bat din", ton coine too late. A'h.inv has a lailroad. with daily t rain -. reaching i hat rich and crowing dfiii.t, and her tia.le ami heavy iunibi r shipments add much to the commerce ol thiscty. lit It lie, e ii know n f r scleral j ieo'it'iv l Mitvcyors of the , :i' hern" Pacitic have been ipiielh 1 -ni ve ing a route from Slierid.iu, : i pi'e-eiit te nninii- of tin- Soiith- e;;i i'.iciiif to Kay City and on to .-toiia. How in-ar this work is .ione we are unable to say, but we : do know that the sin veyors found 1 an excellent, mute and easy grades, i '. 1'. 1 1 u.'iMi'glon. piesiiient o! n:.e -iiiitifei u Pacilie, o:i b -ing ap pro if ie. I in te gard to ' he propose d extl'n-'oii. siiid that the matter of the leii'ding of the road to Kay City hid in-eii Idt to the judgment I K. Ko (.ho, manager of the : iiili.ei ii I'.e iiic, and the Tribune : tin iei-t ind- from reliable sources tii.i! a- so ui ii- the wi atlier settles doAii .'dr. Ko i!ir will pi rsonahy pa- - ov-r ti.e line and inspect the ; s-uvey. With a view ol b-'ginning work, ai'd we c;ui expect to si e I'.ni'ii b-j in e; r.v in the s lininel Ii. i- ill-il!. ifh.ty to day oilers the best m 'lit- lor pi otitahlrf lail- roi'liiig ..: any in tic country, and the :i:.-t raiii'.'ad to pun-trait' lu re will hf a bonanza for the owners. Kit v Cit v Tribune. CO "iSr NOdili. - .; : e 1 g.iio 1 Kugeiie have iving associ ition- each I'.-i.u v of State McKi id.-. WHO becll oliite ill inc.t the :: ' j in iimei.t ol tlie legislature is ic;otted by his physician to be .ci! of ..'iingi r, idthough it will be s-'Vi r d weeks l.eloie he will iie :i'.!f to !.- 'his i 111 'ial labors. For t!c- In-! hair w i ks h" has been coi.l! ucd to his bed, and is yei ucii'cf to a'.'et.d to oi i e p n leiii e or to receive "-it.. is. At an op. u me. of the SaK-m i a-ig" The. !:-i lav af'ci'iioon, a r :..!ii i' .u w;ij adopted that it is the -eiise of the lirango that it ia . jr.- the Oregon Slate Orange at its n -t se--io:i devi-ing some wav by which a cargo of sugar can be i ,r a i g'.t from China to Port land, - o il I'l il lo cause a ! d'lctioll hi the ot .Master of the (iiange, il. ii. Naves, was lit and delivered an address i" subject ot the government, .ig to .'iiey to fiirmers at a .ow it'I.V'I bv mo: tg ig" oil the I'" I n l.uin i in 'o I he .- a : ."il I nV.'l lo- I.l-', hillgl.'.rs br ike if I he Co: ai lis mills i jio line i-li in one i.l lh" diiiw'-'s. tool; a small tin b cor.t iii.oi ,' notes ami tnort-1 gag.-s and about ',)) in county uanani-. tug. tber with f I or $." in c:i -ii. i lies..' papers, wi re valueless i to ibe robbeis, I ut as the proprie t -r of I he mi ls had neglected to keep the iiniiil 'ft-of the warrants, he w as Ins-, r their value. Thurs day while plo.iing in his lield, an-. ut a mile below Corva'dis, L. 1 1 . I let ma n I in m .1 up t lie i leiitica! b x sh.'en last .'anuaiy, with its entile contents, except, the few b il.ii s in moiiev. IlnliiOiH N..I Ail; .- A u I ;a!ian-boru citiens. who I i aiU'lvii unpleasant epilhets to a .y class of cop e. Italy, the home ot art, has produced as noble iii-'U and woini n as t he world ha s, i n. s-he has sent to this country mi nc goo 1 people, who deserve mil a preciatioli. if the liaii.iii government has sent Us b; ig iml-, let ns lonviet them of crime an I hang them. It" the immigration of Italian laborers or anv other class of I'.urobean labor t is is grow ing t o large, let us limit it by legislation. Hut we it iitn c-ssa: ily wound many thou sands of good people, and we lower ourselves when apply insulting appellations to men of any nation al i t y . Scat 1 1 le Telegraph . I had :i severe attack of catarrh and became so deaf I could not heir common conversation. J siiilercl terribly from roaring in lav head. 1 procured a bottle of lay's Cream Palm, ami in three week- could iiearas well as l ever could, and now I can say to all who are alliicted with the worst of di-"i.s'es, catarrh, take Fly's Cream Palm and be cured II is worth ? I .huh to any man, woman or child sintering Irotii catarrh. A. K. .Newman, liiayling, Mich. hits been a tesidei t ol Seattle for Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ye.ns, writes a mild and laudable ugly ppots, sores and ulcers, ah-pioic.-t against the too comi'ion scesses nn.l tumors, inihealthy i iibii oi di-ci'ibing l.aliaus as J discharges, fuch as catarrh", "dagoes." His lonlaint is just . j ec.ema, ringworm, and other forms I li. ic is no sense or lairuess in t f skin diseases, are svmiitom's III .till KOI S IIHIFT. i'.)Cki:ti:i) the insi i.t. Fi'st Waiter Dar's some mighty mean folks in lio"lon. You noticed that hatchet-faced man what I'se been waiti-.r on? Second Waiter What's de mat ter wid hiin? "He insulted me wid adime." "What did yer do'."' "l accej t 'd it wd indiguashmi." Txas sittings. "i:k ki.i:s vs. siiekli.-. AlongAi,!' shore tlie city girl Will sovn tie nnikiiig freckles. Ami In tliimtel tier papa Will un'.e up tlie blu kcls, Cloiik lciew. C.MiTUll.Al:. Old Mr. Dadkins Ar-a-r-i I So I have caught you Kissing my daughter, have I V Young Mr. Coo'.cy I trust there is no doubt about it, sir. The light is iptite dim, and 1 should feel vastly humiliated if it should turn out that 1 had been kissing t lug cook. Puck. knkw l:v i:.i'KRii:x K. Mrs. I'.right My dear, can you tell me w hat the Knight of the Path is? Mr. Kright Why, Saturday, of course. What a question. Harvard Lampoon, .Match, 1801; originally Puck, 1877. IIATl'IIINO A PLOT. Customer Will this ribbon tie nicely int a hangman's knot? Clerk I think so, sir. Customer Then I'll take it. , It's for my wife's dog. Cloak I Review. ' liir climate is oft :iggriiv.iting, .tut to cii-s il would hardly he just ! For if we tind fiiu t with the rainfall . TIr-i. s no room to swear at the du-t. i 1 A SITIi; SKi.N-. Wood in What makes you ii :g again? Don't vou see mis caul says the iraynecks are out? Kiillinch Yes ; that's just the ria-on I think they're at home. Ko Ion Coin ier. WHO woi'i.dx't. j Miss Smilax Oh, 1 hate this! long cloak, part icularly on a windy day. It clings to me .so. j Kultinch Pardon me; hut really j w hat could yen expect? lloston j Courier. i NoT 1US1I KIU I. "Store robbed last night."' j ' You don't say ! What was t.lKCII .'" "Nearly all. In fact tin thing not disturbed wa- .he man. Philadelphia Times. only ! watch- Tim I're-lili-iit'x iit. ; ', n or about the first of May! President Harrison and party wi'il j visit Oregon stopping at the chief j ; cities and towns, where the patty : has been invited to do so. Albany ought not to he behind in the. ! matter, and should endeavor at I i least to have the president stop for ' a short time in thi3citv. i i TIIK liNKK'HI I. The facilities of the present day' or the production ol everything ! h it w ill conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was lirst produced the world was enriched w it Ii t he on iv perfect laxative known, as il is mc oniy reniciv w men is trci pleasing and refreshing to the ta-te and prompt andellectual tocleanse the system gently in the Sprii. time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular il becomes. Notice. Dr. Me .-Mister has returned to 1 II. .. ,11 ....: ... .i.oi.i m. inn iru ni: li.llil-Ilin ill his residence, corner of Ferry ami Ninth street-. Cioitp, v hooping cough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh'sCiire. For sale by Foshay iV Mason. Try otir elegant teas and cofl'ees, the linest in the citv. Once used , al wa use!. .Mueller i: Oarictt. Muel 1 hat hacking cough cm le so ' 'I'nckly cured by Shiloh's t'nrt-. We guaran'ee it. Sold hy Foshay i .Mason. No need to take those big cat- liaita-j.ils ; one of lr. J. II. Me la an s Liver and Kuiney Fillets is piite sullicif lit and more agreeable. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold bv us on a guarantee. It cures coneumptioii bv Foshav it Mason. I'OI Bale j j When nature falters and rcfiuires belt), recruit her en - t'o.a.i... I ,L ,.1.1. 1 1.. I 11 Ii elded energies w th Di. .1. II. McLean S Strengthening Cordial and lllood Purtier. 1 .00 per buttle of blood impurity. 1 ake I 'r. J . II McLean's i-at'saparil'a. in i:i. II i;iM.N At Iii- hom. m ar tlie I Siiiitiain, on Thursday cloning, April '.. 1V.U , Mr, Chris" ll.u .liiinii . a'ial -J."i years. Mr. ilariiiiian Wits taken with the la grippe a 'k or i two ago, wli'n It run into ptu iii.ioiiiii, causing Ins il.ith. lie leaves a ne : a w iie nil. I seven children and many friends to mourn hii death. , The -deceased was nil Oregon I pioneer, having removed to Oregon vvlicri a liny ill ls.'iU. He ha resided , in hum count v coiilinuousi v umlrvas well anil favorably known. p x v. : ; k i: ss i: i ) c 1 1 1 c k i-: x s : LOU Sl'XDAY PIXXh'U, : -AT MUKLLKK it UAKItKTT'S : .Notice lo llchlors. All th inJc'.t.-.l to the late firm . Vhnmiwon A: Overman are reiiuesti-il to ca it um-r un.l si-ttli- the same. IUSIXESS LOCALS. Hulin it Dawson, druggists. French keeps railroad time. io to Yierccks for a good shave Wall paper at Cumming's drug store. Just received, our new- line of sunshades and parasols. Ladies Bazaar. For lame back, tide or chest, use Shiloh's porous plaster. Price 1' " cents at Foshav it Mason. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Foshay ci Mason. NEW TO-DAY. MUKslI SALMON at tlie Alliani l ist. Mar 1 kit, ii-xt iloi.r to the p islnlllie. Leave . Mir f..r Kri.t ij as the salmon law ev pins on ilavl A1.-.0 KTeh, tlnun.l. r-. murtfi-uii all. I troui in m-asmi, (iaini- ah. I Iioultn ilicssi.l to or tu an, I ifcfi-, cre.l nvc in hie eit v. NOW LAUGH TO THINK OF IT,:- iMZZZTHEN CRY WITH JOY, )R TUESDAY, APRIL I47K, McFadden's Mammoth Pavil ion Double Uncle Tom's ("abin Co. vi ill appear under canvas on the court house square, with a company of players carefully selected for their ar tistic ability to (ill the riipiirc hu nts of the play. '1 Top-vs, J M irks, Don kev s, J Mules, I Klood Hounds, g -hctlaiid Poni. .-, I'.' .Musicians, b.Iubil.-e Singers, lo l'crioi lino s. L' cars of special scenery, a com pany of pcop'.-. a pm m of laugh'er and tears e'i doised by pulpit, pie S ami public. ;kani sruKi:r p.i:.ii-., at lli o'clock, rain or si. inc. Keiiieinber tf.i- ihii and place Court house s.piaie, Tue-..iv, April 1 llli. di;lm().n ico II. ..p i L'lUi li!l ! .Wi I ill 0i. ( ti miiiuii'h IM lurr, Fivsh Homo Made Ilnvti hiilv. Pie?. Cakco. I.t. Special rat-s mad- for baking ,-,. t,:i, t and weld ngs. Notice of st... kiuililio s vi. i ti.u,-. V i vi ice is 1 1 i:ui-:i w hivkx tmr tiik 1 niMHCll MnK-khO1.!-TK Idc-lillL' .'I tin- Ai tuny Mitiiii;: ami M hiing ( 'oiepanv .1 AHiiiiiy id l.e ln-lit at tin- .;!. e i t l!ie secret. srv ia ro' in- '.'"i aii.l in I tin- st'.i!i:.ii iVar. em : "ii l ir-t ::tii ii..v. strict, Alli.ny, i'.-. on i n I iln- same ti.-iiig the !a-t .Momlay ol i-t ill loin -e ol ,!,, t- e for the h l'i. l-'.'l. 1 l X V K, ccretif V A toil, l-o, ;,i (,,. , . ,ii r o'cloek f. v., furtiie l"i: p nig -c.'ii ihrcctor- to I !l-lllttg VI'Af. iiat. ii ;i..u v i.. ;i. M' Wr cnifv a lafL''" stoflc ui" , . . il ! l,rl"b'i' s statti.ti-ry, well ;i- i sorted, bought urn ci fnun tile iihituifucttirers at ;t low lipirv, ittnl can give th.' best of work in nil kinds ,,f jifinting tor the letist money. Try us. I' iv- Smii ky. i i . ..l.- !., ' Ort-.-oii 'it.v, or-von, Jan. Ii, i:il. i .Norr'K. is Ie iv'. loch t'l.itin oor.i('li:.ti.-i with e pr-nini ol l:u. mt ot c iilm-i-s .-J .Inn t-TS. i'-iiit't-.l "An a.-l f'.r l!i' s.ili' of liiahtT tun. Is in hi:1 ctiiti-K ol C'al'lf.rniit, Oregon, Ni-oi.lii an.! li T.Tritr," Charlirt I'rou-..', of tlavual.K vouitly of Atiittit'ifa. itati- of Catiioo.ia. ha-, hiw .lay ti'i'-l in ollici- I.U sworn stat.-lm tit N'i. Jl-7. for tin- imii-hisc of ihc S. m N. K. anil lots I an.! 'J of Si-c ion N... il, in l-.w.i-ihip No. la south liii.iL-o .X.-. :; i'..-t an. I uiii ollrr .r i'. to show ttial the lan.l H..iuht is n...r.. . i.l. t..ri:i litoli.T or sTuiif llt.i. i.:in si, a id to i-MUi-h li s liaiiil t. yai.l lan.l U'lor.. On- l:.::ist.-r j ,,n 'i huis.lai- tin- 7th .lay of m h, i -oi 1 iionainifl:isiiiuss.s. n i: t .n, .1. II. ColliiM, T. K. Norris an. I F, II, t::il. t ail f 1,;lltt.,,.B, ,:1iifrllia Am ami at: ,-.s....s j lainiiin.' a.lM THiiy the al)ii .lis. riliol I i..l. lav r.-.ii.--ti'.l t" tile tln- r ilaiins iii this I otiicc on or hio-i' Mi'l .tn 'a of Mav, is.ii. .1. T. ITKUsOS. Hi'iiistir. Nn Hit ol Final -xKlriiii nl, j NoTICK is hi rein triii-n that tin' r-Hiuni-il administratrix of th. estate f J. J horris, il.ii'an.'il, has (ilcl h.-r aiv..u.,t as nai.l a.hiiinislratrix of Kii-I, an. I r-at hy orih'r of lh.- lOnnty coiiit of I. Hi" I county. Or.-uon. onlhi'l'lh il.iy ol Mai at I 10 a. M , of -ai.l .lay his !... n live. I l. lh. I j i- nrl as Mir linn' for hcinn ami sittluvj . K:ii i a. -.ouiit. Mk. M K I'oioii-. A. hni."!. Nolhc lor riililliallnll l liit.'il States l.anil (Mli. e, I Oregon City, Or., .Ian. IX'l. t NOTK'K is hfiel.y given that in onit'liiuicc w il It the . revisions ol tl.e m t of Congress of .lime :!, 1S entitl ed "An mt fc.r the sale of tiialur ii.ii... states of ( alifoi nil. On ,,,, Vt-v:nl:i imd Wii-hiiiglini 'lerri-! rnV' -bthu Van llo.n. of .s., Fran- ; ,.,. ,.,,iity of Sun Francisco, slat.-; ()f ( i,i:fri,1. ).;,- this day til" 'I litthi-; ...i:.... i.j swinn statement Nn. -!!! -.! ii-llic linn hiin- of the N W i.l l Sectiiin No. -'. in Tp- N. Soiitl .t Ihmge No. :: Ka-t, and will oiler prno j to show that the land sought is mine i valuable for it- timber or stone than j for agricultural purposes, arjd to cs i tab lish h s claim to said bind be fori-I j the Kcgistcr and K.-eeivco of :lii- of- I ;c at ircgon litv, Oregon, on Tac- 1 ! day, tlie 'JSH, day i.f Apiil, l-'.U . i ilc naliics a itn.-SM s, .1. Tofgm j ! iiiiu.C. Chatain, F.,.lcan. M. Ilulb.rd. ' ! all of San Fiaiii-iseo. California. Anvi 1 atiii all pcrsoiis claiming adversely t he above described lands apt reitiested to tile their c'aiins ill tins oilice nil or be fore said 'JSUj day of April, 1MU. J. T, APl'FKSOX, Kt -'ItU'r. it. llvi.K, I'n.n, .ll!il'Wlli!i'Tr!l! 1 I ikcrj'ffwnfeclioiiei) Highest of all in Leavening Fower. mi I1 ABSOLUTELY PURE L. E. Blain, Tlie Leadiuff Clothier. ftni: pi:h;ki;-sit: pi kchasfu dksirks to see a line of goods tiu.t emlwdies in its immense variety, the linest and conservative fashionable features of the day, combined with a complete assort ment of staples, all made and I'nished in the very high est standard of excellence, and placed on the market at p: pular prices, our exhibit ir the coming spring and uinmer season will surely command his attention. a fine assortment of new . CLOTHING MADE Fit guaranteed in his I'Kiciis; Always Reasonable. ,:,n ;h, i:,a: ;i ;;;;;;;; vr The Albany - -Cr II. llyd ! having purchased the interest of L. T. I5roik in the J business, invites the iittention of the public tohiselegant it f f:i'iiit':re iu his rcv .piarters in the l'.altiinore brick. He has added a inaguilifA'tit line of newest patterns in bed-room and pailor sets and all kinds of fine furniture, and has one of the ti::e-t furniture est;iblishnie:ts in the city. Prices will be found very reasonable. A fine line of carp?ts and rugs bought befo.-e the raise will be sold at low" figures. r 6- -i' Tn Spring tlie young man's fancy Lilitly turtistotlioughtsof love I" tlx I 3TfL WiiX iiii-buhls 01 B a r .The. wise vonii ' man. the old turn their steps, when siMivhing butter, fresh laid eg js, ' t api- and grocery store ot C. IC. Once AVo wish to remind you that we car ry the most Complete Lino of" ITard ware, Stoyes and Ivancrcs in the "Val- MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. Latest U. S. Gov't Fooil keport. 8SfS pat - : " -'i:. terns for suitings and trousers TO ORDER AND A tailoring department. ij;'i:iTi:i:n'L'j:.iFi!Si!ni!i!Fi'!:i:;,?i;ii Furniture Co. rrfcrr-irrrfc.a:rr ft a Ct 1 il also turns lo i Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr r Cr Cr Cr U tt V-u- n- iliiif pd lo Mt, as well. hum. the thriftv housewife, all wil for fresh table delicacies, choice am y groceries of all kinds, to the Browne. Ao'ai n i 4