Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, July 16, 1901, Image 2

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The „Clyde” Billard Parlors is the place to spend your leisure moments.
lu (iii'i 'jifrnUl
exmniidng bridge«.......... 43 40
C Boiiient, miiary ns
cuunty cornmiKt'idiieH «nd
exainining bridge*............ 38 80
Ordi-red tliat J A Muuday he al­
lo .v d to rcdeem tli** biiul «old uti-
det tbe name il thè Milli'o - a Co.
b, paving $2 >.84.
Oidored :h.>C thè deik ¡«sue «»r -
lauta for tbe ctìllcction of delio*
quent tuxes.
Wlicreiipou court adjourned for
thè terni.
A Statement-
M k . O uvui S. B eowk ,
Coquille, Jregon.
Dear Sir:
In reply to. your com- È
muiiieution of recent date, will nay
County Official Paper.
tlmt tbe following is a statement
Itovotud t<» Hu* material and nocini t.p
showing the i-uridition of the Mod-
o aiding of the ('oquiJltj Valley ly
eru t\ oddrjien of America, as de- 1$
4uu\ of Coo* County K«u«ritll>.
Subscription, per year, in tulvuuoe, fl.ßü
veloped by an examination made by
this department March 31, 11101.
'rills: Ptl'L'l! U kept « mi filo » t K. C. O AK E S
Total aasets................ $1,253.239.10
I ÏIIO I (I iifl A.ivi-rtitOitf Agency, 64 auu to
Total liabilities..........
627 085 70
Mere kan tu’ llinh»iiK<‘, San KraiuH»<*<>. California,
viiMr econtracta tor ai vert lain* uau bo mado for it.
Hal. o pmtect con tracts 728,153.40
From this von can clearly see
I, L. H. Hazard, county clerk of that there is abundant money on
County Court Troosedlngs Continued Irom
Coos couutj, Oregon and ex- hand to meet all obligations.
First Page-
| officio clerk of the county court of I During the year 1900, the mortu-
ie State of Oregon,
Orcr/n.i in and for the ary
arv collections of the Modern U’ood-
| the
Wood- ;j.,t
Elbert Dyer, 4(1,000 feet
county of Coos, hereby certify that men of America were ¡#4,366,000,:
plank for liutnlon-Kosa ^
the foregoing schedule of expenses! death losses incurred during the it
n,iU' ........................
...$H>0 00 i ,,f 0 oog county, Oregon, as audited i same time $4.274.000. During the
J A Lyons estate, lumbei for
! and allowed by the county court of Brut three months of the present
65 87 Coos
£jll0B county, Oregon, in
is a true au«l
aud year, the mortuary collections were
u l V . . ...............................
Petition for tin* relocation of the oor'roct extract from the proceed- $1,323,000, death losses incurred
(- oor Pay W i.gon Horn I froui^ Bruin- *n^H ,,f 8ajtj county at the July, 11)01 during the same period $1467 000. \
mit creek bridge to “ (»reen r\ raiudi
*orin thereof,
thereof, as
as takeu
from the
While the death losses during |
it--, tortn
takeu from
granted and ( has Heller, H E \V tl- journal of said court,
the first three mouths of the present
eox and Geo Miller appointed view-1 Witness my hand and seal of said year have exceeded the amount of
ers and S II Cathcart, surveyor, to 0O'nrt this 12th ,|tt}. uf July, 1901.
mortuary collections, yet taking
meet at lirummit creek bridge on
into consideration that the death-
li H. H azard ,
Aug 5, IDOL
Couuty Clerk. losses of all companies doing busit
The report of appraisers of dam­
ness in tbe northern half of the
ages on the Coqtidle-Lainpa creek
Text Bonks Chosen-
United States is greater during the
rood accepted and the road ordered
winter months than during any
opened upon tho petitioners paying
Salem, Or., July 9.— Ninty-eight other season, I do not ste that this
to the county clerk the sum of j per cent o f the common school text-j should beany mise for alarm.
$461.67, being one-third of tha book business of tlie state was
It is true that this Department
damages as assessed by the npprais- awarded by the Tex-Book Cornmis- lias advised the company that, in
ers, the county to pay the other two sj„n today. Ginn & Co. get 73 per their estimation, it would be better
thirds of the damages, when the cent., Maynard, Merrill A Co., 17 that increased assessments or more
petitioners pay their portion. Dam­ per cent., Heath & Co., 6 per cent.; assessments be levied.
ages allowed by the appraisers as Christopher, Sauer A Co. 2 per cent.
This, however, was not «lone be­
The American Book Company, which cause the company did not have
W M Wheeler.....................$ 75 00 has heretofore had the bulk of the sufficient money to meet their obli­
.1 C Wilson............................. 110 00 business, bus thus far been given gations, but was for the purpose of
A and Mabel Flanders......... 270 00 nothing.
enabling them to accumulate a re­
C Romander......................... 200 00
In making the awards the board serve fund, which this Department
75 00 voted ns. a unit, tbe selections hav­ thinks is necessary.
A J Wilson.........................
.1 W Lawrence..................... 50 00 ing been agreed upou beforehand.
Very respectfully yours,
John W Koon....................... 200 (10 Each book, therefore, received five
H i - miy Y ates
Geo S Robison..................... 45 00 voles, except in the selection of a
Insurance Superintendent.
Mary Clausen....................... 20 00 primary history, when H. W. Scott
Alex Urquhart....................... 60 00 voted independent y of the othei Treasury Will Hold Suparinta&iint Leach
Geo H Kell............................. 75 00 four. So far as appears, complete
W R Pan ter......................... 75 00 harmony prevailed, all differences
J C Brown................... '......... 90 00 of opinion having been settled at
Washington, July 8.—The Treas­
Mrs. H J Green..................... 40 00 private conference*.
ury Department today notified the
Tho books adapted are hero shown Surety Company of Baltimore, which
Total damages allowed .$1385 00 bv series, tho prices being for a set is on tho bond of Superintendent
Petition for the location of a of tho series. Introductory prices Leach of the San Francisco Mint for
portion of Catching slough ph a are the game ns retail in all cases, $100,000, that they will be held re-1
public highway denied for the reas­
Cyr’s readers, five books, Ginn A sponsible under their bouds for the
on that the court Inis no authority C o.; exchange, $1,03; retail, $2.05. | $30,000 or any part of thf same
to grant the petition as prayed for.
Rood A K el'ogg’s grammar, three which is said to have been stolen
L W Record appointed road books, Mavuard, Leirili A Co.:
from the gold vaults at San Fran
supervisor of road dis'riet 19 to (ill (,|mnge, <;H eents, retail, $1.35.
! cisco.
Assistant Secretary Ailes,
vacancy caused by death of W B
AA eut worth s arithmetic,
two speaking for tho treasury depart-
books, Gin u A Co,; exchange, 36 ment, said today, “ We are certain
7j T Johnson, administrator of W cents, retail, 70 cents.
I to apprehend tho guilty party ns the
B Woods estate ordered paid $94 30 I Frye’s geography, two books, limits of the responsibility are com-
for salary duc W B Woods, deceased Ginn A Co,; exchange, 90 cents, parativelv circumscribed. The gov­
salary as road mi) ervisor of district retail’, $1.80.
ernment, however, does not propose
Speller, Reed’s word lessons, or e to be the loser, and in any case will
V N Perry, court bouse jani­
book, Maynard, Merrill A Co.; ex­ hold Superintendent Leach respon-!
tor, Apiil 7 to July 11 in­
change, 10 eents, retail, 22 cents.
sible upon his bond.
The secret |
clusive............................... $ 94 00
H heeler’s primer, W. H. Wheels service detectives, by tbe process of j |
W R Punter, 5 tons coal for
A Co.; exchange, 15 cents, retail, 30 elimination, have considerably nar
court house....................... 15 00 cents.
| rowed the limit of responsibility
A C Lukeus, carpenter work
Brooks’ msntnl arithmetic, Christ- for the theft.”
in assessor's office.............
6 00 j opher, Saner A Co.; two now in use,
Secretary Ailes said the depavt-
AV A Goodman, building 200
rutnil, 30 cents.
meutdid not approve the plan of as-
feet of side walk............... 10 00 i Newland A Row’s vertical writing, sessing tho employees to make good
Deuliner A Hagelstein,2 iron
¡eight docks, llcuth A Cog 6 cents the shortage. The thing has been
posts for county surveyor
_l j straight.
I done before, but never for so large
L L Luutz, 3 tables for court qr
I Thomas’ primary history, Heath Un amount. In the present case the
j A Co.; exchange, 30 cents, retail, department recognizes the severe
Phoebe Whetstone, washing
(ill cents. Mr. Scott voted for Mo- hardship.which would result from a
for prisoners..................... 11 85 Master’s history.
: general assessment of nil the ein-
A B Dean, 1 ton of coal for
, Thomas’ United Sta’ es history, | ployees of tbe mint at San Fran-1 ||i!
court house.......................
j grammer grade, Heath A Co.; ex- risen. Many, and indeed most of
Win Mansell, wood and haul­
change, 50 cents, retail $1.
these emploi ees, have no
ing for court house.........
9 50 | After tile vote had been taken tiou whatever with the gold vaults,
City of Coquille, water for
i President H. \\ . Scott stated to the nQl) could not, m the most remote
court house May, June
n ! book men that the members of the : wtty, and could not, in the most re-
aud July .........................
•’ ou board bad been studying the merits 1 mote wav, bo responsible for the
AV C Renlmni, hauling 21
| of taxt books for about four mouths, sliortuge there.
tons coal for court house 10 50 that they had held a conference,
-------- ----
- ——
Alfred Johusou, side walk
compared notes and investigated
Hot Day in Kansas.
lumber .............................. 25 44 prices and that the selections made
C AI iSkocls, sundries for
Topeka, Kan., July 8 —This has
j were tile result of that conference.
court hocso......................
" 1 ’ j Physiology,
civil government. ; been a day of unprecedented tim -
J A Lamb A Co., sundries
music and drawing are yet to be preature in Kanses. In Topeka for
for court house.................
^ ’*** j passed upon in the common branch - 1 two hours this afternoon the mark
C A Gage, sundries for pris­
es. but they represent but a small reached was 104
In Marysville,
oners and court bouse...
1 95 percentage of the text-book business 108 degrees was tbe record made.
J A Lyons estate, sundries
I All the high school branches also Fort Scott reported 106 degrees.
for prisoners and court
Reports from nuinorous Kansas
4 33
Of course all the agents who were counties tonight indicate that the ;
AYm Gallier sundries for
'successful are satisfied and jubilant. corn crop is practically a failure.
court house.......................
5 75 One of the heavy losers, when asked Hay is selling at enormous prieps
R S Knowltun, stationary,
tonight what he thought of the and the indicatioa point to almost a
etc for counts officers..... 12 DO board’s action, said: “The board is famine in feed for animals unless
AA m Rich, coal oil for court
above reproach.
They did what rain comes within a day or two.
8 50 they thought bent for tho scbolls of
Stephen Galber, boarding
Oregon. Of course I don't agree
prisoners........................... 76 00 with their judgment in the matter.”
Stephen Gallier, 1 months,
Another unsuccessful man, when
salary as sheriff................. 166 67 asked what he thought of the
Ed Gallier,
1 months salary
board’s holding a preliminary con-
depute shenff ...... ...... 60 00
„ , e '„.lections, said:
J B Dullov, l month salary
“ It was the only businesslike* way
ns county treasurer.......... 50 00 of doing tilings. They went about
L H Hazard, 1 month salary
it like business men.
Digests what you eat.
county clerk.............
100 00
The adopting of the vertical sys­ It artificially d ¡ge>ts the food aud aids
R H .Alasi, 1 month salary
tem of writing is erne of the most Natura in strengthening and recon­
as deputy clerk................ (ìli 67
radical changes made by the com­ structing the exhausted digestive or-
tt H Hunch. 3 months sal­
g tns. It isthe latestdlscovereddlgest-
auL and tonic. No other preparation
ary as school superintend­
can approach lt in efficiency. It in­
ent. postage, etc.............. 238 05
DcAVitt's AA'itch
Hazel Salve stantly relievesand permanently cures
(' H Noshr, 3 days examin­
should bo promptly applied to cuts. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn
ation of teachers..............
9 00 burn» and scald«. It soothes ami Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
AN D Reedy, 3 days ixaiiiiu-
quickly bealn the injured part. Sick Headache.Gastralgia Crampsand
ation of teachers..............
9.00 There are worthless counterfeits, h»- all other results of impel feet digestion.
Prie* SOc. a n d «. Larue sire contains
J S Law retire, 79 day s salary
sure to oct 1)» Witt s. K. S. Knowl- imttllstie. Book all about dyspepsiatuaiiedfr*«
Pr«par«d by E. C DtWITT A CO . Chicago-
as assessor......................... 237 00 ton.
T .1 Thrift, 53 days salary a*
deputy assessor................. 159 00
J AY Mast, 78 days work in
uvt * kx of m* I n muion. I nukd S tati »*
assessors office................... 195 00 !>»r A u r M R s v o r t m k I» t *» h *». C n i t m v
I. vni > O rn o «. K<»*»K*or.o. O h V h * 2 9 . 11*01.
Stephen Gullit r, for special
S tatuì L aud (tirici, H. «Minio. C»«.. J n t
thi» fnUowimf-iKuuttl ik-ttler hn* liletl
deputy hire......................
10 (Ml
of hi* intention to inukt'
N ' » th »TU
J J Stanley, 5? dava Work ill
ii. *npj»ort o: hi* altura
e fo il'» w in L !-n m iie tl * c » tlc r hn * lilc , l mmation Anni
sheriff's office...,................ 14 35 notice of hi* nitration tomnke Anal proof in «»n*l tlmt *nul |»nv»f will I»** mnd«* !x’ f.*re
im port of his cairn niellim i **ul proof 1. H II unni, «i »mry cl.r'i. ut «'.«itiillv
J AA Lenovo, 6 day s woik in
«ili Ite tun c Vfore 1. il.tla xftrt Count)' City. Oregon on \iu -1. V* 1 ▼ :r : ■»-irne*
clerk's office ................ ... 12 00 Cl, rk at Cnqnille C m . OTe«ron on
'V Hvem. on hi* l.owe*leinf entry
^ »*44
\\m. vi/ Kobcri Ormi on hi* I d on** for thr S , >1’. 4 .
4 mul Irot « Sec
Irma Lakens. 1 It days work
•Or ol * uftv No
f >r th •
S\N 4 N E .» '* Ip. ‘.K . H . 1!. II
in clerk’s office.................
25 37 S W 'j S .v i ’* »n 2 T E .ll. IH W .
Me nume* ine
wttn **c* to
He n-miVi ihc foli .wine wirnen.*r* to pmv*. h»* c mtuin -u* r. si t. noe up*n unti
L Harloeker amount of 3
prove In* i’ »ntim>u* renidence ni*,n *ud culli' nti»m of m u I Unti, vim
montila salary as mutity
cilnvmi..n »»( *n.t I mu I. tiji : II. -I I>-*n.
»1 W Mo**, of b i tv rw Orjuon. George
Steven**w. or ( .H|nille Cilv. Oregon,
judge .........
200 00 FU Me Adnm* I> F. IVnn. s. S. Me Aduni*
v w '***
Donald McIntosh, salary as
4. T . B itoor*.
Lee. U ioion.
J- l . Hrnwtw.
county cenni iss,, mer and
D. f . Dean. Editor and Proprietor.
S I - .!
All kinds of soft crinks and fine cigar.
â "
J ifa n t
Men’s Durham Calf Lace
shoes, unexcelled in
lit and durrbilitytt<2
Tue Celebrated S. nii-Vitri t u Porcetain Hand Painted Decora­
tions, with Gold Trimmings Given Away
Free to Our Customer»'.
Ladies’ and Misses
You can "efc a «Tinner set free! Given away wi‘h onr cash aah'H,
piece by piece, and continued until you £<*t a complete set.
ìents’ (¡bocciate Vici Kid,
Set consists of cups i: *1 muu cis , pie plates, breakfast plates,
Vesting Top, London Tip,
dinner plates, sauce dishes, platters, vegetable dishes, sugar
bowls, etc. Anything that goes to make up a fine set.
We use these dishes simple »is hu a«lvevtisement for our business.
Trade with us
and get. your friends t<> trad* with us. and will d*» the rest, by
supplying you and them with these dishes Free of Charge.
Littlo Ladies’ Red and
black strap sandals.
Bovs Vici Kid Lace
Dancing Pumps J
Men’s Derby and Dun­
lap Hats
Mcn’s Fedora and
Alpine Hats in
Black and other
Boys’ Rolled Brim
lints in black,
brown and navy
50c and 60c
Gents Furnishings
Gents’ Silk Neck Scarfs in
all lending sha l s g g Q
White Lawn and Silk
band bows
I f there is any
coffee better than
the Blanke’s foi
i the money w e
0/ “ P. AA’. R ,” the
^ best lOo ciffrtr
will refund i t
made, 3 for 25c
gladly, all we ask
is to try a pound at
Rouse Furbishing.
Mop Sticks,
Dyspepsia Cure
Children’s White Silk and
lawn bonnets in great
varieties at half prices
ioc F r e e !
Brass AA ash Boards, war-
anted for 5 years
if, Fruit Jar Funnel,
C u lli n g I r .m s ,
D r ie d
l^ e a
AA aving Irnns. jier
Single Loaf i>reH«i Baker. . . . 15c
I h ' h
*2. ll>s t o r •“>(•
Piano! °
P o u l t v y
An effective but harmless rrmedy
fur poultry. It makes the liens lay.
P e r p a c k a g e ..............................2 5 c.
I s