-^C The „Clyde” Billard Parlors is the place to spend your leisure moments. lu (iii'i 'jifrnUl PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY exmniidng bridge«.......... 43 40 C Boiiient, miiary ns cuunty cornmiKt'idiieH «nd exainining bridge*............ 38 80 Ordi-red tliat J A Muuday he al­ lo .v d to rcdeem tli** biiul «old uti- det tbe name il thè Milli'o - a Co. b, paving $2 >.84. Oidored :h.>C thè deik ¡«sue «»r - lauta for tbe ctìllcction of delio* quent tuxes. Wlicreiipou court adjourned for thè terni. A Statement- lt m M k . O uvui S. B eowk , Coquille, Jregon. Dear Sir: In reply to. your com- È muiiieution of recent date, will nay County Official Paper. tlmt tbe following is a statement Itovotud t<» Hu* material and nocini t.p showing the i-uridition of the Mod- o aiding of the ('oquiJltj Valley iiartiUii.at ly eru t\ oddrjien of America, as de- 1$ 4uu\ of Coo* County K«u«ritll>. Subscription, per year, in tulvuuoe, fl.ßü veloped by an examination made by this department March 31, 11101. 'rills: Ptl'L'l! U kept « mi filo » t K. C. O AK E S Total aasets................ $1,253.239.10 I ÏIIO I (I iifl A.ivi-rtitOitf Agency, 64 auu to Total liabilities.......... 627 085 70 Mere kan tu’ llinh»iiK<‘, San KraiuH»<*<>. California, viiMr econtracta tor ai vert lain* uau bo mado for it. Hal. o pmtect con tracts 728,153.40 STATE (JF OREGON,) COUNTY OF COOS. ] bs' From this von can clearly see I, L. H. Hazard, county clerk of that there is abundant money on County Court Troosedlngs Continued Irom Coos couutj, Oregon and ex- hand to meet all obligations. First Page- | officio clerk of the county court of I During the year 1900, the mortu- ie State of Oregon, Orcr/n.i in and for the ary arv collections of the Modern U’ood- | the Wood- ;j.,t Elbert Dyer, 4(1,000 feet county of Coos, hereby certify that men of America were ¡#4,366,000,: plank for liutnlon-Kosa ^ the foregoing schedule of expenses! death losses incurred during the it n,iU' ........................ ...$H>0 00 i ,,f 0 oog county, Oregon, as audited i same time $4.274.000. During the J A Lyons estate, lumbei for ^ ! and allowed by the county court of Brut three months of the present H .......................... 65 87 Coos £jll0B county, Oregon, in is a true au«l aud year, the mortuary collections were u l V . . ............................... Petition for tin* relocation of the oor'roct extract from the proceed- $1,323,000, death losses incurred (- oor Pay W i.gon Horn I froui^ Bruin- *n^H ,,f 8ajtj county at the July, 11)01 during the same period $1467 000. \ mit creek bridge to “ (»reen r\ raiudi *orin thereof, thereof, as as takeu from the the While the death losses during | it--, tortn takeu from granted and ( has Heller, H E \V tl- journal of said court, the first three mouths of the present eox and Geo Miller appointed view-1 Witness my hand and seal of said year have exceeded the amount of ers and S II Cathcart, surveyor, to 0O'nrt this 12th ,|tt}. uf July, 1901. mortuary collections, yet taking meet at lirummit creek bridge on into consideration that the death- li H. H azard , Aug 5, IDOL Couuty Clerk. losses of all companies doing busit The report of appraisers of dam­ ness in tbe northern half of the ages on the Coqtidle-Lainpa creek Text Bonks Chosen- United States is greater during the rood accepted and the road ordered winter months than during any opened upon tho petitioners paying Salem, Or., July 9.— Ninty-eight other season, I do not ste that this to the county clerk the sum of j per cent o f the common school text-j should beany mise for alarm. $461.67, being one-third of tha book business of tlie state was It is true that this Department damages as assessed by the npprais- awarded by the Tex-Book Cornmis- lias advised the company that, in ers, the county to pay the other two sj„n today. Ginn & Co. get 73 per their estimation, it would be better thirds of the damages, when the cent., Maynard, Merrill A Co., 17 that increased assessments or more petitioners pay their portion. Dam­ per cent., Heath & Co., 6 per cent.; assessments be levied. ages allowed by the appraisers as Christopher, Sauer A Co. 2 per cent. This, however, was not «lone be­ follows: The American Book Company, which cause the company did not have W M Wheeler.....................$ 75 00 has heretofore had the bulk of the sufficient money to meet their obli­ .1 C Wilson............................. 110 00 business, bus thus far been given gations, but was for the purpose of A and Mabel Flanders......... 270 00 nothing. enabling them to accumulate a re­ C Romander......................... 200 00 In making the awards the board serve fund, which this Department 75 00 voted ns. a unit, tbe selections hav­ thinks is necessary. A J Wilson......................... .1 W Lawrence..................... 50 00 ing been agreed upou beforehand. Very respectfully yours, John W Koon....................... 200 (10 Each book, therefore, received five H i - miy Y ates Geo S Robison..................... 45 00 voles, except in the selection of a Insurance Superintendent. Mary Clausen....................... 20 00 primary history, when H. W. Scott Alex Urquhart....................... 60 00 voted independent y of the othei Treasury Will Hold Suparinta&iint Leach Geo H Kell............................. 75 00 four. So far as appears, complete Responsible. W R Pan ter......................... 75 00 harmony prevailed, all differences J C Brown................... '......... 90 00 of opinion having been settled at Washington, July 8.—The Treas­ Mrs. H J Green..................... 40 00 private conference*. ury Department today notified the Tho books adapted are hero shown Surety Company of Baltimore, which Total damages allowed .$1385 00 bv series, tho prices being for a set is on tho bond of Superintendent Petition for the location of a of tho series. Introductory prices Leach of the San Francisco Mint for portion of Catching slough ph a are the game ns retail in all cases, $100,000, that they will be held re-1 public highway denied for the reas­ Cyr’s readers, five books, Ginn A sponsible under their bouds for the on that the court Inis no authority C o.; exchange, $1,03; retail, $2.05. | $30,000 or any part of thf same to grant the petition as prayed for. Rood A K el'ogg’s grammar, three which is said to have been stolen L W Record appointed road books, Mavuard, Leirili A Co.: from the gold vaults at San Fran supervisor of road dis'riet 19 to (ill (,|mnge, <;H eents, retail, $1.35. ! cisco. Assistant Secretary Ailes, vacancy caused by death of W B AA eut worth s arithmetic, two speaking for tho treasury depart- Woods. books, Gin u A Co,; exchange, 36 ment, said today, “ We are certain 7j T Johnson, administrator of W cents, retail, 70 cents. I to apprehend tho guilty party ns the B Woods estate ordered paid $94 30 I Frye’s geography, two books, limits of the responsibility are com- for salary duc W B Woods, deceased Ginn A Co,; exchange, 90 cents, parativelv circumscribed. The gov­ salary as road mi) ervisor of district retail’, $1.80. ernment, however, does not propose 19. Speller, Reed’s word lessons, or e to be the loser, and in any case will V N Perry, court bouse jani­ book, Maynard, Merrill A Co.; ex­ hold Superintendent Leach respon-! tor, Apiil 7 to July 11 in­ change, 10 eents, retail, 22 cents. sible upon his bond. The secret | clusive............................... $ 94 00 H heeler’s primer, W. H. Wheels service detectives, by tbe process of j | W R Punter, 5 tons coal for A Co.; exchange, 15 cents, retail, 30 elimination, have considerably nar court house....................... 15 00 cents. | rowed the limit of responsibility A C Lukeus, carpenter work Brooks’ msntnl arithmetic, Christ- for the theft.” in assessor's office............. 6 00 j opher, Saner A Co.; two now in use, Secretary Ailes said the depavt- AV A Goodman, building 200 rutnil, 30 cents. meutdid not approve the plan of as- feet of side walk............... 10 00 i Newland A Row’s vertical writing, sessing tho employees to make good Deuliner A Hagelstein,2 iron ¡eight docks, llcuth A Cog 6 cents the shortage. The thing has been posts for county surveyor _l j straight. I done before, but never for so large L L Luutz, 3 tables for court qr I Thomas’ primary history, Heath Un amount. In the present case the house.................................. ° j A Co.; exchange, 30 cents, retail, department recognizes the severe Phoebe Whetstone, washing (ill cents. Mr. Scott voted for Mo- hardship.which would result from a for prisoners..................... 11 85 Master’s history. : general assessment of nil the ein- A B Dean, 1 ton of coal for , Thomas’ United Sta’ es history, | ployees of tbe mint at San Fran-1 ||i! court house....................... •’ j grammer grade, Heath A Co.; ex- risen. Many, and indeed most of Win Mansell, wood and haul­ change, 50 cents, retail $1. these emploi ees, have no ing for court house......... 9 50 | After tile vote had been taken tiou whatever with the gold vaults, City of Coquille, water for i President H. \\ . Scott stated to the nQl) could not, m the most remote court house May, June n ! book men that the members of the : wtty, and could not, in the most re- aud July ......................... •’ ou board bad been studying the merits 1 mote wav, bo responsible for the AV C Renlmni, hauling 21 | of taxt books for about four mouths, sliortuge there. tons coal for court house 10 50 that they had held a conference, -------- ---- - —— Alfred Johusou, side walk compared notes and investigated Hot Day in Kansas. lumber .............................. 25 44 prices and that the selections made C AI iSkocls, sundries for Topeka, Kan., July 8 —This has j were tile result of that conference. court hocso...................... " 1 ’ j Physiology, civil government. ; been a day of unprecedented tim - J A Lamb A Co., sundries music and drawing are yet to be preature in Kanses. In Topeka for for court house................. ^ ’*** j passed upon in the common branch - 1 two hours this afternoon the mark C A Gage, sundries for pris­ es. but they represent but a small reached was 104 In Marysville, oners and court bouse... 1 95 percentage of the text-book business 108 degrees was tbe record made. J A Lyons estate, sundries I All the high school branches also Fort Scott reported 106 degrees. for prisoners and court Reports from nuinorous Kansas remain. housu................................. 4 33 Of course all the agents who were counties tonight indicate that the ; AYm Gallier sundries for 'successful are satisfied and jubilant. corn crop is practically a failure. court house....................... 5 75 One of the heavy losers, when asked Hay is selling at enormous prieps R S Knowltun, stationary, j tonight what he thought of the and the indicatioa point to almost a etc for counts officers..... 12 DO board’s action, said: “The board is famine in feed for animals unless AA m Rich, coal oil for court above reproach. They did what rain comes within a day or two. house.................................. 8 50 they thought bent for tho scbolls of Stephen Galber, boarding Oregon. Of course I don't agree prisoners........................... 76 00 with their judgment in the matter.” Stephen Gallier, 1 months, Another unsuccessful man, when salary as sheriff................. 166 67 asked what he thought of the Ed Gallier, 1 months salary , , board’s holding a preliminary con- depute shenff ...... ...... 60 00 „ , e '„.lections, said: J B Dullov, l month salary “ It was the only businesslike* way ns county treasurer.......... 50 00 of doing tilings. They went about L H Hazard, 1 month salary it like business men. Digests what you eat. county clerk............. 100 00 The adopting of the vertical sys­ It artificially d ¡ge>ts the food aud aids R H .Alasi, 1 month salary tem of writing is erne of the most Natura in strengthening and recon­ as deputy clerk................ (ìli 67 radical changes made by the com­ structing the exhausted digestive or- tt H Hunch. 3 months sal­ g tns. It isthe latestdlscovereddlgest- mission. auL and tonic. No other preparation ary as school superintend­ • ------------ can approach lt in efficiency. It in­ ent. postage, etc.............. 238 05 DcAVitt's AA'itch Hazel Salve stantly relievesand permanently cures (' H Noshr, 3 days examin­ should bo promptly applied to cuts. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn ation of teachers.............. 9 00 burn» and scald«. It soothes ami Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, AN D Reedy, 3 days ixaiiiiu- quickly bealn the injured part. Sick Headache.Gastralgia Crampsand ation of teachers.............. 9.00 There are worthless counterfeits, h»- all other results of impel feet digestion. Prie* SOc. a n d «. Larue sire contains times J S Law retire, 79 day s salary sure to oct 1)» Witt s. K. S. Knowl- imttllstie. Book all about dyspepsiatuaiiedfr*« Pr«par«d by E. C DtWITT A CO . Chicago- as assessor......................... 237 00 ton. T .1 Thrift, 53 days salary a* deputy assessor................. 159 00 NOTICE FOIl IT U U C A T IO N . J AY Mast, 78 days work in NOTICE VOM IM B U C A CION l>vr uvt * kx of m* I n muion. I nukd S tati »* assessors office................... 195 00 !>»r A u r M R s v o r t m k I» t *» h *». C n i t m v I. vni > O rn o «. K<»*»K*or.o. O h V h * 2 9 . 11*01. i »TICK IS HFJIKHY OlVEN THAT Stephen Gullit r, for special S tatuì L aud (tirici, H. «Minio. C»«.. J n t thi» fnUowimf-iKuuttl ik-ttler hn* liletl v\ mm deputy hire...................... 10 (Ml not c* of hi* intention to inukt' I IS UK UK BY G I V E N H I S I N ' » th »TU J J Stanley, 5? dava Work ill ii. *npj»ort o: hi* altura e fo il'» w in L !-n m iie tl * c » tlc r hn * lilc , l mmation Anni sheriff's office...,................ 14 35 notice of hi* nitration tomnke Anal proof in «»n*l tlmt *nul |»nv»f will I»** mnd«* !x’ f.*re im port of his cairn niellim i **ul proof 1. H II unni, «i »mry cl.r'i. ut «'.«itiillv J AA Lenovo, 6 day s woik in «ili Ite tun c Vfore 1. il.tla xftrt Count)' City. Oregon on \iu -1. V* 1 ▼ :r : ■»-irne* clerk's office ................ ... 12 00 Cl, rk at Cnqnille C m . OTe«ron on 'V Hvem. on hi* l.owe*leinf entry ^ »*44 :•! \\m. vi/ Kobcri Ormi on hi* I d on** for thr S , >1’. 4 . 4 mul Irot « Sec Irma Lakens. 1 It days work •Or ol * uftv No f >r th • S\N 4 N E .» '* Ip. ‘.K . H . 1!. II in clerk’s office................. 25 37 S W 'j S .v i ’* »n 2 T E .ll. IH W . Me nume* ine wttn **c* to He n-miVi ihc foli .wine wirnen.*r* to pmv*. h»* c mtuin -u* r. si t. noe up*n unti L Harloeker amount of 3 prove In* i’ »ntim>u* renidence ni*,n *ud culli' nti»m of m u I Unti, vim montila salary as mutity cilnvmi..n »»( *n.t I mu I. tiji : II. -I I>-*n. »1 W Mo**, of b i tv rw Orjuon. George Steven**w. or ( .H|nille Cilv. Oregon, judge ......... 200 00 FU Me Adnm* I> F. IVnn. s. S. Me Aduni* nil. f i ii lleCuy Orecon. J* v w '*** Cnnndy »’ of Donald McIntosh, salary as 4. T . B itoor*. Lee. U ioion. J- l . Hrnwtw. county cenni iss,, mer and Hek!i*ler. D. f . Dean. Editor and Proprietor. S I - .! Ü All kinds of soft crinks and fine cigar. H S F I â " 1 J ifa n t FOR G O O D GOODS LOW PRICES SPECIAL¡ 1 ) SHOES FREE! FREE! DINNER DISHES LAD1ES’ FURNISHINSS Men’s Durham Calf Lace shoes, unexcelled in lit and durrbilitytt<2 Tue Celebrated S. nii-Vitri t u Porcetain Hand Painted Decora­ tions, with Gold Trimmings Given Away Free to Our Customer»'. i Kodol Ladies’ and Misses bonnets Sun 25c You can "efc a «Tinner set free! Given away wi‘h onr cash aah'H, piece by piece, and continued until you £<*t a complete set. ìents’ (¡bocciate Vici Kid, Set consists of cups i: *1 muu cis , pie plates, breakfast plates, Vesting Top, London Tip, dinner plates, sauce dishes, platters, vegetable dishes, sugar bowls, etc. Anything that goes to make up a fine set. We use these dishes simple »is hu a«lvevtisement for our business. THE WAY TO OBTAIN THEM IS EASY. Trade with us and get. your friends t<> trad* with us. and will d*» the rest, by supplying you and them with these dishes Free of Charge. $2.50 Littlo Ladies’ Red and black strap sandals. 1.15 Bovs Vici Kid Lace shoes. 1.90 Dancing Pumps J SPECIAL in ijATS Men’s Derby and Dun­ lap Hats $1.50 Mcn’s Fedora and Alpine Hats in Black and other shades $1.00 1.25 1.50 _ r Boys’ Rolled Brim lints in black, brown and navy 50c and 60c Gents Furnishings ‘A Gents’ Silk Neck Scarfs in all lending sha l s g g Q White Lawn and Silk band bows 5c I f there is any coffee better than the Blanke’s foi i the money w e 0/ “ P. AA’. R ,” the ^ best lOo ciffrtr will refund i t made, 3 for 25c gladly, all we ask is to try a pound at Rouse Furbishing. Mop Sticks, Dyspepsia Cure I Children’s White Silk and lawn bonnets in great varieties at half prices ioc F r e e ! Brass AA ash Boards, war- anted for 5 years 40C if, Fruit Jar Funnel, C u lli n g I r .m s , 5c D r ie d l^ e a 5c N AA aving Irnns. jier pair I OC Single Loaf i>reH«i Baker. . . . 15c c I h ' h *2. ll>s t o r •“>(• Piarlo! Piano! ° JSi^anematz << P R U S S IA N P o u l t v y FOOD An effective but harmless rrmedy fur poultry. It makes the liens lay. P e r p a c k a g e ..............................2 5 c. % I s U.'