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About Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1887)
A m o n g the b eggin g letters re ÆoquUIf d'ili! C I n I t a i u lo ii 4'ity tn tie N ol<l. I T Y cently recived at the office o f a benevolent society was one running “ T h is unfortunate young J. A . 1>KAN, E d ito r and P ro p rie to r thus: man is the on ly son o f a w idow who Devoted to the interests of the Coquille died childless, and his earnings Rivt r particularly, and of the County geii- m aintain his aged father and infant brothers, whose solo support hoi C o q u i l l e C i t y , O g n . erally. is.’ '1 lie Secretary o f the bureau Subscription, \ h r year........................ K. E. BECK, PROPRIETOR. wrote on the m argin o f the epistle Hauling Done on Short Notice.,,*.**» the fo llo w in g note: "T h e c irc u m -; T U E S D A Y , .JAN. 25, 1887. stances o f this case are probably M e ttre . exaggerate! 1.” Ex. T h e traveling public w ishing to Thos. A. Edison the inventor visit any part o f Oregon or Wush- I ’ir «' At S a le m . very sick and w ill probably never rrilM S H K D KVKllY A large and LIVERY anil FEED TUESDAY. dence, nearly rooms, STABLE, comm odious resi new, containing LIZZIE 13 j neatly furnished, together ; I I A 1 L I \ ( ; ! PRIEN, L IN G done to suit the tiroea- 11 AI Shingles. Shakes and pickets furnish, ed on short notice. (¡!|il. Peter ftYlwn, Niister, with 15 acres o f haul, 5 o f which Mrs. C. W. Olive. Mr. Lyons for that time. $2000 is requ ired in cash; tin* bal ance w ill bo accepted rs ;• m ortgage 1 on the house and lands. A p p ly to , A . G irom i, 20-4t T H A. G. Aiken, Coquille Citj’, Ogn, v4n2fi has been surveyed o ff into build- j I I T I L L run regularly to this place for t t one year, having been ('bartered by ing lots. P ric e S3850, o f which Mrs. A .G . Aiken. O L IV E & A IK E N . E Is a dry. safe sehoouvr, and Capt. “ Dick” s ti careful an l courteous master. H ave just received at t li o i r n e w Freight Us die '.pas the clieays*st, n.*lt Jiandon, Or. M illin e ry S to re !! V i . , , ington territory, w ill find it greatly \TlON. N O T IC K FOR I 'l l : ! les te rd a v m orning at 4 a. m. the , . . , ’ , . , . Ifp u itm eu t wns a ille ,1 ont t o to their interest nml co m fort to Ko Lund I Mino at lio.-'l lire » . Oregon, i lio n . J. H . M itch ell lifts oar . lSHi. i Der by tho Em pirò C ity and Drain watch the old Bennett House burn thunks tor sundry vuluaolo public O T IC E is her, !,- • i> 1 1 , it t iu folloW- CABINET MAKER. to ¿he ground. Station Stage Line. O ver two- N ing-iium- i! t ill» ¡is tiled lotice of documents. l he building was owned by G.W . • tldrds o f this line is on a smooth, his intention (o make iiuul roof in <up- T lie L a te s t S t a le s 1 he sunk eu steamer N. t*\ 1 »entity O rny and occupied by G eorge Sun \]:m\ 80n bench and on one o f Ore- port of his claim, and * hat ■taid proof will be made before the Chrl of the County I'iciuro Frames, J>oor and Window Frainea ! L A D IE S AND O liilC H L N S T E A T S was raised iiul tfiken to Portland ;uni nhont tifty other ( .'hiuose In ing gun's most beautiful rivers. Court of Coos Countv. et Iuupire ( ity. made, Saws filed and Furniture Impaired. P l c v r e r s . C s tr 5 .c H thè C'iiinese heudqnnrters in Salem, fo r repairs Stages run all winter, leav Or., on Saturday l ’c!t,a:ar> liMh. 1*'S7. viz: All work d.*; i o, k r. Fric, s Reasonable. X P I V t i n e s a rk cL ■ r Göhl (teach l!ot**!. 11. >ii: Star w ill be iìesides heing a Chineso hotel and in g E m p ire C ity every Monday, Hcnoni 1 1 . Haskhi, l ’r* .*i.i )thm ¡I. S. No. T h e Pi\ c* 4iHP* for the lots f! an^t l : tx is.) o f N. W . -L i 1 jl ! *r 11 nul hereafter. storo it was a leading wusli house. Wednesday ami Friday. rni r i j issued fro > 4 , See. 2. Tp. 28 S. Ii. If we st Wil. Mer. T ^ T in B U Y E R S ’ (JI ID K , M ost all thè furnituro was burnt;the : this. Fare to Portland only $14.40. M ake a no 1 1 c names tin foil«-win. 1 witnesses to Sept, and .Murtli, lE C i't o 'b c i^ s , each j-fftr. page*, ruided clotiiiu g was snved, but innlly m ix-; prove his continuous n silen ce upon, and nl4. authorities N ew V | j tm lim ,with over recover, T. v . Nichols, A L?.rge Variety of Bar.don, Oregon, dens last week, and made : ed. C h in ese I.'IDOÜSI.S T i n : S T A T E . it tropical fo r the heathen. \;'M together. Sun had his . e *i /i„iu 'sto ck insured. T h e building is a T h e democrats o f the C a liforn ia: . b » i legislatur re nominated o „ i ilenrst cultivation of, said land, viz: A. F. Collver ) of Fairview, Coos Co., G. W. Gnv ' Oregon. M. I), ( ’utlip i of Marshlieid. Coos Co., Alvin Smith S Oregon. I Also at the same time and place. Andrew F.Collvcr, Pre-emption 1). S. No. 4715. for the S. W. Sec 2 T ji . 28 S. R. 1 2 west, Wil. Mer. lie names the following v.itn-sres to ' jis some twenty fam ilies washing f, ... ; total loss. lot Llie loss sustained Denmark, C urry Co, Or. Dec. 15th ’80. by air j • H. \V. Cottle, Esqr., Secy State U. S. seimtor on the 11 inst. chamber o f their engine, is o f Insurance Co. Salem Oregon. Dear M is. M arple is in jail at L a fa y more consequence to Salem than j s|r —\ wi8R to express my satisfac ette for com plicity with her -on in all the Chinese quarters. T h roe j t ii>n Hnq gratitude to T h e Stato for I i • ,i the m urder o f 1>. 1. Corker. Chinamen wore uurneu m the ; the prom pt aud generous adjust- Gen. NY. 13. Hazen. ch ief signal buihliug, ami two more tiro m issing 3U1S* j ment and payment o f my loss officer, died at his home in N\ ash- supposed to be burned. T w o caused by the burning o f my house ington, D. C., on Sunday hist. thousand dollars or more in coin on Oct. 20th, ’86, and issued. I the Capitals, by bursting the ! im,m‘ his r';su!(mv " 1>on* HIid | cultivation ot. said land, viz: ; R u< Haskin i of Fairview, Coos Co., Oregon. \'lv^¡t,ui Smith ) of Murskiicld. Coo Co. < Fregón. M. I). Cutlip ) Chas. W. Johnson, Hegist r. jan 1 1 H en ry D- Stanton, husband o f Wos melted. T h e Chinam en were fe el satisfied that T h e State,through E lizabeth Cady Stanton, died in more interested in saving coin from its officers, desire in all coses to N ew Y o rk on the 14th iust. at the the embers this m orning than re-j ¿ o as near the right as they can, Am paviii" 17ets. Cash for Rood wool in age o f 82 years. coverin g the charred rem ains o f j am| cj 0 not seek by technicalities to «rood shape delivered here at Bandoli. I will pay U q c ts., one-half in merchandise, H on. A. H . Crook 1ms introduc their fellow countryman. F ortu cause delay, or avoid payment, but or 171 i out of my store. Bring on vonr pi Kid ed a bill in the legislatu re fo r nu nately there was a ligh t rain falling, are actuated by a spirit o f fairness woo! at once. I keep a first-class store of which saved many other buildings, increase in the fees o f sheriffs o f < as the heaviest gale o f the season aud honor not always seen in In C*»os and C urry counties. was blow in g at the tim e o f the fire. surance companies. .UllillllJllJ 1 am very respectfully, Fearful suffering and great loss —-News. Jan. I * ”». -*5* - Flour* Bacon & Potatoes (s ig n e d ) J. A. Button. in cattle in M ontana is the latest. F o f lltta!<«. Wool! Wool! I T h e therm om eter has ranged from 30 to 50 below fo r some time. Canada threatens to res»»rt to the old fishi nes measures that caused so much trouble before if 1 ncle Sam doesn’ t make some overtures. T h e Tehuantepec railw ay scheme is to be pushed by private capital, and the governm ent w ill not called on to put up for this be ques- tionable enterprise. D ynam iters got in some o f their fiendish w ork on the 13, Francisco. in A lady was fatally San in- jured, two or three innocent men shaken up and a triflin g car o f their T h e fo llo w in g dispatch from Pittsbu rg. IV... w ill be of interest: N O T H I! FOR 1’lT'f.TCATIOX. L nul Office al Htisi-hv.',-. On*****n. { F o r twenty years L . lb Kidar, o f Jan. 7. l.v*7. \ r( ) 1T('F is Ii* ti 4.v veti il'.at ili«- folUiw- this city. Ims been m aking ex p eri iliii-li !1 iut*il si*t t ler has !:it tl in itict- nf his ments with the object of increas intention to make final i>roi t‘ in suj*i»ort of ing tiie speed of vessels and lessen- his claim, nml that said p;-oi*t v.ill In- made ing their draught by a change in i before the clerk of the comity court of Coos j Co., Oret;., at Empire City, on Wed ; tfie form ation o f the hull. A t last nesday, Feb. 2 :». 1887, viz: George \V. Clin he has constructed a boat with ton, pre-emption D. 8 . No. lUX*. for the lots which he w ill make a test as soon 4, 5, andG, Sec. 24. Tp. 2 *. S. H. 12 West, Wil. Mer. as the rive r is free from ice. En- He names the following witnesses to prove i gineers pronounce his theory a eor- his continuous residence upon, and cultiva ! rect one. T h e lioat, which is 3(1 tion of. said Innd. viz: James Lamb | All of Isaac Chandler I Gravel Ford. ! feet long, is known as the “ concave W . T. Brady f Coos Co. bottom .” the hull being bu ilt in a W. A. Johnson J Oregon. Clias. W . Johnston. right nml le ft hand spiral form n23 Register. gressive m ovement by France. pasted up iu a blacksm ith’ s sh p in Jackson, Cm.: “ N o tic e — D e copartnership here- toforO resisting betw ixt Hie and N O T IC E FOR l ’F B L I C A T l O N . ^ ^ Land Oitioe at Itoseburg. Oregon, l Jan. 7, 1887. ( V O TICE is hereby nivon that tlie f >Ilo\v- j,\ inipjiMsed settler ha - filed <*f h is inteTdi-u* to make final proof in support of his claim and tliat said pr«x>f will bn made before the Clerk of the county c**-.irt of I , os ; <v. < -. ait Empire City. Or-.*:;., on \\ ed- FERRY’S SEEDS T h e Massachusetts Tem perance from Co- A llian ce has adopted resolutions q u ille C ity. A fine house on the s t r o n g ly condem ning the attitude j premises. Brice, s?l 100; the best npplior.ufri. »nd td 1*101 rtotfiou’l N x ^ J\ i ^ dr w. Timid OT a n b M A B B H F IE L D , O ragcn . L*rpr-t t’irculute ti "f anv Agricultural Taper 1 n M'f* W««t. I S S U E •7 r r o s s r s c tp p a f e MagniGcoia Premium List. b o f the republican party, both state bargain ever offered on Steward & ?aden, Props., now * TL* or traffic.” T h e hand-mortar “ m ill,” the poor man’ s friend, is lik ely to give addi tion fam e to the Treasure Box mine this week. Som e visitors went up to the mine yesterday by invitation o f the owners, and they wore shown aboat$500 worth o f nuggets o f M on T.ork while the result o f yes- j tf. d 21 Tlii* paper U kept 00 tie at the ofltee e f I M « G yer ^ soh d v e r t is in E i iM £8 GUIIPII16 N T Patents obtained, and all PAT the river, E N T and national, and ch arging that “ it j Call on \\. L . L a ird has made a convenant with death and an agreem ent with hell by its partnership in support o f the liqu i r '.►i i j' : u I ' ’ * *• . s V t r.: \ * ry ic:i ot iu ocle is .. V V, * tl • d * .1 . orili. .10 uprt • 1 tapor ml Vl»l«ll to HClUIll"»., Ì Th iS I> d I. *J \>. aitimtt.f.l to lie . • •,■ .n works sml mi'chanic*. iuvoiuioa- other ilepsrtiiiwniR of inilu4l rial proKres*, pah- lisfiud in sny country. It coutsiiiH the names of *11 pateiitocs an.1 litis of every invention pstented earn week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If you have un invention tn patent »Tito to Munn 1 Co., publisher* of Scienntio American, 3£I Rrnaibvav. New York UaudLiook about patent* mailed free. (\ S PHlUOEUm rsri ¡to, and to officials o f the U. S. P aten t Junis. Cornwall & Co. y i : a v 8 i : s k m f i r f r n v n d d r a i n s l^ S T A T IO N KVKftY M O N D A Y , W E D N K S D A Y and F R ID A Y The steamer j(T N O or R E S T L E S S meets the stage at the mouth of the Umpqna. New and comfortable stages. Fare to Portland by this route $ 14.50. Each passenger alb »wed ¡V t pounds of baggag 6 Passengers are requested to be in Erapir* City the night before departure. Any information in regard to the above linecan be procured at the Blacco or Central hotels in Marshfield, and the post office in any public I t- iso iu Empire. _ — Tug om party!! — DEALERS I N — — AND A L L K INDS OF— L U C e d a r , f ir , ■< Oregon: } B E ash , m a ple R , m yrtle , A ld eF aiu l spruce lumber always on J. W a ls e r ^ P ro p . B eer o f best du ality always to M be liand and fo r sale at the lowest rates. T 0 W I N G had at the Brewery, and orders from all parts filled prom ptly. B y the T n - K A T I E C O O K , on vn33 tlie rive r and 1 >nr, at reasonable rates. CASH STORE! Tim ber, match-wood and stave tim ber purchased. Orders for lum ber filled in quanti Main Si loot. Cuqnilh- City Ogn., ties to buit, and nt the lowest liv in g A- L- Nosier. Proprietor. rates. J. P A H K E H , Gents Clothing, Boots and Shoes, C liA S . F . D O E . Parkersbu rg Coos county O regon, Clocks- Cutlery, etc. v l n lS tf. K ALEK in Grooeries, Provisions, Flour, n Lard, B ohuh , Y’undies, nuts, Tobacco, Cigars. Cigarettes, etc., etc. THE FAMOUS POST OFFICE K_N A B E Store, li. M. GoTTsnivi.K: — “ The K -st instru ment now existing i n b o t h h e lit i- r.-aatm S1>!U res.” PIANO C. A N D R E W S P R O P R IE T O R , CONSTANTLY K eep s A n assortment o f Boots and shoes, Sole Agents, 721, Market St., San Frrncisco. J. E. H aoenbuoii , Blanco Drugstre, M arsh H a ts and caps, field, local agent. nll-3m Stationery, Inks, A. L. BANCROFT & CO., We advise as to patentability free o f charge; and we make No Charge v4u38tf Ci.ui * I joi i a: luiLTAioo:—“ 1 have nev* r seen their equal.” P a u lin e L u c c a :—“ T he Knabe Piano sur- prsses all other makes.” The popular H A R R IN G T O N P IA N O aud the C H IC AG O C O T T A G E O R G A N . m ote from Washington. Send M odel or Drawing. Express No Chinese Employed. m a xa m m a O ur office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain patents in less tim e than those re Office. F o r circular, advice, terms terday’s operation was estimated at and references to actual clients in fifty ounces I f an average is kept : npfor the rem ainder o f the week tho , Agent for Giboson’s fine whiakica, an AAA j your OWl) State or County, w rite to company w ill have a small fortune ! whisky. Als«» agent for tho C E L E B R A T E D G i A i S n O W £ CO. on Sunday, the end o f tho fourth C H IC A G O B E E R and l ’O R T E lt at whole- ^ •, week o f their “ hand-mortar run.’’ — sale and retail. The celebrated BOCA beer O pposite 1 ate n t Office, on draught mid in bottle«. \3nlfi >Y a s llillg tO D , D . C'. jVIurrav Sun N. P. Hansen, Prop. T h e new A 1 Schooner P a rk i Carrying* The U- S- M ails Meals from 5:30 to9, a. 111 .; 12:30 to 2 p. m. and 5:30 to fi p. in.. Meals................................................. .25cts. in r in o ln / B U S IN E S S attended to P R O M P T L Y and for M O D E R A T E FE E S. t S T I MA T E S S E S F R E E Unless Patent is Secured. W e refer, here, to tho Postm as M s h f.r AYER S SON'S MANUAL T h e ESCCH-AJfcTGrE. ter, Supt. o f M oney O rder D iv., Front St., Marshfield, Or., 'n n i7 fi ÏÎP R I8 STAGE and STEAMBOAT line! . ¡ i . a t . a , 'ri- un.dir- .( HM.lit Empire CitY and Drain’s Station, G O Q U IL L L M IL L F r o n t S tre e t, ^ a rm . E A C H Q u itt anH Best Gppcsite O'Conneii’s, D. M. 'ERRY & Ca Detroit, Mioh. 1 0 0 ,0 0 9 Ltird, Mrs Garrisons Restaurant Flower SKF.DS should tend f o r it. A d d re ss ^ o m e Meal, 13ncon, titid Tobacco, Cigars, cuKt'>niers without or- d orin f; it. In m lu tib 'e to &l\.Kcery per. am uftn.7 Gar- ir4 L t be 11 PATENTS! C oquille City, Oregon, ------A ls o ------ A fresh and choice supply of B eef and other Meats. n49 F ob S ale .—80 acres of good bottom land two m iles LAIRD k JOHNSON SEED 5N':UAL f Wiil h* IV:M*]9d F K E Z to all CHEAPEST! W ells. Fargo &. Co's Candy, Nuts, F i uits, and Notions. F o rlo 37 W . T., and placed a cartridge o f j p sell metier 1 all of Norway, EEP Constantly on hand a good j giant powder, with burning fuse ! S. L. Be lieu Coos County. : John Morgan ; Supply of fresh aud choice meats, and j Or«*g< >u. attached, between them, O n e was .j. w. Hanelina J Deliver the same to any point of thejriver Chas. W . Johnston, on Short Notice. | killed and the other fa tally injured. Register. n37 tf jan23 O n being arrested the m urderer took poison and died. bered and about 20 seeded to tame ^rass; pood dwelling 24x32 frame rustic, Rood bee- house, yood orchard, etc., etc. Erie for place alone, 8 2 . 000 : or. including a span of horses, yoke of cattle and other cattlo to the number of 20 head insludint; five cows, besides many other valuable things about the place 2,f>00. It is really a rare bargain. Call at this office. n44tf D.M. FERRY £ CO’S in iva -i ut d . J • K | 1 * A ACRES of land 2)^ miles from C-o- 1 O U quille City, 100 acres bottom,40 tim Flour, Illustrate"I, I)r«- frlp tlve A Lrlcrd • Oregon. A V ery Great Bargain. in the world. r\ ■r* Coquille City, CC '¿27 S i 22il Wabash Avenue, Ubicaitu, Hi and. i c-; •.‘tables, D. M. FERRY A CO. an* a d m it t » d t o b e t lie LARQEST SEECSMEN NEW will MONTGOMERY WARD Hals liim e d to order a speciality. Straw, riush, Silk, Satin or Velvet, vhicl ue will sell cheap for cash . vlnfi. Groceries, IV • 1 ! . , « ’:: m : • 1 fruit PEOPLE USE k . t . Robinson, O n ly CO C ts . a Y o «r . • pre-emption 1). S. No. 4t«?.*, for the S. \S. Copy an-! O-itSt to Cbd -r&iso-s Free. >f S. W . *4 and S. !.. ' 4 . of i f S. K. E ▲ddr*M, HOME AM? FARM. Loulsvllt: * * . x. w. q, Sec.3. Tp. 2 .t. s. R. u v;«st. v . m . lie names tlie following witm * si s to prove his continuous resideuco upon, and cultiva I v- tion of, said land, viz: ' ■rt ♦Ai u vr^'.'h Rvo bf e—4 í .- •V- w *. ■ J • . • Wash Bullard 1 of Norway, Coos county. •S' I John Parrot ‘ Oregon, s p e e d w itlio n t a n y in c re a s e m p o w e r . -,* ,f ,.nUv ,,f Coquille City. Coos Co., Or. L. Harlocker of Empire City. Coos Co.. Or. 1 * - year« »V- ■y je y i J'': N O T IC E FOR PI P L IC A T IO N . • >C Chas. W. Johnston. .. n oí moro Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, I io! Regi. no23 arl-. •? r ■ a . . • ;.» 4 in January 11. 1^*7. v . . . 1 :i- OTJt’E is hereby given that Mu* follow : .»»ilio ..’ic»'*ra ing-, amed settler has filed notice of his inti ition to make final proof in Hup}M>rt of his claim and that said proof will lie M ose Skin^'t-r L hereby resolved. ni rula befo::- t!;«* Cb rk of tin* County Court D em what ow e de firm w ill settle i f C, m » s Com 'v. <)r.. ft Empire City. Oreg., t w ill me.and dem timt de firm owe on Friday, March 1th. 1^7. viz:E. D. Myers. | pre-emption l) S. No. JUrtM tor (h<* N . W . G ¡ Bt* ttl e wid Mose. W. M 2»». I’p. 2 - s. H. 12 Wi 1 r,. the following witm a-s to A Chinaruae had a quarrel with tw o o f h lb countrymen at Cle-elum, l>r«ve his continuous residence upon, ar id . . , . . . t : cultivation of. said land, viz: day’ s 6 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Over luutlaJ *’eb. - ^ i'"7. viz: N a n d O rnam ents. Rncliing Embroidery Veiling, Scarfs etc- etc- 3 , 5 0 0 illuatrattona - a w hole P titu rr (J a lln j, (»IV E S W hulcsnlr P iT m ttir r e t t o c o n s u m r r a on a ll gooda for ]tm on at or fnm lly h m . T ell« h ow to order, gives exact cost o f every thing yon uve, eat, drin k , w ear, or have fu n w ith. These I R V A L I A I I L R HOOKS eont:it:i Inform ation ^ b aile d from the umrketM o f the w o rld , t i e w ill mail a copy T R E E to any ad dress njK>n r«-e«-liit o f lO ets. t:> de fray expense o f mniltug. 1 .« t ns h ear fii-i-.» you. K esjaetfnlly, — l>i:* I Ki.:i IN — N T h e conform ation o f the hull is T h e coast beach o f South Caro such as to displace the water in a lina between P o lly ’s island and manner closely approxim ating to L ittle river was strewn w ith dead the "w ave-lin e” theory, begining fish a foot deep fo r a week p r e - ; at the e lit waiter. I he displacement ceeding last M onday. I t is suj>- I is accomplished gradually until the posed that some volcanic ciupturn j center o f the boat is readied, when at sea ¡vas tho cause. the reverse se action o f displacem ent T h e press o f P a ris exults over begins. T h e concave begins where the quarrel between Lism arck and the convex ends. T h e greater the the reiehstag. T h e Tem ps protests Hpeed the greater the liftin g power, against the idea o f defensive prep the boat vising on the water, and arations by the French authorities consei'uentlv m oving with greater being made with a view to an ag • • is found Alwuy < n Hand. • v.d < v, ry rt-.a sold at Bedrock p .. ■■ * h. V-’. It. Vverill. Town of Avi-ri ibe’ t** \n*>vii . • i ’amlou). . * f from the bow to the m iddle section. enem y wrecked. T h is u21-9w j Built Expressly for the C O Q U I L L E This \ 1 7 I L L Run on no other Route. VV vessel having made six round trips n the last six months, is tuj.posed to keep up her past record, and will until further notice, on and after November 15th. delivr freight to Copnille City and all points on the lower river at the following rates: Flour $3 per ton, salt, nails, iron and coal $2.50. other freight $4 per ton. C o q u i l l k M il l k Tco v4n!2 C<> m i * a n ï . D ry W. Gallier BLACK-SMITHING -A .T S T ID H o r s e -E U c s in g 1 N ea tly and prfunptly done, at the , ... , , lowest h u n g puce*. Slnq> next door east o f L e n e v e ’s dru g store, J C oqu ille C ity, Oregon. goods and C loth in g L a dies. G ents and C hildrens G eneral fu r nishing goods; also groceries, Canned go« nls, , Cigars, tobacco * ftn(^ Candies. B e pays the high- 1 p r i c e fo r country produce I v ln 2