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About The Polk County signal. (Dallas, Or.) 1868-1??? | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1868)
wr*- ~ 5 ?hf • • .ir ^ i csja g g THE iù.ù'!l,lm pDîk íOattIn Signal. .. y . f As OÉ/Unál PAPER OF POLK CO\ PENDING AMENDMENT. the Radicals are pressing the last batch of amendments to the P ro ves too S U B S C R IB E 1 S U B S C R IB E ! I M u c h . — The Oregonian says that, in the Districts sputh where Now is the time to subscribe for the the whites are in the majority give the largest radical majorities; that P o l k C o u n t y S ig n a l ! the Constitution o f the Uuited States, and while people South are actuated by asseverating till they sre hoarse that pure and patriotic motives and desire had said amendments been adopted the success o f the “ reconstruction there had been no necessity for Congress measures !" Oh ! what contemptible forcing negro cuffr.ige or any o f the hypocrisy. It had been folly — a States, and that our troubles would all F O R P R E SID E N TIA L ELECTORS, crime - -to enact the reconstruction laws, ore this have been ended, we will here 8. F. CHADW ICK, of Dougina County. according to radical logic, if this were undertake to show to all unprejudiced JOHN BURNETT, o f Benton County. true. The Oregonian is unfortunate • • minds that tire said anfendments them* JAS. II. SLATER, of Union Cnnuty. in getting things mixed np. In order selves fixed negro suffrage not alone on to appease some o f its anti-negro suf T he C hina R ailroad P oliticians . *ho Southern States, but on every other frage adherents that paper doubles — The little nest o f Chinese politicians State as well. square on its own track and would that have been harboring in the State Section 1st, reads: prove what the Democrats have always offices ut Salem, ami managing the Sa “ All persons born, or naturalized, in lem Railroad Company, attempted some th* United States, and subject to the claimed and whafcevery intelligent be Chinamen strategy before the late elec jurisdiction thereof, ure citizens o f the ing in the country knows, viz : that the United States; and o f States where Southern people— tjio whites— have tion, in trying to prejudice the people they reside. No State shall make or ulwa)Ts been anxious to return to their against the Oregon Central Railroad enforce any law which abridges the allegiance and duty as citizens. The j;o , circulating that Mr. Gaston, the j privi'eges or immunities o f citizens o of f President o f the Company, was a “ cop the United States, nor shall any State point the Oregonian desires make, is, perhead,” 4‘ rebel” tic ' W e don’ t dePri' a P ™ «,. >*f life, liberty or that it is the negroes who are opposed f . .. , i i * property, without due process o f law, to reconstruction ! I f tjiis were tri^e know how ilr . Gaston vote , Mt nor d<>ny any person Withiu its jurisdic they would everyone be disfranchised in hope he did vote the Democratic ticket; {¡on, the protection o f the laws." less than 24 hours. It v/as claimed but the point we wish to call attention ----- - that it was necessary to give the n e g p to, is, the meanness of the men who A re in E arnest .— Democrats and the ballot that he might be able to owe their present official positions more oil other patriutic people are fearfully “ protect himself against thc spite and to the labor o f Mr. Gaston iu the ; in earnest at the present time. They vengefulncss o f the Democrats.” — Statesman during the last campaign, j *ce that the fate o f popular government What becomes o f the Oregonians Dem than to aoyothcr one m an ; but w h o ; depends upon united zealous and de. ocratic nigger logic in view of these now turn upon him like vipers warmed j termined action. AVitness the fate o f facts ? Radical leaders arc only con into life, to try and ruin him and break | the bolting candidates in several o f the sistent in— thoir inconsistencies. down a great work o f public improve- i counties. They had reasou to expect jrer.t which he is laboring to carry for- the united support o f the radicals, while S ome sheniale admirer of Universal .1 t ward. Fortunately for Mr. G;]#ton i f (hey got any considerable number Suffrane Grant says she was once aboard . . o f Democrats into them* toils they were of „ a steamer, going down the Mississip* and the people, the State House clique have reized a two edged sword sure o f success. When the vote was pi, on which Grant was a passenger Nearly every day brings us new subscribers for the MONDAY «O R N IN O , JUNE 13, ISrtS. S i g n a l , yet we think, with a very liitle effort on the part o f the friends o f th« — Tillamook county is manipulated by the baser s o r t ; she held hack her elec tion returns, as it would appear, until it was ascertamed how many Gibbs wanted o f an election wifb that, can go to— ioinu other store. I editor o f the Unionist, “ struck ” a would further say, that my old accounts umst leading Democrat o f Polk county who be closed up J long wiu<)fed ao< olints use play ed out. Now, those who do not take advan happened to be in Salem, for funds tage of this pious hint, will have to uuswer tor it at the dm/ nf iiuijenuni. enough to pay bis passage to San Frau- J. H. LEWIS. 134w j cisco. Of course be did not succeed — Dallas, June 13, 1868. j It seems, frofi) subsequent develop ments, that the fossilized bloat was only “ feeling ’ ’ to ascertain how bad the Democracy wanted to get rid o f him ! By all meaus let no Democrat assist him in getting away. \\Te want him to re main until after the Pre-inential elec tion. ! His course disgusts the better tdass o f radicals, and to that extent aids ~ the cause of Democracy, 1 S ham e !— The Salem rad. sheets tell 6 8 . 0 03d A N N IV E R S A R Y O F A M E R I CAN I N D E P E N D E N C E quainted with Graut will account tor o f republicans hard by, seqo the acr his reticence on this occasion without performed, the ladies aforesaid would is referred to advertisements for partic buildings in Independence into which dle the people o f Oregon. Look out So m e * o f the Radical prints allege he will remove his furniture store and for A. . C. & C o — the wild cat. ulars. that there was lately offered in the leg manufactory. W e speak from a per- T h e Rads, o f Portland allege that islature o f Ohio, a bill disfranchising M r . P . B. Turney, who proposes to sonal kn0'vlc(l" e o f the busineaa' and the Jews with their money and the all persons not born of lawful wedlock, start . Republican paper in Me.Minville, o f h“ tllil1' whcn we Sa-T ,hat Mr M cr’ and complain piteously that the purpose ,, ,... * , . .. win is a worthy artisan and a gentleman Irish with their muscle wrought the is to 9 ouipass a great partisap advan» lamhill county, publishes a plaintive J 15 Bull Run disaster that lately befell the tage under the operation o f such a law. appeal in the Courier to the Repub», i who dc,erves a libcral PatroaaKc as a hope? o f the Republican party in The Oregonian reprints the wailing o f to shell " i f they want a paper. The ; rcward for h ' 8 lnda,,rJ' » 1 « ! aad Multnomah, county. an eastern journal to show the people o f gentleman will likely \earn thatj the fu ‘se 9 5 B P -- Notwithstanding the fact that the this state what an undue advantage the gods help those only who help them IM PRO.v e 4 ENTS.— G e n t le m e n from Democracy o f Muitnomah county had Ohio Dcmocraoy is about to take o f the selves. W e started the Courier in Independence inform us that buildings Bastardy must Lafayette without first asking for a . . McCormick and “ Buckskin B ill’ ’ both Ohio Republicans. . , , -, a... are shooting up mall directions and that to run against in tb.e late campaign have been the rule in Ohio at a mo$t cent or a single subscriber. \\ hen our . 7 \ ^ j ,, ,1 „vi j , _ everything indicates a prosperous career press was shipped to the place in advarree • B 1 1 they elected their entire ticket by ma fearful rale among the radicals, if, to for that burg. Messrs. Mitchel & of our goinjr, no one there knew upon its jorities ranging from 133 to 288. disfranchise the illegitimate repubs. o f Rosendorf are engaged in building a JJJLlB.” J lg g q p g arrival what the “ thing was going in the Commonwealth would ruin the par- large warehouse there, while the pros Everywhere the bolters hayo be^n to." The Courier proved a success— *y- ____ pect is that two other warehouses will rebuked, ’’ his is a way the Democra has been running now near three 3 ears. be built during the present season.— cy has o f making bolting odious. An W e learn from the Salem Record Remember the advice o f the lark to attempt to defeat the Democratic party that Mr. J . D. Yates had two Augers at this time, is a fell blow at civil lib badly cut by a circular saw in Bass’ M r . J . H. Lewis has moved into the erty. This is why the “ independents ” mill five miles from Salem. Mr Y . is R eim bursed .— Capt. John F. Mil- new store fiitted up for him in P h y’s were the worst beat men in the State. a printer and a man o f commendable 1 er has expended more ready cash in . , , n r J block on Commercial street, where he qualities. W e commiserate his ill luck. behalf of the Democracy o f O-eiron i ... , , . . .. » T h e Rad. press assured the world f . t will be happy to receive calls from cv- than anyother single iudividual iu the 1 , , ... Tr , . that Mr. M cK enoey o f Clackamas I t is probably due in great part to , « u _________ ' « J W J and h,B *'»«• l f *!•»'«• g « * State. AVhether he was“ sowing that lie aud low prices ran be said to recom county was a man o f no influence as the vehement protest o f Gen. Sherman might reap ” is no QOQcern o f ours now ; mend a merchant to favor, “ Uncle Jack” soon as he left them. W hat is the that the mob at Washington sitting as but certain it is ‘ that he aided in mar is destined to become immensely popu- matter down there now ? Clackamas a Court of Impeachment did not con t-iring and maintaining an organization b r in [lW Qew igCntl n. never before, “ during her natural life," vict the President. H e told them that finally assumed such propositions went Democratic. = = * plainly that he would interpose his -is to enable him to levy fearful tribute T iiz C r itic Hotel, is now in full C h a r a c t e r is t ic . — The whiskey weight against the carrying out o f any n;x‘n the enemies o f Liberty and cor- blast under the propietorship and man- Scoundrels head o f the \ Unionist occasionally finding they might make. v. nr. political doctrine*. “ Bread cast i „«jemenlf o f J. B. Sprcnger, the model are proverbial for their cowardice. It writes an article laudatory o f himself, upon ih » waters,” Si1*. hotel keeper o f Oregon, The Pacific dated at San Francisco, and signed, was probably & mutual arrangement ------— • is one o f the finest and completest ho “ Zora." The idea o f a lady qualified among the revolutionary Senators that R o t a t i n g B a c k w a r d . — Tho first tel building^ in the Stato, a credit to to make English sentences writing to no conviction would be had, while the r r c ‘ Dave made for. Cor gross lie wns Afbufiy, abd wo trust will prove a pay Senators voting nay won the part they such a ba*ch o f human depravity as K'lten fen votc3 ; (he second time, one acted in the di-grucelul drama by lot. ing udertaking fur Us proprietor. See ihe editor o f the Unionist , is good.— hundred, and the third time ono thou cam in another column. W e shall have to cater to the vanity of T h e Democrats o f Douglas county sand ! In each aucces-ive race lie has the “ critter " in the future by calling elected their State Senator, Sheriff and L ater reports from Coose and Curry been di-t .need ny majorities multiplied one other county officer. This involv by teit over the majority against him counties indicate that Kclsuy is elected him “ Zora." flour stands at tha head of tha market in San Franqisco. 13td ' J a h e r ilT ’ » Sale. Y virtue of an execution duly ¡«sued out of t&e Circuit Court, for the County of Polk, mul State of Oregon, and to pie directed in favor of G. E Getchel vs. G. A J. Ashby, forth«sum o: Sixteen hundred and eighty-five dollar« and ninety-five cents, damages, costa and aocpiing costs, l have levied upon the fallowing Real ]?IARRIEE>. property, known tn the surveys and plats of tha United States, os the South half o claim No.58 At the residence o f Mr. J. C. Harris, Mon* in T. 6, S. K. 5 W. ,f Willamette Meridian, and mouth. June 3d, by the Rev. E. Davison, It. W. more particu arly described a« the south half o f Mmpiuu to Naucy Harris, aged respective, the Donation Land U!-iim of A. P. Townsend 3*.l and 63 years. and wife; beiug the portiofl set off to the said quart«} ' o f At his office by T. J. Lovclady, J. P.. on the wife- also, the southeast 1 pth day of June. 1S68, Mr. Fred Miller to the south-west quarter o f Bye. 31, to T. 6, S. R 4 W. of Willamette Meridian, lyin^ Miss Melissa D cxn r, nil o f Polk connty. and being situated iu (he Couuty uf Polk, and State of Oregon, being apart of the Donatiod T he Congregational Association of Oregon laiud Claim ol E l-zer Kimble. I will expose will hold its uogt Annual Meeting at Forest the same to public auction , to the highest bid, dvr at ihe Court House door Dallas, on the Grove on Thursday, June IS, 1S6-. 2 0 lli day o f June 1MG8, C N Terry, Clerk. between the hour* o f 9 a . V aud 4 p. M. ofsaid pay, for gold coin iu Laud. LOST* JOS. LIGGETT, / Sheriff Polk county, Oregon* Two spotted hound pups, about six Dallas May 2 7 ,1KCS. mouths old. They strayed away Some handsomely prepared wreath o f flowers thing over a week since. Any infer- to the republican flag which wa* sus matiun concerning their whereabouts pended across Commercial street ip Sa communicated to 0. J. Williams, Dal las, will be thankfully received. •cm, predicting that, bad the vast crowd j ' 8 B tion. darting out and affixing each a the least difficulty. He tras so druid have been heartily cheered. Now thc M r . D. D- Prfttyman writes us from o f so disgusting a spectacle as au “ in- as (o be d ¿qualified for tak ing part in facts are these: thc crowd that swayed Jjv» tiand that a party composed o f Capt dependeut candidate 1” They reason, anything that required the use o f his to and fro about said flag was so drunk L. N. English with teu in family. Jona , and very properly loo, that honesty of tongue and legs. that they resented thc appreciative of than Riggs o f Lane erfunty— 4 in fain- o f purpose c innot be i l the make up of an fices performed by these young ladies a- A. J. C o o k & C o .— That is the an indignity offered the American flag Ry, L. N* English, jr., o f Marion couo- ** independent ” in these tipies. Such ty— 5 in family, Garnett Riggs of Polk men cannot be relied upon ; are good- name o f the contracting firm agreeing — supposing said ladies to be o f the with 9 in family, and Caleb Williams for-nothings. W e rejoice that so sig* fo build one hundred and fifty miles o f “ Copperhead " purt uasion ! Such is on the other side o f the river radicalism. o f Marion county with 3 in family had J nal a rebuke has becti administered to Railroad « i f set their faces toward South America the bolters everywhere. Their fate They also contract tq redeem all the M rs Thad Stevens, the Congres and were on the eve o f taking final will serve as an example— a warning ten cent stock taken. Now if it should sional negress, lately h«d her pocket Ambitious spirits, bent upon disorgan turn out that there is no such a man as leave o f Oregon. picked in Lancaster (P q .). IIcr losses ization will shrink back appalled iu the A. J. Cook, is not tho whole thing a foot up : C e l e b r a t i o n . — The approaching future from the Ghosts of IJarvy Smith, swiiylfr? The east side (China) Com Grecbncks 810Q, two Mexican dol. Fourth day o f July will be duly celebra Dominic Mansfield and all o f the dis pany has been appealed to through the lars, the likeness o f l;er youngest Thad. ted at the two most enterprising points organizing crew who weresoemphatical- public press to give the Residence and and a free pass over the railroads from in the county— Kola o n d lu d e p e n d cn ce ,1? and overwhelmingly assigned back responsibility o f A . J . Cook, and they Lancaster to Washington. This is no respecticely. A grand turnout may be seats the ^ate »^rilggle against the don’ t open their beads about it. The romance, but substantially the state fact is apparent to every m in o f com expected at either place, as the citizens wiles c f the despoiler. ment o f the radical papers o f Lancas uicn observation, that A. J .' Cook & o f those towns know how to prepare for M r . E. Mcrwin is putting up new Co. is a contrivance gotten up to swin ter. gay and festive ‘ doins.” The reader majority. 1 with a call, that he wiil give them good goods parties recoil from the contemplation irica I ! v ¿d 1 d cimai. , last week, McDonald, God and morality und 4 fair deaf, aud^bose that ure not satisfied ishness— neither party wants any child’.» ordered a dozen cigars and u bottle o f load com pa n j , will find to their cost play. The Democracy are laboring brandy. She allows he was planning that the prejudice they have endeavored ! build up the country and restore thc ol the Vicksburg campaign. Those ac O regon in the Fourth District, T the State Treasury, aLd Chinamen Rail An un- Judge o f the Second Dist. by a small The People’* Celehrattow o f the Com ing Fourth I IflOK AT THIS1 the Saturday preceding the late elec- ¿n tho r.*cc n xt proceeding, SOLA! orld . will be duly celebrated at Eola on Sat* urday, thc 4th Proximo. N e w P o s t o f f i c e .— A nee postoffice Everybody wants the home news and Ample preliminary arraugemeuta has just been established at Louisville, have been and are being made. everybody in the connty is interested in in Luckiaupite prpeinet. Polk county.— P , C. S U L L IV A N and ¿ B N H A Y D E W , having th&ir newspaper sustained and ORATORS o f th e D A T ! Mr. A . W ing has received the appoint widely circulated. I f each pne o f our Marshal for the occasion, ment of postmaster. patrons would induce just one other J O S E P H L IG G E T T . person to take tlje paper our list would Reader f the Declaration o f Inde. peudcnce, be immediately dou bled; this would JU D G E W H IT S O N . "be easy dope. AArill our friends arouse ? llfi UNDERSIGNED HAVING REMOV- A ll are invited to attend, and luring ed to bis New Store on Fron* street, oppo \Ve call upon Democrats, especially, to site the west ffont of the Court House, hereby with them such supplies of provision# b-nders his grateful arknow/edgements fer past as may be convenient. do this much for us. favors, and would for a continuance o f the --------- ------------------- By order o f * T he T r ic k E x p l a i : ed .— O ne day same ; and wou/d say to all that ps»y favor him C o m . of A rrangem ents - him upon' whom they would use the thc illusion was dispelled. The “ split. gentlemen were aboard and enjoying ay uses " had beep been left out of each orber’s society hugely, Graut took lie g »dori- hiils ’ ’ or “ Cayuscs blqde. Dcmofcracy is now in the The people waut no fool no part nor spoke except once, when he Lus ascendant, and the speculators upon the ring. her apprehensive brood. W is now assured beyond any douiby.— about three heautilul youqg la lies on This indicates business. a g a in s t t h e paper, our subscription in.Polk county ar.d then “ squeezed ’’ him through by could easily be doubled inside o f one one majority ! A healthy old reserve, month. The permanency o f the paper that Tillamook Republic. and placed the handle in the hands o f ru n te d on Monday eve , the 1st in s t, — that though many festive ladies and to create against J. Gaston will recoil ^ ons«itution and*thc radio ds are striving *o tear down both. The masses o f both upon their own heads with interest. T il l a m o o k es a B Y virtue o f an exeention duly issued ou| o f ‘the Circuit Court for the county o f Polk itnti state o f Oregon, and to me directed, in fa vor ol J.’ C. HASTING vs. ALBERT H SIM P- -o N . for the sum of ouo hundred aan three A n I ncident . — “ A h ! u»e it is dollars mid thirty four cents damage«. *n4 withered | " cried a maiden, sighing i/i»o costs and accruing costs, I have levied up- •u following liubf E.-t-Ue, to wit: the One over her dead bouquet; but remember■- .«ixlh iut. re.t iu the south half o f the Donation ing her flu eon o f true M U it RAY & F an - ¡.un i Claim o f R. W. MMDSON and y ife .d e - •<-ribetl as fo/fow s: Not 26S1Z c*aim 70 tn Secs. m a n ’ s F lorida W ater , she sprinkled 0J(. »y and 3(1, T ‘J S. It. 5 W, o f WiMamette her handkerchief with that iudestruct r .Meridsa . I wiUexpose the same to pnbfia bio pert nine, and was consoled. luction, at the Court House door in Da flat for Vs there ar* worthless counter vasb iu bund, to the highest bidder, on feits uf this fragrant water, bu\er.< should always Hblc for that prepared by Gunman & Kemp, New York, sole pro printers 5(>0. HOSTETTEB. SMITH A LEAN. San Frani-invu. Saturday, June 2?tb. 1868. between ihe Lours ol V i . a. aud 4 e. M. of sai^ lay. JOS. LIGGETT, Sheriff Polk coynty, Ortyrnn* Dallas May 23 <l, ll)4w TO N ew L ife .— W hen the uiind am! body are tired by ovcY-exertion, or bj long study, a bath, in which has been mixed a halt bottle of M urray Hi L a x . man ’ s F lorida water , will re imig. orate the physical powers, and imparl a deVightiul buoyaucy and clearness to the mind. founbrynien T akb B L A C K S M IT H S Cumberland and Lehigq COAL and P I « IRON. ■ (¡o n TON’ S . gfijuTo prevent disappointment, al. wavs ask for the Florida Water prepar In Store and Afloat, For Sale by ed by La n in an &. Kemp, New York, J. R. DOYLE, there being worthless counterfeits, pos San Francisco^ t^fr] 413 A 415 P acific bt scssing none o f the above properties. 561 h o s t e t t e r , s m it h a dean . J A. APPLEGATE. * V Ì :A P i:it « i a m o w e r *. IHE UNDERSIGNED HAS REAPERS. M O V E R S AND HORSE PITCH PORKS at bin farm, which will he so\d cheap Cor CASH or ex ch a n ;e g ed iy ^ * « < CATTLE, J. W. NESMITH. Rickrcal, JufNBd. 124w JunVd FO Ï R T U O F J F L Y W. C. W H IT80N . A p p leg a te & W h itso n , Attornies at Law, San Francifco. DALLAS, : OREGOy. Office—In the Court House. ~ T g b . S T IL E S ’ Ilea (I quarters. First Door North of Brown's Kro-proof Brick. N E W STORE. N E W GOODS. N E W P R IC E S * I am now prepared .o offer to the public large assertuientof choice PROVISIONS* ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION- GROCERIES, FRUITS, WOODEy WARE, T he c it iz e n s of polk TOBACCO , CIGARS, county arc invited to participate in a Celebration ot the approaching YANKEE NOTIONS, Etc., Etc. ORd ANNIVERSARY OF AMERI CAN IN D EP E N D E N C E I design to keep only 1 1 e choicest aad beat Articles, aud sell them at * sasall to be hold at INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. profit for C A5»H- The following named gentlemen constitute the COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS, I. Vanduyn, Dr. J. E. Davidson. H. Crane, J. B. Zumalt, and Perry Watson. O r ator R eader of the OUR MOTTO: RAPID t-ALES OF CHOICE GOODS. Those who want inferior articles most look elsewhere for them. 1 3 tf G. R. S T IL S S . of thr p a t , HON. R. P. BOISE. WESTERN HOTEL. D eclaration or I rdepekd - CORNER OF FIRST A » » KORRISOB St* ENCK. PORTLAN D, OREGON. N. 0. BUTLER. Refreshments will be served in, Picnic style. Parties friendly to the enterprise will phase E BEST AND MOST COMMODIOUS contribute suitable provisions towards supply hotel in the State, where every want is ing the repast. anticipated and cbeeriully supplied. * The Amity Bra!« Band has been secured for the occasion. Warm A cold Bath* attached to the House. r PACIFIC HOTEL. ALBANY. he cn der sjgn ed respectfully T infoim* the public that this Housi HAS JUST BEEN FINISHED, — and N O W is — O P E N very remarkable change in that for the accommodation of ail may favor him OORJOtj. S h e r i f f ’ ti S a l e . with tbsir patronage. J. B. 6PBBN0BB. This Ha tel is. located near the 8teamship Lending. The Hotel Coach will be ia attend- ance at all the Landings to convey Pa and Itégg**« to and from the Honte FRBB M. R. 6KWALL. OF CHARGE. JOHN C. DORCY, Proprietors 3t* W EBBER a» I X eaper . The Cheapest, aud Heat Reaper Oiegou, ia •t DODD’S, M m .