Polk County times. (Dallas, Or.) 1869-1???, September 18, 1869, Image 3

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A D V E R T IS E M E N T S .
Wo desire to call th j attention o f the citizens
Polk generally to the notice of the County
Polk O ou ty Official Directory.
Assessor om the second page. I f you feel
P olk county covers on area o f »boat 1,150 aggrieved at the amount o f yonr assessment
equare mile*. N o o b cr o f voters, 1,117* A c m b oon hand at the tune specified and get it xeo-
o f land ««d o r cultivation, #1.170. Value o f tiled.
Messrs Mitchell A Ro«edroff offer for sale on
U H U ib1i property, $1,134,510.
The Land
Office for this District is located at Oregon terns to suit everybody a fine lot « f excellent
City— Owen Wade, Register; Henry Warren, seed bsrley.
Mr. Emmet o f Independence is said to be an
C oohtt O r n c iM . — C « « e t * o W r » , R. C. A No. 1 workman, and he has an excellent stock
Dice, R. Totem; Judge, J. 7,. Collins; Sheriff, o f all sorts o f leather on hand. I f you want
J_ W. Smith ; Clerk, J. I. Thom pson; Aeeeeeor, geod boots or shoes that will fit, be is the man.
H. D avis; Treaeurfr, R. M. M ay; School Su­
8ee the liberal price offered by Crone A W olf
perintendent J. n. Myer; Surveyor, 8. T. Burch; for good wheat. Now is your time.
Coroner, C. D. Embree.
I f anybody wants to aeeure a good home­
T s u s or Count.— Circuit Court, R. P. Boise stead on the tine o f the East Side Railroad,
Jadge,eonvenes in Dalles on the 4th Monday in consult advertisement on second page or call
April and 3d Monday in November. County at tbis office.
Court oeaveaee an the 1st Monday in each
Mr. Fred. Ness o f Independence is said to
be a-first class carriage builder. He also does
N otaries P ublic .— T. Pearce, E ola; J. W. superior wagon work.
Shelley, Independence ; J. L. Collins, Dallas;
The Dallas Hotel is flourishing like a green
H. N. George, Buena Vista.
bay tree under the admirable management of
P ost O vvicr Tow ns.— Bethel, Bridgeport,. Mesars James A Hover.
Buena Vista, Dallas (county seat), Eola,Grand
Mr. Hedges o f Independence knows how to
Konde, Independence, Luckiamute. Lincoln,
shoe a horse, iron a wagon, or do general black-
Lewisville, Monmouth, Kick real, Salt Creek
smithing as well as any man in the valley.
and Zena.
.The proprietors o f the “ Gem” at Indepen­
U. 8 . M ail leaves Dallas for Salem on Mon­ dence ignore tangleroot but wilt do the amia­
day, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m., return­ ble to thirsty souls jn a gentlemanly manner.
ing same dare at 5 p. m .; for Irdependence,
Our amiable iellow townsman, H. M. Lines
each Tuesday morning at 6; far Salt Creek,
formed a business copartnership with Mr.
each Tuesday at l p m.; for Lafayette, Mon­
day and Thursday at 3 p. m., returning Wed- J. W. Elliott, and will commence building car­
nesay and Saturday at 10 a. in.; for Corvallis. riages. wagons ami vehicles ot every descrip
Wedne*dar end Saturday at 0 a. m., returning ti«>n forthwith. He has a fine lot o f suitable
lumber en band and still more on its way from
Monday and Thursday at 3 p. m.
the Slates. He knows bow to do good work
and our citizens should patronize him.
Mr. L. A. Robb offers S splendid opportunity
for a profitable investment. His health com ­
Method*»! Episcopal Church (South).— B. R. pels him to sell out his lucrative business at
Baxter, pastor. Services the First Sabbath in Independence, and his Drugstore and fine stock
each month at their Church, southeast corner o f drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints, oils,
Washington and Church ateuets.
<tc ., can be obtained en reasonable terms. See
tf. E. Church.— D. L. Spaulding, pastor. bis card.
Services at their church, north side o f Mill
Mr. J. K. Gill, o f Salem, has the finest stock
street between Main and Jefferson, as follow s: of books, stationery, music, and other articles
First Sabbath (in each month) in the evening; in that line outside o f Portland
He imports
2d Sabbath, at 11 o ’ clock a. m.; 3d Sabbath, direct, and can thus offer superior inducements
in the evening. Regular prayer meeting each to the trade and the public generally. Consult
Wednesday evening.
Sunday School every bis advertisement.
Sabbath at 9 j o’clock a. m-
Read Advertisement o f “ Eminent Women of
Baptist Church.—J . W. Osborn, pastor. Ser­
the Age," a new work tbat can’t tail to be of
vices at tkeie Ohurrii, corner Court and Jeffer­ interest.
son streets, the Third Sabbath in each month.
Messrs. Underwood, Barker A Co., o f Salem,
Chrietiau Church.— F. F. Campbell, pastor. offer to manufacture all kinds o f wagons in
Services at the Baptist Church second Saturday the best and most approved styles at Portland
end Sunday in each month.
Our old friend, Wm. Davidson, Esq., o f Port­
D ALLAS, SATU R D A Y, SEPT. 18,1««#.
land, presents his compliments to our readers
on the second page, aud we can vouch for his
thorough capacity, integrity, punctuality and
D a lla s C e B d e r y — K o i k e .
economy in all bis business transactions. You
Every person who has visited Ibis silent city can’t do better than put alt your business in
bis line in Mr. Datrideoo’s bands.
o f the dead must have remarked the great ne­
Carriage and Sign painting is a fine art and
cessity that exists for improvement in its con­ Mr. E. D. Sloat o f Salem is a master o f the
ditio«. AU -civilised people under the sun art. All business o f tbe kind entrusted to bim
take u sacxod pride so decorating the last rest­ will be executed promptly, satisfactorily and
reasonably. Try him.
ing places of their lost loTed ones, and we are
Mr. Lucas offers to sell his celebrated “ Chat-
sure the good people of this community are
lenge" gang-plows for $100 each at his shop in
not dead to the feeling which prompts men to Dixie. They are o f the most substantial work-
pay these tributes of respect to the memory of mauship.
4bose whom they loved and honored in this life.
A man named Pyburn has been sentenced to
Quite a number of the citixena of Dallas have
agreed to meet at the cemetery next Friday thirty Hays imprisonment in the Douglas coun­
morning. Sept. 24th, equipped with the neces­ ty jail, fur disturbing the peace and using bad
sary implements to clear out the grubs, trim language iu the streets o f Oakland.— Ex.
The foregoing paragraph forcibly struck us
Bhcehade trees, and remove from within the
«oCtceure (be logs and dead timber that encum­ as being a precedent tbat might be profitably
ber the ground and impede the passage o f ve­
followed by the authorities of this county. In
hicles between the graves. AU per.ona who
have friend» hurled here, or who desire to as­ tbis town of Dallas there is more eontemptible
sist in making this sacred place worthy of the rowdyism displayed by a class o f young men
.community are requested to be present at the than would be tolerated in a better ordered and
4ime stated. Tbe tools necessary for the work
required are axes, spades, mattocks and cross­ le»< indulgent community. We do not allude
cut taws, and gentlemen are requested to bring exclH»icely to the young men of the town.
along as many of such tools as they can make Many o f these nuisances come in from tbe
convenient. Turn out, everybody, and assist country on cayuse ponies, “ cavort” around like
in this good work.
Bedlamites and indulge in tbe grossest profan­
and obscenity in loud voice, on the public
D allas L itbrart C lub .— This society met
streets. Anywhere else these rowdies would be
on Tuesday «Bening last and elected the follow­ locked up in the calaboose for half as much as
ing gentlemen to act as officers for the current we have witnessed pass unrebuked. Bat there
term : President, T. J. Ford ; Vice President, is a class ip town .hat fills tho above bill to an
iot>— barring the cayuse. They congregate in
J . D. Lee; Secretary, C. W. Goodwyn ; Treas­
and about the hotel chiefly, and conduct them­
urer, T. G. R ichm ond; Sergeant-at-arms, J. selves in such a manner as to disgust any per­
L. Shelton. Eighteen gentlemen signed the son o f gentlemanly instincts, and in many in
Constitution. The members were diyided into stances force guests to get up and leave the
two classes, which classes will alternate each bouse to rid themselves o f their pestilent pres­
week in debate and literary exercises. A cor­ ence. This we know to be true from personal
dial and earnest invitation eras extended to -the observation. We have also seen respectable
ladies of Dallas to join the club and parlici- strangers Who happened to be stopping at tbe
pate in the literary and musical exercises— and hotel, where they had a right to expect courte­
debate, too, if they see fit The subject for de­ ous treatment, made the victims o f low flung
bate next Tuesday evening is— Besolvcd, *‘tbat gibes and inuendoes e f an insulting character
tbe right ol suffrage should "be Vxtended to at the hands o f .these depraved things. We
women as it is now enjoyed by men ” As tbis aUu know tbe proprietors of the hotel have done
is a subject o f peculiar interest to the fair sex, everything in their power to suppress tbis nuis­
tbe ladies are expected to attend cn matec. Ap­ ance, but to no purpose. We therefore shall
plications for membership must be made in deem tbe officers of the law derelict iD duty if
writing and presented to the club by one o f its they do not put a stop to these outrageous pro­
ceedings. Tbe cbaracier o f the town and the
fair fame o f the community is at stake, and it
“ P htsiciai * H eal T hyself .”— Tba Unionist sboald be attended to without delay.
lakes Beriab Brown to task for spelling D ick­
C onversational C lubs .—Are the latest fash­
ens’ famous character o f Micatcbc.- “ McCaw-
ion in New York. They meet once a week, and
ber,” and in tbe same item Sam. Clark makes
some one member, selected at a previous meet­
two ignorant 'blunders o f a similar character.
ing, talks fifteen minutes on the subject assigned
Tbe name o f tbe celebrated historian, essayist
and poet, Macaulay, is distorted into “ McCau­ bim when selected. After the chief talker o f
ley,” while tbe eminent Frenchman Barriere is the evening has concluded, any member of the
nicknamed “ Barrere.” Truly Byron’s defini­ club jnay »ccupy five .minutes, either iu ques­
tion of fame or honor is correct. He said it tioning the chief, who is supposed to be lully
meant one’s being killed on the field o f battle posted on the topic o f the evening, or in giving
and having hia name mis-spelt in tbe Gazette. bis or her own views. A dozen or more per­
“ People who live in glass bouses shouldn’t sons may in this way give utterance to tbeir
throw stones.”
ideas, in tbe eourse o f the evening, and a great
variety o f thoughts will thus be brought out
F allino .— After an interval o f a few warm
We should think tbis was a most delightful
days and bright skies, Aquarius again let forth way of spending an evening, and suggest that
tbe contents o f hia citterns rather freely last a Conversation Club be organized here. It will
Thursday, and it has continued to rain at inter­ combine tbe benefits o f a lecture and debating
vals up to our going to press. Yesterday it society, having the defects o f neither. A half
looked as though tbe Webtoot winter had com ­ dozen ladies, with on equal number o f gentle'»
m enced in earnest, but the warm rays of the men, is sufficient to start such a society.
sun shot forth towsrils evening, leaving us still
FRiGiiTrui~— Since the late rains, the game
indoubt. Tbe soil is now in excellent condi­
pitching horse shoes has been revived, and
tion tor plowing and our farmers are taking
advantage o f it.
now progresses with unwonted vigor. There is
T bat “ E qualizer .” — W e learn that Dr. a feature about this pastime, however, that sug­
McCurdy o f Salem has purchased the medic»1 gested the above beading, to w it: the unearthly
yelling tbat follows tbe achievement of a “ ring­
apparatus known as the “ Equalizer,” and is er.” A biped with ordinarily long ears might
operating with it very successfully, his time distinguish some of the voices almost as far off
being fully occupied. Our old friend Pumpelly as Dixie. Go a little easier, boys. I f a lady
is still under treatment and is becoming entirely in the condition ladies like to be who love
regenerated from its effect Dr.McCurdy’s office tbeir lords should happen to be in the neigh
is over McCplly’s.
borbood, the consequences might be disastrous.
think! Our Portland cotemporaries, if
V ictimise # .—Th « editor o f tbe Jacksonville
they “ nip” the above are also requested to ap­
Sentinel has been imposed upon by some liter­
pend tbis addendum : While in Portland re­
ary thief, who sent bim a trio o f stanzas for cently we noticed one afternoon, two gentlemen
original and which b e published under the connected with^pne o f tbe leading business
title of “ My Treasure.” We read tho lines firms of that city seated on a drygoods box in
many years ago, and have bad a copy of them front of tbeir store, on Front street, and batily
in our scrap boqk At ¿east two or three sum­ engaged in playing a game o f checguers. Port­
land is not much ahead o f Dallas after all— in
C a b » M eetiro .— T here was to have been a one respect at least
- —=
» = =
■ ■ -
■ 58
camp «mating o f tbe If.B . Church at Ellendale,
commencing lest Thursday,bat we presume tbe
rain must have compelled them to postpone it,
inasmuch a* we have notaaen any person who
has be n there. I f the weather is propitious
there will doubtless he a large attendance there
8 onb F aem — We learn that Gen. Nesmith
refused, lest week, an offer o f $50,000 for bis
iaim near Dixie. There a jf not a great many
•Mb farms in O r^on.
H alf C rop .— Mf- Sam- Goff, of Dixie, who
has been running a thresher all through har­
vest, informs us that the mean average o f all
tbe grain threshed by bim tbis season was
eighteen bushels to tbe acre, thresher measure­
ment— about half tbe usnal yield. In other lo­
calities the crops have done better. We hope
in a week or two to give the mean average for
the county.
Several items are inaYoidably crowded out
lor waat o f room.
Enigma Mo. T,
I am composed o f eleven letten.
My 11, 2, 8, is good when cooked.
My 10, 9,fi, 4, wait* for no man.
My 1, 4,7, ’ 0, is not in earnest.
My 8, 4, 5, 10, is one point o f thecompass.
M y all js the name o f an officer in Polk
county, Oregon.
Answer next week.
Answer to enigmas last week— No. 6, “ WIN
lamette R iver;” No. 8, “ Chang Bunker and
Eng Bunker.” Answer to “ puzzle for farmers”
— “ Ewe.”
D allas , Tuesday.
Mr. E d i t o r H e n l am »gain, and under
great embarrasment, too, for I see I have awak­
ened tbe lion in bis den ; and I would feel bad*
ly indeed did I not have tbe assurance of you»
assistance, should I need it. I beg the Ad In­
terim, Sen’s, pardon. I don’t tbink be ever
needed my help. But how be frowns at m e!
Is he angry?
Now for John&thanua. n is Enigma No. 8 is
huge. But be never made it himself. Ho had
help. I know. I could easily recognise bim in
his first; but that last takes me. However, we
must live and learn. I oeverknew before that
tbe Siamese Twins bad any other name than
“ Chang and Eng.” I see now that they have.
I will sav for friend J., i f he really did make
that himself he has found his calling, and ad­
vise him to go on. He did not spell “ Willam­
ette” right in No. 5.
You ask my advice as to what shall he done
with <be young gent who ’ -forgot.” I don’t
know. I am sure, unless yo» make n scar on
the erttcr cheek. But I guess I wouldn't mind,
as the “ lady” has not gone so far but that you
can make youi “ acknowledgement*” in person.
I like your style o f talking to rowdies, and
all Buch, about maintaining order and deceney
at public places, and especially in churches.
It is terribly disgusting to sec men «pitting all
over, wherever they happen to be, and no gen­
tleman will du it. You have a great work. Go
after them,
Now a word to you. sir. Seems to me, that
as long as you have no opposition, would it not
be as well to bs a little easy on ptditic*, as there
are some good people of tho other aide who
don’t care to bave their feelings hurt «very
time they look at the paper. It makes me mad!
Yes. you do care 1
What has become o f Antqnius—has be ex­
hausted himselt ?
Excuse my long letter,
D allas S martt .
P. S.— **Ad Interim, Sen.,” need not be mad,
for “ thy voice is ever near.”
D. S.
We bad almost given “ Smarty” up for lost
as her communication did not come to band
till Thursday. However, the foregoing speedily
relieved our anxiety. Doesn’t she “ wade into”
“ Johnatbanus,” though ? I f his infirm health
will permit him, we expect to see Smarty
“ liAuled over the coals” next week. Ad Inter­
im, Jun., is still a laggatd— perhaps his absence
from town may furnish to some an excuse for
his want o f gallantry, or courage, or both.
‘'Antooius*' has gone “ down by tbe Sound-lag
sea,” so it is doubtful if be will furnish Smarty
any more food lor satire. Now for the portion
tbat alludes to ourself. Smarty ventures the
assertion tbat many “ good people” have their
feelings hurt every time they look at the Tines
on account o f tbe political views expressed
therein. With all due regard for our fair co r­
respondent we “ can’ t see it in tbat lig h t” I f
a fair and honest expresión o f opinion— on any
subject— free from personalities or vulgarity,
ean shock a person’s sensibilities, we do not
envy that person bis jaundiced, intolerant dis­
position and narrow minded prejudice. Sup
pose we were to assert tbat every time we open­
ed one o f our Republican exchanges our “ feel­
ings w ere hurt’’ (and they apply far more op­
probrious epithets to us than we indulge in),
why, everybody would laugh at us. And,
again, we kno*e tbat every sensible person (of
the male sex, any rate) will respect us more for
being candid and honest than if we truckled to
our opponents in matters involving great prin­
ciples and interests; and we wouldn’t given
fig for tbe friendship o f thore who would act
otherwise. Again, Smarty says we have “ no
opposition.” Have we not opposition in everv
Radical sheet tbat circulates in Oregon, to say
nothing o f the plans being concocted and the
wires laid at this very moment, in this and ad­
joining counties, by Senator Williams, Judge
Boise and others, to secure more firmly the
yoke o f bondage on the necks o f our hardwork­
ing plow-holders and plain-driver», to pamper
in idleness and insolence the shoddy moneyo-
crats o f this once great Republic. Opposition,
indeed! And can you have the conscience,
Smarty, to get “ mad” with us for our efforts
towards equalizing the burdens o f our common
brotherhood o f man? Where is your sense of
justice? Oht Smarty, Smarty, when we hear
you talk that way our thoughts involuntarily
revert to that unsexed creation of Shakespear’s
Lady Macbeth. We hoped, and still hope, for
better things from you. Banish such unworthy
prejudices, fair friend ; and when you review
the subject by the light o f the great principles
of liberty, truth ana justice you cannot fail to
appreciate tho sincerity o f our motives even if
you do not coincide with our views. But you
told us you were not a sister o f the “ Serosis,”
and here are we talking to you like a Dutch
Nucle. Let us quit tbis unpleasant subject,
Smarty, and stick to more congenial topics of
a social and local character. You excel in tbes<^
and can wield, i f you «rill, an unbounded influ­
ence fdtgood in tbis community besides being
a «»urce o f spicy entertainment to ourself and
readers through tbe exercise of your talents in
that direction. We bave too much respect for
you to wish to see you mixed up in tb% “ filthy
pool.” Bye bye, Smarty, for this time.
T each B ovs a T rade .— Of 13,406 prisoners
in tbe penitentiaries o f thirty States in 1887,
according to tbe report o f the Prison Associa­
tion just issued, 77 per cent., more than three-
quarters, had not learned a trade. Here is a
text from which Dr. Franklin could have
preached a forcible sermon to parents. A man
who has a good trade baa an independence. He
has need only to be honest and diligent to se­
cure a competence. Bread and butter are sure
for hint wherever he is. He is sure always of
higher wages than be who has no trade; and
if bis genius and enterprise lead him into some
other calling, it js always a satisfaction to know
tbat in case of misfortune be can return to his
trade. He has that at any rate; failure jn bus­
iness cannot deprive bim of it, his speculations
may break down, but be baa an anchor to lee­
ward, as the sailors sa y ; his subsistence and
tbat of his family are sure. In this country,
where fortunes, quickly gained, are also quick
ly lost, it is still more necessary and prudent
tbat every young man should learn a useful
trade, and learn it thoroughly. No man’s Tature
is so secure here but that be would do wisely to
haye bis boys—and bis girls, loo, for that mat­
ter— learn a trade.
T bat C ontract .— Tho contract for the con­
struction o f a bridge across tbe slongh at Inde­
pendence wm awarded by tb# County Court to
Messre. Blodgett A Cooper, o f Independence.
The suoeessfnl bidders contract to build a bridge
four hundred feet long at tbe point indicated
for the sum o f $ 1 /8 0 . How they can realise
a profit at that low figure is mom than we «an
Man never becomes a member o f society until
he is married— unmarried, he is looked upon
with distrust He has no home, no abiding
plnee, no anchor to hold him fast,'but is a piece
» f float wood on the great tide o f time. His
ibterest -is not with society, farther -thamhe ac-
comptishmeut o f some selfish object is con­
cerned.— Ex.
We will wager tbat the author o f the fore­
going is either a fossilised, oruety old bachelor
who has just seduced some silly fair one into
changing her name for bis, or else some female
woman o f a certain age who has been so long
in the matrimonial market as to become wilted
and unfit for domestic use— or ornament
Pshaw! who wouldn’ t he a bachelor— if he
could ?
R eturned .—Hon. Ben. Haydea and family,
and Mr. Mark Hayden and bis family,returned
on Tuesday from a trip to the coast, where they
had been sojourning for awhile for the benefit
of their health. They had a pleasant time and
report tbe weather delightful on the coast
C ock - fighting .— For want o f better employ­
ment, some o f the “ sports” about town have
been indulging in tbe above cruel pastime (to
ns) during the week. Better wring their neoka
at once than torture tbe poor creatures to death.
— Walla Walla peaches for sale at Cox A
Earhart’s, Salem.
— Mr. John Fry o f Linn county has this year
raised from one graiu o f wheat forty-six stalks
with 2,429 kernels.
— Mr. Peter Bousbey presented the Sentinel
office with some fine figs o£ the second crop
raised by him this season iu his garden in
Jacksonville. Mr. B. says if rain holds off a
month longer the third crop will mature and
ripen Not so bad for Oregon.
— Harry Jackson, tbe celebrated down, is
not with Wilson's circu% as advertised, but is
now in New York City.
— Capt. J. D. Applegate has been appointed
Commissioner for tbe Snake Indian«.
— Hon. A. J . Dufur is now in Wisconsin as­
tonishing the farmers of that State with his
specimens o f Oregon serials.
- The following gentlemen were, last week,
admitted by the Supreme Court to practice in
the Courts of Oregon : Geo. H. Durban, Chas.
II Balls, John W. Baldwin and Thomas C.
— Mr. D. D. Tompkins, o f Clackamas eounty,
last spring sowed fifteen acres o f Norway oats,
(obtained from tbe East), from which be has
just gathered sixty-one bushels. Tbis is some­
thing over one hundred and thirty fold increase.
— Rer. 1. D. Driver was married at Eugene,
Sept. 9th, to Miss Lena lies, of that place.
— The following order received from the War
Department is published for tbe information of
all concerned ; “ Hereafter no squatter or citi­
zen will be permitted to reside on & military
reservation unless be is in the employment of
the Government, in which case bis residence
thereon shall cease on bis being discharged.
All intruders on Government reservations will
be given reasonable notice to quit by tbe Post
Commanders, and if any remain after the expi­
ration o f said notice, they will then be removed
by fore«. By command o f Gen. Sherman.” In
pursuance o f the above order, notice has been
served eu the Catholic Mitsion of St. James,
Captain llakes and Mrs. M. Fields, that their
occupation o f tbe Military Reservation at Van­
couver must discontinue. It is raid that tbe
order and notice has created great excitement
among tbe residents o f the town, as well as tbe
occupants of tbe reservation.
— The Portl andites had a torchlight proces­
sion on Thursday night, in honor o f Wm. II.
— The Assessor o f Benton county returns 786
polls, 172,615 acres of land and $11,6U0 70 tax­
able property.
— Tbe Corvallis College opened Sept. 8th.
Six hundred dollars has been subscribed for tbe
purcb ase o f philosophical and chemical ap­
-»The Albany Register is to bave a new
dross and bo enlarged. It will also bavo a
“jobbing” attachment.
— The amount o f taxable^roperty in Doug­
las county is $1,474,404. In Lane county it
amounts to $1,767,000.
— More rich strikes are reported in the Myrtle
creek mines, Douglas county.
— Tbe Democrat says John Weible, living at
J. B. Miller’s, eight miles from Albany, while
bitching up a team, was kicked in the abdomen
by one of tbe horses, with such violence as to
cause bis death next day.
— Fifty thousand dollars have been brought
to Portland within the last «reek, from east of
tbe mountains, by Wells, Fargo A Co.
— Wm. Kinney, youngest son o f R. C. Kins
ney, of Salem, has been appointed to a cadet­
ship at West Point, on a recommendation from
Congressman J. S. Smith.
— Judge Wilson baa published the second
volume o f the Oregon Reports, and now has
them fur sale.
— Tbe Herald e f a recent date furnishes tbe
following; A bout«ix weeks ago Cull W. ness,
o f Yamhill county, was shot by a man named
Morris. Tbe shot passed through tbe fleshy
part of bis right arm above the elbow, and also
through the tkin o f the right side, and came
out at th* back. Tbe wound was dressed and
Hess went home, hie arm being close to his
side and over bis right breast Mrs. Hess, tbe
wife of the wounded man, was at that time en-
ciettie, and on learning what had occurred, she
was considerably agitated,as a matter ot course,
but there were no unusual or extraordinay de­
monstrations on her part— no fainting or epi­
lepsy whatever. Eight or ten days ago, how­
ever, that is about five weeks alter the wound­
ing o f her husband, she gave birth to twins,
■even months old and still-born, one o f whom
was “ marked” in the most singular and extra,
ordinary manner. Go examination it wes as­
certained that a hole bad been made through
it* right arm and side corresponding exactly
to that made on tbe arm and side o f Mr. Hess;
that the position o f the arm w m that of the
arm o f Mr. II., and that inflamation bad en­
sued and the right arm had grown to the right
side; and that tbe hole in the arm bad partial­
ly healed up »o d cicatrised. We consider this
one o f the most singular and extraordinary
C M e a on record, showing tho wonderful mater­
nal influence often exerted over the foetus du­
ring pregnancy.
California and the Territories.
J E S S I N O f i L O D G E No. 0 P .
X y A A. M., Dallas,-holds its regular com-
— A case .of small pox is reported at Olympia. 'N rA m n n ica tien s on U m Swtwrday preceding
— The Port Townsend Message telle o f a ‘ the Full Moon in-each m on th ,— loss the moon
young couple who ran away from Victoria to fulls on 8 at » »day— then on that day, at one
get married, and found that they would have o’clock.
Also, on the see end Friday in each month
to («side three months in «be Territory before
tbe ceremony could be legally performed. at 7 o’clock, P. M , for the purpose o f improve­
They kept on for Oregon to teat our marriage ment o f tho Craft ia Masonry, and for such
other work as tho Master may from time to
time order.
—G old le reported to have been found in
All Brethren in good «twndinf saw invited to
paying quantities «n a brandi o f the Skyhem-
By order o f tbe
W . M.
isb, W. T.
— There is a Japanese colony near Placerville,
Cal., engaged in cultivating tea and mulberry
plants, which are said to be flourishing finely.
— Mr. Jas O’ Meara b u withdrawn from the
Idaho World on account of ill health—tbat
northern climate being too severe for bim. Mr.
Gaou Aintlie takes editorial charge of tbe paper.
Vo*. 103, 104, 10$ h n t street, ear Alder,
— James Jamisanu living near Vancouver,
was arrested last, week on the affidavit of a girl
named Josephine Fulkerson, aged about 13
years, charging bim with having committed a
rape on her person about three year* ago, and
with having bad erimiual intercourse with her
at regular intervals ever since.
— The Marysville Appeal says that the civil
engineer o f both the California Pacific( Vallejo)
and tbe,California and Oregon Railroads, are
in tbat city, and engaged on work connected
with tbe two roads. The bridges for both rail­
roads are expected to cross Feather river but a
few miles apart.
Tbe Sacramento Reporter (Democratic) esti­
mates that the California Legislature will stand
as follows: Senate, Democrats, 28, Republic
cans, 12; House, Democrats, 54, Republic ana, 15.
— The arrivals in California by the Pacific
Railroad average about fifty per day, or at the
rate o f over 1,200 per month—mostly from the
extreme Western States.
— Stockton, Cal., has voted by a majority of
817 to give $300,800 to any company that will
construct the proposed Stockton and Tularo
— Tho recent election in Wyoming Territory,
for Delegate to Congress, resalted in the elec­
tion o f S. F. Nuckolls— Democrat—by 814 ma­
— The Tidal Wave says that bands of Texas
cattle are being brought to Idaho and will soon
arrive at Owyhee. They will probably winter
on the white sage plains of Snake river.
— Mr. Dusenbury o f ftalia Walla, wbo has
been to Europe, says he returned from Hamburg
to San Fraucisoo in 18 days.
— Tbe total yield of John Bidwell’ s farm tbis
year i* 46,482 busbels—35,282 wheat, 10,34)6
barley, and 900 oat*— being an excess o f 2,204)
bushels over last year. This large crop was
harvested in teu day’ s shorter time than tbe
crop of last year and at a considerably less ex-
peuae. There were also cut 300 tons of bay.
— Brigham Young has perfected an arrange­
ment with tbe Union Pacific Railroad Company
to take railroad iron and r< lling stock in pay­
ment for tbe amount due for grading. Tbe iron
aud cars^re already shipped from New York.
— A fleet o f thirteen irou British ships, reg­
istering an aggregate o f 10,660 tons, cleared
from san Francisco last week, bound for Eng­
land and ladln with tbe product o f California’s
golden hsirvticjL The sum to be paid to them
- by California shippers will be quite $200,000.
(Formerly o f the What Cheer House.)
TH O M AS R Y A N , - - P R O P R IE T O R .
a v in g o p e n e d t h e a b o v e h o u se
the proprietor wishes to announce to tho
jublie tba' be is now prepared to accommodate
guests in a satisfactory manner at the must
reasonable rates.
The entire house has been newly finished
and furnished throughout in the most complete
and comfaatable manner.
B»gg*g* taken to and from the house free of
Importers and Dealers in
B E D D IN G .
The Largest Stock nud the Oldest Par­
lature House in Portland.
P O R T L A N D , O R EG O N .
19 tf
COX & E A R H 4R T ,
Goode by the Package at Reduced Rates
my 10 3tf
8. C. S T I L E S ,
Malu st. (opposite the Court House), Dalian,
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips. Collars,
Cheek Lines, ete., etc., o f all kind«, which he is
prepared to sell at the lowest living rates.
^ P 'R E P A T R IN G done on short notice.
W . D . J E F F B I E S , M» D .,
anti Surgeon,
Main street,
Special attention given to Obstetrics and
Diseases o f Women.______________________ltf
J . E . D A V I D S O N , M . D .,
Physician and Surgeon,
Independence, Ogn.
Dallas, Oregon.
OFFICE— At residence, on Jefferson street
opposite Academy Block.
T. V. B. Embree.
Office at residence.
B O M I A T I A E A W S O ili,
Attorneys & Counsellors-at-Law,
8 A L E M , OH EG O N .
Corner Mill and Main streets, Dalian.
Riggs it Campbell
H a large variety o f Doors and
Bashes, o f all th« common sixes, aod o f .
the best workmanship, at tbeir Sash and Door
Factory, which they offer for sale as Che^p an
such articles can bä purchased elsewhere.
They are also prepared to fill all special or­
der* for weak in their line promptly, cheaply
and accurately.
Give as a trial, and you will be satisfied.
C. « . CERE,
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Will practice in all the Courts o f Record and
Inferior Courts o f tbis State.
O F FIC E -—In M atkinds A Co’s Brick, up
Hayden Se Myer,
A T T O R N E Y *-A T - L A W ,
Attorneys & Counsellors-at-Law,
Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor.
a v in g
purch ased
Stand o f Mr A. U. Whitley, wo have re­
fitted and re stocked it in such a manner us
will satisfactorily meet every want o f the com­
short notice.
Saddle Horses, let by the
Day or W eek.
S J . E . C O L L I N S ,
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Dallas. Oregon.
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Real Estate.
Vineyard A Turner,
Dallas, Oregon.
OFFICE— On Main street, one door north o f
tbe Dallas Hotel.
Applegate St McCain,
A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W ,
Dallas. Polk Couuty, Ogn.
Cor. Main aud Court -Streets,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all tbe Courts o f tbe Stato.
Buggies, slugle or double. Hacks, Cnit-
cerd Wagons, etc., -eUw
Furnished at alì hours, day or «right, on
Dallas, Oregon.
D allas. Ogn.
J. A. A P P L E O A tE .
Physician and Surgeon,
Bitters, Cigars, Cat.dies, Oysters
and Sardines will be served to gentle-'
men on the outside o f the counter, by a gentle­
man wbo has an eye to “ bis” on the inside.
8o come along, b o y s ; make no delay, and
we will soon hear what yon have to »ay.
Dallas, May 4,1869.
R . J E S S U P , M . D .,
Eola, Oregon.
C O O P E R St «E S iV E R ,
W •ling Public that their large Stable in
is open at all hours for tbe accommodation o f
those wbo may favor them with their patronage.
W -tf
that I have just completed my new Store
At Independence,
Now don’t rush. I f there is anything I dis­
like, ’ tie a rush. But come al«ng,
eight or ten at a time, and you will find a good
assortment o f
Expressly for Medical and Meohanieal
%2SL Physicians prescriptions carefully and
neatly filled.
Owing to my purse being empty, and nry
credit not good, customer* will please bring
“ the one thing needfuL” I beep n o book ae-
Since man to man is so unjust
I hardly know wbnt man to trust
I ’ve trusted many, to my sorrow;
Bo pay to-day and trust to mot-rote /
A. R O B B ,