HOME INTELUOENCE. MBW A D V E R T IS E M E N T S . Wo desire to call th j attention o f the citizens o f Polk generally to the notice of the County Polk O ou ty Official Directory. Assessor om the second page. I f you feel P olk county covers on area o f »boat 1,150 aggrieved at the amount o f yonr assessment equare mile*. N o o b cr o f voters, 1,117* A c m b oon hand at the tune specified and get it xeo- o f land ««d o r cultivation, #1.170. Value o f tiled. Messrs Mitchell A Ro«edroff offer for sale on U H U ib1i property, $1,134,510. The Land Office for this District is located at Oregon terns to suit everybody a fine lot « f excellent City— Owen Wade, Register; Henry Warren, seed bsrley. Receiver. Mr. Emmet o f Independence is said to be an C oohtt O r n c iM . — C « « e t * o W r » , R. C. A No. 1 workman, and he has an excellent stock Dice, R. Totem; Judge, J. 7,. Collins; Sheriff, o f all sorts o f leather on hand. I f you want J_ W. Smith ; Clerk, J. I. Thom pson; Aeeeeeor, geod boots or shoes that will fit, be is the man. H. D avis; Treaeurfr, R. M. M ay; School Su­ 8ee the liberal price offered by Crone A W olf perintendent J. n. Myer; Surveyor, 8. T. Burch; for good wheat. Now is your time. Coroner, C. D. Embree. I f anybody wants to aeeure a good home­ T s u s or Count.— Circuit Court, R. P. Boise stead on the tine o f the East Side Railroad, Jadge,eonvenes in Dalles on the 4th Monday in consult advertisement on second page or call April and 3d Monday in November. County at tbis office. Court oeaveaee an the 1st Monday in each Mr. Fred. Ness o f Independence is said to month. be a-first class carriage builder. He also does N otaries P ublic .— T. Pearce, E ola; J. W. superior wagon work. Shelley, Independence ; J. L. Collins, Dallas; The Dallas Hotel is flourishing like a green H. N. George, Buena Vista. bay tree under the admirable management of P ost O vvicr Tow ns.— Bethel, Bridgeport,. Mesars James A Hover. Buena Vista, Dallas (county seat), Eola,Grand Mr. Hedges o f Independence knows how to Konde, Independence, Luckiamute. Lincoln, shoe a horse, iron a wagon, or do general black- Lewisville, Monmouth, Kick real, Salt Creek smithing as well as any man in the valley. and Zena. .The proprietors o f the “ Gem” at Indepen­ U. 8 . M ail leaves Dallas for Salem on Mon­ dence ignore tangleroot but wilt do the amia­ day, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m., return­ ble to thirsty souls jn a gentlemanly manner. ing same dare at 5 p. m .; for Irdependence, Our amiable iellow townsman, H. M. Lines each Tuesday morning at 6; far Salt Creek, has formed a business copartnership with Mr. each Tuesday at l p m.; for Lafayette, Mon­ day and Thursday at 3 p. m., returning Wed- J. W. Elliott, and will commence building car­ nesay and Saturday at 10 a. in.; for Corvallis. riages. wagons ami vehicles ot every descrip Wedne*dar end Saturday at 0 a. m., returning ti«>n forthwith. He has a fine lot o f suitable lumber en band and still more on its way from Monday and Thursday at 3 p. m. the Slates. He knows bow to do good work and our citizens should patronize him. RELIGIOUS SERVICES IH DALLAS. Mr. L. A. Robb offers S splendid opportunity for a profitable investment. His health com ­ Method*»! Episcopal Church (South).— B. R. pels him to sell out his lucrative business at Baxter, pastor. Services the First Sabbath in Independence, and his Drugstore and fine stock each month at their Church, southeast corner o f drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, Washington and Church ateuets. — barring the cayuse. They congregate in J . D. Lee; Secretary, C. W. Goodwyn ; Treas­ and about the hotel chiefly, and conduct them­ urer, T. G. R ichm ond; Sergeant-at-arms, J. selves in such a manner as to disgust any per­ L. Shelton. Eighteen gentlemen signed the son o f gentlemanly instincts, and in many in Constitution. The members were diyided into stances force guests to get up and leave the two classes, which classes will alternate each bouse to rid themselves o f their pestilent pres­ week in debate and literary exercises. A cor­ ence. This we know to be true from personal dial and earnest invitation eras extended to -the observation. We have also seen respectable ladies of Dallas to join the club and parlici- strangers Who happened to be stopping at tbe pate in the literary and musical exercises— and hotel, where they had a right to expect courte­ debate, too, if they see fit The subject for de­ ous treatment, made the victims o f low flung bate next Tuesday evening is— Besolvcd, *‘tbat gibes and inuendoes e f an insulting character tbe right ol suffrage should "be Vxtended to at the hands o f .these depraved things. We women as it is now enjoyed by men ” As tbis aUu know tbe proprietors of the hotel have done is a subject o f peculiar interest to the fair sex, everything in their power to suppress tbis nuis­ tbe ladies are expected to attend cn matec. Ap­ ance, but to no purpose. We therefore shall plications for membership must be made in deem tbe officers of the law derelict iD duty if writing and presented to the club by one o f its they do not put a stop to these outrageous pro­ ceedings. Tbe cbaracier o f the town and the members. fair fame o f the community is at stake, and it “ P htsiciai * H eal T hyself .”— Tba Unionist sboald be attended to without delay. lakes Beriab Brown to task for spelling D ick­ C onversational C lubs .—Are the latest fash­ ens’ famous character o f Micatcbc.- “ McCaw- ion in New York. They meet once a week, and ber,” and in tbe same item Sam. Clark makes some one member, selected at a previous meet­ two ignorant 'blunders o f a similar character. ing, talks fifteen minutes on the subject assigned Tbe name o f tbe celebrated historian, essayist and poet, Macaulay, is distorted into “ McCau­ bim when selected. After the chief talker o f ley,” while tbe eminent Frenchman Barriere is the evening has concluded, any member of the nicknamed “ Barrere.” Truly Byron’s defini­ club jnay »ccupy five .minutes, either iu ques­ tion of fame or honor is correct. He said it tioning the chief, who is supposed to be lully meant one’s being killed on the field o f battle posted on the topic o f the evening, or in giving and having hia name mis-spelt in tbe Gazette. bis or her own views. A dozen or more per­ “ People who live in glass bouses shouldn’t sons may in this way give utterance to tbeir throw stones.” ideas, in tbe eourse o f the evening, and a great variety o f thoughts will thus be brought out F allino .— After an interval o f a few warm We should think tbis was a most delightful days and bright skies, Aquarius again let forth way of spending an evening, and suggest that tbe contents o f hia citterns rather freely last a Conversation Club be organized here. It will Thursday, and it has continued to rain at inter­ combine tbe benefits o f a lecture and debating vals up to our going to press. Yesterday it society, having the defects o f neither. A half looked as though tbe Webtoot winter had com ­ dozen ladies, with on equal number o f gentle'» m enced in earnest, but the warm rays of the men, is sufficient to start such a society. sun shot forth towsrils evening, leaving us still FRiGiiTrui~— Since the late rains, the game indoubt. Tbe soil is now in excellent condi­ of pitching horse shoes has been revived, and tion tor plowing and our farmers are taking advantage o f it. now progresses with unwonted vigor. There is T bat “ E qualizer .” — W e learn that Dr. a feature about this pastime, however, that sug­ McCurdy o f Salem has purchased the medic»1 gested the above beading, to w it: the unearthly yelling tbat follows tbe achievement of a “ ring­ apparatus known as the “ Equalizer,” and is er.” A biped with ordinarily long ears might operating with it very successfully, his time distinguish some of the voices almost as far off being fully occupied. Our old friend Pumpelly as Dixie. Go a little easier, boys. I f a lady is still under treatment and is becoming entirely in the condition ladies like to be who love regenerated from its effect Dr.McCurdy’s office tbeir lords should happen to be in the neigh is over McCplly’s. borbood, the consequences might be disastrous. Just think! Our Portland cotemporaries, if V ictimise # .—Th « editor o f tbe Jacksonville they “ nip” the above are also requested to ap­ Sentinel has been imposed upon by some liter­ pend tbis addendum : While in Portland re­ ary thief, who sent bim a trio o f stanzas for cently we noticed one afternoon, two gentlemen original and which b e published under the connected with^pne o f tbe leading business title of “ My Treasure.” We read tho lines firms of that city seated on a drygoods box in many years ago, and have bad a copy of them front of tbeir store, on Front street, and batily in our scrap boqk At ¿east two or three sum­ engaged in playing a game o f checguers. Port­ mer». land is not much ahead o f Dallas after all— in C a b » M eetiro .— T here was to have been a one respect at least w - —= » = = ■ ■ - ■ 58 camp «mating o f tbe If.B . Church at Ellendale, commencing lest Thursday,bat we presume tbe rain must have compelled them to postpone it, inasmuch a* we have notaaen any person who has be n there. I f the weather is propitious there will doubtless he a large attendance there to-morrow. 8 onb F aem — We learn that Gen. Nesmith refused, lest week, an offer o f $50,000 for bis iaim near Dixie. There a jf not a great many •Mb farms in O r^on. H alf C rop .— Mf- Sam- Goff, of Dixie, who has been running a thresher all through har­ vest, informs us that the mean average o f all tbe grain threshed by bim tbis season was eighteen bushels to tbe acre, thresher measure­ ment— about half tbe usnal yield. In other lo­ calities the crops have done better. We hope in a week or two to give the mean average for the county. Several items are inaYoidably crowded out lor waat o f room. Enigma Mo. T, I am composed o f eleven letten. My 11, 2, 8, is good when cooked. My 10, 9,fi, 4, wait* for no man. My 1, 4,7, ’ 0, is not in earnest. My 8, 4, 5, 10, is one point o f thecompass. M y all js the name o f an officer in Polk county, Oregon. ï Answer next week. Answer to enigmas last week— No. 6, “ WIN lamette R iver;” No. 8, “ Chang Bunker and Eng Bunker.” Answer to “ puzzle for farmers” — “ Ewe.” JOHN AMARUS. D allas , Tuesday. Mr. E d i t o r H e n l am »gain, and under great embarrasment, too, for I see I have awak­ ened tbe lion in bis den ; and I would feel bad* ly indeed did I not have tbe assurance of you» assistance, should I need it. I beg the Ad In­ terim, Sen’s, pardon. I don’t tbink be ever needed my help. But how be frowns at m e! Is he angry? Now for John&thanua. n is Enigma No. 8 is huge. But be never made it himself. Ho had help. I know. I could easily recognise bim in his first; but that last takes me. However, we must live and learn. I oeverknew before that tbe Siamese Twins bad any other name than “ Chang and Eng.” I see now that they have. I will sav for friend J., i f he really did make that himself he has found his calling, and ad­ vise him to go on. He did not spell “ Willam­ ette” right in No. 5. You ask my advice as to what shall he done with