The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, June 07, 1901, Image 4

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    llpau Tabulae with 90 much eatto-
can obeariuUy r «commend them,
oibled for abqyt three year« w ith
Hllout attacks oomlng an regularly
Waa told by dUTereat physician*
ased by bud teeth, of which I bad
1 the teeth extracted, but the at*
#d. 1 bad seen advertisement* of
te In all tho papers but hod no faith
ibout six weeks since a friend In
•y them. Have Uken but two of the
>oaua of the Tabule* and have bad
of the attacks. Have never given a
>r anything before, but the great
d which S believe has been done me
>ulev lndueea me to add mlno to tlie
•nials you doubtleus have In your
A. T. D lW m .
Pleasant Dreams
T h e r « , t J o k e H e T r i e d «o P l a y o n
111« D e a r W i l e .
"I don’t think I’ll try any more prae-
hut sighs. She knows that the pains H ch I jokes on my wife. They don’t pan
that rack her will not stop for darkness, jut well.”
“Elucidate.” ■
“You tye, she has a habit of hoisting
will'ottly pe echoes
the window In our room every night.
of Gia sufferings SH f-A jr
As I usually go to bed, last, she de­
pends ou me to hoist It. Sometimes
s o tiu d ïy a iid r ite -
H fc
I forget It, and then there’s a wild
sqUaBblfc Frequently she wakes me
rc tir-d y .- I '.it^ in o rn -
Lp In the night ifnd asks me to see if
:t Is open, i f I don’t she nags at me
until morning. A night or two ago I
resolved to give her a hard scare. I
w om en,
s u ffe r e r s n j?
rolled up a lot of old newspapers Into
fr o m backache,
1' v
L.; a long bundle and laid the pacituge
)> e a t « » g - tl Q w n V
6» e&f
‘ (town by fbe window. Of course she
pains, and other
o s nsleen and didn’t hear me. Then
M ints, have found I
X pçrfuçî -Ç,’V ej/'* h
£ k \
window. It’s like a bake oven In t n o
woman' y d is e a s e s
room. Get up and xec.’ So I got up,
which ' cause tlw
— -JÜ—2
pains and nervousness. It makes weak went to the window and threw the
suh I i ns high ns it would go.
As I did
Women strong and sick women well.
« I deci« it my duty Jtn express my h«artfelt so I gave a little shriek and then flung
ratitude for h c v in g been fbe m eans, under a y bundle down to the walk below.
rovfdencc, o f restoring me to h e a lth ,” w rites It struck with a dull thud, and 1
Mrs. 11. H. Muun. o f Springhill, Leon Co.. Fla.
F For nearly tw o years I suffered from female dodged behind the curtain to await
WMkuM» so I could not stan d ou my feet any
The room was very
le n g th of U a k i a?uld »curcely “ ’td k a t all. developments.
A ppétit« was m uch Im paired : '1 had bearing- dark, and I couldn’t see my w ife, but
dow n senlatlon« t can ’t express how badly I 1 heard her raise herself to a sitting
5 ,J feel, lla d tried several k in d i of m edicine
w hich did -ne tittle o r no good. At last decided posture. Then she spoke.
"Poor old
to try Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. 1 had Jim,’ she quietly said, ’he’s tumbled
n .,t taken aU of tw o b o ttle. before I «aw it was
benefiting me, so I continued to ta x e it until I out o t the window in his rnggedest
h a d tak en seven bottles, w hen I felt entirely nightshirt. What a spectacle, he’ll he
cu red . Did not (eel a touch of my old cum-
p la in t Tt has been o re f a year since I took when they find him In the morning!’
y o u r m àdiclne. hud I
tfuÜîfuHy say t hat
to y h ealth has been befcteT for th é list y ear titan Then she lay down again and went
jt liad been for four vears previously.
to sleep.”
« You may publish''this as a testim o n ial.”
“What did you d o r ’
Dr. Piercë’s Common gensc Médical
’’Stood there like a fool for a minute
Affviser, iu paper covers, is seul free on
receipt o f St one-cent'stamps Jo pay or tw o and then sneaked Into bed.”—
gxpeAse of uiailiug only. Address Dr. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
R. V. Here». Jiuffalo, N. V.
F rou on n ceA
S ecret
H om an
l l r e l t b nn<l t ln p p ln e « « .
A ccu racy
! • o f M arla M o r s I m p * r »
t a i i c e T la n n S p e e d .
“Speed Is by no me»M the most
accessary thing In shorthand writing, ’
»xplfflned an experienced stenogra­
pher. "but with some teachers It is
made the great consideration, often
at the expense of everything else. The
pig thing In shorthand Is legibility,
for there are many who can write
fast enough, but who are unable to
tell what It means aft. r It has grown
•old. I have been a stenographer, de­
pending entirely on It for my living,
for 25 years. During that time I have.
!>f course, picked up some knowledge
m the subject. 1 have been the
itenographer for two cabinet officers,
four assistant secretaries and three
jr four senators. Incidentally I have
worked for a -year as the private sec­
retary of one of the big bank presi­
dents In New York city.
“All of this experience lia s proven
one tiling very conclusively, and that
is that there Is no necessity for any
stenographer who does amanuensis
work to write over 120 words a min­
ute and In 99 cases out of 100 no ne­
cessity to write over 100 words a min­
ute. Indeed, 1 know of nt least 28
stenographers who are drawing the
largest kind of salaries as private sec­
retaries who have assured me that
they have never been required to aver­
age" ns much us 90 words. Under these
circumstances it seems strange that
some teaeherB of stenography will ex­
cite pupils to write 150 to 200 words
per minute and endeavor to make them
believe that such a railroad speed Is
a necessity. Such a practice does
actual Injury, for It discourages mnuy
from even learning a moderate speed.
“There have been Instances where
It mny have been necessary for stenog­
raphers to be able to write over 200
and more words a minute, and there Is
a legend hanging about the senate
chamber that General Hawley, for
10 or 12 minutes In a speech, once
spoke 225 words a minute. The aver­
age speed of senntors In speeches does
not reach 110 words and In dictating
T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h ic h h a s b e e n
in u s e fo r o v e r 3 0 y e a r s, h a s b o r n e t h e s ig n a tu r e o r
__ a n d h a s b e e n m a d e u n d e r b is p e r -
so n a l s u p e rv isio n sin c e it s Infancy*
A llo w n o o a o t o d e c e iv e y o u in th is .
A ll C o u n te r fe its, I m ita tio n s a n d “ J u s t - a s - g o o d ’’ a r e b u t
E x p e r im e n ts t h a t tr ifle w it h a n d e n d a n g e r t o e h e a lth o r
I n fa n t.^ a n d C h ild r en —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in s t E x p e r im e n t.
W h a t is
Ctwtioria Is a h a r m le ss su b s titu te lo r C a sto r o n , n t w -
g o r ic , p r o p s a n d S o o th in g S y r u p s. I t is P le a s a n t. I t
c o n ta in s n e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a r c o tic
s u b s ta n c e . I t s a g e is it s g u a r a n te e . I t d e s tr o y s W o rm s
m id a lla y s F e v e r is h n e s s . I t c u r e s D ia rrh o ea a n d W in d
C o lic . I t r e '.e v e s T e e t h in g T r o u b le s, c u r e s C o n stip a tio n
a n d F la tu le n c y . I t a ssim ila te s t h e F o o d , r e g u la te s t h a
S to m a c h a n d B o w e ls , g iv in g h ea l th y a n d n a tu r a l s le e p .
T h e C h ild r en ’s J P a n a c e a -T h e M o th e r ’s F r ie n d .
>9 B ears th e Signature of
1 want to Inform you,
w ords
h ig h e s t
praise, of tha benefit
1 have derived from
RJpans Tabula*. I an» a
professional nurse and
In this profession a clear
bead is always needed.
El pans Tabules doe* It.
After one of tny cases 1
found my self completely
rundow n. Acting on the
advice of Mr. Oeo. Bow-
•r, Ph. o., 5H Newark
Ave.. Jersey City, 1 tonp
Hlpaus Tabules w ith
grand results.
Mws Bocdix WianMAS.
I huvo been suffering from headache,
Slnue I was a litilo g tel. I could neve» «
c a re r go luto a a
« S *« 4 1 4 » * * * * * * + * * * * * 4 ± ^
R I ’P A N S
stomach. I hear
T h e modern stand­
ard F a m ily
M edi­
cine : C u re s the
common every-day
ill o f hum anity.
Mother was troubled
with h e a r t b u r n and
My seven 5 ear olA’1’’
Sleeplessness, caused by
suffered w ith pail %
Indigestion, for a good
hla head, c«>in»Up,
many years. One day
and complained <r*RI
sho saw a testimonial
stomach. He couldH
to the paper Indorsing
eut like o!i 11 Iron a
E l p a n s Tabules. Sho
ago do aud w h a n j
detormlned to give thorn
did eut did not P|>(
a trial, was g r e a t l y
w ith him. Ho wai
reltoved by their ui;o ali**’» » » # » # * * * * ’» * * * *»'»'**»
and of a saffron e—
a n d now ta k e s th e
Reading some of th e testimonials in f a v —
Tabule. regularly. She kaepa a few carton« Rlpan,
Rlpans Tabule
Tabules In tho house and says she will hot be w 1th-
ouiy r e lie v ed but actually cured my younti N
out them. Tho heartburn and sleeplessness have
bowol* a^gg
disappeared w ith the Indigestion which wes
gbod condition and he never oom|*lalns ol—
formerly so great a burden for her. Cur whole
b o y .^
family take the Tabules regularly, especially a rtrr
wonderful change I attrib u te to Rlpans Tati W
a hearty meal. My mother Is nfty years of age
I am satisfied that they will benefit an y o n e ( W
and Is enjoying the best of health and spirits ; also
the cradle to old ago) if taken according to
eats hearty meals, an Impossibility before she
tlo n s.
tovk 8dt«a«Ai Tabules.
AxTOfi H. B exuxbm .
[ In a paper carton f^ fth on t r a n ) 1» now to,
intended for tho poor and tho economical,
by sending forty-eight cents to the IU
toniTRM TABOT.BS) w ill be sent for flv«J
. w , newa agf r.U aud at *onw liquor *
tyfcTbor shop*. They banish pain, Induoe eleop and prolong lifi Oaie gives relief.
A new style packet containing tbx ripaxs taqutms pad
some drug stores-VOB five cents ThU low-priced sort
dosen of the flv©-cent cartons (120 tabules) can be had bj
rir rw m t COMPANY, No. 10 Bprucc Street, hew York—or a sin
K i p airs T abcles may also bo had o f some grocers, general nt
In U s e
O ver
Y e a rs ,
T H E C C M T A U R C O M F A N V , T T M U M iA V B 7 H E C T . N E W T O O K C IT V .
A % t K í ó ”>
saw □
îaaïêîïî --’•I
U nited States L and Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, May 14,1901.
N otice is h e re b y given th a t in com pliance
The Florence Real Estate Agency w ith tlie p rovisions of th e a c t of C ongress of
has bargains to oflhr in tlie follow ing1 J u n e 3.1378, e n title d “ An a c t for the sale of
tim ber la n d s in th e States of C alifornia, Oregon,
N evada a n d W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as e x te n d ed
80 acres of timber land about four to all tlie P u b lic t an d States by a c t ot A ugust 4.
miles from Acme anil
mile from Siue- 1892, E d w in Staples, of M apleton, c o u n ty of
law river. Has a large quantity of flrnnd ; Lane, Stnte of Oregon, h as th is day filed In th is
cedar timber which can be e; sily hauled office h is sw orn statem e n t No. 1627, for tlie p u r­
chase of th e s’^ se1. , s’-, sw*4 of Section No. 22,
to the river. Price $500.
in Tp.N o. 17 8., R ange No. 9 W„ an d w ill offer
12(1 acres of title and bottom land proof to show th a t th e la n d nought Is m ore v a l­
fronting on tlie Siuslaw river about nine uable for its tim b e r or stone th a n for a g ric u ltu ­
miles above Florence. A large, new ral purposes, an d to estab lish h is claim to said
land before th e R egister a n d R eceiver of th is
frame house, a good barn, and a bearing office Ht R oseburg, Oregon, on W ednesday, th e 7
orchard of 11 acres on the place. About day of A ugust, 1901.
H e nam es as w itnesses:
20 acres have been plowed. Steamer to
W illiam W eils, F red W ells, Cora M. Staples,
Florence passes the place every day.
an d E. lie n a lim , a ll of M apleton, Oregon.
Price $5000, including stock and ma­ A ny a n d a ll persons c la im in g adversely the
above-described la n d s are requested to file th e ir
A good frame house and two lots in claim s In th is office on or before said 7 day of
A ugust, 1901.
West Florence, near the river. A new
J. T. R kidoks , Register.
It Is by no means Impossible that
the newest world lecturer will allude
to the delays o f ‘llie single meal re­
form. THe one meal a day plan was
successfully practiced by some 80,000,-
000 men of the henlthlest, wealthiest
te o o K k e e p in S ’
and most Intelligent nations o f an­
, ô ljo r tb a n d »
tiquity for nearly 1,000 years.
No unprejudiced observer can deny
P e n m a n s h ip »
that for the vast plurality of our fel­
C e le g r a p h y -J
low men there Is no other practicable
y u y to live up to the principle of th e'
sanitary maxim, “Never to eat till
we have leisure to digest.”
sidewalk to the property. Price $300.
Nine out o f ten laborers have to hur­
ry from the breakfast table to their
40 acres of land on North Fork about N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N NOTICE F O R P U B L IC A T IO N
dally work nud cannot count upon by hopping on one leg. But few run­ 3hj miles fioni Florence. One acre
more than a few minutes of afternoon
X mile from a county road.
L and Office a t R oseburg, O regon.
cleared. Price $200.
U n ite d S tates Land Office,
meal rest The same In rolllug mills, /»mount o f start to any man who la
May to, 1901.
Price »I,««..............
N otice is hereby given th n t th e follow ing
A bargain for anybody jrantjpg a shipyards, railway yards, workshops five yards or ao they go at practically
N otice is hereby giv en tb a t in co m p lian ce nam ed se ttle r has filed n o tice of h is in te n tio n
mileB from Florence. Several acres tide
and schoolrooms.
I.ess tbnn a year's time would suffice the tam e pace, so that to run 95 yards land, the rest bottom and bench land. w ith th e provisions of th e a c t of C ongress of to m ake final proof in su p p o rt of hi* claim and
/for further iplorwatiop /njuire at the lo give the one meal liebtt the force of while hla opponent la hopping 45 he
Ju n e 3,1878. e n title d “ A n a c t for th e sale of
A comfortable house and a small barn tim b e r la n d s in th e S tates of C alifo rn ia, Oregon, th a t said proof w ill be m ade before M arie L.
Wore, U. 8. C om m issioner, a t Eugene, Oregon,
Florence fieal Estate Agency.
a second natura, and those who would has to go more than twice aa fast, and on the place. Price $700.
N evada a n d W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as e x te n d ­ on J u n e 27,1901, viz: Frederick M. T u ck er, on
■ -— «---- -i-------
like to form an .Idc/g Of Its universal It la n weak man indeed who cannot
II. E. 819.5 fqr th e s w ii nw*4, nw>4 sw?4, Sec. It,
A good dwelling house, find black­
oEserVanee^ during the clnsslc period hop 50 yard» In ten second«.
A ugust 4,1892, J o h n Joyce, of G ardiner, cou n ty »C/'i HC/4» ,,e?4
Sec. 14, Tp. 16 8., R. 10. W.
of Douglas. State of Oregon, h as th ia day filed in
He nam es th e follow ing w itnesses to prove
A goqd stock farm'd! 160' acres' lying of antiquity should rend l’et«?r Ilnyle’B, broken In the finger«, but, although
i thriving town. The owner desires to th is office h is sw orn s ta te m e n t No. 1557, for the h is c o n tin u o u s residence upon and c u ltiv a tio n
dlssertatlou on - "Douiestl<? Life ' In
,on South slough 1« p.ow offered for sale. Athens and Ilonje” or De .Qulncey’q there are many who will bet they can
i change his location. A fine opportunity purchase of th e se^X nw ‘4 , lo t7, ne*4 n w ^ , nwh£ of, said la n d , viz:
About half of It 1» bottom and tide land; humorous essay, published lu the sec­ do It, none, succeed In accomplishing
n e1.,, of Section No. 17, in T o w n sh ip No. 21 8.,
S m ith L. T a y lo r a n d F rank E. Taylor, of
for the right man. Price $850.
p ie tide iap«/ bpiiijji already diked. A ond volume of miscellanies under the
R ange No. I l W., a n d w ill offer proof to show Reed, Oregon, W. T. B ailey, of Meadow, Oregon,
th n t the la n d so u g h t is m ore v aluable for its an d W alton L. M ead, of Reed, Oregon.
new bouse, an orchard of over 200 treee title, "Dinner, Real and Reputed.”
J. T. B ridors . R esister.
There would be time for play, for and pressed upon by tbe first aud third Fork about ten miles from Florence is tim ber or stone th a n for a g ric u ltu ra l purposes,
pn the place, and about 600,000 feet of
fingers of that hand, despite It» aeem- offered for Baled. Near to county road. a n d to e stablish h is claim to said la n d before
good timber copypp/eppy •Ituplpd for reading, for tifi enjoyment of art and
ing so easy nt first aiglet .
Will make a good stock ranch. Price th e R egister a n d R eceiver of th is office a t Rose NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION
/ogging. Extensive out range. About entertaining conversation.
burg, Oregon, on Saturday, th e 13th day of
No one can crush an egg placed
Ju ly , 1901.
)5 head of cattle, pjpgt <4 them cows,
L and Office, a t Roseburg Oregon.
from the tradltloua of Insanitary
H e nam es as w itnesses:
May 10,1901.
>vitb Di* land. Price $3,000, Including barbarism. The granger's youngster» —that 1», If the egg lx sound and has
150 acres mostly limbe. land lying in
B rid g et Joyce, J o h n Cassidy, W. F. Peck and
N otice is hereby given th a t the following-
Stock. Inquire at the Florence Real would get afternoon sjxjrts enough to the ordinary shell of a hen’» egg.
section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 D ennis O 'B rien, all of G ardiner, Oregon.
nam ed se ttle r has filed n o tice of his in ten tio n
It Is safe to bet a man that he c»nnet west.
Estate Agency.
About three acres cleared. A
think life on a farm decidedly* worth,
Any and all pensons c la im in g adversely the to m ake final proof in su p p o rt of h is c laim , and
a t said proof w ill lie m ade before M arie L.
living. No after dinner martyrdom get out o f a chair without bending creek large enough to float logs runs above-described lands ore requested to file th e ir th
W are, 17,8. C om m issioner, a t Eugene, Oregon,
claim s in th is office on o r before said l" th day cf on J u n e 27,1901, viz: Sm ith L. T aylor, on II. K.
would tempt truants, housekeeping Ids body forward or putting hl« feet through the land. Price $550.
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION drudgery would be lessened two-thtrds. under It. If he t§ sitting ou It, uot at
81.56 for th e lots I. 2, sw ’4 ne*< Sec. 5, Tp. 17 8.,
J u ly , 1901.
R. 10 W.
J. T . B r ipoes . B eg liter.
A trjict of about 50 acres fronting on
—Felix M. Oswald. M. D., In Health the edge of It
H e nam es th e follow ing w itnesses to prove
his co n tin u o u s residence upon and cu ltiv a tio n
Culture. _________________
1 that a man cannot stand nt tbe side A fair house and about live acres cleared. N O TIC E FO R PU BLIC A TIO N . of, said la n d , viz:
Frederick M. T u ck er and F rank E. Taylor, of
A T e te s r B m T h a t T a lk e d .
1 of a room with both of his feet toueb- A good wagon road from the place to
Reed, O regon; W. L. P helps an d J. W orthing­
At one tluio»wheu the late Geòrgie 1 lug the wainscoting lengthwise,
ton, of M apleton, Oregon.
U nited States Land Office,
J. T. B ridges . Register.
Drew Barrymore was playing In San i It Is safe to bet any man. save one the Siuslaw river at Glennda. A fine
Roseburg, O regon,
Francisco u fabulous sum was offered I who Is blind, that he cannot stand place for a summer residence. Price
May 14, 1901.
N otice is hereby given th a t in c o m p lia n c e
her by a loenl theater for her services for five minute» without moving If $600.
for n few weeks. The offer w as ex­ he Is bllndfoldetl.
A tract of a Tittle over two acres of w ith th e provisions of th e n e t of Congress of
The Most Pow erful D isinfectant,
J u n e 3, 1878, e n title d “ A n net for th e sale of
ceedingly tempting, hut her contract
bottom land between Florence and
Deodorizre and Germicide Known
tiral»er la n d s'in th e States of C alifornia, Oregon
with Charles Frohmau stood In the
to Modern Science . . . . . .
T h e O r t ir la a l S e v e n W o n t la r e .
Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose N evada, a u d W ashington T errito ry ,” as
way. However, on file nothing ven­
None of tlie orlwliiiil seven wonders I Ilill cannery, A fair bouse on tbe land.
e x te n d ed to a ll th e P u b lic Land States by act CURBS
ture nothing won theory, she tele­ of tho work! rewnlns. except the- great
of A ugust 1. 1892, Corn M. Staples, of M apleton,
Bog Cko!«»,
graphed n detnlled statement of_ the pyrnmkl of Eitypt. The tomb of Mnti- A fine place for gardening or raising c o u n ty of Lane, S tate of Oregon, has th is day
offer she had received to Frohtìfh’n In sollis, king o f Cnrta. built about 350 small fruit. Price $125.
Swine Flag««,
tiled in thia office h e r sw orn statem e n t No. 1626,
New York, explained how anxious she II. O., w as destroyed before 1400 A. D. .. 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying for th e pu rc h a se of th e n ’t nw*4', sw ’^ nwK*»
Worm,, Lies,
wr.s to nceept It nml wound up with The third wonder, the temple a t Diana in section 11, township 19 south, range nw ’4' hw’4 of sectio n No. 27, in T ow nship No. 17 tnd ('Mitred
8., R ange No. 9 W., and w iil offer proof to show
tbe plea. “Will you release me?” In nt Ephesus, wna built 552 B. C. and j 12 west. Price $250. Mouth.
th a t th e land so u g h t is more valuable fo r its tim ­
due course of time b I ic received the was ilestroywl 350 B. G. The fourth
112 acres unimproved land lying on b er o r sto n e th a n for a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, and
fqllpwlng telegram tu answer:
wander, the walls and terraces of
B A N N F R M A W 8 P H K N Y L U cure* horse«» o f
the north side of Clear lake 2}^ miles to e sta b lish h is claim to «Hid laud before tlie dlMtemper,
pink eye, flbtula, giea.-o heel cu t-, t- rc„
gnu O .orgl. D i.w Barryniora, Tal««« Untai, 9«n Babylon, were erected about 570 B.
also m ange on dogs.
I Fr»n etico:
C. Tlujy decayed gradually after Baby-
B A N N B R M A N S P H X N V L E rnre, -heen nt
O regon, on W ednesday, th e 7 day of A ugust, font rot, »nJ I, m i i . ueutb to ..¡i„ |, I.. It i . .» s ily
Noi -
C hu « l «« t'RUBSAS.
Ion had censed to be the capital of the ' from it to the Siuslaw river. Price $600. 1901.
applied and never tail.-.
Allwlt disappointed, Mrs. Barrymore Assyrian empire. The Colossus of
- . T ’OUR I-’X'JXT TR EES -lio’ihl ho spraypil with
138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. She nam es ns w itnesses:
nt once sent this characteristic reply:
Rhodes, erected In 288 IL C.. stood 04 A iiox house, good barn, and plenty of B. B enahin, W illiam W ells, Fred Wells, aud and inMct.4.
Qwrlct trqloini»» Nr« verk fu .:
years, was destroyed by an earthquake outbuildings' on premises; 6 acres E dw in Staples, all of M apleton, Oregon.
B A N N E R M A N ’S PBTEN Y T .3 a« n general dh-
Inrectant is i tieniialied, h avin g I wh . ii u>e.i over 1J
«V »«sxigo».
and lay In ruins for nearly 900 years,
Any a n d all persons c la im in g adversely the year« and w ill be found iirefi.l in every hou em Id ox*
orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 above-described
—New York Tribune.’
It Is endorsed b) eniiniiienf physi­
lands a re requested to file th e ir W
until a Jew bought It and took It on
cian*. sanitary aiitb<nitie> and Iniaid» of her.lth all
|,V the Cltv of ( hicago
Q00 camels to Alexandria. The statue acres more cleared land, and 80 acres claim s in th is office on or before said 7 day of over the United States i
over «even ye«
a l-o by m any larpe sti-ck rai era
A M lu h t y O ld T s h l c .
throughout the U n ite .'sh -.? « Bann. .m an's I'hem le
of Zeus at Olympus was made 437- slashed; balance, brush and timber
A wealthy man wna once exhibiting
lie q u a lly gu«. anteed to p r e te n t tb e above named
X«. Register.
Í1É! R. C.. was removed to Constanti­» and dertrnv all obi nvlnua nrlon* if iU’elv
proudly to a younger aciuntntnnce a
uee<l obout tho pram; ee. W rite for circulars an d
nople and was destroyed by Are 475
te s t im o n ia ls . Ageutr «an ted . Addies»
tnlff« which be lin t) bought He aald
A. D. The I’haroe at Alexandria waa
JMOTIOE FOR BlIBUOATiON it w#s 500 years old.
dfc C O .
87-73 C lark S treet
"That Is nothing,” remarked his built aliout 283 IL C. and w as destroy­
United States IdU.4 Offfee,
praiitej ,|,0
ed by an earthquake about 1300-1400
R ow liunt, Oregyll.
young visitor. “1 have In my posses­ 1 A. D.
rtP l-g -ssf Awaixl.t the World’s
‘btitx, Oregon. May 27th. 1901.
||a y 37th, 1981.
ttm t
eom pltatire
sion n table which Is more thnn 8,000
ns j»l th e act of Congress of
M a n y a M le lt le M a k e « a M n e k le .
Mollee 1» hepib) «hen that In eoan llsue« years 5W.”
‘ An act for the sate of tiin ­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION
u t ili the provisions ol the act o f Congress oi
"Three tliousaad years old!” said the
Many men o f small Income spend
i’s of C alifornia, Oregon
The *’ Cox R anch,” including about
J u a s ». » « » . '’«Hitad “ An «U for the asle e l host. T h a t la I<ipossll4,‘. Where was 5, 10 or 20 cents a day for drinks,
■wi'u! e,rr it«ry," as extendi
I.and Office, Roschurg, Orcg.
to ail th e Public
1200 ttcrea, 12 mile9 from Florence on etl
a ^ ‘‘• " • b y a c t o f Augu-t
18T2. Mary »
iiuibsr hn'IOu tl.s State, o f C»lt«W»(S, titagsn . It urn d o r
rlgars or other unnecessary tilinga the ocesn beach, near the Cape. A 4,
rtokeiy. id Portland,
N otice Is hereby given th a t th e '
countv of Multi
itaratta, «ntt
» a s ljln s io n Territory," ss
111 "r,'ion’
thia nam ed settler hns filed notice of hl
Five centa a day saved and at the end
’T’robably In India.”
day llk tl in thl- i ''..
extaotltsl to all the I’ohfle taunt « a te a
16Û) for th e pur tni-e nt the nw'4 of the ?el ,i
to in a k e fin n l proof In su p p o rt of h i.
“In India. What kind of a tabi« 1* of each year put to Interest at 5 per
Of the » w ', a i ’
h» «et of
>"•»■ Wlllhun Henry b rsh e.
proof w ill he ninde before
rent would at the end of ten years acres plowed. The government road to No. tw e u tj tl.r. e r e l„Ofe h'' " T * of ’‘e rtlo a d th e a n t .U aald
. a Com m issioner, nt Florciu
o f Me«<to». eo o n iy o f L*ao. Htale of Oreten.
lRIl. vts- C h n e le . s..a ‘
amount to $2U5.5U; 20 yenra. »500: 25
‘Thv t.sultipiIcatlon tab ler
h a a th lx ta y Bled In thia . « e e h it .» o n . state
II ' i F set \’o n.e
s in .
, * ’ «11'Ieri
i m ill offer Range h o . nine (9, H e j yy M m
l^ e " « L n « 'i„ 8
Tlie place will support several hun­ am
1 years, »815. Ten .rents a day so treat-
sought is inorv
m ea t No. IA«, for the pnrehaae o f the «•; e4 the
iMmss t k e ' folio'..i!Ig1 wSih m „ e
U"'.'*r or «ton -
O n r F i r s t I 'ln n o g .
id would In tin- sntne periods respec­ dred bead ol cattle or a large herd of th a n for a cru n
U«1» Of thè ata*, of s« e |lo u tw e n ty three
her claim to tfi Led
*° wfoblbb S ? m M tand0" " ,? * 1*1*“ “ Upon " h '1 '
Tbe first plauos kuown hi America tively amount to WoS, »1.120. »1.030. sheep or gusts. About 600 bead of sheep au<l
US), amt tb e n ta , of the n e t, o f ta c ilo .. S o
K etelvt r o] tlu i .fflee . ’ n ' V 1''' K rel»tl '
, L f K 'oehurg Donglaa
tw enty alx ( * ) . In T ow nship S o. seventeen (17) wert* l^i|H)rt»Ml from I ajikíihi lu 1TM Twenty cents a day would auxMint to
flea. F. Allen, M. A lien W illiam
and goats now on tlie ranch will lie sold
ist?l9W<l,B,,>’ the " ’«'teenth and
John Brynd, ail of P oint T frrace
Luth. K««« S * * ,,M' ‘ill *'•*• * ' M ' by Job» Jacob .Xslor, but h » tb e / could »910. » 2 .2 4 0 a n d » 3 .2 0 0 .
__________ J- T. B r t m b s ,
n ot Mdud thff • rlfcof» of tb ll dliim t»
w m sht I. . X e vaS).«l.le 1«f Its « líb e r or .ton e
Time will be gisen on part of tlie price
A Q a .a r t n w o l F w a B a .
they mxw became ruined. This fact led
tuiiV |« n r k
*ni1 ^«Dioin
ghan for a a rta 'lfltw ! P«rpoaee. amt »o gataWbb Io the attempt to build pianos In this
“My doctor ordered a trip to Europa If wanted. For further particulars in v
v a in ty . O regon: Kila- NOI ICE FOR PUBLICATION,
uf P ortland, M ultnom ah coun-
Lu c t a l« to
U h » b f/o n . tb e » e sis te r and jcuuntrj» aud In the curly’Jjwirt o f th e
fo i me.” "
quire at tlie Florence Real Estate
U n d Office, at Roseburg, Oregon
“OM yon follosr bla direction T“
nineteenth century pianos made their
p u i „ . q « v » u , ou a .g .ir fs y . p>e aoyeou-ei.lh
s É
a p ica l aove.
i|T) day of A o,u«g. '*>♦
look the trip to Koropa hltuoelf."—
' He mtniee ay wJInssaoaj
Washington Star.
T h» F ilila * .
KHaworlb Benha« tata M«I tllf»or^
Í h . ' : ¿ CvTm,r " í & " ‘
I Ulaa Gahfcy—What la the hardest
A F a s s llt e s a W «a»v.
« W
RTllYVENAND wo . s w « ï s  ’ ï Æ k3 S
pari of writing poetry, finding the
lire for old catahlishcl In I’hyalea—What happens
« L T «*
•«• sec. 1«. n*- ne1, Hcc. 9S t i« a
»tending. Salary f?»» a
I Ajnat<‘u^ r w ig N ti. ! tbl 4k the great- when a light falla Into the water at aa
MAWeincMh. Xoc<n>
aat Aira lii la Id fllllnif up P ’tween them. ingle of 45 ftc^reca?
J —Baltimore American.
j T »aliata.
A line dairy farm on Mapie creek six
piile» Ifoin Florence is now offered for
i t contains 100 acre», 36 of It bottom
/and and 30 acres have been plowed.
(Can cut 35 ton» qf liay. A good two
iHopy liquse 20 by 38 fe e t; a barn 44 by
70 feat, with iteaVy /rame'; a goat bouse
)6 by 40 ie e t; an orchard of about 600
tree» of different kipd» of fruit lias been
f a r i n g for a year oy two. •
A water yb eel of about 6 horse power
Jurnltlie» motive power at tlie barn lor
cutting feed, aawing wood, etc.
Tlie farm la
qjJJe from »cliool and
I h a re been a p e a t luffere* from eon*,
for over ft- e year«. N .ti.k 'j gave in»
My f«»«< au4 l«gw an d abdoaivu '▼ore U4
I could nut wear »boea on my feet aud only
dres». I *uw Hi pans Tabulae a d ea rtu tt
dally paper, bought some and tookthtiatty
•d. Have taken them about thrvs wosk*ty|
la such a change I I am not constipated tty
and 1 owe It all to Rlpant Tubule*. Iui
•even * eara old, b«va no occupation,«
homeh" Id duties and nuralug aiy tick fc«
He ba* fiud tne
ftUtl A a:u try io ||
Tabula* fo r him. 11a feele n n » hatter bg
take some time, t o has bo^u gi«'k to loty
aay u«e my lettar a ad b am a«» you like.
Mrs. M art O obmas C l
offered for a n y m nehinc O'"1/
nu itr-.-nt ronge of work, nn*' d‘’
fiihily nm l w ell as can be dontt
Tlii hns le t’ll b e f ’re ti'C
t! f p a st fifte en year*.
p ro v in g th e DAVIS
C opy »
A n ro n e Rending a
quickly a*eert.ain o ur opinion
Invention Is probably
‘i'r ndba
tfon* strictly confl d en i »al. ’£ 'L - e
sent free. Oldest
P aten ts taken through MajgJ
•pcrial notice, w ithout
A handsom ely Illustrated
culm ion o f a n y e r te j« 0®
year ; four m onths, fi-
1 Caveat« sr. d Trade W art«
' e n t b usiness condnc te d f>
H*u d in ml wt, draw l h < n1
i patent vbie f re a 9Í
' p a te n ti a to rn red . A
Iitin Paten»4.“ w ith c t
to ad foreign c o u n tries te a
c. a . ®aow