llpau Tabulae with 90 much eatto- can obeariuUy r «commend them, oibled for abqyt three year« w ith Hllout attacks oomlng an regularly Waa told by dUTereat physician* ased by bud teeth, of which I bad 1 the teeth extracted, but the at* #d. 1 bad seen advertisement* of te In all tho papers but hod no faith ibout six weeks since a friend In •y them. Have Uken but two of the >oaua of the Tabule* and have bad of the attacks. Have never given a >r anything before, but the great ► d which S believe has been done me >ulev lndueea me to add mlno to tlie •nials you doubtleus have In your “ * A. T. D lW m . Pleasant Dreams A Q ISM A L .FA ILU R E. _ T h e r « , t J o k e H e T r i e d «o P l a y o n 111« D e a r W i l e . "I don’t think I’ll try any more prae- hut sighs. She knows that the pains H ch I jokes on my wife. They don’t pan that rack her will not stop for darkness, jut well.” “Elucidate.” ■ “You tye, she has a habit of hoisting will'ottly pe echoes the window In our room every night. of Gia sufferings SH f-A jr As I usually go to bed, last, she de­ pends ou me to hoist It. Sometimes s o tiu d ïy a iid r ite - H fc I forget It, and then there’s a wild sqUaBblfc Frequently she wakes me rc tir-d y .- I '.it^ in o rn - Lp In the night ifnd asks me to see if :t Is open, i f I don’t she nags at me until morning. A night or two ago I resolved to give her a hard scare. I w om en, s u ffe r e r s n j? rolled up a lot of old newspapers Into fr o m backache, 1' v L.; a long bundle and laid the pacituge )> e a t « » g - tl Q w n V 6» e&f ‘ (town by fbe window. Of course she pains, and other o s nsleen and didn’t hear me. Then M ints, have found I oiyP X pçrfuçî -Ç,’V ej/'* h £ k \ F Y window. It’s like a bake oven In t n o woman' y d is e a s e s room. Get up and xec.’ So I got up, which ' cause tlw — -JÜ—2 pains and nervousness. It makes weak went to the window and threw the suh I i ns high ns it would go. As I did Women strong and sick women well. « I deci« it my duty Jtn express my h«artfelt so I gave a little shriek and then flung ratitude for h c v in g been fbe m eans, under a y bundle down to the walk below. rovfdencc, o f restoring me to h e a lth ,” w rites It struck with a dull thud, and 1 Mrs. 11. H. Muun. o f Springhill, Leon Co.. Fla. F For nearly tw o years I suffered from female dodged behind the curtain to await WMkuM» so I could not stan d ou my feet any The room was very le n g th of U a k i a?uld »curcely “ ’td k a t all. developments. A ppétit« was m uch Im paired : '1 had bearing- dark, and I couldn’t see my w ife, but dow n senlatlon« t can ’t express how badly I 1 heard her raise herself to a sitting 5 ,J feel, lla d tried several k in d i of m edicine w hich did -ne tittle o r no good. At last decided posture. Then she spoke. "Poor old to try Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. 1 had Jim,’ she quietly said, ’he’s tumbled n .,t taken aU of tw o b o ttle. before I «aw it was benefiting me, so I continued to ta x e it until I out o t the window in his rnggedest h a d tak en seven bottles, w hen I felt entirely nightshirt. What a spectacle, he’ll he cu red . Did not (eel a touch of my old cum- p la in t Tt has been o re f a year since I took when they find him In the morning!’ y o u r m àdiclne. hud I tfuÜîfuHy say t hat to y h ealth has been befcteT for th é list y ear titan Then she lay down again and went jt liad been for four vears previously. to sleep.” « You may publish''this as a testim o n ial.” “What did you d o r ’ Dr. Piercë’s Common gensc Médical ’’Stood there like a fool for a minute Affviser, iu paper covers, is seul free on receipt o f St one-cent'stamps Jo pay or tw o and then sneaked Into bed.”— gxpeAse of uiailiug only. Address Dr. Cleveland Plain Dealer. R. V. Here». Jiuffalo, N. V. « O N E MEAL A DAY, D A IR Y FA R M F O R 8ALC F rou on n ceA n S ecret ot H om an l l r e l t b nnf course, picked up some knowledge m the subject. 1 have been the itenographer for two cabinet officers, four assistant secretaries and three jr four senators. Incidentally I have worked for a -year as the private sec­ retary of one of the big bank presi­ dents In New York city. “All of this experience lia s proven one tiling very conclusively, and that is that there Is no necessity for any stenographer who does amanuensis work to write over 120 words a min­ ute and In 99 cases out of 100 no ne­ cessity to write over 100 words a min­ ute. Indeed, 1 know of nt least 28 stenographers who are drawing the largest kind of salaries as private sec­ retaries who have assured me that they have never been required to aver­ age" ns much us 90 words. Under these circumstances it seems strange that some teaeherB of stenography will ex­ cite pupils to write 150 to 200 words per minute and endeavor to make them believe that such a railroad speed Is a necessity. Such a practice does actual Injury, for It discourages mnuy from even learning a moderate speed. “There have been Instances where It mny have been necessary for stenog­ raphers to be able to write over 200 and more words a minute, and there Is a legend hanging about the senate chamber that General Hawley, for 10 or 12 minutes In a speech, once spoke 225 words a minute. The aver­ age speed of senntors In speeches does not reach 110 words and In dictating T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h ic h h a s b e e n in u s e fo r o v e r 3 0 y e a r s, h a s b o r n e t h e s ig n a tu r e o r a __ a n d h a s b e e n m a d e u n d e r b is p e r - so n a l s u p e rv isio n sin c e it s Infancy* A llo w n o o a o t o d e c e iv e y o u in th is . A ll C o u n te r fe its, I m ita tio n s a n d “ J u s t - a s - g o o d ’’ a r e b u t E x p e r im e n ts t h a t tr ifle w it h a n d e n d a n g e r t o e h e a lth o r I n fa n t.^ a n d C h ild r en —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in s t E x p e r im e n t. W h a t is CASTORiA Ctwtioria Is a h a r m le ss su b s titu te lo r C a sto r o n , n t w - g o r ic , p r o p s a n d S o o th in g S y r u p s. I t is P le a s a n t. I t c o n ta in s n e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a r c o tic s u b s ta n c e . I t s a g e is it s g u a r a n te e . I t d e s tr o y s W o rm s m id a lla y s F e v e r is h n e s s . I t c u r e s D ia rrh o ea a n d W in d C o lic . I t r e '.e v e s T e e t h in g T r o u b le s, c u r e s C o n stip a tio n a n d F la tu le n c y . I t a ssim ila te s t h e F o o d , r e g u la te s t h a S to m a c h a n d B o w e ls , g iv in g h ea l th y a n d n a tu r a l s le e p . T h e C h ild r en ’s J P a n a c e a -T h e M o th e r ’s F r ie n d . GENUINE CASTO R 5 A ALWAYS >9 B ears th e Signature of 1 want to Inform you, to w ords of h ig h e s t praise, of tha benefit 1 have derived from RJpans Tabula*. I an» a professional nurse and In this profession a clear bead is always needed. El pans Tabules doe* It. After one of tny cases 1 found my self completely rundow n. Acting on the advice of Mr. Oeo. Bow- •r, Ph. o., 5H Newark Ave.. Jersey City, 1 tonp Hlpaus Tabules w ith grand results. Mws Bocdix WianMAS. I huvo been suffering from headache, Slnue I was a litilo g tel. I could neve» « c a re r go luto a a « S *« 4 1 4 » * * * * * * + * * * * * 4 ± ^ T ligi R I ’P A N S stomach. I hear * T h e modern stand­ ard F a m ily M edi­ cine : C u re s the common every-day ill o f hum anity. Mother was troubled with h e a r t b u r n and My seven 5 ear olA’1’’ Sleeplessness, caused by suffered w ith pail % Indigestion, for a good hla head, c«>in»Up, many years. One day and complained ( a trial, was g r e a t l y w ith him. Ho wai reltoved by their ui;o ali**’» » » # » # * * * * ’» * * * *»'»'**» and of a saffron e— a n d now ta k e s th e Reading some of th e testimonials in f a v — Tabule. regularly. She kaepa a few carton« Rlpan, Klpaus Tabules, I tried them. Rlpans Tabule Tabules In tho house and says she will hot be w 1th- ouiy r e lie v ed but actually cured my younti N out them. Tho heartburn and sleeplessness have tho headaclioe have disappeared,, bowol* a^gg disappeared w ith the Indigestion which wes gbod condition and he never oom|*lalns ol— formerly so great a burden for her. Cur whole stomach. He Is now a red, chubby-faced b o y .^ family take the Tabules regularly, especially a rtrr wonderful change I attrib u te to Rlpans Tati W a hearty meal. My mother Is nfty years of age I am satisfied that they will benefit an y o n e ( W and Is enjoying the best of health and spirits ; also the cradle to old ago) if taken according to eats hearty meals, an Impossibility before she tlo n s. tovk 8dt«a«Ai Tabules. AxTOfi H. B exuxbm . [ In a paper carton f^ fth on t r a n ) 1» now to, intended for tho poor and tho economical, by sending forty-eight cents to the IU toniTRM TABOT.BS) w ill be sent for flv«J . w , newa agf r.U aud at *onw liquor * I tyfcTbor shop*. They banish pain, Induoe eleop and prolong lifi Oaie gives relief. A new style packet containing tbx ripaxs taqutms pad some drug stores-VOB five cents ThU low-priced sort dosen of the flv©-cent cartons (120 tabules) can be had bj rir rw m t COMPANY, No. 10 Bprucc Street, hew York—or a sin K i p airs T abcles may also bo had o f some grocers, general nt at In U s e For O ver 30 Y e a rs , T H E C C M T A U R C O M F A N V , T T M U M iA V B 7 H E C T . N E W T O O K C IT V . A % t K í ó ”> saw □ ■ îaaïêîïî --’•I ¡i:i I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. U nited States L and Office, Roseburg, Oregon, May 14,1901. N otice is h e re b y given th a t in com pliance The Florence Real Estate Agency w ith tlie p rovisions of th e a c t of C ongress of has bargains to oflhr in tlie follow ing1 J u n e 3.1378, e n title d “ An a c t for the sale of tim ber la n d s in th e States of C alifornia, Oregon, property. N evada a n d W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as e x te n d ed 80 acres of timber land about four to all tlie P u b lic t an d States by a c t ot A ugust 4. miles from Acme anil mile from Siue- 1892, E d w in Staples, of M apleton, c o u n ty of law river. Has a large quantity of flrnnd ; Lane, Stnte of Oregon, h as th is day filed In th is cedar timber which can be e; sily hauled office h is sw orn statem e n t No. 1627, for tlie p u r­ chase of th e s’^ se1. , s’-, sw*4 of Section No. 22, to the river. Price $500. in Tp.N o. 17 8., R ange No. 9 W„ an d w ill offer 12(1 acres of title and bottom land proof to show th a t th e la n d nought Is m ore v a l­ fronting on tlie Siuslaw river about nine uable for its tim b e r or stone th a n for a g ric u ltu ­ miles above Florence. A large, new ral purposes, an d to estab lish h is claim to said land before th e R egister a n d R eceiver of th is frame house, a good barn, and a bearing office Ht R oseburg, Oregon, on W ednesday, th e 7 orchard of 11 acres on the place. About day of A ugust, 1901. H e nam es as w itnesses: 20 acres have been plowed. Steamer to W illiam W eils, F red W ells, Cora M. Staples, Florence passes the place every day. an d E. lie n a lim , a ll of M apleton, Oregon. Price $5000, including stock and ma­ A ny a n d a ll persons c la im in g adversely the chinery. above-described la n d s are requested to file th e ir A good frame house and two lots in claim s In th is office on or before said 7 day of A ugust, 1901. West Florence, near the river. A new J. T. R kidoks , Register. It Is by no means Impossible that the newest world lecturer will allude to the delays o f ‘llie single meal re­ form. THe one meal a day plan was successfully practiced by some 80,000,- 000 men of the henlthlest, wealthiest te o o K k e e p in S ’ and most Intelligent nations o f an­ , ô ljo r tb a n d » tiquity for nearly 1,000 years. No unprejudiced observer can deny P e n m a n s h ip » that for the vast plurality of our fel­ C e le g r a p h y -J low men there Is no other practicable y u y to live up to the principle of th e' sanitary maxim, “Never to eat till we have leisure to digest.” sidewalk to the property. Price $300. Nine out o f ten laborers have to hur­ ry from the breakfast table to their 40 acres of land on North Fork about N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N NOTICE F O R P U B L IC A T IO N dally work nud cannot count upon by hopping on one leg. But few run­ 3hj miles fioni Florence. One acre ners, If any, can afford to give that more than a few minutes of afternoon X mile from a county road. L and Office a t R oseburg, O regon. cleared. Price $200. U n ite d S tates Land Office, meal rest The same In rolllug mills, /»mount o f start to any man who la May to, 1901. Price »I,««.............. at all atrbng on hla legs. For tbe flrwt R oseburg, O regon, A pril 23,1901. 41 acres on North Fork about live N otice is hereby given th n t th e follow ing A bargain for anybody jrantjpg a shipyards, railway yards, workshops five yards or ao they go at practically N otice is hereby giv en tb a t in co m p lian ce nam ed se ttle r has filed n o tice of h is in te n tio n mileB from Florence. Several acres tide and schoolrooms. (arm. I.ess tbnn a year's time would suffice the tam e pace, so that to run 95 yards land, the rest bottom and bench land. w ith th e provisions of th e a c t of C ongress of to m ake final proof in su p p o rt of hi* claim and /for further iplorwatiop /njuire at the lo give the one meal liebtt the force of while hla opponent la hopping 45 he Ju n e 3,1878. e n title d “ A n a c t for th e sale of A comfortable house and a small barn tim b e r la n d s in th e S tates of C alifo rn ia, Oregon, th a t said proof w ill be m ade before M arie L. Wore, U. 8. C om m issioner, a t Eugene, Oregon, Florence fieal Estate Agency. a second natura, and those who would has to go more than twice aa fast, and on the place. Price $700. N evada a n d W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as e x te n d ­ on J u n e 27,1901, viz: Frederick M. T u ck er, on ■ -— «---- -i------- like to form an .Idc/g Of Its universal It la n weak man indeed who cannot ed to ull th e P u b lic L and States by a c t of II. E. 819.5 fqr th e s w ii nw*4, nw>4 sw?4, Sec. It, A good dwelling house, find black­ A »TO O K MM- oEserVanee^ during the clnsslc period hop 50 yard» In ten second«. A ugust 4,1892, J o h n Joyce, of G ardiner, cou n ty »C/'i HC/4» ,,e?4 Sec. 14, Tp. 16 8., R. 10. W. An ordinary wooden match la easily smith shop doing a good business in a of Douglas. State of Oregon, h as th ia day filed in He nam es th e follow ing w itnesses to prove A goqd stock farm'd! 160' acres' lying of antiquity should rend l’et«?r Ilnyle’B, broken In the finger«, but, although i thriving town. The owner desires to th is office h is sw orn s ta te m e n t No. 1557, for the h is c o n tin u o u s residence upon and c u ltiv a tio n dlssertatlou on - "Douiestlvitb Di* land. Price $3,000, Including barbarism. The granger's youngster» —that 1», If the egg lx sound and has 150 acres mostly limbe. land lying in B rid g et Joyce, J o h n Cassidy, W. F. Peck and N otice is hereby given th a t the following- Stock. Inquire at the Florence Real would get afternoon sjxjrts enough to the ordinary shell of a hen’» egg. section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 D ennis O 'B rien, all of G ardiner, Oregon. nam ed se ttle r has filed n o tice of his in ten tio n It Is safe to bet a man that he c»nnet west. Estate Agency. About three acres cleared. A think life on a farm decidedly* worth, Any and all pensons c la im in g adversely the to m ake final proof in su p p o rt of h is c laim , and a t said proof w ill lie m ade before M arie L. living. No after dinner martyrdom get out o f a chair without bending creek large enough to float logs runs above-described lands ore requested to file th e ir th W are, 17,8. C om m issioner, a t Eugene, Oregon, claim s in th is office on o r before said l" th day cf on J u n e 27,1901, viz: Sm ith L. T aylor, on II. K. would tempt truants, housekeeping Ids body forward or putting hl« feet through the land. Price $550. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION drudgery would be lessened two-thtrds. under It. If he t§ sitting ou It, uot at 81.56 for th e lots I. 2, sw ’4 ne*< Sec. 5, Tp. 17 8., J u ly , 1901. R. 10 W. J. T . B r ipoes . B eg liter. A trjict of about 50 acres fronting on —Felix M. Oswald. M. D., In Health the edge of It H e nam es th e follow ing w itnesses to prove ! Another equally certain wager 1« i Clear lake three miles south of Florence his co n tin u o u s residence upon and cu ltiv a tio n Culture. _________________ 1 that a man cannot stand nt tbe side A fair house and about live acres cleared. N O TIC E FO R PU BLIC A TIO N . of, said la n d , viz: Frederick M. T u ck er and F rank E. Taylor, of A T e te s r B m T h a t T a lk e d . 1 of a room with both of his feet toueb- A good wagon road from the place to Reed, O regon; W. L. P helps an d J. W orthing­ At one tluio»wheu the late Geòrgie 1 lug the wainscoting lengthwise, ton, of M apleton, Oregon. U nited States Land Office, J. T. B ridges . Register. Drew Barrymore was playing In San i It Is safe to bet any man. save one the Siuslaw river at Glennda. A fine Roseburg, O regon, Francisco u fabulous sum was offered I who Is blind, that he cannot stand place for a summer residence. Price May 14, 1901. N otice is hereby given th a t in c o m p lia n c e her by a loenl theater for her services for five minute» without moving If $600. BANNERMAN’S PHENYLE for n few weeks. The offer w as ex­ he Is bllndfoldetl. A tract of a Tittle over two acres of w ith th e provisions of th e n e t of Congress of The Most Pow erful D isinfectant, J u n e 3, 1878, e n title d “ A n net for th e sale of ceedingly tempting, hut her contract bottom land between Florence and Deodorizre and Germicide Known tiral»er la n d s'in th e States of C alifornia, Oregon with Charles Frohmau stood In the to Modern Science . . . . . . T h e O r t ir la a l S e v e n W o n t la r e . Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose N evada, a u d W ashington T errito ry ,” as way. However, on file nothing ven­ None of tlie orlwliiiil seven wonders I Ilill cannery, A fair bouse on tbe land. e x te n d ed to a ll th e P u b lic Land States by act CURBS ture nothing won theory, she tele­ of tho work! rewnlns. except the- great of A ugust 1. 1892, Corn M. Staples, of M apleton, Bog Cko!«», graphed n detnlled statement of_ the pyrnmkl of Eitypt. The tomb of Mnti- A fine place for gardening or raising c o u n ty of Lane, S tate of Oregon, has th is day offer she had received to Frohtìfh’n In sollis, king o f Cnrta. built about 350 small fruit. Price $125. Swine Flag««, tiled in thia office h e r sw orn statem e n t No. 1626, New York, explained how anxious she II. O., w as destroyed before 1400 A. D. .. 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying for th e pu rc h a se of th e n ’t nw*4', sw ’^ nwK*» Worm,, Lies, wr.s to nceept It nml wound up with The third wonder, the temple a t Diana in section 11, township 19 south, range nw ’4' hw’4 of sectio n No. 27, in T ow nship No. 17 tnd ('Mitred 8., R ange No. 9 W., and w iil offer proof to show tbe plea. “Will you release me?” In nt Ephesus, wna built 552 B. C. and j 12 west. Price $250. Mouth. th a t th e land so u g h t is more valuable fo r its tim ­ due course of time b I ic received the was ilestroywl 350 B. G. The fourth 112 acres unimproved land lying on b er o r sto n e th a n for a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, and fqllpwlng telegram tu answer: wander, the walls and terraces of B A N N F R M A W 8 P H K N Y L U cure* horse«» o f the north side of Clear lake 2}^ miles to e sta b lish h is claim to «Hid laud before tlie dlMtemper, pink eye, flbtula, giea.-o heel cu t-, t- rc„ gnu O .orgl. D i.w Barryniora, Tal««« Untai, 9«n Babylon, were erected about 570 B. also m ange on dogs. i R egister an d R eceiver of th is office a t Roseburg, j south of Florence. A good wagon road I Fr»n etico: C. Tlujy decayed gradually after Baby- B A N N B R M A N S P H X N V L E rnre, -heen nt O regon, on W ednesday, th e 7 day of A ugust, font rot, »nJ I, m i i . ueutb to ..¡i„ |, I.. It i . .» s ily Noi - C hu « l «« t'RUBSAS. Ion had censed to be the capital of the ' from it to the Siuslaw river. Price $600. 1901. applied and never tail.-. J Allwlt disappointed, Mrs. Barrymore Assyrian empire. The Colossus of - . T ’OUR I-’X'JXT TR EES -lio’ihl ho spraypil with 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. She nam es ns w itnesses: Pnenyle, wi.ieh absolutely d e»tioys all worn«», h ie nt once sent this characteristic reply: Rhodes, erected In 288 IL C.. stood 04 A iiox house, good barn, and plenty of B. B enahin, W illiam W ells, Fred Wells, aud and inMct.4. ’ Qwrlct trqloini»» Nr« verk fu .: years, was destroyed by an earthquake outbuildings' on premises; 6 acres E dw in Staples, all of M apleton, Oregon. B A N N E R M A N ’S PBTEN Y T .3 a« n general dh- Inrectant is i tieniialied, h avin g I wh . ii u>e.i over 1J Ol,l •«*'«111» «V »«sxigo». and lay In ruins for nearly 900 years, Any a n d all persons c la im in g adversely the year« and w ill be found iirefi.l in every hou em Id ox* orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 above-described —New York Tribune.’ tebliahtnent It Is endorsed b) eniiniiienf physi­ lands a re requested to file th e ir W until a Jew bought It and took It on cian*. sanitary aiitb and Iniaid» of her.lth all |,V the Cltv of ( hicago Q00 camels to Alexandria. The statue acres more cleared land, and 80 acres claim s in th is office on or before said 7 day of over the United States i over «even ye« a l-o by m any larpe sti-ck rai era A M lu h t y O ld T s h l c . throughout the U n ite .'sh -.? « Bann. .m an's I'hem le of Zeus at Olympus was made 437- slashed; balance, brush and timber A wealthy man wna once exhibiting lie q u a lly gu«. anteed to p r e te n t tb e above named X«. Register. Í1É! R. C.. was removed to Constanti­» and dertrnv all obi nvlnua nrlon* if iU’elv proudly to a younger aciuntntnnce a uee"•»■ Wlllhun Henry b rsh e. proof w ill he ninde before rent would at the end of ten years acres plowed. The government road to No. tw e u tj tl.r. e r e l„Ofe h'' " T * of ’‘e rtlo a d th e a n t .U aald . a Com m issioner, nt Florciu o f Me«’ the " ’«'teenth and John Brynd, ail of P oint T frrace Luth. K««« S * * ,,M' ‘ill *'•*• * ' M ' by Job» Jacob .Xslor, but h » tb e / could »910. » 2 .2 4 0 a n d » 3 .2 0 0 . with the land if desired. w itnesses: __________ J- T. B r t m b s , n ot Mdud thff • rlfcof» of tb ll dliim t» rv D rake, of Meadow, fa n e w m sht I. . X e vaS).«l.le 1«f Its « líb e r or .ton e Time will be gisen on part of tlie price A Q a .a r t n w o l F w a B a . they mxw became ruined. This fact led tuiiV |« n r k *ni1 ^«Dioin ghan for a a rta 'lfltw ! P«rpoaee. amt »o gataWbb Io the attempt to build pianos In this “My doctor ordered a trip to Europa If wanted. For further particulars in v ' v a in ty . O regon: Kila- NOI ICE FOR PUBLICATION, uf P ortland, M ultnom ah coun- Lu c t a l« to U h » b f/o n . tb e » e sis te r and jcuuntrj» aud In the curly’Jjwirt o f th e fo i me.” " quire at tlie Florence Real Estate U n d Office, at Roseburg, Oregon “OM yon follosr bla direction T“ nineteenth century pianos made their p u i „ . q « v » u , ou a .g .ir fs y . p>e aoyeou-ei.lh S ? s É â a S a = “ Nft. He presented bla bill and then a p ica l aove. i|T) day of A o,u«g. '*>♦ look the trip to Koropa hltuoelf."— ' He mtniee ay wJInssaoaj Washington Star. T h» F ilila * . KHaworlb Benha« tata M«I tllf»or^ Í h . ' : ¿ CvTm,r " í & " ‘ I Ulaa Gahfcy—What la the hardest A F a s s llt e s a W «a»v. « W RTllYVENAND wo . s w « ï s  ’ ï Æ k3 S pari of writing poetry, finding the lire for old catahlishcl In I’hyalea—What happens « L T «* •«• sec. 1«. n*- ne1, Hcc. 9S t i« a .rliyfieal. ' »tending. Salary f?»» a I Ajnat<‘u^ r w ig N ti. ! tbl 4k the great- when a light falla Into the water at aa MAWeincMh. Xoc aat Aira lii la Id fllllnif up P ’tween them. ingle of 45 ftc^reca? Í I’null -I t goes puj. “ '‘L. J —Baltimore American. j T »aliata. A line dairy farm on Mapie creek six piile» Ifoin Florence is now offered for pale. i t contains 100 acre», 36 of It bottom /and and 30 acres have been plowed. (Can cut 35 ton» qf liay. A good two iHopy liquse 20 by 38 fe e t; a barn 44 by 70 feat, with iteaVy /rame'; a goat bouse )6 by 40 ie e t; an orchard of about 600 tree» of different kipd» of fruit lias been f a r i n g for a year oy two. • A water yb eel of about 6 horse power Jurnltlie» motive power at tlie barn lor cutting feed, aawing wood, etc. Tlie farm la qjJJe from »cliool and I h a re been a p e a t luffere* from eon*, for over ft- e year«. N .ti.k 'j gave in» My f«»«< au4 l«gw an d abdoaivu '▼ore U4 I could nut wear »boea on my feet aud only dres». I *uw Hi pans Tabulae a d ea rtu tt dally paper, bought some and tookthtiatty •d. Have taken them about thrvs wosk*ty| la such a change I I am not constipated tty and 1 owe It all to Rlpant Tubule*. Iui •even * eara old, b«va no occupation,« homeh" Id duties and nuralug aiy tick fc« He ba* fiud tne ftUtl A a:u try io || Tabula* fo r him. 11a feele n n » hatter bg take some time, t o has bo^u gi«'k to loty aay u«e my lettar a ad b am a«» you like. Mrs. M art O obmas C l PORTIMI -r-v offered for a n y m nehinc O'"1/ nu itr-.-nt ronge of work, nn*' d‘’ fiihily nm l w ell as can be dontt Tlii hns le t’ll b e f ’re ti'C t! f p a st fifte en year*. • IT HAS NOT BEEN CL> p ro v in g th e DAVIS ’ C opy » A n ro n e Rending a quickly a*eert.ain o ur opinion Invention Is probably ‘i'r ndba tfon* strictly confl d en i »al. ’£ 'L - e sent free. Oldest i P aten ts taken through MajgJ •pcrial notice, w ithout A handsom ely Illustrated culm ion o f a n y e r te j« 0® year ; four m onths, fi- I «9 1 Caveat« sr. d Trade W art« ' e n t b usiness condnc te d f> H*u d in ml wt, draw l h < n1 i patent vbie f re a 9Í ' p a te n ti a to rn red . A Iitin Paten»4.“ w ith c t to ad foreign c o u n tries te a c. a . ®aow