Image provided by: Siuslaw Pioneer Museum; Florence, OR
About The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1900)
L“ 1J >•«.J f * ’'feulgtl I . ^ ’ ’»I • V » eld ,w •«»«£' »f** ». I «4. « ÏL b«., * ?* I '***♦«« -* I* « * pow ers or comprehension t F irst, a letter o f acceptance for au Invitation which be had not given, and n o w this H e G e t« r .n t n p l e a a a n t I n s i g h t M o d e rn P a t r io t is m . his poor, despised violets. coots?r shop the other d ay to git a new W ell, good- [C o p y r ig h t, 11*00. b y C . B . L e w is .] ruuuin fu r the office o f supervisor.** ment he w ould bear so b ravely no one “ B u t how klu you?” • ' J- “ B u t think o f your duty, Jim. 1C» take, and, p ickin g up her letter, he (lie d uty o f a freeborn elector to do tb« carefu lly reread It. H er quotation o f /lollerln and the votln and let k b » - Charges Reasonable. «¡fécond the word “accept” w as a hit strange. body else hold office." “ Then you m ay holler and vote fu r * Its blindness suggested bis own use o f the word. W h at If he had m ade a m is me,” s a y s Jim. “ Look a-here, Jim ,” s a y s I a s I gtta take lu the letters and Inclosed them In W ill carry freight and passengers the w rong envelopes? In that case he over m y surprise a t his proinptneea, ‘n>e of the could understand all but his own a si “ has It occurred to you that the fa ta from Florence to San Francisco. 4 bui «,„27 l nine stupidity. W as ever man lu such i t this nushuu Is treuiblln In the bal E. B a n g s , P ro p rie to rs ■ Ion «• h*’ Kincaid. all(j « W ill also bring up freight a box before, engaged by letter to a ance?” < ........ . £ , ____ I. R . Ilil >'•» "« k its, a j£ " I t has.” says ho. Stage leaves Eugene on Mon girl ue did not love and refused by the “ Do you w aut ruin and desolashun I t K e p t .John H obb s F r o m M a r r y d ay s, Wednesdays, and F ridays at wom an he did love and In n w ay that > ...... H. D. E dw ard: rt'h“ ‘Mwîh,' in g tlio W r o n g G i r l a n d L e d H in a F or further inform ation inquire 6 a. nt. arriving a t Florence the '“‘ÍMWiria^d I? left uo cliauce for explanation th at he to o vertake this fa ir land?” E . I V T . I L e ... e A .. to M a r r y tiro kUgllfc O ne, “ Not by a Jugful.” could see. Perhaps later lie m ight find day following a t 10 a. m. ! V - OF— . . . . . . . . W . W . W ilb e rs “ A nd do you w ant the M agna C h art» a w a y to enlighten M abelle as to m at R eturning stage leaves Florence K. . . . . A - S. P a tte rso n of liberty used ns a dish tow el aud the A. W . B EA D LE & CO. P - B a rto n It w as ju st 3:30 by the dusty clock I ters, but bow Jo explain to Miss D aven constitution o f the United S tates chaw Mondays, W ednesdays, and F ri port w ithout cruelly w ounding her 0.4,0, ,^ ^ « t p e r i u t o n < t e n t ....IV. M Miller 22 M arket St. > 9 « th a t did duty in the editor’s office o f j days a t 2 p. m. arriving a t Eugene ed up by cclv e s? " ™ » ♦ « % ? » ................. ...............C. M. C ollier The D ally Telegram , w hen John pride and m aking m atters w orse? O f the folio wingday a t 9 p. m. " I don’t.” ••mi. ¿ ¡ J . . . » . - .................... G . W . Grillin llobbR, m anager nud general factotum ‘• > ourse he must call tonight and tak e San Francisco, California. Knanlht (À H . Ilolrlen ‘“Then you must take your place a t of P«*co. for that enterprising paper, from w hich bel to *be concerL tru stin g for some » te...,« « . ........... G. C. Cuuipton the polls, shoulder to shoulder w ith he derived a snug little Income, sud- I cban,eu to straighten out this tungle. Single fare - - - - 5. 00 I denly remembered the day of the w eek, i John Hobbs nevur for!fot fbnt even- other patriots, and help b’tst me Into- R o u n d trip . _ - - 9.00 I t w as T hursday and on the fo llo w in g I ln? ’ ani1 ,how hu nvoldcl’ a ctu ally com- office. It’s the ou!y thing th at'll save CITY OFFICERS. Tickets for sale a t E . B angs’ evening the most select concert o f the 1 him self by nsklng that ques- the kentry fu r w hich o«r forefatliere livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W . senson would take place, where the tiou he Pre8UU)ed ^e w as expected to fought, bled nnd died.” ru - “ 1 know a better w a y ,” says he aa H u rd ’s office in Florence. j social sot o f W ren sville would be in ask, but In spite o f his uncom fortablo . . . . . . . . . . F. B . W ils o n a t. position and unenviable fram e o f mind he shaves at the bung. “ You do the Even the cough of early ' evidence. shoulderln and b’lstln, and I’ll fill the All through freight on the stage ; consumption is c u re d . M . M o r r is Now for nearly a yea r John had been lie found h im self enjoying the music, office.” either way between Eugene and L v And, later on, when the ,» ......... - - W ill Ite rn b a | ft frequent nud more or less regu lar and could not but uotlce his compan It does beat ali bow patriotism and c rassea I Ug. C h ris te n s e n Mapleton, will be charged a t the , J <5 disease is firm ly fixed, caller on Miss M abelle W hitney, the ion’s a ttra ctiv e face nud eharm o f th e principles o f our gran dfath ers are rate of two cents per pound daring » you can bring test and very pretty daughter o f a very rich manner, and thnt her w ell bred com posure w as enhanced by a quiet mod bcln lost sigh t o f In this day and age. the m onths of October, November, ['merchant. ! comfort in every esse. M . Q uan. l i e hnd Intended to Invite her all esty nnd seriousness o f m anner to December, Jan u a ry , F ebruary, A 25 cent hottie w ill along, but this delay In Ills Invitation w hich he had beeu blind before. A f t e r th e R rn e n e . March and A pril, and one cent per cure new coughs and Som ehow John found him self sayin g J m ight mean a disappointment. H e pound during the m onths of May, coins; the £0 cent size is he would ca ll ou Sunday evening, would soon know and w hy cot embody Ju n e, Ju ly , A ugust and September. j better fo r settled coughs In bis note n declam tlou o f Ills nffec- w hich he did, aud really enjoyed the of bronchitis and weak ► tlous, and so put to the test w hether com panionship o f these tw o i-etued S le e p in g C a r s N O T A RIES. lungs; the one dollar size she returned his love or not. T h is women. T h is call w as repeated otv- is more economical fo r seemed a happy thought, so he began: ernl tim es (luring the follow in g mouth, My boar Friend—Moy I hope tor the pleasure of and still John had not asked the ques chronic cases and con D in in g C a rs R. BUTTCLPH, your company at the coucen tomorrow cvi-niug tion, but on the contrary hud begun sumption. I t ’s the size by the Singers’ club? J have a queatiôn to a«,k to wonder w hy he hnd not before no you should keep on hand. r < you, the aiiawer to which will make me either the ticed the m any a ttractiv e quail flea moat miserable or happiest cf men. If you accept *♦ A ll fsmiilAfl o tiplit to bo on tho D avenport possessed. A» no watch forsudden attacks o f croup my Invitation to the concert, 1 a h l 11 understand Miss | your nnRwer will not l»e “ No” to the more mo word o f explanation had passed be or acute lung troubles. Every coun try home in the land should keep mentous qu ret ion. and a refuml of my invitation tic o , O rego n tween him aud Mabelle W hitney, It i Cherry Pectoral constantly on hand 1 shall consider as a refusal of yours, with dreptet to provide against an cnufrccncy.” w as useless to anticipate any hope In regard, J ohn E l lio tt H o b b i . J oxi a u G. W i l l i .-», ’>i.D.f Dec. 14,1898. H olland, M ic h . F o r a man o f so brilliant a mind thia this direction. FRANK B. W iLSO N . A s for Mildred D avenport be had w as really a very lamo proposal, but John signed his name with a conscious grow n to adm ire the m any beautiful ness or having sold Just enough nnd qualities o f her w om anly sweetness. not too muclt. feeling quite sure lu the A s a daughter she w as devoted and F L O R E N C E .- - - O REGON depths of Ills houest devotion to her thoughtful, and then the tl.uught grew that her answ er would be w hat he lu his m ind,w ould she not n iak eu u Ideal hoped. With this load off his mind ho w'lfl>t° t l ‘e man who .should befo rtu u ate O.«r ow n B c l.e tlo c jtú , r e r 7 m U c rlD e r. E< a u tr ic i ooh piva lith o g ra p h « ! p la u » a i d l . lu i t ia t l o i i , O riirloaC turned to the perusal o f bis afternoon enolIf{l1 t0 w ln ,ier? Had lie reully any InUat, a rtistic, e iQ O U i» and s tric tly ap-to-JsM ic « (tn s l mall, w ith which his desk was littered. cllance- he »»ked him self, a dozen A nother story from the pen o f M iss pntrs a day, nnd one ulght soou a fte r Davenport. Well, this oue he had bet- { lie quietly told Mildred the w hole ter reject, for she w a s really gettin g ■ story, sayin g, "A n d now that my mis " i'o u cout-idei a quarter tuo ini«« fu r beyond her depth, or so' It seemed to j take has been I he ineaus o f my llud- M Ylug my life?” him. To be sure, she sketched her ! Ing out w hat real love bt iiiul should “Ou the contrary. Pm Inclined la O f E u g en e, O regon D rvM nm kln ff wuonomles. fa n e r Work, fcouBwkeid bint«. Short storie«. c u rre n t ( o p in etc Subac-ib« t„ dnv. characters with h d nrtlst’s skill and be. w lh you, kuow lng nil the story o f think yon overea!Imitte Its ’ alue.”— O uly 60o. y e a rly . L&dy « <cni4 w anted, ôw&d fo r torm a. my stupid blunder and happy a w aken lic ite rà V o l t was decidedly original In plot and ac- j tlon, but the public, his public, m ust ! ing to a better, truer affection, accept S ite K n e w B e t t e r , be ninnsed. and her herolce.t never a devotion which 1 w ill prove by my Mrs. Newrlcb—T h a t Mrs. lly a r t la • Reemed happy, and. w hat w as more, whole life Is yours anil yours only?” never m arried the heroes, nor any ono aud M ildred's nuceptnuce w as given ■tuck up thing. I know Just us much als>ut fnuslc as she docs. She needn’t else, fo r that m atter. He did not uud not Implied.— Boston Post. got fnnuy. ■ w ant to personally »ay “ no” to this T h e Itn tM T h e y LIuC, G eneral B a n k in g B usiness Mrs. Browne— W hy, w hat has she» girl. In whom uaconpcloualy he had be “ The current Impression that Cltlna- done ? come so interested nud whom lie recog Transacted on Favorable Terms uteu cut rafs— I menu ordinary A iueil- Mrs. Newrlcb—Oh. she tried to trip - nised as a clever w riter, sure to w in »T ladies, mini», girl« and lit«« rbUdreo That ««• s ” chie * effect r..»t attain««! !>y »ha nm of an» for herself n name In the world. B ut can ra ts— is all nonseuse,” said Dr. me up today: asked me If I ’d rvar* D ra ft* inaued o u tlie prin cipal cities of the i iar p a tta m i H ava no e«iU«U tur ity lo and SK. he had already Uinde up Ids rnlul uot .lam es J. Mason, a w ell known Chi heard somebody's “Bungs W ith o u t U nited StAtcs end foreign countries. to accept more o f her work, a id so nese m issionary, chattin g shout his e x Word».” — Philadelphia Press. Interest allowed on Demand Certificates of taking up the stub pen v lili .1 hnd cer periences In the F lo w ery Kingdom . Deposit when le ft stated period. "T h e truth lu regard to It 1» this: - » B A Z A R . A n d G lu a a C o s ta M o n e y , tain ly seen lietter days, he dF:..vd o.T There lu a sm all anim al In China Collections receive our prom pt attention. "W hy do you leave your w in d ow * aa follow s: 1 nowit colloqulully as the tsul-chow. open at night? Aren’t you afraid o f C ity and County W arrants bought. My iirai —Xotyrlttictandiog our a;;pre- H it ion o ' and *dr,(ration tor your rly.c I1-. J that Is often bred especially f o r fo o d . bu rglars?" W . E. b k O W N , D . A . P A IN E , w . u.u«t di coatiaue »eceianoe far t t . pi--«eri, It Infests the rleeficlds, u tu l is til-o u t artly p u t to r r th c r O n ly iw and 1» ran*« » a r t- B o n « “Yes; that’s the reason. I f I kept P ris lu u n t. Vice President. igher. P n ld to nearly «vorv city an J <.. by ma IL Tnj»t;n,f to b . ol kervtut .1 *,ioe futtir. Out., 1 the size o f an ordinary rat, but has a the w indow s shut, th e y ’d probablyr Aik for them. Abcoiut^Iy very Ia»<-ct u p -to d a te ityloa. a.n, juuni v ir j tm ly, J >ns E i u o t t B u m «. F. W. OSBURN, W. W. BP9WN, i longer body nnd a head shaped some- bienk the g la s s ."— Philadelphia Press. T H E M cC J A L L C O M P A N Y , ‘ I H alUr inys If thnt Is neat’ y done, C aahier. Asa’t Cashier. H U M »«at l i l k 8tr«eL . . . . fe w fork City, ». f. •t thing like that o f a ferret. It Is a very thought John, so h astily placing the prolific creature and Is sold hi enor A J o a t l f l e d I* n u . notes Itt their respecllve envelopes nnd TR Y THE . . mous numbers In all the m arkets o f the “ My mother-in-law has gone to tho- % « ✓ a*-, V ■ addressing the sumo he rung for the great cities—n eatly cleaned and sk e w mountains.” office boy. ered apart nnd strung lu hunches o f “ You look pleased.” Friday morning daw ned dull and 20 or 30 on bamboo reeds. “Yes; slie’ll have to adm it she lias rainy, w ith little prospect o f clearing “'The tsul-chow Is strictly nn edible found som ething th at Bite ca n 't walk, w eather, and nu John sat In his offiro animal, nnd, feeding entirely cn rice. It over.” — Indianapolis Journal. ' r.E -1 rTi*U’t a ?•! a Ids courage aud spirit« were a t ebli n aturally hits very delicate mid savory Mit b tikn-M condnet, ,lf »rM oder-ta F eet. tide. It w as nil ow in g to the w eather, Fentl nod« l.ur.v.-'n^oephofo. W ot.l via. Í ' W e e d e d I n T h e i r T tn a ln e s a . flesh. I have eaten them, nud If 1 had he thought, and not a premonition o f . f.-- > f i ’ i . Ou» ft notd» « i; been able to get the rut Idea out o f my "P rrsldent H adley o f Yale talked to •).vi ”’it is f- r , -trr'-l. A ’ ■ " a t v t o t .p ‘ failure. A n y w ay he hnd stopped nt the U !-> n “-:«: sam oin tho U. E., mind would have relished the dish. tlie senior cla ss nbout ’T he M ighty florist’s and ordered a box o f gorgeous They taste som ething like young squir P ow er of Patience.’ " i — l fot con. ' ’' ì ** se— t f-co. /.d.iresa, violets sent his love, nnd they must be & i C. A. SNO W & CO rels, nnd alive or dead are certain ly T hat would have sounded better If received by this time. "LO*-* r»TttT O 1 1 WlïMIH-rc», / « r » O. 0,1 much less repulsive than many thing's addressed to the medical cla ss.—Olsvo- Just then the postm an opened the we commonly esteem a s delicacies— land Plain Dealer. door. Not a line from her in this m ail, eels aud frogs, for exam ple.” SE W IN G M A CH IN E FOR SA L E . only some advertisem ents, a bill or two. T h e r e A m O th e rs . B r il, drllgtitful llltl« (luilr, It ■ man three cards o f Invitation, a cheek, A M n n n tn ln o i S n lp lm r . io rude We have just received from the facto thanks for that, and la st o f all. a sm all T lie Soufrlerc, or sulphurous moun A» to onlrki-r at jo u r cl, arm I n< rlrtlsh ry a new seven drawer, oak finished. envelope In the w ell known hand tain, Is Considered to be the greatest ’ Don't you uaaic an airy aigh, dun-» go oS sag I w riting o f Miss Davenport. A reply to ilia natural curiosity of St. Lucia, ond. In I Champion sewing machine, nrvule by to his dism issal o f the day before, he fact, o f the W est In diai. It Is shunted ' lu aomc quid apot remote from public gas*, t lie New Home Sewing M achine Co. presumed, nud, fearin g to open the alwmt h a lf an hour’s ride from the i f (he fates w rrt lull ol fun >!wii they buiH y«w little non. Call at the W est office and exam ine note he read: tow n o f Soufrtere, to which It has Try lo be rcilgncil ami patient, tor, you I__ i the machine liefore puebasiug elsewhere. My bear Mr. Ilohb.—The eontente of your tet given Its name, and nearly tw o miles I I you look around you'll tlod many otliora oi l ter, although a rer> great eurpriae to me. have kind; to the east o f the Pitons, and Is a t the mala me very hippy. It l i hardly nece.nry I j r You aro not tho only monk<17 In tha «how. me to add that I "accept" your Invitation ar. I foot o f tw o sm all hills, both o f which FO R SALE OR E X C H A N G E . S ew ing Machines w e m anufacture and th e ir | eha!l rrpeot you thle evciilny. With r.parili l.oru are quite bare o f vegetation on the As you strut along tbs strasi. looking prices before you purchase any oth er. BMtTt my mother and self, I am, meet sincerely. shies facin g the crater. It covers a A house and lot in Glenada. The In the m<4hrrlr protection of your cn*1», M il iif r o K. bsvavpoaT. THE HEW HOME SEWIH9 MICHItE GO., ftltace o f about three acres, and Is crust A« your Urenwy larboard ty« peep« go babytlb» W h at did It mean. W h at ln viia OKA NG K, MAUN. boose is 18 by 21 feet and one story and and »by did she accept nnd w h y should his let- ' ed over w ith sulphur nnd alum . T here K Union Fqearo, K. Y . chlr-uro, HL 8* Louie, V o. Through (be crjrtal clrarere* of |ta «Iadov a half in height. Also a good woodshed ter m ake tier very happy? Quite tha > are several caldrons In a perpetual Dalian, T o m «. B m i rranclaco, Cal. A tla n ta , Ua. pane. F O R SALE BY on premises. For further particulars reverse, be liad supposed. I t sounded state o f ebullition. The w ater Is quite If a brute thonld orwl • Jeer to your pinky Itttlo ♦ar, Good dealers wanted in every town, j like some m ystery o f rom ance from her black In the larger ones, hot In the inquire nt this office. Don't you a ia ffrr ’»rath the heartieaa. erwel W rite for prices and terms to San Fran versatile pen. but It w a s no jestin g sm aller ours It Is quite clear. Visitors Mow, cisco, Cal. I m atter he reflected, rem em bering the never fall to boll solite eggs In one o f But remember aa a friak you era ao< at tU ttBlqur, concert and his an xiety o f mind coo- the sm aller cnhlrons. obtaining them W A S T E « —A C T IV E H A S OF COOP C H A R A C I You are not the only monkey In the ohov. from on« o f the creole guides, who corning his sn sw er from Miss W hitney. , ter In deliver mid eullect in Orepon, for old ' CTtablirh»*»! inahi'fftptitrtnir whoietvile houac. i Just then, In bis reflection, th e door keeps a supply on hand for that pur •TU a aelfbh world, <fc ar ta y ; every oacaaaaw ut f!*X> a year, sure pay. fT**no*tv more than expert- i pose. oar J«.y w as flung open and a messenger bey e»ire required. i»tir reference, any ta n k in any ! to poiluifd with a daub of <-utttnf palnj lo» pain c ity . Kneloae aelf i ’u»ni»cd cuveto}«. , s a n g o n t: “ Mr. Hobbs! V ery Important, j Bn Ants T in n ir T I ict « are rlnuda In every «ky; m J im ’W iurta ta M uniifncturer*, T h ird FI ,or, 33. curbvru St., ( No a n sw er." And depositing a p ack •very eye; t'hicaffo. A nts are very Industrious seed col Into every lire must f il l tome Hii.’tinff ratal age hauded John Ids book for signa lectors, nnd m ay la- seen tolling along t r ii J Bke • men. etnugto ww the ture. John recognized (lie h an d c - r lt ln g th eir paths laden with sisals, which Bear yuur you ran; o f the address and hastily tore It ojiou. nre stored up lu granaries In the n e s t You »ere made for eteoe wi«« purpeufo <aa*t you know! A large bunch o f violets met his aston In the clear space round the nest there I t a rti hclaily digest« (he foed and aids Do not fed ce«t down and and; there ere ether« ished gaze and a letter, which read a s Is frequently a patch or patches o f a N ature io strengthening aud recon like yeu. UU; peculiar kind o f grass that produces You are not the only monkey lu the tan* structing the exhausted digestive or follow s: seeds thnt are much sought a fte r by gan». I t la th e latestdiscovereddlgest* Mr ItoM e: When you er* more minty j out he lumeyln* m «m | r- Allow m» in rrh»— your pmpnrtv. which CplUk OOM FKK T b l W H IM FA TA I*» a a t and tonic. N o other preparation t y M e»nv the ants. It has beeu sn!4 that the the brauty boot ha mtWskc a-» ami rn m-. Ai in my Pyle, O VTAIXSD 4 Wkrtel, ahwlrb nr phr-U wttA can approach i t in efficiency. I t In I - , n«t,lcv ii pr.vumpiu««t on ynnr pvri »" I«*« ants m ake the clearing, and sow the » r f r r « V aiM ft.LlbilitT M FAOK Aud Uietr attitude U that of roeerln» rhurta. K A V S AOOX F S tM C - « U t » i r w f^ n x M r n a ta l! stantly rehevesand permanently cures •n r Don’ t you «e<-k a rhawnee to dec, they era fraknafo n n whut cirniot 1« of I q . s<-ed o f this grass on purpose to reap infona»*;««. X X X T 3 FOB COFT OF C7M I F I C I A L Dyspepsia, Indigestion, H e artb u rn , S-rrrl or cnsrrm nl rown. I nuwl laorllly In- the crop, lint evidence Is yet w anting rawn't you are, 0 F F 1B ItlatlMiBFHtlike-B! m«*»4* hy duet berauee you are (he Idol nf the ftrte. « mkret eMMTi«y. FTBBT IBYATTÖB »TtOTLD Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. 4«r«v your Svalrv lo rfleontlnuv oh tu:urv ru m - to show that the grass Is Intelligently BAA> R beGre afplyiaf for A44« m « . Tb«*u*ih you never may « Were fame ami fwtaMb S ic k Headache, G astralgia Cramps and U-mdctw», m your Iw u llr err only p j * c:«v«r don’t yo«i grieve. sown and not accldi-ntally. Tb« fact a ll other résulta of im perfect d tg e itto n .. than your compliment«. Yi.urv, He.. _ _ . M«susut Wsirnr. remains, how ever, thnt on or around Price50c. * .d St. Lei«« sue contains su time, Poor Johu read It with slnkiu^ : hcarL hear vJiiapy nests there are crup® small tt*». Book all atxmtdr.pepaiamalliadtre« F A T t r jT LAWVCW«, ( Prsseree Sy K. C. OsVlTT a ç o . Chicago. > _t<«. utterly miserable to express th e ’ grass, aud W A S H IN G T O N . O. C. surprise It merited. A nother riddle M b X h B A K t l.fc. - , R . S. Bean F . A . Moore ........ ... E . W olverton District . J- W. H a m ilto n rn ey ./.G eo . M . B ro w n >i»,e Court * S ,- THE Sundays. STEAM ER X L and bundling ' /y o u r th ro a t w i l l d o no good. You must give your throat and lungs rest and allow the cough wounds to heal. There Is noth ing so bad fo r a cough as cough ing. Stop it by using E x tra Trips W hen Necessary LUE LL A EUGENE -1-i.OI! EWE ST A G E L IN E . ¥(«, if love in gloom and gleam Come in sweotest seeming! If he but direct the dream, Î Jh, Sweet w ill be the drenmuigt Stull we only dream and gof h’s Yes, if love w ill have it so. — Atlanta Constltntlra. ORTHERN P a c ific , Ry. kl N o ta r y Pdblic, S u r v e y o r NOTARY PUBLIC. A FR EE PATTERN EUGENE Loan s Savings Bank MAGAZINE A t “ NEW HOKE ” SEWIN3 MIBRiNE. WHITE FOR CIRCULARS j KocSol Dyspepsia Cure PATENTS Digests what you eat. H.B.WILLSONACO. —mi— hd