The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, August 12, 1898, Image 2

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    T H E
— rc s its u c c
W E ST ;
«vane raw-cv
W ashington
F rom
m i 'I i x i . wo .—
TI if Spanish cabinet i>n th e Ctb in»t.
approved the basis of Un pc»«» condi-j
U n
C ocxtt ,
O uaox
tions proposed by the
U n ited
letter .
left to a t’aek our coast, rnd
sion by Secretary
W .isu., D 0 , Ang. 1st, 1898.
Spain is an up-to-date exem pliHuation
It w ill he necessary to appoint com m ie- of the adage about the evils attendant
1 «¡oners to arrange the details.
rpon a had nam e.
sa y s:
Although President
M cK inley has acted upon
S p ain ’s
fleet is p.o longer needed.” The
officer was asked what about the
only one floating dock
southern waters, instead of two,
Human science is uncertain gue-s.
Few love to hear the sms they love Io
it was decided to huv before Spain made
jieace o v e rlu ie s.
“ It
The effective strength of sects is
the destruction of Oervera’s fleet, not
that caused that to be ascertained merely
peace overtures,
i 8 H I
t ó
¡can term s except th at regarding
'C uban d eb t.
The governm ent
accepted them on the sjiot, more severe
w ith the law. M any tim es the n e ig h -,
i t is
¡H sai<l
.„ ¡ j the
, hc arm
arm y v w
ill not
not be dis-
bor» will applaud tho officer for his banded as soon as h ostilities cease hut ones will have to he accepted later.
▼iirilance in
du u ties
, signin g of , The term s condensed are the evacuation
in au
iu u iiiB to
iu m
u u
m ° v of ‘ tiie period , , before
th e formal
h i . position. They are m ore likely to tl;c trtflUv of
nlld its ratification
« » h a and Porto Rico, and leaving
do so if A has m ade a practice of gettin g
ter there, would m ulct him therefor. But if a man basil t got good co union
If lie fails to m ake the final proof they sense, the more science he has the
go with , the land into the governm ent worse for his patient.
do|)lflin fl|n
nd no state law can, by de-
They may say what they like, every-
per- ,n e 1' h il,f, ',iu t question to he settled
aring that part of the governm ent
around tho law and lias
„<».................................... . afterwards. escaped u
w j fecting the ..........
realty is ____
personal property, vest the
com plete and effective
(lenahies due such conduct. If this*
In the general discussion w hich has title thereof in an individual. The as­
organization of our srm y and the clean-
w ere the way w ith everybody then th e 1 ing, repairing and placing in* condition followed Spain a plea for peace, som e
sessing of the im provem ents as personal
on ly thing necessary to win popularity , t, )e VWM,g p( , he n#yy
I very
points have lieen prOperty before final p.-oot and ns real
| raised. Lor instance, as an evidence of estate »|,cre„fter, is a confession of the
us an office holder would be for a m an '
to attend to the dutios of
,,y tllt. senate will he devoted
office to
¡ Sp ain ’s insincerity, one
th e best of his ab ility. But to th e am - '
bitions person with nn ©agy cutuiei cnee 8 F Chronicle:
th ere is Another aide to look at. F re-I The G erm ans have long wanted
q u en tly those who are loudest in
their i nioa, and since the U nited
tiling is organized matter. The
tree is
the fbst link of the chain, man
by counting
ch an ge.”
th e he believed in its honor ami straight-
.J ."
Thou hast betrayed thy secret ass
w ill I forw ardness, there is no reason to HOMESTEAD IMPROVEMENT ASSESS- t,iri| («trays iter nest, by striving to
F lo re n c e , d r . A u g . 12, ift'.lK.
tight this point on the ground that in believe that Ids faith in Spanish honor
conceal it.
__ all other cessions of territory by one ' is any greater than that of the averago
People addicted to secrets are so with-
I s coKvrns.iTiuN u n ity-n in e persons nation to another, the ceded territory m en—ow ing to his exfierience, it is
Ed¡tor W i s t : I have seen your coin- ollt knowing why; they are not so for
in one hundred will say that all govern- has carried w ith it its ow n debt or th e probably not so great. Not one man
m ent on tiie subject of “ A ssessing ,.a „ ei ();lt, f,jr se re-iy’s sake.
tuent officials should discharge the portion belonging to the nation by which out of ten in W ashington, liclievee that
Iinprovm ents” in the W est of July 22.
All se ts are different hecaitso they
d u ties of their office im partially, w ithout it is ceded.
! Spain m ade those overtures with any
You say yon “ see no reason why such corns from men; M »rality is e.-eywhere
fear or favor, that they should treat all
J( being expected th at th e U n ited . serious intention
of accepting our
im provem ents should not las assessed the same, because it (tomes from Go I.
alik e, the high anti the low , the rich
S tales will a^amne liab ility for claim s term s of peace, although in the end it
before final proof on the hom estead is
Never confide your secrets to paper;
and the poor, the in telligen t and the against the Sp anish governm ent for m ay do so. It has very nearly reached
m ade as well as after." There is one
is like throwing a stone in the nir,
ignorant, all are equal lieforo the law .
in ju iie s s n d dam ages caused in the a case of m ust with Spain, and if it
reason: The im provem ents are a part
if vou know who throws the stone
B ut there ia one thing peculiar about it Cuban insurrection, a large num ber of
does not accept the present term s,
of the real estate and lielong to the
r u
not know where it may fall.
w ith m any people. Supposo A has claim s aro now being filed with the
U nited States. Should the homestead- }
S iauee is a first rate piece of furni-
been rem iss or evaded tho law in state departm ent. .Many of these date lilieral In the extrem e—so lilieral that e r s e ll them end let then, (houses,
aoine point and an officer warns Idin back for very m any years and for causes the French Am bassador, who is now f e m e s e te ,) be removed, the federal ture for a mini’s upper chamber, if he
also accredited as Spanish m inister courts, if the governm ent took the m at- has common sense on the ground floor,
and com pels him thereafter to com ply I10t connected with tin* war.
E ditor
Sp ain’s answer will accept nil the Amer- qneat for our term s of peace as
d eci­
Men are young, the earth is old,
Vegetable and animal chemistry are
in their infancy. Electricity,
galvanis e,— what discoveries in a few
calls at­ invalid ity, of the contention that they years!
Which pays the buyer, who is
Always on the alert fo r
Bargains In everything.
Semi for sample* «»‘1 l'fiees
of Serges, Cnssitnere, Ilenriet-
las ami Suiting*- All Staple
shades in stock ami very low
Gintps and Silk Trimmings
in sets and by tho yard.
very latest.
A t 30c,
per yard
Near Silks
$ In Black, Pink, Rod, Sky
I Blue, N avy Blue nnd Brown
inebos wide.
1 38 values.
Send for Samples.
Nice assortment of Ladies’
Waists, Waist sets, Belts,
Belt Buckles, Ladies’ Silk
Ties and wash Fabrics too
numerous to mention.
Gaze on
China ware before it goes.
Ladies’ and G ents’ Foot-
wear, a t prices which will
astonish you.
tention to a clause to the .Spanish con-
are taxable by the state.
Twin-sister of natural and revealed
stitutiou which prohibits the crown
a i
V ery few hom esteaders in Oregon reijginn> an,| of heavenly birth, science
’ - even en terin g upon negotiations having I h#ve guffleient personnl property t„ w i„ never
her eell.'gtial origin, nor
» • in view the cession or exch ange of u-Y : bri„ g them w ithin the taxable figures, cea8e t0 sy ,n pathlze with all that
all its portion of Spanish territory, un til au- tbere(ore tlie II10re pitiable the Bpeeta(.,e
8line pure |l0me.
walk in straight lines have th em selves , * ’•» ehips in the fight w ith htpnin, H'*y , tbority therefor lias been granted by a
of state and county practically black- Human ignorance and prejudice may
evaded the law on tho sam e or som e j h a te been intriguing for it in a way m ajority vote of both branches of the
m ailing those few out of the pittance for „ ,
8,.p,n ( q have divorced what
other point in a way that good citizens th a t should draw sharp rem onstrances national legislature. This is m et by
because to resist the im position would God hath joined together; but human
should not. P erhaps B is one of th ese, from W ashington and London. The another m an w ith tho claim that the
more expensive than to subm it to it.
ignorance and prejudice shall at length
Now w hile ho rejoiced to sec A 's sh ort- Instest new s from the group show s that recent declaration of matial law througli-
H om estead im provem ents, as you pass away, and then science and religion
couiings looked after, does lie do the the Germ an president of the m unicipal out Spain operates as a suspension of
say, possess value, hut they belong to shall be seen blending their parti-
sam e whan he ia adm onished th at his council of A p is, in a controversy w itli tiie constitution, and that the Spanish
U n cle Sara and therefor cannot legally (.0|lire | revs into one beautiful how of
ow n course he changed to one m ore j 11 B ritish resident, has defied the au- governm ent cun, if it so desires negotl-
(recoining to a good citizen? N ot o ften . , thority of the Am erican ch ief
i ate a treate on th e lines laid dow n by be taxed the s a m e —a s other kind of light, linking heaven to cartli and
earth to heaven.
V ery few look Rt It in tho sam e ligh t which was conferred by th e Berlin 1 tlie termg o( tl)ig governm ent w
n n ithout
-iu u i
- i
I I am not squealing because I nm
Tho majesty o f S -ripture strikes ms
w h en they are tiie parties
> treaty, and that other G erm ans are try- ¿anger o l having its legality q u estion ed . . ...
. ,
es involved.
/ w
b itten . I have paid no tax on homc-
with admiration, as the purity of the
T here are som e who w ill «lim it Its ing to bring about a revolt of the island
I G en. M ites is having an exp erien ce in gtead im provem ents and never expect
Gospel lias Its influence on my heart.
justice in their ease th e sam e as in th e ers so as to warrant intervei^jpn. T hese
I’orto Rico that is unique in „war. I n - ! , o |,e asked to pay any, and I pay my
Peruse the works of our philosophers,
case of others. B ut w ith too m any «re the sam e tactics which the presence
stead of finding him self and arm y in th e taxes cheerfully and would like to sec
with all their pomp of diction, how
their inborn selfishness is such ns to . of "" Am erican fleet checked In 1889,
en e m y ’s country, he finds th at they are heavier taxes levied and more
’"'P ro'6* contemptible, are they, compared with
lead them to desire favors for them selves ami their renewal now is regarded at
am ong the w arm est sort of friends. The m en ts m ade.
* the Scriptures ! Is it possible that a
th a t aro not in accordance w ith law or Apia ns a sign the K aiser thinks
Porto Ricans cheer our ting and our
W m . II W heeled .
perhaps justice And which they m e that Am erica, being busy w ith Spain,
book at once so simple and sublime
soldiers w henever a town is taken
u n w illin g to see exten ded to others, will not bother w ith Sam oan affairs,
be merely the work ol man?
possession of and declare them selves to
Som e when such favors are denied them ' and th at England will do nothing to
authors were incapable of
he loyal Am ericans, m any of them
regard the official as an en em y and en - 1 prevent com plete G erm an occupancy
diction, and strangers to the morality
carrying the declaration to tiie e x ten t Register:
dcavor to have him rem oved- T hey w ithout Am erican in itiative,
contained in the Gospel, the marks of
of asking to he allowed to en list in our
The county court w ill m ake a new
are the more likely to do th is if the
R this is his im pression it will doubt-
whose truths are so striking and inimit­
iirmy and light for the flag w hich they ruling whereby the owners of tax deeds
favor is ono which they have enjoyed I«8» he rem oved very soon after his first
able that the invent«* would he a more 1
already consider their ow n. O wing to : issued by the county will he protected
for a tim e. W hen a man is chosen to overt act. The U n ited States, under th e retreat of tiie Spanish garrisons of in the future. H eretofore the county astonishing character than the hero.
nn im iiortant office it is natural that: in this adm inistration, is not lik ely to lose
the captured territory, G en. M iles is has not guaranteed tux deeds, and the
m ost cases he should desire to hold the “ight cith er of the naval value of its
now in possession of alm ost tiie e n tiie purchasers of land sold for tax m oney
position for several term s cith er for the foothold in Samoa or of the danger that gout|| cnJ pf 1>orta R .
i|lch|(ling j,
once have had to take chances upon all prop­
profit or the honor th at nusW he in it. m ight com e of a Germ an Gibrn.tar in
and other towns of more or less im por­ erties obtained in that ivay. Where
B u t lie knows very w ell th at if ho m id-Pacifle. That P resident Cleveland
tance, and w hat is better, he has not errors were m ade, w inch frequently
As on a day in merry May
m akes too m any en em ies he w ill ho diJ • “ 1111,1 »dvieed the abandonm ent of
lost a nm n, und the health of his arm y ' occurred, and the original owner of the
I wandered thro’ the milk white grove,
un able to retain th e position long. Sam oa counts for n oth in g now . It was
is good. All of the Spanish troops on property reclaim ed it lifter the sale, the
IV liat is the consequence? Som e, car­ one of the blunders th at discredited tho island are being concentrated nt person who bought it at the sheriff's Ea -lt mottle I warbler blithe anil gay
Far straining lays of love,
in g m ors for doing righ t than lor «11 him . The policy w hich supplanted his
San Ju an , towards w hich G en. M iles is Bale alw ays experienced a great deal of
not how the world could be
also w ill atten d to their
dutios im p a r -1 1S “ coniP «tc reversal of tin
doctrine g|o w |y approaching, and tlie io m ay he difficulty in gettin g his m oney back,
grief and care,
tia lly and
faithfully. O thers whose
« lo n tin tn in l isolation »ml has already gonle gevere fighting there, although Further difficulties along that line will
W hen buds hurst forth on every tree
conscien ce is easier to satisfy will grant hm m fruit m tu ritu ria l acquisition (,ut little sizi-prise would (,e caused by be avoided, as th e county will
give a
And all aliout was lisruiony_
th e favtra desired if it can be done shroud.
j the surrender of the garrison when our : guarantee witli each tax deed for the
Birds singing, flowers springing,
secretly, th u s sellin g Iueir honor in the
W e are well aware th at tiie com m cr-
arm y gets near enough to assault their prom pt return of the purchase money,
So happy and so fair.
liop s of gaining friends who w ill help to «'»• ttsins to th is country from tilt triple fo rtifija , lol)g.
in ease of errors arise out of tfie sale.
retain them in office.
j »ysleni of control in Sam oa arc not
Each prickly thorn gay rolies adorn
G en. Shafter has officially confirm ed
great, and that it would m ake sm all
’Mid crimson rose and violet pied;
the press statem en t of J¡ e w orthlessness
F ivr power » are dividing tho world difference to our m erchants if the ow n-
That Nature gives man naught to mourn
of Garcia and his C ubans in the San tia-
am ong th em . R ussia began the opera- „rsliip of the group should pass to any
Seemed true on every side,
go cam paign.
One hundred years ago there was no
tio q , burrowing in tho interior oh- friendly foreign power. But th e sirate-
And yet within that bonny glen,
T he fears of th e adm inistration that public library in th e I nite«l States,
ecu rily of » c o n tin e n t for centuries Io*- gie question is all-im portant. We need
A lesson to foiego,
the P hilipp ine insurgents were lik ely to
^ ne hundreii vears ago, the only hat
fore it cam e to ligh t on tho shores „ eoslin g station in th e south Pacific,
I knew that 'mong the haunts of men
m ake trouole for us a t M anila, have factory m ade rocked hats.
of the Baltic and Black seas, reflects a ,„| wu cannot afford to turn the one we
Were some for power and greed of gain
been increased by disp atch es from Ad-
^ ne hundred years ago, fifty cents was
tiie New York Com m ercial A dvertiser. |,sv e over to a possible en ein v . There
Still carving and starving
miral D e w c f’, and G en. M erritt, which
P*T f°r n
8 lalojr.
G reat Britain, the natural heir of
enough in th at consideration to war-
In m isery and woe.
reached here lust week. A guinaldo, th e
Ono hundred years ago, \ irginia had
Bpain s decay and L ra n e es inconipe- rant us in som e early and decisive
insurgent ch ief is m u^m g a hail case of one-fitTli the population o f tiie United
n by fair Nature s verdant bower
tence, did m ost of her work in the full utterance alsiut the future in ten t of this the big bend, and In ^m id little cnougli
1111 ,'o " e 'i"*:couhl such scenes allow
lig h t of the eigh teenth century and country to keep its Sam oan property
sense to try to give him self airs in his
One hundred years sgo, two stages
sweet M in s holy power
got liWMif duhfietl tho great colonis- intact, and to hack up th at outgiving
I made a solemn vo w ;
dealings w ith Adm iral D ew ey, One « rr¡«> «>• ‘>io travel between New York
ing power. Franco began in tiie seven- w m , a
y of the flag in the harbors
toil | grown old,
(oiisolu tion in th e situation is that
and Boston. liia t J’"
' " ’■
‘‘-’'■'i'1 <
m i toil
teeu th , (ailed in the eigh teen th and o ( u ie group. If d ie U n ited States
In bo Iv or iu mind,
Aguinaldo'« relations w itli the Sp anish
^ no hundred years ago, a w hipping
has challenged Into w ith rem arkable alone or jointly w ith E ngland, takes
as nature w nild uphold,
arc such that there is no possibility of P**! a,,’l pillory were standing in New
success again in tiie nin eteen th century. such a course there will lie a prom pt
Against the tyrant kings of gold,
G erm any began only tw enty years ago. closing of an incident which has already
ugainst it». Afier Manila is taken and , O'18 Hnndred vears ago, l.eef, pork, If right still. I'd tight still
b u t has carved out 1,500,090 square lu'cn too much prolonged.
The battle of mankind.
the Spanish dis|>o8i>d of, G en. M erritt »«H fish, potatoes andT hom iny were
m iles of territory in Africa. The United
T siltcoos .
and Admiral Uewev will be iu a posi- 8**P'« ’R«f R‘« year around.
States began with a group of petty sea­
, lion to adm inister a thrashing to the
" ne hundred years ago, buttons were
coast colon ies, lias cut » h u gccatitlo
insurgents, if their actions show them scarce and trousers were fastened with E x t r e m e l y
W eak
ou t of the North American continent Rrgi.ter:
(O lie hankering after it. The taking of |* g s and la. es.
and established litoral don.inion over
One hundred years ago, there were
w liich would in som e cities lacon ic the Manila is not lik ely to he m uch longer
all the South A m erican, »nd now is
I.nctgcrt’s deferred, un less peace puts a stop to tlie practically no mnnuf.ictiirv a in the D eficien t Stood Causes Loss of
look in g »broad. T hese are the vital sensation s of tho tim e.
sausage null nor Ihirrant's church belfry cam paign.
Appetite and Final break Dow n.
U n ited States. E very housewife raised
people. T hese are the growing nations.
H o o d's S arsapam la Curas.
might present no more ti-rrililc scenes
T b s rest »ro to look on till their hour
“ I lo»i my appetite sod »bou; «u I ,lveJ
than Isom 's corral »t Alder Springs, in everybody else about how long we sh all
« « « »>«»<’'* • K »™ MO. church col-
strike«.— C lu ilf U tr a M .
on w s . toed lemonade.
strength « „
this county, if a Nan Francisco o r » wait for peace, Secretary long I.M ¡«m ed lections were U k en in * ba* M thp
sit gone. J w m ,o weak I eouid „ „ j ,
DlsFATCtlM r»..M Ixm don ray th at Chicago scandal m onger were only on oriU.r i (or , hu M„lu , org ant, yachts of a pole, with a heil attache I to arouse crow the floor. At but I w „
sick. One physician mid „ „ lny b( '
Ibero are prosjiects of serious trouble the ground Io draw pictures nnd puli-
^ ì'^ t
k í f p ‘n ’5,
com posing the auxiliary coast lefensc
w s. ell gone .n d he gave me medicine bat
lietw cen G reat B ritain and R u ssia. As lislnal interview s of people who “ know fleet,
It did not help me. I („d pretty wuoh
-h o r lh a n d .
generally referred to as the
nn ev id en ce of tlio fact th a t Great all alxm t the c rim e,”
“ M osquito F leet” to la* put out of com ­ stsa m lsw ts, railroads, telegraph wires, loet all (atlh in medieiucs, but thought I
B ritain app reciates the gravity of the
The rural population should thank m ission. T h is is tho first step taken to electrie lights, gas, kerosene or m atches. would get one bottle of Hood . 3 a r„ p ..
rltl. r.nd try it. After taking tb .t botUe
situ a tio n , th e A ssoiiu teil Press Ic.irns tl.c their God I hut they and their cbililrsn
3) •
I w e . much better. ,u d m I g o t , wo n er,
reduce tiie trem endous war ex|<eiife of
\Y R axkingood and Harry Price two bottle, .n d .ftcr taking them I
ad m ira lty is preparing for all em ergen- are Ire,si (m m Ib is b lighting curse of
Hie governm ent. A naval ofliver was young .m n of C incinnati have originat­
r ie s . an d th a t it w ill soon tie ready to paraded vice and d im e .
H o o d . 8c-*.peritt, un;11 , b d
if lie thought th is action on Nec- ed the ide i of starting a fund am ong ^ w b . d i t e s . i t h . , <lan, : ,od, ^
luobilize. Every officer «nd m an on |
approval when they see others m ade to nexed H awaii and found use for
Don’t throw away opportunities.
-Call and S ee Us-
0. W. HURD.
C llliA r C A SH ST O K E !
Drv Coods, ★ Groceries ★ and * Notions.
Just Opened.
i l
Goods as Represented.
lurlotigh or I ir II pay has Iwen
a s .ig .ic l
O '"6 “ *
' • ’’'-»•»««»«
tliose of rotary Ixm g's part indicated his
m any other cities have increased
belief school v liid r c n for th e purpose of
rais­ « w d to me .n d t wt.h .(( r j s.
•later« would try U.’» M l> A Ev -ri *
Wedde-burn. Oregon.
' A
that |<eace was near at hand, replied: ing m oney to build a Itattloship to be
to a sh ip and instructed to lie in readi
t think tho vessels ca led “ T he Am erican Boy,” Tim plan
„css to join at tho earliest moment. •'•> ~ rip lio n price nearly 100 per cent. “ Not neeMMrily
Therefore, practically every ship in the T ' "
« * I * 1* * ° t P * l * r •"<!
composing this fl- et would have beoti is to build the sn ip and present it to
B ritisl DRV
at the present moment lias fearful extien se e ( telegraphic
u (nil war cotnplcincn. ready to
eea whtB the time arrives.
m in cid en t to th e war new s,
> «1181*1 the change.
service, onlcred out of com m ission if
Spain bad th e gover-.m ent. President M cK inley
peace. Secretary
has given them a lc tie r indorsing
Loug knows that Lqiain has no ships idea.
have nei-w- not said a word aliout
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
I. the best - in f^.t the One True Bi™,: r
» . . £ ^ . 1 . .tn .„ .,ts m e .
Hood’s Pills
-d flh i
anthill ¿t'
TO O U ’» P A T R O N “ -
A Imnse ¡,n,]
101 in t e n a d a . The
Wo have
te lfl
(fi |,v
tlV J JJ ,
"»»e ¡s
ef "nJ "n* «»ore mid which w e w ill furnish the "*
* half ¡n >„ ¡ght. Alen,
a eood «modelled Orpgtwiian w itli tiie YV kst for fine
“-’ P r e m ia . Foe f,n t ,,er
rsrticnlars to anv address for th e «'*m
"'T»re s i ti i, üífict
i lars, payable cash in adianc«-