T H E — rc s its u c c W E ST ; «vane raw-cv W ashington WAR NEWS. F rom m i 'I i x i . wo .— TI if Spanish cabinet i>n th e Ctb in»t. approved the basis of Un pc»«» condi-j Fmaave», U n C ocxtt , O uaox tions proposed by the U n ited States. letter . left to a t’aek our coast, rnd OCR RECULAR UoRRM FOXOF. ■ sion by Secretary W .isu., D 0 , Ang. 1st, 1898. Spain is an up-to-date exem pliHuation It w ill he necessary to appoint com m ie- of the adage about the evils attendant 1 «¡oners to arrange the details. W .H.W EATIÏERSON A Madrid rpon a had nam e. correspondent sa y s: Although President M cK inley has acted upon S p ain ’s that fleet is p.o longer needed.” The officer was asked what about the re- only one floating dock to for (OHIOIN Al. ANU SEI ECTEU.I purchase service southern waters, instead of two, in which Human science is uncertain gue-s. Few love to hear the sms they love Io it was decided to huv before Spain made jieace o v e rlu ie s. He said: “ It was act. The effective strength of sects is the destruction of Oervera’s fleet, not that caused that to be ascertained merely peace overtures, i 8 H I t ó and Proprietor. ¡can term s except th at regarding 'C uban d eb t. The governm ent accepted them on the sjiot, more severe w ith the law. M any tim es the n e ig h -, i t is ¡H sai an,| of heavenly birth, science ’ - even en terin g upon negotiations having I h#ve guffleient personnl property t„ w i„ never her eell.'gtial origin, nor States » • in view the cession or exch ange of u-Y : bri„ g them w ithin the taxable figures, cea8e t0 sy ,n pathlze with all that all its portion of Spanish territory, un til au- tbere(ore tlie II10re pitiable the Bpeeta(.,e 8line pure |l0me. walk in straight lines have th em selves , * ’•» ehips in the fight w ith htpnin, H'*y , tbority therefor lias been granted by a of state and county practically black- Human ignorance and prejudice may evaded the law on tho sam e or som e j h a te been intriguing for it in a way m ajority vote of both branches of the m ailing those few out of the pittance for „ , 8,.p,n ( q have divorced what other point in a way that good citizens th a t should draw sharp rem onstrances national legislature. This is m et by because to resist the im position would God hath joined together; but human should not. P erhaps B is one of th ese, from W ashington and London. The another m an w ith tho claim that the more expensive than to subm it to it. ignorance and prejudice shall at length Now w hile ho rejoiced to sec A 's sh ort- Instest new s from the group show s that recent declaration of matial law througli- H om estead im provem ents, as you pass away, and then science and religion couiings looked after, does lie do the the Germ an president of the m unicipal out Spain operates as a suspension of say, possess value, hut they belong to shall be seen blending their parti- sam e whan he ia adm onished th at his council of A p is, in a controversy w itli tiie constitution, and that the Spanish U n cle Sara and therefor cannot legally (.0|lire | revs into one beautiful how of ow n course he changed to one m ore j 11 B ritish resident, has defied the au- governm ent cun, if it so desires negotl- (recoining to a good citizen? N ot o ften . , thority of the Am erican ch ief i ate a treate on th e lines laid dow n by be taxed the s a m e —a s other kind of light, linking heaven to cartli and property. earth to heaven. V ery few look Rt It in tho sam e ligh t which was conferred by th e Berlin 1 tlie termg o( tl)ig governm ent w n n ithout -iu u i r . i . . . i z. - i I I am not squealing because I nm Tho majesty o f S -ripture strikes ms w h en they are tiie parties > treaty, and that other G erm ans are try- ¿anger o l having its legality q u estion ed . . ... ,, . , es involved. involi* 1 e ® a / w b itten . I have paid no tax on homc- with admiration, as the purity of the T here are som e who w ill «lim it Its ing to bring about a revolt of the island I G en. M ites is having an exp erien ce in gtead im provem ents and never expect Gospel lias Its influence on my heart. justice in their ease th e sam e as in th e ers so as to warrant intervei^jpn. T hese I’orto Rico that is unique in „war. I n - ! , o |,e asked to pay any, and I pay my Peruse the works of our philosophers, case of others. B ut w ith too m any «re the sam e tactics which the presence stead of finding him self and arm y in th e taxes cheerfully and would like to sec with all their pomp of diction, how their inborn selfishness is such ns to . of "" Am erican fleet checked In 1889, en e m y ’s country, he finds th at they are heavier taxes levied and more ’"'P ro'6* contemptible, are they, compared with lead them to desire favors for them selves ami their renewal now is regarded at am ong the w arm est sort of friends. The m en ts m ade. * the Scriptures ! Is it possible that a th a t aro not in accordance w ith law or Apia ns a sign t..at the K aiser thinks Porto Ricans cheer our ting and our W m . II W heeled . perhaps justice And which they m e that Am erica, being busy w ith Spain, book at once so simple and sublime soldiers w henever a town is taken u n w illin g to see exten ded to others, will not bother w ith Sam oan affairs, sliçuld be merely the work ol man? possession of and declare them selves to WILL GUARANTEE TAX DEEDS. Som e when such favors are denied them ' and th at England will do nothing to The Jewish authors were incapable of he loyal Am ericans, m any of them regard the official as an en em y and en - 1 prevent com plete G erm an occupancy diction, and strangers to the morality carrying the declaration to tiie e x ten t Register: dcavor to have him rem oved- T hey w ithout Am erican in itiative, contained in the Gospel, the marks of of asking to he allowed to en list in our The county court w ill m ake a new are the more likely to do th is if the R this is his im pression it will doubt- whose truths are so striking and inimit­ iirmy and light for the flag w hich they ruling whereby the owners of tax deeds favor is ono which they have enjoyed I«8» he rem oved very soon after his first able that the invent«* would he a more 1 already consider their ow n. O wing to : issued by the county will he protected for a tim e. W hen a man is chosen to overt act. The U n ited States, under th e retreat of tiie Spanish garrisons of in the future. H eretofore the county astonishing character than the hero. nn im iiortant office it is natural that: in this adm inistration, is not lik ely to lose the captured territory, G en. M iles is has not guaranteed tux deeds, and the AS ON A DAY. m ost cases he should desire to hold the “ight cith er of the naval value of its now in possession of alm ost tiie e n tiie purchasers of land sold for tax m oney position for several term s cith er for the foothold in Samoa or of the danger that gout|| cnJ pf 1>orta R . i|lch|(ling j, once have had to take chances upon all prop­ profit or the honor th at nusW he in it. m ight com e of a Germ an Gibrn.tar in and other towns of more or less im por­ erties obtained in that ivay. Where B u t lie knows very w ell th at if ho m id-Pacifle. That P resident Cleveland tance, and w hat is better, he has not errors were m ade, w inch frequently As on a day in merry May m akes too m any en em ies he w ill ho diJ • “ 1111,1 »dvieed the abandonm ent of lost a nm n, und the health of his arm y ' occurred, and the original owner of the I wandered thro’ the milk white grove, un able to retain th e position long. Sam oa counts for n oth in g now . It was is good. All of the Spanish troops on property reclaim ed it lifter the sale, the IV liat is the consequence? Som e, car­ one of the blunders th at discredited tho island are being concentrated nt person who bought it at the sheriff's Ea -lt mottle I warbler blithe anil gay Far straining lays of love, in g m ors for doing righ t than lor «11 him . The policy w hich supplanted his San Ju an , towards w hich G en. M iles is Bale alw ays experienced a great deal of I thought not how the world could be rtr_ is a com plete reversal of the doctrine also w ill atten d to their dutios im p a r -1 1S “ coniP «tc reversal of tin doctrine g|o w |y approaching, and tlie io m ay he difficulty in gettin g his m oney back, So full of grief and care, tia lly and faithfully. O thers whose « lo n tin tn in l isolation »ml has already gonle gevere fighting there, although Further difficulties along that line will W hen buds hurst forth on every tree conscien ce is easier to satisfy will grant hm m fruit m tu ritu ria l acquisition (,ut little sizi-prise would (,e caused by be avoided, as th e county will give a And all aliout was lisruiony_ th e favtra desired if it can be done shroud. j the surrender of the garrison when our : guarantee witli each tax deed for the Birds singing, flowers springing, secretly, th u s sellin g Iueir honor in the W e are well aware th at tiie com m cr- arm y gets near enough to assault their prom pt return of the purchase money, So happy and so fair. liop s of gaining friends who w ill help to «'»• ttsins to th is country from tilt triple fo rtifija , lol)g. in ease of errors arise out of tfie sale. retain them in office. . j »ysleni of control in Sam oa arc not Each prickly thorn gay rolies adorn G en. Shafter has officially confirm ed ---------------------------- great, and that it would m ake sm all ’Mid crimson rose and violet pied; UNITED STATES 1 0 0 YEARS AGO. the press statem en t of J¡ e w orthlessness F ivr power » are dividing tho world difference to our m erchants if the ow n- That Nature gives man naught to mourn of Garcia and his C ubans in the San tia- --------- am ong th em . R ussia began the opera- „rsliip of the group should pass to any Seemed true on every side, go cam paign. One hundred years ago there was no tio q , burrowing in tho interior oh- friendly foreign power. But th e sirate- And yet within that bonny glen, T he fears of th e adm inistration that public library in th e I nite«l States, ecu rily of » c o n tin e n t for centuries Io*- gie question is all-im portant. We need A lesson to foiego, the P hilipp ine insurgents were lik ely to ^ ne hundreii vears ago, the only hat fore it cam e to ligh t on tho shores „ eoslin g station in th e south Pacific, I knew that 'mong the haunts of men m ake trouole for us a t M anila, have factory m ade rocked hats. of the Baltic and Black seas, reflects a ,„| wu cannot afford to turn the one we Were some for power and greed of gain been increased by disp atch es from Ad- ^ ne hundred years ago, fifty cents was tiie New York Com m ercial A dvertiser. |,sv e over to a possible en ein v . There Still carving and starving miral D e w c f’, and G en. M erritt, which P*T f°r n 8 lalojr. G reat Britain, the natural heir of enough in th at consideration to war- In m isery and woe. reached here lust week. A guinaldo, th e Ono hundred years ago, \ irginia had Bpain s decay and L ra n e es inconipe- rant us in som e early and decisive insurgent ch ief is m u^m g a hail case of one-fitTli the population o f tiie United n by fair Nature s verdant bower tence, did m ost of her work in the full utterance alsiut the future in ten t of this the big bend, and In ^m id little cnougli 1111 ,'o " e 'i"*:couhl such scenes allow J. W. CAE MAM lig h t of the eigh teenth century and country to keep its Sam oan property sense to try to give him self airs in his One hundred years sgo, two stages sweet M in s holy power got liWMif duhfietl tho great colonis- intact, and to hack up th at outgiving I made a solemn vo w ; dealings w ith Adm iral D ew ey, One « rr¡«> «>• ‘>io travel between New York ing power. Franco began in tiie seven- w m , a y of the flag in the harbors even though with toil | grown old, (oiisolu tion in th e situation is that and Boston. liia t J’" ' " ’■ ‘‘-’'■'i'1 < m i toil teeu th , (ailed in the eigh teen th and o ( u ie group. If d ie U n ited States In bo Iv or iu mind, Aguinaldo'« relations w itli the Sp anish ^ no hundred years ago, a w hipping has challenged Into w ith rem arkable alone or jointly w ith E ngland, takes as nature w nild uphold, arc such that there is no possibility of P**! a,,’l pillory were standing in New success again in tiie nin eteen th century. such a course there will lie a prom pt Against the tyrant kings of gold, his m aking a eom hination w ith them Aork. G erm any began only tw enty years ago. closing of an incident which has already ugainst it». Afier Manila is taken and , O'18 Hnndred vears ago, l.eef, pork, If right still. I'd tight still b u t has carved out 1,500,090 square lu'cn too much prolonged. The battle of mankind. the Spanish dis|>o8i>d of, G en. M erritt »«H fish, potatoes andT hom iny were m iles of territory in Africa. The United T siltcoos . and Admiral Uewev will be iu a posi- 8**P'« ’R«f R‘« year around. A BLESSING. States began with a group of petty sea­ , lion to adm inister a thrashing to the " ne hundred years ago, buttons were coast colon ies, lias cut » h u gccatitlo insurgents, if their actions show them scarce and trousers were fastened with E x t r e m e l y W eak ou t of the North American continent Rrgi.ter: Grimes often occur in sm all tow ns (O lie hankering after it. The taking of |* g s and la. es. and established litoral don.inion over One hundred years ago, there were w liich would in som e cities lacon ic the Manila is not lik ely to he m uch longer all the South A m erican, »nd now is I.nctgcrt’s deferred, un less peace puts a stop to tlie practically no mnnuf.ictiirv a in the D eficien t Stood Causes Loss of look in g »broad. T hese are the vital sensation s of tho tim e. sausage null nor Ihirrant's church belfry cam paign. Appetite and Final break Dow n. U n ited States. E very housewife raised people. T hese are the growing nations. H o o d's S arsapam la Curas. might present no more ti-rrililc scenes Although not freer from doubts than l-«r own flax and m ade her own linen, T b s rest »ro to look on till their hour “ I lo»i my appetite sod »bou; «u I ,lveJ than Isom 's corral »t Alder Springs, in everybody else about how long we sh all « « « »>«»<’'* • K »™ MO. church col- strike«.— C lu ilf U tr a M . on w s . toed lemonade. strength « „ this county, if a Nan Francisco o r » wait for peace, Secretary long I.M ¡«m ed lections were U k en in * ba* M thp sit gone. J w m ,o weak I eouid „ „ j , * DlsFATCtlM r»..M Ixm don ray th at Chicago scandal m onger were only on oriU.r i (or , hu M„lu , org ant, yachts of a pole, with a heil attache I to arouse crow the floor. At but I w „ sick. One physician mid „ „ lny b( ' sleepy contributors. Ibero are prosjiects of serious trouble the ground Io draw pictures nnd puli- ^ ì'^ t k í f p ‘n ’5, com posing the auxiliary coast lefensc w s. ell gone .n d he gave me medicine bat lietw cen G reat B ritain and R u ssia. As lislnal interview s of people who “ know fleet, One hundred ye irs »go. there wore no It did not help me. I („d pretty wuoh -h o r lh a n d . generally referred to as the nn ev id en ce of tlio fact th a t Great all alxm t the c rim e,” “ M osquito F leet” to la* put out of com ­ stsa m lsw ts, railroads, telegraph wires, loet all (atlh in medieiucs, but thought I B ritain app reciates the gravity of the The rural population should thank m ission. T h is is tho first step taken to electrie lights, gas, kerosene or m atches. would get one bottle of Hood . 3 a r„ p .. rltl. r.nd try it. After taking tb .t botUe situ a tio n , th e A ssoiiu teil Press Ic.irns tl.c their God I hut they and their cbililrsn 3) • I w e . much better. ,u d m I g o t , wo n er, reduce tiie trem endous war ex| A Ev -ri * Wedde-burn. Oregon. ' A that | ~ rip lio n price nearly 100 per cent. “ Not neeMMrily Therefore, practically every ship in the T ' " « * I * 1* * ° t P * l * r •" «1181*1 the change. tlieir service, onlcred out of com m ission if Spain bad th e gover-.m ent. President M cK inley peace. Secretary has given them a lc tie r indorsing ' • Loug knows that Lqiain has no ships idea. have nei-w- not said a word aliout tlmir Hood’s Sarsaparilla I. the best - in f^.t the One True Bi™,: r » . . £ ^ . 1 . .tn .„ .,ts m e . Hood’s Pills SI’“*’”' z -d flh i PROPW eTO* PVIARî o OREJSIVE -414 -1 anthill ¿t' PORfWffi® “ OR RALF OR EXCHANGE. TO O U ’» P A T R O N “ - A Imnse ¡,n,] i 101 in t e n a d a . The Wo have l’nnse te lfl (fi |,v tlV J JJ , "»»e ¡s ef "nJ "n* «»ore mid which w e w ill furnish the "* * half ¡n >„ ¡ght. Alen, a eood «modelled Orpgtwiian w itli tiie YV kst for fine “-’ P r e m ia . Foe f,n t ,,er rsrticnlars to anv address for th e «'*m *w° "'T»re s i ti i, üífict i lars, payable cash in adianc«-