The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 11, 1898, Image 4

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    g a s y
The Weakness
of a Woman.
A woman who has suffered eighteen years, who has
been cured after a life o f misery and lives again in the
sunshine o f happiness, speaks to other women in words
o f no uncertain meaning.
a s y to
O p e ra te
laid: '• You never know you
have taken a pill till It is all
over.” 38«. I. Hood & Co.,
Proprietors. Lowell, Mass.
The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
A b
I g s o r a o c a W h o « » D e p th and
M ad e I t n t c b l r E n t e r t a in « .
W as a l n r « <
o f Fun O n u w . w
a tr io a l C ir c le s a s W e ll a s W l i u .
There i s a m an born now and tU
w ith u sort o f huuiorouM silver h I) oob ■
h is m outh. U n interrupted
as a hu m orist sm ile» on him thn^?
life, and th at, too, w ith no
effort o f ilia ow n. H e somehow a i q j z
A m t »1 Irish WH.
Jiug dress all ready— it's grown yellow
an early rep u ta tio n for saying or ddU
Koine tim e ago w h ile I was trading
In a chest iu the garret
But after
of despair. Day by day my trouble grew
Just a woman's story.
fu n n y th in gs, w h ich , once gained, mq *
aw h ile the lace took up my trouble In a v illa g e store one of the clerks earn»
because it happens every day,
Not strange
drop b y drop till it was gouo, aud I to the junior partner, who was w aiting
my deliverance.
in Oregon. M onthly f (55.00 and expenses. iu g can take nw ay. A ll the Jokes i n u
not romantic or thrilling, but just a story of
couldn 't te ll you today where it is. So on mo, and s a id :
lin o o f h is generation, and often bu J
" A friend of mine told me about Dr. W il- |
misery and suffering such as only women
steady. Reference. E nclose
Uams’ Pink Pills for Pale People and what
" P lease step to the desk. P at F iji;;, know.
I ’ll teach you, dear These ure the three
o f earlier uud la ter generations,
they had accomplished lor others in my
rolls I did in the three years, one for w ants to settle his acoouut and w ants c
For eighteen yean, Sara E. Bowen, of
■ cred ited to h im , aud nobody cares t
Dominion C om pany, D cpt. Y Chicago
receip t.”
each. T h e y ’re yello w uow, you se e ,”
Peru, Indiana, carried a burden of pain.
disp ute tho honor. Collectors of
“ It was the first glimpse of the sun of hap­
The m erchant w as evidently a n u o y ft
Night and day, without respite, she suf­
F aith opened one and spread it out.
piness through the dark clouds of misery.
aro ready to accep t Joe Miller m j *
It was an intricate pattern, very broad.
‘Wiiy, w hat does he w ant of a rc fered the most dreadful experience that ever
vnutlwr nwsyt Wb»u rood, tny fri*n<H
Tlw» rov«*r in fu ll o f fir«,
M iller, but n o literary scholar belie,«
" I t ’s hard to do, " t h e said, "but that ceipt?” he said. “ Wo never give one. fell to the lot of woman.
then I felt their effe-u 1 bought more and I
That she did not die is almost beyond
B u t tli« pMMJOful va le w h e r e Die w illow s
thnt he o r ig in a te d a ll the jests in hi*
o rk D one In H a n illln c tlic F r u it
I »end
I'd been a man, I should have goue That is receipt en ou gh .”
on th e N ew York W h arf.
alleged book. A nybody can think fw
Is the nigh tingale's desire.
and strong.
That she is wall to-day is a miracle.
"Bo I told h im ," answered the clerk,
sw ay to A frica liv e often thought it
" They liberated me from the most terrible
—U e r p e r ’s Bazar.
Mrs. Bowen's trouble requires no descrip­
The pineapple season lasts from about h im self o f tw o or three sim ilar examples
bonds that ever tortured a woman. They
j w ould do a gocsl deal toward m akiug “ bat he is not satisfied. You had bet tion beyond the symptom, which every
March 1 to about Aug. 1. N ew York in tho present h a lf century, and, even
brought me new life when death was
. ”
woman will instantly recognize.
F A I T H ’S A D V I C E . a body forget to see the suu fallin g ter Bo see the him
gets pineapples from the F lorida keys, so, it is n o t lik e l y th at John s ’tet»^
proprietor stepped to the desk,
down lik e a ball aud the lurk com e us
la describing them Mrs. Bowen says I
“ I recommend them to my friends, and I from the W est Indies und from the Ba- ever r eally sa id a ll or hu lf the amusing
“ For eighteen years I suffered with
if som ebody hod blown ont tho light. and, ufter greeting P at w ith a “ Good
not hesitate to say to every suffering liamus. Some como in steamers, somo th in gs th a t w ere attributed to him.
Min« F aith m t iu close com panion­ B u t I cou ld n 't very w ell, so I leurued m orn in g,” suid:
woman fa the world that Dr. Williams’ in sailin g vessels. Pineapples from H a­
MI was a broken down piece of human­
“ You w ant to settle your b ill, do
ship, ns usual, w ith her fam iliar spirit, to crochet 1 never gave t lie laco uway,
Pink Pills will cure her.”
vana by steam er aro brought iu barrels T hey w ere good stories, some of thia
ity I a shadow of a woman.
* piece Of crocheted edging
Her touch yon see, because I bud worked my trou­ you?”
Dr. William«’ PWc Pills for Pale People and crutes. Pineapples brought in sa il­ and they w ere to ld o f Stetson, ju t u
** M y brain was tortured until 1 could re­
ble in to it, and I w as afraid I thought
P at replied in the affirmative.
are a specific for all forms of weakness. ing vessels nro brought m ostly iu bulk the story o f fid d lin g w h ile Homo burned
member but little. I could not sleep or eat
upon the luaaeH nt tangled thread was
“ W ell,” said the m erchant, “ there is and was reduced in weight to a mere skele­
a long tim e about it when A lice w as
The blood is vitalized and becomes preg­
very gentle, even endearing, aud her
w as told o f N ero, n ot because they were
married, but I w as afraid it w ou ld no Deed of iny giv in g you a receipt. ton. What little I did eat could not be di­
nant with the elements of life. The ner­ —not thrown in loosely, however, but
look of content as she held it up and som e w ay m ake her sad when she wore Sec, I w ill cross your account off the gested in my weakened state, and caused
vous system h reorganized, all irregularites snugly stowed, so thut as m any as pos­ true, but to sh ow w h a t kind of m*u
Stetson wns.
noted its offeet as a w hole seemed vast­ it. Bo it's all here T his is the first b ook ,” and, su itin g tho action to the m t untold misery.
are corrected, strength returns and disease sible m ay be got iuto a vessel.
T he stories w h ic h it w as thonght
On the w harfs here pineapples
disappears. So remarkable have been the
“ My skin was muddy, m y eyes were
ly out of proportion to the cause
M iss y e a r ’s— you see I've numbered it one— word, he drew his pencil diagonally
cures performed by these httk pills that brought in bulk arc handled w ith great proper to fix npon John Stetson wen
F a ith was s till pretty, w ith the pathetic aud th is is the second’s and th is the across the account. “ Thut is a good re ­ heavy. I was dizzy all the lime and to­
fame has spread to the far ends of celerity. Men in the hold of the vessel those w h ic h e x h ib ited any bread, coni,
their fair
tally unlit for even ordinary housework.
ceipt. ”
Ijeuuty held us flotsam from the wreck th ir d ’s T here’s the th ree."
civilization. Wherever you go you will fill bushel baskets w ith them and hand prehensive and picturesque ignoranoi
** Doctors prescribed for me without avail.
o f years. Her hair w as prettier as silver
find the moet important article in every
Kcdicine was recommended and taken in
j He was an ign oran t m an no ilonbt—ig.
drug store to be Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills the baskets np on deck, where they aro
quantity but it did no good.
than it had ever been as browu, uud her lost for a m inute in the associations it?” exclaim ed Pat.
passed along and set up on tbo string- noraut enough, perhaps, to say all the
w h ich they revived
Her niece seemed
“ That settles i t , ” said the merchant.
“ T im e and time again I was at the brink
for Pale People.
eyes, though they had lost their vivid
piece of tho wharf. Tho trucks in w hich th in gs th a t it w a s ever said that lie
to have forgotten her owu g rief for the )
“ And you're sure y o u ’ll never be
g lo w aud eagerness, had gained a kindly
they are to be carted aw ay aro backed j said, but th e ch an ces are that he did
tim e nud w as observing her aunt askin m e for it ngaiu?’’
syn ip athy Her tenderness bad even e x ­ curiou sly as she bent over tin, lace.
down bandy. A box of suitable height, not say them nib B u t tho stories aro
“ We'll never ask you for It a g a in ,”
tended to the crocheting in her hand
and w hich is as long as the truck is uono tho worso for that. Years sgu
" T h a t’s a fern pattern, ” said Faith. said the m erchant decidedly.
nud imparted som ething to that usually " It's very pretty ” F aith sat silen t for
w ide, is placed at the end o f the truck. j Sophocles’ “ OSdipus Tyrannus” wa»
“ F aith, th in ,” said Pat, “ I ’ll be nfter THE
very im personal object that her fancy a tim e, sm oothing out the creases of kapin m e money iu mo pocket, for I
A man standing near ou tho wharf lifts played by tho stu d en ts o f Harvard col­
had fretted into think ing a response, the lace aud draw ing it out to its haven't paid it. ”
the baskets from tho stringpiecc and lege and ex cited g rea t com m ent throngh-
»’he passed her hand affectionately over length. It seemed to have tho effect of
“ Oh, w ell, I can rub that o u t.”
sets them .u p on th is box. Tw o men out tho country. I t w as discussed ouo
i t now, as the figure o f a pineapple, an enchanter's wand, for it sum m oned
" F aith , now, and I thought the Ow ^rlieated U v iu ff R o o m s— W om su and
stand at the box, each w ith a basket of even in g at a d in n e r a t w h ich Stetson
m uch conventionalized, repeating itself old faces ami scenes ut w ill, aud F aith sa m e ,” said P a t
A m b itio n - F au cy J a c k e t« —W om en Con­
pineapples iu front of him , to count the w ns present, an d h e cheered the com­
lik e history again and aguin, fell iu scal­ grew blind to the little room aud the
It is needless to add that P ut got his
pines aud throw them in to the truck, pany by an n ou n cin g th a t he had con­
d u cted th e M ee tin g —O pera lio n net».
lop s to the floor " I t ’s m ost done, ’’ she needs of her guest. A t last Grace moved receipt. — Romance.
which has racks at the sid e s; lengths of tracted w ith Sop hocles for the writing
D en im M akes W a y F or T ick in g.
thou ght "1 can go hack to the oak leaf im patiently.
board are placed across tho end as the o f n new p la y to bo produced by him
pretty soon. ”
A n H o n e st J u d g e .
"Y es, y es," said F aith , lik e one
Marion S. Parker enjoys tho unique
load rises. T w o men stand iu the truck tho fo llo w in g season.
A change iu the crochet pattern wna aw aking, " to forget T h is is the w ay
“ One o f the m ost bouesfc men who
to level the fru it as it com es to them.
T his story belongs in the same clam
tho ch ief diversion of F aith'a life, thut Here is the old pattern. J w ill teach ever lived was Judge Arthur S h ield s,” woman c iv il engineer in th is country.
The tw o counters are experts, and they us a aom ew hat m ore elaborate one.
ran on as iiiouotonnusly to the observer yon. ”
said C. R. Markham of Cheyenne. “ Ho Bhe is a sligh t young girl, apparently
work w ith great rapidity and steadiness, Stetson once took possession o f a new
TH E CHRONICLE ranks with tb s g rsa lesl
ns tho tsw ei* tKd' fanious harper who
Blie hustled about, finding thread uud w as on the bench in the early duys of about 20 years o f age, and has a wom an­ newapapars in Uis U sited HtaUs.
keeping pineapples going a ll the tim e. theater and discovered iu tlie lobby t
played upon only one striug ,2 a »“n »“ 1 needle, seated herself a t G race’s side, Kansas, aDd I wns ouo of tho law yers ly, gracious manner that makes her
THE CHRONICLE has no equal on the Pactflo
Each m an picks up tw o pineapples nt a picture th at d id u ot m eet his artistic
tho eoiaiug of a stick or »71(108° “ iay
Coaat. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news.
drew the thread through her fingers w ho practiced in his oourt. Upon oi.e very charm ing. M iss Parker seems quite
tim e, one w ith each hand, and gives taste. “ Tako th a t picture down, ” be
TH E CHRONICLE’S Telegraphic Reports are
u great «vent It is not I«-’-*1* to under­ and began her work.
occasion I w as conducting a case in unconscious of the fact that lier peculiar the latest and most reliable. Its Local News the them a toss into the truck, both men ■aid.
stand how a lifo th a t- eousists iu taking
" T h er e,” she said after a m inuto. w h ich I bed perfect coufideuce wheu position ns the ono wom an in her pro­ fullest and spiciest and Its Editorials from the counting as they go along, ono after an­
ablest pens In the country.
"But, Mr. S te tso n ," somebody re­
iu fln ite pain» w ith many little things "Do you see how i t ’s done? It isn 't the trial began, but beforo it had pro- fession m akes her interesting.
TH E CHRONICLE has always been, and always
other, “ o n e ,” “ tw o ,” “ three,’’ “ four,” m onstrated, “ th a t picture w as painted
m ay get its sip s o f excitem ent, tuterest hard Try it. "
" R eally, there isn ’t anything to fe ll," w ill be, the friend and champion of the people as “ five,” and so ou np, each count m ean­
groused far the evidence against m y
by M ichael A n g e lo .”
and novelty from u chuugo iu a pattern
Grace took the ucedlo helplessly. I c lie n t’s sido of the controversy wns so she replied to an inquiry. “ I inado np against combinations, cliques, corporation», or ing two pineapples. W hen they strike
oppressions of any kind. It will be ladspeadaal
"M ichael w ho?” said Stetson.
o f crochet. The exam ination of tho work "D o you think le o n ld forget 60, aunt?"
strong und so unexpected that I saw the m y m ind to be u c iv il engineer, studied la everything neutral la nothing.
“ one hundred,” the tallym an makes a
"M ichael A n g e lo ."
appeared to he satisfactory, and Faith she asked hesitatingly.
cuse wns hopeless. I fu lly believod the for it and mn now working hard for
straight chalk mark ou the end of the
laid it ou the tublo at her side T h is ta ­
“ W ell, take i t dow n, ” said Stetson,
did, ” said Faith.
w itnesses lied, but coaid not shake them promotion. It w as the most natural
tru ck ; that stands for 200 pineapples. “ aud discharge A n gelo. I w o n ’t have
ble w as devoted to the uses of her art,
Grace hud returned to her task and by cross exam ination, and it looked as th in g in tlio world, for I just followed
While he is m aking the chalk mark the auy of these foreign see no painters
uor w as ever profaned by the presence uiado one or tw o uwkward m otions though my c lie n t would lose his prop­ m y inclinations. I w ou ld n’t do any­
other counter keeps right ou, und be may around iny th eater; I ’m goin g to em­
o f any irrelevant substance There wore w ith the needle w hen there cuius n
erty. Jud ge Bhields had decided every th in g else. ”
have got up to “ tw o ” or “ three” again, ploy A m ericans. ”
row s of spools upon it, draw u up iu ring nt the door
“ A tfirst, ” slie continued, “ I thought
question w ith perfect fairness, and it
for it takes a second or tw o to make the
lin e s like soldiers ready to receive au
T h is so am used those w h o heard it
" I t ’s P h i l l' ' exclaim ed Grace, sp ring­ could uot be seen that he was in any to study architecture, for plans and de
chalk mark, but by that tim e the ta lly ­ that they at ouco to ld tho incident to
attack, hooks o f vurious siaes ly in g lik e ing up.
w ay interested until suddenly he called sign s have alw ays had a great attrac
m an is at it again chim ing in w ith friends o f S tetson and them selves, aud
w eapous by their side aud vurious rolls
“ G race I" said the recreant lover, to au attorney, 'Mr. Black, take the tion for me. Then, as I lieeaine more
" fo u r,” aud away they go together am ong them w a s Jack H averly, tho
o f luce, the finished product o f their stan ding aw kw ardly by tho door, after
bench for the rest of this c-aso;’ then,
j again, counting up rapidly toward an- fam ous negro m in strel m anager. Hav-
w aifaro F a ith regarded them w ith ap ­ A unt F aith had adm itted him and hud
turning to mo, he said: 'H are mo sworn realized that som ething involvin g that
j other hundred. If a man on the load crly did not laugh w h en lie heard it,
proval, but her bund that had lain upon retreated toward her chair There were ns u w itness. I w ill not see a man branch c f science w ould be more to my
I finds a specked pine, he drops it over hut sim ply looked puzzled. He thought
(b e table fell aw ay from the accustom ed sham e and pleading in h is voice.
robbed in th is court in m nttersof w hich lik in g. C iv il engineering w as just tlie
| the side of the truck into a basket that for ii few m om en ts, uud then a faint
task, ami she sa t .idle, w atching the red
Grace caught her hat and w ent to I am personally cognizant. ’ H e took the thing, so ut 15 I began earnest prepara­
coal, the shadow s the lam p ligh t threw him w ith ou t uuother word,
stands there, and says: "O neout. ” The sm ile cam e in to liis face, and lie said,
stand, anil his testim ony saved tho case tion. ’ ’
j tallym an tosses in one w ith ou t count- I
opou tlte carpet amt listen in g to tha
j " W e ’ll try the crocheting som e other for me. Tho other side appealed, but
"Oh, yes, I see; there a in ’tn o su c b per­
" D id you have any difficulty in g e t­
j inf?, to keep tho count good.
clatter that Mary, her u ia iiio f all work, tim e. Aunt F a ith ," said Green. Then
son us M ichael A n g e lo !”
tho judgo w as sustained, tho only case tin g such au education?” I asked.
i m aking as a part o f the d ish w ash ­ seeing her aunt s hulf daxed expression,
As fast as the counters em pty the
“ N ot m tho least. My father is a
T h is answ er w a s thou ght good enough
of the kind in the books. ” — W ashington
i baskets they push them off the box, and
as if she hurdiy understood th is new de­ Star.
graduate c f A nn Arbor, and I concluded
to take buck to S tetson , w ho, it w as as­
" I t ’a a kind o f ju gglery she goes velopm ent of affairs, she ran hack and
j the man at the strir.gpiecesetsup a fu ll
sum ed, m ust hnvo taken pains iu the
C rem ation s.
through w ith those d ish e s ,” thought kissed her G race's face bore uo truce
; ono in its place aud the counters keep m eantim e to inform h im se lf r f the his­
F a ith regretfully, "a sle ig h t of bund of sadness as she turned to P hil, uud
It i f notew orthy thnt though in each
tory o f art su fficien tly to understand it.
porfurniauoe, to see how m any tricks they w eut out ch attin g merrily.
At the fifth hundred the tallym an makes
of tho Am erican crem atories more men
“ W hat do you th in k . S tetson ?” said his
sh e can do before ouo of them w ill
a mark diagonally across the four he friend. "W o h ave tohl Jack Haverly
F uith listened t ill the Inst footfull ou than wom en have been cremated the
break ” Hut her fa«) did not cloud, for tho crust hud died awuy, then curefully m ovem ent nbroad was practically begun
: has already made, in the commonly
what yon said ubout M ichael Angelo,
ahe bail learned raslguutiou She bud rolled up the lace.
used method of tallyin g freight; but I
by wom en. Lady D ilke o f England and
nud ho said, ’Ob, I se e ; there ain't uo
surrendered to Mary the d ish es nud all
“ Bhe thinks sh e's h ap p ier,” thought
such person as M ichael A n gelo!' ”
the rest of the household d iv in itie s tliat F aith , “ but I'm not so suro. A niun’s m ated at Dresden. When efforts were
pineapples. Ou a double truck there are
Stetson looked blank iu h is turn fora
ahe had served so d eftly aud curefully heart is uncertain property, but a cro­ m ade in the years 1878-4 on the con ti­
usually earned from 4,500 to 5,500
m om ent aud theu received h is little
for years that she m igh t be more ut lei
q ’ nP.P o’ j-„ ° n 0 fiiuBIe
from illum ination as to tho hum or of tho
chet nectile, ” ns site laid bpr hand np- nent o f Europe, in England aud in tho
sure to w h ile aw ay her llu ie iu her owu previu gly upon those ou the tublo, " is U nited States in favor of the crem ntion
2,000 to 3,500. —N ew York Sun.
thing. “ W hy, tho ign oran t old fool,"
luuooeut fashion
a lw a y s the same. ” — Springfield Ko- of tho dead. Lady Rose M ary Craivshay
he aaid; “ of course he ough t to hav#
Hho womlcred, as she sat staring publicaa.
w as one of its prom inent advocates. A
said, ‘There is n ’t any such person os
C h r n n tr l. B u l l d l , , .
d u lly at the blase, how the crouheliug
num ber of w ell known wom en in this
H u I t E v o lu te d F rom th a B ru ta l T ell
M ichael A n g e lo .’ ”
hud ootne to m ean so m uch to her aud
N urs«d n i s W r a th .
country have expressed them selves de
O ver a T ortured E uem y?
T his story ngnin recalls unothcr with
could not think tor (he instant, then
Ho wns a Bath boy, who, w heu 13 or oidedly in favor of crem ation. Am ong
Ju st as the hoof of the horse is the a sim ilar touch in i t The conversation
h a lf MMuetubend, suddeuvd a iittlu, lost H years old, wnut to sea as cook on a tliem are O livo Thorne M iller, Mrs’
B f M ail, P o s ta g e P aid.
r mnaut of an original five toes, just us once turned on a clever passage in W.
the thread of memory uguiu, recovered fishing Bcboouer. Ouo m orning ho had L ippineott. Mrs. J. C. Croly, Mrs. E lla
the pineal gland iu man is now said to J. F loren ce’» old play, “ The Mighty
i t and fell to ui using, her elbow resting tho iiiisftirtuiio to burn sumo m ackerel Wheeler W ilcox, Mrs. A lice D. Lo Pion-
bo the su m v a l of a prehistoric eye on D ollar,” in w h ic h B ardw ell Sloat ex­
ou tho table, her check in her puiw
w hich ho w as trying, aud the captain geon. the late K ate F ield , R ose E liza
‘he hCSd' TO' Perhaps, this pose» his ignornneo by referring to a
Hho could hardly believe uow that a wus SO angered at th is failu re of his betli C leveland and E dith Thomas. At
le i lty in regard to particular ailm ents hackmau w h om lie liad encountered in
oertaiu few yeura of her life liud ever breakfast thnt he took one of tlie bunted a public m eeting Mrs. B allington Booth
(■¿•others) may be tho descendant of an Venice. "Y es, ” sa id Stetson, “ that is
r eally hapja-ued They must huvu be
fish from tho plutter uud slung it across referred to the tim e w hen her body
m utriculatcd aud w as adm itted to the
aboriginal ferocity in man. It is a w ell clever; o f course th ey don't have hacks
louged to som e other nud wandered the tablo into the boy rook's face.
should be carried to the crem atory. The
w illf u lly iu to her ow u, tor thure xvus
in V enice; i t ’s such a «low place they
Tho boy uurstd his w rath u n til w ith total number o f crem ations in the Unit- 1 regular course iu c iv il engineering, just
arose irom the same source •
n o hom e for them in hers or likeuest fu ll faro tho fisher boat wus tied to her ed States from 1878, when the first cre­ ns though I were a man. You m ow at
don’t have n n yth in g but om nibuses and
first human laugh that ever
un to anyth in g they brought. Was it so? pisr in the homo dock, when ho packed m atory w as established, to the close of A nu Arbor a ll the course« are open to
woke the m ule carta ” T h is fab le found it« way
The Gmkst Weekly ¡3 the Ccmtry,
astonished echoes of gloomy primeval into priut again o n ly a few w eeks be­
T hey had goue so utterly, so coniplets
h is kit, w eut ashore, and from the 1896, w as reported to be 4,817. Tho wom en, und they cou ld n ’t deny m y ap­
ly , and she w as liappy uow in her owu wharf mud« th is little speech to the number of men crem ated in N ew York
mirth, fore Mr. S tetson 's death.
R’liw o f the word.
but exultation over tho
h arm less way, fur iuluud, out of all ca p ta in :
"W hat do yon th in k o f So-and-so?”
is mure than doable the number of w om ­
of a
“ I took the regular course, ” «lie w ent
tortured enemy.
reach of storm aud reef She w as still
Stetson asked o f a friend, Darning one
"Uup'u, you 've insulted and abused e n ,— N ew York Tri buue.
on, "except thut in the senior year I
There >s to this day som ething ter- of tho actors o f hi» com pany. H e meant
tln clB d ln . p c , « , . , to M y part of th . V nlted
look in g vaguely, h a lf w istfu lly , at the me ou th is trip, und sure us I'm alive,
States, Canada and M u tc a
su bstitu ted architectural work for sur­
rible iu aughter. The laugh o f madness
Are when her duorlsdl rang uud tom e when 1 grew up to be a man, I'll lay
“I I.or« Yoof*
madness to ask w h at h is frien d th ou gh t of the
” o f c-r u e lty ig a 8 o n jid
veying. I preferred it only because I M„
on e hod entered tho room aud w as bur
for yon and lick yon if I ’m able I”
tho e actor w
“ I love you I”
that of t i , / i . - 7 m o r e aw fu l than w
‘ly ,h
as p la y in g the partin
r yiu g to her side.
Years relied ou, uud tho boy cook be­
Bv n ■ 1 J€rpsi lam entations.
i which he w as then engaged, but the
Oh, w hat m usic there wns in tho-e g o o d ."
“ A u nt F a ith ," said a girlish , treiuu
cam e master of u sh ip und could thrash words as they flowed m elliflu on sly—
that w c 'c a n OiT tlat KtraURP
roPP<*cd th a t ho m eant to ask
“ W asn't it difficult to obtain a poei- Mon, »1.0 . m ^ o lS c r n l A gricolia,»I Departrarnt. evpn i,n «
lo u s voice, “ I've com e to usk you to alm ost auy mun of his in d ies aud w h ich means som ething alxiiit honey—
' ’’ernturB wo can listen y ^ a t m anner o f m an he thon ght him.
tiou?” I asked.
h e lp m e Mother said you hud suffered w eight
to the hi n rtl he2 angbter
tho dead, 80, he »nswered, " H e ’s w ell enough,
iu i ’ortlauil one day he was from her parted lips. Her lip s were
"W ell, I w a s extrem ely fortunate, ”
lik e th is ouce aud you bud learned to (utssiug by the F alm outh hotel when he parted in the m iddle.
iogs Of BPnZ «■»ff“"« or cynical titter- i only he « ’«ma to m o to be a little too
said M iss Parker.
I had anticipated a ixz> y o u
W a n t t t i k * ^ n e ^ X ° nw aftrr ge,1Pra,i0" 0,1 DCda'l
t , e ’ "
forget, aud 1 thought perhaps you could eneouutered, face to fsee, ins former
“ I love you I”
great deal o f tronhlc, k n ow ing I shruld
■how me the w ay "
Grand lluuks captain ami neeosted him
cm io u sffi ™“ ,
and i f 'v e a re
t h is struck Stetson as n good word,
The songs of the birds in the trees have to contend w ith an enormous
F a ith looked dow u upon the slight by inline T heeaptuiu. surprised, a llo w ­ overhead seemed jsn g lin g and ont of
into tho nature ,7 % ' u W° can Ilrnbe and ho stored it np in h is m emory for
figure crunched there, aobbmg, uud laid ed he had uot the pleasure of the e th ­ tune iu com parison w ith these words of am ount o f prejudice, and that practi­
future use. A few «lays later, wheu be
cally I should have to struggle for even
her band gently upon the brown bead, er s acquaintance, but tlie former I¡uth her.
met the actor, he said, ” 1 w as in front
I the slig h test fret hold. H ow ever. Mr.
hu t she did uut understand about the boy refresh«! h is memory w ith tha cir­
support, of w e ia h t^ “1'
w ithout the w atching you last n ig h t and thought
" I love y o u !”
1 Purdy offered mo a position eith er in
cum stance« of that fish tug trip aud add
Aye, for such a one as she kings, and the N »w York or the Chicago office. 1
Ton did n 't play that part q u ite as pe-
e H o w x rr t»
" W h a t it it, Grace?" she asked
further into the duiitic as you u su ally d a ”
even actors, wonld have given up their w as given the Kune salary that is given
past, wc find tho
"O h. it's P h il I” she cried
"H e
“ I told yon after you bad struck me a ll and fallen captive at her feet.
Som etim es Mr. S te tso n ’s expressions
to men d oin g the« sam e work and had The United States, Dominion of pending always sense of humor de-
d o e sn ’t care for m e any more H e's tak­ w ith that fish, cap'll, that I ’d w hale
“ I love y o u l”
upon tbe"en^
en” obviously
D:i' „
and amounted to epigram s. It w ill be re­
in g J e n n ie Thom pson uow. and I can't yon if 1 . vur grew big enough, so look
And he? Did h is beatt leap w ith in
misfortune, m o r t i ^ t ^ * ±
palfl’ membered that w h en G ilb ert and Sulli­
bear i t
Mother said other wom en had out for yourself i 'l l keep that promise him ? Did his pouting breath denote the week» after I had graduated, in July,
O N E S 1 D IC ,
m ent of others. TK..
U cr, or,dairass- van s “ The G ond oliers’* w as first don«
1896, I w as at work. ”
A a a th«
«n bear such things, but she'd alw ays right off. ”
" M the s e n ^ f hn? ’in .f e c f ' T - nority in th is country at tho N e w Park theater,
ardor of b is longiug to clasp her in his
"W hat w ould you say the necessary
been happy, aud I could com e to you.
W ith these prelim inaries the Bath arms? Did he fa ll on bended knee and
w . in ether words, vam 'iv“! auct'sU’r s ; uow the Herald Square, it w a s a dread­
You « m id help ma, ' sh e said, lookiug hoy "M iled in ' right ou the principal
of this, as of mL-t nth
7 n‘ ,he ful failure. It w a s c le a rly and obvious-
to take up the sam e business?”
u p ap p raliu gly
"Y ou « m id teach me street of I’ortlaud, aud. sure enough,
“ And I love tlieel"
T so to anybody w h o sa w any consid­
“ F irst o f all, to m ake a success of
■rf our bnmptlons
ro forget. ”
satisfactorily to him self, redeemed his
No. Ila gave a blithe bark aud w agged •uch u career, a wom an m ust be thor­
erable part of it, even if he w ere ordi­
” *• M’ P • » «
" Y es. " said F a ith slow ly
boyish th reat.— B utte ludependent
his tail, for he knew be w as her favorite o u gh ly and natu rally feud c f m athe­
< h r o n lc le for O ne Y ear
narily a bad judgo of such things, and
Tbeu II camo hack to her. all her ow n
» « • « • < • p r e p a id on M ap and P a p ,,.'
p « x lle .— N e w York Journal.
Stetson w as uot a bad judge. He hud Ma
m atics, not m erely algebra, etc., but
A Thorough Job,
lit t le story, aud a dim . brokeu memory
n p p li«] m athem atics and the like. C ivil
X«t w ith here and
, ** br“ tal, oureri the righ ts to tho opera for N #
of the first heartache au<i her owu long
A P hilad elph ia housekeeper tr lls this
W h » i T m 8 m I t l a FVIaS.
a » Yorrjrc»
from somo solitary vn 3 tea,lcr c«denco
ngland, aud be had paid a good deal of
tu g to forget.
story iu The Record of that c it y i "W e
loneiy n m .y ; X ; “ d
▲ «eusitive man is never so hum iliated pure m athem atics to construction.
money for thcni. H e w e n t to the N e*
“ Poor little g ir l," whispered Faith, had at cue tim e in our em ploy a very
aa wheu be is obliged to read his own Then, tcc. a w om an m ust be w illm g to
7 ' t h o f ir e t
“ u ‘l h*'81
sweeter, a» wo
, a*ronger and
strok in g the b eautiful m ass o f taugled greeu young w om an wbuse nationality
proofs. Type m ocks the writer. The work w ith all the little intricate and
tim e, until at len gth ’ thri r t?Wanl oor what his property looked and souudid
" H o w w as it 1 learned to forget I is typified by au stnblani of the same
aeutrnca that in m anuscript moved
m em m eut, we can
a11 ,h« t h i A iter the flrst « * ho «troile out into
b e t m e th iu k
Yea. 1 remember uow
verdant color T his youug woman came w ith the stride of au armed man or com plex d etails thnt are part o f m athe­
E sp ^ a d r e OM»,
murmur of pity d ,
under- the lobby aud som ebody heard him mut
m a tical service. 8ho m ust be careful.
W ait a m in u te, dear
w ill show you ’’ ?o os through au in telligen ce t?| office
danced us a sw ooning strain of Strauss e.ecurate and patient. *lhe w h ole system
s?»* the im agin ation ^th^? pw,tnrc uo‘
" ’Gondoliers?’ G ondolier»?’ H ’m'
F a ith slipped ou t of the room and soon Sha show ed oar lu tslligeuu a ou the first
is now lim p and lauie. The phrase that is m ade up c f trifle«, to he sure, "but if
of the ages which begins i i.0“8 ‘!ngb,er Gone d ollorsl” — N ew York Tribune
re turned, brin giu g three rolls of eery day of bar sarvtca In our fam ily sh e
g lo w « ] w ith color is uow pallid. Spar­ every trifling d etail is t o t exact and
« d . in lo v e ? - w w ’ X " K
; “ d
broad eroebeted lace
H e r rin g O u ll 8 w n ll» w s a S p n r r» « -
w as sold to go out in tha yard aud take kling w it Is flat.
Jim m ie— N o m s ’am. Y otscaa’teatch
Sage reflection is
dow n tha d o ib ea liu a
w h ich
was JejuM«. The thought, “ Shall I ever get perfect scrion »accid en ts may o ccu r." — m e on any sue), g ln i„ „ thj>t
H alf a drzeu E n g lish sparrows flr'*
" C ao yon c r o c h e t Grace?”
into the w ild fo w l inclosuru iu Central
" N o t very m uch, " said Grace, wou
stretched auxiug a h alf dozen posts ret the money for thia?" is >wtl»d by. “ Who B cstcu Globe.
Mt Novem ber Ohio hosn t had anv
. . A"
np for th at pwrpo*.- She w as at the job w ould be fool enough to pay for i t ! " —
park aud began pecking a t som e gia*°
bon u d arres.-C h icago Timca-Hcrald '
A ll r u t o a .
Poughkeepsie has v hniia
set out fcr the w h ite craDe's use. Tbs
f e ll, I w ill teach Voa T h is is the (or so long a lim a that wa bqgaa to Bostou Journal.
probably the oldest one o t
I don t like tho stage m an ager,”
crane’s lrng and slender n u k shot cub
w a y I iaarned to forget T he u e e d l. w in d er w hat ou earth was tlw uiarter
»‘Y*r. It i , , t , hp con ™ ‘¿ f Hudson
B raataU e.
aaid tho aoubretto p etulsu tly. " I le a al-
and u fluttexiug q arrow w as grasped in
ell|M in aud out. aud th e su n lig h t aud w ith her Wa w eut out to see what »be
li>» O m « m <
Manager— E verything w«t
« 1 Delafield s t r « « , nd
w ay t m aking us learn som e new jiopnlar
PrattglK abiua on tt, and th e lace grow s w as doing, aud thvre we (ouud twr
its bill, w h ile the others flew aw»T lD
farmyard scene*
To see the good aud the beautiful to d so n g ”
Accorditg to -v d itio n ;n “ <'n r ,e d ’
w orking aw ay vigorously w ith a a n d «
aud is n pretty, aud it brings com fort
alarm. A h< rring g u ll m u to the cr»nN
Property Man— Everything but tbf* Plaster on the w ails ia six • , » 18'
to have uo strength to liv e it is ouiy to
“ What o f that?" asked the first conic-
“ J «b« laths »re |, 1
‘ ',"chR* ‘h'ck,
W hen I begau. I «N tldu t see tb s uow lle Bhe bad already dug up threa of (fee be .Moses on ihe luouutaiu o f Nebo, diaii
seized the sparrow, elevated its
-oh. how long ago that ta'— for the posts and bail alumal com pleted the w ith the land at your feat and no power
and guiped dow u the liv e bird w ith evi­
inebe* m th ic k m « i t
* U”, ‘ ,w o
"Oh, ' answered the soubrette, “ I
fem inin« and ’b«<
house. e v ^ V t , !’
*■ «ay
tmua That w as w hen I knew ha w ould work ou a fourth when we found her to enter. It would be better not to aw hate a man w ho puis on «o tuanv a i n ! ”
dent satisfaction. Tbeu it w eut E>
realismi r'* ro in ¿jpp
flho dldu I Way w ith us long ”
sta.M com e again, aud 1 had my wed
basin, took tw o se p s o f w ater • ”
» •r m one to live in duri
i t — O lir s flchrwMg.
— N ew York I*resa
H ill R ecord
scanned tbe ekirs to see if there wert
any more too trn stfu l bird» in sigh t.-«
N ew York Sun.
^ S i f i i S n c coast
th e
d a il y
Only $6.70 a f a .
The Weekly Chronicle
$ 1 .5 0 a b
Reversible Map?
M a p o f t h e W o r ld
Are features peculiar to Hood’s Hills Smail ii
sire, tasteless, i ftkieut, thorough As one mil T
t o T a lc o