g a s y The Weakness of a Woman. A woman who has suffered eighteen years, who has been cured after a life o f misery and lives again in the sunshine o f happiness, speaks to other women in words o f no uncertain meaning. a s y to O p e ra te Hood’s laid: '• You never know you have taken a pill till It is all over.” 38«. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors. Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Pills A b I g s o r a o c a W h o « » D e p th and M ad e I t n t c b l r E n t e r t a in « . W as a l n r « < n o f Fun O n u w . w a tr io a l C ir c le s a s W e ll a s W l i u . . There i s a m an born now and tU w ith u sort o f huuiorouM silver h I) oob ■ h is m outh. U n interrupted fut( as a hu m orist sm ile» on him thn^? life, and th at, too, w ith no effort o f ilia ow n. H e somehow a i q j z A m t »1 Irish WH. A N TE D-TR VST WORTH Y A N D Jiug dress all ready— it's grown yellow an early rep u ta tio n for saying or ddU Koine tim e ago w h ile I was trading In a chest iu the garret But after of despair. Day by day my trouble grew Just a woman's story. fu n n y th in gs, w h ich , once gained, mq * aw h ile the lace took up my trouble In a v illa g e store one of the clerks earn» wurse, and dark indeed was the day before travel lor responsible, established bouse ___ because it happens every day, Not strange dr drop b y drop till it was gouo, aud I to the junior partner, who was w aiting my deliverance. in Oregon. M onthly f (55.00 and expenses. iu g can take nw ay. A ll the Jokes i n u not romantic or thrilling, but just a story of couldn 't te ll you today where it is. So on mo, and s a id : lin o o f h is generation, and often bu J " A friend of mine told me about Dr. W il- | misery and suffering such as only women Position steady. Reference. E nclose Uams’ Pink Pills for Pale People and what " P lease step to the desk. P at F iji;;, know. I ’ll teach you, dear These ure the three o f earlier uud la ter generations, self-nddressed stam ped envelope. The they had accomplished lor others in my rolls I did in the three years, one for w ants to settle his acoouut and w ants c For eighteen yean, Sara E. Bowen, of ■ cred ited to h im , aud nobody cares t condition» Dominion C om pany, D cpt. Y Chicago receip t.” each. T h e y ’re yello w uow, you se e ,” Peru, Indiana, carried a burden of pain. disp ute tho honor. Collectors of “ It was the first glimpse of the sun of hap­ The m erchant w as evidently a n u o y ft Night and day, without respite, she suf­ F aith opened one and spread it out. piness through the dark clouds of misery. aro ready to accep t Joe Miller m j * It was an intricate pattern, very broad. ‘Wiiy, w hat does he w ant of a rc fered the most dreadful experience that ever vnutlwr nwsyt Wb»u rood, tny fri*ns to this day som ething ter- of tho actors o f hi» com pany. H e meant tln clB d ln . p c , « , . , to M y part of th . V nlted look in g vaguely, h a lf w istfu lly , at the me ou th is trip, und sure us I'm alive, States, Canada and M u tc a su bstitu ted architectural work for sur­ rible iu aughter. The laugh o f madness Are when her duorlsdl rang uud tom e when 1 grew up to be a man, I'll lay “I I.or« Yoof* TH E W EEKLY madness to ask w h at h is frien d th ou gh t of the ” o f c-r u e lty ig a 8 o n jid veying. I preferred it only because I M„ on e hod entered tho room aud w as bur for yon and lick yon if I ’m able I” way tho e actor w wiih “ I love you I” that of t i , / i . - 7 m o r e aw fu l than w ‘ly ,h as p la y in g the partin thought the other w onld do m e more r yiu g to her side. Years relied ou, uud tho boy cook be­ Bv n ■ 1 J€rpsi lam entations. i which he w as then engaged, but the Oh, w hat m usic there wns in tho-e g o o d ." pogra ot Lltoratpre “ A u nt F a ith ," said a girlish , treiuu cam e master of u sh ip und could thrash words as they flowed m elliflu on sly— that w c 'c a n OiT tlat KtraURP roPP<*cd th a t ho m eant to ask “ W asn't it difficult to obtain a poei- Mon, »1.0 . m ^ o lS c r n l A gricolia,»I Departrarnt. evpn i,n « lo u s voice, “ I've com e to usk you to alm ost auy mun of his in d ies aud w h ich means som ething alxiiit honey— ' ’’ernturB wo can listen y ^ a t m anner o f m an he thon ght him. SAMPLE CO PIES SENT tiou?” I asked. h e lp m e Mother said you hud suffered w eight FREE. to the hi n rtl he2 angbter tho dead, 80, he »nswered, " H e ’s w ell enough, iu i ’ortlauil one day he was from her parted lips. Her lip s were "W ell, I w a s extrem ely fortunate, ” lik e th is ouce aud you bud learned to (utssiug by the F alm outh hotel when he parted in the m iddle. iogs Of BPnZ «■»ff“"« or cynical titter- i only he « ’«ma to m o to be a little too said M iss Parker. I had anticipated a ixz> y o u W a n t t t i k * ^ n e ^ X ° nw aftrr ge,1Pra,i0" 0,1 DCda'l t , e ’ " forget, aud 1 thought perhaps you could eneouutered, face to fsee, ins former “ I love you I” Pedantic. great deal o f tronhlc, k n ow ing I shruld ■how me the w ay " Grand lluuks captain ami neeosted him cm io u sffi ™“ , / and i f 'v e a re t h is struck Stetson as n good word, The songs of the birds in the trees have to contend w ith an enormous F a ith looked dow u upon the slight by inline T heeaptuiu. surprised, a llo w ­ overhead seemed jsn g lin g and ont of into tho nature ,7 % ' u W° can Ilrnbe and ho stored it np in h is m emory for figure crunched there, aobbmg, uud laid ed he had uot the pleasure of the e th ­ tune iu com parison w ith these words of am ount o f prejudice, and that practi­ future use. A few «lays later, wheu be cally I should have to struggle for even her band gently upon the brown bead, er s acquaintance, but tlie former I¡uth her. met the actor, he said, ” 1 w as in front I the slig h test fret hold. H ow ever. Mr. hu t she did uut understand about the boy refresh«! h is memory w ith tha cir­ support, of w e ia h t^ “1' w ithout the w atching you last n ig h t and thought " I love y o u !” 1 Purdy offered mo a position eith er in ■offering cum stance« of that fish tug trip aud add Aye, for such a one as she kings, and the N »w York or the Chicago office. 1 Ton did n 't play that part q u ite as pe- e H o w x rr t» " W h a t it it, Grace?" she asked cd: further into the duiitic as you u su ally d a ” even actors, wonld have given up their w as given the Kune salary that is given past, wc find tho "O h. it's P h il I” she cried "H e “ I told yon after you bad struck me a ll and fallen captive at her feet. Som etim es Mr. S te tso n ’s expressions to men d oin g the« sam e work and had The United States, Dominion of pending always sense of humor de- d o e sn ’t care for m e any more H e's tak­ w ith that fish, cap'll, that I ’d w hale “ I love y o u l” •olely upon tbe"en^ en” obviously D:i' „ and amounted to epigram s. It w ill be re­ | equal chances o f advancem ent. T w o Canada and Northirn Meiioo in g J e n n ie Thom pson uow. and I can't yon if 1 . vur grew big enough, so look And he? Did h is beatt leap w ith in misfortune, m o r t i ^ t ^ * ± palfl’ membered that w h en G ilb ert and Sulli­ bear i t Mother said other wom en had out for yourself i 'l l keep that promise him ? Did his pouting breath denote the week» after I had graduated, in July, O N E S 1 D IC , m ent of others. TK.. U cr, or,dairass- van s “ The G ond oliers’* w as first don« 1896, I w as at work. ” A a a th« «n bear such things, but she'd alw ays right off. ” " M the s e n ^ f hn? ’in .f e c f ' T - nority in th is country at tho N e w Park theater, ardor of b is longiug to clasp her in his "W hat w ould you say the necessary been happy, aud I could com e to you. W ith these prelim inaries the Bath arms? Did he fa ll on bended knee and w . in ether words, vam 'iv“! auct'sU’r s ; uow the Herald Square, it w a s a dread­ qualifications are« for wom en w ho w ish You « m id help ma, ' sh e said, lookiug hoy "M iled in ' right ou the principal «ys of this, as of mL-t nth 7 n‘ ,he ful failure. It w a s c le a rly and obvious- to take up the sam e business?” u p ap p raliu gly "Y ou « m id teach me street of I’ortlaud, aud. sure enough, O ! t T H E O T H E R S l r i K . “ And I love tlieel" T so to anybody w h o sa w any consid­ “ F irst o f all, to m ake a success of ■rf our bnmptlons “ttnbutes ro forget. ” satisfactorily to him self, redeemed his No. Ila gave a blithe bark aud w agged •uch u career, a wom an m ust be thor­ erable part of it, even if he w ere ordi­ ” *• M’ P • » « " Y es. " said F a ith slow ly W e e « l y boyish th reat.— B utte ludependent his tail, for he knew be w as her favorite o u gh ly and natu rally feud c f m athe­ < h r o n lc le for O ne Y ear narily a bad judgo of such things, and Tbeu II camo hack to her. all her ow n » « • « • < • p r e p a id on M ap and P a p ,,.' p « x lle .— N e w York Journal. Stetson w as uot a bad judge. He hud Ma m atics, not m erely algebra, etc., but A Thorough Job, lit t le story, aud a dim . brokeu memory ABnRcm ~ n p p li«] m athem atics and the like. C ivil X«t w ith here and , ** br“ tal, oureri the righ ts to tho opera for N # of the first heartache aut H alf a drzeu E n g lish sparrows flr'* " C ao yon c r o c h e t Grace?” into the w ild fo w l inclosuru iu Central " N o t very m uch, " said Grace, wou stretched auxiug a h alf dozen posts ret the money for thia?" is >wtl»d by. “ Who B cstcu Globe. Mt Novem ber Ohio hosn t had anv . . A" Bnlldia,. np for th at pwrpo*.- She w as at the job w ould be fool enough to pay for i t ! " — park aud began pecking a t som e gia*° deriMly bon u d arres.-C h icago Timca-Hcrald ' A ll r u t o a . Poughkeepsie has v hniia set out fcr the w h ite craDe's use. Tbs f e ll, I w ill teach Voa T h is is the (or so long a lim a that wa bqgaa to Bostou Journal. probably the oldest one o t is I don t like tho stage m an ager,” crane’s lrng and slender n u k shot cub w a y I iaarned to forget T he u e e d l. w in d er w hat ou earth was tlw uiarter »‘Y*r. It i , , t , hp con ™ ‘¿ f Hudson B raataU e. aaid tho aoubretto p etulsu tly. " I le a al- and u fluttexiug q arrow w as grasped in ell|M in aud out. aud th e su n lig h t aud w ith her Wa w eut out to see what »be li>» O m « m < i Manager— E verything w«t « 1 Delafield s t r « « , nd w ay t m aking us learn som e new jiopnlar that PrattglK abiua on tt, and th e lace grow s w as doing, aud thvre we (ouud twr its bill, w h ile the others flew aw»T lD farmyard scene* To see the good aud the beautiful to d so n g ” Accorditg to -v d itio n ;n “ <'n r ,e d ’ w orking aw ay vigorously w ith a a n d « aud is n pretty, aud it brings com fort alarm. A h< rring g u ll m u to the cr»nN Property Man— Everything but tbf* Plaster on the w ails ia six • , » 18' to have uo strength to liv e it is ouiy to “ What o f that?" asked the first conic- “ J «b« laths »re |, 1 ‘ ',"chR* ‘h'ck, W hen I begau. I «N tldu t see tb s uow lle Bhe bad already dug up threa of (fee be .Moses on ihe luouutaiu o f Nebo, diaii seized the sparrow, elevated its -oh. how long ago that ta'— for the posts and bail alumal com pleted the w ith the land at your feat and no power and guiped dow u the liv e bird w ith evi­ inebe* m th ic k m « i t * U”, ‘ ,w o the "Oh, ' answered the soubrette, “ I fem inin« and ’b«< house. e v ^ V t , !’ *■ «ay tmua That w as w hen I knew ha w ould work ou a fourth when we found her to enter. It would be better not to aw hate a man w ho puis on «o tuanv a i n ! ” dent satisfaction. Tbeu it w eut E> realismi r'* ro in ¿jpp flho dldu I Way w ith us long ” sta.M com e again, aud 1 had my wed basin, took tw o se p s o f w ater • ” » •r m one to live in duri » i t — O lir s flchrwMg. — N ew York I*resa ‘ H ill R ecord ,h9 scanned tbe ekirs to see if there wert any more too trn stfu l bird» in sigh t.-« N ew York Sun. WOMAN’S WORLD. [LEAMÎimPÊI ^ S i f i i S n c coast CHRONICLE "1 ing th e : d a il y Only $6.70 a f a . The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 a b C H R O N IC L E Reversible Map? M a p o f t h e W o r ld 1 [ STORIES OFSTETSOJ. Are features peculiar to Hood’s Hills Smail ii sire, tasteless, i ftkieut, thorough As one mil T w I t o T a lc o I ■»■«mm.