The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 17, 1893, Image 2

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R E SE A R C H .
A R ochkatek physician. who h as been
experim enting on th e su b ject, avers
1,look ill the wood».
“ ■■id one I t h ^ th
e " n H ^ n lto ra
readily be ex
. i...
n reailill*
‘•Li.ten to that noiay hroo ,
j term inated by th e use of petroleum .
“ it scold« and scold«. I wish
T iiohfau observes th a t - th e m ore
keep q u ie t.”
. . slow ly trees grow a t first th e sounder
- Why, «i«ter, it is not scolding, it n they are a t th e co re,” and he th o u g h t
aiugiug ” »aid tl,e
it was the sam e w ith hum an beings.
- I be leave« are falling from th e trees.
THB KUf t ruen t th a t th e h ard n ess of
How hare and uglv they look,” cried dhunonda la n o t p ercep tib ly reduced by
. 7
‘’« ‘tin g and p o lish in g is confirm ed by
the first >1*1 ker.
„„.».er W A Rogers, of Colby university, w ho
"O h, but it 1» »>
has hud much experience in w o rk in g
tlm leave,, « •«
« P 'y : * • » « « w ith diumond».
tee won*
Hit* blue nkyf mx h
O khman do cto r o f re p u ta tio n pre*
ahiues on us better.'
scribes alum inum as a cure for rheu-
The other fn»w ne.l angrily and ««¡'I
m utism . A finger rin g m ade of th is
“ Your ear« uml eyes m ust lx* made m etal, jo in ed w ith a n o th er, g e n erate s
differently from m ine.”
a g en tle c u rre n t of e le c tric ity w hich is
\h children, the difference was n o t , said to m ake a p e rm a n en t cure.
A '
s„ the
T ire th eo ry th a t th e deepest place In
¡n the ears and the eyes, i
th e ocean wUl be found to correspond
heart. It the heart i. rig h t th e brooks
eXftt,tly w ith th e h e ig h t of th e
will sing, not scold, th e sky will look ,jlgheMt mf„ ,n ta in has been disproved
blue, ami through ihe hare branches w| t j,in th e la st y ear, ocean d ep th s
< ¿oil’s love will shine.
j 10.000 feet deeper th a n th e h e ig h t of
M ount E v erest h aving been found.
A U T H O R ’S C H A T .
V lay is a gixsl thing in its place. We
W iu r e n n w r H kksf . l , a relativ e of
love to see children play and enjoy M endelssohn, and a w om an of some r e ­
too— jyilvt
«11« em
111 selv
» • » es-an d r grown up « • jieople
p u te as « a • poet,
| v, H
rated h e • r n in e tie th
by way of change and recreation from i b irth d ay a t Potsdam a few days ago.
more serious duties.
OuiPA, th e novelist, is d istin g u ish ed
The w ay |s np|e play also shows char- fo r th e ex q u isite b e au ty o f h e r h ands
seter. It any one ¡.f a ir tru th fu l, hon- and feet. She c o n sta n tly w ears th in ,
r i in
it. ploy,
i.lnv he
est and • good-tempered
ne is
is dainty slippers and ab b re v iate d sleeves,
... .
7 ,,
Wires Lord Fennyson w as asked to
likely to l»e the aaine in o things
hlg w orkg aloud h e alm o st invari-
and so the reverse.
«.Bly selected th e “ Ode on th e D eath of
Good, earnest play has its tem ptations £|1(.
,,f W ellington" an d a fte r th a t
and dangers, as well as o th er things, “ M aud.”
ami our young friends have need to he
R ice is th e least n itro g en o u s of all
I t is a good ad d itio n .to bread,
cautioned aguiuat yielding to them , io
serviceable to com bine
be cheating, mean, ami full of ill-tem-
in g a larg e am o u n t of
per when I «eaten, or ugly when things
nitrogen, such as peas, b eans, etc. I t is
.1(1 not go as desired, is vciy im proper. peculiarly ad ap ted for invalids, as it is
I »isputes and quarrels may easily arise, one of the m ost easily digested su b ­
and of these every one should beware. stances know n.
Play lint always play fair; keep in good-
Rumi. f . p S callops .—D rain medium-
scallops in a n ap k in . P arboil
tem per, avoid w rangling and disputes,
m om ent. W hen cool p u t them
ami play will be a good ami healtiiful
on skew ers, six on each, a lte rn a te d w ith
th in slices of bacon th e size of th e scal­
lops in w idth. B rush over th e scallops
w ith m elted b u tte r and broil. Serve
w ith w atcr-creas and lem on.—N. Y. Ob-
1 it lh .’ island of .lava th ere grows a »,..f-vvr.
tree, which may perhaps be th e u p a a j Are beds arc th e m odern sine quo non
Ihe leaves of which are »aid to lx* u of ihe Invalid. N o th in g can 1 m * more
deadly poison to venomous reptile« and restfu l and com fortable to th e sick
to »nake« especially. Once a« a traveler fram e th an th e relief from th e bed fa­
was passing a wood, he heard a sharp tigue which th is invention affords.
They are tick-covered and readily in-
cry of diatress from a bird overhead, and tla tc l. T he slig h te st m otion a lte rs the
«m looking for the cause of alarm , he »aw IMisition of th e ««ooupant, and th e re is
a snake clim bing up a tree to th e nest of no such th in g as a lum py surface possi­
little ones. The «nake was then beyond ble beneath him.
hi« reach, but he tell curious to watch
I r Is likely th a t Tam pico,
what was nlx.ut to hap|*en. Suddenly w ill become «»neof th e deep-w ater porta
th e bird ceased crying and tlew aw av, “ f th e w orld.
Ih e soundings now
but only to retu rn ... a few aecond' w ith «eaanr«’ "»<*"• th a n tw en ty feet oyer the
, bar. the g re a te st d ep th ever attained.
a large leal w b id . she carefully aprea.l T hc b ar is w earing away.
over the nest,
H. By uow th e snake “ a . ( (‘ omvi . etk statistics of th e g re a t fire
verv near it« intended prey. At the
s t. J o h n ’s, N ew foundland, have ju s t
m om ent, how ever, th a t it nponed Its been Issued. The num ber of houses <le-
mciHb. it« eye eaught «lglit of the guar- stroyed was l.MO.the nu m b er o f families
diun loaf, and th e vile creature diupped burned o u t I,a ,4, and th e to ta l num ber
to the ground a . .( .1 bad Is’en shot and °* 1*’" * '° ' burn<*1 ” u t ‘®“BU
T int longest canal in the w orld is the
duri cd into the jungle. One doc« not
on«* which extends from th e fro n tier of
quite understand. though, l«»w thia af­ Chinn to St. Petersburg. I t measures
fectionate bini came to know liiat the in all 4.472 mile«.
tie»’ p>«»c»«xsl aneli useful proper lie«
M a c n ix m for m aking tacks were first
made by Thom as B lanchard in th e year
I g Unet snake«.
l taw.
Et.RCrnoTYrreo of w«axl cuts nnd
for p rin tin g was first employed
Aa i r i* an actor's business to hold
In 1X50.
th e m irro r up V» n a tu re , he m ust e x ­
pect all aorta of refteetloaa ILwton
T ram tcript
V. S, Ft Ann is on th e pension list.
O xa o f th e biggest fools In the world Be is probably th e m an w ho always
is th e ntan w ho th in k s he can make waives eeretpony and things.
s-um -thlng by only p u ttin g seven q u a rts
M R. C a ii vpav . o f lln ld en . Mo., |«
lit a |»eek. - - Ram s H orn of th e fact th a t he is a lineal
“ U itv T « th is m an arrestisi f o r ’" descendant of th e original Mother
I 111 JX'I'WW »lint »»»If « an
MB oftl.-er,
X’« • J»»
yer honor
■»’'«•«»< V
I saw him ta k e tw o handful« «»f prftnut* , R. R. U rx a v , of T am pa. F la . is col-
am i a Kxnana off a «xirncr fru it stan d " h v to r of custom s at th a t place, thirtv-
- M a s h ln g b ’U S ta r
tw o year« old. bnylah looking, and said
T u t nr iue tw o m atcH aL th a t women to '*
yuungest collector in the
o f alt ags-s. figures and «'otuplesion*
may xafelv w ear, and th e se are velvet
P a o n iH tt the tallest O A. R. veteran
aud lass’, eaperiallv In «lark «sdors.
** " d iia m P lloyne, of Green eounty.
A t n i a w r t* realty etym«»togtcaBy p * - * « d s ^even feet In his stoek-
was n r private
. U. d c r s l only a “thum
■ tm .m n b bell,"
neo. the
«ne ings
- the war
- he
o rig in a l th im b le having been w orn on
,rc n tr * * '“ od Peuinvl-
vau.a eavalrv.
ik e thum b.
Two little girl« were »itUng near a
the fir - clad city ,
Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane
County, and on a direct line West from
New York and Chicago, where we have
Wo laid out the original town site ot FLORENCE, including tlnj
And Oder lots in these parts from ^50 to S
. 5®
For syjr but every lot we oiler is located near and in the business
center and will bring good rental, if improved
CEO. M. M IL L E R & Co.,
FA IR M O U N T, Ore.
Is the Name of
All of this property is 13762090
‘ limits ot‘thfl
io " ii awl lots will lip sold at prices ranging from
$6 to $50
rite tor plat ami descriptive eirenlar to
0 ©
E uopiic - Orci^1,