THE DIFFERENCE. S C IE N T IF IC R E SE A R C H . A R ochkatek physician. who h as been experim enting on th e su b ject, avers 1,look ill the wood». “ ■■id one I t h ^ th e " n H ^ n lto ra can readily be ex . i... n reailill* ex- ‘•Li.ten to that noiay hroo , j term inated by th e use of petroleum . “ it scold« and scold«. I wish T iiohfau observes th a t - th e m ore keep q u ie t.” . . slow ly trees grow a t first th e sounder - Why, «i«ter, it is not scolding, it n they are a t th e co re,” and he th o u g h t aiugiug ” »aid tl,e it was the sam e w ith hum an beings. - I be leave« are falling from th e trees. THB KUf t ruen t th a t th e h ard n ess of How hare and uglv they look,” cried dhunonda la n o t p ercep tib ly reduced by . 7 aker ' ‘’« ‘tin g and p o lish in g is confirm ed by the first >1*1 ker. „„.».er W A Rogers, of Colby university, w ho "O h, but it 1» »> has hud much experience in w o rk in g tlm leave,, « •« « P 'y : * • » « « w ith diumond». tee won* Hit* blue nkyf mx h O khman do cto r o f re p u ta tio n pre* ahiues on us better.' scribes alum inum as a cure for rheu- The other fn»w ne.l angrily and ««¡'I m utism . A finger rin g m ade of th is “ Your ear« uml eyes m ust lx* made m etal, jo in ed w ith a n o th er, g e n erate s differently from m ine.” a g en tle c u rre n t of e le c tric ity w hich is \h children, the difference was n o t , said to m ake a p e rm a n en t cure. A ' .. . s„ the T ire th eo ry th a t th e deepest place In ¡n the ears and the eyes, i th e ocean wUl be found to correspond heart. It the heart i. rig h t th e brooks eXftt,tly w ith th e h e ig h t of th e will sing, not scold, th e sky will look ,jlgheMt mf„ ,n ta in has been disproved blue, ami through ihe hare branches w| t j,in th e la st y ear, ocean d ep th s < ¿oil’s love will shine. j 10.000 feet deeper th a n th e h e ig h t of M ount E v erest h aving been found. PLAY. A U T H O R ’S C H A T . V lay is a gixsl thing in its place. We W iu r e n n w r H kksf . l , a relativ e of love to see children play and enjoy M endelssohn, and a w om an of some r e ­ th too— jyilvt «11« em 111 selv » • » es-an d r grown up « • jieople • p u te as « a • poet, | v, H celeb IVU»I»VV\* rated h e • r n in e tie th by way of change and recreation from i b irth d ay a t Potsdam a few days ago. more serious duties. OuiPA, th e novelist, is d istin g u ish ed The w ay |s np|e play also shows char- fo r th e ex q u isite b e au ty o f h e r h ands seter. It any one ¡.f a ir tru th fu l, hon- and feet. She c o n sta n tly w ears th in , i, r i in it. ploy, i.lnv he est and • good-tempered ne is is dainty slippers and ab b re v iate d sleeves, . ... . 7 ,, ibini'u Wires Lord Fennyson w as asked to likely to l»e the aaine in o things hlg w orkg aloud h e alm o st invari- and so the reverse. «.Bly selected th e “ Ode on th e D eath of Good, earnest play has its tem ptations £|1(. ,,f W ellington" an d a fte r th a t and dangers, as well as o th er things, “ M aud.” ami our young friends have need to he R ice is th e least n itro g en o u s of all grains. I t is a good ad d itio n .to bread, cautioned aguiuat yielding to them , io ami is especially serviceable to com bine be cheating, mean, ami full of ill-tem- w ith fiwsls co n tain in g a larg e am o u n t of per when I «eaten, or ugly when things nitrogen, such as peas, b eans, etc. I t is .1(1 not go as desired, is vciy im proper. peculiarly ad ap ted for invalids, as it is I »isputes and quarrels may easily arise, one of the m ost easily digested su b ­ and of these every one should beware. stances know n. Play lint always play fair; keep in good- Rumi. f . p S callops .—D rain medium- sized scallops in a n ap k in . P arboil tem per, avoid w rangling and disputes, then, a m om ent. W hen cool p u t them ami play will be a good ami healtiiful on skew ers, six on each, a lte rn a te d w ith th in slices of bacon th e size of th e scal­ lops in w idth. B rush over th e scallops IT 8 BIRD 8AVED HOW THE w ith m elted b u tte r and broil. Serve YOUNG. w ith w atcr-creas and lem on.—N. Y. Ob- 1 it lh .’ island of .lava th ere grows a »,..f-vvr. tree, which may perhaps be th e u p a a j Are beds arc th e m odern sine quo non Ihe leaves of which are »aid to lx* u of ihe Invalid. N o th in g can 1 m * more deadly poison to venomous reptile« and restfu l and com fortable to th e sick to »nake« especially. Once a« a traveler fram e th an th e relief from th e bed fa­ was passing a wood, he heard a sharp tigue which th is invention affords. They are tick-covered and readily in- cry of diatress from a bird overhead, and tla tc l. T he slig h te st m otion a lte rs the «m looking for the cause of alarm , he »aw IMisition of th e ««ooupant, and th e re is a snake clim bing up a tree to th e nest of no such th in g as a lum py surface possi­ , little ones. The «nake was then beyond ble beneath him. hi« reach, but he tell curious to watch I r Is likely th a t Tam pico, Mexico, ■ what was nlx.ut to hap|*en. Suddenly w ill become «»neof th e deep-w ater porta th e bird ceased crying and tlew aw av, “ f th e w orld. Ih e soundings now but only to retu rn ... a few aecond' w ith «eaanr«’ "»<*"• th a n tw en ty feet oyer the ... , bar. the g re a te st d ep th ever attained. a large leal w b id . she carefully aprea.l T hc b ar is w earing away. over the nest, H. By uow th e snake “ a . ( (‘ omvi . etk statistics of th e g re a t fire verv near it« intended prey. At the s t. J o h n ’s, N ew foundland, have ju s t m om ent, how ever, th a t it nponed Its been Issued. The num ber of houses «»c»«xsl aneli useful proper lie« M a c n ix m for m aking tacks were first made by Thom as B lanchard in th e year I g Unet snake«. l taw. FL A SH LIG H TS. Et.RCrnoTYrreo of w«axl cuts nnd plates for p rin tin g was first employed Aa i r i* an actor's business to hold In 1X50. th e m irro r up V» n a tu re , he m ust e x ­ PERSO N A L PO IN T S . pect all aorta of refteetloaa ILwton T ram tcript V. S, Ft Ann is on th e pension list. O xa o f th e biggest fools In the world Be is probably th e m an w ho always is th e ntan w ho th in k s he can make waives eeretpony and things. s-um -thlng by only p u ttin g seven q u a rts M R. C a ii vpav . o f lln ld en . Mo., |« lit a |»eek. - - Ram s H orn of th e fact th a t he is a lineal “ U itv T « th is m an arrestisi f o r ’" descendant of th e original Mother Impersonating I 111 JX'I'WW »lint »»»If « an MB oftl.-er, X’« • J»» yer honor ■»’'«•«»< V HRCM’, thwtse. I saw him ta k e tw o handful« «»f prftnut* , R. R. U rx a v , of T am pa. F la . is col- am i a Kxnana off a «xirncr fru it stan d " h v to r of custom s at th a t place, thirtv- - M a s h ln g b ’U S ta r tw o year« old. bnylah looking, and said T u t nr iue tw o m atcH aL th a t women to '* yuungest collector in the o f alt ags-s. figures and «'otuplesion* may xafelv w ear, and th e se are velvet P a o n iH tt the tallest O A. R. veteran aud lass’, eaperiallv In «lark «sdors. ** " d iia m P lloyne, of Green eounty. A t n i a w r t* realty etym«»togtcaBy p * - * « d s ^even feet In his stoek- During was n r private . U. d c r s l only a “thum ■ tm .m n b bell," neo. the «ne ings y - the war - he .............. Twentr-se< o rig in a l th im b le having been w orn on ,rc n tr * * '“ od Peuinvl- vau.a eavalrv. ik e thum b. Two little girl« were »itUng near a the fir - clad city , Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane County, and on a direct line West from New York and Chicago, where we have LOTS FOE SALE! Wo laid out the original town site ot FLORENCE, including tlnj WATER FRONT, And Oder lots in these parts from ^50 to S 5 0 0 . 5® NO WILD CAT PROPERTY For syjr but every lot we oiler is located near and in the business ---------- center and will bring good rental, if improved WRITE US FOR PRICES, MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS. » CEO. M. M IL L E R & Co., FLOWER FA IR M O U N T, Ore. HOME Is the Name of co cu All of this property is 13762090 ‘ limits ot‘thfl io " ii awl lots will lip sold at prices ranging from $6 to $50 rite tor plat ami descriptive eirenlar to A. E. GALLAGHER 0 © E uopiic - Orci^1,