The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 03, 1893, Image 1

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Florence, Lane Comity^Oregun, Friday, March :!.
Voi. 3.
No. n;.
The mayor of P o rtla n d w ill receive labeled h as been amended so as togapply! the
a year, ami th e governor of O regon only to fish packed outside of th e state
House bill No. ,7ftt a»uen«l-1 **•)' of war.
Iam<ml, of Sew York, n v
jlW)i Which would yon p re fer?
an d brought in for sale. Thia amend-
utory Of the election law, is herewith re
, , ' 1*ry
Heil ert, of Alabama, were-
1( Oregon feels relieved” on th e ad- i n ,e n t wa” made 011 account of many for-
turned with my disapproval. The pre«*
of the navy.
rnuient of her one le g islatu re, how e ‘yn n ,e ,c ban ts and Eastern wholesalers
SOt election law has only lieen in opera-
Hoka>m ilh, of Georgia, secretary >1
• objecting to handling fish except that
lllUCh better will “ W eeding K a n s a s ” feel
tion for the last two years. It has se- tire interior.
bearing th e ir own labels, the.v prefevntg
cure«! that w hich every vltiaen should
*E Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, m-c-
when her two let go.________
to assum e th e responsibility for th e good desire, the aeereev and sanctity of the ,iUV oi agriculture,
After all, what is th e re in politics? or bad q uality of the article handled' k
ballot. The citizens of Oregon have la»-
hh-hanl Olney, of Msseachusetts, nt
Harrison has appointed a d e m o crat to th e m , The bill in its amended form will
come familiar with its provisions, and toruey-general.
the supreme bench, C leveland will m ake
no d o u b t become a law.
objections plausible at the time of its
" ‘‘non s. Bisrell, of \ ew York, | a » t -
»republican secretary of sta te , an d th e I
A wail of surprise was beard in the enactment are fruitless now, after a sue- '»»»hr-gcneral.
populists of Kansas have elected a dem ­
W ashington legislature lust week when ceeiful trial., Although doubtless not I
erit to the United S tates sen ate.
known th a t the ».ate p rin tln , ‘" “ m W . O.o eir,-.,
the cha„w pro-1 T,„.
, y„ .... ...
There are thirty-six n u rseries in O re­
olliee had cost W ashington about « ll« ,w w '
" '" " M **
, Iff. au,I ele.k. la tin . .ta t. . . . , .......t ,.|
gon, covering 1570 acres, and c o n ta in in g d u rin g the past two years, a sum o v o j » •
the »a nvy .......... hall,,.,
»bout 9,000,000 young trees, a n d th e re *80,000 greater than had been estim at, d i " ' " ' ' 0
1er «ate Tl,e
»reabout 100,000 acres of grow ing trees,
one-half in prunes, one-fourth in apples,
une-tenth in pears, etc.
O regon
doubtless become a g re a t fru it s ta te .
1*.a u s are now being devised (or p r i e r ' " '" 1'’'
th e m ain cause of which was the p rin t­
ing of a vast num ber of elaborate reports
Four years ago G rover C leveland rode ! of state officers, said reports mostly
to the capitol sitting on th e rig h t of Ben-1 finding th e ir way into waste baskets
¡»min Harrison, and a q u a rte r of a m il­ th ro u g h o u t th e state. No blam e is a t­
lion people looked on. T his tim e M r. tached to S tate P rin ter W hite for this
Harrison will sit on th e rig h t of M r. state of offairs, for his m anagem ent of
Cleveland during th e sh o rt rid e, an d it th e office has given universal satisfac­
is thought that a half m illion people will tion and he has turned out a splendid
i witness the event.
class of work.
..— c — =—
The inauguration of G rover C leveland
Because of tin s f««ol •‘««tie-dazzle of the
a president of th e U n ited State« will i lection of U.
~ ¿1
uke place at th e n a tio n a l capitol to- tg re ,
will hkt.-
htorrow, March 4th. T his is tim second to r a fte r M arch Uh, t ‘
time in 30 years th a t a d e m o c ra t has ¡ng adjourned w ithout
b.*en installed as executive officer of this sam e th in g will be scored in favor of the
country, and both tim es C leveland was people’s electing senators in North Da­
the person inaugurated.
kota, M ontana mid W ashington, unless
The Junction City T im es in its last
<#ue intended to be v iru le n t b u t fell
ven tin g a repetition of th is iletieieninj,
these respective legislative bodies quit
th e ir “ playing boss” and get down to
business p retty soon. The idea prevails
.Oto vulgarity. I t a b o u t reached th e
•¡nut when exclusion from th e m ails quite generally th a t the governor can
app o in t a senator in case none is elected.
could have been insisted on, neverthe-
T his is a m istake. The governor has
was too offensive to be allow ed
n oth in g to do with it. Even I’eunoyer
’•thin a decent fam ily circle.—E ugene
c o u ld n 't ap p o in t, and what that man
co u ld n t do th a t is’nt right, no othergov-
There is a mean girl in W asco, and the ’ ern o r need try .—Medford Mail.
*°ryof her m eanness has ju s t le a k e d ]
. i
«ot Shu u .i i •
T he Eugene cannery is to lie operated
*«• Hie bet a kiss ag ain st a d o lla r w ith
. . . . . .
ami the
^ed ito r of the Wasco News th a t ll a r - I
m anagers have commenced work early
Wn would be elected.
T h e stake-1
bolder of ♦ i.o .c.ii
to in su re a prosperous year so far as it is
the dollar was a hoin elv old
in th e ir power. They are already mak­
. ' an(l when th e aforesaid e d ito r
ing arrangem ents to seeftre an abun­
’ *‘<»e.l the kiss from th e girl lie was
' diy informed th a t th e stak e h o ld e r dance of ttie vegetables wanted and the
prosja'cts are th a t the fruit crop will lie
‘*‘1 both hets and would c h eerfu lly de-
a b u n d a n t. In this case we predict that
"'l"r them on dem and.
j th
- e - cannery * will net Ja handsome profit
itb the th e rm o m e te r dow n in the * from tlie season’s operations. TI,Êre
•uti of fifty-three degrees lielow zero no d o u b t th a t money can be inaile in tire
‘n X“rl,‘ Dakota, th e w rite r, w ho sp e n t fru it and vegetable canning business if
**he years in th a t c o u n try , lias no do- J conducted properly, ami there it no r»*a-
n '’ul1. “ 1« muet « « « In , |#|M, will be ss appended
,l’'»lrV'l by neither the legisls. Itaker
lure nor the people. 1 therefore veto Baker, deputy, .
Benton......... .
till! hill.”
t “ Annanins Senators" is tlm title with Cliiekanuts, deputy,
Clatsop , .............
:b Senators Alley and YeaU-h have
Columbia , , ,
til dubbed by the “ Annanias" June-
in City Times in a “ Sapphira” article Cruhk
dished in that paper. Console your- [Curry
our worthy coiiteiii|K*iary, with the Douglas
Douglas, deputies,
that o| the great host of county di-
scheaies onlv one | k > sm ‘ sh «»1 sol G ra n t...
merit to ¡ miss both branches of the liarney
Iw om e a lav^. Rest as- Jacksm .
: ». • «
- y W '" -
•» •--■ « -i
tie tow usiti» IxNMre s i i i M i i «
Grove and Junction City. But k e ep 1 Linn
your eve on the coast lor a few years,
. . . . . . .
in Malheur, deputy,
and you will hear a dull thud that will ^
shake the proposed county of Blaine to n Marlon, depuths,
realising sense of its vain hops of ever ; Morrow
.. .
lad ng able to ugain raise the county dl- Polk
vision question.
> Tillamook
Tomorrow will mark a »lay of great ; ' instills
hilarity among the democrats through-
out the country, for that is lire time set
for Cleveland’s inauguration. It is pro- [ Wasco
. .
,»ohc«l by the democrats of this state to Washington
W ashington, deputy,
secure from the the \ amwover l>srra<l»s
,H" "
two cannon w ith which to invade the Yamhill, deputy,..
• ••
state, bombarding Portland and doing
lu Multnomali county lire clerks of tire
much serious injury in direct opposition county ami circuit eourt will receive
ISB09each wlili tits«)for deputies.
to the will of his eicellsncy, H vhe.ter
P enno/er, on this «si-anion. But that
worthy gentleman is at present so busy
A flue farm of 1H0 arrsa situated on
vetoing the hasty ami unne«‘<»aaarv legis­ the laikes Mouth from Florerw-e. Thia
lation of the state’s solon’s hut r«rmitly ranch is mostly abler ami vine maple
butfemi land, having ne«rly a mile lake
adjourned that he will have n«» thm to
frontage. Ten acres uiwler »nltlvatbm
repel the invasion ami discoiu’e rt tlm and ft more siaslirei ; a g«*»l »»r< l»ar»l jest
plana ’ft
«»I w
eav invaders. Only . one cours» Ullin j||U>
.ss.-r | -<lir,h- , ft rooms io » frame
¡ |„ |t; y,« Marine Ca«leta, »I Eugene,
that is o iled »“.I |-«j» r - l . g - - l
ami stork »»I all kinds will
U e
,tf Captain
- v . . r v in e f l l i s
* Uh U“*
l’r t'
with two mortars, will use « y
, . ru . r llt U ril , i j .»«», »i,«
in th eir power to «|Uell the disturbance ,^,1 (.M, h Mh,| „ .» ..„ ..p k tin ,, given for
and put at rest tire min«l of oor moat u U tM r. Apply for furtlo-r particular,
* to return. A lthough we becam e son why th e business should not prosper
’Jtty well acclim ated we have since ! in th is locality. I t is very desiroot that worthy ami foaailisad aascntlvs <»m« er, Bt t |,i, ,,m«e.
^«ngel our modes of pleasu re from ! th e fruit in d n strv be worked up to g'wsl Sylvester I’ennoyer.
’\'uv. f i l i n ’r ic d H I ' t l l i n t r J*
big with blizzards and frozen up 1 proportiona in tho surronnding <*ountry,
— —————■
10-iinge jo u rn a l w ill I *
,'*7' ’ **
i j|j| ( |l(, stihscrilrer* o f I mk
11 '.iK-ters to Oregon s u n sh in e an d and th ere is nothing th at will build up
Tl,e M h lM i .iq w iiw l •«
»“ ,l" :
T h u h ". ™i Hir.1. » r
tu*I -^Eiy-dav—an d
jjp e u ,e tiiis in d u stry b etter or quicker than a
U* ”
n|| o|d a* w ell a*
cannery ami evaporator.— Cleveland’s administration is aa follows
W alter Q. Greaham, »4 Indiana, seere ¡|pW
|rtmBt K»-mewtirr it n w ta
______ _________
R egister
. » i.
i i.t«
von only two dollar« f°r two | * -
i ' - ; r ’ “1 I» '- ,
........... .
. a „ (-•
' 11 1 «‘f »re th e W ashin g to n iegis-
T he govern..................
John G. Carlisle.
crim e to
to handle
h a n d l« lot
l . t law
law last
last week,
w»s*k. i loH
ow ia ,
a t t hi* «»ffi’w
, n ,;king - ,t — a crime
"•■»I « i m o . u r « b, r lllh lM< p r o p e r lz t m er, !11(e. ,,wWIKi0< u . d i - , i j . w . « I t . O - «*• •— » r -
'B’Be well, th a n k you — M edford successful