1 » Florence, Lane Comity^Oregun, Friday, March :!. Voi. 3. 1893. No. n;. The mayor of P o rtla n d w ill receive labeled h as been amended so as togapply! the a year, ami th e governor of O regon only to fish packed outside of th e state fentatives. House bill No. ,7ftt a»uen«l-1 **•)' of war. Iamm ilh, of Georgia, secretary >1 .................. ” • objecting to handling fish except that lllUCh better will “ W eeding K a n s a s ” feel tion for the last two years. It has se- tire interior. bearing th e ir own labels, the.v prefevntg cure«! that w hich every vltiaen should *E Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, m-c- when her two let go.________ to assum e th e responsibility for th e good desire, the aeereev and sanctity of the ,iUV oi agriculture, After all, what is th e re in politics? or bad q uality of the article handled' k ballot. The citizens of Oregon have la»- hh-hanl Olney, of Msseachusetts, nt Harrison has appointed a d e m o crat to th e m , The bill in its amended form will come familiar with its provisions, and toruey-general. the supreme bench, C leveland will m ake no d o u b t become a law. objections plausible at the time of its " ‘‘non s. Bisrell, of \ ew York, | a » t - »republican secretary of sta te , an d th e I A wail of surprise was beard in the enactment are fruitless now, after a sue- '»»»hr-gcneral. populists of Kansas have elected a dem ­ W ashington legislature lust week when ceeiful trial., Although doubtless not I SALARIES, erit to the United S tates sen ate. it known th a t the ».ate p rin tln , ‘" “ m W . O.o eir,-., the cha„w pro-1 T,„. , y„ .... ... ...... There are thirty-six n u rseries in O re­ olliee had cost W ashington about « ll« ,w w ' ’ ’ " '" " M ** , Iff. au,I ele.k. la tin . .ta t. . . . , .......t ,.| gon, covering 1570 acres, and c o n ta in in g d u rin g the past two years, a sum o v o j » • the »a nvy .......... hall,,., „ »bout 9,000,000 young trees, a n d th e re *80,000 greater than had been estim at, d i " ' " ' ' 0 1er «ate Tl,e d Jll|y »reabout 100,000 acres of grow ing trees, one-half in prunes, one-fourth in apples, une-tenth in pears, etc. O regon will doubtless become a g re a t fru it s ta te . 1*.a u s are now being devised (or p r i e r ' " '" 1'’' th e m ain cause of which was the p rin t­ ing of a vast num ber of elaborate reports Four years ago G rover C leveland rode ! of state officers, said reports mostly to the capitol sitting on th e rig h t of Ben-1 finding th e ir way into waste baskets ¡»min Harrison, and a q u a rte r of a m il­ th ro u g h o u t th e state. No blam e is a t­ lion people looked on. T his tim e M r. tached to S tate P rin ter W hite for this Harrison will sit on th e rig h t of M r. state of offairs, for his m anagem ent of Cleveland during th e sh o rt rid e, an d it th e office has given universal satisfac­ is thought that a half m illion people will tion and he has turned out a splendid i witness the event. class of work. - ..— c — =— The inauguration of G rover C leveland Because of tin s f««ol •‘««tie-dazzle of the t *«3 a president of th e U n ited State« will i lection of U. ~ ¿1 uke place at th e n a tio n a l capitol to- tg re , will hkt.- “ htorrow, March 4th. T his is tim second to r a fte r M arch Uh, t ‘ time in 30 years th a t a d e m o c ra t has ¡ng adjourned w ithout >e. b.*en installed as executive officer of this sam e th in g will be scored in favor of the country, and both tim es C leveland was people’s electing senators in North Da­ the person inaugurated. kota, M ontana mid W ashington, unless The Junction City T im es in its last <#ue intended to be v iru le n t b u t fell P"""'1 ven tin g a repetition of th is iletieieninj, these respective legislative bodies quit th e ir “ playing boss” and get down to business p retty soon. The idea prevails .Oto vulgarity. I t a b o u t reached th e •¡nut when exclusion from th e m ails quite generally th a t the governor can app o in t a senator in case none is elected. could have been insisted on, neverthe- T his is a m istake. The governor has was too offensive to be allow ed n oth in g to do with it. Even I’eunoyer ’•thin a decent fam ily circle.—E ugene c o u ld n 't ap p o in t, and what that man Oiiard. co u ld n t do th a t is’nt right, no othergov- There is a mean girl in W asco, and the ’ ern o r need try .—Medford Mail. *°ryof her m eanness has ju s t le a k e d ] T ? . i «ot Shu u .i i • • T he Eugene cannery is to lie operated *«• Hie bet a kiss ag ain st a d o lla r w ith . . . . . . . „ on business principles this year, ami the ^ed ito r of the Wasco News th a t ll a r - I m anagers have commenced work early Wn would be elected. T h e stake-1 . - bolder of ♦ i.o .c.ii , . to in su re a prosperous year so far as it is the dollar was a hoin elv old in th e ir power. They are already mak­ . ' an(l when th e aforesaid e d ito r ing arrangem ents to seeftre an abun­ ’ *‘<»e.l the kiss from th e girl lie was ' diy informed th a t th e stak e h o ld e r dance of ttie vegetables wanted and the prosja'cts are th a t the fruit crop will lie ‘*‘1 both hets and would c h eerfu lly de- a b u n d a n t. In this case we predict that "'l"r them on dem and. ... j th - e - cannery * will net Ja handsome profit itb the th e rm o m e te r dow n in the * from tlie season’s operations. TI,Êre •uti of fifty-three degrees lielow zero no d o u b t th a t money can be inaile in tire ‘n X“rl,‘ Dakota, th e w rite r, w ho sp e n t fru it and vegetable canning business if **he years in th a t c o u n try , lias no do- J conducted properly, ami there it no r»*a- n '’ul1. “ 1« muet « « « In , |#|M, will be ss appended ,l’'»lrV'l by neither the legisls. Itaker lure nor the people. 1 therefore veto Baker, deputy, . Benton......... . till! hill.” ('laekamns t “ Annanins Senators" is tlm title with Cliiekanuts, deputy, Clatsop , ............. :b Senators Alley and YeaU-h have Columbia , , , . til dubbed by the “ Annanias" June- in City Times in a “ Sapphira” article Cruhk dished in that paper. Console your- [Curry .... our worthy coiiteiii|K*iary, with the Douglas Douglas, deputies, that o| the great host of county di- Gilliam scheaies onlv one | k > sm ‘ sh «»1 sol G ra n t... merit to ¡ miss both branches of the liarney Iw om e a lav^. Rest as- Jacksm . : ». • « - y W '" - •» •--■ « -i tie tow usiti» IxNMre s i i i M i i « : Grove and Junction City. But k e ep 1 Linn your eve on the coast lor a few years, ‘ .... . . . . . . . in Malheur, deputy, and you will hear a dull thud that will ^ (| shake the proposed county of Blaine to n Marlon, depuths, realising sense of its vain hops of ever ; Morrow .. . lad ng able to ugain raise the county dl- Polk Sherman vision question. > Tillamook Tomorrow will mark a »lay of great ; ' instills hilarity among the democrats through- out the country, for that is lire time set for Cleveland’s inauguration. It is pro- [ Wasco . . ,»ohc«l by the democrats of this state to Washington W ashington, deputy, secure from the the \ amwover l>srra .ss.-r | -