The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, December 09, 1892, Image 8

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    T H E
— AT—
F lorence ,
ta in Jaco b so n , an entirely new
th e G re a t Siuslaw , with a carrvinl *"
p acity of 140,000 feet of lumber, sliL^i
up in th e offing, and at a time
w ind and tid e best suited, the P;,H!'!'
beaded h is well-rigged craft in this di"
rection an d cam e sailing in over the I
as easily an d sm oothly a 0 a duck Ih,^
i i o n a n . H m , . p o m o itt n n , n n ! rl . T’liio
T U !,»...
^ O
i , .
Rose Ilill cannery com pany la being
th e incongruous, massive arch, when
its taxes.
A otite»
pay -
ipeneu to
l ” I’»*/
4.1 »1
compare«! io u.v »----- -----
m ore I are
th a t th e . can
are now
now posted
posted advertised
. . not ■
.'j-kM »»»/“kt**-*
ne,l s »„no„ a tta c . h ^ . eon,C
u n -
e Ol,n
a g o .a tl o
the building, would
have V
more are
i re o Slum’-'“ *..........-
noticeable than now.
,j tQ satiajfv the am ount due
—Juv G onU , th e .„ ¡llio n a lre -g re n te a t,
O regon of .in n ',,''„ ïl E lic l I
. j “ X ' 1Ma Hnr.1, while engage,! in.load-
L ank Ç ouxty ,
I gumption. His wealth will reach very |
^ ^ X ^ X m
near an hundred million dollars.
\ <* niP
f r ,'„ r , two by four wblcb of b a n I rancw co for tw en ty -« v en d ,,.
- D r e w Severy is now bead engineer j ac «, ow down
from tl o wbnrf a b o y n .! » " d o( “ >“ rs* ™ n „„„te,„l
on steam er Mink. H is papers, giving
was thrown down
sto rm . The , captain
T * 1" , savs
S“-VS tlm
B F A llky ,
E ditor . him the right to so handle the little The
wound was patched up w ith court , , . ,
A. S. B l iio n , Local E d ito r and M anagei.
lasted tw elve days, but that Sunday
plaster, and is now healing nicely.
boat, arrived a week or more ago.
N ovem ber 27, was the day that cap^j
_T he recently elected officers in He-
__M. F. Parker, II. M. C ham berlin
th e m ail for roughness. His glass-
-T er m s : <2.00 a yeur in advance.----- ceta Lodge, I. 6 . O. F., a re : M. D. L an­ and T he W est have each “ th ro w n ’ b a ro m e ter—w ent down to 28.82, which
dis, N. G .; J* L. Furnish, \ . G. 5 M. J*. their coats, buckled on th e ir work h a r­
is low er th a n th e gentleman in all his
Parker F. H .; Win. B ernbadt, llec. Secy. nesses and donated several days work y ears of sea voyaging ever saw it before'
E ntered a t th e post-office a t Florence,
_There is no m
istaking th e responsi- to the
There are sev-
— l l l r i c IC
u iio v iiiM
tllt^ sidewalk scheme.
Lane county, Oregon, as second-class
S team er C hance came in Saturday
; hility oi rio ra c t, vm««*,
j eral otners woo >< «*■ w a s benefited
m ail m atter.
jew eler of Eugene, hence work sent him wbo have ag yet failed to answ er at roll- from Y aq u in a, and left yesterday f,,r
Coos bay an d possibly Portland. She
will receive prom pt attention and war- : . call.
certain Republican bet a h a t b ro u g h t in tw o push cars for the govern-
—The Fair which was to have been | wJtb ft I)emocrat t fiat four inontlis after m e n t, to g e th e r w ith considerable mer­
Lucul n o tice. » cents per line, each insertion.
given by the Missionary Society of th e j 0 |eve|an,p8 inauguration every woolen ch an d ise, an d took out 1500 cases of
Presbyterian church a t a «late hetwetm nijj| ¡n t ,,e U nited States would sh u t salm on for th e Rose H ill cannery, twen­
W E S T L IN Ö S .
now ami C hristm as, has been p »stponed I d
Tbe Kepuhlican has already got ty-five b a rre ls of salt salmon for J. A.
the hat, as the Democrat lias discovered M cLeod, th e sam e am ount forO. B. Ja.
—We are enjoying th e brightest and indefinitely.
su n n iest of days
_T he largest am ount of tram -w av th at woolen mills always sh u t down on cobson an d th e household effects belong­
ing to J o h n G argnier.
—C aptain Sm ith has purchased the p,|ing was driven last week a t the goy- the Fourth of J u lv .
, elling
e ..........................
m in e n t work, th a t has been driven in
___ dw
„ house
—Died— On W ednesday of th is week,
G argnier
M erch an t K yle has promised that the
Knowles A G ettvs report a lively th e sam e length of tim e since th e work ¡nfant (ia„ghter of M r. and M rs. F . A. G reat Siuslaw shall soon have a much
j Fox. Interm ent in Florence cem etery larger an d regularly built tugboat. If
j commenced.
tra d e a t their Seaton store.
afternoon ...
at two o ’clock. These B illy does th is T he W est will herald the
,, iio .................
— Morris Bros, will have a big stock of , — H enry Nelson, who has been a t this
the cold grasp ¿of death glad new s m an y miles distant and will
holiday goods—d o n 't forget it.
Mr H|1)j M,.rt w p. Phipps h a v e ! treatm en t, is reported as greatly im - are callcil upon to m ourn, have th e in sist upon all hands duly worshiping
moved to Acme to remain perm anently, proved and expected to retu rn to l'lor- warmest sym pathy of all our people in th is god am ong m en who thus opens the
, . , . , cnee now p retty toon.
’ this their hour of griet and affliction.
gatew ay to th e commercial world.
—M asons meet, to-morrow at I o clock
|„ FI, -ro ll« . Ilv ,,r.l. r ,,f An,,» I b „ h ell,
- l b , v p aten t
nee nt Mny, r A
- H e x , w som ething th a t nil on, o,<l
Schooner D anielson was towed to sea
W .M .
K y le's—b ig . Htwk. Yon are not ti„.wa
„dead on to.
b u t it may
, .
now, bu t vou may be. Lay in y stock p;ove of value to new-comers from prat- 3
° _____
—T he talked <»f brass band for F lor-
' ,
nt in
- . .
| for a sick dav while th e asso rtm en t is ' ,.j(. regions: The points of the compass
T he C lietco atnd John McCullough art-
euce seems to have gotten lost in th e
, •
can he told from trees by th e following now loading lum ber at Acme.
I gooil anti prices out ot sight.
The W liisman staure is m aking a poi- simple observation:
The side of the
— Senator Alley returned Tuesday
—A ny am i all kinds of buildingmateri
tion of its trips over th e old road to Sea- tree on w hich most of the moss is found
from a three w eeks’ ram ble through the
i ton. doe informs us th a t th e am o u n t of is the north. If the tree is exposed to al both rough and dressed, at David it
valley country.
travel has greatly decreased, hut is now the sun, its heaviest anil longest limbs S o n ’s G len ad a saw-m ill.
—A supply store-house tor tug Lillian much b etter th an in former years.
will he on the south side.
is being built on th e ex trem e west end
— lleceta, Lodge, I. O. 0 . F., of F lo r­ F O R E IG N E R S WE TALK ABOUT.
—Steam er schooners Chance ami H a r­
of K yle’s wharf.
is rolling up a m em bership w hich
rison indulge«! in a race from Y aquina to
T he q u een of Siam has the smallest
—F. E. Frem ont has his new farm Alsea Friday last, resulting in an easy is crctlitable to old tim e wheel-“ bosses ’
fe e t y et seen on a tith 'd woman. She
residence com pleted ami is now cosily victory for the C hance—“ heat ’er half a who have kept the order forging ahead w ears o n e a n d a h a lf in boots.
ensconced th erein .
T iie oldc .t m an in the world, so far
I mile and done it easy ,' says Purser Dal- and marks way up high on tiie tally
—Some nicr ads. for J . II. McClung, i ton.
sheet big chunks of good judgm ent for as kno w n , is J e su s Campeche, who was
h o rn in S p ain in 1738 and now lives in
S. 11. Friendly and Ed H anson will a p ­
—George McGowan and family left those who have crossed the threshold of
pear in this paper n ex t week.
Florence last week for Lincoln, Nebras­ this brotherhood. The new initiates are
T imothy H e a l y , M. P., the lender of
—J . A. McLeod has shown us some ka. They are to travel by wav of the Marion Morris, John Yates, Leonard th e o p p o n e n ts to reunion in the Irish
second crop pears w hich he picked from Southern Pacific and expect to he sev- C hristensen, Guss Bahhidge and M orti­ o a rty , is th e son of a janitor at the
trecs in his orchanl last week.
Lism ore poorhouse. County o aterfonl.
eral m onths in reaching th e ir destina­ m er Lollis.
H ome S echetaky A sqvith isnotonly
—Those sidewalks so much spoken of
--J o h n G argnier ami fam ilv will tion.
of th e very youngest cabinet of-
leave next week, overland, tor Siletx In­
—Messrs. J . C. Brown ami W. B. Mc­ in T he W est are no longer a thing im-
on reco rd ;” he is declared hj hi?
dian reservation near Y aquina.
C arty ami th e ir families yesterday agin try, but are now an article of daily iu th o rity to be th e most finished of the
—Now is the tim e to pay your su b ­ moved to Point Terrace where they will use and it seems to us th a t men who younger ra c e of parliamentary orators,
them can hut sound long for ‘-restra in e d excellence of style
scription. News costa; you c a n 't even reside for some tim e or so long ns they I travel over
. . .
. ' -
have em ploym ent on tin* Government anti loud, big volumes of praise for the co m p arin g w ith Mr. Gladstone.
get a report from a gun free of charge.
ladies. This week the walk from W est
Du. P e l l e g r in i , who recently re­
— W. W. Neely has greatly improved rock quarries.
th e presidency of the Argontim
th e in terio r of his hotel, and among o th e r
—C has. Harwood lias commenced
a n d th e n withdrew the res'g-
noticeable cliangea is a large double fire­ housekeeping in a part of Me. Rogers’s
d ay o r tw o later, is a o a ive
n ideiicc. near the school-house on the Also a cross walk from Kyle's residence >f th e .B ritish publicist, John Bngh
Rev. M<»ys preached at Ilea«l «»(Tide G leuada side. His stay there is only to Hotel Morris. Tin: W est w ants to ‘ he fo rm e r g en tlem an 's grandinotne
and Point Terrtme last Sunday.
He re­ tem porary
or until his term
of assure the ladies th a t the m ajority of w as a fa v o rite siste r of the latter oa
th e people of Florence appreciate th e ir fa th e r.
ports an increaaetl atten d an ce a t both school expires.
—The derrick at the stone quarry at
M ethodist preiiehing service for Point Terrace, is just being pul in place.
n ext S iiik I iv will Is* belli in G leua ia at Engineer Ricksaeker informs us that the
II o'clock a. m ., aud in Florenct •e at 7 1 work has been delay«*«! oti account
o'clock p. hi .
of a delay in securing the requisite
C ontractor Pace In s team s engaged lengths of tim ber.
hauling into tow n, ami storing, tie* sev­
—“ W here did you get th a t’’----- Mey­
eral articles which w en’ used for grading er A Kyle have as tine a line of hats as
at llccctu H ead,
was ever brought to Flon*iiee. As a
— E. L. Pcrkshire. wife and two cliil- m atter of laet they are just a little
d re ii. cairn* to th e ir home near Seaton mi slicker than any thing that ever shower!
Tiie»«lay s stage alter an absence of sev­ up in this m an's tow it.
eral m oiitlis in th e valley.
— ltv th e n*c«>iiiim*n«iatioii of Hei'etn
lotlge the G rand M aster of the Odd Fel-
lows «»rder for Oregon has n.a«it M. F.
P ark er a iUstrivt D eputy.
— S u n sh in e ! N othing but sunshine
mill sum m er w e a th e r! is th is w inter?
li -o it is tenudiug pleasingly close onto
ot giorioun
m er.
Io* jnslals
,H*.hds ol
gloi ions sum
The jui! at Eugene is i i :«:iu. « an -
plctim i. H is a nice b u ild in g , h u t if the
si.*m* uivti now e x ten d in g to an ii,«p r
T he
II«' who keeps a record of arrivals and 16-page jo u rn a l will be sent free t«
departures for the G reat Siuslaw harbor, ¡all th e subscribers of T he ^ k T
has been kept more than ordinarily
who pay one year’s subscript'11
for the past week! Sunday,
schooner John McCullough, C aptain in advance. T his liberal offer a|
ih n ry Hubs, sailed in over the bar and
was towed to the Kyle wharf. She was plies alik e to all old as
twelve days out from Sail Francisco, and , new patrons. Remeinbet it c0 j
her captain reports a pretty rough trip .! yon only tw o dollars for
At one tim e, and for a period of nine i pers. Sam ple copies can be
—Theologians tell us that the next hours, he says his vessel and the crew ’s '
\\ «tri«! s l a i r — ! lla«l Biela s comet lives would not have brought a five c e n t ! at tills office.
tntiled a few millions of milci closer to nickle if placed on the m arket. There
ns a wi ck or so ng*», we would probable was a fearful gale from the sou-west
now l>e in a pt.-ition to write anthem : and the vessel was being driven along
l and Office at li'jsebun:. < tfie’f.dl« »: “
is*'?. Notice is hereby g
' (>r jnte, ■
« ‘ ally upon the subject,
before it at the rate of twelve miles an nam ed settler has flled »‘»t.« t <J f cI.C’1' Vi
to m ake linai proof in supi*' ■ ,orP the L'
n ak- ...............
"*th only • * four feet 1 of esui8
sails soroaii
,iuy 1'.
on*P’"*e ,
tv pe<
pc pie
pie of
«H I I iddle
io n ie creek
creek a are
rc mak-
8'»roan. t'.iat
that said proof w ill he m»“
' . . v. <jrer>n*g'
i«.g pre,’«rations f . . -r
a v Christmas
rs were on dei'k at both
bow m
1t llupîay.’3a..u(uy
. *’
a n s , m a s lre e I ^ ^ io .................................................
m | j ^ I‘^ » 3 ^ m ; ! y m
m ,’Satan
i t i « t
• G \ ar i..
1 • t. 1 'h
« irin
1 g . f the
i. lime hours contin- Melissa Baker.
. * • HoinesteiM
• ___ «»il t n UmL^^^!»^
■ n yr.
ami «-xlut-ition.
“ types'' tell von .of
8 ,e
rn * <
in «n**1 In r co lu m n ( I n t th e tree w ill |>,.! ,,a h> poured oil on the furious, foaming
\",>f section 12. tp. L
»‘«*l«l on “ C h ristm a s e v e n in .:.“ I f , a i « * '0 8 to keep them from breaking onto '
m is t a k e ; it sh o u ld rea l C h ristm a s vveJ th e d w k and swnm ping the vessel.
I «.hsahU nnd. viz;
I ’ *‘ i
t ’ •>' tc th a t t l .e i
W c«ines«’.a y .
sd ^T n cr
Chet«*.., C a p - '