T H E W EST. — PU B I.IN H BD BVBKV FR ID A Y — AT— F lorence , ta in Jaco b so n , an entirely new th e G re a t Siuslaw , with a carrvinl *" p acity of 140,000 feet of lumber, sliL^i up in th e offing, and at a time w ind and tid e best suited, the P;,H!'!' beaded h is well-rigged craft in this di" rection an d cam e sailing in over the I as easily an d sm oothly a 0 a duck Ih,^ i i o n a n . H m , . p o m o itt n n , n n ! rl . T’liio T U !,»... ^ O ,^ i , . Rose Ilill cannery com pany la being th e incongruous, massive arch, when its taxes. A otite» compelled pay - ipeneu to l ” I’»*/ 4.1 »1 pared to the oth er architecture of compare«! io u.v »----- ----- m ore I are th a t th e . can are now now posted posted advertised ad . . not ■ .'j-kM »»»/“kt**-* ne,l s »„no„ a tta c . h ^ . eon,C u n - e Ol,n a g o .a tl o the building, would have V been more are -------- i re o Slum’-'“ *..........- , MORNING. noticeable than now. j ,j tQ satiajfv the am ount due —Juv G onU , th e .„ ¡llio n a lre -g re n te a t, O regon of .in n ',,''„ ïl E lic l I a n . j “ X ' 1Ma Hnr.1, while engage,! in.load- L ank Ç ouxty , I gumption. His wealth will reach very | ^ ^ X ^ X m near an hundred million dollars. • \ <* niP f r ,'„ r , two by four wblcb of b a n I rancw co for tw en ty -« v en d ,,. (•■bll.h.rH. - D r e w Severy is now bead engineer j ac «, ow down A L L E Y A ML1TON. from tl o wbnrf a b o y n .! » " d o( “ >“ rs* ™ n „„„te,„l on steam er Mink. H is papers, giving was thrown down sto rm . The , captain T * 1" , savs S“-VS tlm B F A llky , • E ditor . him the right to so handle the little The wound was patched up w ith court , , . , A. S. B l iio n , Local E d ito r and M anagei. lasted tw elve days, but that Sunday plaster, and is now healing nicely. boat, arrived a week or more ago. N ovem ber 27, was the day that cap^j _T he recently elected officers in He- __M. F. Parker, II. M. C ham berlin th e m ail for roughness. His glass- -T er m s : <2.00 a yeur in advance.----- ceta Lodge, I. 6 . O. F., a re : M. D. L an­ and T he W est have each “ th ro w n ’ b a ro m e ter—w ent down to 28.82, which dis, N. G .; J* L. Furnish, \ . G. 5 M. J*. their coats, buckled on th e ir work h a r­ is low er th a n th e gentleman in all his Parker F. H .; Win. B ernbadt, llec. Secy. nesses and donated several days work y ears of sea voyaging ever saw it before' E ntered a t th e post-office a t Florence, _There is no m istaking th e responsi- to the There are sev- — l l l r i c IC u iio v iiiM tllt^ sidewalk scheme. Lane county, Oregon, as second-class hility of Horace C rain, the old pioneer otbers who wili be largely S team er C hance came in Saturday ; hility oi rio ra c t, vm««*, « j eral otners woo >< «*■ w a s benefited m ail m atter. . . . i .. ani.f lllltt « tf.il.4 -^ nnOU’Uf fit r.lil- jew eler of Eugene, hence work sent him wbo have ag yet failed to answ er at roll- from Y aq u in a, and left yesterday f,,r Coos bay an d possibly Portland. She will receive prom pt attention and war- : . call. A I’- ! ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON ........ j certain Republican bet a h a t b ro u g h t in tw o push cars for the govern- runted. PLICATION. —The Fair which was to have been | wJtb ft I)emocrat t fiat four inontlis after m e n t, to g e th e r w ith considerable mer­ Lucul n o tice. » cents per line, each insertion. given by the Missionary Society of th e j 0 |eve|an,p8 inauguration every woolen ch an d ise, an d took out 1500 cases of Presbyterian church a t a «late hetwetm nijj| ¡n t ,,e U nited States would sh u t salm on for th e Rose H ill cannery, twen­ W E S T L IN Ö S . now ami C hristm as, has been p »stponed I d Tbe Kepuhlican has already got ty-five b a rre ls of salt salmon for J. A. the hat, as the Democrat lias discovered M cLeod, th e sam e am ount forO. B. Ja. —We are enjoying th e brightest and indefinitely. su n n iest of days _T he largest am ount of tram -w av th at woolen mills always sh u t down on cobson an d th e household effects belong­ ing to J o h n G argnier. —C aptain Sm ith has purchased the p,|ing was driven last week a t the goy- the Fourth of J u lv . , elling ------ e .......................... m in e n t work, th a t has been driven in ___ dw ______ „ house —Died— On W ednesday of th is week, G argnier M erch an t K yle has promised that the Knowles A G ettvs report a lively th e sam e length of tim e since th e work ¡nfant (ia„ghter of M r. and M rs. F . A. G reat Siuslaw shall soon have a much j Fox. Interm ent in Florence cem etery larger an d regularly built tugboat. If j commenced. tra d e a t their Seaton store. afternoon ... at two o ’clock. These B illy does th is T he W est will herald the ,, iio ................. — Morris Bros, will have a big stock of , — H enry Nelson, who has been a t this .......... „ ......... Portland for some tim e um ler surgical parents who, by the cold grasp ¿of death glad new s m an y miles distant and will holiday goods—d o n 't forget it. Mr H|1)j M,.rt w p. Phipps h a v e ! treatm en t, is reported as greatly im - are callcil upon to m ourn, have th e in sist upon all hands duly worshiping moved to Acme to remain perm anently, proved and expected to retu rn to l'lor- warmest sym pathy of all our people in th is god am ong m en who thus opens the , . , . , cnee now p retty toon. ’ this their hour of griet and affliction. gatew ay to th e commercial world. —M asons meet, to-morrow at I o clock . ., |„ FI, -ro ll« . Ilv ,,r.l. r ,,f An,,» I b „ h ell, - l b , v p aten t nee nt Mny, r A - H e x , w som ething th a t nil on, o,f th e .B ritish publicist, John Bngh Rev. M<»ys preached at Ilea«l «»(Tide G leuada side. His stay there is only to Hotel Morris. Tin: W est w ants to ‘ he fo rm e r g en tlem an 's grandinotne and Point Terrtme last Sunday. He re­ tem porary or until his term of assure the ladies th a t the m ajority of w as a fa v o rite siste r of the latter oa th e people of Florence appreciate th e ir fa th e r. ports an increaaetl atten d an ce a t both school expires. efforts. places. —The derrick at the stone quarry at M ethodist preiiehing service for Point Terrace, is just being pul in place. n ext S iiik I iv will Is* belli in G leua ia at Engineer Ricksaeker informs us that the II o'clock a. m ., aud in Florenct •e at 7 1 work has been delay«*«! oti account o'clock p. hi . of a delay in securing the requisite C ontractor Pace In s team s engaged lengths of tim ber. hauling into tow n, ami storing, tie* sev­ —“ W here did you get th a t’’----- Mey­ eral articles which w en’ used for grading er A Kyle have as tine a line of hats as at llccctu H ead, was ever brought to Flon*iiee. As a — E. L. Pcrkshire. wife and two cliil- m atter of laet they are just a little d re ii. cairn* to th e ir home near Seaton mi slicker than any thing that ever shower! Tiie»«lay s stage alter an absence of sev­ up in this m an's tow it. eral m oiitlis in th e valley. — ltv th e n*c«>iiiim*n«iatioii of Hei'etn lotlge the G rand M aster of the Odd Fel- lows «»rder for Oregon has n.a«it M. F. P ark er a iUstrivt D eputy. — S u n sh in e ! N othing but sunshine mill sum m er w e a th e r! is th is w inter? li -o it is tenudiug pleasingly close onto tli<* ot giorioun m er. Io* jnslals ,H*.hds ol gloi ions sum Slimmer. The jui! at Eugene is i i :«:iu. « an - plctim i. H is a nice b u ild in g , h u t if the si.*m* uivti now e x ten d in g to an ii,«p r ABOUT BOATS. T he II«' who keeps a record of arrivals and 16-page jo u rn a l will be sent free t« departures for the G reat Siuslaw harbor, ¡all th e subscribers of T he ^ k T has been kept more than ordinarily who pay one year’s subscript'11 busy for the past week! Sunday, schooner John McCullough, C aptain in advance. T his liberal offer a| ih n ry Hubs, sailed in over the bar and was towed to the Kyle wharf. She was plies alik e to all old as twelve days out from Sail Francisco, and , new patrons. Remeinbet it c0 j her captain reports a pretty rough trip .! yon only tw o dollars for At one tim e, and for a period of nine i pers. Sam ple copies can be —Theologians tell us that the next hours, he says his vessel and the crew ’s ' \\ «tri«! s l a i r — ! lla«l Biela s comet lives would not have brought a five c e n t ! at tills office. tntiled a few millions of milci closer to nickle if placed on the m arket. There ns a wi ck or so ng*», we would probable was a fearful gale from the sou-west NOTICE FOR - now l>e in a pt.-ition to write anthem : and the vessel was being driven along l and Office at li'jsebun:. < tfie’f.dl« »: “ is*'?. Notice is hereby g n ' (>r jnte, ■ « ‘ ally upon the subject, before it at the rate of twelve miles an nam ed settler has flled »‘»t.« t n*g' i«.g pre,’«rations f . . -r a v Christmas rs were on dei'k at both bow m ami 1t llupîay.’3a..u(uy . *’ a n s , m a s lre e I ^ ^ io ................................................. ................. m | j ^ I‘^ » 3 ^ m ; ! y m m ,’Satan lav. i t i « t • G \ ar i.. od» 1 • t. 1 'h « irin 1 g . f the i. lime hours contin- Melissa Baker. . * • HoinesteiM • ___ «»il t n UmL^^^!»^ ■ n yr. ami «-xlut-ition. “ types'' tell von .of 8 ,e rn * < a1"* in «n**1 In r co lu m n ( I n t th e tree w ill |>,.! ,,a h> poured oil on the furious, foaming \",>f section 12. tp. L t" »‘«*l«l on “ C h ristm a s e v e n in .:.“ I f , a i « * '0 8 to keep them from breaking onto ' m is t a k e ; it sh o u ld rea l C h ristm a s vveJ th e d w k and swnm ping the vessel. I «.hsahU nnd. viz; 1 1‘ I ’ *‘ i t ’ •>' tc th a t t l .e i W c«ines«’.a y . sd ^T n cr Chet«*.., C a p - '