The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 11, 1892, Image 4

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another table loaded with dispatch box­
es, and on yet another in a large silver
H eeret o f Civic L'lesnllue««*
, i.
41 innnm salver, on which she places document.
It co»., 1 a n , annually over »1,100,000 „„ , he „ „ done »¡,h them. When thia
to keep * her well-deserved reputation
of is full it is carried
. off „ to Sir
c. H
H enry Pon-
ro n
being .be c lean « , of all great citle,.
O u r W in te r Stock
O f Boo te_a ndS h o es
We have
j u s t Received
An immense line of Dry Goods, H as arriv ed . F ine assortment lb,*
* " .................p„c t , , hem ,,p ,or ¿„»patch. One of the
both ladies and gentlemen. p()
Fancy Goods, Ladies Hoods,
A copy of th e first dictionary, made
prom inent object8 in the room is a
not tail to ask lor our famous
Fascinators, Infants’ Hoods and
by Chinese scholars It. C. 110«, is said jurgu ca8el bearing an excellent p ortrait
Ja c k an d J ill children school
Sacks. Conic early for bargains
to be still preserved among th e archives q[
p r jnee Con8ort.
shoe—all sizes.
—before supply is exhausted.
of the Celestials.
A Hug«* M agnet.
H o m e's W a te r Hupply«
A party of hunters desiring to rest,
The people of Rome get th e ir supply laid th eir guns on a flat rock near Iron-
of w ater, which is rem arkably pure, ton, Missouri.
Instantly th e guns
from tlie A pennines through an aque- moved from the rock and leaped toward
duct th a t was constructed two thousand * b
booIderB0,1M)few feet distant. The
years ago.
boulder proved to he magnetic iren ore.
Tii<* I,ar.»*at C opper
M in t* .
Fresh stock always on hand.
W e w ill close out our entire line
of S traw Goods. Those desir­
Well Selected
ing a ’w ay down bargain will
call a t once. These goods will
Stock of Hats. In th is line we ex­
go a t h a lf price.
cel all competitors.
Q u eer W ood.
T he largest copper producing mine in
th e world is th e C alum et and Heeia,
H oughton Co., Mich. It has a capital
stock of $2,5(M),tMM), and in th e last tw en­
ty years has paid its stockholders $37.-
H5(I,(M)O. Two thousand men are em ­
ployed at a pay roll of $200,000 a m onth.
For a
Few Days
Groceries, G roceries!
The Falkland islands produce no trees,
hu t they do produce wood in a very re­
m arkable sha]*e. You w ill see, scattered
here and there, singular blocks of w hat
looks like w eather-beaten, mossy gray
stones of various size.
But if you a t­
tem pt to roll over one of these rounded
E>p«*u,l«*<l in C h a rily .
boulders you will find yourself unable to
It is estim ated th a t in the U nited accomplish it. In fact, the stone is tied liar glass-like snap, w ithout having
States the annual expenditure for public | tJüWn U) ü)e gronnd_ tied down by roots, come in contact with anything and from
charitable institutions is fully $125,000,- i Qr ¡n o tk er wordri( it i(j not a 8tone> b u t no apparent cause. She called her h u s­
(•00, ami not less than $500,(MM),000 t« I a bkM* of iiving wood.
band and he picked her np and started
investe.1 in buildings and equipm ents,
1{o|111„ WHh
s |d n „
hack toward the bedroom with her,
for carrying on th e work of these in sti­
E xtravagance in binding has frequent­ when the bones of both her arm s broke
tutions. In th is estim ate no account is ly furnished an opening for display of in several places with th e sam e peculiar
taken of penitentiaries and jails.
fantastic tricks and fads. In a hooksel- ' snap heard and felt by the woman when
A n A r lllli'lu l S to u r
le r’s catalogue at b a n d a s I w rite is an
I he largest, artificial stone in th e adve,*ti8e ,nOn t of a Latin copy of Apul-
world forms th e base of th e Bartholdi
em s ‘Golden A ss” bound in th e skin o f|
■Intuì. n i liberty on II,■.II,»,', i.l.,1,1, New ' a J e r „!a lc „,
lb „ , „ „ , r b„¡„„ 8tl||
York l„ rl» .r.».....
,to ,„ .
i,„„I,, from broke,, tro p ruck, »,,„,1 „ml ,
,,ute,| Jw arfi
lu „ l, ol »«„,1 „„,1 over 20,000 burr,-I, ol I ro„
B e il
tho first fracture occurred. Mis. Kelly
was carried to her bedroom and laid on
d w a rf. put- Kelly said that, she felt no pain when
edition of F o x ', unv of the fractures occurred, and th at
h er bed, when the bones of her left leg .
“broke in the same m anner. A surgeon
Jeffer), Hudson, was immediately sent for. He set the
, ¡„ th e »ilk broken limbs and bandaged them . Mrs.
A book
A,„vrlc«u ,-un,eut, Fin, hundred our- Wlli>b, „ t
T H E S T E A M E R -— -
l i t u i 15ft ( M i r i
onmont w et. u»,,,l in mnnulncturlog the |d»to,ic„l work., .pecbdlv ilttcd op lor tlie setting and bandaging of her broken
m onster.
Edw ards, th e philosopher, was bound limbs occasioned her not the slightest
W o r k I t o n e b y It,*,*«.
throughout in fox skins, 47 peltsof these discomfort.
Bees m ust, in order to collect a pound little anim als being required tocom plete
The disease is a strange one, and th e
C onnectât Coos Bay and Yaquina with Sun
of clover honey, deprive <12,000 clover the job. O ’C onnell, who so delighted in ! outcome is awaited with a great deal of
Francisco steam ers. of th eir nectar. Io d o this the the possession of a first edition of Ba- curiosity and interest. The physicians 4 Rates, both passenger and freight, are very
<>2,(MM) (lowers must he visited by an ng- con’s works had the en tire set rebound |e»y th e bone breaking is caused by a de- reat)Onable*
or, in other fo pig akin,
always referred to the») ''cieney of animal and a super-abundance
words, to collect bis pound of l.oney one U8 biM “ ,iucon rin e ” books. Burin«' the ° f ” ,ineral “m tter in the bone8' The-V § T E
..... ,
.......................... • Frcncli R evelation,
d o , b ,„ ,lk ,,l S t T b o ' Z o , " " '
to the hive. As lu es are know n to fly for through th e land and m urder lurked in
miles ill quest of suitable fields of «per- i every dark corner,” some of the philoeo-
h , ion, it
M a
T here is a large factory at a
Is clear th a t a single ounce of ,,hers who had become hardened w ith
honey represents millions of miles of t heir nightly revels, “ where sculls were small town near Chicago employ
¡ng about one hundred to one hun
used as drinking cups,” carried their
dred and fifty workers, which is
V (iX'Ml I 1 1 1 ,» t I «
love of the gruesome amt the horrible so
Will make
H u tto n s and C olili,« M ade o f B lo n d .
G O O 5,
• Florence a i Head of f t
W hat is said to he th e largest Incoiiio- far as to rebind whole libraries in hu-
tive m th(* world has just been finished man skin. The w riter of this “ note'
by the New York C entral road. The °>ice had the plcasine of handling
driving-w heels an* 7 feet 3 inches in d i­ copy of a m urderer’s confession which
a m e te r , -1 in num ber, and on each rests was hound in t he tanned skin of the
a w eight of io tons. Exclusive of th e m urderer himself.
te n d er, the engine weighs 120,0 M) pounds
and altogether its length is co feet. O r­
H e r H one« S im p L ik e (<I h ««.
wholly given over to the manufact­
ure of useful articles from waste
animal blood. At certain seasons
of the year this unique factory uses
from 10.000 to 15,ooo gallons of
fresh blood per day. It is tin•st
converted into thin sheets by evap­
oration tin 1 certain chemical pro-
cesses, and afterwards worked up
into a variety of useful articles
such as combs, buttons, earrings
M t clasps, bracelets, ami m m v
I here IS a p*euliar ease near Bari,our-
d in a ry locomotives have driving wheels
ville, M . \ a., which is attracting the nt-
of about 5 feet in diam eter, so those of
tenti,,» of the medical fraternity of that
th is new locomotive are nearly half as
Whole section of country. It is a case of
.......... 1 .......... ....
............... ...
b-'«-n.l I»»»' bn-xklux. „ ¡ ,l„ „ „ »„,.
n io rc a r tic le s
........................ ................. * »
M" K.II,
w ife
, ik(1
T h e «»w ee,,'» W „ r M « , B o o m .
of Prtrr or theee at-tides are sent
j local pbvi>k.i:ui(, and 81>rgvullt, for
o f ,, | H.t , , . r
c a || , l a g i | ita s
W hile she is staving at Balmoral th e
Mrs. Kelly, who is a delicate ladv
Q ueen does h er oflicial work in a v« n was just getting a round a lte ra long and
large sittin g room, sentisi at a huge
w riting table plentifully litter»*,! with
|'H|s*rs, U tte rs am i telegram s, and
adorm sl w ith several family photograplis.
On H er
serious illness, when, a few nights ago
she got out ,4 iH.d ,,„d started down
stairs to get a drink of water,
j W hen but a few steps
l down
-• •• one
ill 4 of
»1 I the
K M IW I .E S , X E E I .V a n d G E T T Y S,
A M A S A F . H I KI». Com m ander.
Stage : Line,
Over Lake Creek Boati,
B E T W E E N E i r e E X E & H E A P o f TIB»..
to all
pm nds. no th is latest creation is nearly Kelly, a well known is the
vie- parts of the world from this Sucker
twice as henry a« th e oixlinary, mid, ab u m „( tb j , peculiar d im ise
which the State in a n tt factory.
together, is truly a nm nater.
G eneral ofliee a t Seaton.
An ice yacht has been known to
travel a mile in one minute and
ten seconds. There is a refresh­
ing coolness in remembering such
a thing.
Leave Eugene Monday and Thursdn.' morn
I.“t,ve Head of Tide Tuesday and Friday «
Whisma n Bros., Proprs
Head of T id e Hotel»
W . W . X E E I .Y . l ’r o p ’r,
Tables fu rn ish e d w ith all the dil
Wild game Fidi
— Look over Meyer w Kyle’s big stock *(’ac*es °f the season,
f wall pap,
in c; season.
Best acconin iod«-
1 1 i « —just leceived. This
« pa- 1 , and Fruit «•»
V KKJV’« » • —
Majestv - light hand stan d s bone- of her right leg br kc v.ith a PecU- 1
tio ns
the traveling public. Charge
b ‘ °" ’
1 reasonable.