HURD &. DAVENPORT, another table loaded with dispatch box­ es, and on yet another in a large silver FACTS AND FIGURES. H eeret o f Civic L'lesnllue««* n , i. 11 41 innnm salver, on which she places document. It co»., 1 a n , annually over »1,100,000 „„ , he „ „ done »¡,h them. When thia to keep * her well-deserved reputation of is full it is carried . off „ to Sir c. H ' H enry Pon- ro n being .be c lean « , of all great citle,. (,on,ent8 O u r W in te r Stock O f Boo te_a ndS h o es We have j u s t Received An immense line of Dry Goods, H as arriv ed . F ine assortment lb,* * " .................p„c t , , hem ,,p ,or ¿„»patch. One of the both ladies and gentlemen. p() Fancy Goods, Ladies Hoods, A copy of th e first dictionary, made prom inent object8 in the room is a not tail to ask lor our famous Fascinators, Infants’ Hoods and by Chinese scholars It. C. 110«, is said jurgu ca8el bearing an excellent p ortrait Ja c k an d J ill children school Sacks. Conic early for bargains to be still preserved among th e archives q[ p r jnee Con8ort. shoe—all sizes. —before supply is exhausted. of the Celestials. A Hug«* M agnet. HURD & MUENPUHT. H o m e's W a te r Hupply« A party of hunters desiring to rest, The people of Rome get th e ir supply laid th eir guns on a flat rock near Iron- of w ater, which is rem arkably pure, ton, Missouri. Instantly th e guns from tlie A pennines through an aque- moved from the rock and leaped toward duct th a t was constructed two thousand * b booIderB0,1M)few feet distant. The years ago. boulder proved to he magnetic iren ore. Tii<* I,ar.»*at C opper M in t* . Fresh stock always on hand. W e w ill close out our entire line of S traw Goods. Those desir­ Well Selected ing a ’w ay down bargain will call a t once. These goods will Stock of Hats. In th is line we ex­ go a t h a lf price. cel all competitors. Q u eer W ood. T he largest copper producing mine in th e world is th e C alum et and Heeia, H oughton Co., Mich. It has a capital stock of $2,5(M),tMM), and in th e last tw en­ ty years has paid its stockholders $37.- H5(I,(M)O. Two thousand men are em ­ ployed at a pay roll of $200,000 a m onth. For a Few Days Groceries, Groceries, G roceries! The Falkland islands produce no trees, hu t they do produce wood in a very re­ m arkable sha]*e. You w ill see, scattered here and there, singular blocks of w hat looks like w eather-beaten, mossy gray stones of various size. But if you a t­ tem pt to roll over one of these rounded E>p«*u,l«* b u t no apparent cause. She called her h u s­ (•00, ami not less than $500,(MM),000 t« I a bkM* of iiving wood. band and he picked her np and started investe.1 in buildings and equipm ents, 1{o|111„ WHh s |d n „ hack toward the bedroom with her, for carrying on th e work of these in sti­ E xtravagance in binding has frequent­ when the bones of both her arm s broke tutions. In th is estim ate no account is ly furnished an opening for display of in several places with th e sam e peculiar taken of penitentiaries and jails. fantastic tricks and fads. In a hooksel- ' snap heard and felt by the woman when HURD & DAVENPORT. A n A r lllli'lu l S to u r le r’s catalogue at b a n d a s I w rite is an I he largest, artificial stone in th e adve,*ti8e ,nOn t of a Latin copy of Apul- world forms th e base of th e Bartholdi em s ‘Golden A ss” bound in th e skin o f| ■Intuì. n i liberty on II,■.II,»,', i.l.,1,1, New ' a J e r „!a lc „, lb „ , „ „ , r b„¡„„ 8tl|| York l„ rl» .r.»..... ,to ,„ . i,„„I,, from broke,, tro p ruck, »,,„,1 „ml , ,,ute,| Jw arfi lu „ l, ol »«„,1 „„,1 over 20,000 burr,-I, ol I ro„ ./ ,, A B e il PORTLAND, OREGON, tho first fracture occurred. Mis. Kelly was carried to her bedroom and laid on d w a rf. put- Kelly said that, she felt no pain when edition of F o x ', unv of the fractures occurred, and th at Chance W ’LL LEA VE ON TH E h er bed, when the bones of her left leg . “broke in the same m anner. A surgeon Jeffer), Hudson, was immediately sent for. He set the , ¡„ th e »ilk broken limbs and bandaged them . Mrs. A book A,„vrlc«u ,-un,eut, Fin, hundred our- Wlli>b, „ t T H E S T E A M E R -— - l i t u i 15ft ( M i r i FO R FL.O SÏEEW E, I onmont w et. u»,,,l in mnnulncturlog the |d»to,ic„l work., .pecbdlv ilttcd op lor tlie setting and bandaging of her broken C O O S BAY m onster. Edw ards, th e philosopher, was bound limbs occasioned her not the slightest W o r k I t o n e b y It,*,*«. throughout in fox skins, 47 peltsof these discomfort. and YAQUINA, Bees m ust, in order to collect a pound little anim als being required tocom plete The disease is a strange one, and th e C onnectât Coos Bay and Yaquina with Sun of clover honey, deprive <12,000 clover the job. O ’C onnell, who so delighted in ! outcome is awaited with a great deal of Francisco steam ers. of th eir nectar. Io d o this the the possession of a first edition of Ba- curiosity and interest. The physicians 4 Rates, both passenger and freight, are very <>2,(MM) (lowers must he visited by an ng- con’s works had the en tire set rebound |e»y th e bone breaking is caused by a de- reat)Onable* 1 or, in other fo pig akin, always referred to the») ''cieney of animal and a super-abundance words, to collect bis pound of l.oney one U8 biM “ ,iucon rin e ” books. Burin«' the ° f ” ,ineral “m tter in the bone8' The-V § T E ..... , .......................... • Frcncli R evelation, d o , b ,„ ,lk ,,l S t T b o ' Z o , " " ' ' to the hive. As lu es are know n to fly for through th e land and m urder lurked in miles ill quest of suitable fields of «per- i every dark corner,” some of the philoeo- h , ion, it M a A M E R T here is a large factory at a Is clear th a t a single ounce of ,,hers who had become hardened w ith honey represents millions of miles of t heir nightly revels, “ where sculls were small town near Chicago employ ¡ng about one hundred to one hun travel used as drinking cups,” carried their dred and fifty workers, which is V (iX'Ml I 1 1 1 ,» t I « love of the gruesome amt the horrible so A C H Will make REGULAR H u tto n s and C olili,« M ade o f B lo n d . a G O O 5, D A IL Y TRIPS Between • Florence a i Head of f t W hat is said to he th e largest Incoiiio- far as to rebind whole libraries in hu- tive m th(* world has just been finished man skin. The w riter of this “ note' by the New York C entral road. The °>ice had the plcasine of handling 1 driving-w heels an* 7 feet 3 inches in d i­ copy of a m urderer’s confession which a m e te r , -1 in num ber, and on each rests was hound in t he tanned skin of the a w eight of io tons. Exclusive of th e m urderer himself. te n d er, the engine weighs 120,0 M) pounds and altogether its length is co feet. O r­ H e r H one« S im p L ik e (k.i:ui(, and 81>rgvullt, for o f ,, | H.t , , . r c a || , l a g i | ita s W hile she is staving at Balmoral th e Mrs. Kelly, who is a delicate ladv Q ueen does h er oflicial work in a v« n was just getting a round a lte ra long and large sittin g room, sentisi at a huge w riting table plentifully litter»*,! with |'H|s*rs, U tte rs am i telegram s, and adorm sl w ith several family photograplis. On H er serious illness, when, a few nights ago she got out ,4 iH.d ,,„d started down stairs to get a drink of water, j W hen but a few steps l down -• •• one ill 4 of »1 I the K M IW I .E S , X E E I .V a n d G E T T Y S, Owners. A M A S A F . H I KI». Com m ander. W H IS M A N BROS.’ Stage : Line, Over Lake Creek Boati, B E T W E E N E i r e E X E & H E A P o f TIB».. Ton, to all pm nds. no th is latest creation is nearly Kelly, a well known is the vie- parts of the world from this Sucker twice as henry a« th e oixlinary, mid, ab u m „( tb j , peculiar d im ise which the State in a n tt factory. together, is truly a nm nater. G eneral ofliee a t Seaton. An ice yacht has been known to travel a mile in one minute and ten seconds. There is a refresh­ ing coolness in remembering such a thing. Leave Eugene Monday and Thursdn.' morn ings. I.“t,ve Head of Tide Tuesday and Friday « noon. Whisma n Bros., Proprs Head of T id e Hotel» W . W . X E E I .Y . l ’r o p ’r, Tables fu rn ish e d w ith all the dil Wild game Fidi — Look over Meyer w Kyle’s big stock *(’ac*es °f the season, f wall pap, in c; season. Best acconin iod«- 1 1 i « —just leceived. This --- « pa- 1 , and Fruit «•» V KKJV’« » • — Majestv - light hand stan d s bone- of her right leg br kc v.ith a PecU- 1 W‘11 tio ns the traveling public. Charge b ‘ °" ’ 1 reasonable.