The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 11, 1892, Image 1

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Florence, Lane County,
Vol. 3 .
Friday, November
11, 1892.
Js L ake precinct, Douglas county, the w en t the people „[ l.a„e county are e v ^
to givi,
,„ k.,ltio„
to poultry
wllOle mlinber of votes throw n were 48.
atchful and intensely alive to its fu it
fruit-growing and stock raising.
^publicans 27, D em ocrats 15 and 1‘eo- therance, and we trust they w ill not tfi Their lather, ,„(„re
|,«1 » r„tati,„,
disappointed m the interest M r. R u > of certni»
pie's Party £
certain crops, and the sons will do the
refusal Dr. R oland P. sackcr Wl11 take in the great need of o ii'j saine. They relegate t
AriEK one
he cart* of the
1 poultry to the keeping of their better
falaner, of tlie W harton school of the com m unity.
No. 80.
j ami await the result of the election,
The im porter will he cautious if he con­
ceives there is a prospect of lower duties
upon his merchandise, and the m an u ­
facturer will not add to his m achinery
if he feats that ire«» trade will
ruin his
1 he predominating note of th e godd lla'ves, and allow such profita as accrue business.
University of P ennsylvania, will accept
the secretaryship to th e U nited States opinion of our entire people, regarding J ”1 bar pocket money. They will tell
If the American )a<ople should ever
th e in tern atio n al the worth of Mr. G. A. Lyell, our retirai • 0,1
poultry raising does not pay; decide to extend the presidential term
ing civil engineer on the harbor work
fruit they cannot sell; that butter to eight years they will probably pro­
monetary conference in B russels.
this place, was struck by the e m p lo y é
twenty-five cents per pound does not vide at the same tim e that no man shall
T here were six detective tickets cast
¡n this precinct. T hree of these were j *11 ni*lk‘ng Mr. Lyell a handsome prvs- meet the expense incident to its produc­ have more than one term of olliee
It is not at all likely however that, the
ratched a t all, and th re e were t n ^’
honesty and economy, tq | tion, and that beef is a drug on the
not scr
gether with an enlarged order of infell^j n,arkl‘B Dozens of other objections constitution of the I'nited States w ill he
scratched from top to bottom . I t is a
gence, are among the higher qualifie-» j n i o r e implausible will they raise, thus revised at an early date, A verv
serious comment upon th e intelligence
tions of our late engineer’s charactorig-
"bon fruit and eggs are shipped large majority of our people must he in
of our two hundred reading and voting
and sold at a profit to the im port­ favor of such au am endm ent Isafore It
tics. Mr. Lyell is an excellent civil en­
population th a t six can be found who
gineer. He has managed the jetty work ing producer, the fact is proof conclusive e tu i he carried out und a vigorous agita­
donut understand how to vote so th a t
here in a more than satisfactory man­ that our farmers are not alive to their tion of the question in every state in the
their ballots will be counted.
ner to all concerned. He leaves us with responsibilities, and with all their l(»(l I’nion would la» necessary. Such an
T he Times has g ath ered together its a host of warm, personal friends, and acres, have not half the enterprise of the agitation would probably bring forth
material and left N ew port. W esley L. none are or can be more sincere in their less lordly landowners further east, many replica from the supporters of th e
Davis has conducted an excellent jo u r­ wishes for his future success, in w hat­ whose holdings ure often less than forty present system, ami the people would
he in a better position to judge regard-
nal in that place for som e years, b u t bis ever position he occupies, than is T ns
AN EIGHT YEAR PRESIDENTIAL TERM. , ing the advantages and disadvantages of
opposition to a c ertian elem en t in soci­ W est .
..... *
• ~7 ~
, the proposed
change after hearing both
ety lost him patronage. M r. Davis as­
Ix the Florence precinct 19(5 votefi .Many Americun business men sav t h a t !
aides of the question. Aa yet tin» ques­
serts that lie has m ade m oney in New­ .
it» • i the presidential vear alwavs means a de-
were cast. Of these Harrison ami Reid
port, but proposes to leave before his
,m ¡crease of business, and a drug-weight tion has never been seriously discussed
received 120; Weaver and Field 39i ¡.
by the |H,liticinns and no one knows
gains are all spent. N ew port has the n,
, ,
, ...
, ,»• , ¡put upon trade. Mr. Charles S. Smith,
Cleveland and Stevenson 29, and Bid» L*
what argumenta might he brought for­
reputation of being a new spaper “ grave­
, ,,
m, . .
„ ■ ‘resident of the New York Chamber of
well and Cranlill 1. This gives th e R wk
ward against so long a presidential term
yard,” and th e suspension of th e Times
/¡Commerce, feels so keenly upon thia
publicans öl majority over all and
aa eight yearn.
is another illu stratio n th a t th e town
point that lie hua written to the North
plurality. N athan Pierce, the Deniow
Mws F kanckh VV illahu expressed in
proposes to m aintain its rep u tatio n .
American lieeiem advocating the ox ten-
cratic-l’eople’s fusion candidate receive-
Sion of the ’‘president’s term to eight her annualm ldress before the W. C .T . V,
A n effort is now being m ade to get 59 votes. This shows th at Pierce was 1
years. “ No experienced m an,” says convention in Denver a few days ago,
a wagon road from H eeeta Light-house not supported by all the Democrats nor
Mr. Smith, "will deny that the recur­ her sym pathy with every intelligent
to the mouth of Y a h a ts. I t is only a by all the People’s Party voters. A list
rence of a presidential election every movement for the uplifting of lulmr. In
few miles and excepting around th e cape of all the known Democrats voting in
four years is pile of the prominent dis- her opinion, however, three-fourths of
will not be hard to build. A lready, a this precinct were kept a t this office,
i turbing features in the husiness world; the whole lalsjr question la Hummed up
good horse trail is b u ilt around th e face and the num ber is 59. This shows
inasmuch as the great political parties in the following: “ W here are our car­
of the cape. W hen th is little piece of th a t 30 of these voted the People's
I who strive lo rule the country m ust riages?” said an anarchist, as some cap­
road is open th e re w ill be a w agon way ticket, as directed by the Democratic
necessarily prepare for the contest twelve italists drove by. “ W hy,” replied a red
from Coos Bay to N ew port. As there state central committee, and 39 re­
months in advance, we have in effect nosed follower, “ to tell you the tru th , a
are continuous m ail routes between mained true to the principles of democ-
(()Ur <rf thi> pwrilM|iCH|
i saloon-keeper yonder is riding in mine,
these points, no d o u b t th e opening of racy. This leaves but 9 Populist voters niption( wiUl itM COI1Me,luent (|Mll,age to The difference between tin» estim ate of
the wagon road will p u t on a line of in this precin c t._________ _
business interests.”
Miss W illard, as show n by her dem and
hacks all th e way th ro u g h .—Newport
E ngineer L yell , of tbe Siuslaw Jetty,
^ t i l i n g is more common than the re- for prohibition, a n d th a t of p ra c tic a l
was in Eugene over Sun,ley on 1,1» re- lllllrU „( b0,i„ eM men th a t "tin a I» the tem peran«. (oik. I. d ie t .In, I,Ian,,., the
ior electinn ol the Pre.l.lent a ............. whu rid e., under th e« , cundltl....,,
I t seems to us th a t we have reached a tu rn from Portland, leaving on Jlomlet'»
„ „ .....t expect the uniini »m ount mi,I not In, » b i, |«,r.,iit, Imu In ride,
point where it is in keeping w ith the stage for Siuskuv again. The Portland
b„ ,ln e ..." We have a rompl.-l.i Ilia,- The latter I. a poor tell»« a g ai.i.t
spirit of the tim es, to m ake every thing papers «re n little too previous in «at-
ing th a t th e work done on the Shisl.w
U,i. unsettling effect In the whom all door, leading to .„¡.ehiel u iii.t
a question of m oney.
W e have gone
jetty "Is already beginning to have a
the two great partio, a . de-I 1«, hatred lest ho enter to h i, own ,„oral,
agood way in th a t directio n . In politics
orina of the late conven-1 physical and financial undoing} the
¡n the platf
money is the only con sideration. Moral good effect.” The work so far has been
former is a sordid creature who in ­
or mental w orth is a secondary consider­ preparatory only and the jetty proper tionH at Minneapolis and Chicago. The Io
un op-
not yet been commenced. Another > Ropub|ican party declares emphatically gl"l£ “ ,Bt ,,H” ‘ J " ’
ation. Good statesm a n sh ip and honest haa
. before I Ugpurpow to maintain the existing pol- I» rtu n ity to order th eir own lives.
law-makers figure so little in jx>litical appropriation will he necessary
...i Th»»
. >: ~ of American
1 i.,.tricnii nisnufae-
“ Tp ride or not to
of . protection
n.anuiat , The question,
'liscussion, th a t we a re upon th e point
Z . , ' ! a i e u , being planned 1er 8l»,l.w I „ „ „ .„ d w ageearner.. The I I - r a t . rid e’ a . P<l by M is. W d .n l I.
"t believing th a t th ey are buried in the
arbor n ay have encouraged the prennt • „ , lb
.„ .p b ae l. .tiguiatlr.. , ........ .. th a t every L u l l . g e n t
ihh, ..... .rin g
1 rgotten past, and in th e ir stead the
X e a s d shipping hut the Slash.» bar
robl, „ and
...... tltut.m .al .............. ......... • H —
b i,.« .If, » he
statesman m ust needs have no better
i, |,a, been »H « » I and they p n n .il» » '«riff l„r r , i n d e e . .mt a.i.w er it in h i,
i„ t.,n ..t,
qualifications th a n th a t of legislating ¡H ju st the same ham,el
as i »¡thont the jetty- ,,n | . ff they eome Inti, power. The ¡11 I, not Ian-...,« the door. „1 „liaehlid
«very bo»iy rich.
tim e - » good .
s .oiUw
w bidl have not I« -., had.e.1 a g .iu .t hl... hut
W hen the Jetty ■ .
„,11 have one of
ll|e civil engineer w ho succeeds M r. G.
C° “ 1' "¡'l
on the iwr. ' It
A, Lyell, a h e arty welcome by our peo­
ple. After having m et him , we natur- before ,t has
w illh a v e to h e c o .m
“ly come to th e conclusion th a t he is a
I nntu —Grrtfoa Stale J mirnal.
-«m eman w ho w ill be keenly alive to
“ jucai?iv are the
tbe responsible tru s t placed in his k eep -; T ub farmers in 11
,.rvativc is
'"If, and w ith th is und erstan d in g , we m ost obstinate (perhaps
^ v e th e im provem ent of tb e Siuslaw the b etter word) persons on -
1 « tn b i, th o u g h tfu l, careful and d b l a - ¡ th e e a r th ; and ft M
l ’ other conservatives to a d '18«
"rested judgm ent. Of th is im p ro v e -1 and man)
W b bespeak for M r. E . R icksacker,
.^ y J h - d
|,„ h a , tailed t„ make , . » ..I h i,
jn ............
wH|i ........... b i, „ „ „
Il.dh par- The „ „ rld
............ ..
a .d e and ,h e
U(Hurecon(.d(.Ilt of
T h . ma-
ritv either way will be small, with the
possibility of a ra< n u « ian « n
iff, und the consequent 1111»» t ta in t) .1 t-
tbe future. No prudent business man
eDgBge in new enterprises of large
n,OI1„ o t_ !,e «¡11 prefer In .l.orten .«¡I
safeguard, -g ain st it m ust com,, fr-.m
w ithin rath er than from w ithout. The
m other who ties the gate to keep her
y from going to pluy in the street re
,„.r m istake when he gets big
,.„OIIgl. to clim b th e fence, but it is
doubtiol if .1.« i. ever able to rectify it.
... ....... " r r , „ . ..............