T Florence, Lane County, Vol. 3 . Friday, November 11, 1892. Js L ake precinct, Douglas county, the w en t the people „[ l.a„e county are e v ^ to givi, ,„ k.,ltio„ to poultry wllOle mlinber of votes throw n were 48. atchful and intensely alive to its fu it fruit-growing and stock raising. ^publicans 27, D em ocrats 15 and 1‘eo- therance, and we trust they w ill not tfi Their lather, ,„(„re |,«1 » r„tati,„, disappointed m the interest M r. R u > of certni» pie's Party £ * certain crops, and the sons will do the refusal Dr. R oland P. sackcr Wl11 take in the great need of o ii'j saine. They relegate t AriEK one he cart* of the 1 poultry to the keeping of their better falaner, of tlie W harton school of the com m unity. No. 80. j ami await the result of the election, The im porter will he cautious if he con­ ceives there is a prospect of lower duties upon his merchandise, and the m an u ­ facturer will not add to his m achinery if he feats that ire«» trade will ruin his 1 he predominating note of th e godd lla'ves, and allow such profita as accrue business. University of P ennsylvania, will accept the secretaryship to th e U nited States opinion of our entire people, regarding J ”1 bar pocket money. They will tell If the American )a pwrilM|iCH| i saloon-keeper yonder is riding in mine, these points, no d o u b t th e opening of racy. This leaves but 9 Populist voters niption( wiUl itM COI1Me,luent (|Mll,age to The difference between tin» estim ate of the wagon road will p u t on a line of in this precin c t._________ _ business interests.” Miss W illard, as show n by her dem and hacks all th e way th ro u g h .—Newport E ngineer L yell , of tbe Siuslaw Jetty, ^ t i l i n g is more common than the re- for prohibition, a n d th a t of p ra c tic a l Times. was in Eugene over Sun,ley on 1,1» re- lllllrU „( b0,i„ eM men th a t "tin a I» the tem peran«. (oik. I. d ie t .In, I,Ian,,., the ior electinn ol the Pre.l.lent a ............. whu rid e., under th e« , cundltl....,, I t seems to us th a t we have reached a tu rn from Portland, leaving on Jlomlet'» „ „ .....t expect the uniini »m ount mi,I not In, » b i, |«,r.,iit, Imu In ride, point where it is in keeping w ith the stage for Siuskuv again. The Portland b„ ,ln e ..." We have a rompl.-l.i Ilia,- The latter I. a poor tell»« a g ai.i.t spirit of the tim es, to m ake every thing papers «re n little too previous in «at- ing th a t th e work done on the Shisl.w U,i. unsettling effect In the whom all door, leading to .„¡.ehiel u iii.t a question of m oney. W e have gone jetty "Is already beginning to have a iti,m the two great partio, a . de-I 1«, hatred lest ho enter to h i, own ,„oral, agood way in th a t directio n . In politics orina of the late conven-1 physical and financial undoing} the ¡n the platf money is the only con sideration. Moral good effect.” The work so far has been former is a sordid creature who in ­ or mental w orth is a secondary consider­ preparatory only and the jetty proper tionH at Minneapolis and Chicago. The Io un op- not yet been commenced. Another > Ropub|ican party declares emphatically gl"l£ “ ,Bt ,,H” ‘ J " ’ ation. Good statesm a n sh ip and honest haa . before I Ugpurpow to maintain the existing pol- I» rtu n ity to order th eir own lives. itH law-makers figure so little in jx>litical appropriation will he necessary ...i Th»» . . >: ~ of American 1 i.,.tricnii nisnufae- “ Tp ride or not to the jetty proper is commenced. Die ¡cy of . protection n.anuiat , The question, i 'liscussion, th a t we a re upon th e point Z . , ' ! a i e u , being planned 1er 8l»,l.w I „ „ „ .„ d w ageearner.. The I I - r a t . rid e’ a . P