The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, October 28, 1892, Image 1

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Vol. 3.
Florence, Lane County, Oregon Pmd«» n «. »
Friday. October 28,1892.
O ne hundred thousand people wit- ¡jest efforts, which i„ n n it»
'« t e l I
-------- ------------- -------= ----------------—
'»u«-n is quite compliment- n«u-« .
„^ th o o p m ^ —
a t Vineago. j ary to say the least, „
„ ........ „
" T " '"
*1 and Mita, were t h e r e - a t the i
coast. U ek of , paee prevent«
, orld’s
jits V Fair
a i.n
H w 21st.
I ther notice in it,iu
this issu , e .-P ... f a . f ^ . ' / , , , 1 ' while the
m for pleasure mm
on n the
T he old school ehip of the navy, the Ol,r fwght, the engines that ^iT
Xor altogether pleasant is it to have
No. 28.
...„ h e e i e a r ....
It is the clearness, the
inige that
!« * •"» - “
•'....I h t a X
....... ,
pictures for you at every line. The songs
Mro «‘««’Hunt exam
i presidential election coining to a near
l''gl,ty' eigllt 'luV8' 4 * d u ,j8e“ll,*»t» unknown height, a,„|
.....y..n.,mh,'.” l|'!',.“",'.n.
reality, as all business seemingly pauses » h i?".'*
mtil the battle is ended.
wtutli time she Steamed 8500 miles. She ,onh'distances the “ skvbievele ’ invent i
T'"* »“•'« “ght ahak«.« a, r.tas
< - t anchor in fhe Delaware river with
Geo. M. M.... h, , , J
T ekhe is no longer any uncertainty her eighty-two lads -ill well
i •
'b v tlm fv r •
* ' °ru
* ,s un Ol'painting in this stunxa,
j kl,,8’ a l l " e» a „ d i i ^ , b v tb a tx e ry iu a d e q u a te n a n .e o fe le c tric -iiu lh ifc h m rn .o u n ta in a ir. bright
About physicians being required to pro-
Pr°- snirite T in r . . .
7 '
. . .
........... .........
e,ec'n c-
clear m ountain a ir. bright inmm
mea license for practise, as the Su-
' tl8 u Pme to winch boys 1 > " “eh was applied by Thales, the tain sunlight, and «11 tho life and fresh
. I ^ e subjected on a voyage of this
who nourished at,out n _ , f „......,w rIy.......................
iireme Court has just decided the consti­
can scarcely fail to improve them in sev­ two thousand rive hundre years ago.
tutionality of the law and hold in its fa-
and the wide ami the picturesque. As
eral qualities necessary to mako them
I yet man has not bhikeu in ii|ton the day
successful in life, whether on sea L
C ertain sums of money th at are shore. Promptness, cheerfulness in the The writer of “In Memorial«” |,MH an<l n11 ,cit ,0 t,,e Plunging torrent
taken his place under that enduring and the furtive deer until the lines burst
«pent in this town without even a hope j discharge of duty, respectful bearing
memorial-shaft which he raised over the
W,tl‘ “ lm,oo~
f present or future reward for the out- ward their superiors and the habit ^ f
grave of his friend. Like the granite I ,,lww‘ l?tt«ks
wk«wa fly|Mg
lay, would build sidewalks, found a taking their share in daily labor arc
obelisk that a husband, with great JU“1’ “ ,“° “ ,wnt’ tl,w "’ «‘'let huntsmen
¡»ood school and do m any other things highly estimable requirements not pos­
wealth to lavish on his sorrow, place« |
beneficial to all.
sessed by tlie average American schdK above the tomb of bis wife, and which llO"i8’ ll,W 'P“ck barki,,K of
»•'»• Urn
afterward serves best to mark bis own noteH of 1,10
‘l' w‘’‘•«‘'‘¡‘'M
F ull many a day will pass before the
, i ..
inaiK ms own , ,
eastern or middle western states will | n a 8cb°o1 shlP W0’Ud be a b e n e fit'l| grave, less worthily honored by others 1 Kndm“,H,‘
thW “’0O<1
“‘or° "°"'br«» "“V
witness such warm, sunny weather as many boys not at all likely ever to take [of scantier power; so will the sail grand- !
'»f « ''tu n ,.,, a series
we are now enjoying on the Great Siug- one and to many communities upon Ieur and polished beauty of the tHbut(j un‘b,r lbw‘'bU1
"’»y »*' found in
law. If there is any thing people ought which such boys an., in due time foisted‘that Alfred Tennyson offered to t ,w i wf ®lmdoWtxl
as indolent, careless and irresponsible memory of Arthur Hallam,
" Tl......
to enjoy here, it is our climate.
« h i, youth, «land Idglmra, „ ..... ■ bw “'• » ’» '«• l» 'h a |.., II... climax
A ccording to reports in exchanges,
----- «...--------
'J L , *1
r . .
"» *«» «t*rg »UUIIIUT I , ' » . •*
JS r0 10 Fen>us of the loving poet than I b«»» a rli»« i p ip ,-,,/ bait awnL*-nc<i|{
Columbus Day was generally observed
any that cun be raised to bin, by other» ¿2 U> ***!’ ." *'?' ”,Ho ,ly l"* *y' "
What a wonderful tliimz py •
throughout the state. The few places
_ I ^ _ s »towlM
"O —iM—«.^»«»....1
as I
• c
; .
> ‘ »WFnr , t, I-ice. F^t
xu>u«rr talent. He swrl, W IM te ; ths Wiys fH ||S i So mwe
hat go into th<T catalogu^of exceptions, is 8fiown to us in many forms, . ,t not L
A little fragment that ho rjilletl "The
z, , r
fenny«,)« wtiH eweeler and v iIder in his
are now, through their journals, mak­ since the Macedonian architect, Pit
i •
‘ Maud, fiiher of the roi,„nice mid val­ Eagle,” presents a scene that could not
ing excuses for their want of patriot- erates, w ho lived in the fourth cent ;r\
r>x ■
or " f "tile r <1 mvh in In« ‘ Idylls of the Im Iiettered in a volume:
before Christ, have we heard ofsuch(„.
He eI«i,|M th e era« with < r,„ik,',l hand»:
Ling, lil ted G itter for ninny of the stir-
conceptions coming from the mind of I .
C I c n to the tu,i la lonely lamia.
A nd now, thank the powers th at are
ring moods ot lite in Ins other poems,
Hing'd by Ih v M u n world, he «Ian,1«.
man as that which proposes to utilize ,
, ,
putting it in motion, the question of
■ long and short; hut when we are told
The wrinkled aea iMuieaih him crawls;
the great water-power of Niagara Falls. L.
. . . . .
lie watches from his m ountain walls,
building a sidewalk from the Florence
, ,
1 that at last in his eightv-fourtli year he
And like a thunderbolt he falla.
.Modern civil engineers are more p r a c t i - 1 , xl
hotel to the one lower down on the same
I lies dead amid the falling leaves of that
cal in their aims, coming as they do 1
! *Dit it is a lm[>eleHN task to crowd hit.>
‘ireet, is up for discussion by interested , -
, .. •
| England he loved so well, it Is by in- a bri(lf artk.,„ ,,ny
<>f t|l# var|w|
from the school of their experience
parties and it is hoped it will end in a
stinct that we all turn to his own dirge, ' |M.uutieB of tbe ,ategt Kllg|lBll |auPaaUl>
But, withal, they are progressive, and
realization of the fact.
written when he himself was under the Most people have their “ Tennysons” on
ingenious, and enterprising, and these
T he opening of the W orld’s Fair at kinsfolk of ours have attempted, two dark shadow of bereavement and grief. the handiest shelf of the bookcase mid
Then lie said:
turn to him in all sorts of mood«, lie
Chicago, on the 21st instant, will go years ago, to lay down a proposition to
I wage not any fcu<1 with heath
seems to have been a man of mood«
J°wn in history as the greatest event of “ harness Niagara.” The original idea is .
Fur changes wrought on form or face;
No lower Ilf*» that earth’» embrace
himself, for almost all of them are found
ullr nation. It would have been worth not a new one and must long ago have
May breed with him, can fight in) faith.
pictured in his poems by one who must
“ "bile to have listened to theDedica- occurred to engineers familiar with the
have felt, to so thoroughly understand.
Nor blame I heath because he bare
ljr5 Oration by Henry W. Waterson, great cotton mills in Lowell and Law­
The use of virtue out of earth;
It is liar<i to believe that the writer of
»"•I the Columbian Oration by Chauncy rence in Massachusetts, where, in the
I know trioisplautcl hiiniau worth
“ I lie Lady of Siiniott” and tlie opening
Will bloom to profit, otherwhere.
language of Theodore Parker, “ the river
In several stanzas he repeats, with line» of "M aud” dwelt in ti,e same hu­
T he friends and relatives stand Merrimack has consented to become a
confident endorsation, Shelley'» pleas man home; but they did, and we know
’found the bedside of Mrs. President mechanic.”
ing thought of “ Death and his brother that lie of delivate, artietic temperament
Water has long since been considered
^rrison watching for the not far dis-
Sleep.” Tins is no grim notion of tlie who talked of a “ shallop • • silken
’J “t ending of her life. The whole the best of elements, and this was said end of tlie tilings, hut the hopeful ex­ sailed' end a “ long-hair'd page in crim­
son clad,” burst out witii iudigiiMtion
A“'«rican people are touched with syin-
Pinder centuries ago, and if we me-
pectance of those who
Why when reading the events trans- chanically interpret this, it means that
By faith, anil faith alone, embrace,
• • chalk and alum and plaster are anld to th e
Believing where we cannot prove.
in that sick room, and form their il ia tbe cbeaP«8t an<1
uniform pow-
poor for t>rcad,
And the »pirlt of m urder works In the very
^»«»ntriwttowhat would have been er in the worhL Take water-P°"er In this sense lie writes:
sienna of life.
in the down I «ltik my head,
^sident Harrison had been present with electricity, and the day is not far When
AKrml Tennyaon
hold .
icrp, Death'»
loam n twin-brother,
»o io
. .......
....... will
. ....
time» my breath
Sleep, Death’s Iwln hrother, know»nut Ihwth. I in ttW temple i,f fame when the world
i:t,1e opening (Jf the W orld’s Fair and
will introduce a host of improvements in Nor can I .Iream of the« as dead.
l,x»kw at him across the prospective of
the buildings as originally in-
the dailv life of men. Fairy vision
Tennyson has been emphatically th e , time, it ia unwise to nay. Con tern p e
dreamew like the electric tower builder poet of the people. There never lias ra ry judgmentJa so nfum wrong. But it
dreamers, iikc
like uiu
me uiuvn*v
______ (.|ubM p, ‘ **ma ¡mj>o«sible that one who lias s j
have - already / been any need for Tennyson elulu, to, atxt
E x -' tob D olpii addressed
Based a large in San Jose, California, na\
1 ix’urately portrayed the spirit of Ids ag«,
. ho lias so delighteil ua with the musit
W ro f citizens at the B court house conceived the idea of vast t i n
, who
al [ .................„
of ground
ground light«!.
lighted. Fro«
From the
the moment
moment the
the l»,l
lad in school , oi |
on the political im ue. of , the
ing many . z , . , . « . . m » ile«
I k . of
„ „ ,<k„ „
’‘•''«vicing the tariff question ami by » lutlMwe» electric .m » M.tzn.lel learn« to moull, In. t h.rge of the We Um J,,».le.|
. <I" e s tl0 "
street« in Light ilrigwle," he never get« .holly "mm, other, »1.,»«, „ o r k J... not bee,
s considerable time to an ex- high above the turmoil of
„ .i, « ¡tl, its author T h e u la in
to draw our ey.-s away from
4Rati)n of national finance system, the supernal air. Lesser prophets *
' tbe suprena« figure, but we can hardly
" '■ ^ » „ « i m t e n c l t o w i t l . marked foretold the time »hen the kiuhen »hotaomc, d.reet k „ .li.h which l e .............
»'entio,, ..„ I-
. ,
Iw. a thing of the I««t, nysoo used, as Angelo moulded marble, has won fully aa much of the love as uf
. . «•. and • „ v eon.rdered
by iiiuiiy
„.any m of
»love ».II .«>„ ~
he a tinny of I I
j ( | a i ,iiiir<tiou ,
vii .’ i«ivft*’i uv
i i mwu
" "aLng republicans as one of his i and all its functions supplanted by
, never