nwa ne ï ï a Vol. 3. Florence, Lane County, Oregon Pmd«» n «. » — Friday. October 28,1892. O ne hundred thousand people wit- ¡jest efforts, which i„ n n it» '« t e l I -------- ------------- -------= ----------------— . '»u«-n is quite compliment- n«u-« . - „^ th o o p m ^ — a t Vineago. j ary to say the least, „ „ ........ „ " T " '" *1 and Mita, were t h e r e - a t the i coast. U ek of , paee prevent« "T lield , orld’s jits V Fair a i.n H w 21st. ’lBt I ther notice in it,iu «-vept ‘cpt pur|>oee» this issu , e .-P ... f a . f ^ . ' / , , , 1 ' while the m for pleasure mm W on n the T he old school ehip of the navy, the Ol,r fwght, the engines that ^iT Xor altogether pleasant is it to have No. 28. _________ ...„ h e e i e a r .... It is the clearness, the inige that !« * •"» - “ •'....I h t a X .mints ....... , pictures for you at every line. The songs "i Mro «‘««’Hunt exam ............ i presidential election coining to a near l''gl,ty' eigllt 'luV8' 4 * d u ,j8e“ll,*»t» unknown height, a,„| .....y..n.,mh,'.” l|'!',.“",'.n. reality, as all business seemingly pauses » h i?".'* mtil the battle is ended. wtutli time she Steamed 8500 miles. She ,onh'distances the “ skvbievele ’ invent i T'"* »“•'« “ght ahak«.« a, r.tas iakes, < - t anchor in fhe Delaware river with Geo. M. M.... h, , , J -r, .... T ekhe is no longer any uncertainty her eighty-two lads -ill well i • 'b v tlm fv r • * ' °ru * ,s un Ol'painting in this stunxa, m j kl,,8’ a l l " e» a „ d i i ^ , b v tb a tx e ry iu a d e q u a te n a n .e o fe le c tric -iiu lh ifc h m rn .o u n ta in a ir. bright About physicians being required to pro- Pr°- snirite T in r . . . 7 ' •. . . . ........... ......... e,ec'n c- clear m ountain a ir. bright inmm mea license for practise, as the Su- ,. ' tl8 u Pme to winch boys 1 > " “eh was applied by Thales, the tain sunlight, and «11 tho life and fresh . I ^ e subjected on a voyage of this who nourished at,out n _ , f „......,w rIy....................... iireme Court has just decided the consti­ can scarcely fail to improve them in sev­ two thousand rive hundre years ago. tutionality of the law and hold in its fa- and the wide ami the picturesque. As eral qualities necessary to mako them ALFRED TENNYSON. I yet man has not bhikeu in ii|ton the day vor. successful in life, whether on sea L C ertain sums of money th at are shore. Promptness, cheerfulness in the The writer of “In Memorial«” |,MH anus of the loving poet than I b«»» a rli»« i p ip ,-,,/ bait awnL*-nc ***!’ ." *'?' ”,Ho ,ly l"* *y' " .»¿fej. , What a wonderful tliimz py • throughout the state. The few places _ I ^ _ s »towlM "O —iM—«.^»«»....1 as I • • c ; . ■■ > ‘ »WFnr , t, I-ice. F^t xu>u«rr talent. He swrl, W IM te ; ths Wiys fH ||S i So mwe hat go into thx ■ , or " f "tile r <1 mvh in In« ‘ Idylls of the Im Iiettered in a volume: inn. before Christ, have we heard ofsuch(„. . He eI«i,|M th e era« with < r,„ik,',l hand»: .. • , . Ling, lil ted G itter for ninny of the stir- conceptions coming from the mind of I . ............... C I c n to the tu,i la lonely lamia. A nd now, thank the powers th at are .. ring moods ot lite in Ins other poems, Hing'd by Ih v M u n world, he «Ian,1«. man as that which proposes to utilize , , , putting it in motion, the question of ■ long and short; hut when we are told The wrinkled aea iMuieaih him crawls; the great water-power of Niagara Falls. L. . . . . . lie watches from his m ountain walls, building a sidewalk from the Florence , , . . 1 that at last in his eightv-fourtli year he And like a thunderbolt he falla. .Modern civil engineers are more p r a c t i - 1 , xl hotel to the one lower down on the same I lies dead amid the falling leaves of that cal in their aims, coming as they do 1 , * ! *Dit it is a lm[>eleHN task to crowd hit.> ‘ireet, is up for discussion by interested , - , .. • • | England he loved so well, it Is by in- a bri(lf artk.,„ ,,ny <>f t|l# var|w| from the school of their experience parties and it is hoped it will end in a stinct that we all turn to his own dirge, ' |M.uutieB of tbe ,ategt Kllg|lBll |auPaaUl> But, withal, they are progressive, and realization of the fact. written when he himself was under the Most people have their “ Tennysons” on ingenious, and enterprising, and these T he opening of the W orld’s Fair at kinsfolk of ours have attempted, two dark shadow of bereavement and grief. the handiest shelf of the bookcase mid Then lie said: turn to him in all sorts of mood«, lie Chicago, on the 21st instant, will go years ago, to lay down a proposition to I wage not any fcu<1 with heath seems to have been a man of mood« J°wn in history as the greatest event of “ harness Niagara.” The original idea is . Fur changes wrought on form or face; No lower Ilf*» that earth’» embrace himself, for almost all of them are found ullr nation. It would have been worth not a new one and must long ago have May breed with him, can fight in) faith. pictured in his poems by one who must • • • “ "bile to have listened to theDedica- occurred to engineers familiar with the have felt, to so thoroughly understand. Nor blame I heath because he bare ljr5 Oration by Henry W. Waterson, great cotton mills in Lowell and Law­ The use of virtue out of earth; It is liarrcad, And the »pirlt of m urder works In the very ^»«»ntriwttowhat would have been er in the worhL Take water-P°"er In this sense lie writes: sienna of life. in the down I «ltik my head, ^sident Harrison had been present with electricity, and the day is not far When What place AKrml Tennyaon hold . icrp, Death'» loam n twin-brother, »o io . ....... . ....... will . .... Hleep, time» my breath distant when these combined powers Sleep, Death’s Iwln hrother, know»nut Ihwth. I in ttW temple i,f fame when the world i:t,1e opening (Jf the W orld’s Fair and will introduce a host of improvements in Nor can I .Iream of the« as dead. l,x»kw at him across the prospective of the buildings as originally in- the dailv life of men. Fairy vision Tennyson has been emphatically th e , time, it ia unwise to nay. Con tern p e dreamew like the electric tower builder poet of the people. There never lias ra ry judgmentJa so nfum wrong. But it —- ureanieis, dreamers, iikc like uiu me uiuvn*v , ( ______ (.|ubM p, ‘ **ma ¡mj>o«sible that one who lias s j , , • o t r<>i;fopni,i have - already / been any need for Tennyson elulu, to, atxt E x -' tob D olpii addressed Based a large in San Jose, California, na\ 1 ix’urately portrayed the spirit of Ids ag«, , I t 1*1 su„ nf vast cities cover- make the reading of Ins veree popular. . ho lias so delighteil ua with the musit W ro f citizens at the B court house conceived the idea of vast t i n , who al [ .................„ of ground ground light«!. lighted. Fro« From the the moment moment the the l»,l lad in school , oi | on the political im ue. of , the ing many . z , . , . « . . m » ile« I k . of „ „ , I I T ' tbe suprena« figure, but we can hardly " '■ ^ » „ « i m t e n c l t o w i t l . marked foretold the time »hen the kiuhen »hotaomc, d.reet k „ .li.h which l e ............. »'entio,, ..„ I- . , . Iw. a thing of the I««t, nysoo used, as Angelo moulded marble, has won fully aa much of the love as uf . . «•. and • „ v eon.rdered by iiiuiiy „.any m of »love ».II .«>„ ~ he a tinny of I I j ( | a i ,iiiir