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About The Democratic news. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1869-187? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1869)
< J." ... * iSr* • 4 t sRf é! The Fortieth Congress. PRIVATE MEDICAL AID ELECTROPATHY INSTITUTE Medicinal Properties of HELMBOLDS The nuncdimiltis of tho Fortieth Congress FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHE 645 Washington Street, should be the humiliating confession that it I HOSTETTER'S SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1st, ISfiff Quick Cures and Moderate Charges. has done the things it ought not to have done IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR DISEASES OF TIIE I and left undone the things it ought to have AMO. DB. W. K. DOHERTY'S done. It dies without ever having tried to RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. BLADDER, KIDNEYS, When he told me that he loved me. do its duty. It has specially neglected the, Private Medical and Surgical Institute L et IT BE DISTINCTLY BORNE IN MIND HE DIRECTORS OF THIS CELEBRATED ’ Twas the flowery time of .May ; very things which its party declared to be im Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite th Medical Institute wish to thank the public for I put roses in my ringlets. perative. It took particular pains to rid it-' Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s otiice. that HOSTETTER’S BITTERS is a MEDICIN the generous manner in which they have sustained (¡RAVEL DROPSEY, And went singingall the day — Private entrance on Leidesdortl* street, the Resident Physician with their patronage. It AL l’REPERATION, not a BEVERAGE, and self of the obbligations which its party as-! When he told me that he loved me, is now six years since the Institute was established; that it is entirely free from the attributes which t sinned to be the special business of this Con •luring that time there have been over 1111RIA. Ln the pleasaut month ot May I S an F rancisco . gress. It has done nothing to revise our sys THOUSAND CONSULTATIONS, and in all eases, create mid foster u passion for stimulants, und ORGANIC WEAKNESS, which belongs to all the distilled liquors of Still ho told me that he loved me tem of finances or to relieve the burden of tax-! Established expressly to afford the afflicted sound where the disease was curable, of commerce. Its alcoholic element is derived In the sumjner timo of June, ation. We are no nearer to specie’payments und scientific medical aid in the treatment and cure1 A Perfect and Permanent Cure. When the roses blushed the redder. of all Private and Chronic Diseases, cases of secre Ha.« been performed. Malicious cLarlataus have from sound rya, a grain which, according to the Female Complaints, than we were six years ago. Nothing has ey und opened traps iu close proximty to the Institute, testimony of the most distinguished analytical all Sexual Disorders. And the birds were all in tune— > adopting similor names, hoping to attract the un chemists, yields a more wholesome spirit than anv been done to reduce the public debt. The And I blushed (because he loved me) wary ; but their lailure to do so is perfectly appar tariff has been further made to oppress in To the A filleted Redder than the rose of June ! ent— for the business lias not been eilecteiLin the other known substance. But the quintessence of GENERAL DEBILITY dustry aud commerce by the passage of the least, but has gone on increasing its usefulness and rye employed in the manufacture of the Bitters, I>R. DOHERTY returns nis sincere profits in regular ratio. Iho Resident Physician Yes ! because I know he loved me, infamous copy bill swindle ; but nothing has thanks to W. his K. numerous patron.« for their putrouage, ' has by careful study i nd experience within the last must not be confounded with the rye spirit »old in ANU ALL DISEASES OF THE: I went singing with the birds : been done to “let up ”a single one of the ; an 4 would take this opportunity to remind them 1 lew years been successful in discovering liew elec the market as Bourbon and Monongahela whisky. Al! the day I listened to him, that he continues to consult at his Institute fur the tric remedies which are lar superior to any before | The best brands of those liquors procured tor onerous indirect taxes the tariff adds to the cure All the nignt 1 heard his worli— of Chronic Discuses of the Lungs, Kidney«, used in the healing nit, and he call hospital use, and preferred bv the medical staff of URINARY ORGANS, direct taxes upon the people. Even recon Liver, Digestive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and Dreaming nightlv that he loved me, W arrant lliein to Cure tbe army ami navy to any other liquor, arc not to nil Private Disease.«, viz. : Syphilis, in all its forms struction is a publicly confessed failure, and 1 was blither than the birds ! cs for which they are used, or make no charge (|)CC,)1Uparrej ¡n excellence with the Article used in WHETHER EXISTING JN mid stages ; Seminal weakness and all the horrid All cases there is a threat now to subj ‘ct two of the consequences of self-abuse ; Gonorhcea, Gleet, Stric for service.-. They will be forwarded to uuy ‘place | But I did not know I loved him. i the connection of the great stomachic. It is sub lately so-calkd reconstructed •States to a fresh tures, Nocturnal mid Diurnal Emissions, Sexual in the Pacific States upon the receipt of a letter | jected’in the first instance to n proce-s which de MALE OR FEMALE, Till I found one summer day. stating disca.-c wile symutoms, the age and sex ot Debility, Disease.- of the Back und.Loins, Inflamma tail-cutting, this time close behind the ears. That in saying how he loved me. prives it <>f the pungent and acrid elements proved F tion of the Kidneys, etc., etc.; and he hopes that the patient. om whatever cause originating and no matter All the promises made in lladi» al conventions his ' long experience and successful practice The Female Mcdieines, He had wiled my heart away— by chemical test to exist in even what arc deemed will continue to insure him a share of pub Discovered an I used by the Resident Physician, Only saying how he loved rae. and platforms,«and even Ly this Congress, are lic the finest imported and domestic spirits, and alter patronage. By the prnciico of many years the only remedies which are safe and sure to being thus purified, is kept on band long enough to HOW LONG STANDING Through the long bright summer day! found to be false. There has been no actual in Europe and the United States, he is enabled tv are have the efl’cet. They are particularly applicable give it mellowness before being medicated. The apply tho most efficient and suceesstul remedies performance l\>r the public benefit whatever. to suppressed menstruation, and arc warranted to Still he told me that he loved me Diiea.-es of the Organs require the use of a against disease.« ot all kinds. He use» no mercury, have tiie cffc. t, no matter what the cause may be. euief virtue of the preparations is not, however, These are a few among the many things When the rases fading fell. iu its spirituous basis, but in juices of the tonic\ charges moderate, treats his patient« in n correct and The large number in which they have been aperient, corrective, mid antibilious vegetable pro* And the birds lrid all forgotten DIURETIC* which have nut been doue. What has been honorable way, and has references of unquestionable used, is a guarantee of their success. ducts so largely intermixed with it. veracity from men of known respectability and high That sweet tune I’ve learned to we!I— Great care should be taken ill visiting the Insti i done is, first, a display of wholesale extrava- j istanding in society. All parties consulting him, • tute to remember the name, For 1 love him. and he loves me jgance beyond that ot any previous Congress; by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and Perhaps it may be argued that if they impart to liLFCTKOPATIllC INSTITUTE, More than any words can tell! gentlest treatment mid implicit secrecy. If n<> treatment is submitted to, consumption or the alchoiie fluid its preventive and remedial quali ¡anv quantity of special legislation fur party G15 4» ashington Street, ties, water impregnated with the same ingredieut« insanity may iufuv. Our flesh and blood arc sup pets ; a reckless profusion of appropriations ; would• answer the purpose as well. Nothing but ported from there courses, u:id the Between Montgomery and Kearney streets, TO FEMALES. The Twitch ell hlurder at Philadelphia. mure Constitution-tinkering fur the benefit of ' profound ignorance ot the laws of physiology can J. 11. JOSSilLYN, M. i>.. excuse such an error. Only by a diffu-ible stimulant When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with dis HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Resident Physician. can the midcinal c >n«titiitents that are to fortify Gt ■ .-_ro S. Twitchell. under sentence of negroes; aud a general divisim of plunder, ease, a- weakness of the back uud limbs, paiu in the the system against <ii«e:ise, or counteract discus ac hea l, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, I i death for the murder of Mr«. Ilill, has at last, public and private, with the lobby. tion, be conveyed direetiy to their destination.— few Opinions of the Press AND THAT OF Below arc a |>ulpitutiou of tl.o heart, initabilitv , nervousness, made a statement to his spiritual adviser, the) Willi this record the Fortieth Congress dies, extreme urinary dillieulties, derangement of diges <>l California, Which are Submitted to The stimulant rapi'i y pervades the animal struct ure: earn ing witii it to the points where it is n<-ed- ltev. Mr. llringhurst, of a most extraordinary and the Forty-first Congrtinherits the un tive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all tiie Public. ¡>•<1, of the Womb, hysteria, sterility, and all I [Eruui the C-'Utra Costa Gazette, Jan. 13, ISGG.] ; . the required antidote. Water will not do thi*. nature. He charges his wife with committing finished business. the infamy, and the balance diseases other disea Cs peculiar to females, she should go or 1 A G rano St c < ess .—During the post year, sutne ¡, it has, comparatively spea :ing no propelling or the murder, and confesses that he was ac of tbe contingent fund in the II use and Sen write at once to the celebrated iemule doctor, W. ! half dozen ”l><»gus Medical Instituted” in San Fran litl’usive power. Nor i- this all. Nothing but alcohol will pie.-erve the medicinal property u. cessory afu-r tbe fact. Tbe follow irg is ate of its predecessor. Ci innosed, as the new K. Doherty, at his Medical lustltute, and consult cisco have "haiidad in their checks.” and clo.-ed! ( v >egetable extraet.-j^iu a fluid state. Mix them : Depend upon Promptness of a Reliable Remedy. about her troubles and disease. The Doctor is Congress is, largely uf theconstituentelements effecting more cures tz.n any otlfcr^hysieian iuthe their doors. 'A'.th ut an exception the e.-tabii.-h- i with water mid the compound will terment, tuiu Twi’chel'i’s Ntnteinent : luents allude I to were conducted by individuals 1 went to my ruom on the night of the of the old one, it cannot be much better— State of California. Let no false dvneaey prevent who knew little or nothing of the practice of medi sour, mid become worse than valueless. you, but apply immediately aud save yXirseif from murder, ana instead of g itig to bed I laid which would be a serious reflection for the painful suffering mid premature death. All mar cine, and were established f >r the purpose of tileh- It is claimed that Hostetter«' bitters communi Il ELM B LU’S i ing money from tho sick mid unt<>rtunate. lor a hem-eives t<> tlie special tav<>r ot the Tetnoer.iiiee down cu tha lounge in mv ruurn and fell whole c untrv were it not that no possible ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circmn- 'number ot years these lellow.« .«acceded in swidiing : pliy.-ieiau as the oiny diifusii e stimulant which in-¡ prevent an increase in their families, should I'.heir victims without let or hindrance, but in Isti i, asleep. My wife was in Led at the time. I combination . f circumstances can make it stanees I can prescribe without <Ui!ig,-r <>t umluly exciting ¡ writo or cull at Dr. W. K. Doherty’ Medical lnsti- certain wc-L known practitioners determined to put the brain ui his patient ami <4 creatili/ Hint umri id I was r?n«ed ! y her repeated cal!?, and ran I worse.—-V. K JI or!J. tutc, aud they will recieve every possible rcliet And i X J. H. JOSSELYN, M. D., STOMACH BITTERS N s T I I I I I I , * > a ja stop to tiie imposiiion. I r t I i 1 ? ' I ; i r> r ✓ They accordingly estuh- thirst b>r aleouol wuiclt uoses ul unmediealed spit-, help. The Doctor’s office.« are so arranged that ■ he jlishedthe Eiectropatliie Institute,” at tila Wash- «. >wn to the dihinti-room, where 1 found her I E nglish S tokem in A merica .—Rev. Mr. eno , its arc so apt tu engen 1er. be consulted without fear of observation. Í inglon street, and placed it in charge of Dr. J. 11. much excited, saying, ”1 hart' had a quarrel Zineke, a c’tert’viuan of the English Church Josselyn, a gentleman in every "ay competent for . with mother, and killed her;" 1 do not I and Chaplain the position, with instruction.« to warrant a perleet I To arguo with thè dogmatists ubo asserì in Ordinary to the Queen, has TO CO R R ESPON DENTS. cure in ail easts undertaken by him, or refund tl.e stiinulaiit aie alway.- nulle cessare and peruieiou.' knew whether ___ she 1___ said "k “save ______ me ! ” or “help! recently published in London a work entitled | would Le a Waste <>t tini«-. 1 tic mo.-t cmiueiit l’llEI-AltEii lir Patients rcsi-liug in any part of the State, how money. They i.-iverti-e largely, an>l the r -pe.-tu- lights ih Scenici ini ve - -t ile 1 ; ipic-ti -li, me hide i‘ ! ” bnt at least we threw the body bilitv of the institute was so well known tiie I Last H infer in the United States— being table «•ver distant, who may desire the opinion and advice sick tiocked to ttie office lor udvi.-e and‘reqimcnl lamlit is uot wortti w tuie to bave u couUmcrst of Mrs. Ilii! out of the wino v to make it talk collected during u. tour through the late of Dr. Doherty in their respective cases, and who swarms, i’he effect litis begun t>> be niauc tnan- witli thè rii.-hlight. li.e ie.iiiiig eliauipir us il look as if she fell ou*; I went down stairs Southern C 'nfedemtion, tl yFar West, the think proper to make a written statement of such, ¡in II. T. I1EIAIBOIJ), iifest. Some six of the inolical “bilking” estab- > temporanee in ttie l ait< -i States, limavo fueciv iu preference to holding a personal interview, are imoiig thè number, bave anli<><-|iee i limi th.-v aie end washed my hands and face at t’.e hydrant: 'lisl.nients have cb se l their doors, au-t eceral more Rocky Mountaias, etc. The Spectator, in n respectfully assured that their communications will will shortly follow. Tiro business of the institute ino in favor ot prohibémg thè cmidovuicut ut Diti;* «Ut, then went to my rc<>m, undressed and went be held most sacred and confidential. •has become so extensive tlmt.thc Direct' rs eoiitem- >piiit>.a- liquors a- mcd.ciiies. notice of this book. Fays : “ We have all been tolled: my wife came up afterwards and If the case be fully and candidly described, per- ¡ plate erecting a larger and ni ne <•: gaut edifice ¡or amused lately with Raverdy Johnson's joke, .« mai So much h r the moral claims of the article under communication will i»o unnecessary,ns instruc ’ their u.-u during the coming fSumt-t ■ i. g it into bed, where we staved uutil Sarah | or supposed juke, about Englishmen getting ’. oadw iv. New York, and HU South Tenth :!.<• tcuipcrmicc c><ic. ’i lie ground Oeing tau.« ’.it fl tion for diet, regimen and the general treatment of the c-.rvci, t hiiudelpoia, Penn. [Er mi the Grass '» t I n.on, Dec. 2**, Lsi ’ > .] Campbel rung the bell. 1 think we were in i Cleared, mid It i- hoped, to the .'ati.'i.ictiou <>i ito speak English as well as Americans; but ease itself (includiug the remedies) will lie forward ed without delay, undju such a manner ns to con bed ten or ¿wenty minutes ; I made a solemn Srci'tss the Tittr: S tax nt in» or Mr.« it . — It • . e;y rational eh,, of -oiaiety, he specific the jest might have been uttered with good vey no idea of tue purport of the letter or par there is any truth in the ab-.»,» “oid tola ;e,” then applicati >ii ni tue lotici'- lo Ine proventi u mid vuw to the eternal God that night that 1 it will apply to the Electropathie Institute of S.m cure ot the “il s . ilesu is heir to,” e onas ¡faith by gome of his countrymen, and is not cel so transmitted •would never reveal it; Lut I cannot keep it ?r«rr~ Cousuitation at the office <>r by letter, t bkk . Frail -isco. This csLabiishtiH nt was opened to the next in order. SOLD DY ALL DK’JGQSSTS- ! without fotlndDion. Mr. Zineke caused a*ton Permanent cures guaranteed or no pay. public about six years sine-, un ier the manage any longer. I am s irry that 1 have said I Add less, isbment in some Yankee circles by the excel ment of Dr. J. H. Josselyn, who has during ttiat i Persons, who.« lives arc peculiarly sensitive are ItF.LMBoLDS FU ID EXTRACT BUCHU kn*w nothing of it ; but I did it with a vow I W. K. DOHERTY, M. D.. time treated upwards of twenty thousand eases ot snol to lie ot a '-I'tllou- 11.i'.it. ' The luol'ldd Hi- is plr.t.-Alil ill lence of lii« English for an Englishman, the 3ù-8m San Francisco, California. ¡disease to a suceesstul is-ue. with all e.xcrplio; ot a . fluence winch affect others in n ••eueial w.iy, .-ec.<: i<Us plupeilies, and mi.i <<uur; iter li..ui all mjuii- in iny rni^d, and to save iny wife. I now iiumcdiate in it. action. ¡prevalent belief being that the language o‘ 'very small number, who were too tar gone, hating i .4 their ease» to operate and 'mainly upon the make these disclosures that I may have been overdosed with poisonus drugs by sumcot the I bn.iury oig.iu. Many who mu- pie uspor.., t ■ uti Englishmen is very unlike that of the Amer ?«pt* Fill a t o r i*llci*a. numerous quacks with winch the Slate abounds. overflow oi one ¡lie .-abject to j cho H icui alt.iCns ot G od. icans—‘full of ungrammatical and vulgar th . T„->TiT-i>-ev a • . ii-i > • . »¡During the an te time the Resident Physician. liilliouMie-s, aecoiup.lined l>y p..tu iu lUe r.,ht HELMBOLD’S EXTRAtT 1 1 1 HU GIVES (Signed) G eorge S. T witchell , J r . DR. has just published an important J>r j„,>dvn( lliis recen cd and replied t- u t side, langur. pa:n between tue rti-Hi'dir*. ^lootuv heaitli ami 'Igor to ti.c li m<<i i>iu«>iu to the expres«i.»ns, from which theirs is entirely pamphlet embodying his . wn view« and expert«:.- ».^ 7^ H..‘u-aml five bundi. d letter-, besides feelings, and that pceu.iarity ue^c ul tue e nipie.,- I pmti<l ciicek. Di ><l.ty 1.« accompanied i-y many In vreseuce of Rev. George Bringhurst ar.d free.' ’’ Mr. Zineke explains; cesis relation to Impotence or \ mlity being . ills attcnti- ii L alt the patient.« un . tun winch indicates Dial a pottiuu ot the title uuicll alai innig si lllptoiii.-, ami it no treatment is sub- 'D'illiam B. Perkins. '1,vrt tre;U;se .'’r animal w. ;1((-/-vr t7ra.;it t!lv ¡n..utnt„. An am-nut of I should hale pa-sed -Hi tiir< ugti (he I hiwc I s has heeli It is a remarkable fact that tbe En-Hsh - ness. nervous and Physical Dt-urnty consequent on w((fk u wiiuU ,|(. h,ii d lhl(( lul.lthvr ,,,, ,1k. misdirected to the venous system, aud t- pic.-cut in I m:tt<-d I >, cuiisuuqiliou, nis.uiity or epileptic ills cu.-uv. spoken in America is not only very pure, but ¡this s affeetiou, und other Diseases ot the Coast „.lC:ll power suffic.ent tor the nnder- the superficial bloodvessels. In A Quandary. To »Vert these i . • . c .. , I taking, and v¿t the Resident Physician is a man to i sy mptouis, and the general dtsordr r,"Utiie internal ¡also is spoken with equal purity by all classes. ltns little work contain« information < , ... ,,,„ i,,, ... vf th .¡all appear.mees ot a .cry o..t; delicate c>ii-.iiuiion, nut t Our frienus, the enemy, are “clean daft.’’ This in S jiuo measure, of coins?, results from Utmost value to all. whether married <>r single, and ihis scientific attainments are such as to enable him organs which they involve, it is advisaoie tor in-li- Foil NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE viduals of a billions habit to take at least two dose- They don’t know what to do. G rant has ¡the success vf their educational cfbrts andi mid wiU,,v " ill he sent sent I 1 ’ttKK Ct . st ito « letermine the nature of the disease with which ,:, K by bv mail m:,u oil ”n receipt rt‘et,Pr of Six >IX tFNTS oi Hostetter» Bittcis daily al such times as they of I' in«-. Irritation, Inflamatioii, or Ulceration ot h at his head entirely. Even Hoar, his own i from tbe fact which arises out of it that they in postage stamps tor return potsage. ! the applicant may be atllictod almost instautly, and ..a\c fin reasons to appieneiid an a.tack. Indceu. ‘ tlie .Bladder <>r Kidney«, Dis<-a«cs of the ProMatw . to prescribe such 1 re u rn-nt .is w ill pr« luce a speedy who have a eon.-titiuio<,:il .md temperamental ten libtiid-. Stone in the lHiidder. Cclculei*. Gravel <>r Attorney-Genera!, who gave him a whole are, almost to a man, a nation of readers. W. K. DOHERTY, M. 1», and permanent cure. The mode of treatment at dency to liver illits wuubi «iu well to take i. Brick Du.-t deposits, mid till diseases of the Blud- book-case full of books, lifts up the heel But not only is it the same language without this Institute is peculiar, nopois .«oils drugs what dose of this admirauiu anti-bilitous stomachic eveiy 1 der. Kidneys mid Dr<>| • i<-,il Swelling.«, u?e Helui- San Francisco, Cal. ever are given under any circumstandes, and in day. When the great secretive glund 1.-sciiou.-.y ibold’* l luid Extract Buchu. against him by deciding that he cannot re- vulgarisms, in the mouths of all classes, but ‘numerous instances the sick arc permanently curd disordered, the medicine usually tesorte«! to I» voke A. J. s acts of grace. As to tbe Senate, js tbe same language without any dialectivxl without the use of one particle of medicine of any mercury, which unless administered with very ¡kind. Persons requiring a physician ou whom great caution is iutin.tely inure dangerous I tian Trumbull and a!l the rest of those lellows differences over the whole continent. Then«,. ¡they can rely, will do weil to read the advertise tiie disease it is intende l to subdue, ru a huge ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU- who try to conte the Roman Senator, curule- language in every man's mouth is that of lit- ment of tho Electropathie Institute else" here iu our majority oi the eases treated with calomel or b Ue tions of both sexes, use Helmbold’s Extract Buchu. I pili, the anti'billious ami alterative properties of* It will give brisk ¡ iip T energetic feeling», and «na ' columns. chair and all that sort of thing, ha»e gone erature aud of society , spoken at San Fran- i [From the Democratic Standard, Jan. 31, ISlJG.] the Bitters wnuld produce the disired effect. And ide you to sleep well. wild entirely. ’They know not. poor pre- cisco just as it is spoken nt New York, and I G ear to H ear I t .—For several mouth» past Dr. let it be borne in mind that whereas mercury in every shape is an insidious poison, the nicdiciua. tenets, what they say or do. And the ultras On the Gulf of Mexico just as on the great TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN- J. 11. J" selvn, for the last six years so well known ■ v ingredients of this preparation consists exclusively snte remedies tor unpleasant and daiigeruas dis BOOK, PAMPHLET I as the Resident PJiysician of the Electropathie In-l' of either Huuse are pretty much in the same I lakes. It is even the language of the negroes stitute, tila Washington .street, San Francisn, has] ot wholesome vegetable extract, which lire diffused eases« I se llehnbold’s Extract Buchu and im way. The whole of them are brought face jn the towns. There is nothing resembling i contemplated retiring from his position for • the pur- ._ | through the system by means of the purest and proved Rose wash. » mildest of all known stimulants. ¡poso of — >f accepting the position a a> - Visiting V ¡siting Physician i _ to face with a strain, and the lacquer-work this in Europe, where every county, as in AJÍ» in one of ii„ ,f the th<, large hospitals hosiutnls in his Ins native State Mate, Warillllg lO C'OUli ICt’ÍCltCl’S «11(1 is rubbed off and reveals the pinchbeck England, or every province or canton, has a Massachusetts. The matter becoming knowrf to a below. Here is a great people beset with different dialect. OI this the philological ob number of scientific gentlemen <d San Francisco,| a Caution to Purchasers THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. who, feeling what a great loss would occur to the! weighty problems, and these fellows cannot server I was dining with was ignorant. He Therefore the nervous sud debilitated »lieuld im community by the withdrawal of a physician oi i solve one of them ! mediately use Ilei inbold's Extract Buchu. such scientific attainments as Dr. Josselyn, a! No expense will be spared, n" legal means only knew that all Americans spoke uniformly meeting' w as .. called ' at - which v l— ■ u...«.>.. i_., resolution* highly-laud-1 punishing fraud will be ucgie tvd, in the effect t<l The South is unsettled, and their only idea one dialect. He naturally supposed that all atory uf tbe Doctor's abilties were passed, and a ; prevent the countcrieiting uf llostettcr'b Stomach is to tear everything to pieces and stir’em up Englishmen must do the same ; and as his ac committee of gentlemen appointed to wait upon Billers. • w. Jacksonville, Ogn again. him, present the resolutions, and urge him to give quamtance with Englishmen was comfined to MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR ARE TION c up the intention of leaving the State, and continue The finance« need attention, and all they poor immigrats, he imagined that their dia- regained by Helmbold’s Extract Huehn. in his present position. The arguments of the com have sense enough to do is to pass a buncombe iect Ka8 tbe ]anguage of ail Englishmen. • Of mittee, laeilitateil by certain nccuniary propositions, N< t t<> purchase any article purporting to be made by the Directors of the Institute, has induced Hostetter s Stomach Bitters which is not ai.tlienti- resolution that they will pay. Why, any ten, in parts of tbe country m> st remote the Doctor to retain his position as Resident Phy-; eated by tbe handsome Govemmeut stamp speci- debtor can say this ; those who mean to pay from each other, in wooden shanties and the sicinn. We announce the success of the negotiu- ally engraved for the proprietors, and also by CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED tbe least are most profuse in such assurance ; poorest huts, I had tffis interesting fact of the I RAVING A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED tions with satisfaction, as it would have been ditli- their superb new label with a beautiful vignette by SHATTERED Helmbold ’ s Extract Buchu. cult for the numerous patients that heretofore j representing the eonflict between Saint George and but where is the measure of honesty, retrench purity and identity of the language ot the assortment of relied on the Doctor for scientific uud successful the Dragon, at the top, audit miniature note of treatment to have (bund another physician capable hand signed llostetters X Smith, ut the loot. ment, economy, reform, to back these windy Americans forced on iny attention. And at; of filling h r placo. words ? N. IL—The genuine Bitters are sold in Bottles such times I thought, not without some feel-1 HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IM- only. All persons who pretend to sell the article CAUTION. proi <-d Rose Wash cure secret and delicate disor chap from the country, stopping at ings of shame and sorrow, of the wretched vo i by the gallon or barrel are imposters, and the stuff ders in all their »luges, at little excuse, little or Persons seeking the Electropathie Institute I they oiler is a worthless and probably poisonous one of the hotels, sat down to dinner. Upon cabulary, consisting of not more than three no change in diet, no inconvenience or exposure. should be careful te remember the name and num counterfeit. We arc prepared to do all kinds of It is pleasaut in taste and »dor, immediate in it» ber, the bill of fare being handed to him by tbe or four hundred words, and those often un action, and tree from all injurious properties» grammatically used ; und always more or less EbECTROPATHIC INSTITUTE, waiter, he remarked that he -didn't can Prepared and sold by 645 W asmiigton street, ’bout readin’ now—he’d wait till\after mispronounced, of our honest und hard work, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL South side, between Kearney and Montgomery, ing peasantry.” * I « Ì I T I Ì > V THE DEMOCRATIC NEWS i J ( JOB PRINTING OFFICE, i a i I - f « I HELMBOLD’S Paper-collar Congressmen is the lat est name for the carpet-baggers from V bbmomt , M assachusetts , O hio , and other Northern States who assume to represent such South —SUCH AS— ern States as are permitted to be represented iu the Forty-first Congress. The name is ap CARDS, J®* Mr. Harney, for ten years edito» of propriate. ' Paper collars are only pinned on ; BILLHEADS, the Louisville Democrat, in retiring from the they do not last long , and they aro easily editorial chair, says : ** The worst sin I have turned. This last at least was eminently tbe HANDBILLS, on my conscience is helping to make great case with the paper-collar carpet baggers at POSTERS, men out of very small material.” the Chicago Convention, wnu after taking money to vote for F entox as a candidate for JSrNothing so much destroys our peace PAMPHLETS tbe Vice-Presidency, took more money and of miud u to hear another express an inten voted for C olfax . VISITINO AND BUSINESS CARDS A » / I \ !i ■ BUCHU 4 NEW ARRIVAL ! ANTON ULLMANN tion to give us a piece of bis. p ri f h >4 fifexT* Mr. Smith says the only thing he can , J®“ When does a public officer “ begin to pay these times is his addresses to the ladies ; feel his oato?” When in-stolled- and these be never allows 4o get overdue. Why is dancing like milk ? Because tóiJTWhy is a woman who has lost her it strengthens the calves. lover like a whale ? Because she is a se .. AfiT A man who saw a rope walk has also creter of great sigh* (size). You who want Job Printing doo«, give ua • call, and we will satisfy vou both in Style and Price. Try us. nr EOT FITTING ^SHIRTS- K •> 1 SAN X, SARSAPARILLA} HAVANA CIGARS, IS THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. TOBACCO, pæ3 -MONTGOMERY ST CANDIES, FRANCISCO k \ STATIONERY Ac. Please give him a call. I CONCENTRATED EXT’OT J”VST received a large STOCK of fine * ‘'V HELMBOLD’ y HAS; And all other kind« of Printing required to be doue in the oommunity.on very reasonable terms. J6T*It is said that the reaeon that ladies What king does General Grant represent ? are like arrows ia because they are all in a £mo»king. quiver when a beau comes. I ’ J» On the sign. With these remarks we leave the in terests of the Institute with the public, asking only the same generous confidence and patronage thus Pittsburg l’enn. far awarded to it. The record shows over 20,000 For sale by all Druggist.«, Gioecrs, and store consultations, and a very large amount of suffering keepers throughout tim world. Agents for the relieved. CONCENTRATED EXT’CT Persons wishing to consult the Resident Physi Pacific Coast. cian by Letter, can do »o w ith the utmost confidence, and can, if they wish, have Electric Remedies for HOSTETTER, fcviITJI & CO.. any disease sent to alt parts of this State ; all Rem edies sent from tho Institute warranted to be effect Whole sale Druggists, San Francisoo. ual. All letters must be addressed plainly; J. H. JOSSELYN, M. D., Box 1945, Sun Fracisco, Cal. IS THE GREAT DIURETIC All letters will bo destrroyed or returned, as di November “th, 1S6S rected by the writer. Office hour» from 0 a. m. to 4 alw. 7-A fioj“ I q reply to a young writer who wishes to know “ which magaziu* will give me the highest position quickest/’ the Petersburg Express advises “a powder magazine, if you contribute a fiery article.” t I HOSTETTER d- SMITH, dinner. ! f DRUM A Co. Both are prepared according t the rulas af Next door to GLENN, Pharmac and Chemistry, and orc the moat active that can be made, and are sold by druggists «v«ry- where. augl&jrl « * I I I i y . V ■ ggx a : / /» i ' ■/ ( if. » ■ *1 .jt 'W ». n 5 * ■>, •< r <• •*«>■ Out.; - UAW ."»X— - e. ,* a I J 1 .<