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About The Democratic news. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1869-187? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1869)
CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. octatii SENATOR SPRAGUE’S WARNING. policy which, if permitted to continue, mus Wreck Of th0 Schcoilffr **Capt. Linools” reduce them to servitude and ruin.” . at Port Orford, Oregon, Jaft- 3d. 1852. No matter what may be Senator Sprague’s What say the people yf Calfornia to this Senator Sprague, ij Radical of Radicals, 16th, 1869 ) i recently made the following expose of she motives, there Ì9 one thing certain : He has warning? Can they be induced longer to [Taken from the Note Book of “Pomiee Stone" and writen for the D bmocratic News.] MORNING. MAT 1st, 1869. i been dealing his pnity associates some home support a party which bus brought the P ostmaster , J acksonville . O regon —D ear < condition of tho Country under re publi| ¡nn S ir :—Having a desire to know something rule, while discussing the Tenure of Office thrusts. From time to time we have had country to such terrible straits? Soon we Come all ye Yankee »oldiers, who livt on Pork and I INTRODUCTORY. Beaut, brief telegraphic dispatches in reference to will be called upon to elect a Legislature, in regard to your part oi tho country before Bill: these. The Radical papers have of course whose duty it will be to pass upon a measure With plenty of hard work to do, and very »lender ( emmigrating, I take the liberty to address you • He rend a long account of the cbar‘'» ter The publication of tho D emocratic N ews means, and career of the notorious Judge Jeffreys, spoken lightly of them, but they have never proposed by the spoilsmen in power for the a few inquiries * * * is begun at a time not generally considered Come listen to my ship-wreck tale, a deep and and of the condition of England in his tiiue, theless made a profound sensation on the Avowed purpose of continuing their disas dismal ono, the most favorable for newspaper enterprises. If you will answer, giving all desired it:for No one can question Senator trous rule. Will they sanction the Chinese- which, he said, was very like the condiion Country. mation, von will confer a favor ut>on many Which happen’d thirty-five Dragoon?, en the coast Aside from the great stagnation in business, at the present time. Englund at that time Sprague’s record on the score of “ loyalty,” negro amendment to the Constitution, and persons desiring to emmigrite to that coun • of Oregon. and an unusual stringency in monetary af so-called. He fitted out a regiment at his was just after a revolution, and the coWfry thus add to the voting strength of the men Very Respectfullv. fairs, peculiar to this end of the State at try. was thrown under tho control of despotic personal expense in the beginning of the who are plundering them for the benefit ol The Captain and the Colonel, the General and D avid J ack . present, the D emoratic N ews will have to con Major too, power, and Jeffreys was the eager in«truiuent. war, and hurried it to the front in advance monopolists? We cannot and will not be There are many such letters as the above They counciled with each other, a vile atd cun tend against a kind of fatality which lias seen on the floor of lieve it. Let our friends prepare then for Four years ago this country I ad come out of of all • others. As he v stated written to citizens of this valley, by persons . ning crew, extinguished such a goodly number of Demo a great civil war. Since that time the great* thè Senate, he has contributed more money another conflict with the enemy. Fix upon They counciled with each other, the “ shine for living in different parts of the I nion, who. cratic journals in the past. work of Congress had been, or shouiil have to insure the success of liis party than all the your best men for tho Legislature and organ to make. 1» is after carefully weighing all these man’ desire to immigrate hither, but who wish to, other Radical Senators combined. lie is one And fill their breeches pockets, and Government been, ft> restore harmony and prosperity to ize your forces* in compact column. The {fold disadvantages, that the issuing once know something in relation to the merits of; of the wealthiest mtn in tho country. When, coffers rake. the country. How lead the work been carried Senators chosen this fall will vote for a more of a new sheet is hazarded. “Hard the same before coming. A few facts pub- on ? Is there, he asked, peace at the South ? therefore, a man of his character and record United States Senator to succeed Mr. Cole. Said they, the Lincoln’s laden, and ready for Xr times ’’ need not necessarily continue for any ilished for the benefit of such persons may • Is there prosperity or contentment among the rises up before Hie country and tells his asso Once more into the breach, good friends, sail, great length of time as our allotment, and it i induce them to come and make our vallev• [people there? Are they not rather in a state ciatea that they are rushing it to the devil, Wo ’ ll send those 1st dragoons aboard, they’ll help, once more. Prepare to strike unothet blow ¡9 only through the exercise of confidence ' their home. her in a gale, of chronic revolution ? Is there justice ir. and, unless they halt, irretrievable ruin will for the Union, the Constitution, ami honest •ahd faith in the future tiiat human endeavor Jackson County embraces Rogue River, the land. M he that is a poor man dare at overtake all its great interests, it is well cal V«'e'll send the 1st dragoons aboard, and »tow Administration.—S. F. Daily Examiner. Valley. The county covers an area of ab nt A is ever crowned with success. them in the hold, cubiteli to awaken the utmost solicitude in tack one that is rich in any court in this 8,000 square mile« ; a reasonable proportion Like Paddy's pigs to market sent, in an Iri*h The Democrats of Southern Oregon are the minds of thoughtful men. land? Is there protection for. the right. • > or THE INFLUX OF ASIATICS. packet bold. abuadantly able (both numerically and other is suitable fir agricultural purpose«, the soil liberties of the citizens in this boasted land In tho World. of the 'Jib we find a report being as fine ns can bn found anv where in wise) to sustain a jirst class country news The San Francisco Timei in referring to¡ The plan was laid these bold Dragoons, were immigration to this coun- of his remarks delivered the day previous on the United States, The remainder of our|°f quickly inarched on board. paper as a party organ ; and that they are, ! trv bad fallen off 30,000 during the last year, the state of the country, This was his fourth this subject, makes ths following prediction, county is compiled of grazing and mineral Who quickly fixed themselves below, where Pork at all times, in need of such a Aouth-piec™, ipeegh. .Wc invite the attention of these and is cord-.ntly rejoiced at its prospective ! lands, which are inexhniistnble. The price mid it would continue to fall off, because the aud Beans w re stow’d, no one will pretend to gainsay ; the only Radical who think more of their country ¡ fulfillment : industry and agriculture of the country were A favoring tide, we anchor weighed, for Port of land ranges from five to fifteen dollar« an question,' therefore, that remains open for so than their party to his startling words. Here “ It is estimated that henceforth, after tlye so prostrated at the West that immigrants Orford she was bound, lutjo^is : will they do it? Will they take acre—tho price being governed by the loca- is tlte opening : completion of the Pacific Railroad, the influx could not find remunerative employment, and Toland her Pork and living stock, from there to ition and the amount of improvement. the same pride and interest in sustaining a “ h is from a deep sense of duty that 1 ¡of Asiatics will be much greuler than ever, Puget Sound. if they went to a farm in the West they could Democratic paper that the opposition exhibit The value of taxable property is assessed not sell their products for enough to supply have heretofore coinmunieetct! t • ti e Sfilate b ‘f >re, and that instead of remaining in Cal- In time we reached the Golden Gate, wind blowing in keeping alive the heresies and disseniinat la* $1.250,000. Oar ennty is out of debt them with the necessarie.« of life. Whenever and the country, and am now ab- ut to further lifornia a.« hitherto, they will cross the Conti fresh nnd fair, Our papula- ing the dogmas of their political faith ? Such ::W<1 ha’ n,one-v in its tr*' usury. ’ anv one in tin* Senate or elsewhere asked the communicate, the result« <>( in- reflections nent, sp end through the Atlantic cities, ami When to the pumps, six bauds were put, for thia questions, it is conceded, might be propound-1f’on nu,,d"'r> to-u*an .. L .u< atiomi. wc did nut care, reason of the depression of our commerce and upon the deplorable condition i r cmutry. i empele with labor in the factories of the ed more appropriately after the public have. Facilities will compare fivorab.j m 4h those manufactures he was snre to he met with the which, 1 am satisfied, ha« been i> reat «.art North ami the cotton plantation« of the S >i»th. For work, not soldieriug was our drill, at all time* through the year, had an opportunity to pass an opinion upon' ¡of any new county. M e have plenty of answer that it was owing to the fact that we brought about by laws en.» -l«sl h**:e without This prediction is baS'4 on the fact that the school houses ami manv good teachers. A\ e , As merrily each plied the Brake, for naught we the merits of the new candidate for popular I were not paying specie ; but the real reason! knowledge of or due regard <<> the business const of As a. wher“ live about one third of knew to fear. nee*! more children to fill the vacant seats in support. That opportunity the citizens of was that legislation and the administration| interests and requirements <>f the people, the population of the globe, will be nearer to Oregon will now, from week to week, pos our school rooms. osigli ■nr Atlantic s •aboard upon the completion of Tho wind South-West, our gallant bark, flew of the Government were so s shaped as to 1'lie whole conr«e of ymtr legislation i«<lesi sess. »wiftly o'er the sea ; The mild and healthful climate of our val encourage capital to speculate upon every in eli to protect and sustain monopolies, not at [the railroad, than England ami Ireland were Whilst thro’hcr stern aud weather side, the day Our first aim will be to deserve success, ley ¡3 its chief attraction. A country at once dustrial occupation in the country. If this all to protect the masses of the people." thirty years az”, in the days ol binnt-bowed light we could see ; and this can only be accomplished by close so good and beautiful is rarely found. The ci urse were to bo continued in les? than five Is not this a serious and solemn t'litho ¡«hip«, that used to take forty (lavs to beat to The leak increasing, pumps wer man'll, by twice application to business, and through an out Rogue River Woolen Factory, which i« loe.a- ¡year« there would be a clamor lor a tariff to Point to a single act of the la«t Coiigres« the westward aero*« the Atlantic Ocean.— their former force, spuken and fearless advocacy of those national ted tn our midst. afford* us a market for our keep out foreign cotton. Rut great as wasj which contains legislation to proti cl the i Should s ich an immigration b> realized, it The doom'd craft pitched and heaved, yet held her and fundamental principles which not only wool, California and Nevada Turnish us a the mismanagement o our national affairs masses of the people. We have protective will pour through S hi Francisco and swell compass course. underlie ¿lie basis of our party, but of the ready market for our surplus stock. We in every department, the greatest abuses tarifTsforcapitalists-credit—strengthening acts to an immense figure, the business of cur The morning of the thirty-first, and last of the old Government itself. have at this time a market for but a limited were in our financial policy. That policy for b »ndoerats. We have had railroad steamship ami ra ilro; d c< mpanies.” year. The insane aud tyrannical policy of the supply of produce. We believe that our val I was directed r. d controlled by the bankers ; I grants tor ring« of plund rers. V<(> have Another Ralicn! cotemporaiy chimes in Fill'd all our hearts with joy, for we knew tho party in power will be shown up in its true lev will soon be connected with San Francis- 1 they no doubt gave a.« good advice as they had reconstruction laws to enable the | arty still no e exultingly : Port was near, colors, and all efforts looking towards the co bv railroad. Wimn that event shall be .could, but experience had ulways shown that in power to continue in control of the Gov Alas '. how short is human bliss, the wind com : “We lave t <■ <h i bt t! at in a few years establishment of an unnatural equality of realized, then, indeed, will we have a market ¡dealers in money’ know little or notiiing eminent ; but. what law has been passed to menced tw blow, races will be resolutely opposed. for all the farmer can grow. There are ya- I about the relations of money to other occupa lessen the burdens oi' taxation weighing npon | hence tio* influx of Asiatics into this ci iimry Which caused our pour short handed crew, all [will attract more attention and will be far canvass for to stow. The I> emocratic N ews will be the white cant lands enough in Jackson County to sup- tions and interest.«. Tiie bearing of all this the people mid diminish the public debt ? D greater than the German • r Irish ¡tinnigraiion. ' *■ biborer’sfriend, and will seek to build up and ply one thousand families with home«, up- npon the pending till was this : If the legis i« true we have an eight hour law, but thi«. The sailors hove the vessel to, the soldiers worked advance all the material interests of Southern on which they can make a good living with a lators of the country had done their own it t irns < nt, was a cheat and a-iecepti u ; lol Diere is an enoitnous population to diaw I tho pumps, Oregon. In local item«, and news of general reasonable amount of industry and economy. work so bad'v, how could thev dare to as it Ims been construed by the party in ¡> o V< t from in t'hina aid Japan, ami the increasing ! The Doctor and his brother LtifT, betock them fa. ilities for their migration, ami il’.e di«*emi I C om municatkd . selves to bunks. interest, it will strive to excel. So far as «iinie the powers and duties of the Executive to mean eight h>urs’ wages. Capital <le- nation of informa'ion among them regarding Because they were of richer grade, aud wore the party divisions are concernel this sheet will 'also? inandcl this eoiistruTtion, and a« the whole th ’ « coniiiient, will be the means of sending golden lace. THE INAUGURAL ADDRESS. labor to discourage all unnecessary rancor or |<d' Radical legislation, according t. Sprague. Whilst many a gallant heart, that gale, stared K ail R oad .— We are pleased to be able to ¡Vtlesigni I to pr tret and -ti^t; i:; no !i poiie- liitberwiiid a resistí“«« sircam <•! peop’e fr< m bitterness of feeling within our own ranks, The first thing that strikes one in reading infirm the people of this valley, that the lite hnnger in the face. those countrns. \\ bo can tell the result oi without becoming the advocate or defeu ler I !General Grant's Inaugural, is its remarkable' action of Congress upon the railroad subject, pm all the Government work«, the laborer theii’ (*o-)ipetition in i-nr field« of imhi'trv-»• For three b-ng days and dismal nights, the tempest of any seperate faction or clique,. lias been denied the benefit of iii.s law. tone of confidence and self sufficiency. which Docile, de dieot ami imln«i rions, aid rutted blew its best. simply revives the grant of 18'16, and that it Subscribers to thb D emocratic N ews are in Again, savs the Senator : L“jcontrasts n >t much to his advantage with s;ni The water broke into our b<dd ; the pumpers knew to anv climate, it *< ems inevitable s .on is obligatory upon the Company, to build all cases required to pay in advance, “ 1 have heretofore called attention to the ilar addresses by former Presidents. \\ e will im rest, other system works so well to all concerned; I illustrate what wc mean by brief quotation* their road through the Vallies of Umpqua fact that the Congress < f the I niied Slates, (her inii't rule the I (liar market. AVe .«.¡ionio rather judge there wa« an “en At length the angry seas grew cnltu, the howling and especially this branch of ir, i >>w nu.n- Uifeat of prepayment: and each subscrip. fron) tUe fim In;inguI.;U Address of each of and Rogue River. blast was still, l’hi.t this road will lie built in a few years! age’s and controls not only the political affa rs ornioti« poT t,-><b-nw from." a “right A balmy, soft and gentle breeze, does our snow tion will be discontinued at the end of thelthe firtt five ((f (;ranf s processors. snrinkle'' to n«e a \V<>«,ern phrase. . _ is beyond doubt, an I when called upon — as of the country, but also each und nil of its| «tn.vrí time for which payment is made. white canvass fill. ’ ' W ashington .—“ Toe magnitude and diffi Senator r' ott estimates them at six him w ill unih-ubted ’ y be— our people should i No pains will be spared on our part to j'_ ’ culty of the trust to which the voice of my contribute liberally toward the completion of Business interests. I have not exaggerated !dr<-d nii'lio'»«. Th“ niilv dr er-d:v-k to thi« At five A. M. the vessel stuck, the morning <<t make the paper instructive and entertaing to the ('angers if our eoliditii n. The words ............ the third, country called me, being sufficient to awaken this great und r aking. We can now sit and ■ « intuid it’oti. will be tip* mean« o ' Whilst lore amt aft anil either side, were roariug I. >iti i . i barbnrinn all classes, and the united co-operation of alii, 'in the wisest and most experienced of her li-ten to the music of the Ele’tric current as that I have sp u-uni here nave In'eri spoken nt transportation. Wealthy Stcam«'ip <’<»>n- break er« hoard, those friendly to the cause is solicited in the citizens a distrustful scrutiny int i his q i iliti she travels along the vvjre e; ; but when hi r other times, but they failed then to touch the I pauics ! here's a chance lor v n. San F ran Again she struck with furious force, the water effort to establish a party organ on a perma popular mind and l:“art. beeiius«? the minds cation«, Could nut but overwhelm with di- I twin bro'!.er, the Iron Horse, washed bur -leek, . j, surni muted i.y an 1 hearts of the people were nut then in ci«c> muv do we’l a« the population poured nent basis. pondence one who, inheriting inferior endow- that indigenous embodim* < nt of democratic the condition that they are in now. The fu-: thr High here “swell.® t > an en< rfnmts figure." Another powerful parting blow. an<l the “Lincoln” lay a wreck. ' meats from nature, and unpractised in the buzz, is, the steam i whistle, begins to scream 'pampered mid government suhsid'z"d r:>i'r»-i<l I ¡tore never btfore looked so dark to the peo PROGRESS. Idu.ties of civil administration, ought to b • upon our mountain tons ai d .through our ple of the United States as it does to-dav. coinpnnies nt tv d<> well ; the >in'V“r«aI b” *t'> A stitch in tim- and nine rre saved, is a proverb How long must our people Submit to the peculiarly conscious of his >wn deficiencies.” i valley, a new life indeed will be given our 1'hev do not know exactly what the diffimhv; old and true. , may even f''“" he hl‘ built nn «nd For her open sides, and half paid seams lay plainly perver-ionof common and well-in?aning term«? A dams .—“On this subject it might better people *, and a wav opened to tl-.e Outer world. |:s now. or What the remedy is ; but they do[ ¡strengthened therein- ; hut white strengthened thereby : laborer.«-- to our view, Disloyalty often dons the cloak of intense pa become me to be silent, or to speak with von who lutve ¡konw that there is a pressure upon them that ¡yon Im« e formed tlm the bn«is hn«is of our country’s If things were done in “.«hip shape” style, tho triotism and tyranny takes its loftiest stride? diffidence. *’ T iif . B ill S igned .—Among the bills sign 1 they have not yet been able to throw < 11 and mid unexampled prosperity in the pa«t—how vessel caulk'd abaft, in the name of liberty. It is not surprising, be with mu vmi ? Do von relish the id«n Young Lock wood wool . have saved his good»,, J efferson .—“ I avail myself of .the pres . cd bv the President on the eve ol adjourn which they y mu t throw off if the Country is will it b.« there! ire, that retrogression in govermental dice of that portion of my fellow citizens ment—April lOih—we find one entitled “ An to live I* ^Hipeting with sn th « horde of “docil<». and I’ucle Sam, a craft. I affairs should strive to sail under the banner which are here a-sembled to express my I Act to amend an Act entitled an Act grant n . obedient nnd industrious” .slav“«. who. von These arc no words of the fl.ppunt para-1 . , , , , , So now I've told uiy .-hipwreck tale, an unvarinish- of progress. Alfew fanatics, being worship-{ i grateful thanks for the favor with which they ing to aid in th“ construction < f a railroad ¡are promised, wrl shortly rule tho labor edoneof truth. graphist, but the sober outgiving« of u pmm.l ers of a single iiVa. will undertake some in- i have been pleased t > lo >k toward« me, to de and telegraph line from the Central Pacific inent Senator addressed to the meml» rs of! i markets. I'll bid good bye, a I am dry. and fill uyr acking ovation upon established nsuages—something (dare a sincere consciousness that the task is Railroad in California to Portland, Oregon* hi« own party. “The future never before. Govcrn!n“’it make« von par tn pr >‘ec* *1 oot 11, wholly impractical and vissionary in the ex i i above my talents, and that I approach it ! approved July 25th, 1866.” This 1 aves no looked so dark to the people of the United r i l mannfacturie«. and to build railroad«, mid tn With a bumper of good brandy, my sorrows for to- treme; and it is at once foisted upon public . this? i • m «u«tain Steaniers on the o‘Pan. while eng igod drown, j with those anxious and awful presentment* doubt that the telegraphic announcement of ’ , ,, How is More More’ ..... notice as human advancement. The Ameri ; which the greatness of the charge ami the grant of lands referred, not to the Humboldt I ' State« a« it does to-day.” | For I'nic bound to keep uiy spirit» up by pouring , it. in this impolitic traffic, vet van .are entitled ' K years ago the popular hemt was can people are great on progress. i branch, but the' California branch of the than lour spirits down. , , no protection ; von must take vour ehanc“« weakness ol my powers so justly inspire." triad ' . made gl.. . at ... the announcement of peace. I Central Pacific. The Humboldt branch was I nlons with the lowest menial« of earth 1 1“ When next I go on board a ship, the brincy deep Our progress in arts, science, and litera : M adhon .—“ I repair to the post assigned In none of the years since was there a neces-' ì hindered by the conflict of interests which a political sense, the evil is «till more alarm ture, cannot be too often or too highly com t > roam. 1 me with no other discouragement than what sity lor a standing army <>r an extra expendi were involve! in the “Omnibus bill,” in ing. Congress rofa’cl to place anv prohibi Oh may it be when I am free, bwund for tny mended ; but progress in religion and pol’tics springs from my own inadequacy to its high ture of national-funds. And yet the burihen lloosier home, which the brunch road was included.— Daily wants to be carefully considered and cautious tion upon Chinese becoming citizen«, andj duties, if I do not sink under the weight of of taxation still presses with undiminished For should I think in after years, of what I once Sacramento Union, April wha* i« to prevent ’hem eventually, through j ly adopted. People should, at all times, bear this deep conviction, it is because, &c.” weight upon the country. The Union isstil| have been, in rememberance that this is an age of adul sheer force of number«, predomin ating thisi * * divided, while misrule, anarchy and oppres I'll drown it with all other cares, in a bowl of M onroe .—“ Conscious of mv own deficien We see, says the Mountaineer, by our’ terations as well as of improvement. Decep continent,? It will not be in our tinm : but sion prevail throughout the South. How good “ Potheen.” tion is the rule and honesty the exception ; cy, I cannot enter on these duties without exchanges that Mr. Wilson, of Minnesota, two or three Jiundred years might suffice to It will be renietibored by many of the old settler» introduced a bill in Congress, which passed, long c .n any country endure such u state of, [witnessthe most nnilesiroahlc transformations and spurious articles and spurious principle« great anxiety for the result.” in ¡Sun Francisco, ('al. and Pert Orford, Oregon, Now contrast the anxious self-distrust of ¡granting the right of way for a railroad from things? Again we quote: [if unlimited inducements are holt out to that, the Schooner “ Lincoln” was chartered by are proffered to the masses more frequently “The condition of tho masses of our peo [ Asiatic immigration and more persistently than any others. To those ancient weaklings, with the unhesitat- Portland, Oregon, to the west side of the Goveruinent of San Francisco, to transport troep» pie is far worse than it was a year ago ; 1 ing air of conscious strength and easy assur- Cascades Mountains. What doe« this mean ? aud Sutler goods to tke sale aud commodious select the true from the false, requires have good means of knowing that condition ; f-.LT“ Pengra has got up a new map which harbor of Port Orford for the purpose of protecting discrimination and forethought; while errone ance with which our new President takes up ; To us, it looks as if the O. S. N. Company I am repotted to be engaged in enterpri.® *« nt , (8 | 1OWS |}1P Oregon Branch from tlie miners and settlers of the newly discovered his burden and asserts his ability to carry it : intend building a road to connect with theii ous tenets are attainable without exertion. G rant .—“ The responsibilities of the po portage at the Cascades, aud then do away the South, and from ail parts of the country j the Humboldt to Portland. This map In “Eldorado.” The Linconln sailed from San Fran The_ Republican party has been engaged (he road ns crossing the Cascade Motin- cisco, Dee. 2oth. 1851. in reconstructing the Southern States, or af sition I feel, out accept them without, fear. with their boats on the lower river. If this come to me letters asking lor employment ; 1 fecting to be eugaged at that business, for The office has come to me unsought. I com should happen to be the case, it would very am supposed to be rich, and perhaps more tn*)ns ¡n Douglas County, and coming into C uba and its W ail —The rebels to the near five years • and during all this time they mence them untraniiueled.”— Banner of Lib. materially reduce the price of freight to this than anyof the friends around me, I a»’;this valley on the east side of Const Fork, Spanish government in Cuba, seem to be point, and thereby make glad the hearts ol made the objective point of appeals for assist- crossing the Willamette above the junction gathering strength every day. Valient?, the have had complete ascendency over the Fed erty. I what 1 have said on this hill here- ,,f the two-streams, and continuing down the rebel General, has issued an address in which, many of the residents of this side of the I ance. In eral Government; but where can we find any No C ousin of G rants .-Ex-Congressman Mountains. We shall anxiously await the tofore the Senate of the United .States and east side of the river to Oregon City.—Ore- he states that the rebels already hold two. evidence of the progress of which they so some of the people may well have misunder- gonian. thirds ol the Island of Cuba, and the array/ vauntingly boast. True, they have accom Mallory and family, passed through town next move in ibis matter. stood me ; 1 have not come before the Sen under his command is steadily increasing. plished their chief desideratum in the enfran last week, en-route from -Washington. While ate or the people to warn them of the impend P ublic H ealth . — Complaints of hard times t-tT Dr,.Weatherford has soi l the Herald here, one of our inquisitive “ Hombres' 1 he Cubans have, for a number of years,, chisement of the blacks ; but how deceptive, ing danger for any purpose of sensation. I throughout the State are pretty general, but stabiishment to Sylvester Pennoyer, who asked his little boy why bis father received b en subjected to the most humiliating hard unmanly and dishonest was the whole course certainly do not desire to be the object of for some time past has acted as editor, He the people of Jackson County need not be ships by the Home Government, and the of the party on this question throughout, and no appointment under the new administra the gaze of the people of the United States. says that the Herald will continue to be the gived up entirely to murmuring. The execel- tion ? “ Why, lie ’ s no Cousin of Grant ’ s ” bolder spirits have always been restive under how short sighted and futile it is as a means It has always be/n my nature to seclude my “ outspoken organ of the Democratic party, this tyrunny. When the revolution occurred, lent health enjoyed, universally by this com exclaimed the little fellow.apparently surpris of restoring tranquility and peace to our po ed nt the ignorance of his questioner as re- munity greatly compensates for the temporary self from public gaze, and if I consulted my the firm friend of every work of public im. in Spain, last fall, they hope«f for better litical world! r “ * * • own inclination, I should certainly prefer to provement, and the medium of the late«t nnd things ; but relief came not, and a Devolution No ! the Radical party makes progress only gards the relation one must sustain in order lull *n business. . Our M. D.’s are the' only persons who have a legitimate right to feel do so still—to leave this country and hide i most important news of the day.” We wish was determined upon. The opportunity pre«, in overthrowing and undermining the estab to be eligible to “Posish.” discouraged. Their avocation like Othello’s, myself from the sight and hearing of those Mr. Pennoyer the most abundant success.— sented by the internal dissensions in the lished institutions of our country. Their Some two weeks ago we published a ¡3 about gone. The superiority of our cli- who are carrying out a policy which, if it be Democrat. Home Government was »eisgd, and the pros progress is a civil blight to all the land. not speedily abandoned, must result in the statement of the finding of a skeleton of n mate is to be recognized by persons pect now is that the arms of the rebels will Their Statesmanship is fraught with unmixed ruin of the country/ If I had chosen to con- R ock P oint .—Those who attend nartiea be victorious, even should the insurgents re evil, without the redeeming virtue of sinceri human frame on tho roof adjoining our of- i from abroad, and as a con sequence, a number suit my own peace and pleasure, I should are familiar with those pleasant entertain ceive no foreign aid.— Uaioaul ty in its conception or honesty in its carrying flee. Since then we have ascertained that of farms have been sold this season, Rtfair - -a- these boDes once belonged to a BOldier who prices, to immigrants who sought a residence have continued in seclusion, and not come ments given by L. J. White at Rock Point. ‘ out 1 M arried ; It was rumored says the Ore forward to express views so contrary to the He proposes to give another, Thursday was killed last spring in our streets by a [ in cur midst,mainly for the health advantages general sentiment of this body and of the evening May 6th, and especially requests each g >n Herald oi the 23rd, that Byron Z. llolmer«. S till A live .—Ilenry Pape is still alive comrade. One of our doctors procured the of our climate. party now controlling the affairs of thecoun- and every individual in the community, fond wa« married to a blooming belle of Jackson and enjoys it hugely to see the boys call in body for surgical purposes, and for some rea L iberal . —Glenn, Drum A Co. make ttitry; but, sir. I could not do it. I could not of dancing after good music, and eating the ville, Oregon.—Byron didn't marry but he son not not known KUOW 11 to IU US us the lire bones were nvio put jmi- vu ou and “smile.” Fletcher, is as youthful as son tried hard to make a •“ Flutter ” amony tho ever, and can mix a cock-tai I, just to suit the roof where they were accidentally found.,11 l)eral offer for the liade~read their udver|re8ist the pressure that compelled me to come; uxuries of a well furnished tabic i to come .gay belles of this place. ti&ement in another column. I before the people and warn them against that)laud sec him on that occasion. —Mountaineer. you. I 1 a _ A spinwall , N ebraska , March ) * a ? aa aa a— .. aaa 1 aa r» « « V I 1 .11 I I I I uuiict