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About Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1909)
i THE ULTIMATE GOAL What Organized Labor Aims to Do For Mankind. THE GROWTH OF UNIONISM Under the Spur of Organized Opposi- lion by Employers Wagaworkara Ara Rising to Meet the Situation—United They Are Able to Resist Injustice. i UPBUILDING HINTS. « Wo* to Kaap Your Own Town Befoea the Public. it is up io the citzena of every town. I*e it large or small, to keep it prom inently before the public as an enter prising. hustling town, one where good people would not oj»ject to living and raising their children. We don't be lieve in trying to make of every town u»d village a manufacturing center and one destined to become a city in a comparatively short time. All sncti statements are vain and misleading. But there is scarcely a towu which by co-operation of its citizens may not be kept alive and made attractive. By the organization of the business men in uii lines, and every town should have such an organization, a great deal may be accomplished toward its pros |>erity. Some organizations undertake loo much at the beginning, and, fail ing. their members become discour aged and give up in despair, when if. on the other baud, they bad only un dertaken oue or *vo things at a time and laid their plans well and worked to them they would have made a suc cess of the veuture. Good roads are one thing needed in a number of places, and one good road leading to and through a town will contribute very considerably to its well being. A good place where farmers can hitch their teams and where they can be provided with water, etc., is an attraction worth all it costs. A rest room, provided each store has none, where the wives and daughters of the visiting customers may find such com forts as they usually require on such occasions is also an item not to be over looked. When a few conservative business men get to working together for the advancement and upbuilding of their local interests ideas of value will sug- gest themselves and they will always find something worthy of considera- tlon. I Good schools, attractive church build ings and such things will attract worthy citizens.—Retail Merchant. Discussing the question "What is the Ultimate Goal of Organized La bor?” in a recent Issue of the Boston Globe, H. 1!. Perham, president of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, out lines the following program: There are likely to be many diver gent opinions in regard to the query as to “What Is the Ultimate Goal of Organized Labor?” and this thesis la submitted as the present view of one cheerful citizen who knows there are others The necessity for organization among the wage earners in the United States becnine apparent only during the past fifty years. The organization of those who had capital to invest made the organization of wage earners an imperative necessity as a matter of seif preservation. The power of money is great but when It is massed by In corporation to such an extent that it makes Croesus of old look like a piker the wage earner is forced to hustle to save himself from abject slavery; hence the American Federation of Labor, with its 11(1 national and inter national unions. 38 state branches, 587 city central bodies, 664 local trades and federal labor unions and scores of other unions, brotherhoods and wage earners’ associations not yet affiliated. ■ But not withstanding the millions of; citizens now identified with the cause of organized labor the movement is »till in its infancy. Employers have recently formed or VALUE OF SCHOOL GARDENS. ganization* for the purpose of stamp- Important Factor In Developing Char Ing out those of the workingmen, acter and Educating the Young. What piffle! They might as well try While file school garden as an edu to stop the rising tide of the ocean. Good came of the attempt, because by cation proposition is in a general that means the employer found out sense in its infancy, its effect on pub the depth and strength of the work lic school children who have come un lngman's movement and how thor der its influence lias been quite marked and most encouraging. The efforts of oughly it Is in earnest I the depart incut of agriculture to add Organized labor Is today resisting in inspiration to the cause by providing justice on the part of the employers garden facilities for the Washington and occasionally wresting a little more of labor's profits from the boss for the scholars have shown that not only use of the worker and his family and does the prescribed work in actual gardening tend to broaden their intel by that means steadily strengthening lectual capacity, hut it also develops its position. It is settling Jurisdiction refinement in a greater or less degree disputes between organizations along and. above all. Improves the moral tone. broad and sympathetic lines, and the This would go to show that the gov result will he unity aud enhanced op ernment might well exercise itself in portunity for more effective work. Here and there the ultra conservative the direction of educating school gar and the rod radicals are shying rocks den teachers to the end of developing good citizens in their future pupils. at one another (metaphorically speak At a meeting of school superintend ingi. but they will eventually discover ents in Washington great interest was common ground upon which both sides manifested in this work, and the re- can stand and unitedly gain victories over conscienceless greed, grnspfng suits so far accomplished and on rec- ord served to show that the school cunning and the lawless rich. garden can be made, in fact is. a decid Tomorrow it will i«e resolving itself Into co-operative societies for the ptir edly important factor in the develop poae of distribution of its product ment of character and the general among its members along equitable education of the young for the benefit lines: also devising means of tiecom of any community. Looked upon as an ing itself the employer by instituting important, legitimate function of the government to promote such a phase manufacturing plants of its own In the not distant future it will elect of public education, it is to be expected its own members to the congress and that some available scheme involving the legislature to solve those larger government aid may be presented to problems that unionism and co-opera- : congress and receive its sanction and support. —Los Angeles Times. tlon cannot touch The money ques tlon. the wage problem, the land sub- ■ Public Comfort Stations. Ject. the tax riddle, are some of the One of I lie longest and most Impor larger nuts they will lx* called upon to crack. It is futile to expect that any tatit municipal strides of the last dec but working people will satisfactorily ade is the increased and increasing uuiulii'r of public comfort stations, answer those conundrums The goal will be reached when we and still more are ueeded. for. nftei have achieved peace, prosperity and all, the world is for those who live in happiness for the citizens of the Unit- iL European countries are far iu ad ed States and commenced proselyting vance of America iu these p.lblic con among other nations to solve their vex venieuces anil iu this most important ed questions in the same manner ns phase of public improvement. There is no «luestiou as to the necessity of we have done The United States is the hope of the these stations but town authorities do world at the present time. Its citizens not always know or will not always must make good by showing the down see what is beat for the whole people. trodden and oppressed of other nations Too often "city fathers” have indi how to emancipate themselves front vidual fads aud lose sight of comfort all kinds of slavery by intelligent, for women aud children, to say noth ing of tlie visitor or the rural resideut forceful, yet harmonious action not ustxl to city or town life. The question of public comfort stations is Worit Crime of All. “Call the Jury for the next case.” au all important one aud will force it self upon our attention more and more said the Judge “May It please the court.” said the m the immediate future. prosecuting attorney, "the prisoner at Incentive to Trade. the liar is not entitled to a Jury. He”— Keep track of your sales each day “Why. the ornarlest chicken thief is entitled to trial by Jury.” exclaimed It will be a help to you later on. At the close of each day's business the Judge "It is the inalienable right enter in your personal memorandum of every man charged with”— “But this is a union man charged bo* Ik your total «ales for the day; also with having violated your order not to make totals for each week and each approach a strike breaker with Intent mouth. For the first year you can make weekly and monthly comparisons. to influence him." "What? Prisoner, stand up! You au<l after a year you can compare have committed a crime which ts so your sales each day. These compari much worse (han murder, rape. Incest, sons will serve to act as an incentive arson, infanticide, homicide, patricide, in your work, for you will find your matricide or fraticide that you hav»» «elf trying to beat your previous rec forfeited all right to a trial by Jury ords. You will find that it is interest Solitary confinement for six mouths. ing to do this, it is a good thing for Call the next case!”—Lincoln Wage the store, so it cannot help but tie a good thing for you also. worker. Seaman Aid Lake Strikers. Trade Booming Hint*. The members of the International Seamens union have voted an assess meat which will aggregate $32,000 to Maltet the sailors ou the great lakes who have been on strike against the Veaael Owners' association for several months The Vessel Owners' associa tion controls about one-half the boats on the lakes and have endeavored to establish a record book system among the men. The beadquarters of the In ternational Seamen a uulou are tn Boa- Respect til«' time of commercial gen- tlemeu; also your own. Opportunity may rap at thy door but once. Be not slow or half hearted with thy welcome The business man who doesn’t ad vertise liecnuse "times lira hard” is like the ostrich who buries its head in the sand to escape the hunter. opportunities are never adver tise«! In the lost and found columns. But new- opportunities are created by tie right kind of advertising. Ma Who Ha* Knowledge and Ha Who Gamble* o* Gos*p. Catching Mark to McGuire. James McGuire of the Cleveland Americans took «s-casion to put tlie kibosh ou the claim» of Catcher Gib son of the Pittsburg* his feat of catching 112 games in a row was u McGuire claims that world’s recon! he caught iu 1: '. I- mes \ hen wil h the Senators in IX».'. "Far l>e it from a MANAOEK JIM MUUIKB OF TH® LAND A.MEKK ANS. CLÏVF- veteran like me to try to take any credit from a nice young fellow like Gibson." quoth Jim, "but a reference to the National league records of 1805 will disclose the fact that in that year I caught 133 games for the Washing ton club, which was all there were od the schedule, so the games were neces sarily consecutive.” Ambidextrous Batters. The latest thing in baseball is to develop a set of hitters who bat equal ly w«<l from either side of the plate. Hugbic Jennings and some other crit ics assert that it is possible to train young batters to do this. The result is the utter confounding of pitchers. Southpaws and rigiit handers will then lose their distinction. When the southpaw appears the batters will al) work right banded, and with the right handers pitching they will shift to the other side. There are several batters now who are ambidextrous Alan Storke hits from either side. Donie Bush, the De troit shortstop, beat Dolly Gray. the Washington southpaw, receutly by moving over to the right side of the plate. He drove In all of Detroit's runs. Austin, playing with New York, can bat from cither side. So can Germany Schaefer. Claude Ritchey and George Davis. Other batters try ft occasionally. Phillie McGovern a Good One. Fighters come and fighters go. but it just seems that the McGovern tril»e Is It-« going t<> keep going on forever some years since the Brooklyn rigtit fan bad the chance to boast of a real fighter. Now they can howl amt yell all they want, and the echoes will sound all over the country. Another McGovern has hit tlie pugilistic h<»ri zon. Phillie is his name, and if he is nothing else he is today to be regard ed as the very best bantamweight tighter we have in the east. Phillie McGovern is the pride of Brooklyn t<«iay. and all tiecause lie gave Joe Waguer. conceded to Is* the best of little men in this section of the country, as tine a beating as any boy ever got in ten rouuds. Athletics In Marine Corps. There is a movement afoot in the marine corps at Washington for a broader development In athletics than has heretofore - hnracteriz«*«l th«* life of the marines tb«*re Baseball, footliall. track event« and possibly aquatics are to be taken up and games strangl'd with th«* leading military and naval teams of th«........untry. provided the plau as discussed meets with tlie ap proval of those In authority Should the corps g<> in for athletics extensive ly it might l>e able, it is suggested to get the famous West Point-Annap olis football teams to play in Wash ington at times This Pitcher a Real Midget. The real and onl) midget pitcher In professional baseball Is Gordon Hick- man. th«> star twlrler of th«» Mobile Hick weighs Southern league team Just 115 pound« and is built like a rake, His leg« are pipestems, aud ills arms are Ju«t ns shnj»*lv a« hl« leg* How he ever pitches a full game physl clans cannot understand Hickman work« i.tslv once n week. but h«* tiearl* always wins hfs gani«*s Hick will never Is* in the major league« because of his small size HI* nenre«t rival as n tnldget 1« Frank Browning of th«* San Francis, o team, who weigh« 122 pounds French Bcxers Invade America. I PLAYING THE STOCKS. France, which hitherto has Imported American boxer* freely, often to great er profit of the latter than to the ad vancement of the nob]«* art of «elf de fense. baa now reached a jwdnt where it can export some fighters This re sult ha* been attained through the American Invasion Lightweight Henri Piet and Middleweight Champion Mar cel Mnrnnti are uow In this coentry aeeklug matches Of the many popular delusions toueb- 1 , Wall street an*l its peop.e none is mor»- persistent or more dangerous to the outsider than the l»elief that frem nothing great permanent fortunes have been made by shrewd and lucky spec- We nlation in prices it isn’t true differentiate here Is* tween speculation in prices only and the kind of legiti mate speculation which seeks to antici pate great economic changes. Legiti mate speculation has its translation into prices, too. but it takes, first, origi nal capital in som«-* reasonable propor tion to the profits expected and. see« oudly. the treatment of exceptional opportunity with correct imagination. Its risks at beet are very large. Among our Wall straet acquaintances nr»* sev eral hard headed men who succeed iu making $35.»»»» a year by speculation. Not one of them has a capital of less titan $250.000 They make it earn fbollt l(t per cent Take Blank, one of the ablest specu lators we know. He has made half a mtllton dollars during the past tire years Very handsome return, you sav. Let us look at Blank, ne was the chief accountant of one of the big railway systems when an uncle, dying, left him $20.000 Mind you. he was an expert railway statistician and an ex ceptionally able young man to boot, He knew his own road like a book, a« well as som«* other things that only the directors wort* aware of. The stock of the system looked cheap to hhn. and he used his $20.000 to margin 4.000 shares. A bull market was tieginning, and within a month or two Blank’s capital had increased to $00.000. He was content with a ten point rise. though the stock advanced ten points more, That was the first of Blank’s deals, Twelve months later he won again He thought that the stock of a certain western system was selling below its value and set about an in vestigation to find the facts. He hired a first class engineer and a retired traf fic manager to travel from one end of that railroad to the other, and he him self analyzed the accounts. When all the reports were in it seemed to him that the system was earning enough money to justify an increase of its dividend, and tie plunged once more He waited six months for his point this time, and his investigation had cost him $5.000. He made $50.000. Good interest, you say, but think of Blank’s special equipment for the game and the trouble he took to be right. You. Mr. Thinmarginist, after reading the Wall street gossip tn your daily paper, adventure your thousand or two thousand dollars and expect to double your money. Mark the differ ence.—John Parr in Everybody's Mag azine. y^OEJOl ...~IOI~~T3DON y^OEaoi "ior~~—~Jg=xor; «BANDON REAL ESTATE> 1 AND LOAN COMPANY BOUGHT AND SOLD ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE Tennyson's First Poem». o Th«» wind came sweeping through th«» garden of an old Lincolnshire rectory one morning in the tieginning of last century and blew upon a child of five years old. who opened bis arms to the blast and let it carry him along, cry ing as he traveled. “I bear a voice that's calling in the wind.” That was Tennyson’s first line of poetry. The first poem he ever composed was writ ten upon a slate one Sunday morning at Louth. The subject, set him by his brother Charles, was "Flowers." and little Alfred covered his slate with blank verse after the model of Thom son's “Seasons.- His next attempt was an elegy upon his grandmother, who had just dhsi. written at th«* request of his grandfather. When ft was writ ten tli«> old man put it) shillings Into th«* boy's band and said. "There, that Is the first money you have ever earn- ed by your poetry, and. take my word for it. it will be the last.”—Westmin ster Gazette. Money Loans Negotiated on Approved Security. All U S Land Matters a Specialty and Prompt ly Attended tc. Pension and Insurance Agency Bond Brokers Trans-Atlantic Steamship and Railroad Ticket Agency Room» 2 hik I 3. Sew I lenii olili /"I-PR eyes V/llAUtJ o o OREGON BÆZSTDOIST C. T. B lum en rot her , Notary Public YOUR ATTENTION Is called io the fact that COL. C. T. BI.UMEN- ROTHER of Bandon, Oregon, will insure Saw mill men. Loggers and other kinds of workmen against sickness, accident or death at reasonable rates. It will pay you to call on him and see what he offers in that line. Opening an Oyster. ‘The Cook's Oracle.” a book which was never far from the kitchens of our great-grandmothers, is very precise in its directions as to the proper manner of preserving and eating oysters, .«ays an English journal. "The true lover <>f an oyster." writ«*« the author, "will have some regard for th«1 feelings of iiis littl«* favorite and will never aban don it to tin* mercies of a bungliug op erator. blit will o|«en it himself and contrive to detach ttie fish from the shell so dexterously that the oyster is hardly conscious lie has been ejected from his lodging till lie feels the teeth <>f tlie piscivorous gourmand tickling him to’death." This Was In Denmark. An Englishman having business in a certain Danish town arrived at th« railway station He inquired of a group of men standing near the way to ttie bouse he wanted, whereupon one of then» offered to go with him and «how him. With recollections of what «nch n sorrire meant In England he said. “I don't want a guide." "But surely you asked us to «show you the way.” «aid one of them. “Yes. but I don't want a guide.” "My dear sir, I am not a guide; I am the bishop.” Romance In High Life. "Ho that heiress is engagetl to a no* Neman.” » ELIZA 13 ET II This steamer is new. is strongly built and fitted with the latest improvements and will give a regular 8 Jay service, for passengers and freight, between the Coquille rivet, Oregon. L -f First-class Passenger Fare Freight Rates. $7.50 $3 on lip Freight J. E. WALSTROM. Agent, Bandon. Oregon. E. I. Kruse, managing agent, 24 California St., San Francisco. 7 íí BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY Family Washing a Specialty. First Class Laundry Work Guaranteed. attention given to fine woolen goods. Special Cleaning and pressing Mena Suita and Ladies tine skirts given prompt attention "Yes.” "And you sav the affair was roman- de*’ "Oh. very Why. the duke was eve» too poor to hire a lawyer.”— Kansas City Journal. Afraid of Consequences. Dog Hater (tremulously»—See.l here, sir! Will that dog bite me? I»og Owner (scornfully»—Do you suppose he has no instinct of self preservation?— Raltimore American. F. A. BATES, Proprietor < nlitorniH hik I Steamer Alliance ’Now plying I m * tween Portland and Coot* Hay only WEEKLY TRIPS 728-730 Merchant« Exchange San Francisco The sagacious.are generally (lucky.* Blackwood. Ntenmaliip <'« Oregon GRAY & HOLT CX>.. On Agent. t H W SKINNER, Agent Marihfield J. E. W ALSTROM, Agent. Bandon Phone 441 r