Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, February 20, 1908, Image 7

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    Your Duty is to be Well.
Ifart yoa oaxrnut be well U you neglect
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Vtan you know
you should taka IL Impucv blood, poor
appetite, btadacba, nervousness, that tired
Oiling —by tbss* sud other signs your sys­
tem demands Hood s. L*k a bottle today.
Clow Of Health— “Mr blood WM very
Kor. Siue« taking Hood’s bsrsaparilla I
re mor* color in my face, sleep and eat
5eU. and work U a pIi-Mure.” Mas. A. A
owattu, T suu I ob . Moes.
In Worst Form— "I had catarrh in the
worst form and «s-> advised to try Hood i
nssrsaparilla. 1 lock seven bottle« and am
now iu good health.
I hope everyone who
taa catarrh will give Hood’s a fair trial.''
Mua. W illiam M etcsj .». 1'arkerford, Pa.
Always Pralse-"I first took Hood’s Bar-
Mparilla !J year« ago. and always spvak in
ntvorof it." H. CowpKht.,
Ferry Street,
*owell, Maae.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold everywhere.
IB the usual liquid, or in tablet form called
•Arsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre­
pared only by C. I. Hood Co.. Lowell, Mass.
■ •taille.
Po« wan writing “The Bell«."
“It JingiM,” he said, "as if ther* mighi
ta a lot of coin in it “’
Cheered by the thought, L* tintionahu
Ul*d with redoubled energy.
SiWBly lata»»««.
lktimst» Friend—They suspended you
ftaui th« H«t Sports' Club? Wb«t bad
ta« Aon«?
Victim fekokin* with wrbtlj)—Not •
kta>k bln*! All they eould prove «gainst
«• ««• that I h«d trimmed • sucker.and
his *«<L just a« y»u «r ««y «ttar
«••Id hi»« don« ?
*•« Lik«Ip
• Bfrt. Neighbor—Aren’t you going t«
»*M «a. «ar «id acboolmato who baa
ptat moved into tl» aext block?
Mia. Ham«*— I would llta t« call on
taa. bat I taa't «»ai ta waat tar kus-
Mr* N«lghtav—Ob. «her« (s n« flaw-
«B* *f •watiag him. TL«y tar«
ta*rrl«4 taarly a yaar.
r«««»««l sav»»» »••••««»*.
i» • ffuillotio«?”
"It'« «• iaatruvwat bearing aoiaa
tatablaaoa ta • aliirt collar that has hern
»«aw *r faui tinwa to tbe laundry, Tom-
«W. but it ■ mtwb quick«« and «»ore tsar-
total «a ta eparatiea.”
aatrwAtiw a. » ürtor -*•»?»» »i cwemtit.
L mm I viü «, •’•¡«»rtaKk hp<t imfl’i prit »s: (»«Hd,
Ser, L MU î <ioid, Mlvtf,7 >«» ; Gold, ; Zinc or
p< r, Igl. ( vanille teais. Almljing envs¡op*i jtnd
lancB Usi MDloa application. Control and U tn-
■Hwurk MMtaM
BWtataBll 4 MtaMMB N»
11« Tell« ot the Fruit with a Moa-
eyed Enture.
Bananas are a simple and a handy
commodity. But, bark ! They have a
future. There» money In them, Lis­
ten to J. F. Kinseley, banana dealer,
formerly of Honduras, at tbe Midland
hotel this morning, saya the Kansas
City Btar.
"We banana promoters are optimists.
Did you s«x> tliat Germany has taken
the tariff off bananas? It won’t lie
long before the Germans will be eat­
ing as much of my favorite fruit as
'Americans <lo. New York city last
year got outside of a billion bananas,
though, and the Germans will have to
"The vegetarians? We have lots ot
faith In them. They are growing
stronger every year—in numbers, I
j mean. Banana flour is better than any
other flour. Your broad won’t taste
flat any more. It’ll taste sweet, like
bananas. And If you ever eat a pa n-
cake made of the new flour you'll nev-
or touch another buckwheat cake, even
though it be of the kind mother used
to cook.
"Mills for making this flour are be
Ing built nH over the country. St.
Louis lias tlie largest one In the world,
You see, this Mississippi valley Is the
best place in the world to locate tlie
mills. The fruit is shipped in barges
across the Gulf of Mexico and then up
‘he river to the factory.
"What makqs tlie banana business
such a, good one Is that everything
concerned in It Is utilized. The stalks
may be used for making paper after
'tile spruce forests are eaten’lip. Tlie
fruit, may be used In flour and tbe lit-
.tle black knobs on the ends of the
husks are made into cereal coffee. Rest
in the world, too, If j do say it my­
"Bananas are great moneymakers
They are grown upon- swamp lands
that are so thick with uuderbrusb be­
fore they are cleared tliat even a cat
couldn't penetrate them. But after
nine months the plants bear fruit; 350
plants to the acre. They aren't ndich
(rouble to take can- of mid the crop is
harvested every -month. Tha Canary
islands raise the best'bananas but tliat
Is tux-ause the business Is better de­
veloped there than in Honduras, where
I came from.”
» legal Information »
For Lung
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer­
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis,consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
Therecan be nomistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
•• My llttl® boy had a t^rr b’e cough. I tried
everytuiug I < <
lem <» l-tit ii \ <1n until
I tried Ayer’s ('lc-ty PectornL Tho first
night he wus bert ■ .» <1 ! »• «(•- . tilv improved
until he '.’!■? 1- rctijr wcu.”—Allis. fc>. J.
81KIILK. Allan, ill.
f.C Av nr Co., Low vil« Mass«
zkaufaaturors of
sapsapaaoa .
O tuia vico«.
Keep the bowels r ::;ular w:‘h Ayer’S
P.lls and thus husten recovery.
Fir«t Proker -llow Is busines«?
Second Broker—Improving a little. I’ve
«nt * good barker out, in front of my
• fDce now.
Another Nntnre Story,
To the ta.l of ti»n dog
They tied a big log.
And patted him on the he«d.
Old Tray couldn't mak«
H.s narrative s'.iak».
And the tail wagged th* dog in«t««4.
—Chicago Tribune.
ftonteihl«f Terrible.
Tommy-*-Teaclier,. Way I go *ut ■
Teacher—Tliat is unnrcMWacy. Tommy
You can sneeze in hers wjthout di»turbin|
Tommy—I guess you never heard me
Dvacttaw «• Mix a Simple Prepwot«
••d th« Dos« to Take—O.«r-
caawea Kidney »rd B!a<Mv
Tiaubla Promptly.
the Rat, the Cat and
Rabbit Are Thirsty.
All cnxituree, with the exn>pti<« of
the highest endowed speciMi, are tut
only teetotalers, but drink very mod­
erately of water—never anything else.
For Instance, It would lie »-qually ditti-
cult to picture a dormouse quullin a
pint of soda water as a bottle of Bur-
Rats, especially when they are feed­
i«g on corn in ricks or barns , suffer
very much during a comparatively
short spell of rainless weather. Even
the dews, which in some measure com-
pensgte for tXie absence of rain, ure
quite insufficient for their nwxls.
If you would like to spe really happy
rats watch a rat-infested corn stack on
a summer evening after a shower fol­
lowing a few scorching days. You will
not have long to wait, says Pearson's
Weekly, before you hear the «tack rus­
tle, as it were, and «oon the rats will
steal out to gulp down the great, glis­
tening raindrops on the thatch and
herbage near their abode.
So thirsty do rats become that I have
s<x-n one which. In spite ot my fright­
ening him back each time he appeared,
made a fresh attempt about every half
minute to gain a puddle of drainings
from a farmyard. Aitd 1 remember a
farmer, shooting at one, shot no few­
er than seven rats which had crowded
to drink from' a small pool- of water
near q stable.
Moreover, -tny experience of rats—
and I have “dealt with'* tens of thou­
sands—leads me to believe that the
larger rats when hard pushed for
“drink" kill their own and other rats’
young for their blood—truly a ghastly
beverage, even In times of famine.-This
thory certainly dovetails with tbe fact
that a dry breeding season means a
poor crop of rats, and vice versa.
Rats are even credited with-so far
forgetting themselves as .to drink from
uncorked bottles by inserting their
tails into the liquid, though, personally,
I have yet to behold this astute dodge.
My old black cat is a cal amotjg eats,
and I don't think any rat can best her
at ways and means. When she has
“plain” thirst puss balances herself on
the edge of an open galvanized tank
and subdues the feeling by means of
about five tongue laps to one swallow.
But sometimes, after washing d-ay,
for instance, the water level Is too low
for direct drinking, so she dips a front
paw and licks the water therefrom in
• way unexcelled In daintiness by any
society star's manipulation of a finger
Rabbits and hares, which may be
truthfully called strict vegetarians,
need very little in the shape' of direct
drink but dew, for their food in its
raw state contains a very large per­
centage of moist ure. •
And sheept in this country,’at least,
•eldom require water, except in the
hottest part of the summer, and never,
I believe, when feeding off root crops in
autumn and winter.
Now, water in a direct form, is in­
dispensable to stoats and weasels. Thia
accounts for their beipg found In much
greater numbers in well-fvatered dis­
tricts, where the supply, never fails,
than In parts where tijere is only s
pond here and there which bolds water
all the year round.
Ferrets, too. when fed on warm flesh
and milk only, do uot thrive so well as
those which have water always in
reach. ’ 1 suggest that water is so nec­
essary to stoats and weasels«- and iq
a lesser degree to ferrets, because the
warm blood of their prey -creates an
exceptional thirst, for salt is present in
considerable quantity in blood.
Th«r«->« to much Rheumatism •very-
«here that the following advica by ao
A parol agreement .between two per- 1 eminent authority, who writ«« for read-
sons to purchase a single tract of fan-1 era of a large Eastern daijy paper, will
together or “In •partnership,” where tbe be highly appreciated by thoae wit«
D • ». BtrttaM 1» ? n IMS w»il t « v purchase is Anally made by one of,
them, who. pays the whole' of the pur . ­ | Gtt'from «ny good phaimacy one hah
l«ta llgth ta?
qnne« Fluid Egtrsct Dandelion, on«
»1*«ata y«ur bamte, en
tM lat- chase price and takes the title tp him- i
f S m I ruxi« « b the swbject. S«nd post* self, the other simply agreeing to pay ounc« C< mpontid Kargon, thr»« ounces
y<m ta» •»amin« U im
of’ Compound
Syrup Sara >par Ila
1 w «bkcBtioR 1» purchase. tlS.UiA hjm one-half thereof on demand, ts-
Klak« the«« *«11 in • bottle and take
If yea are Mkfiefiaa with the bnofe. we
mterWRtiy>< pwpeeition for your con- held, in Norton vs. Brink (Neb.), 7 L. • in tM«poonfnJ do««« attar each meal
Peett cDa
€w, No. T Hae- .R. A. (N. S'.) 945, not to create? a part-
and at b^itina«; also «brink plenty of
(4w. Wenhinataw.
nership' between such persons.
go»d w«t«r.
Payment by rt li.vcry stable keeper, to |
It i» claimed that th»r« few victim?
s horn a horse has been loaned for use, of thig dread and torturoun disease who
of a claim by "the otyner against him­ will fail to And r««dy relief in thia
self and liis bailees for value of the Rinip!« home-mad« mixture, and in
florae, which was killed by the negli­ movt cMM a pei manant cure :• the re-
»I UP) l.t’-L
gence of the latter, ts hold, in Tanner iult.’
Thi« simple recipe in Raid to strength­
is. Bowen (Mont.), T L. It. .\. (N. S.)
534, to preclude further proceedings, en. and cleanse- the elimiilative tisruee
against tliu bailee upon the owner’s of the Kidneys ro that they can filter
IBM Marie ftud
F^rrv’« Feed BnM-
claim. although the stable keeper takes and »train from -the blood end t-yvt.m
ttota ia.:«Lt the v»-¿u—luent teilt.
.'in assignment of it for file purpose of the poisons, acids and waHe matter,
a mm a
Sella tb ' «UP Rta-d Story wnt F it EE for
enforcing tlie primary liability of tbe which cause not only Rheumatism, but
lLi< Making. Doi.'l buw mtm U till you get it.
numerous other diseases. Every man'
o M ht sa L r j , bu > mt . m cm
or woman here who feels that their kid­
Tlie bidding in of th? property by neys are not healthy and active, or who
one who has taken an assignment of suffers from any urinary trouble what­
a mortgage a« collateral security at liis ever, should not hisitate to make tip
own foreclosure sale is belli. in Ander­ thig milture, as it is certain to do
son.vs. Messinger (f. C. A. tfth ('.), 7 much good, and mxy save you from
I.. It. A. I N. 8.) 1004, to give Idin a much misery and suffering lifter while,
good title to the property, anil to trans- j
.'The population of men in the United
fer the trust in favor of liis debtor to States, from statistic« compiled from th» ' aooooœooeaxxxrcooooooauc
tlie proceeds, although such assignor, reports of the ceBsus of I9d(). ’is ItJ.059,-
An American who met Henryk Sien­
because not within the Jurisdiction. 242. The population'of women ig 37/
kiewicz during his stay In California
wjis not made a party to the proceed­ 244,145.
piany years ago-lifts recently confided
ings, where, in a contract after the.l
He» Keenrd Acainut Her."
to tho public that the great Polish nov­
Bale, assignor and assignee contracted
Mrs. I’peioje (to applicant for poaitios
•W Fa'jy’n Tab: <or f abv'» C otbes; for for a settlement, one element of which 1 •ft cook) —II«v« you-«ver worked for Jlrt elist has only become an admirer of
•n Ive Wa*h M<uh Wa h ,teruizli»< was tliat the foreclosure proceedings
America since he left It. While he was
Highmua? *
<lbt Bott c, Wa h.n.^ Naph n .
here, a homesick member of an Ideal­
• . -
Ail «¡«tai- ps
KAinpie, khmkl • ’ n -I "WHIZ“ should not be disturbed.
Applicant—Tis. ma'am: wan week.
Fft •>
I Gillie, 10c.
Pacific Coast Bor»«
Mr», t’pnaore —
if you «uitrd bet istic comuiunity which was a failure,
ca, (’« i, < ai
Ural 9i new« of War.
for as long a time • « that you wouldn't American manners’and customs did not
To achieve a perfect powder Is the suit me at all. Grod morning.
please him. and- lie.did not display the
usual aptitude of his countrymen in ac­
dream of every -war chemist of to-day. j
EncourMgi ng. .*
So writes William George In tlie Tech­
Said tn ambitious youth on« da, to quiring the language, which he used
nical World MagftzlTie for January.
« young lady; "Don’t you thin* I'd reluctantly and as little as possible.
On Velng Intro-lncetl to the American,
For upon this uncertain stuff does better dye my mustache?” caressing th«
Itatd'A Ssvusíee.
Inquired, politely:
l«»i«S Ha« died
of Hngis* conferences and the amiable
“How Is your heels?*’
“I think If you let it alone It will dl«
platitudes of peace envoys. Great Itself,” said the youug lady.—Woman'« • Perceiving a jtuzaled expression on
Britain has her cordite and lyddite; Home Companion.
the countenance of bis new ivqunlnt-
•U L Aititi
France puts her trust In poison-reek­
arice. he. too, looked puzzlefl for an in­
ing melinite; Japan has her Shlmo-
stant. then whipped a little phrase­
nose powder. In short, every war of­
book out of his pocket and pointed tri­
tana «ay «die«.
fice has Its own foriqula. but all are
umphantly to tbe (juestion, "Ilow Is
ta rta<l»ílw» Circolar «ad Prie««
based on a “nitrocompound” like gun­
your health?”
JOHN S. BBALU M.nuiaft
This Is a high explosive al­
| It, was merely the foreigner's diffi­
ti rf« cotton.
fak tea»k«ia» Av««c«
culty with the th, combined with a nat­
I 1’ur.laaJ. Oregoa most entirely smokeless, and enormous­
ly more powerful than ordinary gun­
ural Inclirtfltlon to pronounce heal in
powder. long since relegated to the lim-
health like heal outside it.
t>o of other days. Just as gas has been
| His mistake, although
Cleanses thoSystem.
superseded by electric light in the more
could not have he<ra so difficult to listen
ua I ly. Dispels ( olds and
« «
neaceful walks of life.
nd Head* to with a courteously grave face as
that of a Frenchman of letters
on stormy days
-stipai ton; was
b> relied upon. The ahsolute requisite
long ago called upon a charm­
\v\ by wearing a
Acts naturally, ac its tml^ QB
fs stability—the ensuring that the pow­
ing American lady In Paris.
der will endure without change any a Laxative.
> She was loath to lose his call, and
heat or climatic variation. An unsta- Best for Men> Von?rn and Child­ decided to receive him, although she
[ hie explosive—the terror of every war­
had ii-»? yet wholly recovered from an
ship afloat, which stocks many tons of ren- -\oung ‘ and 1 iU
attack of facial neuralgia, which still
It—looks like any other in tlie labora-
A A Beneficial Effects somewhat Impaired tbe outline of her
Clean -1 iqld
i tory, and will shoot as well as the best,
usually oval visage. He waa most
provided It fre psed before it has time Alwavs buv the Genuine which grateful and sympathetic.
to burn Itself up Tlie trouble Is that has the jull name of the Com- | “Ah, madiwie!” he cried, throwing
no cliemUM on earth knows when spon­
: up his ha:4s. "The nbrfs 1 The nerfs!
taneous combustion will take place
Truly it Is the American disease! Al­
Evt fy w l iOT,
through decomposition with the powder
ways the fat neck and the swelled
» •■'«VW ■ e» u >«»»o
S 4 t •« ‘
i Itself. Hence many terrible disasters
i head!"
of recent years In all navies.
fklp o
The proprietor of the store has a
N a 5 —OS
fe N. V.
by whom it is manufactured. printed on the
greater feeling of Joy Insfle lifco w^ien
How loM the voice «f tile man who
•’O' parkour.
an unmarrleed man comes in to buy,
hate« us. "nd how weak and trembling
DRUGGIST^ than when the man 1« married«
the voie* of tbe mgp who admires us! I
only regular pnce 50«pv batti»
Catarrh is not merely an inflammation cf tho. tissue:; cf the heat afli
Jbroat, asthocyr.: ;' ms cf raffing noises in t xt
iuv .. •>•. ■ «.ffpping IMic
into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, et:., ’
to indi­
cate; it is a L’.ocxl disease in^which the enUre c-.rcr.1T >n r ; - t-ie greater
'■ ‘ cf an excess
part of the s_ stc-n are involved. Catarrh is due to t' -* 1
a- I - - J’
ofuricaciJ in the blood. The
...w I.ivcr, ...
come torpid and dull in their action and lust ? id of carry .n- o:i tae refuse
■ body,
■ • leave
leavB it to Mor
and I form
In t the • : rystem.
and waste c• * the
sour «nd
"u nnc
«de 8
a id 1 in
Ito all
This is taken u?Ly the llood an l thrntiffh its
it; circulation
c;rc-:!..:hn disti
c . ■
pail.» of
Ui the
vac eyatem. There
These impurities
i.npurities in the L'.x>
I. >o I ! irritate and inflame
an 1 . t e contract in j
the different membranes and tissues of the 1 > ’
■ secretions and ’ other
■’ - disffurthiff
¿isffurtinff and
of a cold
will start the
symptoms of Catarrh. As t’.e lloo l goes to all part? c f >.. ';e body the ca-
a tiffht, lull
tarrlial poison affects all parts of the system, lhe head ’
slight fever
feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the c
comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire f
- - soldered and
affected by this disc. ;c. ft is a waste of
I had Catarrh far about fifteen time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays,
years, and no nan cou. I hnvo
I nch treatment
been worse. I tried •▼•rytulurr washes, inhalations, etc.
1 could hear of, but no pood r - docs not reach the Lb o 1, ar 1 can, therefore,
sullod. I then bcrun 8. S. S., «ml
could se® a liitls improvement do nothing more than t mporarilj^relieve
from tho fi.-tt botHo, end ai.or
■ trouble. To cure
taking- it a chort while weser rod. the discomfort of the
This wo s t: t years ano, an 1 I an Catarrh per.nanentfy the blood must be
as well tcdu.y c a any inun. Itaiuk
1' a ■ r t ’-n cleansed
Catarrh is it Lloea dicoasy, and thoroughly purified an
know there is nothing ca «"rth of all poisons, »md at the %me time
hotter for tho blood than S. ES. 8.
Nothing equals
Nobody thuik*
u- strengthened and 1 uiltt
_ __
It attacks the
than Ido.
S. __
S. ___
for ____
this purpose.
Lapaev, Mich.
disease at its hen j, j .s down to the very
bottom of the trouble ar. 1 i lakes a complete
and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every
particle of the catarrhal poison from the
blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh -
and healthy. Then the inflamed mem­
branes begin to heal, tho he rd is loosened
PURELY VEGETABLE and cleared, the hawking an I spitting cease,
every symptom disappears^ the constitution is built v.p and vigorous health
restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a
fine tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering xv.t.i Catarrh begin the
use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will
Bend you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advici
Without charge. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
An Opinion.
"Where,” quoted ibe poetic parson
“*re the snows of yesteryear?”
“I don't know.” answered Mr. Siriu-
Barker, “but it’s no credit to tlie st reel
cleaning department that they aren't
lying precisely where they fell.—Wash
Ington Star.
(on ai deration.
"Do you expect people to believe the
reason you give for advancing prices?”
“That isn’t tbe question,”, rejoined
Dustin Stax, “They ought to appre-
ejate my eourtesy in condescending to
give any reason at all.”—Washington
lor tin-nignature of
t nnl th«
World over to Cure a Cold iu One l>ay. 26e.
Ilvuion«lratiuii It.
On tlie accession of a new emperot
of ('lilna lie goes in solemn state tn
the Temple of Heaven in Peking and
formally announces to Ids imperial pre-
decessors the new titles and «llgiiitiei
which lie lias assume,1. These ances­
tors are (lien dutifully Invited to th«
banquet of commemoration, wiiere seat«
are duly Deserved for them.
F'A Zo Ol XTM I- ST is . i a «
to cure Any
r«o* ot Itt-'i n,’. Ill ii'i .Ifding or t'rotriidtng
Ti a s i u 6 to is <>•. s or mont y rol11 u-l«-«i vor.
Physicians tn various parts of Engl««4
are co.aplaining tliat flic competition of
departments of hospitals is ruinously un­
Mo tier« will find Mrs. Window'« R««>tblp*
Pyrup tli-- l> st ro . < ,lv
u.e (ur their i UUU xm
dunug the teething period.
“Tbe financial stringency doesn’t seer
ConsiRteucy tn Reform.
to have affected you much." remarked
“Why wasn’t Mrs. De Sioythe-Peyv
DinguM, touching him for ten.
“No,” answered Shadbolt, reluctantly ster at the meeting to take steps to
banding it over, “and it doesn't seem to suppress tbe gambling evil In big
bare taught me any gumption, either. 99
"She couldn’t come. This Is the day
her bridge whist dub meets, rind sh«'«
Th« baby was learning to walk.
“B'esa it« 'ittle heart 1” exclaimed th» always such a winner.”—Baltfmor«
fond mother. “It waddles desa lik« it» American.
big fat papa, doesn't it?”
Rt. V’tnR’ Pnnce nnrt all TYrrvoue
This is really Rheumatism of the
muscles of the loins and is character
ized by ee»ere, at times agon zing, pain
in the small Of the back, allowing the
«offerer scarcely a moment’s rest,
while the ailment is at its worst. Il
can come from cold, exposure to draft,
fiom getting wet feet or wearing wet or
damp clothing. It causes acute suffer­
ing, and ii allowvd to become chronic,
it may permanently disable tho suffer­
Tlie way to secure quickest relief
is to redden the skin ovar the painful
part by rubbing with a flesh brush or
piece of flannel rajr, and then apply Kt.
Jacobs Oil by gentle friction with tlie
No Siffii.
Sister—I know Jack is in love with
Brother—What makes you think so?”
Sister—His hand trembled when lie
buttoned my glove for me this morn­
Brother—Guess again. I was ont
ÎM-rmaiiently cured by Dr. Kime's Oreai
heed for J’REE $2 triai hottie and
treatise. f)r. H. 1LKÜ 1« , Ixl. U31 Arch Ht., l'Ullft.,Vk
Great Man’» l.lttlc I’le-i«« ntrj.
“Senator." said the correspondent, “you
are quoted as advocating tbe abolition of
capital punishment. How about that?”
“Well." answered Sontor Eotsintin.
witli a "rin, "don’t you capital liar
been vun.slu il ■«!»• u enough?”
How’s 1 his?
We o-erOne j(nii<lrei| |i<,ilir< Reward 1 rang of Catarrh that < annet bo <ur<d by liar«
Caturrii Cure
F 5 < I! E N E Y << CO , To I lo, O
Wo, th»* uii’h''i-i,.! ■ i, have lm»wn i- J,
Cheney for iho lH"t 15 )• afm . nn<l I k ’ieve him
perfectly honorab .* in Ah biiisJiefts transactions
nn<i linHiiuiadly abi<* fo carry out any obliga­
tion nitul« bv Gin Ann
Whn'evAlc Druggist*, l oh flo.O
Hal]’« Ca’arrah Cure
tk<'u in'trnAUy, act­
ing directly upon th»* blood an I mucous sur-
fares of the syRtcm. Tertirnonlah went free.
Price 75 centB r r hot I Je Sold I y all Druggists.
'lake Hail's Family Pills for Constipation. *
Stec^-CIad Grufócr
^É¡ ixir onna
P rice 25 c
5O c
JF io S
C .
ARict«. tor rvtRv
**• G Dougfa» mo*es anti ««//a rrtarw
» 92.SO, 9^00and98.60ahoaa
fha»» arv ollffr manufacturer In fba
bocauaa i.’iev hnld fhoir
<f oaftar, wear longer, and
•eater value than enjf other
the world te-dav
T*nk* Vn
part of tba world. IU iw
I, HrMktM, Ma*» .