Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, May 15, 2023, Page 25, Image 25

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    MAY 15, 2023
POLICE LOG continued from page 24
saw a subject who was a suspect in a case they were investigat-
Sunday, April 16
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonanalarmcallinthe500
block of Main Street in Willamina.
" Citizen contact occurred on Highway 18 near milepost 23.
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonapossiblekidnapping
case in the 28000 block of Salmon River Highway.
" Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon
River Highway.
" Suspicious activity was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon
River Highway.
" Oïcersreceivedatrespasscallinthe27100blockofSalmon
River Highway.
" Oïcersconductedacivilstandbyinthe27100blockofSalmon
River Highway.
" Oïcersreceivedadrivingcomplaintinthe27100blockofSalm-
on River Highway.
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadisturbancecallinthe
300 block of Main Street in Sheridan.
Monday, April 17
" Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon
River Highway.
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonamenacingcall.
" A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 8800 block of Grand
Ronde Road.
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadomesticdisturbance
call on Sourgrass Road.
Tuesday, April 18
" OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHighway18nearmilepost23.
" Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road.
Wednesday, April 19
" Oïcersrespondedtoadisturbancecallinthe9600blockof
an employee with an umbrella and arrested the person for ha-
" A suspicious vehicle was reported on Highway 18 near milepost 26.
" Oïcersrespondedtothe9600blockofTilixamCircleandassist-
ed Children & Family Services employees.
Thursday, April 20
" Oïcersconductedatraïcstopinthe8700blockofGrand
" Oïcersrespondedtoatrespass/theftcallinthe27100blockof
also determined the subject had an arrest warrant.
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencywithareportofanactive
burglary call in the 100 block of Main Street in Willamina.
" OïcersassistedtheFBIwithasearchwarrant.
" OïcersrespondedtoacrashonAgencyCreekRoad.
" A drug complaint was received in the 27100 block of Salmon Riv-
er Highway.
" Citizen contact occurred in the 25300 block of Blue Jay Court.
Friday, April 21
" Oïcersconductedawelfarecheckinthe27100blockofSalmon
River Highway.
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadomesticdisturbancecall.
" Oïcersrespondedtoacriminalmischiefcallinthe26800block
of Salmon River Highway.
" Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonacrashattheintersection
of Grand Ronde Road and Highway 18.
Saturday, April 22
" Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon
River Highway.
" OïcersconductedawelfarecheckonBlacktailDrive.
" Oïcersrespondedtoareportofacarprowlerinthe27100block
subject had a warrant for their arrest.
" A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon
River Highway.
" A suspicious vehicle was reported on Fire Hall Road.
" Oïcerscontactedasubjectinthe27100blockofSalmonRiver
Highway and determined the subject had an active arrest war-
Sunday, April 23
" Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road.
sNok signflz
" OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHeboRoadnearmilepost12.
" Animal nuisance was reported in the 9600 block of Tilixam Circle.
" Animalatlargewasreportedinthe4800blockofDragonny
" OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHighway18nearmilepost21.
" A suspicious vehicle was reported at the intersection of Fire Hall
and Andy Riggs roads.
" Citizen contact occurred in the 27100 block of Salmon River
" OïcersrespondedtoavehicleoreonAgencyCreekRoad.
Monday, April 24
" Property was found in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway.
" Theft was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway.
" A suspicious vehicle was reported on Highway 18 near milepost
" OïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonatraïcstoponHighway
18 near milepost 24.
" A driving complaint was received on Highway 18 near milepost 19
headed eastbound.
Tuesday, April 25
" A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 96000 block of Hebo
" Trespass call received in the 26600 block of Salmon River Highway.
" A driving complaint was reported on Highway 18 near milepost 21.
" OïcersrespondedtoanoverdosecallonHighway18nearFire
Hall Road.
Wednesday, April 26
" A suspicious activity call was received in the 27100 block of
Salmon River Highway.
" DrivingcomplaintreportedonGrandRondeRoadnearAAcker-
son Road.
" OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHighway18nearmilepost23.
" OïcerscontactedasubjectonHighway18nearmilepost23and
determined the subject had a warrant issued for their arrest.
" DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost14.
" Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road.
Thursday, April 27
" Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road.
" Oïcersrespondedtoanemotionallydisturbedpersoncallinthe
25200 block of Coyote Court.
" Animal complaint reported on Highway 18 near milepost 23.
" Oïcersconductedawelfarecheckinthe27100blockofSalmon
River Highway.
Friday, April 28
" Citizen contact occurred in the 25200 block of Beaver Court.
" Oïcersrespondedtoadisturbancecallinthe48700blockof
" DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost23.
" DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost26.
" Oïcersconductedatraïcstopanddeterminedthedriver9sdriv-
ing privileges were criminally suspended. The driver was arrest-
" Drugcomplaintreportedinthe27100blockofSalmonRiver
" DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost25.
Saturday, April 29
" Disturbancecallreceivedinthe48700blockofDragonnyDrive.
" Oïcersrespondedtoastranded/losthikerupAgencyCreek
" Theft reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway.
" Theft reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway.
" DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost18.
Sunday, April 30
" Theft reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway.
" Suspicious activity reported on Hebo Road near milepost 24.
" Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road.
" OïcersrespondedtoatrespassreportonTyeeRoad.
" DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost27.
" OïcersrespondedtoadisturbancecallonTyeeRoadandar-
rested a subject for disorderly conduct.
" Drugcomplaintreportedinthe26800blockofSalmonRiver
" Drugcomplaintreportedinthe27100blockofSalmonRiver
Compiled by Grand Ronde Tribal Police
Department Oïcer Angel Arenas.