MAY 15, 2023 POLICE LOG continued from page 24 saw a subject who was a suspect in a case they were investigat- ing.Oïcersarrestedthesubjectfortheft. Sunday, April 16 " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonanalarmcallinthe500 block of Main Street in Willamina. " Citizen contact occurred on Highway 18 near milepost 23. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonapossiblekidnapping case in the 28000 block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. " Suspicious activity was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersreceivedatrespasscallinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. " Oïcersconductedacivilstandbyinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. " Oïcersreceivedadrivingcomplaintinthe27100blockofSalm- on River Highway. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadisturbancecallinthe 300 block of Main Street in Sheridan. Monday, April 17 " Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonamenacingcall. " A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 8800 block of Grand Ronde Road. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadomesticdisturbance call on Sourgrass Road. Tuesday, April 18 " OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHighway18nearmilepost23. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. Wednesday, April 19 " Oïcersrespondedtoadisturbancecallinthe9600blockof GrandRondeRoad.Oïcersdeterminedthesubjecthadstruck an employee with an umbrella and arrested the person for ha- rassment. " A suspicious vehicle was reported on Highway 18 near milepost 26. " Oïcersrespondedtothe9600blockofTilixamCircleandassist- ed Children & Family Services employees. Thursday, April 20 " Oïcersconductedatraïcstopinthe8700blockofGrand RondeRoad.Oïcersnoticedsignsofimpairmentandarrested thedriverforDUII. " Oïcersrespondedtoatrespass/theftcallinthe27100blockof SalmonRiverHighway.Oïcersarrestedthesubjectfortheftand also determined the subject had an arrest warrant. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencywithareportofanactive burglary call in the 100 block of Main Street in Willamina. " OïcersassistedtheFBIwithasearchwarrant. " OïcersrespondedtoacrashonAgencyCreekRoad. " A drug complaint was received in the 27100 block of Salmon Riv- er Highway. " Citizen contact occurred in the 25300 block of Blue Jay Court. Friday, April 21 " Oïcersconductedawelfarecheckinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadomesticdisturbancecall. " Oïcersrespondedtoacriminalmischiefcallinthe26800block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonacrashattheintersection of Grand Ronde Road and Highway 18. Saturday, April 22 " Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. " OïcersconductedawelfarecheckonBlacktailDrive. " Oïcersrespondedtoareportofacarprowlerinthe27100block ofSalmonRiverHighway.Oïcersarrivedanddeterminedthe subject had a warrant for their arrest. " A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " A suspicious vehicle was reported on Fire Hall Road. " Oïcerscontactedasubjectinthe27100blockofSalmonRiver Highway and determined the subject had an active arrest war- rant. Sunday, April 23 " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. sNok signflz 25 " OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHeboRoadnearmilepost12. " Animal nuisance was reported in the 9600 block of Tilixam Circle. " Animalatlargewasreportedinthe4800blockofDragonny Road. " OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHighway18nearmilepost21. " A suspicious vehicle was reported at the intersection of Fire Hall and Andy Riggs roads. " Citizen contact occurred in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " OïcersrespondedtoavehicleoreonAgencyCreekRoad. Monday, April 24 " Property was found in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Theft was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " A suspicious vehicle was reported on Highway 18 near milepost 23. " OïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonatraïcstoponHighway 18 near milepost 24. " A driving complaint was received on Highway 18 near milepost 19 headed eastbound. Tuesday, April 25 " A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 96000 block of Hebo Road. " Trespass call received in the 26600 block of Salmon River Highway. " A driving complaint was reported on Highway 18 near milepost 21. " OïcersrespondedtoanoverdosecallonHighway18nearFire Hall Road. Wednesday, April 26 " A suspicious activity call was received in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " DrivingcomplaintreportedonGrandRondeRoadnearAAcker- son Road. " OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHighway18nearmilepost23. " OïcerscontactedasubjectonHighway18nearmilepost23and determined the subject had a warrant issued for their arrest. " DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost14. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. Thursday, April 27 " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. " Oïcersrespondedtoanemotionallydisturbedpersoncallinthe 25200 block of Coyote Court. " Animal complaint reported on Highway 18 near milepost 23. " Oïcersconductedawelfarecheckinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. Friday, April 28 " Citizen contact occurred in the 25200 block of Beaver Court. " Oïcersrespondedtoadisturbancecallinthe48700blockof DragonnyDrive. " DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost23. " DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost26. " Oïcersconductedatraïcstopanddeterminedthedriver9sdriv- ing privileges were criminally suspended. The driver was arrest- ed. " Drugcomplaintreportedinthe27100blockofSalmonRiver Highway. " DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost25. Saturday, April 29 " Disturbancecallreceivedinthe48700blockofDragonnyDrive. " Oïcersrespondedtoastranded/losthikerupAgencyCreek Road.Afteroïcershikedandwalkedthearea,oïcerslocated thesubjectandhelpthemofthemountain. " Theft reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Theft reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost18. Sunday, April 30 " Theft reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Suspicious activity reported on Hebo Road near milepost 24. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. " OïcersrespondedtoatrespassreportonTyeeRoad. " DrivingcomplaintreportedonHighway18nearmilepost27. " OïcersrespondedtoadisturbancecallonTyeeRoadandar- rested a subject for disorderly conduct. " Drugcomplaintreportedinthe26800blockofSalmonRiver Highway. " Drugcomplaintreportedinthe27100blockofSalmonRiver Highway. Compiled by Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department Oïcer Angel Arenas.